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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,500,297 B2

Okada et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 10, 2009

(54) MACHINING CENTER 4,949,942 A 8, 1990 Shoda ......................... 269,21

5,075,530 A * 12/1991 Lee ........ ... 219,69.11
(75) Inventors: Satoshi Okada, Aichi pref (JP): 5,848,458. A 12, 1998 Bullen........................ 29.33 K
Tomohiro Kintoki, Aichi pref (JP); 5,848,863 A 12, 1998 Liao ........................... 409f2O3
Masaki Tanase, Aichi pref (JP)
(73) Assignee: y Mazak Corporation, Aichi FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
DE 295.04342 5, 1995
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued)
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(21) Appl. No.: 11/934,107 European Search Report for corresponding Application No.
07405312.5 dated Feb. 13, 2008.
(22) Filed: Nov. 2, 2007
(65) Prior Publication Data
Primary Examiner Dana Ross
US 2008/O178447 A1 Jul. 31, 2008 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Renner, Otto, Boisselle &
Sklar, LLP
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data
Jan. 30, 2007 (JP) ............................. 2007-019639
(51) Int. Cl. The invention provides a machining center having a first main
B23B 27/00 (2006.01) spindle unit and also a second main spindle unit with a ram
(52) U.S. Cl. ............................ 29/27 C; 29/50: 409/203 shaft attached to a vertical machining center. A machining
(58) Field of Classification Search ................. 29/27 C, center 1 comprises a rotary table 20 that moves in the direc
29/26A, 50, 51, 52,53,54, 55; 409/203, tion of an X-axis on a bed 10, and a cross rail 40 supported by
409/212, 213, 144 a column 30 and moving in the direction of a Z-axis. A first
See application file for complete search history. main spindle unit 60 is attached to a saddle 50 supported by
the cross rail and moving in the direction of a Y-axis. The first
(56) References Cited main spindle unit 60 is equipped with a first main spindle 70
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS that rotates around a B-axis. A second main spindle unit 100
disposed between the first main spindle unit 60 and the saddle
2,887,016 A * 5/1959 Daugherty et al. .......... 409,212 50 is equipped with a ramshaft 110 that moves in the direction
4,118,844 A * 10, 1978 Matsuzaki et al. .......... 29/27 C of a W-axis and a turning head or a milling head that is
RE31,288 E * 6/1983 Matsuzaki et al. .......... 29/27 C replaceably attached to the leading end of the ram shaft.
4,945,958 A * 8/1990 Shoda ........................ 144/1.1
4,949,443 A * 8/1990 Saruwatarietal. .......... 29.27 C 5 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
US 7,500,297 B2
Page 2

U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS DE 2002 04365 U1 5, 2002

DE 10 2004 O58891 A 6, 2006
5,980,172 A * 1 1/1999 Shoda ........................ 409/203 EP O 314824 A1 5, 1989
6,394,892 B2 * 5/2002 Hanisch et al. ............. 451,259 EP 1452 270 A1 9, 2004
6,502,002 B2* 12/2002 SuSnjara et al. ............... 700/95 EP 1842 621 A1 10, 2007
6,600,250 B1* 7, 2003 Fedeli 310,114 JP 06-126514 A 10, 1991
6,948,894 B2 * 9/2005 Taga et al. .................. 409/235 IP 11-114759 4f1999
7,134,173 B2 * 1 1/2006 Gstir et al. .................. 29.27 C JP 2001-15O256 6, 2001
7,159,294 B2 * 1/2007 Yamazaki et al. ............. 29/564 JP 2004-066430 3, 2004
7,172.375 B2 * 2/2007 Tanoue et al. ............... 409/202 JP 2004-130423 4/2004
7,201,546 B2 * 4/2007 Ichino et al. ................ 4O9,165 JP 2007-OOO966 1, 2007
7.255,519 B2 * 8/2007 Tanoue et al. ............... 409,134
2002fOOO6764 A1 1/2002 Hanisch et al.
2005/0217095 A1 * 10, 2005 Gstir et al. .................. 29.27 C OTHER PUBLICATIONS
2006/00 18725 A1 1/2006 Ichino et al. ................ 409,131 Extended European Search Report for corresponding Application
FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS No. 07405312.5 dated Mar. 28, 2008.
