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Journal of Organizational Change Management

Moderation effect of organizational citizenship behavior on the performance of lecturers

Wardhani Hakim, Adji Fernandes,
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Wardhani Hakim, Adji Fernandes, "Moderation effect of organizational citizenship behavior on the performance of lecturers",
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Moderation effect of organizational citizenship behavior on the

performance of lecturers

Abstract–Purpose: This research was conducted in order to know the effect of OCB moderating the
effect of personality, organizational commitment and job satisfaction to performance. Design:This
research was conducted in the city of Makassar with the entire population is a lecturer with the status as a
permanent lecturer foundation. By using the formula Slovin, found a sample of 295 respondents.
Statistical analysis of inferential used to test the hypothesis of the research is Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM). Findings: Organizational Citizenship Behavior as moderator variable in effect between
Personality, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction on the Performance. It means that the
higher value of Organizational Citizenship Behavior, affects the increasing effect of Personality,
Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction to Performance. Originality: paper originality shown
on variables used are Personality, Organization Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship
Behavior, and Performance. Furthermore, the method used in this research is using Structural Equation
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Model (SEM), as well as the investigator sites located at two private colleges in the city of Makassar,
namely: Indonesian Muslim University and Muhammadiyah University Makassar, South Sulawesi, where
there are no previous studies that discuss the same topic on these locations.

Keywords: Moderation, organizational citizenship behavior, Performance, Personality, Organizational

Commitment, Job Satisfaction

A. Introduction
Improvement of human resources will determine the progress of a nation because the
government is concentrating its attention on the development of human resources. In
accordance with Indonesian government regulations No. 37 of 2009 which states that
the university as an educational institution has a very big role in the development of
human resources and improving the competitiveness of the nation.
Seeing such roles, each lecturer is required to always improve themselves and have
high performance that can be seen from the perspective performance, both related to
official duties (in role performance) which is a requirement of organizations and
performance beyond the role (extra-role performance). Extra-role performance in this
regard is the Organizational Citizenship Behavior is very important for the effectiveness
of the organization.
One factor that can form the OCB is personality. Individual personality is a predictor
playing an important role for a lecturer. Employee commitment is the pride of the
employees of the organization as well as the viscosity of the bond between employees
and the organization believed to be able to increase the OCB. If employees feel proud of
the organization, then the enthusiasm to do the job as well as assist other members will
be better (Organ et al., 2006). A further factor which affects the OCB is the support
organization. Each individual perceives that the work done is an investment that will
give you time, energy, and effort to get what they want.
Job satisfaction is one of the factors that can also effect OCB. Employees who feel
satisfied in work will speak positively about the organization, helping colleagues, and
seeking to achieve performance beyond the demands of organizations, and then a
disgruntled employee will be more obedient to the task because they are eager to repeat
the positive experiences. Based on the foregoing description, this study is to investigate
the effect of personality, organizational commitment and job satisfaction on
performance by using variable moderating effect organizational citizenship behavior.
This research was conducted at 2 Colleges (PTS) in Makassar, the Indonesian Muslim
University (UMI) and Makassar Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh) with the

consideration that both Colleges have obtained the accreditation status of the college
with a B. Status accredited with the value of B on UMI and Unismuh organizational
systems and how the teachers behave well on in-role behavior (main tasks) and extra-
role behavior of them. Taking both these PTS as an object of research is expected to
give a generalization OCB phenomena and factors that affect it in the context of private
Based on the background above, this study aims to determine the moderation effect
of organizational citizenship behavior on the effect of personality, organizational
commitment and job satisfaction on the performance of private university lecturers in
Makassar. Research on Organizational Citizenship Behavior has been researched by
Allison in 2001 performed about student classroom and career success. Additionally
Podsakoff et. al in 2000 has been researching on organizational citizenship behavior
about a critical review of the theorical and empirical literature and suggestions for
Downloaded by Sam Houston State University At 10:31 06 October 2017 (PT)

future research. Thereby, on paper originality shown on variables used are Personality,
Organization Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and
Performance. Furthermore, the method used in this research is using Structural Equation
Model (SEM), as well as the investigator sites located at two private colleges in the city
of Makassar, namely: Indonesian Muslim University and Muhammadiyah University
Makassar, South Sulawesi, where there are no previous studies that discuss the same
topic on these locations.

