Power Electronic Design of A Multi MW DC/DC Converter: Master of Science Thesis
Power Electronic Design of A Multi MW DC/DC Converter: Master of Science Thesis
Power Electronic Design of A Multi MW DC/DC Converter: Master of Science Thesis
MW dc/dc converter
DC based windfarm with HVDC transmission
Department of Energy and Environment
Division of Electric Power Engineering
Chalmers University of Technology
• In this thesis, two topologies from a Zero voltage switching family are compared in terms of the
power losses and weight of the magnetic components. These prerequisites are dictated by the purpose
of the application - an offshore converter platform for an HVDC line. Two candidates were chosen: a
Single active bridge dc/dc converter and a Dual active bridge dc/dc converter. The both topologies are
implemented in Simulink at 2 different operating frequencies: 2 kHz and 10 kHz. The power rating
of the application is 2.7 M W . The input and the output voltages are 3.6 kV and 40 kV respectively.
Because of the fact that the specificity of the application does not imply a constant power supply the
converters are tested in terms that they should remain in the lossless switching range even when the
input power is reduced.
• The both converters have very high efficiency. The simulations have shown, that the DAB topology
does not have any switching losses at all, neither in the transistors nor in the diodes. The primary side
of the SAB topology operates without any switching losses in the transistors as well, though pretty
high reverse recovery losses were observed in the rectifying stage. The converters performed very
well with the reduced power supply and remained in the soft-switching region far below the 40 % of
the nominal supply.
Index Terms: Single active bridge, Dual active bridge, dc/dc converter, lossless switching, SAB, DAB,
zero-voltage switching, soft-switching, phase shifted switching.
This work has been carried out at the Department of Energy and Environment at Chalmers University of
I would like to thank the whole division of Electric Power Engineering at Chalmers and especially my ex-
aminer Prof. Torbjörn Thiringer and my supervisor Mohammadamin Bahmani for their help and support.
Mihhail Alifanov
Göteborg, Sweden, 2013
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements v
Contents vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Problem background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Previous work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Wind Turbines 3
2.1 Fixed-speed wind turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Variable-speed wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Full variable-speed wind turbine with AC output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.4 Full variable-speed wind turbine with DC output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Resonant converters 7
3.1 Series-loaded resonant dc/dc converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Parallel-loaded resonant dc/dc converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Hybrid-resonant dc/dc converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.4 Single active bridge dc/dc converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.5 Dual active bridge dc/dc converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4 Design considerations 13
4.1 Semiconductor selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.1.1 Power diode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.1.2 IGBT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2 Single active bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.2.1 Phase shift switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.2.2 Circuit explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.2.3 Zero voltage switching condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2.4 Power transfer period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3 Dual active bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3.1 Phase shift switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3.2 Circuit explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.4 Transformer design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.5 Resonant components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.6 Output filter design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.6.1 Output inductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.6.2 Output capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5 Simulation verification 33
5.1 Simulation of Single active bridge (2, 10 kHz) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.2 Simulation of Dual active bridge (2, 10 kHz) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.3 Calculation of losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.4 Lossless range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6 Conclusions 43
6.1 Results from present work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
6.2 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
References 45
Chapter 1
In case of underwater power transportation an HVDC lines are preferred. The main advantage over HVAC
is the possibility to transmit power over long distances [6]. High voltage allows to transmit high power with
relatively low current which means lower copper losses. DC-transformers are needed to reach the appropri-
ate voltage levels. The idea is to build an HVDC line which will include a set of transformers sequentially
stepping up the voltage. Hence, every transformer has an inverter on the low-voltage side to convert DC
to AC and a rectifier on the high-voltage side to transform AC back to DC. Consequently, these lines can
be connected to HVDC ”highways” where the voltage level can reach 640 kV or higher. These extra high
voltage lines may interconnect different wind harvesting regions between each other and the mainland and
in this way creating a meshed system. This action enhances the system’s stability due to increased redun-
dancy. Undoubtedly, in terms of power transportation over long distances HVDC excels HVAC. The cables
have lower losses, the joints are cheaper, the lengths of the lines are not limited when the HVDC systems
are used [12]. However, this technology encounters another problem which does not exist in the HVAC
technology. Here, the power conversion and control is accomplished with help of semiconductor switches
which bring another kind of losses in to the system which are discussed in the following chapters. Briefly,
every turn-on and turn-off of the transistor is accompanied by some switching losses. This events repeat
hundreds or thousand times per second depending on the switching frequency of the power converter. An-
other type of semiconductor losses which is inherent to all electric materials is conductive and it depends
on the design of the device. In case of high-power high-frequency applications where the level of currents
and voltages is extremely high, the switching losses become enormous and thereby diminish the advantages
of the HVDC. However, going up in frequency has its own positive aspects. High-frequency transformers
with the same power rating require less inductance then their low-frequency ”brothers”. This means that the
amount of copper and steel can be reduced and hence the size and weight. There is no need to explain that
these parameters are very important in case of offshore constructions. Moreover, the switching losses can be
minimised with help of different techniques or design features. Some of them are reviewed and investigated
in this thesis.
Chapter 1. Introduction
In some previous studies the possibilities of using of resonant converters were investigated. The resonant
family has been known for a certain time. It has a great ability of reducing stress from the switching compo-
nents and has been used a lot in e.g. portable welding equipment where high operating frequency, compact
size and galvanic isolation between input and output are required. For the similar reasons, the resonant dc/dc
converters were proposed for the use in offshore HVDC lines.
1.3 Purpose
The Division of electric power engineering at Chalmers University of technology is currently working on
a development of high efficiency connections between offshore windfarms and the mainland. This thesis
helps in finding suitable components for this project and is focused on investigation of power electronic
dc/dc converters. The family of resonant converters is of great interest due to possible reduction of so-
called switching losses. During the studies two promising topologies were chosen. The aim of the thesis is
to design following converters:
Prerequisites for the designs are soft-switching in a broad range of supply power and reasonable weight of
magnetic components due to the offshore applications mentioned above.
Chapter 2
Wind Turbines
There are two main types of electrical systems used in wind turbines. A fixed-speed system is the oldest
and the simplest one. Its main advantages are low complexity and price. However, the gearbox in this case,
suffers from enormous torque variations and requires a lot of maintenance. The gearbox is one of the weak-
est points in any turbine.
