AIIMS GK With Logical
AIIMS GK With Logical
AIIMS GK With Logical
with Logical Thinking
~~ Current Affairs Update
~~ General Knowledge
~~ Logical Thinking
~~ Theory with Exercises
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GK Solved Paper 2016 Set 1 2016-1-2
General Knowledge
yy India Panorama B-1-21
yy History B-38-48
yy Polity B-49-58
yy Geography B-59-70
yy Economy B-80-84
yy Sports B-90-94
yy Healthcare B-95-100
Logical thinking
yy Logical thinking B-125-127
yy Exercise B-128-138
No syllabus is prescribed by the Institute for the examination, i.e. questions
can be formed based on 12th under 10+2/Intermediate Science (Phy, Che &
Bio) + General Knowledge and Aptitude/Logical Thinking as given below :
• The examination result for each candidate would be prepared on the
basis of raw scores.
• PERCENTAGE (%): Percentiles upto 7 decimal places separately
for each of the 4 subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics and General
Knowledge) and the Total will be prepared. The percentile of the Total
shall not be an aggregate or average of the percentile of individual
• The following 5 percentiles would be calculated for each student:
Let T (Total), S-1 (Biology), S-2 (Chemistry), S-3 (Physics) & S-4 (G.K)
denote the raw marks obtained in T, S-1, S-2, S-3 & S-4 as :
1. Total Percentile (TP)
No. of Candidates from the group with Total Marks ≤ T × 100
= No. of Candidates in the group /shift (i.e. morning/evening)
2. Biology Percentile (S-1P)
No. of Candidates from the group with Biology marks ≤ S -1 × 100
= No. of Candidates in the group /shift (i.e. morning/evening)
3. Chemistry Percentile (S-2P)
No. of Candidates from the group with Chemistry marks ≤ S -2 × 100
= No. of Candidates in the group /shift (i.e. morning/evening)
1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 (d) 7 (b) 8 (c)
9 (c) 10 (c) 11 (d) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (b) 15 (a) 16 (b)
17 (d) 18 (d) 19 (a) 20 (a)
AIIMS GK Solved Paper 2016 (Set-1I)
(Based on Memory)
1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (b) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (a) 7 (a) 8 (a)
9 (b) 10 (b) 11 (a) 12 (a) 13 (d) 14 (a) 15 (c) 16 (b)
17 (c) 18 (c) 19 (a) 20 (a)
Tamil Nadu people compelled Union Govt. launched Election Commission announced
January the State Assembly to pass Intelectual Property Right dates for Assembly polls of 5
2017 Jallikattu Bill on 23-01-2017 (IPR) Enforcement Toolkit for states– Goa, Punjab, Manipur,
Police. UK & UP.
Litchi being the mysterious 5 associate banks, i.e. State Union HRD Ministry decided
February reason behind Muzaffarpur’s Bank (SBB&J) of Bikaner & to set up National Testing
brain fever death, discovered Jaipur, S.B. of Hyderabad, S.B. Agency (NTA) to conduct
2017 of Mysore, S.B. of Patiala & S.B. entrance exams, i.e., NEET,
by India & US scientists.
of Travancore merged into SBI. JEE, NET, etc.
A-2 Current Affairs
44th New Delhi World Book ISRO launched 104 satellites Donald Trump took oath of
Fair begin on 7-01-2017 on 15-02-2017 in one. 101 President on 20-01-2017.
orgainsed by NBT under belong to 6 foreign countries
theme –“Manushi Books”. on commercial basis.
On the eve of World Cancer World Bank cuts India’s GDP Mohammed Abdullahi was
Day (4th Feb.), the centre of growth for 2016-17 to 7% elected as 9th President of
Integrative Oncology (C/O) was
inaugurated at NICPR, Noida from 7.6% on 11-01-2017. Somalia on 8-2-2017.
Current Affairs A-3
The clampdown of unaccounted cash/ Black money.
Motivate people to open accounts to deposit their money.
Online, cashless/ digital payments, net banking, E-Wallet, E-Banking, Apps become
primary payment medium.
Medium & Small business companies face slowdown due to lack of money supply.
Stall the circulation of large volume counterfiet notes.
Short-term Impact
Curb inflation.
Recapitalize Banks.
Reduce interest rates.
Vibrant economy with cash flows.
Certain sections like SMEs, Small traders, house hold, political parties retail outlets may
face short term disruptions in facilitation of their transactions.
Long-term Impact
Black money hoarding will vanish & boost formal economy.
Govt. will be able to spend more on health education & housing.
Demonetization and GST will make system more accountable and efficient.
Habit changing impact will be increased belief in keeping cash in banks rather than
Lower borrowing and better fiscal management.
With improved tax collection Govt will reduce tax rates
Sustained economic growth.
Cashless transaction offer higher & transparent scale of growth.
A-6 Current Affairs
Tax structure : 5%, 12%, 18%, & 28%
Cess surcharge beyond 28% are :
(i) Luxury cars – 15%
(ii) Aerated drinks/water – 15%
(iii) Panmasala – 135%
(iv) Tobacco & cigarettes – 290%
(iv) Coal & lignite – ` 400 / tonnes
Current Affairs A-7
How will GST benefit consumer?
Present tax collection system. GST Collection system.
Example Example
Stage 1: Stage 1:
In the process of creating jeans, the Under GST, Manufacturer can set off
manufacturer buys raw materials for this tax (`13) against the tax he has
`100 & adds value to the materials he already paid on raw material/inputs
started out with. Let us take this value (`10). Therefore, the effective GST
or/margin/profit added by him to on the manufacturer will be only `3
be ` 30. The gross value of his good (13 – 10). He will sell good to
would, be `130 (100 + 30). wholesaler for `133 (100 + 30 + 3).
At a tax rate of 10%, the tax on
Stage 2:
output will be `13. Here good sold to
wholesaler for `143 (130+13). Wholesaler adds margin of ` 20 on
good. Its value = `153(133 + 20)
Stage 2: Under GST, he can set off the tax on his
The wholesaler purchases it for `143, output (`15.30) against the tax on his
and adds on value (his ‘margin’) of, purchased good from the manufacturer
say, `20. The gross value of jeans he (`13). Thus, the effective GST incidence
sells would then be `163 (`143 + 20) on the wholesaler is only ` 2.30 (15.30
A 10% tax on this amount will be – 13). He will set it to retailer for
`16.3. ` 155.30(153 + 2.30)
He will sell it to retailer for ` 179.30. Stage 3:
(163 + 16.3).
Retailer adds margin of ` 10 on good.
Stage 3: Its value = ` 165.3(155.3 + 10) Tax
To retailer purchase price of ` 179.30, 10% = 16.53
he adds margin, of `10. The gross But by setting off this tax (`16.53)
value of jeans goes up to `189.30 against the tax on his purchase from
(` 179.3 + 10). The tax on this, at 10%, the wholesaler (`15.30), the retailer
will be `18.93. brings down the effective GST incidence
He will sell it to consumer for `208.23 on himself to ` 1.23 (16.53 –15.30).
(189.3 + 18.93). Here good total value = 165.30 + 1.23 =
166.53. i.e consumer buys it for `166.53.
So, the total GST on the entire value
chain from the raw material/input
suppliers through the manufacturer,
wholesaler and retailer is, ` 10 + 3
+2.30 + 1.23, or `16.53.
