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Workshop #1

Escribe la forma plural de los siguientes sustantivos.

Sample (ejemplo)
The plural of baby: babies

Q1 of 9
The plural of cake: ____________

Q2 of 9
The plural of church: __________

Q3 of 9
The plural of glass: ____________

Q4 of 9
The plural of wife: ____________

Q5 of 9
The plural of fish: _____________

Q6 of 9
The plural of month: ___________

Q7 of 9
The plural of child: ____________

Q8 of 9
The plural of wish: ____________

Q9 of 9
The plural of woman: ___________
Seleccione la opción que identifica el sustantivo en la oración.

1. It will take all of your energy and will to be able to walk again.

A. Take
B. All
C. Your
D. Energy

2. The works of many great poets have been placed on reserve.

A. Many
B. Great
C. Placed
D. Reserve

3. The Brooklyn Bridge was opened in 1883.

A. Bridge
B. Was
C. Opened
D. In

4. Sparta and Athens were enemies during the Peloponnesian War.

A. And
B. Were
C. During
D. War

5. Sharks and lampreys are not true fish because their skeletons are made of cartilage
rather than bone.

A. True
B. Because
C. Their
D. Bone
6. Joe, have you met your new boss?

A. Have
B. Met
C. Your
D. Boss

7. Sue's parents tried living in the north, but they could not adapt to the cold.

A. North
B. But
C. Not
D. Adapt

8. Mastering basic mathematics is an important goal for younger students.

A. Mastering
B. Important
C. Younger
D. Students

9. To seize a foreign embassy and its inhabitants is flagrant disregard for diplomatic

A. Seize
B. Its
C. Flagrant
D. Neutrality

10. The Trojans' rash decision to accept the wooden horse led to their destruction.

A. Their
B. Led
C. Accept
D. Destruction
Workshop #2

Subject pronoun
A subject pronoun is exactly what it sounds like: a pronoun that takes the place of a noun
as the subject of a sentence. Remember, a sentence’s subject is the person or thing that
performs the action of a verb. When you take an even closer look, you’ll see that a subject
pronoun is used as the subject of a verb, while an object pronoun is usually used as a
grammatical object.

Un pronombre sujeto es exactamente lo que parece: un pronombre que toma el lugar de un

sustantivo como el sujeto de una oración. Recuerde, el sujeto de una oración es la persona
o cosa que realiza la acción de un verbo. Cuando mires más de cerca, verás que un
pronombre sujeto se usa como el sujeto de un verbo, mientras que un pronombre objeto se
usa generalmente como un objeto gramatical.

Subject Pronouns Exercises

1. __________ kicked the ball so hard that his shoe came off.
A. She
B. They
C. He
D. It
2. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think __________ enjoy studying.
A. He
B. She
C. You
D. I
3. The dog stole Tara’s ice cream before __________ ran away.
A. You
B. I
C. They
D. It
4. __________ enjoys going to the gym early each morning.
A. I
B. She
C. They
D. We
5. __________ prefer hiking to movies.
A. She
B. He
C. We
D. It
6. __________ is raining again.
A. It
B. She
C. He
D. We
7. __________ puts ketchup on everything she eats.
A. He
B. She
C. We
D. It
8. You can have ice cream after __________ finish your dinner.
A. We
B. You
C. It
D. She
Workshop #3

Object pronouns

An object pronoun is a type of personal pronoun that is normally used as a grammatical

object, either as the direct or indirect object of a verb, or as the object of a preposition.
These pronouns always take the objective case, whether they are indirect object pronouns
or direct object pronouns
Un pronombre objeto es un tipo de pronombre personal que normalmente se usa como un
objeto gramatical, ya sea como el objeto directo o indirecto de un verbo, o como el objeto
de una preposición. Estos pronombres siempre toman el caso objetivo, ya sean
pronombres de objetos indirectos o pronombres de objetos directos.

Object Pronouns Exercises

1. Mary wants to talk to __________ about your homework.

A. Him
B. Her
C. You
D. Them
2. The plate shattered when John dropped __________ on the floor.
A. Him
B. Her
C. Them
D. It
3. Be careful; he lied to __________ before and he may do it again.
A. Us
B. It
C. We
D. They
4. Where are Jill and Cherie? Didn’t you invite __________?
A. Us
B. Them
C. They
D. Her
5. The spider bit __________ on my ankle.
A. You
B. Me
C. Her
D. It
6. I heard that Jeremy was cut from the team just because Tyler doesn’t like __________.
A. Him
B. Her
C. It
D. Them
7. The bread is stale. You can feed __________ to the birds.
A. Them
B. It
C. Him
D. Her
8. The movie was hilarious! We really liked __________.
A. Him
B. Them
C. Her
D. It
Workshop #4

Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns are those designating possession. They may also be used as
substitutes for noun phrases, and they are typically found at the end of a sentence or
clause. There are only a few possessive pronouns in the English language, and there are
only two specific rules for using them correctly. Keep these rules in mind when using
possessive pronouns, and you’ll discover that writing properly is easier.
Los pronombres posesivos son aquellos que designan la posesión. También se pueden
usar como sustitutos de frases nominales, y generalmente se encuentran al final de una
oración o cláusula. Hay solo unos pocos pronombres posesivos en el idioma inglés, y solo
hay dos reglas específicas para usarlos correctamente. Tenga en cuenta estas reglas al usar
pronombres posesivos, y descubrirá que escribir correctamente es más fácil.