The wind speed and wind density are never constant and they vary in time and in space. The speed of the
wind high above the ground is often much higher than directly at the surface. So, in case of large sweeping
areas, a tip of a blade situated in upper position will be exposed to much higher torques than the one sweep-
ing low to the ground. The whole turbine is constantly exposed to different jolts, vibrations and torques
tearing it to pieces. Undoubtedly, gentle mechanics of the gearbox suffer a lot from the effects of such
stress and every failure of it increases the already high price of a megawatt produced. Moreover, the system
has rather poor power quality and pollutes the network with unpleasant power pulsations. Variable-speed
systems have increased the electrical complexity which gives full or partial control of the produced power.
The controller adjusts the rotational speed according to the wind conditions. This action allows to reduce
mechanical stress from the gearbox and significantly increases the lifetime and lowers the maintenance
costs. The increased electrical complexity lowers electrical reliability and increases losses in the compo-
nents. Nevertheless, such benefits as increased reliability of the gearbox, much better output power quality
and control totally diminish them.
The simplest way to connect a wind turbine to the grid is shown in Fig. 2.1 This method is very robust, reli-
able and well enclosed. The generator is connected directly to the network. Since the operational frequency
of the turbine cannot be changed, a gearbox helps to adjust the speed of the rotor blades in accordance
with the wind speed. For the same reason, some generators are built with two sets of rotor poles to be able
Chapter 2. Wind Turbines
to operate at two different speeds. Such arrangement requires a large amount of reactive power which is
delivered by a capacitor bank. The starting current of an induction machine may be 7-10 times higher than
the rated current depending on the design and a soft-starter is used to resolve this problem [7].
The variable-speed wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator is shown in Fig. 2.2. This is a more
advanced type of wind turbine arrangement which includes power electronics and allows the turbine to
operate at variable speed. The stator windings of the induction machine are connected directly to the grid
while the converter controls the rotor currents via slip rings. This allows to control the power fed to the
grid independently of the rotor speed. Both active and reactive power are controlled, however the converter
handles only a limited amount of the power. Nevertheless, the system has good efficiency, works in wide
speed regions and withstands wind variations. A minor drawback is a need of the slip rings maintenance [7].
In Fig: 2.3 the full variable-speed wind turbine with AC output is shown. Similarly, the mechanical power
from the wind blades is transferred to the rotor through the gearbox. The current is than converted from AC
to DC in the rectifier and after converted back from direct to alternative in the inverter afterwards. In this
case, full power produced in the wind turbine is controlled. However, this arrangement has extra losses in
the semiconductors and decreased efficiency [7].
2.4. Full variable-speed wind turbine with DC output
The full variable-speed wind turbine with DC output is shown in Fig. 2.4. This arrangement is similar to the
previous one with one difference. In the output stage of the inverter a dc/dc converter is used instead. This
converter is the main object of interest in this thesis. Its main ability of is to step up the voltage produced in
the wind turbine for connection to an HVDC line or network. The HVDC power transportation is essential
for the offshore applications [7].
The investigated dc/dc converter can be used in other places in an HVDC line. In Fig. 2.5 a scheme of a
windfarm based on DC voltage is depicted.
A large number of wind turbines are harvesting energy somewhere in the sea. All the turbines are divided
into several groups. In reality, one group may consist of 10-14 generating units with a separate dc/dc con-
verter which steps up the produced voltage to a certain level. The converters are situated on platforms in
the vicinity of the wind turbine arrays. Further, one more converter is needed. This dc/dc converter must be
able to handle the maximum power produced by all the groups and it steps up the voltage to a new high
level. After that the energy is transported via HVDC underwater cable to a dc/ac converter which is situated
on the mainland and which inverts the voltage to the sinusoidal. In the point of common coupling (PCC)
the system is connected to the grid.
Chapter 2. Wind Turbines
Chapter 3
Resonant converters
In this chapter a short review of earlier studied topologies is presented. All of them belong to a resonant
family of converters. These topologies utilise some form of LC resonance which helps to minimise one
major drawback of conventional topologies - switching losses. Allowing, in turn, increase of the operational
frequency and subsequently reduction of magnetic components.
The topology of the SLR converter is shown in Fig. 3.1. It can be used in a half-bridge or a full-bridge
configurations with or without a transformer. In this thesis only full-bridge topologies are reviewed. The
reason is that the size of the step-up transformer is a crucial aspect for this application. In case of the full-
bridge set-up the transformer is more fully utilized which is not the case for the half-bridge topology where
the flux in the iron core is pushed only in one direction unless a very big capacitor is implemented on the
secondary side. So, the topology includes a full-bridge inverter supplied from a DC-link, a series-resonant
tank, a step-up transformer, a bridge diode rectifier and an output filter. The tank consists of a resonant
inductor Lr and a resonant capacitor Cr placed in series with the output stage. The advantage of this
topology that the capacitor works as a DC-blocker. A large filter capacitor Cf makes it possible to assume
the output voltage to be pure DC. Hence, the device is suitable for high-voltage low-current applications.
The resonant frequency of the LC-tank is given by
ω0 = √ = 2πf0 (3.1)
Lr Cr
The current through the resonant inductor and the voltage across the resonant capacitor can be described by
the functions:
Vd − Vc0
iL (t) = IL0 cosω0 (t − t0 ) + sinω0 (t − t0 ) (3.2)
The SLR topology naturally works only as a step-down converter. Because of this, the step-up transformer
is used to be able to increase the output voltage. The SLR converters are effective at light loads, because
the current in the device decreases when the load drops. However, the output voltage is uncontrollable at
no-load conditions which is a big drawback. There are different control strategies that can be used for the
SLR converters. The most widely used strategy is frequency modulation. In this case, the transformer and
the output filter cannot be optimised due to the variations in operating frequency and this is also a very
important drawback [8] [4]. There are three operating modes used with the SLR topology.
• Discontinuous-Conduction Mode
DCM is achieved when the switching frequency is lower than half of the resonant frequency
fs < f2r . In this case, the turn off occurs at zero voltage and zero current. The converter operates as a
current source because the output current Io stays constant despite the variations in the output voltage
Vo . The turn on happens only at zero current and voltage has a finite value. Nevertheless, there are no
switching losses in this mode. However, the current through the inductor has rather high peak values
which leads to increased conduction losses [8].
