Design of Singly Reinforced Beams

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Design of Singly Reinforced Beams

Data: Formula Used:

Clear span: 4m
Width of support: 300 mm
Service Load: 5 kN/m
Material Concrete: 20 N/mm2
Steel used, Fe: 415 N/mm2
Density of Concrete: 25 kN/m
Factor of safety: 1.5

C/S Dimension:
Effective Depth, d: 200 mm d= span/20
Provided Cover, d': 50 mm
Provided Depth,D: 250 mm D= d+d'
Assumed bredth,b: 200 mm

Effective length,L:
1) (clear span+ 4.2 m
Effective Depth)=

2) (Clear span+ c/c 4.3 m


Effective length,L= 4.2 m

Self Weight,DL: 1.25 kN/m
Live load,LL: 5 kN/m
Total load, Wu: 9.375 kN/m Wu= (DL+LL)*1.5

Ultimate moment and shear force:

moment,Mu: 20.672 kN-m Mu=(w*l2)/8

Shear Force, Vu: 19.688 kN Vu=(w*l)/2

22.08 kN-m Mulim=0.138*fck*b*d2
Under reinforced Beam

over reinforced
Hence beam is Under reinforced Beam

Calculation of Ast:

A: 37.4589375 A= 0.87*fy*d*(fy/(b*d*fck))
B: -72210 B= 0.87*fy*d
C: 20671875 C=Mu

X1= 1577.9913948
X2= 350

Ast: 350 mm2

Provide dia bar: 16 mm

No. of bars: 2

Check for Shear:

tv = 0.4921875 N/mm2

tC = 0.626 N/mm2
From table 19 in IS:456-2000

Provided Ast: 401.92

Pt= 1.0048

Provide nomial shear:

Provide dia Bar: 8 mm
No. of bars: 2
Provided area: 50.24 mm2

Fy: 250 N/mm2

Sv: 273.18 mm

Sv>0.75*d: 150 mm
Sv: 187.5 mm
Adopt spacing of stirrus c/c
Design of Doubly reinforced beam

Data: Formula used:

Effective Span, L: 5m
Width of beam, b: 250 mm
Overall Depth, D: 500 mm
Service load(DL+LL): 40 kN/m
Effective cover, d': 50 mm
Material concrete, fck: 20 N/mm2
Steel used,fy: 415 N/mm2
Depth,d: 450 mm d=D-d'
Youngs modulus, Es: 200000 N/mm2
Factored load, Wu: 60 kN/m

Ultimate moment and shear force:

Ultimate moment, Mu: 187.50 kN-m Mu=(Wu*l2)/8

Shear Force, Vu: 150 kN Vu=(Wu*l)/2

Calculation of Reinforcement:

Limiting moment, Mulim: 140 kN-m Mulim=0.138*fck*b*d2

Design reinforced beam

Design Doubly reinforced Design Doubly reinforced beam
Check condition:

xumax: 216 xumax=0.48*d

fsc: 537.96 N/mm2 fsc=(((0.0035*(xumax-d'))/


Maximum fsc: 361.05 N/mm2 fsc(max)=0.87*fy

Therefore fsc : 361.05 N/mm2

Area of compression steel,Asc: 330.8 mm2 Asc=(Mu-Mulim)/(fsc*(d'd'))

Providing No. of bars in Asc:

Diameter of bar : 16 mm
No. of Bars: 2
Provided Asc: 402.12 mm2

Ast2: 330.81 mm

Ast1: 1076.86 mm

Total Ast: 1407.67 mm


Providing No. of bars in Ast:

Diameter of bar : 25 mm
No. of Bars: 3
Provided Ast: 1472.62 mm2

Shear Reinforcement:

tv = 1.33 N/mm2 tv = Vu/bd

Pt= 1.31 Pt=(100*Ast)/(b*d)

tC = 0.682 N/mm2 From table 19 in IS:456-2000

Checking Condition for Shear requirement:

Result: Shear Reinforcement is REQUIRED REQUIRED


Shear Reinforcement calculation:

Vus: 73.28 kN Vus=Vu-(tc*b*d)

Providing No. of bars in

Diameter of bar : 8 mm
No. of Bars: 2
Provided Asv: 100.53 mm2

S v: 217.78 mm Sv=(0.87*fy*Asv*d)/Vus

Sv>0.75*d: 337.5 mm

Default Sv: 250 mm

Therefore Sv: 217.78 mm

Provide dia of 8mm ,2L stirrup @ 220mm c/c

Design of Doubly reinforced beam

Data: Formula used:

Clear Span, L: 6m
Width of beam, b: 300 mm Eff span: 6.45
Overall Depth, D: 500 mm Eff span: 6.5
Service load(LL): 30 kN/m
Effective cover, d': 50 mm
Material concrete, fck: 20 N/mm2
Seteel used,fy: 415 N/mm2
Depth,d: 450 mm d=D-d'
Youngs modulus, Es: 200000 N/mm2
Factored load, Wu: 50.625 kN/m

Ultimate moment and shear force:

Dead Load: 3.75 kN
Ultimate moment, Mu: 263.27 kN-m Mu=(Wu*l2)/8

Shear Force, Vu: 163.27 kN Vu=(Wu*l)/2

Calculation of Reinforcement:

