Signal Processing in Sequence Analysis: Advances in Eukaryotic Gene Prediction

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3, JUNE 2008

Signal Processing in Sequence Analysis:

Advances in Eukaryotic Gene Prediction
Mahmood Akhtar, Julien Epps, Member, IEEE, and Eliathamby Ambikairajah, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Genomic sequence processing has been an active codon “ATG.” Looking from the end of DNA (upstream) to
area of research for the past two decades and has increasingly its end (downstream), the exon-to-intron border is known as
attracted the attention of digital signal processing researchers in the donor splice site and consists of a consensus dinucleotide
recent years. A challenging open problem in deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) sequence analysis is maximizing the prediction ac- “GT” as the first two nucleotides of the intron, whereas the
curacy of eukaryotic gene locations and thereby protein coding intron-to-exon border is known as the acceptor splice site,
regions. In this paper, DNA symbolic-to-numeric representations which consists of a consensus dinucleotide “AG” as the last
are presented and compared with existing techniques in terms of two nucleotides of the intron. The accurate identification of
relative accuracy for the gene and exon prediction problem. Novel genomic protein coding regions, along with the recognition of
signal processing-based gene and exon prediction methods are
then evaluated together with existing approaches at a nucleotide other signals and/or regions (shown in Fig. 1) would result in
level using the Burset/Guigo1996, HMR195, and GENSCAN an ideal gene finding and annotation system.
standard genomic datasets. A new technique for the recognition Despite the existence of various data-driven gene finding
of acceptor splice sites is then proposed, which combines signal programs, such as AUGUSTUS [1], FGENES [2], geneid [3],
processing-based gene and exon prediction methods with an GeneMark.hmm [4], Genie [5], GENSCAN [6], HMMgene
existing data-driven statistical method. By comparison with the
acceptor splice site detection method used in the gene-finding pro- [7], Morgan [8], and MZEF [9], the accuracy of gene predic-
gram GENSCAN, the proposed DSP-statistical hybrid technique tion is still limited. Previous investigations of computational
reveals a consistent reduction in false positives at different levels gene finding programs [10]–[13] reveal that these data-driven
of sensitivity, averaging a 43% reduction when evaluated on the approaches seem to rely more on compositional statistics of the
GENSCAN test set. sequences (e.g., content) than the genomic signals (e.g.,
Index Terms—Autoregressive processes, correlation, deoxyri- promoters, acceptor/donor sites, start/stop codons) involved in
bonucleic acid (DNA), discrete cosine transforms (DCTs), discrete the translation process from DNA to protein, and are heavily
Fourier transforms (DFTs), Gaussian mixture models. dependent on the statistics of the sequences they learn from
and are, thus, not equally suitable for all types of sequences.
I. INTRODUCTION Furthermore, the accuracy is dependent on the length and
position of the exons [14], [15]. High prediction accuracy can
EOXYRIBONUCLEIC acid (DNA), the material of often be attributed to friendly training and test sequences, in
D heredity in most living organisms, consists of genic
and intergenic regions, as shown in Fig. 1. In eukaryotes,
whose formation certain rules were followed, such as including
sequences consisting of one complete gene with consensus
genes are further divided into relatively small protein coding intronic dinucleotides “GT” and “AG,” respectively, for their
segments known as exons, interrupted by noncoding spacers donor and acceptor splice sites, excluding those containing al-
known as introns. In eukaryotes such as human, the intergenic ternatively spliced genes and having any in-frame stop codons.
and intronic regions often make up more than 95% of their However, it has been observed that gene prediction accuracy
genomes. Codons (i.e., triplets of possible four types of DNA can be substantially increased by combining different methods
nucleotides , , , and ) in exons encode 20 amino acids [16], [17]. The discrete nature of the DNA information, being
and 3 terminator signals, known as stop codons (i.e., TAA, discrete in both “time” and “amplitude,” invites investigation
TAG, and TGA). Initial exons of the genes begin with a start by digital signal processing (DSP) techniques. The conversion
of DNA nucleotide symbols into discrete numerical values en-
Manuscript received September 11, 2007; revised March 8, 2008. This work
ables novel and useful DSP-based applications for the solu-
was supported in part by the National University of Sciences and Technology tion of different sequence analysis related problems such as
(NUST), Pakistan, and in part by the University of New South Wales (UNSW), gene finding and annotation, and such applications have been
Australia, under a UNSW Faculty Research Grant 2007 for genomic signal pro-
cessing research. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript
overviewed by previous authors [18], [19]. The present role
and approving it for publication was Dr. Ioan Tabus. of DSP applications in this area is summarized in Fig. 2. In
M. Akhtar is with the National University of Sciences and Technology, order to apply DSP methods, the DNA sequences are first con-
Rawalpindi Cantt, Pakistan, and also with the University of New South Wales,
Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia (e-mail: [email protected]).
verted into suitable numeric values. DSP-based methods for pe-
J. Epps and E. Ambikairajah are with the School of Electrical Engineering riodicity detection are then applied to the numerical sequences
and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, to obtain 1-D or multidimensional features. The resultant fea-
Australia (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]). tures are then passed on for back-end processing to classify be-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at tween protein coding and noncoding regions. An empirically
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTSP.2008.923854 derived decision threshold can be used for 1-D classification,
1932-4553/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

Fig. 1. Eukaryotic DNA consists of genic and intergenic regions. Donor and acceptor sites (i.e., 5 and 3 ends of all introns) are used to splice exons on both
sides of an intron in a process known as splicing.