This topology is similar to the SLR converter but with one difference in the resonant tank. The resonant
capacitor is situated in parallel with the output resistance. This difference allows to control the output at the
no-load condition but the DC-blocking capacitor option disappears. Unlike the SLR topology, the efficiency
of the converter becomes worse if the load decreases. The PLR converter can both step up and step down the
output voltage without using the transformer and it behaves as a voltage source. The output current at high
switching frequencies can be assumed ripple-free if a large inductor is chosen for the output filter. [8] [4]
Vd − Vc0
iL (t) = I0 + (IL0 − I0 )cosω0 (t − t0 ) + sinω0 (t − t0 ) (3.4)
• Discontinuous-Conduction Mode
In this mode both iL and vc are equal to zero for some time. The output voltage is controlled by
3.3. Hybrid-resonant dc/dc converter
changing this interval. As the converter operates in the DCM, the current through the inductor natu-
rally dies out causing lossless turn-off of the switches. The turn-on is also without losses because it
starts at both zero voltage and current. As in the case with the SLR, this mode has high peak values
of iL , which means high conduction losses. [8]
• Continuous-Conduction Mode
If the switching frequency is below the resonant one, the transistors turn on at a finite voltage and
current. However, turn-off is lossless because it happens naturally at zero occurs when iL reverses its
direction. [8]
• Continuous-Conduction Mode
This mode is achieved when fsw > fr . The turn-on is lossless because it occurs at zero current,
while turn-off requires a snubber circuit since the current though the switch is interrupted at a finite
value. [8]
The full-bridge hybrid-resonant converter is shown Fig. 3.3. The topology can be used in half-bridge con-
figurations as well and is a combination of both the SLR and the PLR topologies. Here, the resonant tank
has capacitors both in series and in parallel with the output stage. Both capacitances can be external ele-
ments or parasitic t.ex. capacitance of the transformer winding. The converter combines the characteristics
of the two previous topologies. Interestingly enough, that such arrangement takes the good things from the
SLR and the PLR converters, diminishing some of shortcomings. The converter can be used both in step-
up and step-down applications, it is naturally short-circuit proof and has a DC-blocking capacitor. A wide
range of soft switching can be achieved, by proper control design such a converter always perform better
than the equivalent PLR or SLR configurations. However the best performance is possible only in specific
frequency region. A configuration of such converter can be characterised by the ratio of series-to-parallel
inductances. [4]
A= (3.6)
In a converter with a low A ratio the properties of the series-loaded converter dominate and vice versa, a
design with high ratio behaves like the PLR. However, the operating frequency also changes the behaviour
of the converter. It operates as a PLR at high frequencies and as a SLR at low frequencies. It has better
control characteristics than the SLR or the PLR have, and the output voltage is controllable under no-load
condition. The current ripple in the output filter is rather low. However, there are some drawbacks that are
common for the whole family. The best performance is obtained in a narrow region, the main current has
high peak and rms values, which leads to increased conduction losses. Another thing is that the passive
elements in the LCC topology sometimes should be physically larger to withstand high peak voltage over
the capacitor bank which is not the case for the SLR topology. [8] [4]
Chapter 3. Resonant converters
The Single active bridge or Zero-voltage-switching dc/dc converter is from a family of resonant-switch
converters. The resonant tank in such converters is used for a voltage shift or a current change in the switch
to minimise the switching losses. Judging by the name, one can guess that the voltage is shaped in this kind
of device. The layout of it is similar to the single-phase full-bridge topology. It consists of a transformer,
a full-bridge single phase inverter connected to the primary side of the transformer and a diode bridge
rectifier on the secondary side. However, the full-bridge topology needs some modifications to be named
zero-voltage switched. The ZVS technique also requires a resonant tank which establishes zero-voltage
across the transistor before it turns on. As in the previous cases, the leakage inductance of the transformer
can be utilised in the resonant tank to initialise the zero-voltage switching. This feature allows to reduce the
switching losses significantly. The result is that the converter can operate at higher frequencies and will still
be in the safe thermal region. As was mentioned in the introduction, a higher operating frequency allows
to reduce the size of the transformer. A real converter has a lot of other reactive elements such as stray
inductances in the circuit or a magnetizing inductance of the transformer which influence on the behaviour
of the converter a lot, especially at high frequencies. In this thesis, the resonant inductance represents the
lump of all possible inductances in the primary circuit. The second basic element of any resonant tank is the
capacitor. Very often, the parasitic capacitance of the switching elements is used for this purpose. However,
low power IGBTs have rather low capacitance. In this case, extra capacitor snubbers need to be placed
across the switches. [4]
The topology is depicted in Fig. 3.5 and it consists of eight active components. Four switches are placed on
the primary side and four other switches replace the rectifier diodes from the previous topology. The leakage
3.5. Dual active bridge dc/dc converter
inductance of the transformer is utilised in the same manner as in the case of the ZVS full-bridge converter.
The power can flow in the both directions and such a converter can operate as step-up or step-down topology.
The main advantage of the DAB converters are control simplicity, low number of passive components
and ideally no switching losses without any increase of the conduction losses. It is easy to optimise the
transformer and output filter because the converter operates at constant frequency. However, there is a need
of a large capacitor in the output stage because the converter produces a high ripple current. [4]
Chapter 3. Resonant converters
Chapter 4
Design considerations
Fig. 4.1 (a) Diode symbol (b) I-V characteristic of a diode (c) reverse recovery of a diode
In the first quadrant the diode is forward biased. In another words, the polarity of the applied voltage coin-
cides with the polarity of the diode. Forward current is always accompanied with some voltage drop which
grows if the current increases. Reverse biased characteristic is situated in the third quadrant where the ap-
plied voltage is negative. Only some leakage current passes through in this mode. However, the leakage
Chapter 4. Design considerations
current is so small that it can be neglected in most of the cases. Every diode is characterised by the voltage
it can withstand which is called rated voltage Vrated or breakdown voltage VBD . Above this voltage, the
impact ionisation starts inside the device and the electron avalanche destroys it. [8].
A very important interval of a power diode operation is depicted in Fig. 4.1c. It is called a reverse recovery
and it occurs when a power diode turns off. Every time a power diode is forward biased, a large amount
of electrons and holes leave their home areas and travel into neighbourhood regions and when the reverse
voltage is applied, it takes the time trr for them to get back to the n- and p-regions respectively for the
recombination. This event is represented by the negative current on the picture. If there is a voltage applied
after the turn-off the area bounded by the negative current becomes a loss.
In this thesis, power diodes are used as freewheeling diodes across the switches and compose the rectifying
part of the SAB converters. The output voltage of the converter is 40 kV. A standard rule of thumb in power
electronics for breakdown voltages is 10%. So, each of the four rectifier diodes should withstand 44 kV and
be able to conduct half of the output current in forward bias mode which is 33.75 A. The 5SLX 12M6520
power diode from ABB was chosen for this purpose. One such diode is designed to handle 3600 V average
reverse voltage and 50 A forward current. A set of 12.22 diodes is required in order to build a diode that
can withstand 44 kV average reverse voltage.
Very often transistor modules have inbuilt freewheeling diodes. In all simulations such modules were used
on the primary side. However, in case of a DAB converter, the freewheeling diodes and switches on the
secondary side were chosen separately due to absence of complete modules with required power ratings.
