Pronouns and Determiners Revision

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English’s Pronouns and Determiners | Revision

Examples: Equivalem aos nossos pronomes de complemento

direto e indireto em português. Além da forma,
I think you enjoy studying. diferenciam pela posição que ocupam numa frase: os
You love to travel by train. subject pronouns geralmente aparecem no início da
frase, enquanto os object pronous, no meio ou no
She kicked the ball hard. final.
The dog is big. It is also Examples:
The spider bit me on my ankle.
My bed is small but it is
comfortable. They bought you many gifts.

We go to the beach after Tom took her to work Tuesday.

lunch. My parents are cool. I love them.
They forgot the phone at He screwed up everything. Mary wants to talk to
home. him about it.
He lied to us before and he may do it again.
English’s Pronouns and Determiners | Revision

Equivalem aos nossos pronomes

possessivos. Geralmente, aparecem no
Equivalem aos nossos final da oração (não são seguidos por um
determinantes possessivos. nome, mas podem ser seguidos de um
Colocam-se antes dos nomes. verbo).
Examples: Examples:
My car is very old. The dog is mine.
Are these your shoes? Our clothes are dry, but yours are still wet.
Julia lives with her mother. He was an enemy of hers.
The bird hurt its wing. These are not my T-shirts. They are his.
Our dog is black. Sara and Vanessa are friends of ours.
The waitresses lost their These cars are theirs.
English’s Pronouns and Determiners | Revision

São usados para indicar que a ação

A. Write the correct reflexive pronoun
reflexiva recai sobre o sujeito que a
praticou. O pronome vem logo após o 1. Robert made this T-shirt______________.
verbo e concorda com o sujeito. 2. Lisa did her homework______________.
Estes pronomes se caracterizam pelas 3. We helped______________ to some Coke at the party.
terminações -self (no singular) e -selves (no 4. Emma, did you take the photo by______________. ?
plural). 5. I wrote this poem ______________.
6. He cut ____________ with the knife while he was doing the dishes.
7. The lion can defend______________.
I will do my homework myself. 8. My mother often talks to______________.
9. Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help______________.
Take care of yourself!
10. Alice and Doris collected the stickers______________.
Jorge wrote the letter himself. 11. My brother practice his English by talking to ______________
The girl cut herself with a knife. 12. My sister and I looked at ______________________ in the mirror.
13. Did you enjoy ___________________________ at the party last night?
They raised the children themselves.
14. Cats can get clean by licking ___________________________.

Estes podem ainda ser precedidos pela preposição by. Nesse caso, os
reflexivos (reflexives) têm o sentido de sozinho(a), sozinhos(as) (alone).
Algumas vezes, a palavra all é colocada antes de by, para enfatizar.
She was waiting for her husband (all) by herself.
Sometimes Richard prefers to be by himself.
English’s Pronouns and Determiners | Revision

B. Complete with the correct possessive pronoun or possessive determiner.

1. Whose bike is this? Is it really ___________? 11. I have two sons.______ages are 18 and 19.
2. Is he ___________teacher? 12. The lion is chasing _______prey.
3. The parrot ate all _________ seeds. 13. John writes_________composition and we don’t write______:
4. Hey Ron! This is not___________ car. is red. 14. I lost ___________ pen in the library. Can I have one of ___________?
5. Lisa broke___________ left leg. 15. Stop! – These sweets are all___________ .
6. This is ___________house, where's ? 16. Did you forget to do ___________ homework yesterday? – No I didn't. I
7. Is this Emily's room? – Yes, it's ___________. did___________ homework.
8. Robert, _______ (you) handwriting is difficult to read. 17. Are these really___________ shoes? – Yes, these are___________ shoes. –
9. Where are ______ keys? I can’t find them. _______ (you) are here. They are not___________ .
10. He knows_______ lesson well and I also know_______.

C. Choose whether each sentence requires a possessive adjective or a possessive pronoun:

1. Is that your notebook or (my/mine)? 7. A friend of (her/hers) brother's called.
2. I don't like (their/theirs) apartment. 8. He's (our/ours) doctor.
3. That's not my problem. It's (yours/your). 9. That's (our/ours) house, not theirs.
4. Your car is green, while (my/mine) is black. 10. Is he a friend of (your/yours)?
5. Isn't (their/theirs) son older than you? 11. Annalisa finished (her/hers) homework early, but Julissa did
6. A friend of (our/ours) called. not do (her/hers) until later.
English’s Pronouns and Determiners | Revision

A. Complete the sentences with ‘’this”, “that”, “these”, “those’’

1. I’m really busy _______________ morning.
2._______________ cake you made last week was delicious.
3. Let me introduce you. Sue, _______________ is Tom.
4. I’m going to take back _______________ shoes I bought last week.
5. Are you going to watch _______________ DVD with us?
Demonstrative adjectives Demonstrative pronouns
6. First you need to chop up _______________ tomatoes over there.
Usam-se antes dos nomes Usam-se no lugar dos nomes
7. Hello, _______________ is Nick speaking.
These books are too expensive. This bread is fresher than that. 8. Yes, _______________’s right. I completely agree with you.
This car is beautiful. How much are those?
That man really irritates me! Would you like a little of this? 9. I'm sorry to say it but _____________ cake you have just served me
This hotel is much more expensive than That seems very strange! is awful.
that one. 10. Look at ____________ kids playning in the garden over there;
they're so cute.
11. The jeans you have bought today are better than____________
you bought last month.
12. Take one of____________ files from that table.
13. Many parents complain about their children ___________ days.
English’s Pronouns and Determiners | Revision

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