Possessive Pronoun Exercises

The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how possessive
pronouns work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

Los siguientes ejercicios te ayudarán a comprender mejor cómo funcionan los pronombres
posesivos. Elija la mejor respuesta para completar cada oración.

1. The mother cat and __________ kittens napped in the sunshine.

A. His
B. Your
C. Hers
D. Her
2. I like cream cheese on _________ bagels.
A. My
B. Mine
C. Your
D. Our
3. ________grandfather used to take us fishing.
A. Mine
B. My
C. Our
D. Ours
4. Elaine bought ________ dress at the mall.
A. Yours
B. Mine
C. Her
D. D. Hers
5. The car lost _________ rear bumper in an accident.
A. It’s
B. Its
C. His
D. Her
6. The horse swished _________ tail to keep flies away.
A. It’s
B. Its
C. Its’
D. The
7. This dessert is ___________ but you can have it.
A. My
B. Mine
C. Yours
D. Delicious
8. Please return _________ money at once.
A. Mine
B. Your
C. My
D. Its
9. ______car is so dirty I can’t even tell what color it is.
A. Your
B. Yours
C. Hers
D. Ours
10.When the cat saw the dog, it stopped in ______ tracks.
A. My
B. Its
C. His
D. Hers
Workshop #5

Demonstrative Pronouns

A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that is used to point to something specific within a

sentence. These pronouns can indicate items in space or time, and they can be either
singular or plural.

Un pronombre demostrativo es un pronombre que se utiliza para señalar algo específico

dentro de una oración. Estos pronombres pueden indicar elementos en espacio o tiempo, y
pueden ser singulares o plural.

Demonstrative Pronouns Exercises

The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how
demonstrative pronouns work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

Los siguientes ejercicios te ayudarán a comprender mejor cómo funcionan los pronombres
demostrativos. Elija la mejor respuesta para completar cada oración.

1. ____________ was such an interesting experience.

A. That
B. These
C. Those
D. Such
2. Are ___________ your shoes?
A. That
B. Them
C. Those
D. This
3. You’ll have to get your own pen. ______________ is mine.
A. That
B. Those
C. Such
D. This
4. There is no end to ___________.
A. Such
B. Those
C. This
D. None
5. Because of their bad behavior, ____________ of the children were given allowances.
A. None
B. That
C. Those
D. Them
6. ____________ of them had seen it before.
A. Those
B. Neither
C. Such
D. This
7. Is ____________ yours?
A. This
B. Those
C. These
D. Such
8. Everyone ate early. When we arrived, ____________ was left.
A. That
B. Such
C. None
D. Neither
9. Please give me one of ____________.
A. That
B. Those
C. This
D. Such
10.____________ are nice-looking.
A. This
B. That
C. These
D. Such
Workshop #6

Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives:

Reemplaza los pronombres personales por adjetivos posesivos:

1. Where is (I) book?

2. Here is (we) teacher.
3. She goes to school with (she) brother.
4. (They) father works in a car factory.
5. (You) laptop is very expensive.
6. (He) favorite hobby is tennis.
7. (I) husband and I want to go to Paris.
8. We want to see (it) historical monuments.
9. Leila likes (she) dog!
10.(It) name is Bobby.

Choose the right possessive adjective:

Elija el adjetivo posesivo correcto:

1. Two students didn't do mathematics homework.

2. I have a car. color is black.
3. We have a dog. name is Pancho.
4. Nancy is from England. husband is from Australia.
5. Ann and Nadia go to a high school. little brother goes to primary school.
6. Alan has a van. van is very old.
7. We go to a high school. high school is fantastic.
8. I like singing. mother sings with me.
9. François and Alain are French. family are from France.
10.Mary likes grandmother. She often visits her.
Workshop #7

Qualifying Adjective

Qualifying adjective exercise

Completa las siguientes oraciones eligiendo un adjetivo de los siguientes:

Long / unknown / noisy / stressed / red / old / huge / northern / extinct /


1 The novel I'm reading is .

2 My house has a bathroom.

3 I had a lot work and felt really .

4 I bought a dress.

5 The air conditioner was because there was something wrong

with the thermostat.

6 We stayed in an hotel in Rome.

7 She has a blond hair.

8 My friend Mary was living in Ireland.

9 The nominees are five relatively writers.

10 Dinosaurs went sixty five million years ago.

Workshop #8


An adverb is a word that is used to change or qualify the meaning of an adjective, a verb,
a clause, another adverb, or any other type of word or phrase with the exception of
determiners and adjectives that directly modify nouns.

Un adverbio es una palabra que se usa para cambiar o calificar el significado de un

adjetivo, un verbo, una cláusula, otro adverbio o cualquier otro tipo de palabra o frase, con
la excepción de los determinantes y adjetivos que modifican directamente los sustantivos.

Adverbs Exercises

The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how adverbs
work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

Los siguientes ejercicios te ayudarán a obtener una mayor comprensión sobre cómo
funcionan los adverbios. Elija la mejor respuesta para completar cada oración.

1. The driver stopped the bus _______________.

A. Financially
B. Exactly
C. Abruptly
D. Now
2. During autumn, colorful leaves can be seen falling ______________ from trees.
A. Everywhere
B. Very
C. Gently
D. Loudly
3. My grandmother always smiled _______________.
A. Cheerfully
B. Sadly
C. Never
D. Yesterday
4. After the party, confetti was strewn _________________.
A. Blandly
B. Everywhere
C. Later
D. Carefully
5. It’s time to go ____________.
A. Before
B. Now
C. Yesterday
D. Lightly

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