A-8 Current Affairs
Augmented Reality: Augmented reality which success in business depends on
(AR) is a live direct or indirect view of close relationships between business
a physical, real-world environment people and government officials.
whose elements are augmented (or It may be exhibited by favoritism
supplemented) by computer-generated in the distribution of legal permits,
sensory input such as sound, video, government grants, special tax breaks,
graphics or GPS data. It is also known or other forms of state interventionism.
as the computer term, Kudzi 3.0. It is CIVETS: An acronym given to the
related to a more general concept called countries Colombia, Indonesia,
mediated reality, in which a view of reality Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South
is modified (possibly even diminished Africa, which are predicted by some to
rather than augmented) by a computer. be among the next emerging markets
Benami properties: Benami essentially to quickly rise in economic prominence
means property without a name. In over the coming decades.
this kind of transaction the person who Democratic socialism: It is a political
pays for the property does not buy it ideology that advocates political
under his/her own name. The person democracy alongside social ownership
on whose name the property has been of the means of production, often
purchased is called the benamdar and with an emphasis on democratic
the property so purchased is called management of enterprises within a
the benami property. The person who socialist economic system.
finances the deal is the real owner. Decacorn: A decacorn is a word used
Black Friday: Black Friday is the day for companies valued over $10 billion.
following Thanksgiving Day in the EAGLES: Emerging and growth-leading
United States (the fourth Thursday economies of Korea, Indonesia, Mexico,
of November). Since 1952, it has Turkey, Egypt and Taiwan along with
been regarded as the beginning of the the BRIC countries Brazil, Russia,
Christmas shopping season in the U.S., India and China. BBVA expected these
and most major retailers open very early countries to generate 50% of the
(and more recently during overnight global economic growth through 2020,
hours) and offer promotional sales. whereas it expected the G7 countries
COP22: COP 22 (Conference of the of France, Germany, the United States,
Parties) was held in Marrakech, Morocco, Canada, Italy, Japan and the United
on 7–18 November 2016. Main issues: Kingdom to generate just 14%.
water scarcity, water cleanliness, and Extracorporeal membrane oxyge-
water-related sustainability, a major nation (ECMO): It is an extracorporeal
problem in the developing world, technique of providing both cardiac
including many African states. and respiratory support to persons
China’s Singles Day: Singles’ Day or whose heart and lungs are unable to
Guanggun Jie is an entertaining festival provide an adequate amount of gas
widespread among young Chinese exchange to sustain life.
people, to celebrate the fact that they Frontier market: A frontier market is
are proud of being single. The date, a type of developing country which is
November 11th (11/11), is chosen more developed than the least developing
because the number “1” resembles an countries, but too small to be generally
individual that is alone. considered an emerging market.
Crony-Capitalism: Crony capitalism Geneva III (Geneva peace talks on
is a term describing an economy in Syria): The Geneva peace talks on Syria,
A-10 Current Affairs
also known as Geneva III, are intended the economy. It is usually used when
peace negotiations between the Syrian standard monetary policy has become
government and opposition in Geneva ineffective. Quantitative easing is
under the auspices of the UN. considered when short-term interest
Hectocorn: A Hectocorn is the rates are at or approaching zero, and
appropriate term for such a companies does not involve the printing of new
valued over $100 billion. bank notes.
Liquid biopsy: A medical test in which Servergate: The term refers to the
blood cells are taken from the body and controversy surrounding Hillary
examined to find out if they are healthy. Clinton’s private server. The term
MINTs: An acronym coined by the comes from the combination of
major investment firm Fidelity in 2011 “server” and “watergate”, which was
for a group of four countries—Mexico, the political controversy that led to
Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey— President Richard Nixon’s resignation.
that are expected to show strong TIMP: TIMP’ stands for ‘Turkey,
growth and provide high returns for Indonesia, Mexico and Philippines.’
investors over the coming decade. The Similar to BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India
MINTs have been grouped together and China), the acronym was coined by
because of their large populations, an investor/economist to group fast-
favorable demographics and emerging growing emerging market economies in
economies. The MINTs have smaller similar states of economic development.
economies than the BRICs. Trans Pacific Partnership: The Trans-
Mercalli intensity scale: The Mercalli Pacific Partnership (TPP) or Trans
intensity scale is a seismic scale used for Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)
measuring the intensity of an earthquake. is a trade agreement among twelve of
It measures the effects of an earthquake. the Pacific Rim countries—notably not
Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB): A including China.
zero-energy building, also known as a Thanksgiving Day: Thanksgiving Day
zero net energy (ZNE) building, net- is a national holiday celebrated in
zero energy building (NZEB), or net Canada, in the United States, in some
zero building, is a building with zero net of the Caribbean islands and in Liberia.
energy consumption, meaning the total It was originally celebrated as a day
of giving thanks for the blessing of
amount of energy used by the building
the harvest and of the preceding year.
on an annual basis is roughly equal to
Similarly named festival holidays occur
the amount of renewable energy created
in Germany and Japan. Thanksgiving
on the site, or in other definitions by
is celebrated on the second Monday of
renewable energy sources elsewhere.
October in Canada and on the fourth
Populism: It is a political doctrine that Thursday of November in the United
stems from a viewpoint of struggle States, and around the same part of
between the populace and ruling the year in other places. Although
faction. Populism is most common in Thanksgiving has historical roots in
democratic nations. religious and cultural traditions, it
Political radicalism: The term denotes has long been celebrated as a secular
political principles focused on altering holiday as well.
social structures through revolutionary Unicorn: A unicorn is a start-up company
means and changing value systems in valued at over $1 billion. According to
fundamental ways. VentureBeat, there were 229 unicorns
Quantitative Easing: Quantitative as of January 2016. The largest unicorns
easing (QE) is a monetary policy included Uber, Xiaomi, Airbnb, Palantir,
used by central banks to stimulate Snapchat, Dropbox and Pinterest.
Current Affairs A-11
Oct 3, 2016 S Sivakumar appointed as full-time member of 21st Law Commission of India.
Oct 6, 2016 Sushil Chandra appointed CBDT Chairman.
Oct 14, 2016 Portugal’s Antonio Guterres appointed UN Secretary-General.
Amandeep Singh Gill appointed as India’s Ambassador to UN Conference
Oct 18, 2016
on Disarmament, Geneva.
Vice Admiral SV Bhokare assumes office as the Commandant of Indian
Oct 21, 2016
Naval Academy.
Oct 27, 2016 Karnal Singh appointed as Director of Enforcement Directorate.
Nov. 7, 2016 M Rajeshwar Rao new RBI Executive Director.
Nov. 24, 2016 Yudhvir Singh Malik appointed as new Chairman of NHA.
Senior AIADMK leader O Panneerselvam appointed as the new AIADMK
Dec 5, 2016
chief and the new Tamil Nadu Chief Minister.
• Air chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa was appointed as the new Air
Jan 2, 2017 Force Chief.
• General Bipin Rawat was appointed as Chief of Army Staff.
Jan 3, 2017 Prof David R Syiemlieh was appointed as the new UPSC Chairman.
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has appointed Surekha Marandi as its
Jan 4, 2017 new Executive Director (ED).
• Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar appointed as Chief Justice of India.
Jan 12, 2017 Natraja Chandrasekaran appointed as chairman of TATASons group.
Delhi Police Commissioner and Senior IPS officer Alok Kumar Verma was
Jan 19, 2017
appointed as new Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation.
Jan 28, 2017 Dr Vijay Bhatkar appointed as new vice-chancellor of Nalanda University.
Jan 30, 2017 Amulya Kumar Patnaik appointed Delhi Police Commissioner.
Feb 11, 2017 Senior IAS officer Ajay Tyagi appointed as SEBI Chairman.
Feb 16, 2017 Edapaddi K. Palaniswami appointed as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.
Nand Kumar Sai assumes charge as Chairman of National Commission of
Feb 28, 2017
Scheduled Tribes.
Feb 23, 2016 KN Vyas appointed as Director of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.
Feb 25, 2016 Rajendra Singh appointed as DG of Coast Guard.
Former CJI HL Dattu takes over as Chairman of NHRC (National Human
Feb 29, 2016
Rights Commission).
Current Affairs A-13
Gallantry Awards
New Delhi, Jan 25 : President Pranab Mukherjee has approved 398 Gallantry
and other defence awards to personnel of Indian armed forces on the eve of
the 2017 Republic Day. These awards include two Kirit Chakras, 12 Shaurya
Chakras, three Bar 50 Sena Medal, 91 Sena Medal, four Vayusena medals and
two Nao Sena medal.
Commanding officers of 4 and 9 Special Para Forces have been awarded Youdh
Sewa Medal for successfully conducting a surgical strike to destroy terror camps
well inside Pakistan’s border. Col Kapil Yadav, commading officer of 9 Para and
Col Harpreet Sandhu, Commanding Officer of 4 Para got the prestigious award.
Major Rohit Suri and Prem Bahadur Resmi Nagar got the Kirti Chakra for
successfully leading a team while conducting the surgical strike that was
considered a big strategic and military success for India.
Five personnel from the two para units Lt.Col. Atul Gupta, Major D. Vinay
Reddy, Major Rajat Chandra, etc. got Shaurya Chakra.
T he 73rd Annual Golden Globe Awards ceremony was organized at Beverly Hills,
California, United States (US) on January 10, 2016. Golden Globe Awards are
the annual awards that honour the best in Motion Pictures and Television for
the previous year.
In this edition of awards, The Revenant won the maximum 3 awards followed by
The Martian and Steve Jobs winning 2 awards each.
The winners of various awards are as follows:
Best Motion Picture Drama: The Revenant.
Best Motion Picture Musical/Comedy: The Martian.
Best Director in Motion Picture-Drama: Alejandro
Inarritu for The Revenant.