Fig. 2. DSP techniques are applied to DNA sequences following conversion into numerical signals, to extract features. The classification results can be used to
provide accurate detection of exonic end-points (acceptor/donor splice sites).

whereas multidimensional classification can be achieved using desirable properties of a DNA numerical representation in-
well-known pattern recognition tools such as Gaussian mixture clude: 1) each nucleotide has equal “weight” (e.g., magnitude),
models (GMMs) or support vector machines (SVMs). since there is no biological evidence to suggest that one is
To our knowledge, despite the signal processing research ac- more “important” than another; 2) distances between all pairs
tivity in this area, no comparisons with well-established existing of nucleotides should be equal, since there is no biological
data-driven methods for eukaryotic gene prediction (e.g., GEN- evidence to suggest that any pair is “closer” than another;
SCAN) are available. We address this shortcoming herein, in 3) representations should be compact, in particular, redundancy
addition to proposing newly developed DNA symbolic-to-nu- should be minimized; and 4) representations should allow
meric mappings and gene prediction features. It is our belief access to a range of mathematical analysis tools.
that a system combining improved DSP techniques with existing The binary or Voss representation [20] is currently the
data-driven methods could offer a level of gene prediction accu- most popular scheme, which maps the nucleotides , , ,
racy higher than that offered by existing data-driven methods. and into the four binary indicator sequences , ,
This paper is organized as follows. Section II reviews existing , and showing the presence (e.g., 1) or absence
methods for DNA numerical representation and DSP-based (e.g., 0) of the respective nucleotides. Both the -curve [21]
methods for gene and exon feature extraction from the DNA and tetrahedron [22] methods reduce the number of indicator
sequence. In Section III, newly developed DNA represen- sequences from four to three in a manner symmetric to all four
tations and gene prediction features are discussed. Selected components. The Voss and tetrahedron representations have
existing statistical approaches and a proposed DSP-statistical been shown to be equivalent representations for the purpose of
combination for acceptor splice site detection are presented in power spectra computation [28]. The complex representation
Section IV. Existing and newly proposed DNA representations, [18], [23] reflects some of the complementary features of the
DSP-based gene and exon prediction features, and acceptor nucleotides in its mathematical properties. As an alternative
splice site detection methods are then compared using standard to the typical complex representation of DNA nucleotides,
datasets and evaluation measures, as explained in Section V. certain complex weights for each of the four bases can also be
Evaluation results and discussion are given in Section VI. calculated and employed with the binary indicator sequences
[18]. In the quaternion representation of DNA symbols [24],
II. DNA NUMERICAL REPRESENTATION AND pure quaternions are assigned to each symbol. It has been
FEATURE EXTRACTION conjectured that the quaternion approach can improve DNA
pattern detection in the spectral domain through use of the
A. DNA Numerical Representations quaternionic Fourier transform [24]. In the EIIP (electron-ion
In recent years, a number of schemes have been introduced interaction potential) method [25], the electron-ion interaction
to map DNA nucleotides into numerical values. Some possible potential (related to the quasi-valence number) associated with