Therefore, the model 5SLY 12N4500 was chosen for this role. This diode is made to handle 2800 V average
reverse voltage. Therefore, a set of 15.71 such diodes are required to withstand 44 kV reverse voltage.
• Conduction losses are the losses that are caused by an inherent forward resistance of the diode. Ron
is non-linear and changes with respect to the forward current strength IF . Where, a lower current
causes a higher resistance and hence, higher losses per ampere. The average power dissipated in the
diode during a conduction can be found if the average current and the average voltage drop across the
device are known. Both of them can be found by integrating the curves during the on-state:
Pcond,diode = IF VF = (vF (t)iF (t)) dt (4.1)
• Reverse recovery losses can be found from the datasheet if the forward current IF is known
4.1.2 IGBT
The IGBT is a voltage-controlled semiconductor device. The symbol and volt-ampere characteristic are de-
picted in Fig. 4.2(a). This types of devices are widely used in power electronics due to low on-state voltage
drop even in devices with high blocking voltage levels. [8]
The IGBT is a voltage controlled device with a high gate impedance which means that it requires only little
energy to switch it. Forward volt-ampere characteristic is shown the first quadrant in Fig. 4.2(b). It is seen
that the amount of current passing through the device can be changed by regulating the voltage between
the gate and emitter(source) VGS . The characteristics are mostly linear but when the regulating voltage ap-
proaches threshold level VGS,(th) , only very little current passes through the device. [8]
In this thesis, two different IGBT models are used. The primary bridges are identical for the both topologies
and consist of the modules 5SNA 0750G650300 from ABB. These are the most powerful IGBTs on the
market so far. The secondary side of the DAB converters is built on 5SMY 12N4501. One such module
can withstand 2800 V average reverse voltage. Therefore, a module equivalent to 15.71 such transistors is
required to withstand 44 kV reverse voltage.
IGBTs have also two type of losses:
4.1. Semiconductor selection
• Switching losses can be determined from the switching waveform of a transistor. An example is
shown in Fig. 4.3.
Two triangular areas which are bounded by the voltage and the current curves represent the dissi-
pated switching energy per one period. The area of the left triangle is equal to energy during turn-on
1 1
Wc(on) = Vd Ic tc(on) = Vd Ic (tri + tf v ) (4.2)
2 2
and the right triangle represents the turn-off energy
1 1
Wc(of f ) = Vd Ic tc(of f ) = Vd Ic (trv + tf i ) (4.3)
2 2
Here, tri and trf stand for the current rise and fall times, while trv and trf are the voltage rise and
fall times. All these parameters are usually written in the datasheets. Then, the total power lost due to
switching transitions can be calculated, using
Psw = Vd Ic (trv + tf i ) (4.4)
• The conduction losses are found similarly as in case of a power diodes. The average power can
be easily found if the average collector current and the average voltage drop between collector and
emitter are known
Pcond,IGBT = Ic VCE = (vCE (t)iC (t)) dt (4.5)
Graphically, this loss is represented by a small rectangular area under the voltage curve between two
rectangles. In reality, the voltage drop across the device changes non-linearly in response with the
current and this area obtains a complex trapezoidal form.
Chapter 4. Design considerations
Phase shifted switching is an important and specific part of the ZVS technique. In the convenient full-bridge
converter topology the switches turn on and off diagonally. Each diagonal pair of transistors conducts max-
imum half a cycle before the second pair of transistors switch in. Furthermore, the ratio between the output
and the input voltages is proportional to the conduction time of the diagonal pairs.
In case of phase shifted switching, the control pulses of the transistors are kept the same, usually about
half a cycle. However, it is not equal to the conduction time of the transistors. While the switch is being
closed, the current flows through the freewheeling diode and only then commutates the transistor itself. The
operational principle is depicted in Fig. 4.4. A pair of transistors which are placed in series form a leg. One
leg is called leading and it consists of the switches S1 ans S2 , another leg is called lagging and the switches
S3 ans S4 form it. A small delay or a dead time td between the conductions is introduced to prevent short
circuiting of the DC-link through the series connected transistors. In another words, the current through
one switch must fully die out before another transistor situated on the same leg can start to conduct. As a
result, the conduction time of one switch is slightly shorter than a half of the period. Of course, td can be
increased, making the conduction time shorter but in case of high power applications the costly switches
are meant to be utilized as much as possible and td is kept to be as short as possible. The voltage across
the primary winding of the transformer is changed by controlling a phase shift angle φ. An increase in the
phase angle will lower the voltage across the winding and vice versa smaller φ causes higher voltage in the
transformer. The length of one voltage pulse can be easily derived from Fig. 4.4 as
Ts φ
tpulse = D ∗ = T s − 2 ∗ td − (4.6)
2 360◦
The amplitude of the voltage across the primary winding swings between Vd and −Vd .
t0 < t < t1 • A power transfer interval is shown in Fig. 4.5. Two diagonal switches S1 and S4 are closed
and two others are open. The converter works just like in the case of the conventional full-bridge topology.
The supply voltage Vd is maintained across the transformer and the current in the primary winding of the
transformer rises from Ip1 to Ip−peak . The steepness of the slope is defined by the inductance in the circuit.
The resonant inductance is much lower than the inductance of the output filter and thus can be neglected.
Hence, the slope of the current in the primary is given by
∂Ip Vd − nVo
= (4.7)
dt nLf
where Vd is the DC-link voltage, Ip is the current in the primary winding, Vo is the output voltage and Lf
is the filter inductance. The last two values should be scaled down by the transformer ratio n.
t = t1 • The right leg resonant transition is shown in Fig. 4.6. At time t1 the switch S4 opens and the
resonant transition in the right leg occurs. The voltage across the primary windings drops almost momentar-
ily to zero. The main current which flew through two diagonal switches and the primary winding does not
stop immediately but it gets redirected into the capacitor C4 . This action provides lossless turn-off of the
switch S4 . During the transition, the capacitance of the switch S4 gets charged until the level of the supply
voltage Vd . Meanwhile, the voltage across the switch S3 decreases to zero volts which makes it possible to
turn on the device without the losses. When the voltage at the transformers primary winding drops from Vd
to zero, at some point it gets lower than Vo n. At this instant the output inductor starts to supply the main
current until there is no voltage across Lr at all.