B. Theoretical Background
B1. Personality
Feist and Feist (2006) suggested that personality is a relatively permanent pattern of
the nature, character and personality that gives consistency in behavior. Thus, a
personality is a dynamic organization in a unique individual, relatively settled in the
internal and external aspects of the character of a person that effects behavior in
different situations.
In this study, it is explained that personality traits are using "The Big Five
Personality" giving (1) Conception and clear measurement framework in the study of
personality, (2) Five dimensions of personality models have high permanence when it is
applied to a wide variety of different samples, (3) It is clear that each of the personality
dimensions which are divided into The Big Five Personality that can represent virtually
every different individual personalities, (4) These five personality dimensions give
personality profile that is ideal for employees on the whole of their career because the
different traits are needed for different jobs. The key is to find the appropriate thing
(Luthans, 2006), (5) Many researchers found that the five personalities has the most
consistent relationship with performance.

B2. Organizational Commitment

Organizational commitment, according to Noe (2000), is the degree to which a
person is positioning himself in the organization and a willingness to continue the
efforts to achieve the interests of the organization. Individuals, who have a low
commitment to the organization, often just wait for a good opportunity to quit their jobs.
This illustrates that the notion of organizational commitment is how one puts himself in
an organization and how someone is willing to keep him in the organization.
The view of the Commitment organizational, according to Porter (Greenberg and
Baron, 1997) is the result and the three factors, namely: "(1) acceptance of the goals and

niliai-values of the organization, (2) willingness to assist the organization in achieving

its goals and (3) a desire or a desire to remain in the organization. Furthermore, the
characteristics of organizational commitment explained by Nelson and James (1997)
stating that organizational commitment consists of two general categories: "affective
commitment and continuance commitment". Along with this opinion, Allen and Meyer
(1997) state that the organizational commitment consists of three, namely: continuance
commitment which refers to the tendency of a private person to keep working in an
organization due to inability to seek the type of other jobs, affective commitment which
refers to the strength of one's desire to continue working in an organization due to his
desire with conformity, and normative commitment which refers to the sense of
'obligation' a person to stay in an organization because of pressure or appeal.

B3.Job satisfaction
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Job satisfaction is the general attitude of individuals towards work where job
satisfaction reflects the attitude of the behavior. The belief that a satisfied employee that
is more productive than an unsatisfied employee becomes a basic principle for managers
and leaders. There is ample evidence to question the causal relationship, because in
advanced societies, they not only pay attention to quantity of life such as increased
productivity and the acquisition of the material, but also its quality (Robbins, 2001).
Luthan (1998) provides a comprehensive definition of job satisfaction that includes a
reaction or attitude of cognitive, affective and evaluative and states that job satisfaction
is "emotional state of happiness or positive emotions" which is derived from the
assessment of work or work experience of person.
Therefore, job satisfaction is closely related to one's effort in the works. Employees
who are not satisfied with the job tend to behave not optimal, do not try to do things the
best, and rarely take the time and make extra efforts in doing their job. With the job
satisfaction of employees, it is expected that the employee can do his job more leverage
and willing to work outside the role of work that can assist in the achievement of
organizational goals better. The attitude is a positive or negative evaluation of emotions
and tendencies of pros or cons of social objects.

