Statics Deals With The Conditions of Equilibrium of Bodies Acted Upon by Forces
Statics Deals With The Conditions of Equilibrium of Bodies Acted Upon by Forces
Statics Deals With The Conditions of Equilibrium of Bodies Acted Upon by Forces
Statics deals with the conditions of equilibrium of bodies acted upon by forces
and is one of the oldest branches of science. Some of its fundamental principles
date back to the Egyptians and Babylonians who used them in the solution of
problems encountered in building the famous pyramids and old temples.1 The
earliest writings on the subject were left by Archimedes (287–212 B.C.), who
formulated the laws of equilibrium of forces acting on a lever and also some
principles of hydrostatics. However, the principles from which the subject in its
present form is developed were not fully stated until the later part of the seven-
teenth century and are mainly the work of Stevinus, Varignon and Newton, who
were the first to use the principle of the parallelogram of forces.
Statics deals with the conditions of equilibrium of bodies acted upon by forces.
We shall be mostly concerned in this book with problems involving the equi-
librium of rigid bodies. Physical bodies, such as we have to deal with in the
design of engineering structures and machine parts, are never absolutely rigid
but deform slightly under the action of loads which they have to carry. Consider,
for example, the lever shown in Fig. 2.1(a). Under the action of the two equal
weights at the ends, the bar bends slightly over the fulcrum and the distance of
each weight from the fulcrum is decreased by a very small amount. In discussing
the equilibrium of the lever (equal weights at equal distances from the fulcrum
are in equilibrium), we may safely ignore this deformation and assume that the
lever is a rigid body which remains straight, as shown in Fig. 2.1(b). That is, we
assume that the distance of each weight from the fulcrum is half the length of the
bar. This illustrates the significance of the assumption of rigid bodies in dealing
with static equilibrium.
For historical data regarding the development of statics, see Ernst Mach, “Science of
Mechanics,” Open Court Publishing Company, Chicago, 1902.
Concurrent Forces in a Plane ͙͡
A rigid body is defined as a definite quantity of matter the parts of which are
fixed in position relative to one another. The physical bodies are never absolutely
rigid but deform slightly under the action of loads, which they have to carry.
If the deformation is negligible when compared with the size of the body, it is
assumed to be rigid.
If we are interested in the strength of the lever in Fig. 2.1, or the amount of
sag, the deformation represented by the bent form becomes important and must
be taken into account. Problems in which the effect of small deformations of
physical bodies must be taken into account are generally treated in books on
strength of materials or theory of elasticity.
Problems dealing with the conditions of equilibrium of nonrigid bodies, such
as liquids and gases, are usually treated in books on fluid mechanics. These will
also not be considered here, except in so far as they may be involved in deter-
mining the pressure or loading exerted on rigid bodies that we do have under
For the investigation of problems of statics we must introduce the concept of
force, which may be defined as any action that tends to change the state of rest or
motion of a body to which it is applied. A force or motion acting on a rigid body
produces one or both of the following effects: (i) linear displacement, (ii) angular
(rotating) displacement. These effects essentially result in a change in the state of
rest or motion of a body.
Force may be defined as any action that tends to change the state of rest or
motion of a body to which it is applied.
There are many kinds of force, such as gravity force with which we are all
familiar and the simple push or pull that we can exert upon a body with our
hands. Other examples of force are the gravitational attraction between the sun
and planets, the tractive effort of a locomotive, the force of magnetic attraction,
steam or gas pressure in a cylinder, wind pressure, atmospheric pressure and
frictional resistance between contiguous surfaces.
Weight is the force of gravitational attraction of the earth on a body.
When a body such as a dam impounds water, the water
exerts a force on the impounding body which is distributed on the area of its
contact with the body. This is known as hydrostatic pressure.
From the above example, we see that for the complete definition of a force we
must know (1) its magnitude, (2) its point of application, and (3) its direction.
These three quantities which completely define the force are called its specifica-
tions or characteristics.
The specifications or characteristics of a force are (1) its magnitude, (2) its
point of application, and (3) its direction.