Best Actor in Motion Picture-Drama: Leonardo
DiCaprio for The Revenant.
Best Actress in Motion Picture-Drama: Brie Larson for Room.
Best Actor in Motion Picture or Musical or Comedy: Matt Damon for The
Best Actress in Motion Picture Musical or Comedy: Jennifer Lawrence for Joy.
Best Actor in a Supporting role in Motion Picture: Sylvester Stallone for
Best Actress in a Supporting role in Motion Picture: Kate Winslet for Steve
Best Original Score Motion Picture: Ennio Morricone for The Hateful Eight.
Best Foreign Language Film: Son of Saul (Hungary).
08-07-2016 SC ruled that security forces cannot Verdict on PIL filed by Extra
use excessive and retaliatory force Judicial Execution Victim
in disturbed areas under the Families Association.
Armed Forces (Special Powers)
Act (AFSPA), 1958.
18-07-2016 SC accepted recommendations of BCCI vs. Lodha Committee
the Lodha Committee on reforms Recommendations.
to the BCCI, including a bar on
ministers and civil servants and
those above 70 from becoming
its members.
19-07-2016 SC can transfer cases from Anita Kushwaha vs. Pushpa
Jammu & Kashmir Courts to Sudan.
courts outside it and vice versa.
01-08-2016 SC held that former Chief Ministers Lok Prahari vs. State of Uttar
are not entitled for government Pradesh.
accommodation for lifetime.
09-08-2016 SC ruled that persons in Govt/ Vijay Kumar Mishra and Anr vs.
judicial service need not resign Patna High Court.
to participate in District Judge
Selection Process.
SC held that Article 233(2) of
the Constitution of India only
prohibits the appointment of a
person as District Judge, who
is already in the service of the
Union or the State, but not the
selection of such a person.
22-08-2016 SC held that all Tribunals are S. Kazi vs. Muslim education
not necessary parties to the society
proceedings where legality of its
orders challenged.
05-09-2016 SC ordered Karnataka to release State of Karnataka vs. State of
15000 cusecs of water to Tamil Tamil Nadu.
Nadu, Later on a plea by state
of Karnataka; it was modified to
12000 cusecs.
07-09-2016 SC directed Union & state Youth Bar Association of India
govts. To upload FIRs in Police vs. Union of India.
19-09-2016 SC in case of Tattu Lodhi, child Child’s Parent Vs. Tattu Lodhi.
rapist and murderer opted
for, instead of death penalty,
a “judicial innovation”, i.e. SC
stripped Lodhi of his right to
apply for release from prison on
remission for the next 25 years.
A-20 Current Affairs
PV Sindhu attack in Dhaka was his follower who
India’s ace shuttler was inspired by his speeches. Mr. Naik’s
Pusarla Venkata Sindhu speeches are aired on ‘Peace TV’ from
won the silver medal in Dubai, run by his Mumbai-based
women’s singles Islamic Research Foundation. Britain
badminton event at 2016 Rio Olympics. and Canada have banned Mr. Naik from
In the final match of women’s singles visiting their countries several years
badminton event, Sindhu lost to Spain’s ago while Malaysia banned his lectures
Carolina Marín (World No.1) by 21-19, fearing that they could instigate inter-
12-21, 15-21 score. Earlier in her racial tensions. Born on 18 October 1965
quarterfinal match, she had defeated in Mumbai, Dr. Naik attended the
Japan’s Wang Yihan (World No.2) by 22- Kishinchand Chellaram College in
20, 21-19 score. She also won China open Churchgate, and later studied medicine
on 19 November, 2016. at Topiwala National Medical College,
PV Sindhu was Born on 5 July 1995 in and BYL Nair Charitable Hospital.
Hyderabad, Telangana.
Subrata Roy
Dipa Karmakar Subrata Roy was released on parole
The 23 year Tripura girl, in May 2016 to attend the last rites of
Dipa Karmakar created his deceased mother. The court kept
history by becoming the first extending his parole on the condition
Indian woman gymnast to of depositing money with the SEBI
qualify for Olympics as she booked a berth towards refunding investors.
for the Rio Games after a strong On 26 February, 2014, the Supreme
performance at the final qualifying and Court of India ordered the arrest of
test event. She garnered a total score of Subrata Roy, chairman and founder
52.698 points in the Olympics qualifying of Sahara India Pariwar, for failing to
event to book a berth for artistic appear in court in connection with the
gymnastics in Rio Games. `24,000 crore deposits his company
Dipa had created history by becoming failed to refund to its investors as
the first Indian woman gymnast per a Supreme Court order, after a
to win a medal - a bronze, in the legal dispute with the Indian market
Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in regulator SEBI. He was eventually
2014. She then became the first Indian arrested on 28 February, 2014 by Uttar
woman gymnast to feature in the finals Pradesh police on a Supreme Court
of World Championships. warrant.
Zakir Naik Urjit R Patel
Zakir Naik has been
Union Government
under the scanner of appointed Dr. Urjit R
Indian law enforcement Patel as the 24th
authorities ever since governor of Reserve
Bangladesh asked for Bank of India (RBI) on 20 August, 2016.
an investigation into his speeches and He will be having tenure of three years
his writing, following a claim that a with effect from 4 September, 2016. He
terrorist involved in the recent terror will succeed the present RBI Governor
Current Affairs A-27
Dr. Raghuram Rajan, the former Enforcement Directorate for money
International Monetary Fund chief laundering.
economist. At present, Dr Patel is the Mallya, known for his extravagant
Deputy Governor of RBI and is holding lifestyle and Kingfisher brand of
this assignment since 2013. With this liquor, is in debt with 17 public sector
appointment, he also becomes the banks for an estimated amount of
eight Deputy Governor to be elevated `9,091 crore, who have moved the
as the Governor at RBI. Patel obtained Debt Recovery Tribunal against him.
his Bachelor’s in Economics from the Upon the banks’ plea, the Supreme
London School of Economics, M. Phil. Court has issued a notice to Mallya
degree from Oxford University in 1986. seeking the disclosure of his assets
He received his doctorate in Economics and seizure of his passport. Earlier the
from Yale University in 1990. He was at liquor baron had made a quiet exit to
IMF India desk during the 1991–94 London via Delhi on March 2016. Now,
transition period. He was posted to Mallya is being chased by almost every
IMF country mission in India 1992–95. institution in the country for `9,000
He has also been a non-resident Senior crore that he owes to the lenders.
Fellow at the Brookings Institution
since 2009. Mahudha in Kheda district Cyrus Mistry
of Gujarat is his ancestral village. Patel The board of India’s largest
is unmarried. conglomerate Tata Sons Ltd
has removed Cyrus Pallonji
Abidali Neemuchwala Mistry (48) as Chairman.
IT giant Wipro, India’s third largest IT The board has replaced him with his
services exporter, on 4 January, 2016 predecessor Ratan Tata as interim
appointed current Chief Operating chairman for four months. Mistry had
Officer (COO) Abid Ali Neemuchwala as shortest tenure as Chairman so far at the
the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and group. Mistry had replaced Ratan Tata
member of the board. Neemuchwala as chairman in December 2012. He was
gets his surname from Neemuch, only the sixth group Chairman in nearly
a small town in Madhya Pradesh. 15 decades and the first from outside
Neemuchwala had joined Wipro as COO the Tata family to be appointed to top
in April 2015. Prior to Wipro, he held a most post of Tata group.
long tenure of over 23 years with Tata
Consultancy Services (TCS). In TCS, he Vinod Rai
headed the business process services Former Comptroller & Auditor General
unit of India’s biggest outsourcer. of India Vinod Rai has been appointed
He obtained an engineering degree as the first chairman of Banks Board
in electronics and communication Bureau on February 28, 2016,
from NIT, Raipur and holds a master’s which will advice the government
degree in industrial management from
in appointing heads of public sector
IIT Mumbai.
banks and also on banking reforms.
Vijay Mallya Rai served as the Comptroller and
Business tycoon and Rajya Auditor General between January 2008
Sabha member, Vijay and May 2013, during which a number
Mallya, is in trouble for his of CAG reports led to revelation of
escape from the country various scams including the telecom
right around the time he is wanted by the and coal sector scams.
A-28 Current Affairs
Jayalalithaa Jayaraman
Jaylalithaa’s life in politics is well documented. Her
steady growth from a party secretary to a member of
Rajya Sabha to the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu is a
long saga of adventure, struggle and success.
Once a classical dancer, later a popular actress, she
became the face of the state’s politics in the 21st
century. Jayalalithaa revered as ‘Amma’ by lakhs of her loyalists has had one of
the most interesting expeditions any modern politicians have had. Jayalalithaa
who suffered a cardiac arrest passed away on 5 December 2016. She was 68.