B4. Organizational Citizenship Behavior

OCB is defined as an individual's behavior which is free (discretionary) and not
directly and explicitly received an award from the formal reward system, and the overall
effectiveness encourages organizational functions. It is free and voluntary, as such a
behavior is not required by the requirements of the role or job description, which clearly
required by the contract of employment with the organization; but as a personal choice
(Podsakoff, et al., 2000). Based on the existing definition, there are three major
components that build understanding OCB. First, the behavior must be voluntary, so it
is not included in the roles formally written or formal duties. Second, the behavior is
beneficial in terms of the organization's perspective. Third, this behavior reflects the
multidimensional nature (Someth and Drach-Zahavy, 2004).
According to Coleman and Borman (2000), three types of behavior which is very
important for the effectiveness of the organization, namely: fixed join and stay in the
organization, meet or exceed the performance standards, and be innovative and
spontaneous outside official role to perform actions such as working together with and
protect members of other organizations, to develop themselves, and represent the

organization favorably to outsiders. The third type of behavior is referred to as

organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).

B5. Performance
Performance measurement is a process of assessing the progress of work towards
the achievement of goals and objectives that have been determined, including
information on the efficiency of resource use in producing goods and services, quality
of goods and services, comparison of the results of activities with the target and the
effectiveness of action in achieving goals. In this case it is important to determine
whether the purpose of measurement to assess the results of the performance
(performance outcome) or assessing the behavior (personality). An organization should
distinguish between outcomes (results), behavior (process) and gauge the exact
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C. Material and Method

C1. Material
Research conducted at private universities in Makassar is an explanatory research
(explanatory research) because the aim is to explain the causal relationship between
variables by testing the hypothesis. The population in this study are all lecturers status
as permanent lecturer foundations (not on leave, license or assignment of learning) at
two private colleges in the city of Makassar, namely: Indonesian Muslim University and
Muhammadiyah University Makassar. Sampling using Slovin formula (Uma, 2006) and
obtained a sample of 275 respondents.The variable and indicators used in the study
1. Personality (X1) is defined as a pattern of behavior of individuals consisting of
thoughts, feelings and behavior that are consistent. Measuring instruments used are
the five personality theory indicators of Costa and McCrae (1992) as follows:
a. Extraversion (X1.1): This indicator shows the level of pleasure a person wills
relationship. The extravert tends friendly and open, and spent a lot of time to
maintain and enjoy a number of relationships.
b. Agreeableness (X1.2): This indicator refers to a person's tendency to defer to
c. Emotional Stability (X1.3): This indicator accommodates a person's ability to
withstand stress. People with a positive emotional stability tend to be
characterized by calm, passionate and safe.
d. Openness to experience (X1.4):This indicator leads about the person's interest or
someone who is fascinated by the novelty and innovation.
2. Organizational commitment (X2) is defined as the level of trust and acceptance of
lecturers to organizational goals and has a desire to remain in the organization.
Variables developed by Mayer and Allen (1991) used three indicators.
a. Affective commitment (X2.1), which is related to their desire to be bound by the
b. Continuance commitment (X2.2), this commitment is formed on the basis of
profit and loss, considered on what must be sacrificed when it will settle on an
organization. The key to this commitment is a necessity for survival.
c. Normative Commitment (X2.3), is a feeling of enduring because of loyalty. The
action is the right thing to do.

3. Job satisfaction (X3) is defined as the match between the expectations of

employees and reality obtained in the work place. Perceptions of employees on
matters relating to work and job satisfaction involves a sense of security, a sense of
justice, a sense of relish, a sense of excitement, status, and pride. Schnake (1983)
presents three indicators:
a. Social Satisfaction (X3.1)
b. Extrinsic Satisfaction (X3.2)
c. intrinsic satisfaction (X3.3)
4. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (M) is defined as an independent individual
behavior, not directly or explicitly associated with the reward system and can
increase the effective functioning of the organization. There are five indicators of
OCB developed by Organ (1998) and Allison (2001):
a. Altruism (M1), namely behavior of helping other employees without coercion on
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the tasks that are closely related to organizational operations.