Concurrent Forces in a Plane ͚͙
The SI units used by engineers to measure the magnitude of a force are the
Newton (N) and its multiple the kilonewton (kN), equal to 1000 N. The Newton
is a derived unit. One Newton is defined as the force, which gives an acceleration
of 1 m/s2 to a mass of 1 kg.
The point of application of a force, acting upon a body is that point in the
body at which the force can be assumed to be concentrated. Physically, it will
be impossible to concentrate a force at a single point; i.e., every force must have
some finite area or volume over which its action is distributed. For example, the
force W exerted by the ball upon the string AB in Fig. 2.2 is in reality distributed
over the small cross-sectional area of the string. Likewise, the gravity force,
which the earth exerts on the ball, is distributed throughout the volume of the ball.
However, we often find it convenient to think of such distributed force as being
concentrated at a single point of application wherever this can be done without
sensibly changing the effect of the force on the conditions of equilibrium. In the
case of gravity force distributed throughout the volume of a body, the point of
application at which the total weight can be assumed to be concentrated is called
the center of gravity of the body.
Force can also be classified depending on nature of its loading pattern. If the
entire magnitude of force is acting over a very small area, it is called concen-
trated force or a point load and on the other hand if it is distributed over a length
or an area or a volume, it is called distributed force as shown in Fig 2.3(a) and
Fig 2.3(b) respectively.
The direction of a force is the direction, along a straight line through its point
of application, in which the force tends to move a body to which it is applied.
This line is called the line of action of the force. The force of gravity, for exam-
ple, is always directed vertically downward. Again, in the case of a force exerted
upon a body by a flexible string, the string defines the line of action of the force.
Thus the string AB in Fig. 2.2 pulls vertically downward on the hook at A.
Any quantity, such as force, that possesses direction as well as magnitude is
called a vector quantity and can be represented graphically by a segment of a
straight line, called a vector. For example, in Fig. 2.2(b), we can represent the
force that the ball exerts on the string by the straight-line segment BC, the length
of which, to some convenient scale, shows the magnitude of the force and the
vertical downward direction of which, indicated by the arrow, shows the direc-
tion of the force. Point B is called the beginning of the vector; and point C, the
end. Either the beginning or the end of a vector may be used to indicate the point
of application of the force. With the beginning and the end of a vector indicated
by letters [as B and C in Fig. 2.2(b)] we shall designate the vector by the symbol
AB , which defines it specifically as acting from B toward C.
The force AD is called the resultant of the two forces AB and AC . The
forces AB and AC are called components of the force AD . Thus a force is
equivalent to its components, and vice versa.
Instead of constructing the parallelogram of forces, the resultant can be
obtained also by constructing the triangle ACD, as shown in Fig. 2.5(b). Here we
take the vector AC and from its end C draw the vector CD , equal and parallel to
the vector AB . Then the third side AD of the triangle gives the resultant, being
directed from A, the beginning of the vector AC , to D, the end of the vector CD.
The vector AB , when obtained in this way, is called the geometric sum of the
vectors AC and CD . Thus, the magnitude and direction of the resultant of two
forces, applied to a body at point A, may be obtained as the geometric sum of the
two vectors representing these forces. Its point of application, of course, is also
point A. Since the vectors in Fig. 2.5(b) do not show the points of application of
the forces that they represent, they are called free vectors. The triangle ACD is
called triangle of forces.
If two forces AB and AC act under a very small angle [Fig. 2.6(a)], the
triangle of forces [Fig. 2.6(b)] becomes very narrow and we conclude that, in
the limiting case, where the two forces act along the same line and in the same
direction, their resultant is equal to the sum of the forces and acts in the same
direction. In the same manner it can be shown that, if two forces act along the
same line in opposite directions, their resultant is equal to the difference between
the forces and acts in the direction of the larger force. By taking one direction as
positive and the other as negative along the common line of action of two forces
and considering the forces themselves as positive or negative accordingly, we
conclude that the resultant of two collinear forces is equal to their algebraic sum.
If two given forces P and Q, acting under the angle a, are
applied to a body at A, we will now find analytically the formulae for calculating
the magnitude of their resultant R and the angles b and g which its line of action
makes with those of the given forces. Also give the formulae for the resultant in
the special cases, where a = 0° and a = 180° and P > Q and a = 90°.