Jayalalitha was born in Mysore on 24 February 1948. She hails from a Tamil
Iyengar family. Her father Jayaram, a lawyer by profession, passed away when
she was just two years old. She completed her schooling from Bishop Cotton
Girls’ High School, Chennai, and Sacred Heart Matriculation School in 1964.
However, she took up films shortly after that.
In 1982, Jayalalitha became a member of the AIADMK, a party founded by
M.G. Ramachandran. It marked her entry into politics. In 1984, Jayalalitha
came to the forefront during the elections to the Lok Sabha and the Legislative
Assembly in Tamil Nadu in December 1984.
On 24 June 1991, she became the youngest ever and the second female Chief
Minister of Tamil Nadu. She held the position till 12 May 1996. The 1998
general election of the Lok Sabha saw the AIADMK and its alliance securing
30 out of 40 seats. In February 2002, she was elected from the constituency of
Andipatti. She remained the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu from 2 March 2002
to 12 May 2006.
Again in the 2011 Legislative Assembly elections in Tamil Nadu, the AIADMK
and its allies bounced back, winning 203 seats out of 234, with the AIADMK
securing 150 seats on its own.
Jayalalitha had to step down from her post of the Chief Minister in September
2014 when a trial court in Karnataka held her guilty in an 18-year-old
disproportionate assets (amounting to ` 66.65 crore) and corruption case. The
court had sentenced her to a four-year jail term with a fine of ` 100 crore,
but she challenged this verdict in Karnataka High Court. On 11 May 2015, the
Karnataka High Court acquitted Jayalalitha in the Disproportionate Assets case.
J. Jayalalitha was sworn-in as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for a record-
equaling fifth time on 23 May 2015. Again she took oath as the chief minister of
Tamil Nadu for a record sixth time on 23 May 2016.
Current Affairs A-29
O Panneerselvam
AIADMK leader O. Panneerselvam, 65, was sworn in as Chief Minister of Tamil
Nadu following the death of Chief Minister Jayalalithaa. He was administered
the oath of office and secrecy by Governor Ch. Vidyasagar Rao at a solemn
ceremony held in the Raj Bhavan, Chennai on 6th Dec 2016. This is for the third
time he has sworn in as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.
Panneerselvam was born on January 14, 1951 in Periyakulam, Tamil Nadu. He
started his political career as chairman of Periyakulam Municipality (1996 to
2001). Previously in Jayalalithaa’s government he had served as Minister of
Revenue Department (March 2002 to December 2002), Minister for Public
Works (December 2002 to May 2006) and Finance Minister (May 2011 to
September 2014).
Earlier he had served CM for two brief periods from 2001-02 and 2014-15
after Jayalalithaa was unseated from the post by the courts on various grounds.
Panneerselvam has been a trusted aide of AIADMK supremo Jayalalithaa. After
her death, he was elected the leader of the Legislature Party. He will have
remaining four years term of the Jayalalithaa Government.
ENVIS Portal Launched MW inaugurated in Amritsar in Punjab
Agenda/Issue: A new Environment on 18th May, 2016. The plant has
Information System (ENVIS) portal been set up with the cost of 139 crore
and mobile application is launched on rupees and would generate clean
17 February, 2016. It is a central sector and green energy sufficient to power
Scheme of the MOEFCC implemented approximately 8,000 homes. It will also
since 1982. help in abating 4-lakh tonnes of carbon
Target/Application: The portal dioxide (CO2) in the next 25 years. runs parallel with Green-concept Based State Data
the Digital India Objective, which
works on improving the digital literacy
in the environment sector and deliver Agenda/Issue: Himachal Pradesh
services digitally all over the country. became the first state in the country
to have a State Data Centre (SDC),
Gatiman Express Flagged Off designed using green data centre
Place: New Delhi concept on 5th June, 2016. The SDC
Agenda/Issue: Railway Minister will offer 101 people-oriented services
Suresh Prabhu flagged off the much- online through an integrated data base.
awaited Gatiman Express on 5th April, It would integrate the websites of
2016 which will cover the distance various departments and all services
from Agra to Nizamuddin station in 90 can be accessed through the integrated
to 100 minutes. data base.
HPV Vaccine Programme in Schools Like all papillomaviruses, HPVs
Date: 29 February, 2016 establish productive infections only in
Place: Delhi keratinocytes of the skin or mucous
Field: Health membranes.
Delhi is going to be the first state in POCSO e-box
the country to launch the Human Date: 26 August, 2016
Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine as a
Place: New Delhi
public health programme for school
children. The HPV vaccine protects Field: Child Development
people against the group of 150-odd An online complaint box for reporting
HPVs, some of which can cause cervical child sexual abuse, the POCSO e-Box is
cancer. Human papillomavirus is a DNA a much needed initiative to address the
virus from the papillomavirus family grave situation. Protection of Children
that is capable of infecting humans. from Sexual Offences (POCSO), e-Box,
A-42 Current Affairs
is an online complaint management Kabhi Bhi’ medical facilities for its
system for easy and direct reporting beneficiaries of Delhi. Kahin Bhi means
of sexual offences against children and any dispensary/Hospital and Kabhi Bhi
timely action against the offenders means anytime. With this initiative, all
under the POCSO Act, 2012. The e-Box the networks of dispensaries of Delhi
is incorporated prominently in the have been made accessible to insured
home page of National Commission persons and their family members all
for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) the time. The initiative aims at saving
website where time of the beneficiaries as well as
a user has to simply push a button minimizing the effort that he/she
named POSCO e-Box. The Protection of makes to avail the services.
Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO
Act) 2012 was formulated in order to Mobile App CHIRAG
effectively address sexual abuse and sexual Date: 9 November, 2016
exploitation of children. Which is growing Place: Mumbai
rampantly in India. Field: Human Rights
Digital Locker The App “Child Helpline for Information
on Rights and Address Grievances”
Date: 8 September, 2016 (CHIRAG) will be available for download
Place: New Delhi on Google Playstore while an IOS version
Field: Transport would be launched shortly. The app
The idea of integration of DigiLocker will provide information regarding
with Driving Licenses (DL) & Vehicle functioning of the Child Rights Protection
Registration Certificates (VRC) will Commission while spreading awareness
hugely benefit people. Now, people will about children’s rights. People can also
no longer need to carry around physical lodge complaints about violation of child
copies of their Driving Licences and rights through the app. Maharashtra and
RCs. Using DigiLocker mobile app, they Uttar Pradesh have recorded cases of
can instead access digital copies of the child abuse. This idea is path-breaking
same on their mobile phones. Besides, because with registering a complaint on
DLs and VRC documents will be now the app will immediately send an email
issued directly to the DigiLockers of to the Maharashtra State Child Rights
individuals in digital formats. These Protection, which will direct it to police
digital copies also can be shared with or a child right charity.
other government departments as
identity and address proof. They can DRDO’s drone Rustom-2
also be used for on the spot verification Date: 15 November, 2016
through the citizen’s mobile, by Place: Karnataka
various law enforcement authorities Field: Defence
like the Traffic Police. Besides, it will A medium-altitude long-endurance
also result in assured authenticity unmanned aerial vehicle, Rustom-2
of such documents and reduction of is comparable to the American made
administrative overhead. Predator drone and can fly for 24 hours
Kahin Bhi-Kabhi Bhi Medical Facilities at stretch. It can conduct sustained
surveillance and can carry weapons
Date: 14 November, 2016 along with surveillance equipment.
Place: New Delhi The application of drones is manifold -
Field: Health including reconnaissance, surveillance,
Employees State Insurance Corporation intelligence gathering and aerial
(ESIC) is going to launch ‘Kahin Bhi- combat missions. What makes them
Current Affairs A-43
indispensable is that they can conduct Problems: Start-ups lacking specific
these tasks at a fraction of the cost of a financial needs
manned aircraft and in case of a crash SBI InCube branch is a specialised
or malfunction, costs no lives. The branch to understand and address our
most recent instance of drone usage banking needs for setting up a start-up.
by India had been during the army’s It will provide the best suitable solutions
surgical strikes on terror launchpads in banking transactions and investments
across the Line of Control in Jammu on a robust technology platform for
and Kashmir, where the drones have business model.InCube branches will be
monitored and filmed the proceedings. a one-stop shop for the financial service
For that operation, the military had to requirements of start-ups in the country.
rely on imported drones, which had long SBI has opened its first InCube branch in
endurance and a capacity to fly in high Bengaluru keeping in mind that the city
altitudes. Rustom-2 will be able to carry is the hub for start-ups in the country.
out such missions. The Rustom-2 has Apart from serving a start-up’s financial
been renamed Tapas 201. The Rustom-1, services requirements, SBI will also
which flew for the first time in 2009, provide mentorship through technology
had been named after the late Rustom experts. SBI also launched a new wealth
Damania, who helped develop the aircraft management service called Exclusif.
that had been used as a prototype.
