Select The Best Answer Among The Options Given. Write The Letter of The Correct Answer On Your Answer Sheet

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Final Examination 14.

This is the background of the text which may have

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and been influenced by the author’s life, language, society,
the World, Grade XI and culture.
A. Context B. Figure of Speech
General Directions: Read each question carefully. C. Setting D. Plot
Select the best answer among the options given. 15. The list contains the events that happened in the
Write the letter of the correct answer on your story. What do you call it?
answer sheet. A. Outline B. End
C. Closing D. Overview
1. Words or phrases that express meanings in a
16. Which of the following is not a critical reading
nonliteral way are referred to as figurative language or
A. Contextualizing B. Reflecting
A. Figures of Speech B. Figures of Actions
C. Evaluating D. Memorizing
C. Figurative D. Configures
17. What kind of thinking is required in critical reading?
2. Onomatopoeia and alliteration are classified as __
A. Critical thinking skills B. Analytical skills
A. Figures of relationship B. Figures of emphasis
C. Responding Skill D. None of these
C. Figures of sound D. None of these
18. This refers to the time and place where the events in
3. Uses intentional exaggeration to achieve emphasis or
a story take place.
produce a comic effect.
A. Context B. Figure of Speech
A. Oxymoron B. Paradox
C. Setting D. Plot
C. Hyperbole D. Metonymy
19. This critical reading strategy involves the
4. A word or combination of words with contradictory
examination of the reader’s personal responses to the
meanings, as in bittersweet and open secret.
text. What is this strategy?
A. Oxymoron B. Paradox
A. Contextualizing B. Reflecting
C. Hyperbole D. Metonymy
C. Evaluating D. Making a comparison
5. It is derived from a Greek word which means
20. Which of these writers wrote symbolical tales?
“purgation” or “purification.”
A. Nathaniel Hawthorne B. Edgar Allan Poe
A. Catharsis B. Foreshadowing
C. Washington Irving D. Nathaniel Hawthorne
C. Juxtaposition D. Hamartia
21. Which of these writers was known for the poem
6. They refer to methods writers use in their works to
convey meanings and add artistic value.
A. William Cullen Bryant B. Washington Irving
A. Literary techniques B. Literary elements
C. Edgar Allan Poe D. Nathaniel Hawthorne
C. Literary methods D. Literary offers
22. Who wrote the first detective story?
7. Refers to lines or dialogues in a story which give the
A. William Cullen Bryant B. Washington Irving
reader an idea of what is about to happen without
C. Edgar Allan Poe D. Nathaniel Hawthorne
spoiling or explicitly stating the plot’s entirety.
23. What is the other name of “European Literature”?
A. Catharsis B. Foreshadowing
A. Western Literature B. Eatern Literature
C. Juxtaposition D. Hamartia
C. Southern Literature D. Southwestern
8. A technique authors use in their works to compare
24. Sophocles is a tragic playwright. What kind of plays
two different things, or two contrasting ideas to be able
did he write?
to emphasize their differences.
A. Oedipus the King B. Aeneid
A. Catharsis B. Foreshadowing
C. The Iliad D. Odessey
C. Juxtaposition D. Hamartia
25. This art form combines unrelated images or events
9. It compares two unlike things with a common quality.
in a very strange and dreamlike way. What is this art
A. Simile B. Paradox
C. Hyperbole D. Metonymy
A. Vanguardia B. Surrealism
10. It refers to the author’s life and the social, political,
C. Ultraismo D. Hindu
and economic conditions that influenced and shaped it.
26. The first black African to receive Novel Prize award
A. Biographical context B. Biographical Status
for Literature in 1986
C. Geographical context D. Geographical status
A. Chinua Achebe B. Wole Soyinka?
11. Which of the following should be considered in
C. Nadine Gordimer D. Thai No
reading through a biographical context?
27. This was the golden age of art and literature in
A. Social B. Political
Chinese history.
C. Economic D. All of these
A. Sy Dynasty B. Chui Dynasty
12. In this period of the development of Philippine
C. Tang Dynasty D. Hue Dynasty
Literature in English, Filipino writers were believed to be
28. A novel that tells the story of a young Nigerian
gaining full command of English. What do you call this
woman that came to US to study and to stay for work.
A. Americanah B. Purple Hibiscus
A. Period of emergence B. Period of apprenticeship
C. Half of a Yellow Sun D. World of Srangers
C. Period of insurgence D. None of these
29. Which of the following correctly states why literary
13. What do you call a word or phrase that has a
writers use figures of speech?
different meaning from its literal meaning?
A. To enhance the artistic quality of their works.