Figure 2.7(a) shows the parallelogram of forces constructed in the usual
manner, while Fig. 2.7(b) shows the triangle of forces obtained by the geometric
addition of their free vectors. From the triangle of forces, we find
R= P 2 + Q 2 + 2 PQ cos a (2.1)
The magnitude of the resultant R being known from Eq. (2.1), we may
determine the angles b and g by using the equations
sin b = sin a sin g = sin a (2.2)
It is sometimes convenient to use these formulas for determining the resultant
instead of making an accurate construction, to scale, of the triangle of forces.
Concurrent Forces in a Plane ͚͝
R= P 2 + Q 2 + 2 PQ cos a
R= P 2 + Q 2 + 2 PQ cos 0
R= P 2 + Q 2 + 2 PQ(1) = ( P + Q )2 = P + Q
\ R =P+Q
For the special case (ii) a = 180°,
R= P 2 + Q 2 + 2 PQ cos a
R= P 2 + Q 2 + 2 PQ cos 180
R= P 2 + Q 2 + 2 PQ( -1) = ( P - Q )2 = P – Q
\ R =P–Q
In the special cases, the resultant of two forces became algebraic sum of the
two forces.
Case (iii) if a = 90°, i.e., rectangular components, then the resultant is given
by the equation
R= P 2 + Q 2 + 2 PQ cos 90∞ = P 2 + Q2
and tan g =
where g = the angle between resultant R and the force Q.
We can obtain the same result by using the triangle of force ABC as
shown in Fig. 2.8(b). Here the lines AC¢ and BC¢¢, parallel to the given
lines of action of the components, are extended from the beginning A
and the end B of the vector AB representing the given force R and their
point of intersection C determines the vectors AC and CB, representing
the components P and Q. These components, applied at any point on the
line of action of the force R, will be its equivalent. In the particular case
where the two components act at right angles to each other, they are called
rectangular components.
2. Both the direction and magnitude of one component are given; the
direction and magnitude of the other, to be determined. For example,
imagine that the force R, represented by the vector AB, and the component
P, represented by the vector AC [Fig. 2.8(a)], have been given. Laying out
these two vectors as shown in Fig. 2.8(b), the magnitude and direction of
the other component Q are given by the vector CB, obtained by joining the
ends C and B of the two given vectors.
1. The directions of both components are given; their magnitudes, to be
determined. Imagine, for example, that the force R [Fig. 2.9(a)], is to be
resolved into two components acting along the lines aa and bb.
Figure 2.9(a) shows the parallelogram of forces constructed in the usual
manner, while Fig. 2.9(b) shows the triangle of forces obtained by the
geometric addition of their free vectors.
Concurrent Forces in a Plane ͚͟
of application can be assumed to be on the central axis of the bar (as is justifiable
in many practical cases), the forces must act along this axis. When such central
forces are directed as shown in Fig. 2.10(a), we say that the bar is in tension.
When they act as shown in Fig. 2.10(b), the bar is said to be in compression.
Considering the equilibrium of a portion of the bar AB in Fig. 2.9(a), to the
left of a section mn, we conclude that to balance the external force S at A the
portion to the right must exert on the portion to the left an equal, opposite, and
collinear force S, as shown in Fig. 2.10(c). The magnitude of this internal axial
force which one part of a bar in tension exerts on another part is called the tensile
force in the bar or simply the force in the bar, since in general it may be either
a tensile force or a compressive force. Such internal force is actually distributed
over the cross-sectional area of the bar, and its intensity, i.e., the force per unit of
cross-sectional area is called the stress in the bar.
Internal forces are the forces which hold together the particles of a body. For
example, if we try to pull a body by applying two equal, opposite and collinear
forces, an internal force comes into play to hold the body together. Internal forces
always occur in pairs and are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction and col-
linear. Therefore, the resultant of all of these internal forces is zero and does not
affect the external motion of the body or its state of equilibrium.
External forces or applied forces are the forces that act on the body due to
contact with other bodies or attraction forces from other, separated bodies. These
forces may be surface forces (contact forces) or body forces (such as gravita-
tional attraction).