b. Civic virtue (M2), showing the voluntary participation and supporting the
functions of the organization both professionally and social nature.
c. Conscientiousness (M3), contains about the performance of the prerequisite role
that exceed minimum standards.
d. Courtesy (M4) is the behavior alleviates the problems relating to employment
faced by other people.
e. Sportsmanship (M5) contains taboos making issues that undermine though they
are annoying.
5. Performance (Y) is defined as the willingness of a person or group of people to do
something and refine activities in accordance with their responsibilities with the
expected results (Rival and Basri, 2005). Assessment of performance is about
performance and accountability. There are four indicators of performance in
accordance Higher Education (2010), namely:
a. Education and Teaching (Y1)
b. Research and Development of Scientific Work (Y2)
c. Community Service (Y3)
d. Other Support Activities (Y4)

C2. Method
Viewing variables used are variable that can not be measured directly,
theapproach used is a quantitative approach in conducting the data analysis, the
analytical methods used in analyzing empirical data gathered researchers include (1) the
analysis of descriptive statistics intended to determine the distribution of the frequency
response of the results questionnaires, and (2) inferential statistical analysis were used
to test the hypothesis of the research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a
conceptual framework are presented in Figure 1 below:



Personality (X1)
X1.4 γ1 Y1
X2.2 γ2 Performance (Y)
Commitment (X2) Y3
X3.1 γ4 Y4
Job Satisfaction γ5
X3.2 (X3)

Org. Citizenship
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Behavior (M)

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The equation for this models are:
Y = γ1X1 + γ2X2 + γ3X3 + β1M + γ4X1M + γ5X2M + γ6X3M + e

All variables included in the unobservable, and is formed by the indicator (as
observable variable) using a first-order factor analysis by reflective indicators (there are
common factor within the indicators in each variables). This research involved 57
questions that represent 19 indicators of 5 variables of this research. Personality (X1),
Organizational Commitment (X2), and Job Satisfaction (X3) as exogenous variables,
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (M) as moderation variable, and Performance (Y)
as endogenous variable. The hypothesis in this research is to invetigate the moderation
effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the effect of Personality,
Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfactio to Performance. The results of this
analysis indicate that a variable as a moderating variable, but not necessarily true. The
hypothesis is accepted if the Critical Ratio (CR) value of more than 1.96 and P-value
less than 0.05 (with an error rate of 5%) (Solimun, 2009).

D. Result and Discussion

D1. Measurement Model
The following table presents the average values and outer loading each indicator in
each study variable.

Table 1. Descriptive and Measurement Model

Variable Indicator Mean Loading factor p. value
Extraversion (X11) 3.50 0.701 0.000
Agreeableness (X12) 3.46 0.751 0.000
Personality (X1)
Emotional Stability (X13) 3.49 0.545 0.000
Openness to Experience (X14) 3.53 0.682 Fix
Organization Commitment Afective (X2.1) 3.47 0.747 0.000
Commitment CommitmentContinuous (X2.2) 3.44 0.855 0.000
(X2) Commitment Normative (X2.3) 3.58 0.661 Fix
Job Satisfaction Satistifaction social (X3.1) 3.46 0.790 0.000