DE 199 19 645 A1 11, 2000 * cited by examiner
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US 7,500,297 B2
1. 2
MACHINING CENTER trolled to move in a W-axis direction parallel to a Z-axis, a ram
head attached to a lower end portion of the ram shaft, and a
The present application is based on and claims priority of turning head and a milling head replaceably attached to the
Japanese patent application No. 2007-19639 filed on Jan. 30. ram head.
2007, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by Even further, the ram head comprises a hydraulic clamp
reference. unit that replaceably Supports the turning head or the milling
head, and the second main spindle unit comprises a motor
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION disposed on an upper portion of the ram shaft, a driving shaft
for transmitting the driving force of the motor, a means for
1. Field of the Invention 10 transmitting the rotary force of the driving shaft via a trans
The present invention relates to a machining center com mission mechanism to an output shaft disposed on a lower
prising, in addition to a first main spindle, a second main end of the ram shaft, and a clutch disposed on a leading end of
spindle having a long protruding length for providing turning the output shaft.
and milling processes to inner bore portions and the like of a Moreover, the milling head comprises an input shaft con
work. 15 nected to a clutch of the ram shaft, a power transmission
2. Description of the Related Art mechanism for orthogonally converting the driving force of
Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open Publication No. the input shaft and transmitting the same to a spindle, and a
2004-66430 (patent document 1) discloses an arrangement of milling tool attached to the spindle.
a complex five-axis finishing machine, and Japanese Patent As described, the machining center according to the
Application Laid-Open Publication No. 2001-150256 (patent present invention has a first main spindle unit that rotates
document 2) discloses a machining center equipped with a around a B-axis and a second main spindle unit having a ram
turning head disposed separately from a main spindle head. shaft which are disposed on a common saddle. Thus, when
Further, Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open Publica processing a bore at a deep area of the work, the saddle can be
tion No. 2004-130423 (patent document 3) discloses a so lowered to directly above the work on a Z-axis and then
called angle head that converts the rotary force of a tool shank 25 processing can be performed with a shortest possible projec
to a right-angle force and transmits the same to a tool. tion length of the ram shaft, so that the processing effect can
Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open Publication No. be improved.
11-114759 (patent document 4) discloses a machine tool Furthermore, since the ram shaft can be arranged between
having a two-step feed driving system and equipped with a the B-shaft driving mechanism and the saddle, efficient use of
main spindle head for replaceably attaching tools on a leading 30 space can be realized.
end of a ram, and Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open
Publication No. 2007-966 (patent document 5) discloses a BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
similar type of machine tool.
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the machining center to
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 35 which the present invention is applied;
FIG. 2 is a front view of the machining center to which the
The object of the present invention is to provide a machin present invention is applied;
ing center having in addition to a first main spindle a second FIG. 3 is an explanatory view showing the arrangement of
main spindle especially capable of performing a long boring a second main spindle unit;
process. 40 FIG. 4 is an explanatory view showing an example in which
In order to achieve the above object, the machining center a turning head is attached to the second main spindle unit;
of the present invention comprises, as basic means, a vertical FIG. 5 is an explanatory view showing the turning process
machining center having a table disposed horizontally and a performed by the second main spindle unit;
processing unit disposed perpendicularly, wherein the pro FIG. 6 is an explanatory view showing an example in which
cessing unit comprises a first main spindle unit, and a second 45 a milling head is attached to the second main spindle unit;
main spindle unit having an axis of movement that is parallel FIG. 7 is an explanatory view showing the mill processing
to the axis of movement of the first main spindle unit. performed by the second main spindle unit; and
Further, the vertical machining center is a gate-type FIG. 8 is a perspective view of another machining center to
machining centercomprising a rotary table disposed on a bed, which the present invention is applied.
a means for moving a rotary table in an X-axis direction, a pair 50
of columns disposed vertically on both sides of a bed, a cross DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
rail Supported by the column, a means for moving the cross EMBODIMENTS
rail in a Z-axis direction, a saddle Supported by the cross rail
and having a processing unit, and a means for moving the FIG. 1 is a perspective view showing the external appear
saddle in a Y-axis direction; or the vertical machining center 55 ance of a machining center to which the present invention is
is a column-type machining center comprising a rotary table applied, and FIG. 2 is a front view thereof.
