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The significance of disaster in today’s environment sometimes comes under question. Why do we
need to bother so much? After all, disaster has been with us as long as recorded history, and
presumably even longer. Generations of people have had to withstand disaster. They have suffered
the consequences and recovered from them, and life has continued. Basically, this is true.
However, certain factors need to be considered in relation to modern challenges which face disaster

Communities in any area are suspect able to disaster that is, a mishap, calamity or
catastrophe of grave occurrence from natural or manmade causes which results in substantial loss
of life and property and degradation of environment and it may be of such nature or magnitude as
to be beyond to the coping capacity of the community of the affected areas.

India is prone to a large number of natural as well as man-made disasters. 58.6 per
cent of the landmass is prone to earthquakes of moderate to very high intensity; over 40 million
hectares (12 per cent of land) is prone to floods and river erosion; of the 7,516 km long coastline,
close to 5,700 km is prone to cyclones and tsunamis; 68 per cent of the cultivable area is vulnerable
to drought and hilly areas are at risk from landslides and avalanches. Vulnerability to disasters/
emergencies of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) origin also exists.
Heightened vulnerabilities to disaster risks can be related to expanding population, terrorism,
urbanization and industrialization, development within high-risk zones, environmental
degradation and climate change to ensuring clarity about roles and responsibilities of the State,
District and local authorities.

Visakhapatnam experiences a variety of natural disasters throughout the year. The city
region which constitutes about 73.7% of the total area and 62.8% of the population are vulnerable
to natural calamities.


Disaster means a catastrophe, mishap, calamity or grave occurrence in any area, arising from
natural or manmade causes, or by accident or negligence which results in substantial loss of life or
human suffering or damage to, and destruction of, property, or damage to, or degradation of,
environment, and is of such a nature or magnitude as to be beyond the coping capacity of the
community of the affected area; Natural Disaster means a serious disruption of the functioning of
a society, causing widespread human, material or environmental losses caused due to earthquake,
cyclone, flood, Tsunami or landslide which exceeds the ability of the affected society to cope using
only its own resources. Hazards are defined as “Phenomena that pose a threat to people, structures
or economic assets and which may cause a disaster. They could be either manmade or naturally
occurring in our environment.”

Natural Disaster means a serious disruption of the functioning of a society, causing widespread
human, material or environmental losses caused due to earthquake, cyclone, flood, Tsunami or
landslide which exceeds the ability of the affected society to cope using only its own resources.
Hazards are defined as “Phenomena that pose a threat to people, structures or economic assets and
which may cause a disaster. They could be either manmade or naturally occurring in our

Disasters whether natural or man-made can strike at any time. The general response to a disaster
is in terms of relief and rescue operations - after the event. However, if we are adequately prepared,
it’s possible to reduce the impact of a disaster. The impact can be reduced through Knowledge of
certain lifesaving tools and techniques, which when used at the time of the event of disaster can
control the total damage to life and belongings. The disaster and hazards classification is presented
in Table 1.1.

Table 1-1 Classification of disasters and hazards

1. Water and Climate Related 1.Floods and Drainage Management
3.Tornadoes & Hurricanes
5.Cloud burst
6.Snow Avalanches
7.Heat & Cold Waves
8.Thunder & Lightning
9.Sea Erosion
2. Geologically Related 10.Earthquakes
11.Landslides & Mudflows
12.Dam Bursts & Dam Failures
13.Mine Fires
3. Chemical, Industrial, Electrical and 14.Chemical and Industrial
Nuclear Related Disasters
15.Nuclear Disasters
4. Accidents related 17.Road /Rail Accidents
5. Biologically Related 18.Biological Disasters &
20.Food Poisoning
21.Cattle Epidemics
22.Pest Attacks
Source: High Powered Committee Report, Indian Institute of Public Administration, Delhi.


There is no country that is immune from disaster, though vulnerability to disaster varies. There are
Main types of disaster.

Natural Disasters: including Floods, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcano eruptions
that have immediate impacts on human health and secondary impacts causing further death and
suffering from (for example) floods, landslides, fires, Tsunamis.

Environmental Emergencies: including technological or industrial accidents, usually involving the

production, use or transportation of hazardous material, and occur where these materials are
produced, used or transported, and forest fires caused by humans.

Complex Emergencies: involving a break-down of authority, looting and attacks on strategic

installations, including conflict situations and war.