each nucleotide is used to map DNA character strings into , and ). The periodicity of 3 in exon regions of a
numerical sequences. The EIIP is just one example of a real DNA sequence suggests that the DFT coefficient corresponding
number representation. Another can be obtained by attaching to (where is chosen to be a multiple of 3) in each
digits to the four nucleotides: , , , DFT sequence should be large [18]. Note that the calculation
and [23]. However, this structure implies that purines of the DFT at a single frequency is sufficient, so
( or ) are in some respect “greater than” pyrimidines ( or that the Goertzel algorithm [37], which reduces the cost of
). Similarly, the representation , , , and single point DFT computation by almost a factor of two, can
suggests that and . This representation is be employed. Various DFT based spectral measures exploiting
an example of a Galois field assignment, upon which symbolic the period-3 behaviour of exons for the identification of these
Galois field operations are possible [26]. Another real-number regions have been proposed. The spectral content (SC) measure
representation maps , , , and [32] combines the individual DFTs (i.e., , , ,
, similar to the complementary property of the and ) to obtain a total Fourier magnitude spectrum of the
complex method. These assignments of real numbers to each DNA sequence, as follows:
of the four DNA characters do not necessarily reflect the
structure present in the original DNA sequences. Alternatively, (2)
to calculate weights representing the actual participation of
each symbol in the detected pattern, a linear transform and The GeneScan program [32], based on the SC measure, com-
optimization can be performed on the DNA sequences [29]. putes the signal-to-noise ratio of the peak at as
The internucleotide distance method [27] replaces each DNA , where represents a longer-term average of the
nucleotide with an integer representing the distance between spectral content defined in (2). Regions having are as-
the current nucleotide and the next similar nucleotide. sumed to be protein coding (exon) regions. The optimized SC
Each of the existing DNA representations offer different measure [18] assigns complex weights , , , and to each of
properties, and map the DNA sequences into between one and the four DFTs , , , and in (2). These
four numerical sequences. Many existing methods, such as weights are calculated using an optimization technique applied
Voss [20], -curve [21], and tetrahedron [22], map the DNA to the known genes of a given organism. However, one can also
sequence to three or four numerical sequences, potentially apply complex conjugate pairs and . The spec-
introducing redundancy in the representation. The assignment tral rotation (SR) measure [33] rotates four DFT vectors ,
of arbitrary numbers to each of the four DNA characters in , , and clockwise, each by an angle equiva-
EIIP [25] and other real number representations [23], [26] lent to the average phase angle value in coding regions, to make
does not necessarily reflect the structure present in the original all of them “point” in the same direction. The SR measure also
DNA sequence. Representations such as quaternions [24] are divides each term by the corresponding phase angle deviations
limited to specific mathematical analysis tools. For example, to give more weight to exonic distributions. The feature
a discrete quaternion Fourier transform (DQFT) [41] based
spectral analysis is required to detect certain DNA patterns.
Furthermore, existing DNA representations do not fully exploit (3)
the structural differences of protein coding and noncoding
regions to facilitate digital signal processing based gene and where and are the means and standard deviations of
exon prediction features. These issues are addressed in the the phase angle value in coding regions, has been used for the
DNA representations proposed in Section III-A. detection of exons, and was shown to give better performance
than the SC (2) measure at a 10% false positive gene detection
B. DSP-Based Features for Gene and Exon Prediction rate [33]. Note that all DFT-based techniques suffer from spec-
Periodicities of 3, 10.5, 200, and 400 have been reported in tral leakage, due to the finite-length analysis window, which in-
genomic sequences [30]. In exons, the occurrence of identical troduces small contributions from signal frequencies other than
nucleotides in identical codon positions is the basis for a period- those at the frequency .
icity of three interpretation in these regions [31]. The period-3 Autoregressive (AR) methods provide an alternative, more
behavior of exons has been widely used to identify these regions compact characterization of the signal spectrum. Particular ad-
using DSP-based methods, following conversion to numerical vantages of the AR technique are that it requires relatively few
sequences. base pairs to calculate the AR model (which is convenient if
The discrete Fourier transform (DFT), the most commonly the exon regions are short and/or closely spaced), and that it
used method for spectrum analysis of a finite-length numerical provides a compact estimate of the signal spectrum. It has been
sequence of length , is defined as [36] shown that AR spectral estimation using the Burg algorithm and
improved covariance analysis performs better than the DFT for
the detection of period-3 behaviour in short genomic sequences
[34]. However, the selection of the model order is crucial in this
approach, since choosing too low or too high will result in un-
Equation (1) can be used to calculate DFTs for numerical necessarily smoothed or spurious modeling of spectral peaks,
sequences representing DNA sequence portions, for example respectively. Note also that AR models cannot reasonably be ap-
each of the four binary indicator sequences (i.e., , , plied to binary indicator sequences, since these could not have