The whole transition process occurs very fast because it lasts only until both of the capacitors get recharged:
(C3 + C4 )VDC
ttranstion = (4.8)
Chapter 4. Design considerations
t1 < t < t2 • A clamped freewheeling interval is depicted in Fig. 4.7. Here, the main current freewheels
through the closed switch S1 and the forward-biased diode D3 . Its value decreases from the peak value
Ip−peak to a value of Ip2 . The current is not supplied from the DC-link. The rate of change is defined by
the inductance in the circuit. Again, the resonant inductance is neglected:
∂Ip nVo Vo
=− =− (4.9)
dt nLf Lf
The voltage across the capacitor C3 is still equal to zero and the switch S3 can be turned on at any time.
If power MOSFETS are used as the switches, some part of the current will flow through the transistor in
reverse direction (source to drain), the another part continues to flow through the body diode D3 . IGBTs
cannot conduct in reverse direction and the whole current flows through the diode D3 .
t = t2 • The left leg resonant transition is shown in Fig. 4.8. At t3 the switch S1 is turned off and the cur-
rent continues to flow through the output capacitance C1 , the primary winding and the parallel impedances
of S3 and D3 . The voltage across S1 increases and the drain to source voltage of the switch S2 decreases
and when it reaches zero, the transistor can be turned on without losses. At the instant when the voltage
across C2 gets higher than the voltage across the leakage inductance, all four diodes in the rectifier get
forward-biased and the secondary winding becomes short-circuited.
t2 < t < t3 • The left leg resonant transition is continued in Fig. 4.9. Directly after t2 the capacitors
C1 and C2 are recharged. The main current flows in reverse direction through the freewheeling body diodes
D2 and D3 which are forward biased now. The transistors S2 and S3 can be turned on at any instant and
the ZVS condition will be satisfied because its drain to source voltage equals to zero volts. The secondary
winding is still short circuited. The rate of change of the main current is given by:
=− (4.10)
dt Lr
Fig. 4.10 SAB. Power transfer interval with a short-circuited secondary side t3 < t < t4
t3 < t < t4 • The main current reverse con be seen on Fig. 4.10 and the switches S2 and S3 turn on. The
time when the switch S3 is going to be turned off defines the ratio between the input and output voltages.
At time t4 the current through the diodes D1 and D4 fully dies out and the output filter can start to store
energy again. [2]
Def f = D − ∆D (4.17)
As it seen from Fig. 4.11 ∆D is equal to a period while the main current drops from Ip2 to −Ip1 or rises
from Ip1 to −Ip2 . The slope of the current is given in (4.10). Thus it can be defined as
Ip1 + Ip2
∆D = VDC Ts
Lr 2
The load current waveform repeats the behaviour of the primary current in the time section t0 < t < t1 .
Thus, Ip1 can be written as
N2 ∆Io
Ip1 = (Io − ) (4.19)
N1 2
Ip2 was derived in previous section and ∆D can be obtained by inserting (4.14), (4.19) into (4.18)
N2 Vo
N1 (2Io − Lo (1 − D) T2s ) 4Lr Io Lr Vo Lr Vo D
∆D = VDC Ts
= − + (4.20)
Lr 2
where n = N2 . Now, D can be evaluated by combining (4.16), (4.20) with (4.17) :
nVo RLr Io Lr Vo 4Lr Io Lr Vo
Vd c + nVDC T − nVDC Lo nVo + nTs − nLo
D= nVDC Lo −Lr Vo
= (4.21)
nVDC Lo VDC − LnLr Vo
4.3. Dual active bridge
4Lr Io Lr Vo Lr Vo D
Def f = D − ∆D = D − + − (4.22)
Def f = 4LrIo
1+ n2 Vo Ts − nL2 Lr o + DLr
n2 Lo
Lr Vo
(4.24) can be reduced by neglecting the term n2 Lo since it is small comparing to others and Io can be
changed by Ro
Def f = 4Lr
1+ n2 Ro Ts
The obtained value Def f represents the duty cycle of the secondary winding of the transformer. [11]
t1 < t < t2 • The switches S1 and S4 are closed on the primary side while S6 and S7 conduct on the
secondary side. Since the switches are closed on both sides, the leakage inductance becomes short-circuited
between two voltage sources and the main current through the transformer windings rapidly increases:
∂i1 VDC + Vo /n
= (4.26)
dt L
t = t2 • The capacitors across the switches S6 and S7 were previously discharged, while the voltage
across C5 and C8 is equal to the upper voltage rail Vo . So, when the switches open at t = t2 , the secondary
current continues to flow through all the capacitors located on the secondary side. C6 and C7 get charged,
providing lossless turn-off of the switches S6 and S7 , while C5 and C8 get discharged putting the voltage
across the switches S5 and S8 equal to zero. The nature of this event is similar to the resonant transitions
described before.
t2 < t < t3 • After the recharge, the voltage Vr becomes equal almost to zero, though VDC and −Vo n
cancel out each other. All the switches on the secondary side are open and the diodes D5 and D8 conduct
and it operates just like a rectifier bridge. The primary current changes at the following rate:
∂i2 VDC − Vo /n
= (4.27)
dt L
t = t3 • Another resonant transition occurs, bot this time on the primary side. When the switches
S1 and S4 opened, the main current rushes into the capacitors. C1 and C4 get charged to VDC providing
soft-switched turn-off of the above-stated transistors. C2 and C3 get discharged paving the way for lossless
turn-on of the corresponding switches.
t3 < t < t4 • Now, the maximum negative voltage is applied across Vr it is the time for S2 and S3 to
conduct. However, it is not possible, because the main current flows in the reverse direction and the IGBTs
conduct only in one direction. The current dies out through the diodes D2 , D3 , D5 and D8 at a rate equal to
∂i3 −VDC − Vo /n
= (4.28)
dt L
t = t4 • At this instant, the main current reverses. D2 , D3 , D5 and D8 become reverse biased and
the negative current continues to flow through the switches S2 , S3 , S5 and S8 which now become forward
biased. The voltage across the switches equals to zero, due to previously recharged capacitors. The effect is
turn-off of the freewheeling diodes without reverse recovery losses and lossless turn-on of the correspond-
ing IGBTs.
VDC Vo /n φ
P = VDC IL = φ(1 − ) (4.29)
ωL π
The converter will not transfer any power if the angle φ is set to 0 and at π/2 the maximum power transfer
is reached. A general expression for finding required inductance is:
VDC Vo /n φ
L= φ(1 − ) (4.30)
ωL P π
In this thesis, phase shift angle φ = π/4 was chosen for solving the equation. Two different inductances
were calculated for two operating frequencies.