Pandemic Emergencies: involving a sudden onset of contagious disease that affects health, disrupts
services and businesses, and brings economic and social costs.

Any disaster can interrupt essential services, such as health care, electricity, water, sewage/garbage
removal, transportation and communications. The interruption can seriously affect the health,
social and economic networks of local communities and countries. Disasters have a major and
long-lasting impact on people long after the immediate effect has been mitigated. Poorly planned
relief activities can have a significant negative impact not only on the disaster victims but also on
donors and relief agencies. So it is important that physical therapists join established programs
rather than attempting individual efforts. Local, Regional, National and International organizations
are all involved in mounting a humanitarian response to disasters. Each will have a prepared
disaster management plan. These plans cover Prevention, Preparedness, Relief, Capacity building
and Recovery.

Disasters whether natural or man-made can strike at any time. The general response to a disaster
is in terms of relief and rescue operations - after the event. However, if we are adequately prepared,
it’s possible to reduce the impact of a disaster. The impact can be reduced through a Knowledge
of certain life-saving tools and techniques, which when used at the time of the event of disaster
can control the total damage to life and belongings.

In order to deal with such disaster, this plan was commissioned by UNDP to provide support to
the establishment of a multi-hazard disaster management in Visakhapatnam City under the pilot
initiative of GoI-UNDP Urban Risk Reduction Project.
Level of Disasters

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has worked out Guidelines for the
preparation of State Disaster Management Plan.
The Guidelines categorize the levels of disasters into L0, L1, L2, & L3 based on the ability of various
authorities to deal with them. In short, in order to facilitate the responses and assistances to States
and Districts, the level of disasters have been defined as follows.

L0 level denotes normal times which will be utilized for close monitoring, documentation,
prevention and preparatory activities. Training on search and rescue, rehearsals, evaluation and
inventory updation for response activities will be carried out during this time.

L1 level specifies disaster that can be managed at the District level, however, the State and Centre
will remain in readiness to provide assistance if needed. 5

L2 level disaster situations are those which requires assistance and participation of State, mobilization
of its resources for management of resources.

L3 level disaster situation is in case of large scale disaster where the State and District authorities have
been overwhelmed and require assistance from the Central Government for reinstating the State and
District machinery as well as for rescue, relief, other response and recovery measures. In most cases,
the scale and intensity of the disaster as determined by the concerned technical agencies like IMD/
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) are sufficient for the declaration of
L3 disaster.

To build a safe and disaster resilient State by developing a holistic, proactive, multi-disaster oriented
and technology driven strategy through a culture of prevention, mitigation, and preparedness actions.
Priority is to save the lives of people and minimize the loss of property and environmental degradation.
In this regard a well-defined plan makes disaster management more systematic and productive by
developing well-coordinated response mechanism, properly mobilizing resources and ensuring clarity
about roles and responsibilities of the State, District and local authorities.

City Disaster Management Plan

City Disaster Management Plan envisages to provide the best practices followed by various organizations
of Disaster Management at Centre, State and District levels. However, it addresses Disaster Management
Plans for the natural disasters that the city is prone. The report is broadly divided into three parts dealing
with one, the procedures ought to be followed by GVMC, two, disasters that the city is vulnerable and three,
important and essential organizations that GVMC should synchronize at various levels. In the procedures
that GVMC should follow, the report stresses the implementation strategies for Disaster Management.
Disaster Management is ongoing process along with the development plans of the city. However, the critical
needs of DM is lucidly mentioned in the first part that would be very much useful, during the occurrence
of various disasters. The second part deals with various disasters that the city is prone for, and describes
only the specific measures that should be dealt with respective disasters. The third part, which is the genesis
for CDMP elaborates on the existing methodologies adopted by various organizations at Centre, State and
District levels. Utilization of resources particularly of National level would strengthen DM of the city. This
part is important to understand and critical for unity in procedures and paves way for clarity in deployment
of human and material resources and disbursement of financial resource.

Any Disaster Management Plan is just not a static plan. It is dynamic in nature in tandem with the dynamics
of city growth. To build resilience in the city and its citizens there should be a start for Disaster Management
Plan. The lessons of every disaster, and new situations that may occur, help in making the DM Plans more
resilient. The present report synchronizes the resilient strategies elaborated in the studies conducted for
Hazard Risk Vulnerability Assessment, Low Carbon Mobility Plan and City Development Plan. An
important aspect for resilience is to protect the unique natural features of the region and head for equitable
and spread development with good transportation and communication network.