resulted from an AR process. A possible solution to the problem 2) Frequency of Nucleotide Occurrence: It has been shown
is bandpass filtering of numerical sequences before their appli- in [42] that the four DNA nucleotides differ considerably in
cation to AR modeling. their occurrence in exonic regions, and that the fractional oc-
In order to reduce the spectral leakage present in DFT-based currence of any particular nucleotide is reasonably consistent
exon prediction, a larger window size is required, which implies across the Burset/Guigo1996 [10], HMR195 [11], and GEN-
longer computation time and also compromises the base-do- SCAN learning [45] datasets considered therein. It has been
main resolution. The infinite impulse response (IIR) antinotch further observed that the frequency of nucleotide occurrence in
(AN) filter approach in [35] attempts to address these problems. exons is a key parameter for any DNA representation to be used
The magnitude response of the antinotch filter has a sharp peak for the detection of these regions. According to the frequency
at , which preserves only period-3 components. The of nucleotide mapping [42], nucleotides are represented by their
individual outputs of the four binary indicator sequences can fractional occurrences in exons of a training database.
be combined in a sum-of-squares manner. It has been shown in
[35] that digital filter based period-3 detection results are com- B. DSP-Based Features for Gene and Exon Prediction
parable to those of the DFT-based SC measure given by (2). 1) Paired and Weighted Spectral Rotation (PWSR) Measure:
The autocorrelation function (ACF) is a measure of how well The PWSR measure [46] incorporates a statistical property of
a signal matches a time-shifted version of itself, as a function of eukaryotic sequences, according to which introns are rich in the
the time shift. Practically, the ACF will produce a peak if sig- nucleotides “ ” and “ ” whereas exons are rich in nucleotides
nificant correlation exists at . Besides period-3 detection, “ ” and “ .” This information leads to an alternative property
DNA sequences have been widely analyzed for other correla- to the well-known period-3 behavior of exons. In this method,
tions in [20], [31], [38], [39]. Li [40] gives a critical review of the DNA sequences are first converted into two binary indicators,
the study of correlation structures. - and - . Using training data from DNA sequences
The identification of protein coding regions is difficult of the same organism, the means and standard deviations
mainly due to the noncontiguous and noncontinuous nature of of the distributions of DFT phase angle averaged over coding re-
eukaryotic genes. Despite the existence of many DSP-based gions, i.e., one phase angle value per coding region, are calcu-
approaches and also data-driven approaches, the accuracy of lated. Weights based on the frequency of occurrence of nu-
exon prediction is still limited and needs to be improved. More- cleotides “ or ” and “ or ” in coding regions of the training
over, the existing approaches only rely on the identification of data are also calculated. The expression given in (4) can then be
period-3 property of exons, and do not fully exploit efficient used as a feature, along one direction of the DNA sequence
DNA representations and other complementary features re-
quired to separate protein coding and noncoding nucleotides. -
- -
These problems have been addressed in new DSP-based gene -
and exon prediction features, proposed in Section III-B.
- - (4)
FOR GENE AND EXON PREDICTION where denotes the forward and reverse directions of
DNA sequence, and - - are the mean
A. DNA Numerical Representations and standard deviation values obtained from distributions of the
1) Paired Numeric: The paired numeric representation for DFT phase angle averaged over coding regions of the training
gene and exon prediction [42] exploits one of the differential data, are frequency of occurrence weights from training
properties of exons and introns, according to which introns are data, and are the sliding DFT windows of two indicator
rich in nucleotides “ ” and “ ” whereas exons are rich in nu- sequences. The PWSR is calculated in both directions of the
cleotides “ ” and “ ” [43]. Furthermore, the DFT phase angle DNA sequence, and combined as
histogram distributions for coding and noncoding regions of (5)
human datasets have been shown to give smaller and nearly
equal values of angular mean for distributions of nucleotides Note that due to paired indicators, a DFT in the reverse di-
“ ” and “ ” than those of “ ” and “ ” [42]. To fully exploit rection of the same DNA strand is equivalent to a DFT on its
both of these properties, these nucleotides - - can be complementary strand.
paired in a complementary manner and values of and can 2) Paired Spectral Content (PSC) Measure: The PWSR
be used to denote - and - nucleotide pairs, respectively. A measure is a data-driven frequency domain method for gene and
similar approach was used by Datta and Asif [44]; however, no exon prediction, which requires training from DNA sequences of
motivation for the “ - ” and “ - ” pairing was given. “ - ” the same organism. A more general method, known as the paired
and “ - ” are complementary pairs, joining opposite strands spectral content (PSC) measure [47], first converts the DNA se-
of double helix DNA through hydrogen bonds. However, this is quence into single numerical sequences using the paired-numeric
not the reason for their pairing here, as only one strand is used representation, as discussed in Section III-A-I, then combines
for the computational analysis of DNA. This representation in- forward and backward DFTs on the same DNA sequence
corporates a very useful DNA structural property, in addition to
reducing complexity. (6)

where and are DFTs of the indicator sequence the largest singular values of all frames obtained using all four
in the forward and reverse directions. Contrary to the SR binary indicator sequences can then be used for the coding/non-
and PWSR measures, the PSC measure can be applied to the se- coding decision. SVD-based period-3 detection has also been
quences taken from any organism, i.e., PSC is not an organism- enhanced using bandpass filtering of the individual binary indi-
specific measure. cator sequences, emphasizing the period-3 behavior [52].
3) “Time-Domain” Algorithms: In the following approaches 5) Time-Frequency Hybrid (TFH) Measure: The time-fre-
[48], DNA sequences are first converted into Voss indicator se- quency hybrid (TFH) measure [46] combines magnitude and
quences, which are passed through a second-order resonant filter phase-based features, acknowledging earlier results by Kotlar
with a center frequency of (similar to [35]) before being and Lavner [33] showing that additionally considering the DFT
input to either algorithm. This prefiltering helps to remove spec- phase angle is more informative than the magnitude alone. Fea-
tral components at , , , which arise from tures from the time-domain AMDF method and frequency-do-
the application of correlation-based approaches to a binary in- main PWSR measure are normalized to the range [0, 1] and then
dicator sequence at a base-domain lag of 3. summed to produce a TFH feature.
Average magnitude difference function (AMDF)—the av- 6) Multidimensional Features: For all existing methods and
erage magnitude difference function (AMDF) has long been new methods discussed in Sections III-B1–V, features are com-
used in speech processing, and is defined for a discrete signal bined, typically using a sum-of-squares approach as in (2), to
as a function of the period as [49] produce a 1-D feature for comparison with some predetermined
threshold. Since a sum-of-squares approach will not necessarily
(7) produce optimal feature fusion, multidimensional features have
been recently proposed in [53] and [54]. One such scheme uses
the PWSR and AMDF features from the TFH measure in [46],
where is the window length. The AMDF, with , is an and transforms each separately using the DCT, to decorrelate
efficient time-domain algorithm for gene and exon prediction them with energy localized to the first few coefficients. A 5-D
[48]. Practically, the AMDF will produce a deep null if signifi- feature, comprising one transformed PWSR coefficient and all
cant correlation exists at period . four transformed AMDF coefficients, is then formed. In an-
Time domain periodogram (TDP)—the time domain peri- other such scheme, the linear predictor coefficients are treated as
odogram (TDP) is an algorithm used for periodicity detection multidimensional AR-based features, modeling coding and non-
in sunspots and pitch detection for speech processing [50]. Ac- coding regions in terms of their spectral characteristics within
cording to this algorithm, the -point data are first arranged in a the given window length. The optimized AR based feature, with
matrix, with rows containing subsequences of length equal model order 12 and window size 180 bp is then concatenated
to the period being tested, where is the window length. with the 5-D TFH feature, as shown in [54]. The resultant higher
The columns of the matrix are summed to obtain the TDP vector dimensional feature set is then used for training and testing of
of size , as follows: the multidimensional feature based classification system.


