Brief Review of Gandhaka (Sulphur) Shodhana
Brief Review of Gandhaka (Sulphur) Shodhana
Brief Review of Gandhaka (Sulphur) Shodhana
3 (2018) Pages 53 – 56
ISSN: 2278-4772
Review Article
Chaitra LV*
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Rasashastra and Baishajya Kalpana, Ramakrishna Ayurvedic Medical College, Yelhanka,
Bengalure, Karnataka.
Rasashastra is a science which deals with Metals, minerals, herbo-mineral preparation and emphasizing on
various process like shodhana (purification), marana, jarana etc. process to increase the pharmacodynamics of
the drug. Gandhaka (sulphur) comes under uparasa varga, it place vital role in the preparation of
rasaoushadhis (metallic medicine). Saghandha jaritha or moorchitha parade (mercury) is considered as
efficacious and can be used for longer duration without any complication and gandhaka is also considered as
antidote for Parada. Hence requirement of shodhita Gandhaka (purified sulphur) is of large quantity. Three
Methods involved for the shodhana of Gandhaka are Dalana, Swedana, Patana vidhi. Here is an attempt is
made to reveal three methods and five liquid media, seven sneha dravya involved in Gandhaka shodhana.
[R.T.: Rasa tarangini; R.R.S.: Rasaratna samuchaya; A.P.: Ayurveda prakasha; R.S.: Rasayanasar; R.S.S.: Rasendra Sara
On cooling down, set is opened and Gandhaka Sandhi bandhana should be done
is collected from the pot and washed. Instead properly.
of Gogudha even triphala kwatha can be used
for swedana.[7] Patana vidhi