Present study includes the preparation of the basic profile of the city and the organizational structure
during normal state of affairs in the activities. Apart from this it is envisaged to prepare the plans of
important components of the basic CDMP of the city. The existing data base available with GVMC
and several other organizations involved in the administration of city during normal days and during
emergency operations will be used for the preparation of the basic CDMP.


The Disaster Management Act of 2005 mandated institutional setup at National, State, and District
levels to have a proactive approach. Accordingly in April 2011, the process for City Disaster
Management Planning was initiated in Visakhapatnam and action teams were formed to handle
the response and emergency activities during any event of a disaster in the city.


With passing of Disaster Management Act., 2005 due importance has been given to Disaster
Management apart from many state interventions, local preparedness and mitigation of Disasters
is also required to have a strategy by integrate all existing resources and opportunities under unified
plan for stipulate effective mitigation mechanism. Therefore each City is commissioned to make
an integrated City Disaster Management Plan.

The main objectives involved in disaster management are
i. Identify various hazards that affect the city, probability and frequency of occurrence, and likely
impact on the people, properties, and infrastructure” to prevent loss of human lives and Property.
ii. To make the city with Preparedness, prevention and suggesting mitigation measures of disasters.
iii. Provide information about existing resources opportunities to use in emergencies.
iv. Creating awareness on preparedness.

v. In the light of the above facts, the current City Disaster Management Plan consists the below aspects

1. Capability analysis
2. Hazard Identification
3. Disaster Preparedness
4. Disaster response
5. Disaster Mitigation measures of the Visakhapatnam City

"Disaster management" means a continuous and integrated process of Planning, organizing,

coordinating and implementing measures which are necessary or expedient for
(i) Prevention of danger or threat of any disaster;
(ii) Mitigation or reduction of risk of any disaster or its severity or consequences
(iii) capacity-building
(iv) Preparedness to deal with any disaster
(v) Prompt response to any threatening disaster situation or disaster
(vi) Assessing the severity or magnitude of effects of any disaster
(vii) Evacuation, rescue and relief
(viii) Rehabilitation and reconstruction
Most of the disasters are of Hydrometeological related elements about 80% are like Floods,
Tsunami’s, Sea Erosion and Cyclones. Others disasters are like Fire hazards, Earthquakes,
Landslides, etc. To reduce the vulnerability caused by the disasters the following elements are
taken into account.


DRR is the systematic development and application of policies, strategies and practices to minimize
vulnerabilities and disaster risks throughout a society, to avoid or to limit adverse impact of hazards
within the broad context of sustainable development.
DRR strategies include firsts and foremost, vulnerability and risk assessment, as well as number of
institutional capacities and operational abilities .The assessment of the vulnerability of critical
facilities, social and economic infrastructure, use of effective early warning systems, and the
application of scientific methods are essential features of a disaster reduction strategy. The sharing
of information and experience both for the purpose of public information and for education and
professional training are as important for creating a safety culture, as are the crucial involvement of
local communication action and new forms of partnership motivated by cooperation and shared


Risk management is a systematic process for undertaking risk reduction measures .it relates to a wide
array of quantitative and qualitative factors requiring insight and input from many sources. Australia
and New Zealand defined risk management as the culture possesses and structures that are directed
towards effective management of potential opportunities and adverse effects.
The City of Visakhapatnam, also known as Vizag, is one of the important cities on the east coast
of India. It is the industrial capital of the state of Andhra Pradesh. Its health infrastructural facilities
and educational opportunities made it as the destiny for the people of the bordering state like
Orissa, and Chhattisgarh. It is abode of rich heritage, culture and natural beauty with lush green
forest cover and sunshine golden beaches. In view of its exclusivity, the city scholars and the
administration set the vision of the city as: “to become and economically vibrant, SAFE and
inclusive city providing the best of social and physical infrastructure facilities for its residents,
businesses and visitors”.
The Disaster, as defined in most of the dictionaries: “An occurrence causing widespread
destruction and distress; a catastrophe”. However, Disaster is the most difficult concepts in
literature to arrive at a definition. Most often the definition itself runs into the problem of either to
broad or too narrow. The definition of WHO states: “A serious disruption of the functioning of a
community or a society causing widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses
which exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources”.
The situation or event, which overwhelms local capacity, may necessitate a request to national or
international level for external assistance. The disaster may also define as “A term describing an
event that can be defined spatially and geographically, but that demands observation to produce
evidence”. It implies the interaction of an external stress or with a human community and it carries
the implicit concept of non-manageability. The term is used in the entire range of risk-reduction
activities, but it is possibly the least appropriate for response.