The accurate prediction of eukaryotic protein coding regions
requires methods for the detection of their end-points. The
(8) intron-exon border is known as the acceptor splice site (or
end of the intron) and consists of a consensus dinucleotide
The final estimate of the degree of periodicity at period is “AG” as the last two nucleotides of the intron. Due to the
derived as follows: common occurrences of this dinucleotide at locations other
than acceptor sites throughout a gene sequence, detection is
(9) very difficult. In order to apply data-driven and other methods
herein, the candidate acceptor site sequences were extracted
It has been shown in [50] that for large , has a very as windows of 140 nucleotides around each consensus dinu-
sharp peak if correlation exists at period , enabling accurate cleotide “AG,” similarly to [55]. The nucleotide positions were
detection of periodicity. then labeled relative to the consensus dinucleotide “AG,” which
4) Singular Value Decomposition (SVD): The singular value was assumed to occupy the positions and . From the
decomposition (SVD) can be applied to a rectangular data end to the end of a genomic sequence, these labels would
matrix , decomposing it into matrices , , and [51], as be: . In the case
follows: of a true acceptor splice site, the first 70 positions represent
(10) intronic nucleotides, while the last 70 labels can be treated as
exonic nucleotides, as shown in Fig. 3.
where , and , i.e., and are orthog-
onal. The singular values of are square roots of the eigen- A. Existing Methods
values from or , where here comprises the frames Weight matrix method (WMM)—this method assumes that
of numeric DNA sequence values organized into a rectan- the probabilities of the nucleotides at each position are indepen-
gular matrix, where we choose . A linear combination of dent of each other [56]. According to [57], the probabilities of

this region of the candidate acceptor sites can be used to dis-

criminate the true sites from their false counterparts. For this
purpose, we employ the AMDF method in conjunction with the
“paired numeric” DNA symbolic-to-numeric mapping scheme
using the forward-backward window attribute, similar to [42].
These methods were selected based on experimental work from
Sections VI-A and B. Furthermore, due to the possibility of a
Fig. 3. Looking from the 5 end of DNA to its 3 end, the acceptor splice site very small exonic region in candidate acceptor sites (e.g., 70 bp)
is essentially an intron-to-exon border and consists of a consensus dinucleotide
“AG” as the last two nucleotides of the intron. a larger window is inadvisable. With a smaller window (69 base
pairs for the AMDF), a score “ “ for each candidate acceptor
site based on the ratio of the sum of period-3 features (denoted
generating a signal of length under positive and negative here as ) in putative coding regions to that of putative non-
WMMs of the pyrimidine-rich acceptor region are coding regions

where is the probability of generating nucleotide at posi-
tion of the signal, which can be estimated from the positional
frequencies of nucleotides in the training sets of the true and is proposed to discriminate the true and false acceptor sites,
false acceptor site sequences. Therefore, the positive and nega- where and are, respectively, the upper and lower indices
tive probabilistic models correspond to learning using true and for the period-3 summations in the putative coding (denoted
false acceptor site sequences, respectively. The log of the ratio ) and noncoding (denoted ) regions. DSP-based methods
of the WMM generated under a positive model to the WMM are attractive because they mostly do not require any training
generated under a negative model can be used as a score to dis- on the genomic data before use, unlike the WMM, WAM, and
criminate true acceptor splice sites from false. WWAM approaches, and also because they are derived from
Weight array method (WAM)—the WAM explores and cap- different information from these approaches. Hence, we also
tures the dependencies between adjacent positions, in contrast to combine the DSP-based method with WAM to improve the dis-
the WMM, which considers each position independently [58], crimination power of acceptor splice site detection. Empirically,
[59]. In [57], probabilities of generating a signal of length we found the WAM model of the region , and DSP-
under positive and negative Weight Array Models of the pyrim- based method over the region to be op-
idine-rich acceptor region are computed as timum for the recognition of human acceptor splice sites.