Chapter 4. Design considerations
Table 4.1: Calculated leakage inductances for the DAB topology. P=2.7 M W
It is hard to reduce the copper losses. The diameter of the wire is defined by the operational current and the
thickness of the wire should be sufficient enough to prevent overheating of the winding. It is not possible
to reduce the length of the wire in a winding as well, because the transformer requires specified number of
turns of specified perimeter to achieve desired operational point. The length of the wires used for primary
and secondary windings are
lwire1 = N1 lp (4.31)
lwire2 = N2 lp (4.32)
where N1 and N2 are the number of turns of the primary and secondary winding respectively and lp is the
perimeter of one loop. Knowing the length and the diameter af a wire it is possible to find its resistance
R1 = ρcu (4.33)
R2 = ρcu (4.34)
ρcu the resistivity of copper and is equal to 1.68 ∗ 10−8 Ωm. Now, the total copper losses can be calculated
Pcu = R1 I1 2 + R2 I2 2 (4.35)
The core losses strongly depend on a material and that is chosen for the transformer core. There are a lot of
various magnetic materials and structures that are used in industry nowadays. They differ by price, losses
per unit, recommended operational frequency, magnetic properties, density etc. Core losses are subdivided
into two groups: hysteresis losses and eddy current losses.
• Atomic dipoles in magnetic materials align with the applied magnetic field. When the field is re-
moved, part of them may return to the previous position, one part stays aligned in the same direction
and the rest take some other position. Now, if the field is applied in the opposite direction some of
energy need to be spent to reverse and align all those dipoles in the new direction. This phenomenon
is called hysteresis loss. The more dipoles that stay aligned after the field disappears, the larger the
losses are. Soft-magnetic materials are usually characterised by a formula
Phy,loss = kf α B̂ d (4.36)
where f is operating frequency, B̂ is peak flux density, k, α and d are specific coefficients for a
particular material.
4.4. Transformer design
• Eddy current loss is the loss caused by parasitic currents induced around a closed magnetic loop in
a thick piece of conductive material. A magnetic core is often a very massive object depending on
the power rating of an application. Extremely large eddy currents would have been induced in this
magnetic loop if it would been made solid. To overcome this problem, the magnetic loops are divided
into thin laminations electrically isolated between each other. The thinner a lamination is, the lower
the eddy current losses are, due to the reduced path for the induced currents. Another tactic is the
utilization of powder materials which are described below.
There are three main groups of magnetic cores used in the industry nowadays:
• Ferrite cores has been known for a long time. Ferrites are ceramic materials which mostly consist
of iron oxide with such additives as oxides or carbonates of manganese and zinc or nickel and zinc.
Ferrite cores are very popular in switched-mode power supplies and used in applications with fre-
quencies up to 1-2 MHz. Such materials have a narrow hysteresis loop. Consequently, they will not
store much energy and in case of t.ex. flyback converter or inductor a gap must be added. [10]
• Metal Alloy Tape-Wound Cores are suitable in low-frequency applications. The main material used in
such cores is Permalloy - a nickel-iron alloy which has almost ideal characteristics at low-frequencies
with an extremely high permeability µ = 60000, a high saturation flux density Bmax = 0.9T and
a narrow hysteresis loop. Unfortunately, the material structure is very suitable for the initiation of
eddy currents. That is why the Permalloy cores are built of thin tape-wound laminations. However,
even extremely thin laminations do not help to get rid of eddy current at high frequencies. Instead,
amorphous metal alloys are used in applications up to 100-200 kHz. In this thesis, VITROPERM 500
is used for the transformer cores due to its extremely low losses. Fig. 4.18 shows a comparison of
different tape-wound cores. [10]
Fig. 4.18 Losses vs frequency of cores made of different materials with closed airgap. [1]
The material has a high saturation flux density Bmax = 1.2T and a high permeability µ = 20000...50000.
One tape thickness is approximately 18 µm.
• Powdered Metal Cores are composite materials with a distributed air gap throughout the entire core.
Such a core consists of small soft-magnetic particles isolated between each other by a non-magnetic
material. They have a relatively low permeability and a high magnetizing current. Such cores are very
Chapter 4. Design considerations
suitable for the DC inductor applications and is used for the output filter design in this thesis and not
so good for switched-mode power supply transformers. [10]
When the magnetic material is chosen, a core shape should be chosen. In this thesis, a double-E core is used
due to its simplicity. In Fig. 4.19 optimum dimensions for the core and a coil former are depicted, where
ba = a, d = 1, 5a, ha = 2, 5a, bw = 0, 7a and hw = 2a.
The transformer power rating strongly depends on the amount of magnetic material. The main equation for
the transformer calculation is
where, S is the volt-ampere rating of the transformer, Vpri is the input voltage and in this particular case
it is equal to VDC , Ipri is the input current, kcu is a filling factor which defines how much winding is
allowed inside the core window, f is the operating frequency, Acore is the cross-sectional area of the core
leg, Awindow is the area of a window inside the core, Jrms is maximum allowed current density in the
windings and B̂ is the allowed flux density inside the core.
The multiplication of these two areas is called area-product and this is an important parameter which char-
acterises power rating of the transformer. By inserting (4.40) into (4.37), the parameter a can be calculated
a= 4 (4.41)
4.662kcuf Jrms B̂
The filling factor for a high-voltage application is usually chosen to be between 0.05...0.2. In this thesis, the
output voltage is Vo = 40000V and kc u = 0.2. The suitable current density is Jrms = 1.5A/m2 . Some part
of the magnetic flux produced in the magnetic circuit does not link the windings. This flux results in leakage
inductance which is utilised in resonant topologies as a part of resonant tank, however in conventional
hard-switched topologies it is undesired or considered as a parasitic element. Leakage inductance of the
transformer can be adjusted by alternating layers of the windings and modifying the thickness of insulation
between those layers. A general expression is:
µo Npri lw
Lleak ≈ 2
+ bi (4.42)
p hw 3
4.4. Transformer design
where lw ≈ 9a is mean turn length, bi is the insulation thickness between adjacent layers of the windings,
bc u is the total width of the copper in the winding window, p is the number of interfaces between winding
When it comes to the determination of the number of turns, the window area designed for the windings may
be assumed equally divided between the windings.
Aw N1 Acu,pri N2 Acu,sec
= Apri = Asec = = (4.43)
2 kcu kcu
where Acu,pri and Acu,sec are the total copper areas of the primary and secondary windings respectively.
Now, the number of turns are given by:
Aw ∗ kcu
N1 = (4.44)
Awire1+Awire2 /n
N2 = (4.45)
Another thing is that the ratio of the transformer used in the phase-shifted converter should be somewhat
lower than if it would be used in a conventional converter.
In this thesis, the eddy current losses are neglected because the structure of the chosen core material min-
imises this phenomenon. However, hysteresis losses are significant and need to be included in the analysis.