disposed on a bed, a saddle moving on the table in an X-axis The machining center shown as a whole by reference num
direction, a column moving on the saddle in a Y-axis direc ber 1 is a so-called gate-type machining center including a
tion, and a processing unit moving on a front side of the rotary table 20 disposed on a bed 10, wherein the table is
column in a Z-axis direction. 60 controlled to move along an X-axis. A pair of columns 30 is
Moreover, the first main spindle unit comprises a first pro disposed vertically on both sides of the bed 10, and across rail
cessing head disposed rotatably around a B-axis orthogonal 40 capable of moving arbitrarily along a Z-axis by a linear
to a Z-axis and a rotating mechanism that rotates the first guide is disposed between the columns 30. The cross rail 40
processing head around the B-axis, and the second main is controlled to move by a servomotor 42 in the direction of
spindle unit is disposed in a space formed between the rotat 65 the Z-axis via a ball screw or the like.
ing mechanism of the first processing head and the saddle; A saddle 50 is disposed to move arbitrarily along a Y-axis
and the second main spindle unit comprises a ram shaft con on the cross rail 40 by a linear guide. The saddle 50 is con
US 7,500,297 B2
3 4
trolled to move in the direction of the Y-axis by a servomotor side of the ram head 130 via the driving shaft 152. The gear
52 and a ball screw. A first main spindle unit 60 is disposed on transmission mechanism 160 comprises a pair of mesh gears
the saddle 50. A first main spindle 70 is disposed on the first 162 and 164, and drives an output shaft 166.
main spindle unit 60, capable of being rotated arbitrarily A clutch 170 is disposed at the leading end of the drive shaft
around a B-axis. A tool T is disposed on the first main spindle 5 166, which is connected to an input shaft 310 disposed on the
70. The tool T to be attached to the first main spindle 70 is side of the milling head 300. The milling head 300 comprises
either a turning tool or a milling tool, which is used to provide a pair of mesh gears 312 and 314 and a bevel gear 320, and
necessary turning processes or milling processes and the like drives a spindle 330 disposed in a direction orthogonal to the
to a work K. chucked on the table 20. A second main spindle input shaft 310. A mill tool T is attached to the spindle 330.
unit 100 is disposed on a rear side of the first main spindle unit 10 As described, since the driving mechanism of the milling
60 on the Saddle 50. head of the present invention has its driving system arranged
The second main spindle unit 100 comprises a ram shaft at a position offset from the axis line of the hydraulic clamp
110, and the ram shaft 110 is controlled to move along a unit, the milling head can be effectively downsized.
W-axis parallel to the Z-axis by a servomotor 120 and a ball Furthermore, since the driving motor of the mill tool can be
Spring. 15 disposed at the upper portion of the ram shaft, the structure
FIG. 3 is an explanatory view showing the details of the thereof can be simplified.
second main spindle unit 100. FIG. 7 shows a case in which the ram shaft 110 equipped
The second main spindle unit 100 has a plurality of linear with the milling head 300 which is an angle head is extended
guide blocks 106 fixed to the side having ahead unit 105, and So as to provide a milling process using a mill tool T to a deep
slidably supports the ram shaft 110. The plurality of linear portion of the work K.
guide blocks 106 is disposed above and below the head unit According to the above-described embodiment, the present
105 at a distance therefrom, designed to maintain sufficient invention is applied to a gate-type machining center, but the
rigidity even when the ram shaft 110 is arranged at a pro present invention can also be applied to other types of
truded position. machining centers.
The ram shaft 110 is controlled to move in the direction of 25 FIG. 8 illustrates an example in which the present invention
the W-axis by a servomotor 120 and via a ball spring. is applied to a column-type machining center.
The second main spindle unit 100 can be displaced using The machining center illustrated as a whole by reference
the space existing between the saddle 50 and the first main number 500 has a rotary table 520 disposed on a bed 510. A
spindle unit 60 comprising the mechanism to drive the first saddle 530 is disposed so as to be moved arbitrarily in an
main spindle 70 around the B-axis, so there is no need to 30 X-axis direction on the bed 510. A column 540 is disposed
prepare any excessive space. slidably in a Y-axis direction on the saddle 530, which is
FIG. 4 is an explanatory view showing the outline of the controlled to move by a servomotor 532.