Rashtriya Ekta Diwas
Stand Up India Scheme for Women
Date: 31 October, 2016
and SC/ST
Place: New Delhi
Date: January 7, 2016
Field: Culture
Place: New Delhi
Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National
Field: Economic Empowerment Unity Day) is observed across India
Problems: SC/ST Economic Backwardness on 31 October to commemorate birth
Effects: To promote entrepreneurship anniversary of Independent India’s
among SC/ST and Women first Deputy Prime Minister Sardar
Stand Up India Scheme aims to promote Vallabhai Patel. The theme of the day
entrepreneurship among SC/ST and for 2016 is “Integration of India”.
Women entrepreneurs. This Scheme The idea of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas
aims to facilitate at least two such was mooted by PM Narendra Modi
projects per bank branch, on an average in October 2014 to mark the birth
one for each category of entrepreneur. anniversary of country’s first Home
It is likely to prove beneficiary for Minister Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
at least 2.5 lakh borrowers. The Sardar Vallabhbhai Pate is known as
Stand Up India Scheme provides for: the Iron Man of India or Bismarck of
Refinance window through Small India. In India’s independence struggle,
Industries Development Bank of India he played a major role in organizing
(SIDBI) with an initial amount of Rs. peasants’ movements on Gandhian
10,000 crore and creation of a credit principles in Bardoli and Kheda in
guarantees mechanism through the Gujarat and during the Quit India
National Credit Guarantee Trustee movement. His biggest contribution
Company (NCGTC). to India was his role in the integration
of the over 500 princely states with
SBI In Cube India during 1947-49. He is also
Date: January 14, 2016 remembered as the Patron Saint of
Place: Bengaluru, Karnataka India’s civil servants for establishing
Field: Start-ups modern All-India Services.
A-44 Current Affairs
Solar Impulse 2
Date: 26 July, 2016
Place: Abu Dhabi
Field: Aviation
Solar Impulse 2, the first airplane powered by renewable energy has
completed the first round world trip. The solar-powered airplane finally
arrived at Al-Bateen Executive Airport located in Abu Dhabi, where it had
started its journey 505 days ago. This airplane is extra sensitive to weather
patterns and it depends on the sun for power and also its tiny weight makes
it difficult to fly through heavy cloud cover or rain. The flight covered a
remarkable 42,000-kilometre journey across four continents, two oceans and
three seas. Solar Impulse is a Swiss long-range experimental solar-powered
aircraft project, and also the name of the project’s two operational aircraft. The
privately financed project is led by Swiss engineer and businessman André
Borschbergand Swiss psychiatrist and aeronaut Bertrand Piccard, who
co-piloted Breitling Orbiter 3, the first balloon to circle the world non-stop.
The Solar Impulse project’s goals were to make the first circumnavigation of
the Earth by a piloted fixed-wing aircraft using only solar power and to bring
attention to clean technologies.
Coradia iLint Lou Gehrig’s. The implantation has
Date: 3 Nov, 2016 enabled her to communicate in day-to-day
Place: Germany life with the help of a speech computer.
Field: Environment The disease Lou Gehrig’s caused nerve
World’s first hydrogen-powered and degeneration that had left her with
zero-emission passenger train is control only over her eyes. The implant
Germany’s Coradia iLint. It is powered enabled her to control the computer using
by a hydrogen fuel tank on its roof. The brain signals, and spell out messages
fuel cell is supplied with hydrogen and speaking two letters per minute. With
oxygen from the air, which it converts into this innovative idea a remarkable change
electric power. The system is backed up will take place in medical science. Now
by lithium batteries. These batteries store the people whose heart beats even if the
the excess power in order to later supply brain is dead can survive.
the train when needed. The train is totally GOES-R
carbon-free, making it a much more
sustainable alternative to the 4000 diesel Date: 20 Nov, 2016
trains currently in circulation in Germany. Place: Washington DC
It has enough onboard hydrogen storage Field: Science & Tech
to power an 800 kilometre journey, with GOES-R is the next generation of
speeds topping out at 87 miles per hour. geosynchronous environmental satellite.
It is expected to provide atmospheric and
First Brain Implantation surface measurements of the Earth’s
Date: 14 Nov, 2016 Western Hemisphere for weather
Place: Netherlands forecasting, severe storm tracking, space
Field: Health weather monitoring and meteorological
Doctors of Netherlands have performed research. It marks a technological advance
the first-ever brain implant on a 58-year- in geostationary observations. Compared
old woman paralysed by disease named to the current GOES system, the advanced
Current Affairs A-45
instruments and data processing tornado warning lead time, improved
provides, three times more spectral hurricane track and intensity forecasts,
information, four times greater spatial improved monitoring of solar x-ray flux,
resolution, five times faster coverage, improved monitoring of solar flares and
real-time mapping of total lightning coronal mass ejections and improved
activity, increased thunderstorm and geomagnetic storm forecasting.
Chabahar Port
The Chabahar port is located in south-eastern Iran in the Gulf of Oman. It is
the only Iranian port with direct access to the ocean. Prime Minister Narendra
Modi’s visit to Iran has led to the much-awaited signing of the pact for India to
develop the strategic Chabahar port.
The port was partially built by India in 1990s. The pact to build the Chabahar
port was first initiated during the Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s government in 2003,
but the deal couldn’t get through the subsequent years.
After several rounds of negotiations between India’s consortium of JNPT,
Kandla Port Authority and Iranian authorities, the contract was finally deemed
ready to be signed.
Developing the port is understood to be a major breakthrough for India’s trade
with West Asia. Following agreements have been established as per the pact:
a) India will develop and operate the Chabahar port. India Ports Global will
invest $85 million in developing two container berths with a length of 640
metres and three multi-cargo berths.
b) The signed contract will last for 10 years and is extendable. First two
years of the contract are to be observed as grace period. It means India
doesn’t have to guarantee any cargo for the port. Phase one of the port
construction will take 18 months to complete.
c) India will facilitate 30,000 TEUs (Twenty Foot Equivalent) of cargo at the
port in third year. By the tenth year, quantum will rise to 2,50,000 TEUs.
d) IRCON International will set up a railway line at Chabahar in order to move
goods right up to Afghanistan. The rail link of 500-km between Chabahar
and Zahedan will link Delhi to the rest of Iran’s railway network.
e) Free trade zone where a total investment of `1 lakh crore is envisaged is
also a part of the agreement.
f) India will also supply $400 million of steel rails to Tehran.
How India gains?
• Presently, Pakistan does not allow India to transport through its territory
to Afghanistan. The port will make way for India to bypass Pakistan and
transport goods to Afghanistan using a sea-land route.
• This will also give momentum to the International North-South Transport
Corridor. Iran is the key gateway in this project. The route primarily
involves moving freight from India, Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia.
• The corridor would increase trade connectivity between major cities such
as Mumbai, Moscow, Tehran, Baku etc.
• It would counter Chinese presence in the Arabian sea through the support
of Pakistan in developing Gwadar port.