A. Context B. Figure of Speech
B. It brings vividness and liveliness to the work.
C. Setting D. Plot
C. It emphasizes the message that the writer B. The Day the Dancers Came
wants to convey. D. All of these C. The Praying Man D. You, Lovely People
30. All statements describe anaphora except _____. 39. A reader examines the main idea, opinion, or point
A. Repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a of view of the writer if it is well supported by enough
sentence to create an artistic or heightened effect. credible evidence or proof. What reading strategy is
B. It adds rhythm to a particular line or this?
paragraph, making it easier to memorize or remember. A. Contextualizing B. Reflecting
C. Used for emphasis or to stir emotions among C. Evaluating the argument D. Previewing a text
the audience. 40. Complete the following analogy.
D. All of these Odysseus : The Odyssey : : ________ : The Iliad
31. Which of the following is true about the antihero? A. Achilles B. Sophocles
A. A fictional character who does not possess C. Petrarch D. Archie
the traits, such as pride and valor, expected of a hero. 41. Complete the following analogy:
B. Used by author to arouse curiosity among readers Gabriel Garcia Marquez is to Colombia as
C. Emotional release of the characters Isabelle Allende is to ___.
D. None of these A. Chile B. Mexico C. Cuba D. Japan
32. Which of the following is not true about the stream 42. Complete the following analogy:
of consciousness? Mahabharata : Vyasa : : Ramayana : ________
A. The tragic hero’s error in judgement A. Vilmaki B. Valma C. Valmik D. Vulam
B. Sometimes referred to as interior monologue 43. Which of the following figures of speech is used in
C. The plot is developed based on the the passage below?
characters’ reminiscence or recollection of events and Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky. – Khalil
thought fragments. Gibran
D. Writers make use of stream of consciousness A. Metaphor B. Paradox
to show each character’s complex nature. C. Hyperbole D. Metonymy
33. Which of the following is true about the Hamartia? 44. Which of the following figures of speech is used in
A. Refers to the tragic hero’s error in the passage below?
judgement, which leads to his or her downfall. I had to wait in the station for ten days-an
B. Writers make use of stream of consciousness eternity. from Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
to show each character’s complex nature. A. Metaphor B. Paradox
C. Used for emphasis or to stir emotions among C. Hyperbole D. Metonymy
the audience. 45. Below are some questions that can be asked about a
D. Used by author to arouse curiosity among short story:
readers 1. Who are the main characters?
34. In analyzing a text based on its biographical context, 2. Where is the story set?
a reader __________. 3. What is the conflict in the story?
A. Should consider how these factors were What is the purpose of the questions?
reflected in, and helped shape his or her work(s). A. To understand and remember the content
B. Gather information about the author’s life of a piece of literature
C. Understand the relationship of the author B. To copy only the question
and his or her work. C. For the readers to memorize
D. All of these D. All of these
35. Why is “Dead Stars” by Paz Marquez-Benitez a 46. Match the lines to the right person in Wole
significant work in Philippine Literature in English? Soyinka’s poem “The Telephone Conversation.”
A. Mark as the first modern Filipino short story A. White Woman: “HOW DARK?”
in English. B. African Man: “THAT’S DARK, ISN’T IT?”
B. Mark as the first modern Filipino short story C. White Woman: “LIKE BRUNETTE”
in Nihongo. 47. All of these statements about African Literature are
C. Mark as the old modern Filipino short story in true except one. Which one is it?
English. A. Racial discrimination.
D. Mark as the old modern Filipino short story B. Oppression of African people by the colonizers.
in tagalog. C. Pride of being colonized by European countries.
36. Which statement best describes Alipio, the main 48. In Wole Soyinka’s poem “The Telephone
character in the short story “Immigrant Blues”? Conversation,” the woman who owns the apartment
A. A lonely old-timer B. A happy grandfather asks the African man about his skin color. What do her
C. A happy father D. A sad father questions reveal about her?
37. Which of the following best completes the given A. Accomodating B. Pleasant
analogy? metonymy : relationship::___ : ____. C. Showed discrimination D. Friendly
A. Hyberbole : emphasis B. Onomatopoeia : emphasis
C. Paradox : sound D. Simile : sound
38. Complete the following analogy:
Immigrant Blues : Scent of Apples : : The Tomato Game
: _____
A. The Bread of Salt and other Stories

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