“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and
motivating them, the teacher is most important.”
– Bill Gates –
Module Outcome
Identified the competency standards of ICT for teaching and learning in pre- service
teacher education
Unpacked the basic concepts of ICT to provide common understanding for teachers
and learners
Valued the use of ICT in the teaching and learning processes
Hello students! Welcome to Technology for Teaching and Learning 1- Module 1.
If there is one thing that changed the world so fast, it is TECHNOLOGY. While there is
exists technology in the past as non – digital technology, the current digital technology has been
a factor that shrunk the world and made it flat. It has provided a new environment for learning,
new ways teachers teach and also the new ways of how learners learn.
Lesson 1
ICT Competency Standards for Philippine Pre- Service Teacher Education
Lesson Outcomes
Identified the competency standards of ICT for teaching and learning in pre-
service teacher education
Familiarized with the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers
Picture A Picture B
Teacher with traditional technology Teacher with digital technology
ICT Competency Standards (CHED-UNESCO) as provided in the 2017, Policy, Standards and
Guidelines (PSG) for Pre- Service Teacher Education
The program outcome for teacher education degrees clearly state that every future teacher;
“demonstrate proficiency in the development and utilization of Information, Communication and
Technology (ICT) resources in providing quality teaching – learning process.”
The ICT Competency Standards is made up of seven domains. Each domains has a set of
competencies. The competencies are expressed in desired learning outcomes.
These domains and corresponding competencies are found in the table below:
Likewise, the Department of Education issued Department of Education Order 42, s. 2017
mandating the use of the Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers (PPST) to start with the
beginning teachers who are fresh graduates from the teacher education program. The document
includes: Show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate teaching and learning and Show skills in
the selection, development and use of the variety of teaching learning resources including ICT to
address learning goals.
These competency standards to learn and master will assure the 21st century learners in your
class of a more enjoyable, creative, innovative ways in teaching and learning.
As pre – service teacher education students now, you will have to master the knowledge and
skills (Learning to Know) for the standards for students. However, since you will become teachers’
the future, you should harness the same knowledge and skills to become (Learning to Become) future
With the use of Table 1, can you identify the domain to which each given course
learning outcome belong?
In this lesson,
3. I developed………… (Skill)