Mf5102 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 1
Mf5102 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 1
Mf5102 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 1
Reg. No. :
AnswerALL questions
PART-A (10x2=20Marks)
B. State with neat sketches, the importance of star, ring and bus networks.
4. List the seven layers of OSI model.
5. What are the symbols used in an automated flow line ?
ii) Discuss the Zoomand. Pan drawing features in CAD packages. (5)
b) i) What is the role of CAD in CIM ? (8)
ii) Differentiate between wireframe and solid medsling with an e3ample. (5)
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L2. a) Explain cIM data transmission methods with neat sketch'
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b) Write short notes on : $rvw. receni'queeiion
i) Network toPologies.
ii) OSI model.
13. a) i) Elucidate the role of GT'in CAD/CAM integration.
ii) Explain the significance of MCLASS and OPTIZcoding systems.
b) Explain the steps in Computer Aided Process Planning with a case study. (13)
14. a) Define shop floor control with a flow chart and enumerate in detail about its
. components. (13)
b) i) Define FMS layout and explain its workstations. (7)
ii) Sxplain the significance of material handling and storage system in detail. (6)
b) Discuss in detail about the types ofproduction monitoring systems with a case
PART- C (1x15=15 Marks)
16. a) i) Give the reasons for the downtime, on an automated production line. ' (3)
Discuss the limits of storage buffer effectiveness.
Station breakd.own is p = 0.01. Average downtime = 8.0 min. per line stop.
Use the upper bound approach and determine
i) Ideal production rate.
ii) Frequency of line stoPs. pape r' c6-frr (3)
iii) Average actual production rate. vtlrw . recentquestion
iv) Line effrciency
b) Distinguish between lean and agile manufacturing with a case study. Discuss
where agile manufacturing gains prominence'