Sometimes we have to deal with the equilibrium of a prismatic bar on each
end of which two forces are acting as shown in Fig. 2.11(a), instead of a single
force at each end as shown in Fig. 2.10(a) and discussed before. Then the forces
at A and B are replaced with their respective resultants Ra and Rb as shown in
Fig. 2.11(b). Now it is the same case as discussed before.
Concurrent Forces in a Plane ͚͡
We return now to the case of two forces under an angle a [Fig. 2.5(a)]. From
the equilibrium law, we conclude that we can hold these two forces in equilib-
rium by applying, at point A, a force equal and opposite to their resultant. This
force is called the equilibrant of the two given forces.
A force, which is equal, opposite and collinear to the resultant of the two given
forces is known as the equilibrant of the given two forces.
When two forces are in equilibrium
(equal, opposite and collinear), their resultant is zero and their combined action
on a rigid body is equivalent to that of no force at all. A generalization of this
observation gives us the third principle of statics, sometimes called the law of
The action of a given system of forces on a rigid body
will in no way be changed if we add to or subtract from them another system of
forces in equilibrium.
Let us consider now a rigid body AB under the action of a force P applied at A
and acting along BA as shown in Fig. 2.13(a). From the principle of superposition
stated above, we conclude that the application at point B of two oppositely
directed forces, each equal to and collinear with P, will in no way alter the
action of the given force P. That is, the action on the body of the three forces in
Fig. 2.13(b) is identical with the action of the single force P in Fig.2.13(a).
Since there is no tendency for the ball in this case to move upward or to swing away from
the wall, we ignore the fact that the constraints as shown may not be able to prevent such
A body that is not entirely free to move and is acted upon by some applied
force (or forces) will, in general, exert pressures against its supports. For ex-
ample, the ball in Fig. 2.2(a) exerts a downward pull on the end of the supporting
string as shown in Fig. 2.2(b). Similarly, the ball in Fig. 2.16(a) exerts a verti-
cal push against the surface of the supporting plane at the point of contact A as
shown in Fig. 2.16(b). For the case in Fig. 2.17(a), the ball not only pulls down-
ward on the string BC but also pushes to the left against the wall at A as shown in
Fig. 2.17(b). Now in every case, these actions of a constrained body against its
supports induce reactions from the supports on the body, and as the fourth prin-
ciple of statics we take the following statement:
Free-body diagram is a sketch of the isolated body, which shows the external
forces on the body and the reactions exerted on it by the removed elements.
The general procedure for constructing a free-body diagram is as follows:
1. A sketch of the body is drawn, by removing the supporting surfaces.
2. Indicate on this sketch all the applied or active forces, which tend to set
the body in motion, such as those caused by weight of the body or applied
forces; etc.
3. Also indicate on this sketch all the reactive forces, such as those caused
by the constraints or supports that tend to prevent motion. (The sense
of unknown reaction should be assumed. The correct sense will be
determined by the solution of the problem. A positive result indicates that
the assumed sense is correct. A negative result indicates that the correct
sense is opposite to the assumed sense.)
4. All relevant dimensions and angles, reference axes are shown on the
Similarly, in the case of the ball in Fig. 2.16(a), we remove the supporting
surface and replace it by the reaction Ra that it exerts on the ball. We know that
the point of application of this force must be the point of contact A, and from the
law of equilibrium of two forces, we conclude that it must be vertical and equal
to the weight W; thus it is completely determined. The free-body diagram of the
ball in Fig. 2.16(a) is shown in Fig. 2.16(c).
In the case of the ball in Fig. 2.17(a), we again remove the supports and isolate
the ball as a free-body [Fig. 2.17(c)]. Then besides the weight W acting at C, we
have two reactive forces to apply, one replacing the string BC and another replac-
ing the wall AB. Since the string is attached to the ball at C and since a string can
pull only along its length, we have the reactive force S applied at C and parallel to
BC. Its magnitude remains unknown. Regarding the reaction Ra, we have for its
point of application the point of contact A. Furthermore, we assume that the sur-
face of the wall is perfectly smooth so that it can withstand only a normal pres-
sure from the ball. Then, accordingly, the reaction Ra will be horizontal and its
line of action will pass through C as shown. Again only the magnitude remains
unknown and the free-body diagram is completed. The question of finding the
magnitudes of S and Ra will not be discussed here, although it is only necessary
to so proportion these vectors that their resultant is equal and opposite to the
vertical gravity force W.