Limiting moment, Mulim: 168 kN-m Mulim=0.138*fck*b*d2

Design reinforced beam

Design Doubly reinforced Design Doubly reinforced beam
Check condition:

xumax: 216 xumax=0.48*d

fsc: 537.96 N/mm2 fsc=(((0.0035*(xumax-d'))/


Maximum fsc: 361.05 N/mm2 fsc(max)=0.87*fy

Therefore fsc : 361.05 N/mm2

Area of compression steel,Asc: 661.9 mm2 Asc=(Mu-Mulim)/(fsc*(d'd'))

Providing No. of bars in Asc:

Diameter of bar : 16 mm
No. of Bars: 2
Provided Asc: 402.12 mm2

Ast2: 661.93 mm

Ast1: 1292.23 mm

Total Ast: 1954.16 mm


Providing No. of bars in Ast:

Diameter of bar : 25 mm
No. of Bars: 3
Provided Ast: 1472.62 mm2

Shear Reinforcement:

tv = 1.21 N/mm2 tv = Vu/bd

Pt= 1.09 Pt=(100*Ast)/(b*d)

tC = 0.638 N/mm2 From table 19 in IS:456-2000

Checking Condition for Shear requirement:

Result: Shear Reinforcement is REQUIRED REQUIRED


Shear Reinforcement calculation:

Vus: 77.14 kN Vus=Vu-(tc*b*d)

Providing No. of bars in

Diameter of bar : 8 mm
No. of Bars: 2
Provided Asv: 100.53 mm2

S v: 200.09 mm Sv=(0.87*fy*Asv*d)/Vus

Sv>0.75*d: 337.5 mm

Default Sv: 250 mm

Therefore Sv: 200.09 mm

Provide dia of 8mm ,2L stirrup @ 250mm c/c

Design of one way slab

Cleart span, L: 3.5 m
Width of support: 200 mm
Live Load,LL: 4 kN/m2
Floor finishing,FF: 1 kN/m2
Material concrete, fck: 20 N/mm2
Steel used,fy: 415 N/mm2
Density of Concrete: 25 kN/m2

Depth of slab:

Assumed depth, d: 140 mm d=(L*1000/25)

Assuming Cover,d': 20 mm
Diameter of bass,d0: 10 mm
Depth of slab,D: 165 mm D=d+d'+(d0/2)

Effective span:
(clear span+ Effective depth): 3.64 m

(clear span+ c/c of supports): 3.7 m

Effective span,L: 3.64 m

Load calculation:
Self weight of slab,DL: 4.125 kN/m DL=(D/1000)*25
Live load,LL: 4 kN/m
Floor Finishing,FF: 1 kN/m
Total load,W: 9.125 kN/m W=DL+LL+FL
Factored load,Wu: 13.69 kN/m Wu=W*1.5

Ultimate shear and moment:

Ultimate Shear,Vu: 24.91 kN Vu=(Wu*l)/2
Ultimate moment,Mu: 22.67 kN-m Mu=(Wu*l2)/8

Limiting moment:
Asumming Bredth,b: 1000 mm
Mulim: 54.10 kN-m Mulim=(0.138*fck*b*d2)/106
Calculation of main reinforcement:
A: 7.4917875 A= 0.87*fy*d*(fy/(b*d*fck))
B: -50547 B= 0.87*fy*d
C: 22669237.50 C=Mu

X1= 6263.923575
X2= 483

Area of main steel,Ast: 483.06 mm2

Assuming Dia of bar: 10 mm

Area of 1 bar: 78.53981625 mm2

Spacing, S: 162.59 mm
Spacing default, S: 150 mm
Therefore Spacing,s in c/c: 150.00 mm

Calculation of Disturbation Steel:

Ast: 198 mm2 12%*gross area

Assuming Dia of bar: 8 mm

Area of 1 bar: 50.2654824 mm2

Spacing, S: 253.87 mm
Spacing default, S: 250 mm
Therefore Spacing,s in c/c: 250.00 mm

Check for shear:

tv = 0.178 N/mm2

Provided Ast: 523.60

Pt: 0.187

k: 1.25

tC = 0.67 From table 19 in IS:456-2000

kTc : 0.8375

kTc>Tv, Hence safe

Design of Two way slab

Data: Formulas:
Floor size Lx: 3.5 m
Floor size Ly: 4.5 m
Material concrete, fck: 20 N/mm2
Steel used,fy: 415 N/mm2
Density of Concrete: 25 kN/m2

The given slab is Two way slab Ly/Lx <= 2 for 2way slab

One way slab

Two way slab

Depth of slab:

Assumed depth, d: 140 mm d=(L*1000/25)

Assuming Cover,d': 20 mm
Diameter of bass,d0: 10 mm
Depth of slab,D: 165 mm D=d+d'+(d0/2)

Effective span:
(clear span+ Effective depth): 3.64 m

Effective span,L: 3.64 m

Load calculation:
Self weight of slab,DL: 4.125 kN/m DL=(D/1000)*25
Live load,LL: 4 kN/m
Floor Finishing,FF: 1 kN/m
Total load,W: 9.125 kN/m W=DL+LL+FL
Factored load,Wu: 13.69 kN/m Wu=W*1.5

Ultimate shear and moment:

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