• Port can also be used to station security vessels for merchant ships off
the African coast, apart from giving the country a foothold in the western
Arabian Sea. It is important as many of its energy imports pass through the
A-46 Current Affairs
President – Shri Pranab Mukherjee
Vice President – Mohd. Hamid Ansari
Prime Minister – Shri Narendra Modi
S.No. Portfolio Name
Union Council of Ministers
1 Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Narendra Modi
Department of Atomic Energy, Department of
Space, All important policy issues and All other
portfolios not allocated to any Minister
Cabinet Ministers
1 Home Affairs Rajnath Singh
2 External Affairs Smt. Sushma Swaraj
3 Finance, Corporate Affairs Arun Jaitley
4 Urban Development, Housing and Urban Poverty M. Venkaiah Naidu
Alleviation, Information & Broadcasting
5 Road Transport and Highways, Shipping Nitin Jairam Gadkari
6 Defence Manohar Parrikar
7 Railways Suresh Prabhu
8 Statistics & Programme Implementation D.V. Sadananda Gowda
9 Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Sushri Uma Bharati
10 Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Ramvilas Paswan
11 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Kalraj Mishra
12 Women and Child Development Smt. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi
13 Chemicals and Fertilizers, Parliamentary Affairs Ananth kumar
14 Law & Justice, Electronics & Information Technology Ravi Shankar Prasad
15 Health and Family Welfare Jagat Prakash Nadda
16 Civil Aviation Ashok Gajapathi Raju
17 Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises Anant Geete
18 Food Processing Industries Smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal
19 Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Drinking Narendra Singh Tomar
Water and Sanitation
20 Steel Chaudhary Birender Singh
21 Tribal Affairs Jual Oram
22 Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Radha Mohan Singh
23 Social Justice and Empowerment Thawar Chand Gehlot
24 Textiles Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani
25 Science and Technology, Earth Sciences Dr. Harsh Vardhan
26 Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar
Current Affairs A-51
Ministers of State (Independent Charge)
Minister Portfolio
Vijay Goyal Sports &Youth Affairs, Water Resources,
River Developmet and Ganga Rejuvenation
Rao Inderjit Singh Planning Urban Development, Housing &
Urban Poverty Alliviation
Jitendra Singh Development of North Eastern Region
Bandaru Dattatreya Labour and Employment
Rajiv Pratap Rudy Skill Development & Enterpreneurship
Shripad Yesso Naik AYUSH
Dharmendra Pradhan Petroleum Forest and Climate Change
Piyush Goyal Power, Coal, New & Renewable Energy
and Mines
Mukhtar Aabbas Naqvi Minority Affairs, Parliamentary Affairs
Manoj Sinha Communications and Railways
Nirmala Sitharamaqn Commerce and Industry
Mahesh Sharma Culture and Tourism
Ministers of State (Independent Charge)
Minister Portfolio
VK Singh, MJ Akbar External Affairs
Santosh Kumar Gangwar Finance
Faggan Singh Kulaste, Anupriya Patel Health & Family Welfare
Ajay Tamta Textiles
CR Chaudhary Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
Krishna Raj Women & Child Development
Arjun Ram Meghwal Finance and Corporate Affairs
Subhash Ramrao Bharma Defence
Ramesh Chandappa Jigajinagi Drinking Water and Sanitation
Giriraj Singh, Haribha Parthibha Chaudhary Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
Sanjeev Kumar Balyan Water Resources, River Developmet &
Ganga Rejuvenation
Sudarshan Bhagat Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Rajen Gohain Railways
Mansukh L Mandaviya Road Transport and Highways, Shipping,
Cheimcal and Fertilizers
Parushottam Rupala Agriculture & Farmers Welefare and
Panchayati Raj
P. Radhadrishnan Road Transport & Highways, Shipping
Kiran Rijiju, Hansraj Gangaram Ahir Home Affairs
SS Ahluwalia Agricultures & Farmers Welfare,
Parliamentary Affairs, Tribal Affairs
Jaswantsingh Sumanbhai Bahadur Tribal Affairs
Ram Kripal Yadav Rural Development
A-52 Current Affairs
Gram Uday Se 14 to 24
th th
This scheme
bharat Uday April strengthens
Abhiyan panchayati raj
(GUSBUA) villages and ensures
social harmony in
Pradhan Mantri June 25, Achieve housing for
Awas Yojana 2015 all by the year 2022,
(PMAY) 2 crore in urban and
3 crore in homes in
rural areas.
99. Which bank launched its first 100. World Science Day for Peace and
banking robot, “Lakshmi”? Development is observed on?
(a) Bank of India (a) 10th November
(b) Union Bank (b) 11th November
(c) City Union Bank (c) !2th November
(d) State Bank of India (d) 9th November
1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (a) 6 (c) 7 (c) 8 (b)
9 (d) 10 (c) 11 (a) 12 (c) 13 (c) 14 (a) 15 (b) 16 (a)
17 (d) 18 (b) 19 (d) 20 (a) 21 (b) 22 (c) 23 (b) 24 (d)
25 (a) 26 (c) 27 (b) 28 (b) 29 (d) 30 (b) 31 (b) 32 (a)
33 (c) 34 (d) 35 (d) 36 (a) 37 (d) 38 (b) 39 (a) 40 (b)
41 (b) 42 (d) 43 (a) 44 (b) 45 (b) 46 (c) 47 (c) 48 (b)
49 (a) 50 (d) 51 (a) 52 (a) 53 (b) 54 (b) 55 (a) 56 (b)
57 (a) 58 (c) 59 (a) 60 (d) 61 (c) 62 (d) 63 (a) 64 (c)
65 (d) 66 (b) 67 (a) 68 (a) 69 (a) 70 (b) 71 (d) 72 (d)
73 (d) 71 (a) 75 (c) 76 (a) 77 (d) 78 (c) 79 (a) 80 (b)
81 (b) 82 (c) 83 (a) 84 (d) 85 (c) 86 (c) 87 (b) 88 (a)
86 (a) 90 (c) 91 (d) 92 (a) 93 (c) 94 (b) 95 (d) 96 (c)
97 (d) 98 (a) 99 (c) 100 (a)
Indian Panorama
National The national flag consists of a horizontal rectangular
Flag tricolour with saffron at the top, white in the middle
and India green at the bottom. The centre has a navy
blue wheel with twenty-four spokes, known as the
Ashoka Chakra. The flag was designed by Pingali
National The national emblem is the Lion Capital of Asoka at
Emblem Sarnath which was adopted on 26th January 1950.
The motto inscribed on the emblem is in Devanagari
script: “Satyameva jayate” which means Truth Alone
National The anthem was composed by Rabindranath Tagore;
Jana Gana
Anthem adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 24th January
National Vande Mataram was composed by Bankim Chandra
Song Chatterjee. It was adopted as the National song of
India in 1950.
National Indian lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is the national flower.
Flower It is the representation of purity as it remains flawless
despite growing in mud and water.
National Mango (Mangifera indica) also known as the ‘King of
Fruit Fruits’, is the National Fruit of India.
9. Himachal Shimla 55,673 Pahari, 25-01-1971 974 83.78% 123 Kullu, Shoolini Losar Shona Bhot, Bodh,
Pradesh Kangri Chuksam Gaddi, Gujjar
10. J & K Srinagar 222,236 Kashmiri, 26-10-1947 883 66.7% 56 Hemis, Urs Dumhal, Balti, Beda,
Urdu Rouff Bot, Boto
11. Jharkhand Ranchi 79,714 Santhali, 15-11-2000 947 67.6% 414 Jhumar, Paika, Karam, Vat Asur, Agaria,
Indian Panorama
English Kali Puja Bedia, Chero
1. Andaman and Port Blair 8,073 English, 01-11-1956 878 86.27% 46 – – Andamanese,
Nicobar Islands Hindi Chariar, Chari
2. Chandigarh Chandigarh 114 Punjabi 01-11-1966 818 81.9% 9,300/ Lohri Bhangra –
3. Dadra and Silvassa 102 English, 11-08-1961 775 77.65% 698 Pongal Tarpa, Warlis, dublas
Nagar Haveli Gujarati Bhavada
4. Daman and Daman 102 Gujarati, 30-05-1987 618 87.07% 2169 Garba Mando, Vira Dhodia, Dubla
Diu Marathi (Halpati)
5. Lakshadweep Kavaratti 32 English, 01-11-1956 946 92.28% 2013 Eid-Ul-Fitr, Lava, Kolkali Koya, Malmi
Malayalam Muharram
6. NCT of Delhi New Delhi 1,484.0 Hindi 01-02-1992 866 86.34% 11,297 Diwali, Eid ul-Fitr – –
Indian Panorama
7. Puducherry Pondicherry 492 Malayalam, 07-01-1963 1,038 86.34% 2,500 Pongal Garadi Grulas, Villi
Indian Panorama B-5
Four Ends of India Foundation day of States
Easternmost point of India is known as 1st January Nagaland Day
Kibithu; situated on right bank of river 21st January Manipur, Meghalaya and
Lohit separating India from China-Tibet Tripura Day
region. It is a small village at the altitude 6th February Jammu and Kashmir