From the above discussion, we come across two types of
supports namely string support and a smooth surface or sup-
port. A flexible weightless and in-extensible string is a con-
straint prevents a body moving away, from the point of suspen-
sion of the string, in the direction of the string. The reaction
of the string is directed along the string towards the point of
suspension. So, string or cable can support only a tension and
this force always acts in the direction of the string. The tension Ǥ͖Ǥ͕͜
The free-body diagrams of the bodies are shown in Figs 2.16(b), 2.19(b),
2.20(b), 2.21(b), respectively.
Concurrent Forces in a Plane ͛͝
Another type of support is linear elastic spring (Fig. 2.22). The magnitude of
force developed by a linear elastic spring which has a stiffness k, and is deformed
a distance x measured from its unloaded position, is
S = kx
Note x is determined from the difference in the
spring’s deformed length and its initial length. If x is
positive, S ‘pulls’ on the spring; whereas if x is nega-
tive, S must ‘push’ on it.
In the case of the body in Fig. 2.22(a), we remove
the supporting spring and replace it by the spring
force S that it exerts on the body. We know that the
point of application of this force must be the point
of contact, and from the law of equilibrium of two
forces, we conclude that it must be along the spring,
i.e., vertical and equal to the weight W; thus it is completely determined. The free
body diagram of the body in Fig. 2.22(a) is shown in Fig. 2.22(b).
One more example of free-body diagram is considered here. The lawn roller,
of weight W, being pushed up the inclined smooth plane as shown in Fig. 2.23(a).
In the case of the lawn roller in Fig. 2.23(a), we again remove the support and
isolate the body as a free body [Fig. 2.23(b)]. Then beside the weight W and
push P acting at centre O, we have one reactive force Ra to apply, replacing the
inclined plane. The reactive force Ra have its point of application at the point of
contact A. We assume that the surface of the inclined plane is perfectly smooth
so that it can withstand only a normal pressure from the roller. Then the reaction
Ra will be normal to the inclined surface and its line of action will pass through
O as shown here the magnitude remains unknown and the free-body diagram
is completed the question of finding the magnitudes of P and Ra will not be
discussed here.
Two very nearly parallel forces P and Q are applied to
a rigid body at points A and B, as shown in Fig. 2.24. Find their resultant R
Since the point of intersection of the given forces P and Q is not well
defined and does not occur within the limits of the drawing, we begin by adding
to the system two equal, opposite and collinear forces S1 and S2 of any convenient
magnitudes at points A and B, as shown in the figure. It follows from the law of
superposition that two such forces, being in equilibrium, do not change the action
of the given forces P and Q. Hence the resultant R1 of P and S1 together with the
resultant R2 of Q and S2, obtained as shown, are statically equivalent to the given
forces P and Q and their resultant R will be the one required. To find this resultant
R, we transmit R1 and R2 along their lines of action to point C, which is a well-
defined point, and complete the parallelogram of forces as shown. The vector
Concurrent Forces in a Plane ͛͟
CD represents the required resultant and if all constructions have been made to
scale, its magnitude may be measured directly from the drawing.
Draw a free-body diagram of the body of weight W, the
string BD and the ring shown in Fig. 2.25(a).
In the case of the body in Fig. 2.25(a), remove the support, i.e., string
and isolate the body as a free-body [Fig. 2.25(b)]. Replace the string support by
the tension S3 or Sd it exerts on the body. We know that the point of application of
this force must be the point of contact D, and from the law of equilibrium of two
forces, we conclude that it must be along the string, i.e., vertical and equal to the
weight W; thus it is completely determined.
If the string BD isolated from its supports, then there are only two forces act-
ing on it, Fig. 2.25(c), namely the tensile force of the string Sd and the tensile
force Sb caused by the string. Sd shown here is equal but opposite to that shown
in Fig. 2.25(b) from the law of action and reaction.