Variable Indicator Mean Loading factor p. value

(X3) Satistifaction extrinsic (X3.2) 3.53 0.870 0.000
Satistifaction intrinsic (X3.3) 3.49 0.777 Fix
Altruism (M.1) 3.48 0.712 Fix
Organizational Civic virtue (M.2) 3.58 0.763 0.000
Citizenship Conscientiousness (M.3) 3.54 0.781 0.000
Behavior(M) Courtesy (M.4) 3.51 0.639 0.000
Sportmanship (M.5) 3.52 0.845 0.000
Education (Y.1) 3.47 0.651 Fix
Research (Y.2) 3.53 0.746 0.000
Performance (Y)
Community service (Y.3) 3.49 0.689 0.000
Others (Y.4) 3.50 0.783 0.000
Based on Table 1, the result that all significant indicators to measure the variables
respectively. The analysis also showed that the most powerful indicator as a measure of
Personality (X1) is an indicator of Agreeableness (X1.2) with a loading factor of 0.751,
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and a mean of 3:46. Further on Organizational Commitment variable (X2) is known that
the most powerful indicator as measure is an indicator of ongoing commitment (X2.2)
with a loading factor of 0855 and a mean of 3:44. Then for the job satisfaction variable
(X3) is known that the most powerful indicator is the indicator of satisfaction as the
measuring extrinsic (X3.2) with a loading factor of 0705 and a mean of 3.870. On
Variable Organizational Citizenship Behavior (M) is known that the most powerful
indicator as measure is Sportsmanship (M.5) with a loading of 0845 with a mean of
3.52. In variable Performance (Y) is known that the most powerful indicator as are
other supporting activities (Y.4) with a loading value of 0.783 and the mean value of

D2. Analysis Result: SEM

Testing Assumptions SEM
The assumptions that must be met prior to SEM analysis is the assumption of
normality, absence of outliers, and linearity. The multivariate normality assumption was
tested with the help of software AMOS 6. normality test results obtained critical ratio
value of -1.845 to the critical value for Z 5% is equal to 1.96. Because the absolute
value of CR for multivariate amounted to 1.845 <1.96 then the multivariate normality
assumptions are met.
To test whether there is an outlier, it can be seen with mahalanobis distance
(Md). Mahalanobis distance is evaluated using a value of 149.449. Mahalanobis
distance with the most distant observation point is the value Md = 54.654. When
compared to the value of 149.449, the value Md <149.449, it was concluded that all
points of observation is not an outlier.
Table 2. Linearity Assumptions Test
No Effect Result of Ramsey Rest Conclusion
1 Personality (X1) to Performance (Y) P-value = 0.022 Linear
< 0.05
2 Organizational Commitment (X2) to P-value = 0.011 Linear
Performance (Y) < 0.05
3 Job Satisfaction (X3) to Performance (Y) P-value = 0.001 Linear
< 0.05

The second part of analysis is assumption testing. Before presenting the feasible results,
the linearity assumption test using Ramsey Reset Test (Fernandes, et al., 2015). Table 2
presents the linearity assumption test and linearity asumption are met.

Goodness Of Fit
The theoretical model on the conceptual framework of the study is said to fit if
supported by empirical data. Results of testing the overall goodness of fit models to find
out that the hypothetical model supported by empirical data presented in Table 3 below:
Table 3. Goodness Of Fit Model
Criteria Cut-of value Results Conclusion
ChiSquare Low 333.332
Fit Model
p-value ≥ 0.05 0.000
CMIN/DF ≤ 2.00 1.516 Fit Model
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RMSEA ≤ 0.08 0.039 Fit Model

GFI ≥ 0.90 0.941 Fit Model
AGFI ≥ 0.90 0.909 Fit Model
TLI ≥ 0.95 0.962 Fit Model
CFI ≥ 0.95 0.977 Fit Model

The test results based on the Goodness of Fit Overall Table 3 shows that the seven
criteria: CMIN / DF, RMSEA, Chi Square and the p-value, GFI, AGFI, TLI and CFI
demonstrate good models. According to Arbuckle and Wothke in Solimun (2009), the
best criteria are used as an indication of the good of the model is the value of Chi
Square / DF is less than 2, and RMSEA under 0:08. In this study, the value of CMIN /
DF and RMSEA has met the cut-off value, then the SEM models in this study is suitable
and fit for use, so they can do the interpretation for further discussion.

