Brief Review of Gandhaka (Sulphur) Shodhana

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Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 7, No.

3 (2018) Pages 53 – 56
ISSN: 2278-4772

Review Article


Chaitra LV*

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Rasashastra and Baishajya Kalpana, Ramakrishna Ayurvedic Medical College, Yelhanka,
Bengalure, Karnataka.

Received: 30-02-2018; Revised: 22-03-2018; Accepted: 26-03-2018



Rasashastra is a science which deals with Metals, minerals, herbo-mineral preparation and emphasizing on
various process like shodhana (purification), marana, jarana etc. process to increase the pharmacodynamics of
the drug. Gandhaka (sulphur) comes under uparasa varga, it place vital role in the preparation of
rasaoushadhis (metallic medicine). Saghandha jaritha or moorchitha parade (mercury) is considered as
efficacious and can be used for longer duration without any complication and gandhaka is also considered as
antidote for Parada. Hence requirement of shodhita Gandhaka (purified sulphur) is of large quantity. Three
Methods involved for the shodhana of Gandhaka are Dalana, Swedana, Patana vidhi. Here is an attempt is
made to reveal three methods and five liquid media, seven sneha dravya involved in Gandhaka shodhana.

Key words: Gandhaka; Shodhana; Sulphur; Purification.


*Address for correspondence:

Dr. Chaitra LV,
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Rasashastra and Baishajya Kalpana,
Ramakrishna Ayurvedic Medical College,
Yelhanka, Bengalure, Karnataka – 560 064
E-mail: [email protected]

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Chaitra LV. Brief review of Gandhaka (Sulphur) shodhana. Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci.

Ayurpharm - International Journal of Ayurveda and Allied Sciences 53

Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 7, No. 3 (2018) Pages 53 – 56
ISSN: 2278-4772

INTRODUCTION melts, it has to be poured through the cloth

smeared with gogrutha (cow ghee) in to pot
Rasashastra is most popular part of Ayurveda containing godugdha (cow milk). Same
which deals with complete alchemy (lohaveda procedure has to be repeated for 3 times.
- conversion of mercury to gold and silver, Instead of godugdha even Brungaraja swarasa
Dehaveda - internal use of mercury for (Juice of Eclipta alba) can be used but
therapeutic uses). Rasa vaghbata has procedure should be repeated for 7 times.
mentioned that rasavaidya should know about
parada shodhana, parada marana, parada Yastimadhu kwatha (Decoction of
moorchana, Gandhaka shodhana, Gandhaka Glycryrrhiza glabra), Aragwadha kwatha
jarana, Abharaka (mica) marana,[1] which tells (Decoction of Cassia fistula), Triphala kwatha
about the importance of gandhaka. Gandhaka [Decoction of the combination Terminalia
is mentioned under uparasa varga[2] and it has chebula, Terminalia bellerica and Emblica
been used for the preparation of Rasakalpas officinalis)[5] etc. are the liquid media which
like khalviya, parpati, potalli, kupipakwa can be used for dalana vidhi.
rasayanas, so requirement of gandhaka is on
large quantity, but Gandhaka should be used Gandhaka shodhana with gogrutha or
only after shodhana, because it contains bhringaraja swarasa has least remarkable
impurities like shilachoorna (physical difference in physico - chemical properties,
impurities like stone) and visha (chemical Gandhaka shodhana with equal or onefourth
impurities like arsenic)[3] which causes some quantity of gogrutha, same organoleptic
disorder in the body like giddiness, burning properties are observed.[6]
sensation, skin diseases etc.[4] Three methods
are mentioned for Gandhaka shodhana, so Precautions
here an attempt was made to review methods
of Gandhaka shodhana and material required  Asudha gandhaka should be in powder
for Gandhaka shodhana according to various form.
acharyas. (Table 1)  Gandhaka should be melted properly
in gogrutha and in mandha agni (mild
 Fresh godugdha and gogrutha should
Three methods of Gandhaka shodhana has be used for each dalana.
been mentioned in classical texts of
Rasashastra like Dalana (meting and pouring Swedana vidhi
any of the specified liquid media), Swedana
(steaming), Patana (sublimation). A pot is filled with milk, little quantity of
grutha is added to milk and its opening is
Liquid media used for Dalana, Sneha dravya covered with cloth and tied to neck of the pot.
used for Dalana, Quantity of Sneha and Gandhaka choorna is spread on the cloth and
Number of dalana used for the gandhaka covered by a sarava (earthen plate), joint of
shodhana are mentioned in Table 2 to Table 5 sarava and pot sealed with cloth smeared with
respectively. Multani mitti. When the sealing
(sandhibandhana) is dried, it is kept in a pit
Dalana vidhi covering it to the extent that the only earthen
Gogrutha has to be taken in an iron pan plate is exposed. Cow dung cakes are arranged
subjected to heat, when it melts add specified on it and fire is given (this is called
quantity of Gandhaka choorna (sulphur Kurmaputa).
powder) to it. When Gandhaka completely
Ayurpharm - International Journal of Ayurveda and Allied Sciences 54
Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 7, No. 3 (2018) Pages 53 – 56
ISSN: 2278-4772