From the law of equilibrium of two forces Sd and Sb are equal, i.e.,
Sd = Sb = S3 = W.
Now isolate the ring at B from its supports. On the ring, three forces are act-
ing. All the forces on the ring are reactive forces from the strings and shown as
in Fig. 2.25(d).
Note Sb shown here is equal but opposite to that shown in Fig. 2.25(c) from the
law of action and reaction.
The body of weight W is supported as shown in Fig.
2.26(a). Draw a free-body diagram of the body and the knot at C.
Isolate the body from its supports. There are two forces acting on the
body, namely, its weight and the tensile force S1 of the string CD. The free-body
diagram of the body shown in Fig. 2.26(b). From the law of equilibrium of two
forces, we have S1 = W and S1 is acting vertically upward.
If we isolate the knot from its supports, there are three forces acting on it.
They are reactive forces from the spring and the tensile forces in the string. The
free-body diagram of the knot is shown in Fig. 2.26(c) as usual.
A body of weight W is supported on a frictionless pulley
as shown in Fig. 2.27(a). Draw a free body diagram of the body and the pulley,
if the radius of the pulley and the weight of the pulley are neglected.
Concurrent Forces in a Plane ͛͡
If we isolate the body from its supports, there are two forces acting
on the body. One is weight and the other is tension of the string. The free-body
diagram is as shown in Fig. 2.27(b).
From the law of equilibrium of two forces, we obtain S2 = W and S2 is acting
vertically upward. Now isolate the pulley from its supports. As the pulley is fric-
tionless, the forces exerted at B by the portions AB and BC of the cord must be
equal. These two forces can balance the vertical resultant, this condition requires
that AB and BC be equally inclined to the horizontal, i.e., b = a. The free-body
diagram of the pulley is as shown in Fig. 2.27(c).
Two spheres of weight P and Q rest inside a hollow
cylinder, which is resting on a horizontal plane as shown in Fig. 2.28. Draw
the free body diagram/s of both the spheres taken together and both the spheres
taken separately.
Since the spheres are smooth, the pressures at the various points of
contact must be normal to the surfaces. Removing the supporting walls and floor
and replacing them by their reactions Ra , Rc and Rd , we obtain the free-body
diagram for both spheres as shown in Fig. 2.28(b). These reactions are equal and
opposite to the required pressures exerted by the spheres on the walls and floor.
Isolate the spheres taken separately from its supports. On the sphere P, three
forces are acting, namely, weight, the reaction from the wall of the cylinder
and the reaction from the sphere Q. The free-body diagram is as shown in Fig.
2.28(c). On the sphere Q, four forces are acting, namely, weight, the reaction
from the wall of the cylinder, reaction from the floor and the reaction from the
sphere P. The free-body diagram is as shown in Fig. 2.28(d).
At the point of contact between the two spheres, we have two equal and op-
posite forces R1, R2 which must act along the line OE joining the centres of the
spheres. When considering the free-body diagram of the upper sphere, we take
only the force R1, representing the reaction exerted by the lower sphere, likewise
when considering the lower sphere, we take only the force R2.
Find the force with which the 1000 N press against the
floor shown in Fig. 2.29(a).
Determine the components of the 1000 N force shown
along the aa¢ and bb¢ axes shown in Fig. 2.30(a).
The 500 N force is to be resolved into components
along the aa¢ and bb¢ axes as shown in Fig. 2.31(a). Determine the angles b
and g knowing that the component along aa¢ is to be 400 N. Also, find the cor-
responding value of the component along bb¢ axis.
In this problem both the direction and the magnitude of one compo-
nent are given; the direction and the magnitude of the other, to be determined.
Using Fig. 2.31(b) and the relation
sin g = sin a (2)
and substituting the values a =150°, P = 400 N and R = 500 N, we will get from
Eq. (2)
g = 23.58°
and b = a – g = 150 – 23.58 = 126.42°
Using Fig. 2.31(b) and the relation
sin b = sin a (3)
and substituting the values a =150°, b = 126.42°, and R = 500 N, we will get
from Eq. (3).
