5UEE Article 10
5UEE Article 10
5UEE Article 10
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Purpose – Leadership is about mobilizing self and others to attain a common purpose. The actions
chosen to accomplish this are guided by a set of core values. Yet many companies lack the investment
in establishing a common purpose and set of core values. Effective leaders use the principle of purpose
Downloaded by ABE, Miss Claire Siegel At 10:10 02 November 2017 (PT)
to establish a direction that will motivate and capture the energy of those needed for success. In other
words, they build engagement. The key to having an engagement culture is the top team. Organizations
that have strong engagement cultures are populated with senior leaders that make everyday – and
Jay Romans is Senior everyone – count daily. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the four key principles that must be
Vice President, Human deployed to build an engagement culture.
Resources at Owens and Design/methodology/approach – There are a wide variety of engagement/culture surveys on the
Minor Inc., market today, but the real key to having an engagement culture is the top team. Effective leaders
Mechanicsville, Virginia, constantly seek out new ways to improve. They use the principle of purpose to establish a direction that
USA. will motivate and capture the energy of those needed for success. They demonstrate stewardship,
Jeff Tobaben is CEO at provide feedback and consistently inquire into the quality of their plans, as well as the effectiveness of
Evolve Performance their organizations and their own leadership. The approach of this paper requires four key principles to
Group, Bryan, Texas, be deployed to build an engagement culture: align the top team through the development of a core
USA. purpose; senior leaders embrace stewardship; senior leaders practice feedback; and senior leaders
model caring and listening.
Findings – To build a culture of engagement, leaders must require that developing engaged work
teams be a part of the business strategy. This means engagement becomes the way the company
operates, not something done in addition to the company’s work. In other words, it is a fundamental tenet
of the company that business performance is achieved by leveraging the organization’s human capital.
High-performing leaders make employee engagement non-negotiable, by establishing two things:
importance and accountability. Organizations that have strong engagement cultures are populated with
senior leaders that make everyday – and everyone – count daily. If an organization is to build a culture
of engagement, then it must first be modeled by leaders. These leaders are not afraid of tough
questions, comments or challenges. They seek out those who will engage in the tough conversations to
build their capability and that of the organization.
Originality/value – High-performing leaders make employee engagement non-negotiable, by
establishing two things: importance and accountability. The approach of this paper involves leveraging
the talents of the organization’s employees and engaging them to produce stronger business
performance. The world’s best-in-class organizations understand that human capital yields organic
growth and creates brand loyalty. When senior leaders align their top team through the development of
an engaged workforce, we then see an engagement culture emerge that drives business performance
and creates a true competitive advantage for the organization.
Keywords Culture, Leadership, Human capital, Engagement, Employee engagement, Metrics
Paper type Viewpoint
uilding a high-performance company with engaged employees does not start with
B picking the right survey; it starts with having the right leaders. There are a wide
variety of engagement/culture surveys on the market today, but the real key to
having an engagement culture is the top team. Based on our research and experience, the
following key principles must be deployed to build an engagement culture:
PAGE 76 STRATEGIC HR REVIEW VOL. 15 NO. 2 2016, pp. 76-82, © Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISSN 1475-4398 DOI 10.1108/SHR-02-2016-0010
‘‘Organizations that have strong engagement cultures are
populated with senior leaders that make everyday – and
everyone – count daily.’’
performance issues, such as increasing safety ratings, reducing turnover, driving client
loyalty, improving per-person productivity, etc.
Engagement data are used as one of the points of consideration in succession
planning (you would not want to promote someone to a role that oversees more team
members if that person has difficulty building engagement with smaller teams).
Providing managers and employees with appropriate training on the value of
engagement and what steps the organization will take after the survey. Most
organizations fail miserably in this area – the collected data rarely have any real utility
in the day-to-day business, because managers do not understand its importance and
relevance for their team’s day-to-day activities.
Leaders must also build accountability into the engagement initiatives of their
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organizations. All too often, this is omitted, preventing most companies from getting the
most from their investment. There are three important things following an engagement
survey: sharing the results with all of the team members, creating action plans on those
results at the small team level and making progress on those action plans. As part of a
leader’s decision process, there are several things to consider with respect to
Is there managerial and team accountability for completing action plans based on the
team’s results? The most engaged teams take action and attempt to improve the
workplace to drive better business performance. Leaders should consider this
Are managers held accountable for building engagement among their team
year-over-year? Companies that truly understand the value of an engagement culture
incorporate engagement growth into each manager’s annual performance review.
Is there accountability for ongoing engagement activities? High-performing leaders
decide that engagement is important to the company’s success, setting clear
expectations for managers and teams relative to the activities and frequency of
engagement conversations.
Is there an appetite to consider that some portion of a manager’s variable pay be tied to
engagement growth? When it comes to money, tell me how I am paid and I will show
you how I behave. Linking pay to engagement is a bit of a tricky task, but it can be done
so that there are no “false positives” on future surveys. Do not compensate for overall
score – if you set the mark at 4.0 on a five-point scale, then your company may
miraculously get to a 4.0 on the next survey. Instead, think about paying for business
growth based on the past year’s results or picking one key item that will be the driver
of growing engagement (check with your provider for some help in this area).
Let us now take a look at some outcomes of accountability. As previously mentioned, the
three things that are vital after the survey are sharing the results with all of the team
members, creating action plans on those results at the small team level and making
progress on those action plans. These three steps are so important that Evolve
Performance Group asks items that give an insight to how teams and managers perform on
these points on every administration after the initial benchmark. We have learned that how
people respond to these three additional items has a strong impact on an individual’s level
of engagement.
Downloaded by ABE, Miss Claire Siegel At 10:10 02 November 2017 (PT)
70% 65.8%
61.2% 61.8%
60% 53.7% 53.1%
50.4% 49.6%
50% 46.0%
40% 36.2%
Overall Sat. Ease of Doing Repurchase Intent Likely to
Business Recommend
The true differentiator is the third lever, especially in a heavily commoditized world – the human
capital lever. This approach involves leveraging the talents of the organization’s employees and
engaging them to produce a stronger business performance. The world’s best-in-class
organizations understand that human capital yields organic growth and creates brand loyalty.
When senior leaders align their top team through the development of a core purpose,
embracing stewardship, practicing feedback and modeling caring and listening, we then see
an engagement culture emerge that drives business performance and creates a true
competitive advantage for the organization.
Bartlett, C. and Ghoshal, S. (1994), Changing the Role of Top Management: Beyond Strategy to
Purpose, Harvard Business Review, Boston, MA, p. 88.
Beer, M. (2009), High Commitment High Performance, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, p. 133.
Collins, J. and Porras, J. (1994), Built to Last, Harper Collins, New York, NY, p. 72.
Covey, S. (1991), Principled Centered Leadership, Summit Books, New York, NY, p. 64.
Senge, P. (1990), The Fifth Discipline, Double Day Publishing, New York, NY, p. 148.
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