of 3,350 metre in Arunachal Pradesh. Day
Westernmost point is situated in Kuch
20th Mizoram and Arunachal
area of Gujarat called as Ghuar Mota. The
February Pradesh day
region is famous for its harsh climate
with 45°C in summer and 20°C in winter. 11th March Andman and Nicobar
During monsoon season this region Islands Day
looks like a tortoise surrounded by sea 22nd March Bihar Day (Bihar Diwas)
water. Northernmost point of India has 30th March Rajasthan Day
been in controversies ever since India’s 1st April Utkal (Odisha) Day
independence. The Siachen Glacier in the
14th April Tamil Nadu Day
state of J&K is the northern boundary of
India according to the official division of 15th April Himachal Pradesh Day
India during the time of independence. 1st May Gujarat and Maharashtra
The Southernmost point of the mainland Day
of India is Kanyakumari District in the 16th May Sikkim Day
state of Tamil Nadu. Kannyakumari, 1st November Chattisgarh
formerly was known as Cape Comorin. 9th Uttaranchal (Now
It is the second largest and urbanized of November Uttarakhand) Day
Tamil Nadu. Indira Point is a village in the
15th Jharkhand Day
Nicobar district of Andaman and Nicobar
November (Jharkhand Diwas)
Islands, India. It is located in the Great
Nicobar tehsil. It is the location of the 2nd June Telangana Day
southernmost point of India’s territory. (2014)
Space mission 1975-2016
Satellite Launch Date Launch Vehicle
Aryabhata 19-Apr-75 u-11 Interkosmos
Bhaskara-I 7-Jun-79 C-1 Interkosmos
Rohini Technology Payload 10-Aug-79 SLV-3
Rohini RS-1 18-Jul-80 SLV-3
Rohini RS-D1 31-May-81 SLV-3
Ariane Passenger Payload 19-Jun-81 Ariane-1 (V-3)
Bhaskara -II 20-Nov-81 C-1 Intercosmos
INSAT-1A 10-Apr-82 Delta 3910 PAM-D
Rohini RS-D2 17-Apr-83 SLV-3
INSAT-1B 30-Aug-83 Shuttle [PAM-D]
Stretched Rohini Satellite 24-Mar-87 ASLV
Series (SROSS-1)
IRS-1A 17-Mar-88 Vostok
Stretched Rohini Satellite 13-Jul-88 ASLV
Series (SROSS-2)
INSAT-1C 21-Jul-88 Ariane-3
INSAT-1D 12-Jun-90 Delta 4925
IRS-1B 29-Aug-91 Vostok
INSAT-2DT 26-Feb-92 Ariane-44L H10
Stretched Rohini Satellite 20-May-92 ASLV
Series (SROSS-C)
INSAT-2A 10-Jul-92 Ariane-44L H10
INSAT-2B 23-Jul-93 Ariane-44L H10+
IRS-1E 20-Sep-93 PSLV-D1
Stretched Rohini Satellite 4-May-94 ASLV
Series (SROSS-C2)
IRS-P2 15-Oct-94 PSLV-D2
INSAT-2C 7-Dec-95 Ariane-44L H10-3
IRS-1C 29-Dec-95 Molniya
IRS-P3 21-Mar-96 PSLV-D3
INSAT-2D 4-Jun-97 Ariane-44L H10-3
IRS-1D 29-Sep-97 PSLV-C1
INSAT-2E 3-Apr-99 Ariane-42P H10-3
Oceansat-1 (IRS-P4) 26-May-99 PSLV-C2
INSAT-3B 22-Mar-00 Ariane-5G
GSAT-1 18-Apr-01 GSLV-D1
Indian Panorama B-11
First Governor of Bengal Lord Clive(1757-60)
Last Governor of Bengal Warren Hastings(1772-74)
The first British Governor General of Bengal Lord Warren Hasting(1774-1885)
The first British Governor General of India Lord William Bentinck(1833-1835)
The first British Viceroy of India Lord Canning(1856-62)
The first Governor General of free India Lord Mountbatten(1947-1948)
The first and the last Indian to be Governor C. Rajgopalachari(1948-1950)
General of free India
The first President of Indian Republic Dr. Rajendra Prasad
The first Prime Minister of free India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru
The first Indian to win Nobel Prize Rabindranath Tagore
The first President of Indian National W.C. Banerjee
The first Muslim President of Indian Badruddin Tayyabji
National Congress
The first Muslim President of India Dr. Zakir Hussain
Indian Panorama B-15
The first lady to become Miss World Rita Faria
The first woman judge in Supreme Court Mrs. Meera Sahib Fatima Bibi
The first woman Ambassador Miss C.B. Muthamma
The first woman Governor of a state in free Mrs Sarojini Naidu
The first woman Speaker of a State Assembly Shanno Devi
The first woman Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi
The first woman Minister in a Government Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
The first woman to climb Mount Everest Bachhendri Pal
The first woman to climb Mount Everest twice Santosh Yadav
The first woman President of Indian National Mrs Annie Besant
The first woman pilot in Indian Air Force Harita Kaur Dayal
The first woman Graduates Kadambini Ganguly and
Chandramukhi Basu, 1883
The first woman Airline Pilot Durga Banerjee
The first woman Honours Graduate Kamini Roy, 1886
The first woman Olympic medal Winner Karnam Malleswari, 2000
The first woman Asian Games Gold Medal Kamlijit Sandhu
The first woman Lawyer Cornelia Sorabjee
The first woman President of United Nations Mrs Vijaya Laxmi Pandit
General Assembly
The first woman Chief Minister of an Indian Mrs Sucheta Kripalani
The first woman Chairman of Union Public Roze Millian Bethew
Service Commission
The first woman Director General of Police Kanchan Chaudhary Bhattacharya
The first woman Judge Anna Chandy (She became judge
in a district court in 1937)
The first woman Chief Justice of High Court Mrs Leela Seth (Himachal
Pradesh High Court)
The first woman Judge in Supreme Court of India Kumari Justice M. Fathima Beevi
The first woman Lieutenant General Puneeta Arora
The first woman Air Vice Marshal P. Bandopadhyaya
The first woman chairperson of Indian Airlines Sushma Chawla
The first woman IPS officer Mrs. Kiran Bedi
The first and last Muslim woman ruler of India Razia Sultan
The first woman to receive Ashoka Chakra Neerja Bhanot
The first woman to receive Jnanpith Award Ashapurna Devi
Indian Panorama B-17
Nobel Prize
• It was set up in 1895 under the will of Alfred Nobel.
• The Nobel prizes are presented annually on 10 December (The death
anniversary of the founder).
• It is given in the fields of Peace, Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Physiology
or Medicine (from 1901) and Economics (from 1969).
B-26 World Panorama
•• The largest coffee growing country in the World is - Brazil
•• The biggest delta in the World is the - Sunderbans
•• The Japanese call their country as - Nippon
•• The biggest Island of the World is - Greenland
•• The river which carries maximum quantity of water into the sea is the -
•• Mount Everest was named after Sir George - Everest
•• The biggest stadium in the world is the - Strahov Stadium, Prague
•• The world’s largest diamond producing country is - South Africa
•• The Eggel tower was built by - Alexander Eiffel
•• The Red Cross was founded by - Jean Henri Durant
•• The permanent secretariat of the SAARC is located at - Kathmandu
•• The earlier name of Sri Lanka was Ceylon
•• The founder of the Republic of China was - San Yat Sen
B-28 World Panorama
Tallest Animal on (land) Giraffe
Biggest Bell Great Bell at Moscow
Fastest Bird Swift
Largest Bird Ostrich
Smallest Bird Humming Bird
Longest Bridge (Railway) Lower Zambeji (Africa )
Tallest Building Burj khalifa, Dubai (U.A.E)
Tallest Office Building Patronas Twin Towers Kuala Lampur (Malaysia)
Longest Big Ship Canal Seuz Canal (Linkin red sea & Mediterranean)
Busiest Canal (Ship) Baltic White Sea Canal (152 miles)
Biggest Cinema House Roxy (New York)
Highest City Wen Chuwan (Tibet, China) 16,732 ft.
Largest City (in population) Tokyo [(3,42,00000), Est. population in 2006]
Biggest City in (area) Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia (41225 sq. km.)
Largest Continent Asia
Smallest Continent Australia
Largest Country (in China
Largest Country (in area) Russia
Largest Coral Formation The Great Barrier Reef (Australia)
Largest Dam Grand Coulee- Concrete Dam (U.S.A)
Longest Day June 21 (in Northern Hemisphere)
Shortest Day Dec. 22(in Northern Hemisphere)
Largest Delta Sundarbans, India (8000 sq. miles)
Longest Desert (World) Sahara, Africa (84, 00,000 sq. km.)
Largest Diamond The Cullinan (over 1 ½ 1b.)
Biggest Dome Gol Gumbaz (Bijapur), (Old archi) 144 ft. diameter.
Biggest Dome (New Archi) Astrodome, Sports
Longest Epic The Mahabharata
Largest Island Greenland (renamed Kalaallit Nunaat)
Largest Lake (Artificial) Lake Mead (Bouler)
Deepest Lake Baikal (Siberia); average depth2300 ft.