Analysis SEM
In the second part of SEM analysis is the interpretation of structural models or
structural models. Structural model presents the relationship between the study variables
Coefficient structural model of stating the magnitude relationship between the variable
to another variable. There is significant effect between variables one to another variable,
if the value of P-value of <0.05. In the SEM are two effects that direct effect (direct
effect), as well as indirect effect (indirect effect). The results of the analysis are
summarized in Table 4 and Figure 2 for the direct effect and Table 4 for the indirect

Table 4. Structural Model SEM: Direct Impact

No Relationship Coefficient P-value Conclusion
1 Personality (X1) to
0.173 0.200 Not Significant
Performance (Y)
2 Organizational Commitment
0.196 0.101 Not Significant
(X2) to Performance (Y)
3 Job Satisfaction (X3) to
0.325 0.001 Significant
Performance (Y)

Graphically presented as follows (Red line indicates not-significant effect, black

lines indicate a significant effect)

Personality (X1)

Organizational 0.196
Performance (Y)
Commitment (X2)

Job Satisfaction 0.325

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Figure 2. Structural Model in SEM

From the above test results, it can be concluded some of the following:
1. Testing the direct effect of Personality (X1) on the Performance (Y), the structural
coefficient values obtained for 0173, with a p-value of 0.200 <0.05, then there is no
significant direct effect between Personality (X1) on the Performance (Y) , That is,
high and low Personality (X1) has no effect on the high and low performance (Y).
2. Testing the direct effect of Organizational Commitment (X2) on the Performance
(Y), the structural coefficient values obtained for 0196, with a p-value of 0101.
Based on the p-value> 0.05, then there is no significant direct effect between
Organizational Commitment (X2) on the Performance (Y). That is, the high and low
of Organizational Commitment (X2) has no effect on the high and low performance
3. Testing the direct effect of job satisfaction (X3) on Performance (Y), the structural
coefficient values obtained for 0325, with a p-value of 0.001. Based on p-value
<0.05, then there is a significant direct effect between job satisfaction (X3) on
Performance (Y). Given the structural coefficient is positive, indicating that the
relationship positive. That is, the higher the job satisfaction (X3), will result in the
higher-performance (Y).

Furthermore, testing moderation was derived from the interaction effect between
the independent variables with a moderating variable. The following test results
presented moderation:

Table 5. Model Structural SEM Moderation

No Relationship Coefficient CR P-value
1. Personality (X1)*Org. Change Behavior
0.242 0.006 Significant
(M) to Performance (Y)
2. Organizational Commitment (X2)*Org.
Change Behavior (M) to Performance 0.257 0.004 Significant
3. Job Satisfaction (X3)*Org. Change
0.214 0.007 Significant
Behavior (M) to Performance (Y)

Moderation effect Organizational Citizenship Behavior On Personality Effect on

Org. Citizenship
Behavior (M)


Personality (X1) Performance (Y)
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Direct Effect Moderation Effect

(Significant) (Significant)
Direct Effect Moderation Effect
(Not-Significant) (Not-Significant)
Figure 3. Moderation effect Organizational Citizenship Behavior On Personality
Effect to Performance
SEM analysis results obtained interaction coefficient of 0,242, and P of 0.006.
Since the value of P <0.05, it indicates Organizational Citizenship Behavior is a
moderator between personality (X1) on the Performance (Y). Because the direct effect
of personality (X1) on the Performance (Y) does not effect significantly, the
Organizational Citizenship Behavior variable is pure moderator. While the value of the
coefficient of the interaction effect is positive then the variable of Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (M) is said to be strengthening. It means that the higher the value
of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (M) affects the increasing effect of Personality
(X1) on the Performance (Y).

Moderation effect Organizational Citizenship Behavior On the Effect of

Organizational Commitment to Performance
Org. Citizenship
Behavior (M)


Organizational 0.196
Performance (Y)
Commitment (X2)

Direct Effect Moderation Effect

(Significant) (Significant)
Direct Effect Moderation Effect
(Not-Significant) (Not-Significant)
Figure 4

Moderation effect Organizational Citizenship Behavior On the Effect of

Organizational Commitment Effect to Performance
SEM analysis results obtained interaction coefficient of 0,257 and P of 0.004.
Because of the P value <0.05, it indicates Organizational Citizenship Behavior is a
moderator variable between Organizational Commitment (X) on the Performance (Y).
Because the direct effect of Organizational Commitment (X2) on the Performance (Y)
does not effect significantly, the Organizational Citizenship Behavior variable is pure
moderator. As the value of the coefficient of the interaction effect is positive then the
variable of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (M) is said to be strengthening. It
means that the higher the value of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (M) affects the
increasing effect of Organizational Commitment (X2) on the Performance (Y).