Q = 804.7 N
Statics Rigid Body Strength of materials
Fluid mechanics Force The specifications of a force
Concentrated load Vector System of forces
Free vectors Composition of forces Parallelogram law
Resultant Triangle law Resolution of forces
Rectangular components String Smooth surface
Equilibrium law Tension Compression
Concurrent Forces in a Plane ͛͜
Statics deals with the conditions of equilibrium of bodies acted upon by
A rigid body is defined as a definite quantity of matter, the parts of which
are fixed in position relative to one another. The physical bodies are never
absolutely rigid but deform slightly under the action of loads, which they
have to carry. If the deformation is negligible when compared with the size
of the body, it is assumed to be rigid.
Force may be defined as any action that tends to change the state of rest of
a body to which it is applied. The three quantities, which completely define
the force, are called its specifications. The specifications of a force are (1)
its magnitude, (2) its point of application, and (3) its direction. The SI units
used by engineers to measure the magnitude of a force are the newton (N).
The point of application of a force acting upon a body is that point in the
body at which the force can be assumed to be concentrated. The direction of
a force is the direction, along a straight line through its point of application,
in which the force tends to move a body to which it is applied.
The point of application at which the total weight can be assumed to be
concentrated is called the center of gravity of the body.
Any quantity, such as force, that possesses direction as well as magnitude
is called a vector quantity and can be represented graphically by a segment
of a straight line.
Force can be represented graphically by a segment of a straight line. The
length of the straight line segment, to some convenient scale, shows the
magnitude of the force. The arrow indicates the direction of force. Either
the beginning (tail) or the end (head) of a vector may be used to indicate the
point of application of the force.
System of forces: When several forces of various magnitudes and directions
act upon a body, they are said to constitute a system of forces.
The magnitude of the resultant R of the two forces P and Q having an angle a
between them and acting at a point, is given by the equation
R= P 2 + Q 2 + 2 PQ cos a
The angles b and g may be determined by using the equations
sin b = sin a sin g = sin a
where, b = angle between the forces R and P
g = angle between the forces R and Q
11. The action of a given system of forces on a rigid body will in no way be
changed if we
I. Add to them another system of forces in equilibrium
II. Subtract from them another system of forces in equilibrium
(a) I only (b) II only
(c) I and II (d) none of these
[Ans. (c)]
12. Consider the following statements:
The principle of superposition is applied to
I. linear elastic bodies
II. bodies subjected to small deformations
Of these statements
(a) I alone is correct (b) I and II are correct
(c) II alone is correct (d) Neither I nor II is correct
[Ans. (b)]
13. Match the list I with list II and select the correct answer using the codes
given below the lists:
List I List II
A. Co-planar forces 1. Lines of action of all
forces lie in the same
plane but do not pass
through a common point.
B. Concurrent forces 2. Lines of action of all
forces lie in the same
plane and pass through a
common point.
C. Concurrent coplanar forces 3. Lines of action of all
forces lie in the same
D. Collinear forces 4. Lines of action of all
forces pass through a
common point.
5. Lines of action of all
forces lie along the same
(a) A – 5 B – 4 C – 1 D – 3 (b) A – 4 B – 3 C – 2 D – 1
(c) A – 4 B – 5 C – 2 D – 1 (d) A – 3 B – 4 C – 2 D – 5
[Ans. (d)]
14. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes
given below the lists:
List I List II
A. Triangle law of forces 1. Two forces can be in
equilibrium, if they are
Concurrent Forces in a Plane ͜͡
equal in magnitude,
opposite in direction and
collinear in action.
B. Law of equilibrium of 2. The action of a given
system of forces on a
two forces rigid body will no way be
changed if we add to or
subtract from them another
system of forces in
C. Law of superposition 3. If two forces acting
simultanously on a
particle represented by the
two sides of a triangle
(in magnitude and
direction) taken in order
then their resultant is
represented by the third
side (closing side) taken in
an opposite order.
D. Theorem of transmissibility 4. The point of application of
a force may be
of a force transmitted along its line
of action without changing the effect of the force on any rigid body
to which it may be applied.
(a) A – 1 B–2C–3 D–4
(b) A – 2 B–1C–3 D–4
(c) A – 3 B–1C–2 D–4
(d) A – 3 B–1C–4 D–2 [Ans. (c)]
15. Assertion (A): The theorem of transmissibility states that the point
of application of a force may be transmitted along its line of action
without changing the effects of the force on any rigid body to which
it may be applied.