As it comes from (4.36), these losses depend on the frequency f and the magnetic flux density B̂. The op-
erational frequency of the studied converters is fixed. However, the flux density changes if the input voltage
across the primary winding decreases. In general, Faraday’s law implies;
dφ dB
e(t) = vprim (t) = N = N Am (4.46)
dt dt
In case of a square-wave supply, the voltage across the primary winding takes three different values: VDC ,
−VDC and 0. Hence, maximum flux density corresponds to peak voltage across the winding. Since an
inverter produces square-waved voltage across the primary winding, integration of the function gives
Vprim = VDC dt = VDC DT = (4.47)
∆V = 0.01Vo (4.49)
∆I = 0.1Io (4.50)
which means that the output voltage can vary between ±0.5% and the limit for the current variations is
±5% of the average value. There are two main components used in a design of the passive output filter and
each of them carries its special function. The first one is an inductor placed in series with the load which
suppresses the voltage ripple and a parallel capacitor with a property to provide smooth output current.
Any inductor is characterised by the inductance it can produces. The voltage across an inductor is given by
vL = L (4.51)
where diL is the ripple of the current which flows through this inductor and dt is a time when the voltage is
applied. As it is seen from the full-bridge topology, the voltage across the inductor is a difference between
rectifier and converter output voltages
vL = Vrectif ier,out − Vo = VDC − Vo 0 < t < ton (4.52)
By combining the two previous equations, the necessary filter inductance is given by
(nVDC − Vo ) Def f
Lf = (4.53)
∆Io 2f
where Def f is the duty cycle of the output voltage, ∆Io is the desired current ripple and 2f is the frequency
of current oscillations which is doubled compared with the converter operating frequency. The designing
process can be started with a calculation of the wire thickness. Generally, in another words, the current
density should be specified within some limits considering operating temperature. Typical current density
values used in power electronics are between Jmax = 4..6A/mm2 . Bearing that in mind and knowing that
the area of round conductor is equal:
π 2
Aconductor = d (4.54)
4 conductor
≤ Jmax (4.55)
4.6. Output filter design
x Zb
hµo N I dr µo N Ih b
Ψ= B̄ ∗ ds̄ = = ln (4.60)
2π r 2π a
b (b − a)
ln ≈2 (4.61)
a (b + a)
Now, the inductance can be written as
µN 2 h(b − a) A
L= b+a
= µo N 2 (4.62)
2π 2 l m
Chapter 4. Design considerations
h a
According to the [13], height-width ratio w = 2 and inner-outer radii ratio equal to b = 0.5 provide mini-
mal core losses.
The approximated length of the magnetic conductor is equal to a circumference which radius is equal to the
arithmetical mean of inner and outer radii.
lm = 2π = 4πa (4.63)
Now, by choosing an appropriate magnetic field strength Hm inside a loop in accordance with selected
material and by combining ( 4.58), ( 4.62) and ( 4.63) the dimensions of the core can be calculated. The
results are shown in Table. 4.3.
The equation implies that the capacitor voltage at time t is equal to the voltage at time t0 plus the integral
of the capacitor current in given period of time. The output voltage ripple is depicted in Fig. 4.21b. It is
seen, that the current ripple is positive for the first half of the cycle from to to to + T2s During this time,
the capacitor voltage changes from its minimum value to the maximum peak value which is actually the
peak-to-peak output voltage ripple:
to +T
Z s /2
Ts 1 Q
∆vo = vc (to + ) − vc (t) = ic (t)dt = (4.67)
2 C C
4.6. Output filter design
The integral of the capacitor current equals the charge Q put into the capacitor. It can be easily calculated
if the geometry of the waveform is known. As it is seen from Fig. 4.21a, the charge in this particular case
equals to the triangular area. The required capacitance can be calculated by
Q 1 ∆iL Ts 1 ∆iL
C= = = (4.68)
∆vc 2 2 2 ∆vc 8f ∆vc
∆iL and ∆vc are the required parameters of the output filter which are defined in the beginning of this
section. The capacitances used in this thesis are the same for the both topologies. However, converters with
a higher operational frequency require less inductance. The calculated results are shown in Table. 4.4:
Simulation verification
leading leg and the two right figures show the behaviour of the lagging leg. The waveforms of the transistors
sitting on the same leg are identical but are shifted half a cycle in accordance with each other. The upper
pictures, which show an overview of one typical conduction period, give an explanation of how the legs got
their names. The black solid line shows the current which passes through the transistors. As it is seen from
the figures, the current through the left switch starts to rise somewhat earlier than in the case of the right
switch. Hence, the leading transistor carries more current than the lagging one and its conduction time is
longer. Subsequently, the leading freewheeling diodes are less loaded than the lagging ones. The diode cur-
Chapter 5. Simulation verification
rent is shown with the grey dashed line. The grey solid line shows the voltage across the transistors.
It is seen from the lower figures, that the transistors turn off without any losses because the current drops
before the voltages increase. So, the multiplication of these two curves equals zero. The situation with the
turn-ons is similar. It is seen on the upper pictures, that before and after the instant when the freewheeling
diode current transfers into the switches, there is no applied voltage across the corresponding devices. That
means there is no reverse recovery losses and the switches turn-on without any losses.
According to the described waveforms, it is possible to claim that in case of the SAB topology, only conduc-
tive losses are inherent for the semiconductors, situated on the primary side. When it comes to the secondary
side, the reverse recovery losses are unavoidable and both conductive and switching losses should be con-
Fig. 5.4 SAB. IGBT current and voltage waveforms f =10 kHz
Chapter 5. Simulation verification
Fig. 5.3 shows the voltage and the current across the primary winding of the transformer. When the full
voltage VDC is maintained across the winding, the main current rises linearly. This interval is referred to
the power transfer interval when the two diagonal switches are closed. In this case a very small positive
voltage is maintained across the leakage inductance. At t = 6.25ms one of the switches turns off and
the first transient occurs. In theory, the voltage across the primary winding should become equal to zero.
This does not occur in the simulation due to some energy stored in the leakage inductance. The voltage
across the leakage inductance is indicated with the grey dashed line. After the first transition, the clamped
freewheeling interval occurs. During this time, the main current linearly decreases as it should according
to the theory until the second transition occurs and the voltage across the leakage inductance obtains a
very high negative value. This voltage forces the main current to decrease very fast. It is also seen, that
there is a very small voltage across the primary and, hence, the secondary winding. During this time all
the four rectifier diodes conduct. At the end of the freewheeling interval the main current reverses and con-
tinues to flow through the switches at the same rate. When the secondary side is no longer short-circuited,
the voltage across the leakage inductance becomes slightly negative and a new power transfer period begins.
