Factors of Safety
Factors of Safety
Factors of Safety
Factor of Safety
Equipment - FOS -
Aircraft components 1.5 - 2.5
Boilers 3.5 - 6
Bolts 8.5
Cast-iron wheels 20
Engine components 6-8
Heavy duty shafting 10 - 12
Lifting equipment - hooks .. 8-9
Pressure vessels 3.5 - 6
Turbine components - static 6-8
Turbine components - rotating 2-3
Spring, large heavy-duty 4.5
Structural steelwork in buildings 4-6
Structural steelwork in bridges 5-7
Wire ropes 8-9
Design Factors of Safety are often published in technical standards but there is no dedicated
standard to the subject.
Note that for statutory items such as cranes and pressure vessels FOS are specified in the
design codes.
General recommendations
Factor of
Applications Safety
- FOS -
For use with highly reliable materials where loading and environmental
1.3 - 1.5
conditions are not severe and where weight is an important consideration
For use with reliable materials where loading and environmental conditions
1.5 - 2
are not severe
For use with ordinary materials where loading and environmental conditions
2 - 2.5
are not severe
For use with less tried and for brittle materials where loading and
2.5 - 3
environmental conditions are not severe
For use with materials where properties are not reliable and where loading
and environmental conditions are not severe, or where reliable materials 3-4
are used under difficult and environmental conditions
Faktor Keamanan(Safety Factor) Dalam Perancangan Elemen Mesin
Faktor Keamanan (Safety factor) adalah faktor yang digunakan untuk méngevaluasi agar
perencanaan elemen mesin terjamin keamanannya dengan dimensi yang minimum
Joseph P Vidosic (“ Machine Design Projects”)
-> Faktor Keamanan/ Safety Factor (sf) berdasarkan tegangan luluh adalah
• sf = 1,25 – 1,5 : kondisi terkontrol dan tegangan yang bekerja dapat ditentukan dengan pasti
• sf = 1,5 – 2,0 : bahan yang sudah diketahui, kondisi lingkungan beban dan tegangan yang tetap
dan dapat ditentukan dengan mudah.
• sf = 2,0 – 2,5 : bahan yang beroperasi secara rata-rata dengan batasan beban yang diketahui.
• sf = 2,5 – 3,0 : bahan yang diketahui tanpa mengalami tes. Pada kondisi beban dan tegangan
• sf = 3,0 – 4,5 : bahan yang sudah diketahui. Kondisi beban, tegangan dan lingkungan yang
tidak pasti.
• Beban Dinamis : 2 – 3
• Beban Kejut : 3 – 5