Visakhapatnam, also popularly known as Vizag, is a fast developing cosmopolitan shore city
fondly called as, The City of Destiny. The city is naturally gifted with unique picturesque Eastern
Ghats along the coast. Studded with archaeological sites of Buddhist, Hindu and historical remains
of Dutch, French, British and Indian royal families of pre-Independence India, Visakhapatnam is
unique centre for the heritage and cultural value. Apart from its natural beauty, hill stations like
Araku, Ananathagiri, Lambasingi, Paderu, Sileru etc., in the vicinity of Visakhapatnam has
attracted tourists, domestic and foreign as well. The natural port, major, medium and small scale
industries and ancillary commercial activity, availability of natural resources of petroleum, iron
ore, lime etc. has attracted people and economy from all over India making it truly a cosmopolitan
City of Destiny. The city is well connected by all modes of transport viz., Air, Rail, Road and
Water ways for goods and passengers. There are numerous R & D organizations and academic
Institutes par excellence.Coast Guard are located here due to its strategic location and the
Dolphin’s Nose that protects from most of the harshest cyclones.

Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) includes the erstwhile suburban

municipalities of Gajuwaka, Bheemunipatnam and Anakapalle. The city is growing steadily, with
a current population of 17.30lakhs in 2011 to rise towards a projected population of 20.99lakhs by
2021. The population growth rate in the city is inflated due to the high in-migration, owing to the
multitude of economic opportunities that it offers. The city spreads over more than 600 km2. It is
the second largest city of Andhra Pradesh. It has a strong industrial base on the south of the city,
with further projected growth around Gajuwaka and the planning of the new industrial region along
the southern coastal belt. The flourishing ports both Visakhapatnam Port Trust (VPT) and
Gangavaram Port together with extensive rail connections support this industrial growth. In
contrast to the industrial south, the northern coastal corridor to Bheemunipatnam offers long
beaches, Buddhist cultural heritage and a coastal landscape that has begun to attract new IT and
knowledge industry and residential development. The service sector such as IT and tourism is by
comparison small, but is showing slow and sure signs of growth.

This multifaceted growth has presented the city with new challenges and problems. Traffic
congestion has increased significantly, and travelling in the core city is becoming tricky.
Environmental pollution and management, particularly from the industrial belt needs significant
improvement, especially if the city is to promote itself as a place to live, work and visit. The quality
of water: viz. ground, surface and sea, reflects the success in controlling and treating emissions,
wastewater and sewage. The city will need to show significant improvements in managing solid
waste hygienically and reducing the risk of flooding through adequate and well-maintained storm
water systems. Visakhapatnam’s growth story needs to be equitable. With more than a third of its
citizens in slums and high in migration adds to the challenges. Visakhapatnam is administered by
the Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation. Significant increase in GVMC jurisdiction
from 111 to more than 600, activity in the city and the population, it is dire necessity
for the city to have CDMP.
Location & Topography
Vizag is located on the east coast of India, in 17o42' North latitude and 82o02' East range of hills.
Based on topographical conditions, the city and its environs can be divided into four categories
viz., Hilly region, Upland tracks, Rolling plains and Plains. The Kailasa and Yarada are the major
hill ranges in the city. The Kailasa hill range stretches from Simhachalam to MVP Colony on the
north flank of the city. The city, which appears like a small basin, is surrounded by the Yarada hill
popularly known as Dolphin’s nose (358m) on the side of the Kailasgiri hills on the north, with
the Bay of Bengal forming the eastern wall. The coastal line runs from north- east to south west
over a distance of six kilometres. On the west there is an extensive tidal basin called Upputeru now
under reclamation. Beyond Yarada there is a valley followed by another range of hills.