In this section, the evaluations of different DNA representa-
where is the conditional probability of generating nu- tions, feature extraction methods, and acceptor splice site detec-
cleotide at position , given nucleotide at position . tion methods (reviewed in Sections II–IV) are described, using
This quantity can be calculated from the ratio of the frequency standard eukaryotic datasets.
of dinucleotides and at positions and , to the fre-
quency of the nucleotide at position . A. Data Sets
Windowed weight array method (WWAM)—the WWAM is a Table I summarizes the Burset/Guigo1996 [10], HMR195
second-order WAM model, in which nucleotides of the branch [11], and GENSCAN [45] standard datasets, used herein.
point region are generated conditional on the nu- During the original formation of these datasets, certain common
cleotides of the previous two positions [45]. In order to have rules were followed. For example, each sequence consists of
enough data to model these second-order conditional probabili- one complete gene starting with an “ATG” codon and ending
ties, data from a window of adjacent signal positions are pooled. with one of the three possible stop codons (TAA, TAG, or
Here, the second-order conditional probability at position is TGA). The protein coding genes do not have any in-frame stop
calculated as the average of the conditional probabilities at po- codons. Moreover, the multiexon genes have “GT” and “AG”
sitions , , , , and . The WWAM has been consensus dinucleotides for the donor and acceptor splice sites,
combined with the WAM over the region to compute respectively.
signal ratio scores for acceptor site recognition in GENSCAN The data sets referred to, respectively, as the GENSCAN
[6], [45]. learning and test sets comprise the 188 multiexon gene se-
quences listed in [45, Appendix A] and 64 available multiexon
B. Proposed DSP-Statistical Hybrid Approach gene sequences listed in [45, Appendix B]. The number of
Since the exon region starts from the next nucleotide to the true/false acceptor site sequences of GENSCAN learning
consensus dinucleotide “AG” of the true acceptor sites in the and test sets were 1031/156107 and 317/44301, respectively,
direction, the detection of the presence or absence of period-3 when extracted from windows of 140 nucleotides around each
behavior, as determined by signal processing-based methods, in consensus dinucleotide “AG.”


Fig. 4. Nucleotide level measures of prediction accuracy.

In the evaluation of acceptor splice site detection, true and

false acceptor sites from the GENSCAN datasets (learning and
test sets) were used for training and testing of WMM, WAM,
WWAM, and the proposed DSP-based method.
Note that in all cases we do not actually perform the classifi-
cation to derive an exon/intron decision. Instead, we take advan-
B. System Configurations tage of the fact that this is a 2-class classification problem and
For the comparison of DNA symbolic to numeric mappings, give results across a range of different threshold settings/deci-
evaluated on the exon detection problem, the GENSCAN sion rules.
datasets (learning and test sets) were used for training (where
needed) and testing of DNA representations. The GENSCAN C. Evaluation Measures
test set was mapped into all DNA representations, and the In these evaluations, results are compared at the nucleotide
DFT-based SC measure was then applied for gene and exon level, contrary to existing comparisons at exon level or gene
prediction in each case. A constant length rectangular window level, e.g., [33]. In exon-level detection, the feature value for one
( [18]) was used for all types of DFT calculations. For point (i.e., nucleotide) in an exon being greater than a decision
the quaternion representation, the discrete quaternion Fourier threshold is sufficient for the detection of that particular exon.
transform (DQFT) [41] was employed to calculate the SC The following measures were employed.
measure. Sensitivity and Specificity—The prediction accuracy mea-
The second evaluation compared the various DSP-based exon sures of sensitivity, specificity (similar to [10]) can be explained
detection methods discussed in Sections II and III. The Burset/ with the aid of Fig. 4, where true positive (TP) is the number
Guigo1996, HMR195, and GENSCAN datasets were all used. of coding nucleotides correctly predicted as coding, false
Note that the SR, PWSR, and TFH methods are organism-spe- negative (FN) is the number of coding nucleotides predicted
cific and can only be trained and tested on datasets consisting as noncoding, true negative (TN) is the number of noncoding
of gene sequences taken from one particular organism, such as nucleotides correctly predicted as noncoding, and false positive
GENSCAN in our case. In 1-D feature extraction, a rectangular (FP) is the number of noncoding nucleotides predicted as
window of constant size (consistent with previous coding. The sensitivity gives the measure of the propor-
work [18], [32], [33]) was again used in DFT-based methods. tion of coding nucleotides that have been correctly predicted
The AMDF, TDP, and SVD methods were prefiltered with a as coding. The specificity is the proportion of predicted
bandpass filter tuned at , to emphasize the period-3 compo- coding nucleotides that are actually from the coding region.
nent and de-emphasize all other components. In AR model im- Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves—The re-
plementation, a model order of 40 and frame size of 135 were ceiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were developed
used, as were found suitable in the preliminary work of [52]. in the 1950s as a technique for visualizing, organizing and
A frame size of 81 was used for the SVD method, similar to selecting classifiers based on their performance [60]. In the
[52]. Empirically, we found a frame length of 117 suitable for exon-intron separation problem, an ROC curve explores the
AMDF and TDP. A frame size of 117 was used for ACF, consis- effects on TP and FP as the position of an arbitrary decision
tent with the frame sizes for the other time-domain algorithms. threshold is varied. The curve can be characterized as a single
In multidimensional feature extraction, a constant window size number using the area under the ROC curve (AUC), with larger
of was used for DFT-related features and frame size areas indicating more accurate detection methods.
of 117 was used for AMDF calculations. For AR modeling, a False positive (and specificity) versus sensitivity—in this
model order of 12 and window length of 180 were used, as de- measure, the percentage of false positives and percentage speci-
termined in [54]. ficity are calculated at different levels of percentage sensitivity.
For exon prediction using multidimensional features, two A threshold output feature value Th at a particular level of
GMMs were trained, based on protein coding and noncoding percentage sensitivity is the minimum value for which of
features of the GENSCAN learning set, respectively, from the exonic nucleotides have feature values greater than Th [45].
which likelihood estimates were extracted as features during Detection of exonic nucleotides for false positive—the
testing on the GENSCAN test set, as explained in [54]. Em- percentage of exonic nucleotides detected for false positives
pirically, we found 32 mixtures optimal for training the GMM (where , 20, and 30) can also be calculated, generating
parameters, and a diagonal covariance matrix was used. curves when the decision threshold is varied. False positives are