Organizational Citizenship Behavior Moderation Effect On Job Satisfaction Effect

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on Performance
Org. Citizenship
Behavior (M)


Job Satisfaction 0.325

Performance (Y)

Direct Effect Moderation Effect

(Significant) (Significant)
Direct Effect Moderation Effect
(Not-Significant) (Not-Significant)
Figure 5
Organizational Citizenship Behavior Moderation Effect On Job Satisfaction Effect
to Performance
SEM analysis results obtained interaction coefficient of 0.214, and P of 0.007.
Because of the P value <0.05, it indicates Organizational Citizenship Behavior is a
moderator variable between job satisfaction (X3) on Performance (Y). Because of the
direct and interaction effect significantly affect on performance (Y) then the variable of
Organizational Citizenship Behavior is quasi moderator. As the value of the coefficient
of the interaction effect is positive then the variable of Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (M) is said to be strengthening. It means that the higher the value of
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (M) affects the increasing effect of job satisfaction
(X3) on Performance (Y).

E. Discussion
The main findings for this research that Organizational Citizenship Behavior as
moderator variable in effect between Personality, Organizational Commitment and Job
Satisfaction on the Performance. It means that the higher value of Organizational
Citizenship Behavior, affects the increasing effect of Personality, Organizational
Commitment and Job Satisfaction to Performance.

Realization of Indonesian society that is peaceful, democratic, equitable and

competitive progress and prosperity in the container the unitary Republic of Indonesia,
supported by a healthy human being, independence and fear of God Almighty, is the
ultimate goal of national development. Those goals reflect that as a central point of
development is the Human Resources (HR), either as a target of development and as
agents of development. In relation to the above development of human resources in
Indonesia is carried out through three main channels, namely education, training and
career development in the workplace. That education is the backbone of development of
human resources starting from the basic level to college. Meanwhile, the training paths
and career development in the workplace is a supplement and complement pathways to
education. Directions human resource development in Indonesia aimed at the
development of human resources quality comprehensively covers aspects of personality
and mental attitude, mastery of science and technology, as well as the professionalism
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and competence to all of them inspired by religious values. Human Resources

Development in Indonesia include the development of intellect (IQ), emotional
intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ).
Seeing such roles, each lecturer is required to always improve themselves and
have high performance that can be seen from the perspective performance, both related
to official duties (in role performance) which is a requirement of organizations and
performance beyond the role (extra-role performance). Extra-role performance in this
regard is the Organizational Citizenship Behavior is very important for the effectiveness
of the organization.
One factor that can form the OCB is personality. Individual personality is a
predictor playing an important role for a lecturer.Employee commitment is the pride of
the employees of the organization as well as the viscosity of the bond between
employees and the organization believed to be able to increase the OCB. If employees
feel proud of the organization, then the enthusiasm to do the job as well as assist other
members will be better (Organ et al., 2006). A further factor which affects the OCB is
the support organization. Each individual perceives that the work done is an investment
that will give you time, energy, and effort to get what they want.
Lecturer is human resources that have a very central role in all activities in
college and had a stake in the framework of character building of students to deal with
the reality of a life filled with competition. Promoting the role of lecturers as an
important contributor and one of the chain of human resources to build quality into
something quite substantial to be explored considering people's expectations so greatly
to the higher education institution.
A lecturer ideally have the following criteria: the first is intellectually productive
means a teacher is a person who is able to implement the Tri Dharma University
(education and teaching, research and development, and community service) well. In the
context of teaching - for example, a teacher must be able to examine the relevance of
teaching materials as objectively as possible to be transformed to the students up to
date. In other words, the ideal lecturers are lecturers who are able to provide knowledge
to the students the actual and authentic based on the methodology of exploration
excavations such knowledge.
Ideal criteria that both correlative with ability and background knowledge,
means a lecturer in addition to have a level of education that is appropriate to the level
of science that teaches, also need to be supported by the teaching experience progressive