Table 1: Methods of Shodhana

Methods R.T R.R.S A.P R.S R.S.S

Dalana + + + + +
Swedana + + + - +
Patana + - - - -

Table 2: Liquid media used for Dalana

Liquid media R.T R.R.S A.P R.S R.S.S

Godugdha + + + + +
Brungaraja + + + - -
Lavanadravaka + - - - -
Yatimadhu kwatha, Aragwadha kwatha,
- - - - +
Triphala kwatha

Table 3: Sneha dravya used for Dalana

Acc to R.T, R.R.S, A.P, R.S,

Taila [tila (Sesamum), Sarsapa (mustard), Eranda (castor oil) Karanja (Pongamia
According to R.T
pinnata), Ballathaka (Semicarpus anacardium)]
Jatiphala taila (Myristica fragrans) R.S.S

Table 4: Quantity of sneha

Sneha Equal One fourth

Gogrutha According to R.T, R.R.S, A.P, R.S.S According to R.S
Tila According to R.T -

Table 5: Number of dalana

Liquid media R.T R.R.S A.P R.S R.S.S

Godugdha 3 1 3 3 1
Brungaraja Swarasa 7 7 7 - -
Lavanadravaka 1 - - - -

[R.T.: Rasa tarangini; R.R.S.: Rasaratna samuchaya; A.P.: Ayurveda prakasha; R.S.: Rasayanasar; R.S.S.: Rasendra Sara

On cooling down, set is opened and Gandhaka  Sandhi bandhana should be done
is collected from the pot and washed. Instead properly.
of Gogudha even triphala kwatha can be used
for swedana.[7] Patana vidhi

Precautions Gandhaka choorna is placed in damaru yantra

and subjected to agni (fire) by which
 Hole is made to neck of the pot, so that gandhaka will get purified.
milk can be added on the day of
subjecting to agni (fire).

Ayurpharm - International Journal of Ayurveda and Allied Sciences 55

Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 7, No. 3 (2018) Pages 53 – 56
ISSN: 2278-4772

Precaution godugdha were not used). Gandhaka shodhana

with gogrutha or bhringaraja swarasa has least
 Sandhibhandhana should be done remarkable difference in physico-chemical
properly. properties, Gandhaka shodhana with equal or
 Mandagni (mild fire) should be one fourth quantity of gogrutha, same
maintained. organoleptic properties are observed.[6]


Gandhaka shodhana methods mentioned in Gandhaka is widely used in the preparation of

classical texts of Rasashastra are Dalana, Rasa kalpas, shodhana is main process in the
Swedana, Patana vidhi. Among these preparation of medicines, Gandhaka should be
Dalanavidhi is widely adopted. In dalana vidhi used only after Shodhana process. Three
godugdha and gogrutha are commonly used as methods are mentioned in the classical text of
shodhana dravya. Instead of godugdha even Rasashastra, selection of methods and liquid
Yastimadhu kwatha, Aragwadha kwatha, media will depend up on the therapeutic need
Triphala kwatha can be used as a of Gandhaka.
substituent.[5] Tilataila (sesame oil), Eranda
taila (oil of Ricinus communis), Jaipala taila REFERENCES
(Myristica fragrans), Bhallathaka taila (oil of 1. Madhava. Ayurveda Prakasha. Gulraj Sharma
Semecarpus anacarfium fruit),[8] Sarsapa taila Mishra, editor. 4th ed. Varanasi: Chaukambha
(Mustard oil), Kusumbha taila (oil of Bharat Acaedamy; 2007. Adhyaya, 1/15. p.14.
Carthamus tinctorius)[9] are mentioned as a 2. Rasavagbhata. Rasarathna samuchaya.
substitute for gogrutha (cow’s milk). Ambikadatta shastri, editor. 8th ed. Varanasi:
Choukambha Amarbharati Prakasha; 1988.
Gandhaka is having impurities shila choorna, Adhyaya, 3/1. p. 59.
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because of regular use either it is diet or p.262.
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digestible). As per modern aspect gandhaka is p.260.
soluble in fat and very essential for 5. Satyartha Prakash. Rasendra Sara Sangraha. 1st
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contain arsenic as a toxic substance which 6. Dilip S Wadodkar, Sitawar Sainath Bhagwan
detoxify with hydrocarbons of gogrutha and Rao. Observational study of Gandhaka
godugdha. Swedana vidhi - Rasatarangini has shodhana process of Ayurveda prakash and
mentioned to add grutha in milk but he has not Rasayansar method. IAMJ, 2015;3(9):2729-
specified the quantity. In Ayurveda prakasha 2733.
7. Santhosh kumar Sharma. Rasakamadhenu. 1st
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Source of Support: Nil Conflict of Interest: None Declared

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