are rich in nucleotides “ ” and “ ” whereas exons are rich in

nucleotides “ “ and “ “) for discriminating between structures
of the genomic protein coding and noncoding regions. The fre-
quency of nucleotide occurrence method also gives promising
results, due to the fact that fractional occurrences of the four
nucleotides in protein coding regions is different to those of the
noncoding regions. It is perhaps surprising that the paired nu-
meric and frequency of nucleotide occurrence representations
provide such a marked improvement over other real number rep-
resentations, suggesting that real number mappings need to be
selected very carefully for a given application. It is also perhaps
surprising that the paired numeric and frequency of nucleotide
occurrence representations, which exhibit few of the conceptu-
ally desirable properties of DNA representations mentioned in
Section II-A, are the most successful.
Table II shows that the -curve and Tetrahedron schemes are
Fig. 5. Comparison of single-sequence DNA representations for the exon de- approximately equal, and give improved gene and exon predic-
tection problem, evaluated on the GENSCAN test set. tion than real number approaches for a complexity equivalent
to three sequences. Compared with the paired numeric and fre-
TABLE II quency of nucleotide representations, however, their higher di-
USING GENSCAN TEST SET mension does not produce gains in detection accuracy.
The four-sequence representations: Voss, complex, quater-
nion, and EIIP, all give equivalent DFT-based gene and exon
prediction accuracy, as seen in Table II. This result was expected
as they are all variations on the same representation. Further-
more, their performance is equal to the three-sequence tetrahe-
dron representation, which is also a variation of this represen-
tation. It has also recently been shown in [61] that the three-se-
quence -curve method is theoretically equivalent to the Voss
approach. By comparison with four-sequence schemes, the re-
cently proposed paired numeric and frequency of nucleotide oc-
currence methods reveal improved DFT-based gene and exon
prediction with 75% less downstream processing. We conjec-
ture that further improvements in gene and exon prediction can
be achieved by incorporating more DNA structural properties in
existing or new DNA symbolic-to-numeric representations.
Finally, we note that small improvements in detection accu-
racy can be gained through the use of forward and backward
sliding window DFTs, at the cost of increased complexity.

B. Period-3 Exon Detection Results

an important problem due to the fact that intronic and intergenic
nucleotides make up more than 95% of the eukaryotic genome. The results and discussion presented in this section bench-
mark the period-3 methods for gene and exon prediction in
VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION eukaryotes on a large scale, using three standard genomic se-
quence datasets. ROC plots using Burset/Guigo1996, HMR195
A. DNA Representation Results and GENSCAN test set are shown, respectively, in Figs. 6–8.
All DNA representations were compared for the purpose of Table III summarizes all period-3 detection results giving
identifying protein coding regions, using the DFT based SC AUC values, and exonic nucleotide detection rates for
measure to characterize period-3 behavior in the exonic regions false positive using all three datasets. It can be observed that
for the GENSCAN test set. Specificity versus sensitivity and for the vertebrate dataset, the recently proposed AMDF and
AUC results for single-sequence representations are given in TDP outperform other measures, giving consistently improved
Fig. 5 and Table II, respectively. Note that “real-numbers 1” exonic detection. Time-domain methods are attractive because
refers to , , , ; “real-numbers 2” is they are computationally efficient and perform better for an
, , , ; and “real-numbers 3” is , identification of short and/or closely spaced coding regions,
, , . These results show that the using smaller window lengths [48]. Furthermore, the recently
recently proposed “paired numeric” is the most accurate repre- proposed frequency-domain DFT based PSC measure improves
sentation for this application, due to the fact that the approach on the SC measure, with 50% less DFT processing. Interest-
exploits a key statistical property (according to which introns ingly, the ACF, AR, and AN filter methods give very poor

