Pedia Now
Pedia Now
Pedia Now
Department of Pediatrics
Student: Almo, Alyssa Claire A.
Preceptor: Dr. Nicolasora
Date: November 29,2018 Date and Time of Interview:
November 22, 2018 ; 9:00 am
Source of Information: Patient’s
Reliability: 90%
Referral: None
P.R.A., a 2-year old female born on November 27, 2015 at Marabut, Samar, Roman
Catholic, Filipino residing at Barangay Binkuyahan, Marabut, Samar and admitted for
the first time at EVRMC on November 17, 2018 at around 4:00 AM.
B. Birth History
The patient was born full term via NSVD in cephalic presentation at their home in
Marabut, Samar attended by a midwife. Her mother could not recall her birth weight but stated
that the patient had loud cry. The patient was born without any apparent complications.
C. Neonatal History
The patient was able to breastfed within an hour after birth. They went to their rural health
unit a few hours after delivery for the routine maternal and newborn care. The patient’s mother
stated that the patient was given 3 injections and an ointment over her eyes while at the RHU.
She was also able to pass meconium during the first 24 hours of life, which was black in color
with soft consistency. Patient’s mother stated that there was no yellowish hue of the patient’s
skin during the first day but also stated that she could not recall if there was any discoloration
in the succeeding days. The umbilical stump was cleaned with lukewarm water and sloughed
off a week after birth. The patient did not develop any infections or diseases during the first
month of life.
D. Feeding Pattern:
The patient was exclusively breastfed per demand for 6 months after birth. She was not
given any vitamins or water during this time. She fed per demand and the volume of milk intake
increased as he grows, however the mother could not recall the specific details such as the
interval and duration of the feeding. Complementary feeding was introduced at 7 months in
the form of infant cereal, given during breakfast and dinner with breastmilk given per demand.
Rice, egg, fruits and other food were introduced during the first teething of the patient, at 8
months. The patient did not develop any adverse reactions to the introduced food. At 12
months, the patient was started on formula milk in addition to the food and breastmilk.
Her mother stated that the patient has voracious appetite and is not a picky eater, eating
whatever is served. At present, the patient eats full meals consisting of rice, viand and
vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She also drinks a glass of formula milk during
breakfast and bedtime. The mother stated that the patient is still breastfed at times, usually
when upset or sick. Breastfeeding is usually once to 4 times per day. The patient also takes
snacks between her meals. Patient drinks around 6 glasses (approximately 1500 ml) of fluids a
day, including water and milk.
24 HOUR DIET RECALL: on a usual day the patient eats,
Meal Food Amount
Breakfast Rice 1 serving 100 kcal
Chicken 1 serving 165 kcal
Milk 1 glass 170 kcal
Water 1 glass
AM Snack Biscuit 1 pack 120 kcal
Juice 1 pack 120 kcal
Lunch Rice 1 serving 100 kcal
Water 1 glass
pork 1 serving 250 kcal
PM Snack Bread 1 slice 80 kcal
Breastmilk 1 glass 140 kcal
Dinner Rice 1 serving 100 kcal
Water 2 glasses
Milk 1 glass 170 kcal
Chicken 1 serving 163 kcal
Total calories (from 24 hour diet recall)= 1678 kcal
RENI =1,074 kcal
Calorie excess of 604 kcal
According to her mother, the patient is active and playful. She would loiter around their
house and play with her siblings which would almost always result in a fight. She sleeps from
8 pm to 7 am and takes naps from 1 pm to 4 pm. She does not suck her thumbs or bite her
nails. No complaints of pica or head banging behavior. She is enrolled in day care classes
within their neighborhood during the mornings, between 9-10 am, and participates with
activities. Her mother stated that the patient seems to be enjoying day care, as she is excited
to go there daily. She also made friends with her classmates. The mother stated that the patient
was friendly with the healthcare providers during the first few days of hospitalization,
however the patient now becomes irritable at the sight of white uniforms.