Location & Administrative Features

Name of City: Visakhapatnam
Name of District: Visakhapatnam
Name of the Taluka: Visakhapatnam
Longitude & Latitude: 83013` 08” E and 17014`18” N

City Asset: The city has more than 4, 39,000 households and about 90% of the buildings in the
city are under residential use. The city has several commercial establishments; about 9% of the
buildings are under commercial use. The road network in the city area extends over a length of
7,866 km. The city has 1,398 educational institutions and 1,229 hospitals. Other major city assets
include power supply network mainly overhead high and low tension lines, sewerage distribution
system, and water supply system. The distribution systems for water (domestic and industrial) and
telecommunication systems are mostly underground, which are less exposed to natural hazards.
Visakhapatnam city, more popularly known as the “Steel City” of Andhra Pradesh, has some of
the best production facilities in the country. Several major and minor industries are located in the
Industrial Zones, such as the ones near Gajuwaka and in Industrial Estate areas.

Population particulars:
Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation constitutes about 3.91 % of the total urban
population of the state. After the state government approved the formation of Greater
Visakhapatnam with the merger of Gajuwaka municipality and 32 villages in the vicinity in the
Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation, the population of the city and the metro area swelled
present population may be between 1.6 to 1.8 million. Males constitute 50% of the population and
females 50%. The city has an average literacy rate of 82.6%, higher than the national average of
59.5%. Male literacy is 88% and female literacy is 77.1 %. Visakhapatnam is listed as one of the
100 Fastest Growing Cities of the World. The population of Visakhapatnam city is 17, 30,320 as
per census 2011. The population of Vizag urban agglomeration increased from 1.05 million in
1991 to 1.32 million in 2001. The growth of population was more than 80% during 1971-81 and
37.11% during 1991-2001. Due to formation of GVMC and merger of surrounding villages,
several well established urban components of the city are located within the GVMC. The details
of population of the Municipal Corporation Visakhapatnam and now functioning as the Greater
Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation are given in Tables

Population tables


Topographic details:
Visakhapatnam city has characterized by three rivers (thadava, varaha, sarada) and three rivulets
(Megadrigadda, Madhuravada drainage basin, Anakapalli drainage basin). The natural drainage of
the city is towards east direction.

Visakhapatnam is located at Longitude 17.7oN & Latitude 83.2oE with a mean sea level of 5 M.
The climate is hot and humid during summers that extend from March till the end of June followed
by monsoons from July to September/October during which it experiences cyclones and heavy
rain falls. The spell of winter extends from November till end of February during which the
weather is comfortable.
The climate of Visakhapatnam is moistures (humid) and rainfall is recorded for 54 days during the
year 2011. The year is divided into four seasons. The winter from January to February, the summer
from March to May. The Monsoon from June to September (South-West) and post monsoon from
during October & December. Visakhapatnam experiences a tropical savanna climate with little
variation in temperature through the year. May is the hottest month with average temperatures
around 38oC (100oF), while January is the coolest month with average temperatures near 17.8oC

The district has differing climatic conditions in different parts of it. Near Coast the air is moist and
relaxing, but gets warmer towards the interior and cools down in the hilly areas on account of
elevation and vegetation. April to June is warmest months. The Temperature (at Visakhapatnam
Airport) gets down with the onset of South West Monsoon and tumbles to a mean minimum of
18.80 C by December after which there is reversal trend till the temperature reaches mean
maximum of 37.40 C by the end of May.

The District receives annual normal rainfall of 1202 MM of which south-west monsoon accounts
for 53.9% of the normal while North-East monsoon contributes 24.8% of the normal rainfall during
2001-2002. The rest is shared by summer showers and winter rains. Agency and inland Mandals
receive larger rainfall from the Sourth West Monsoon, while Coastal Mandals get similarly larger
rainfall from North- East monsoon. But both the monsoons play truant, variations of South-west
monsoon accounting for 15.3% of normal and North-west monsoon to 33.2% of normal. Since the
variation for most periods is on the negative side of log `Y' and since even the years of normal
rainfall are characterized by long dry spells during one or more parts of the crop season, the district
experiences drought conditions too often, as no major irrigation system exists to cushion the
vagaries of the monsoon. As the city is located on the Bay of Bengal, the humidity remains high
throughout the year. The total annual rainfall is around 1202 mm, the bulk of which is received
during the south-west monsoon.

September is the wettest month with around 208.8 mm of rain fall. The months from November to
February are the best times to visit the city, with moderate temperatures and little precipitation.

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