resulting in a process of maturity to overcome the dynamics of educational psychology

demanding effort tolerance of ideas and strategies to student learning patterns.
Furthermore, the third criterion is ideal lecturer has a good attitude and a role
model for the students in the act, any actions lecturer usually becomes a mirror of how
the attitude of students to lecturers. Criteria for the fourth and most important for a
teacher is able to communicate and act as an educator and teacher for learners.
Look at the role of the lecturer who is so much in the implementation of
academic, while obstacles encountered quite complex, each lecturer is required to
constantly improve themselves and have high performance that can be seen from the
perspective of performance, both with regard to official duties (in role performance) is it
is a requirement of the organization, such as: preparing teaching materials, teaching
classes, coaching academic, Real Working Lecture (KKN), and a thesis (thesis and
dissertation), seminars or other activities related to work as a lecturer , conducting
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research and community service and performance beyond the role of (extra-role
performance). Extra performance role is critical to the effectiveness of the organization,
in order to improve the performance of the organization that will ultimately have an
impact on the survival and progress of the organization, especially in the business
environment is volatile today
Constructs extra-role has been conceptualized into various operationalization of
research variables, most notably the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Organ
(in Podsakoff et al., 2000) defines OCB as an individual behavior which is free, which
is not directly and explicitly received an award from the formal system, and overall
effectiveness encourage organizational functions. Thats the free and voluntary, as such
behavior is not required by the requirements of the role or job description but as a
personal choice.

F. Conclusions and Reccomendations

Based on the analysis it can be concluded that there is a significant direct effect
between variables Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the
Performance of a significant and positive indicating better Job Satisfaction and
Organizational Citizenship Behavior, it will cause the better the performance. In
contrast to the effect of Personality and Organizational Commitment which has no
significant effect to performance. Thus, the level of Personality and Organizational
Commitment does not affect the performance. In other hand, Organizational Citizenship
Behavior as moderator variable in effect between Personality, Organizational
Commitment and Job Satisfaction on the Performance. It means that the higher value of
Organizational Citizenship Behavior, affects the increasing effect of Personality,
Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction to Performance.
Based on these conclusions can be suggested the performance of private
university lecturers in Makassar city will increase significantly when Job Satisfaction
and Organizational Citizenship Behavior is also increased so that the necessary
evaluation and improvement of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship
Behavior lecturers. Improvement of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship
Behavior necessary because it can contribute a lot to the performance of lecturers.
Furthermore, personality and commitment to the organization also needs to be improved
because of the personality, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction will
strengthen the performance of lecturers, especially the lecturers of two private colleges

in the city of Makassar items, namely: Indonesian Muslim University and

Muhammadiyah University Makassar
Reccomendation for practitioners, especially practitioners of academic
(university foundations owners or shareholders, and others) is at the role of extra-role in
the form of OCB to the faculty, especially private universities, allowing that extra-role
is a major trigger of lecturer performance that will culminate in the performance of
institutions. OCB can be seen from Altruism namely behavior of helping other
employees without coercion on the tasks that are closely related to organizational
operations. Civic virtue showing the voluntary participation and supporting the
functions of the organization both professionally and social nature. Conscientiousness
contains about the performance of the prerequisite role that exceed minimum standards.
Courtesy is the behavior alleviates the problems relating to employment faced by other
people. Sportsmanship contains taboos making issues that undermine though they are
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