The patient urinates pale yellow to yellow urine of 100 ml 10-12 times a day depending
on her fluid intake. Bowel movement is regular at once or twice per day with soft, brown
The patient is a fully immunized child under the EPI schedule with the following
BCG given a few hours after birth, without adverse reactions. No scar developed.
HepB 1st dose was given at birth, 2nd dose at 6 weeks old, 3rd dose at 14 weeks old,
without developing any adverse reactions.
DPT 1st dose was given at 6 weeks, 2nd dose at 10 weeks old, 3rd dose at 14 weeks old;
she did not develop any untoward reaction.
OPV 1st dose was given at 6 weeks, 2nd dose at 10 weeks old, 3rd dose at 14 weeks old,
without adverse reactions.
Measles Vaccine was given when the patient was 9 months old and she developed low
grade fever after the vaccination. Paracetamol was given, the mother could not specify
the dosage but stated that she used a dropper and followed what was written on the
MMR Vaccine given when the patient was 12 months old without any adverse
Skin was moist with good skin turgor, with fair complexion. Patient has erythematous
macular rashes that are blanchable with pressure on both her upper and lower extremities, as
well as on her cheeks along her jaw. No rashes were noted on her neck, trunk, abdomen and
back. 2 circular bruises around 1 cm in diameter noted on the radial side of the wrist with a
needle point lesion at the centers. No edema nor active lesions noted. She also did not manifest
pallor, cyanosis or jaundice.
Nails were pink, short and with smooth edges. No clubbing evident with good capillary
refill of less than 3 seconds.
Hair was long and curly, black in color and smooth. No nits or lice infestation noted.
The skull was normocephalic, atraumatic. There was no lumps, tenderness, engorged
veins, active lesions nor scaling noted upon examination of the scalp.
The eyebrows were symmetrical and full with fine, black hair; no scars or active lesions
noted. The lids and globes were symmetric, without ptosis, lidlag or edema. No discharge
evident. The eyelashes were fine, black and oriented outwards. Pink, non-hemorrhagic
palpebral conjunctiva noted. The sclera was anicteric. Cornea were clear and without
ulceration. The pupils were symmetrically round, 3mm in diameter, and with brisk
reaction to direct & consensual light stimulation. Patient presented with full and intact
extraocular muscle movement by following the movement of her significant other, and
with good convergence. Unable to confirm peripheral visual fields.
Ears were symmetrical in alignment and shape, pinna were firm. No discharges, no active
lesions, and no impacted cerumen were evident. Tenderness not elicited. Hearing acuity
good on both ears, confirmed through ability to follow mother’s voice.
The neck was supple, with no limitation in movement. The trachea was at midline and the
thyroid gland was not palpable. There were no engorged veins and visible pulsations.
Lymph nodes were non-palpable.
Nipples not inverted. No discharges noted.
Inspection: There were no visible pulsations over the precordium.
Palpation: Point of maximal impulse was palpable at the 4th ICS (L) MCL. No thrills and
heaves felt.
Auscultation: Heartbeat was regular in rhythm, synchronous with pulse at 108 per minute.
S1 is crisp, heard better at the apex, while S2 was heard louder at the base. There were no
audible murmurs, click, pericardial friction rub and extraneous heart sounds.
Inspection: The abdomen was globular without visible peristalsis, engorged veins, or
bulging flanks. The umbilicus was inverted.
Palpation: Patient became irritable as her abdomen was touched. The liver, spleen and
kidney were not palpable upon light palpation, deep palpation not performed. The
abdomen was soft in consistency. No nodularities noted.
Percussion: Tympany note on all regions. Unable to confirm liver and splenic span.
Auscultation: Normoactive bowel sounds noted. No arterial bruit, venous hum, and
peritoneal friction rub noted.
a. Deep tendon reflexes:
(-) Kernig’s, (-) Brudzinski
Febrile Seizure; Dengue vs. Roseola