C21 Session3 2015

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NTI Course 21 NTI Course 21

• What is instructional technology?
• Educational theory
Instructional Technology: • Instructional tools and media
An Overview • Theory plus tools = Course 21
• The “3 D’s” of instruction
– Design of instruction
– Development of instruction
– Delivery of instruction
• Questions/discussion
1 Introduction to Instructional Technology 2 Introduction to Instructional Technology

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NTI Course 21 NTI Course 21

What Is What Is
Instructional Technology? Instructional Technology?

• The knowledge and application of

instructional theories, strategies, techniques,
and tools to design, develop, and deliver
This is a PowerPoint Class

3 Introduction to Instructional Technology 4 Introduction to Instructional Technology

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NTI Course 21 NTI Course 21

Instructional Technology = Educational Theory

Theory Plus Tools in Action • Theories that inform the understanding and
practice of instruction, teaching, and learning
• Course 21 connects the use of personal
computers and common productivity software • Educational theories include topics such as the
with educational theory so that participants events of instruction, the steps of instruction,
gain: motivation of learning, learner analysis,
– Skills with computers and software
evaluation, and many, many others
– Knowledge of teaching and learning • In this class, you will focus on the components of
– Fluency with designing, developing, and delivering instruction instruction used to design lessons covered in
Course 20
5 Introduction to Instructional Technology 6 Introduction to Instructional Technology

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NTI Course 21 NTI Course 21

Instructional Tools / Media The 3 D’s of Instruction

• Many tools and media can be used by teachers and
• The “3 D’s” of instruction are design,
students to aid or improve teaching and learning
development, and delivery
• These have historically included chalk/chalkboards,
pencils, overhead transparencies, and analog video • Well-trained instructors and trainers should be
• Today, information technologies such as computers, familiar with taking content (knowledge, skills,
video projectors, digital media, and the Internet are dispositions) that needs to be taught, then
some of the most popular instruction tools used for designing, developing, and delivering a block
developing and delivering instruction of instruction

7 Introduction to Instructional Technology 8 Introduction to Instructional Technology

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NTI Course 21 NTI Course 21

Design of Instruction Design of Instruction

• The “design” of instruction is similar to the • Lesson plan formats are based on educational
blueprints of a construction project theories that support the steps one takes to teach
• At the individual lesson level, the design of others in an effective way
instruction is the layout of the content based on an • This year at NTI, participants will learn a lesson
instructional lesson plan plan format in Course 20

9 Introduction to Instructional Technology 10 Introduction to Instructional Technology

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NTI Course 21 NTI Course 21

Development of Instruction Delivery of Instruction

• The development of instruction is similar to the • The delivery (presentation) of instruction is
actual labor of a construction process similar to showing someone a freshly finished
construction job
• The instructor creates the materials that will be
used to deliver the instruction • The instructor delivers the content that is to be
learned via the lesson design by using the
• This can include the creation of handouts, slides, instruction that he or she developed
gathering of readings, pictures, activities,
questions, or any other information or materials • This is traditionally a “stand-and-deliver” process,
needed to convey the concepts in the order but can also be an online process or a
prescribed by the design prerecorded video-based process
11 Introduction to Instructional Technology 12 Introduction to Instructional Technology

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NTI Course 21 NTI Course 21

Putting It All Together

Questions and Concerns

• An example…
• Any general questions or concerns?
– Decide on a lesson that needs to be taught
– Determine the scope of the content
– Follow the lesson design theory and steps (see Course 20)
– Create/build the lesson using instructional tools (for example,
PowerPoint along with images, audio, video, etc.)
– Present (deliver) the lesson

13 Introduction to Instructional Technology 14 Introduction to Instructional Technology

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