Documents Format For Plagiarism Check
Documents Format For Plagiarism Check
Documents Format For Plagiarism Check
1. The Research Scholar should submit the filled “Certificate of Plagiarism check” form
which signed by both the scholar and the research supervisor as per the format given
in the Ph.D regulation 2019, Appendix C.
2. The Research Scholar to submit Ph.D Thesis in soft copy(CD with PDF format) which
should contain the following two folders separately (Namely A and B).
Folder B: (Shodhganga archives Purpose) Contain the following all files separately.
1. Title page
2. Certificate
3. Preliminary pages (Declaration, acknowledgements, Contents, list of Tables and
figures, Abbreviation etc.)
4. Chapter-1: Introduction-- General
5. Chapter-2: Review of Literature
6. Chapter-3: Scope and Objectives of Research
7. Chapter-4: Experimental Section
8. Chapter-5: Results and Discussion
9. Chapter-6: Summary/Conclusion(up to final chapter)
10. References/Bibliography
11. Appendices
Certificate of Scrutiny of Ph.D Thesis Committee
Checked by