arrangement of the second main spindle unit 100. On the front side of the column 540 is disposed a head unit
The servomotor 120 attached to the head unit 105 moves 550 capable of sliding arbitrarily in a Z-axis direction or
the ram shaft 110 in the direction of the W-axis via a drive 35 perpendicular direction, which is controlled to move by a
system such as a ball spring. servomotor 542. A first main spindle unit 600 is attached to
Aramhead 130 is attached to the lower end of the ramshaft the head unit 550. The first main spindle unit 600 has a first
110. main spindle 610, and subjects a work on the table 520 to
The ram head 130 comprises a hydraulic clamp unit 140 necessary processes.
and a gear transmission mechanism 16. During the turning 40 In addition to the first main spindle unit 600, a second main
process, a turning head 200 is attached to the ram head 130. A spindle unit 700 is attached to the head unit 550. The second
turning tool T is attached to the turning head 200, which is main spindle unit 700 has a ram shaft 710, and the ram shaft
fixed to the ram shaft 110 via the hydraulic clamp unit 140 of 710 is controlled to move along a W-axis parallel to the Z-axis
the ram head 130. by a servomotor 720.
The hydraulic clamp unit 140 has a piston 140 operated via 45 The functions of the first main spindle unit 600 and the
hydraulic pressure, which supports the turning head 200 second main spindle unit 700 are the same as those described
using a taper shank 205. in the aforementioned embodiment.
FIG. 5 shows a case in which the second main spindle unit What is claimed is:
100 is used to subject a work K to a bore turning process.
The second main spindle unit 100 can subject deep areas of 50 1. A vertical machining center having a table disposed
the work K to turning process by projecting the ram shaft horizontally and a processing unit disposed perpendicularly,
110. wherein
According to the machining center of the present invention, the processing unit comprises a first main spindle unit
after lowering the cross rail and the saddle 50 along the Z-axis disposed on a saddle, and a second main spindle unit
to approximate the upper surface of the work K, the ramshaft 55 having an axis of movement that is parallel to the axis of
110 is projected along the W-axis so as to subject deep areas movement of the first main spindle unit;
of the work K to a turning process efficiently. the first main spindle unit comprises a first processing head
FIG. 6 illustrates a state in which a milling head 300 is disposed rotatably around a B-axis orthogonal to a
attached to the ram head 130 at the leading end of the ram Z-axis and a rotating mechanism that rotates the first
shaft. 60 processing head around the B-axis;
The milling head 300 is supported by the hydraulic clamp the second main spindle unit comprises a ram shaft con
unit 140 of the ram head 130 using a shank 305. This sup trolled to move in a W-axis direction parallel to a Z-axis,
porting mechanism is similar to how the turning head 200 is a ram head attached to a lower end portion of the ram
Supported. shaft, and a turning head and a milling head replaceably
The second main spindle unit 100 has a mill driving motor 65 attached to the ram head; and
150 disposed at the upper portion of the ram shaft 110, and the ramhead comprises a hydraulic clamp unit that replace
drives the gear transmission mechanism 160 disposed on the ably Supports the turning head or the milling head.
US 7,500,297 B2
5 6
2. The machining center according to claim 1, wherein the a driving shaft for transmitting the driving force of the
Vertical machining center is a gate-type machining center motor,
comprising: a means for transmitting the rotary force of the driving
a rotary table disposed on a bed; shaft via a transmission mechanism to an output shaft
a means for moving a rotary table in an X-axis direction 5 disposed on a lower end of the ram shaft; and
within a horizontal plane; a clutch disposed on a leading end of the output shaft.
a pair of columns disposed vertically on both sides of a bed; 4. The machining center according to claim 1, wherein the
milling head comprises:
a cross rail Supported by the column; an input shaft connected to a clutch of the ram shaft;
a means for moving the cross rail in a perpendicular Z-axis10 a powertransmission mechanism for orthogonally convert
direction; ing the driving force of the input shaft and transmitting
the saddle Supported by the cross rail and having a process the same to a spindle; and
ing unit; and a milling tool attached to the spindle.
a means for moving the saddle in a Y-axis direction 5. The machining center according to claim 1, wherein the
orthogonal to the X-axis within a horizontal plane. 15 second main spindle unit is arranged in a space defined by the
3. The machining center according to claim 1, wherein the rotating
mechanism of the first main spindle unit and the
second main spindle unit comprises:
a motor disposed on an upper portion of the ram shaft;

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