Reason (R): The theorem of transmissibility of a force is limited to
those problems of statics in which we are interested only in the con-
ditions of equilibrium of a rigid body and not with the internal forces
to which it is subjected.
Select your answer using the codes given below and mark your answer
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
[Ans. (a)]
2.1 A man of weight W = 712 N holds one end of a rope that passes over a
pulley vertically above his head and to the other end of which is attached a
weight Q = 534 N. Find the force with which the man’s feet press against
the floor. (Ans. 178 N)
Concurrent Forces in a Plane ͙͝
2.2 A boat is moved uniformly along a canal by two horses pulling with
forces P = 890 N and Q = 1068 N acting under an angle a = 60° (Fig. A).
Determine the magnitude of the resultant pull on the boat and the angles b
and g as shown in the figure.
(Ans. R = 1698 N; b = 33°; g = 27°)
2.3 What force Q combined with a vertical pull P = 27 N will give a horizontal
resultant force R = 36 N?
(Ans. 45 N inclined by 36° 52¢)
2.4 To move a boat uniformly along a canal at a given speed requires a resultant
force R = 1780 N. This is accomplished by two horses pulling with forces
P and Q on two ropes, as shown in Fig. A. If the angles that the two ropes
make with the axis of the canal are b = 35° and g = 25°, what are the
corresponding tensions in the ropes?
(Ans. P = 868 N; Q = 1179 N)
2.5 If, in Fig. A, the horses pull with the forces P = 1068 N and Q = 890 N,
what must be the angles b and g to give the resultant R = 1780 N ?
(Ans. b = 22° 22¢; g = 27° 12¢)
2.6 Draw the free-body diagram of the boom BC and point B shown in Fig. B.
2.7 Draw the free-body diagram of the bars AC and BC shown in Fig. C.
2.8 A smooth circular cylinder of weight P is lying in a rectangular groove is
shown in Fig. D. Draw the free-body diagram of the cylinder.
Concurrent Forces in a Plane ͛͝
2.9 Two rollers of weight P and Q are supported by an inclined plane and
vertical walls as shown in Fig. E. Draw the free-body diagram of both the
rollers taken separately.
2.10 Determine the components of the 1000 N force along the axes a and b as
shown in Fig. F. Compare these components with the rectangular x-and
(Ans. Fa = 777.86 N; Fb = 507.71 N; Fx = 866 N and Fy = 500 N)
2.11 Resolve the force into rectangular components with the given co-ordinate
axes as shown in Fig. G.
2.15 Resolve the force P in Fig. I into two rectangular components Pr and Pt
acting along the radius AO and perpendicular thereto, respectively.
(Ans. Pr = 915.6 N; Pt = 2028 N)
2.16 If the resultant of two forces exerted on the body at A of Fig. J is to be
vertical, determine P and b when the resultant of the shown system is
vertically downward.
(Ans. b Æ 10°; P is maximum)
2.17 Three forces are applied to a body as shown in Fig. K. The direction of
the two 100 N may vary, but the angle between these forces is always
30°. Determine the range of values of q for which the magnitude of the
resultant of the forces applied to the body is less than 650 N.
(Ans. 23.76° to 216.24°)
2.18 Three forces are applied to a body as shown in Fig. K. The direction of
the 100 N forces may vary, but the angle between the forces is always 30°.
Determine the value of a for which the resultant of the forces acting at A
is directed horizontally to the left if P = 250 N.
(Ans. 51.205°)
The reduction of a given system of forces to the simplest system that will be its
equivalent is called the problem of composition of forces. If several forces F1, F2,
F3, ……, applied to a body at one point, all act in the same plane, they represent
a system of forces that can be reduced to a single resultant force. It then becomes
possible to find this resultant by successive applications of the parallelogram law.
Let us consider, for example, the four forces F1, F2, F3 and F4 acting on a body
at point A [Fig. 2.32(a)]. To find their resultant, we begin by obtaining the resul-
tant AC of the two forces F1 and F2. Combining this resultant with the force F3,