Delonghi Magnifica Coffee Machine Test Mode
Delonghi Magnifica Coffee Machine Test Mode
Delonghi Magnifica Coffee Machine Test Mode
Test modes and reset combinations are in the below, which comes from http://www.kaffee-
This thread is to give a first overview for self-help in repairing a DeLonghi-VA. The following information are
currently available:
A further disadvantage of citric acid: The lime is only partly dissolved, not dissolved. This may have the
consequence that Kalkbröckchen lines and valves could clog! If you want to descale sure who would rather
elect a descaler amidosulphonic basis.
For devices without display and with the "ECO" button (from model year 2010) one proceeds as follows:
Pull out the plug
Press "ON / OFF" and "ECO" button simultaneously and insert plug
Release all buttons
Press and hold button "ON / OFF"
The five alarm lights are now from right to left and enter the number of cup. (Between the change from one to
the next lamp is a little break)
Draw the process to fail mains plug and plug it in again
The lamp on the far right lights 3x, take the next left 2X, the next left 1x,
one to the left 4X: results in the following numbers: 4123 cups
In the machines of the 5xxx series (production date before the end of 2008 and at the Prima Donna (ESAM
6600) The procedure is as follows:
Switch off the machine
Pull out the plug
P and hot water simultaneously press and hold down and plug in the mains plug again
press for advancing SINKS
To exit the menu, pull the power plug and plug it in again
When Primadonna Avant (ESAM6700) and since the end of 2008 at the ESAM models 5xxx, you can first see
the references directly into the machine menu without tricks and double bottom. This option is located in the
settings under the menu item "Statistics" and is also mentioned in the manual.
eg: triangle lights 3x, 4x Water tank lights, grounds container lights up 2x, 1x Eco lights provides the number:
1,243 Covers
Pump Test:
By pressing the "rinse" button runs the pump. Before the brew group must be moved to the upper position!
When not plugged water reservoir Please only short test, so that the pump does not run dry for too long, as it
takes damage otherwise!
The test mode you leave by simply pulling the power plug.
Pressing the "small cup", the solenoid valve 1 (MV1) are tested.
Pressing the "large cup", the solenoid valve 2 (MV2) are tested.
With the other buttons, the further testing may be carried out: brewing process, heating unit heater, steam
heater heating etc.
Pull out the plug in order to exit the test mode.
Thanks to Wobbuffet from which comes the knowledge of the test mode with the devices mentioned above.
The following tests can be started:
Key Test: Press the "Caffeelatte"
Delivery status: Press the "Latte Macchiato"
Component Test: Press the "Cappuccino"
In component test following components can be tested:
Brewing method: using the "latte" (high) and "Milk" (down)
Thermo block: Press the "P"
Steam heating on: Press "Right circle" (to the right of "flushing")
Pump: Press "left circle" (the left of "flushing")
A grinder: Press the "Latte Macchiato"
Solenoid valves EV1 (rear valve): Press the "1 cup"
Solenoid valves EV2 (front valve): Press the "2 cups"
Off solenoid valves together: key "Cappuccino"
Many thanks to "noispe" for this information and his efforts. A PDF of him to test mode found here: kaffee-
Rinse (right arrow): heating steam heating
Of choice: Pump
1 cup: EV1
2 cups (OK): EV2
Long: no function
Leave test mode: Power switch to "0"
An illustrated guide to the test mode, the ESAM 6700 has created Kaffecarn as PDF, you'll find the download in
this post: [solved] Delonghi ESAM 6700 Prima Donna, general disturbance can not be eliminated, need some
tips or reset function, who can help
3.6 Test mode ESAM 6900
A guide to the test modes in ESAM6900 found here: DeLonghi ESAM 6900 test modes
Now the display test is active, pressed keys are also displayed.
Pull out the plug to exit.
Thanks to Wobbuffet from which comes the knowledge of the display and key test for the devices listed above.
4.2 Enable display and key test in 5500:
Pull out the plug
While holding key "2 cups" and "hot water"
Insert the mains plug
It appears on the display "Display Test Mode"
Release the buttons
5. Resets
There are various machine states / errors, where one only progresses with a reset. So if nothing else will work,
maybe helping one of the following reset further: