General Food Non-Food General Food Non-Food Nfne Trimmed: CPI WPI SPI Core Inflation @
General Food Non-Food General Food Non-Food Nfne Trimmed: CPI WPI SPI Core Inflation @
General Food Non-Food General Food Non-Food Nfne Trimmed: CPI WPI SPI Core Inflation @
* non-food non-energy, ** SPI for all income groups combined Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics
Annual average = %change in average index during a financial year(July-June) over previous year
Year on Year = %change in index during a month over the corresponding month of previous year
12 month moving average = % change in 12month moving average of index during a month over corresponding month last year
Period average = %change of average index from the period from July to the respective month over corresponding period last year.
Month on Month = % change in index in a month over the preceeding month.
@: For the methodology of core inflation-trimmed, see Annexure B of Inflation Monitor at SBP website.