Fig. 5.4 shows the results of the 10 kHz simulation. The behaviour is typical for the ZVS full-bridge
converter. The sequence of the events starts from the fourth picture and continues counter-clockwise. At 1.65
ms IGBT4 stops to conduct current and a lossless turn-off occurs. Directly after that, the recharge of the
capacitors C3 and C4 takes place. This event can be verified by the instant change of the voltage levels across
those capacitors and, hence, the transistors. The voltage across IGBT4 increases to VDC while the voltage
across IGBT3 drops to zero. After this transition, the main current continues to freewheel through the diode
D3 . When this current dies out a lossless turn-on of IGBT 3 occurs. The switch continues to conduct until
1.7 ms when another transition takes place accompanied with a lossless turn-off of the transistor. Now, the
capacitors C1 and C2 accomplish the recharge and the voltage across IGBT1 is removed. Subsequently,
the main current flows through D1 and then IGBT1 turns on without any losses at t = 1.7045ms. The
lossless turn-off of the device occurs at t = 1.7532ms. The description stops here, because the picture that
represents the IGBT2 waveforms shows only the turn-off of the device, just to verify that both of the legs
have no switching losses.
The transformer primary voltage and current waveforms, which are shown in Fig. 5.5, are similar for both
of the operating frequencies.
Fig. 5.5 SAB. Transformer and leakage inductance waveforms f =10 kHz
5.1. Simulation of Single active bridge (2, 10 kHz)
Again, in the beginning, results from the 2000 Hz simulation are presented. In Fig. 5.7 the primary side
transistor waveforms are shown. The secondary side waveforms are depicted in Fig. 5.8. The voltages across
the secondary switches are decreased 100 times on the plots, otherwise the currents would not be seen on
the figures.
It is seen, that the primary switches conduct more current than the primary diodes, while the secondary
diodes dominate on the high voltage side and the secondary S5 , S6 , S7 and S8 conduct only very little
5.2. Simulation of Dual active bridge (2, 10 kHz)
The main advantage of this converter is that the switching and the reverse recovery losses are not present.
Every conduction interval starts with the current through a freewheeling diode. The diode current slowly
drops to zero and no reverse recovery losses occur because the voltage across the diode and, hence, the
transistors is still zero. Then, the current reverses and turns on the switch without a switching loss. When
it is time for a transistor to switch-off the current goes in to the parallel capacitor which delays the voltage
step and allows the IGBT to turn off losslessly.
In Fig. 5.10 the waveforms from the 10000 Hz simulation are shown. One picture represents one of the
four diagonal pairs of the switches. The waveforms look very similar to the case with 2000 Hz, but with
shorter period. It is seen that the diodes turn off without the reverse recovery losses and the switches turn
on without any stress at all.
Lossless turn-off of the active components is shown in Fig. 5.11. One picture represents a diagonal pair of
the switches. It is clearly seen, that the current in all the switches drops before the voltage rises. Hence,
Chapter 5. Simulation verification
From the obtained waveforms, it is seen that only conductive losses are present in this operational mode.
No reverse recovery losses in the diodes or switching losses in the transistors were observed.
The average values of Ron and Vf were used for the semiconductor blocks, since they do not support
a dynamic change of these settings. For the precision, new values were calculated and updated into the
blocks after every simulation in accordance with the previously obtained currents. Lookup tables were im-
plemented in Simulink for obtaining the forward voltage drop curves. To find the conduction losses in a
semiconductor, the integral of the voltage drop function was multiplied with the integral of the current
The losses in the transformer core and the inductor core were obtained from the datasheets in accordance
with the operating frequency and calculated volume of the elements. No eddy current losses were taken into
The results from the calculations of the losses are presented in Table. 5.1. It is seen that the DAB topol-
ogy outperforms the Single active bridge concerning energy efficiency. The reason is the absence of the
reverse recovery losses which make up the largest portion of the total losses in case of the SAB topology.
The inductor losses are also not present in the DAB converters due to the absence of such element in the
5.4. Lossless range
Due to the absence of the control system, the power variations were performed by changing the phase shift
angle φ in order to regulate the amount of the transported power and by changing the output resistance of
the converters in order to have appropriate currents in the circuits. The 2000 Hz model could go down to
13% of the nominal supply power. While the 10000 Hz model loses the lossless switching already at 34
% of the supply power. When it comes to the DAB topology, the 2000 Hz showed impressive 7 %. Below
this boarder the switches which are situated on the primary side lose the lossless turn-on of the current. The
limit for the 10000 Hz DAB converter is 16 %.
At the boarder conditions some parameters of the passive elements were changed in order to see the pos-
sibilities of the extension of the lossless region. In case of the SAB topology the biggest influence has the
output inductor, where a larger choke provides an extended lossless region. The leakage inductance has the
similar influence. However, it influences a lot on the primary current because it has tendency to limit it.
A decrease of the output capacitances did not bring any noticeable results. Moreover, it would not be pos-
sible if the circuit was implemented in the reality because it is hard to decrease the internal capacitance of
the transistor.
Chapter 5. Simulation verification
Chapter 6
Both topologies have similar construction of the primary side which resulted in similar losses in these parts.
At the nominal power level, the both topologies performed without any switching or reverse recovery losses
on the primary side.
When it comes to the secondary side, the Dual-active bridge topology has a more complex structure. It
consists of four diodes and four switches compared to only four rectifier diodes in the SAB topology. In
spite of the fact that the secondary diodes carry the most part of the current, the switches have very impor-
tant function. They take over the current from the power diodes, providing a turn-off without the reverse
recovery losses which constitute the biggest part of losses in case of the SAB topology. This fact allows us
to consider the DAB converter as a better topology in terms of efficiency.
Regarding the investigation of the topologies at the different frequencies, the 2000 Hz models have shown
better efficiency then the 10000 Hz models. This can be explained by the increase of the frequency-
depended losses, such as the magnetic core losses and the reverse recovery losses. On the other side the
weight of the magnetic components is significantly decreased.
All of the four converters could work with pretty much reduced power transfer and stay in the lossless re-
gion. However, both of the DAB converters performed better then the corresponding SAB models. In terms
of the operating frequency, the 2000 Hz models could reach lower power supply levels. During the simula-
tions, it was found out that some increase of the leakage inductance would extend the lossless region of the
converters. On the other side, high inductance in the circuit limits the main current and, hence, decreases
the amount of transmitted power. This fact makes it impossible to use the same amount of inductance at
different power levels.
gram Simulink does not reproduce many physical processes and the obtained results are not very close to
realistic. However, this work reveals the potential of such topology as the DAB converter. Nevertheless, a
further investigation, in a more advanced simulator is required.
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