as discussed in Section III-B3. In results using the HMR195

dataset, the AMDF and TDP also give improved performance
compared with other methods, similar to the results obtained
using Burset/Guigo1996 dataset.
Since the Burset/Guigo1996 (vertebrate) and HMR195
(mammalian) datasets contain mixed genomic sequences (i.e.,
sequences taken from different organisms), the SR, PWSR,
and TFH methods, which require training data, can not be
applied to these datasets in a straightforward manner. Hence,
for comparison between all methods, the GENSCAN test
set was employed. It is quite clear from the results in Fig. 8
that the data-driven, DFT-based PWSR measure outperforms
well-known 1-D frequency-domain methods, giving consis-
tently fewer false positives (and higher levels of specificity)
at each sensitivity level and improved nucleotide detection.
By comparison with other DFT-based measures, the PWSR
Fig. 6. ROC curves for period-3 detection, using the Burset/Guigo1996 dataset. method reveals relative improvements of 15.2% and 10.7%,
respectively, over the SC and SR measures in the detection of
exonic nucleotides at a 10% false positive rate. The recently
proposed paired spectral content (PSC) method also improves
on the SC and SR measures. One reason for DFT-based
methods (i.e., SC, SR, PWSR, and PSC measures) giving
poorer accuracy than time-domain algorithms (e.g., AMDF,
and TDP), is their relatively large window size (351). Recent
investigations [62] suggest that the optimum window length for
DFT-based methods depends to a large extent on the average
length of exon regions of the dataset being used, whereas
for time-domain algorithms, this length lies within a short
range. The time-frequency hybrid (TFH), which combines the
complementary PWSR and AMDF methods, provides a further
small gain in accuracy over the individual PWSR and AMDF
Finally, the multidimensional feature-based methods give
more accurate gene and exon prediction than all 1-D methods.
By comparison with the best 1-D method (TFH), the recently
Fig. 7. ROC curves for period-3 detection, using the HMR195 dataset.
proposed multidimensional TFH and AR-TFH methods reveal
relative improvements of 4.7% and 11.4%, respectively, in the
detection of exonic nucleotides at a 10% false positive rate.

C. Acceptor Splice Site Results

After training on the GENSCAN learning set, the proposed
DSP-statistical hybrid acceptor site detection method from
Section IV-B was compared with WMM, WAM and WWAM
using the GENSCAN test set. Fig. 9 shows ROC curves for all
methods using the GENSCAN test set, from which it can be
observed that the ROC curve for the proposed method exhibits
better discrimination power for the detection of acceptor splice
sites. The DSP-based method alone is notably poorer than
data-driven methods, presumably due to the fact that it relies
solely on the accurate identification of the period-3 behaviour
on one side of the “AG” junction (i.e., consensus dinucleotide
for acceptor sites). The periodicity of three in exons is often
weak, and existing DSP-based methods are not well equipped
Fig. 8. ROC curves for period-3 detection, using the GENSCAN test set. to identify this periodicity over a short length of the sequence
(e.g., 69 in our case). However, DSP-based methods combined
with data-driven methods still improve the accuracy of predic-
identification of period-3 regions, and a likely cause is the lack tion, because the two approaches exploit different information.
of bandpass filtering as used in the AMDF and TDP methods, Table IV summarizes the comparison, giving results for AUC,



In summary, a number of digital signal processing-based
Fig. 9. ROC plot for acceptor site detection, using GENSCAN test set. methods for eukaryotic gene prediction have been proposed,
and these have been evaluated alongside many other DSP-based
methods. Firstly, DNA symbolic-to-numeric mappings were
false positive and percentage specificity at different levels of compared in terms of both computational complexity and
percentage sensitivity, for all methods, using the GENSCAN relative accuracy for the gene and exon prediction problem.
test set. The proposed DSP-statistical hybrid method clearly From these experiments, the recently proposed paired numeric
achieves a larger area under the ROC curve, consistently fewer representation was shown to give an improvement of 2% over
false positives and higher percent specificities compared with the Voss binary indicator sequences in terms of area under
all three existing methods. By comparison with the WWAM the ROC curve for gene and exon prediction, with 75% less
method used in gene-finding program GENSCAN [6], the downstream processing, when evaluated on the GENSCAN test
number of false positives across different sensitivity levels in set.
the proposed method shows an average relative improvement All 1-D output feature methods for gene and exon predic-
of 43%. tion were then evaluated on the standard genomic datasets
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might be expected from using multidimensional feature-based gene and exon prediction accuracy, the recently proposed
methods; however, these require suitable training data for TFH, AMDF, TDP, SVD, PWSR, and PSC methods exhibited
estimating the GMM parameters and, hence, suffer similar relatively more accurate gene and exon prediction, improving
drawbacks to existing data-driven techniques in terms of re- on the well-known DFT based-SC measure by 4% to 9% in
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