Highest Lake Titicaca (Bolivia) 12645 ft. above sea level.
Largest Lake (Fresh Water) Lake Superior, U.S.A
Largest Lake (Salt Water) Caspian Sea 3, 71,000 sq. km.)
B-30 World Panorama
S. No. Informations
1. Prohibition of animal sacrifices and festive gatherings.
2. Measures of social welfare.
3. Respect to Brahamanas.
4. Courtesy to relatives, elders, consideration for animals.
5. Appointment of Dhamma Mahamatras and their duties.
6. Need for efficient organisation of administration (orders to Dhamma
7. Need for tolerance among all religious sects.
9 System of Dhamma-yatras.
9. Attack on meaningless ceremonies and rituals.
10. Conquest through Dhamma instead of war.
11. Explanation of Dhamma-policy.
12. Appeal for tolerance among all religious sects.
13. Kalinga war, mention 5 contemporary Hellenic (Greek) kings.
14. Inspiration to spend religious life.
17 Nov. 1928 Lala Lajpat Rai died due to the injuries by the beating of local
police during a protest demonstration at Lahore.
Dec. 1928 Gandhi joined back the active politics at Calcutta session.
26 Jan. 1930 Was fixed as the First Independence Day and since then was
celebrated every year up to 1947.
Feb. 1930 Chandra Shekhar Azad was shot dead in a park called Azad Park
at Allahabad, in an encounter with British police.
12 March, Dandi March lead by M.K. Gandhi took place. Together with 78
1930 companions he walked 375 km from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi.
6 April, 1930 Gandhi reached Dandi and broke the Salt law.
12 Nov. 1930 First round table conference was held in London, was chaired by
British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald.
5 March, 1931 Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed between Gandhi and then
viceroy of India Lord Irwin. According to which British agreed
to withdraw all ordinances and end prosecutions and release all
political prisoners.
24 August, Poona Pact was signed between Gandhi and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
1932 at Yerwada Central Jail.
1935 Government of India Act was passed according to which All
India Federation was established including British India and
Princely States (representative were appointed by the rulers)
forming a bicameral federal legislature.
October, 1940 Gandhi gave an order for limited satyagraha (for few individuals
8 August, 1942 Quit India Movement was launched by M.K.Gandhi.
1945 Congress working committee adopted a resolution to abolish
2 Sept. 1946 Interim government of India formed the newly elected Constituent
Assembly of India. This idea was rejected by Muslim league.
9 Dec. 1946 The Constituent Assembly met for the first time.
Newspaper/Journal Name Founder
Bengal Gazette (1780) (India’s First James Augustus Hickey.
Kesari B.G.Tilak
Amrita Bazar Patrika Sisir Kumar Ghosh and Motilal Ghosh
Vande Mataram Aurobindo Ghosh, Madam Bhikaji Cama
Kavivachan Sudha Bhartendu Harishchandra
Rast Goftar(first newspaper in Gujarati) Dadabhai Naoroji
Statesman Robert Knight
Hindu Vir Raghavacharya and G.S. Aiyar
Yugantar Bhupendranath Data and Barinder
Kumar Ghosh
History B-47
Fundamental Rights
Right to Equality Right to Freedom Right Against Exploitation Right to Freedom of Cultural and Right to Constitutional
Religion Educational Rights Remedies
Directive Principles
(15) Prohibition of (20) Protection in respect of (24) Prohibition of (26 ) Manage religious affairs. (30) Right of minorities
discrimination on conviction for offences. employment of to establish
grounds of religion, children in factories & administer
race, sex etc. etc. educational
(16) Equality of (21) Protection of life & (27) Freedom from payment of
opportunity in personal liberty. taxes for promotion of any
public employment religion.
(17) Abolition of (22) Protection against (28) Freedom from attending
untouchability. arrest & detention in religious instruction
certain cases. or worship in certain
educational institutions.
Fundamental Duties
Covered Part IV A, Article 51–A
Borrowed from USSR
Amendment 42nd Amendment 1976, introduced Article 51 A in the
Recommended Swaran Singh Committee.
Numbers Originally–10 duties
Now–11 duties (added by 86th Amendment ACT, 2002)
List of F.Ds 51 A (a) Abide by the Constitution and respect National Flag
& National Anthem
Position Term Oath Emolument Qualification Election Vacancy Powers
• Executive • 5 years • By Chief • ` 1.5 • Citizen of • Elected • On expiry of term Legislative
Head of the • Eligible for Justice lakh per India indirectly by • By death Judicial
State Re-election of India month • Completed electoral college • By resignation Emergency
• First citizen or senior • Pension 35 years age consisting • By impeachment
of the most ` 75,000 • Qualified for elected
country judge of per election as a members of
Supreme month member of both houses
Court Lok Sabha of Parliament
• Not hold & State’s
any office of Legislative
profit under Assemblies
GOI • Following
formula is
adopted at first
= ×
Total population of State 1
Value of vote of MLA
Total no. of elected members in the State Legislative Assembly 1000
•• At second stage, a complex system of calculating Quota of individual candidate is used which is
based on the order of preference of candidates.
Powers of President
Appoints PM, Directly Dissolution Address Nominates Assent Laying Issue Seek Power
Council of ministers, administers or & Send Members on Bills down Ordinance Advice to grant
General, UTs Prorogation messages of passed by some of pardon
CAG, Judges of of to houses Parliament Parliament reports Supreme
Supreme Court Parliament before Court
& High Courts,
Governors, Parliament
of UTs, Chairman Miscellaneous Emergency
& Members of
Public Service
Chairman & Supreme Conclude National Failure of Financial
Members of Commander & Approve Emergency Constitutional Emergency
Finance of Armed International (Art. 352) Machinery (Art. 360)
Commission, in States
Chief Election Forces Treaties &
Commissioner Agreements (Art. 356)
& Election
Inter - State
investigate the
condition of SCs,
STs & OBCs.
B-54 Polity
Vice President Prime Minister
Qualification Appointment
(1) Citizen of India. (1) By President
(2) Completed 35 years.
(3) Qualified for election as a member
of Rajya Sabha. (1) Real executive authority (de facto
(4) Not hold any office of profit under executive).
Union/ State government or any Local (2) Head of the Government.
(3) Leader of the majority party in the
Lok Sabha.
(1) 5 years.
(2) Eligible for re-election. Election
Responsibility No Separate charge
to Lok Sabha Y M I NISTE
at Central level EP Head Important
and Legislative S O F S TA Ministries of Central
Assembly at TE T / State Government
State level
Attend Cabinet’s
CABINET meetings & decide
MINISTERS policies
Individual Executive
Responsibility authority
to President at
Central level Independent charge of
& Governor at Ministries / Departments.
State level.
Work under Supervision &
guidance of Cabinet ministers.
of votes
of Result
Planet Earth
•• The form of Earth is ‘Oblate
•• The axis of the Earth is inclined to
the plane of Earth’s orbit at an angle
of 66 1/2°giving rise to different
These are the two extremely cold zones
seasons and varying lengths of day situated in the Polar regions extending
and night. to the Arctic circle in the North and to
•• At equator, day and night are of the Antarctic circle in the South.
equal length throughout the year.
Seasons Formation
Torrid Zone
Revolution of the Earth around the
The Mid-day Sun shines vertically Sun along with it spinning around its
overhead at least once a year between axis, which is tilted at an angle of 23.5
the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of degrees, is the main cause of season’s
Capricorn. Thus, this region receiving formation. Around the June Solstice,
the maximum heat and is called Torrid the Northern Hemisphere is tilted
Zone. towards the Sun, therefore experiencing
summer. The Southern Hemisphere on
Temperate Zones
the other hand, is tilted away from the
These are the areas where climatic Sun and thus, experiences winter. The
condition is not extreme. The area lies opposite occurs around the December
between the tropics and polar region Solstice, when the Southern Hemisphere
(23½° of 66½°) having moderate is tilted towards the Sun, while the
climate. Northern Hemisphere is tilted away.
Seasons and their Formation
Northern summer/Southern winter Northern fall/Southern spring
21. March
Equinox 47 m 3. January
1 m k
21. June Line of Solstice
s 21. December
f ap
152 23. September
Apoapsis 3. July
India has 515 animal sanctuaries referred to as wildlife sanctuaries category IV
protected areas. Among these, the 48 tiger reserves are governed by Project Tiger,
and are of special significance in the conservation of the tiger.
A carbon budget is the maximum industrialization. Although we tend to
amount of carbon that can be released focus on growing atmospheric carbon
into the atmosphere while keeping a concentrations, ocean acidification
reasonable chance of staying below a is also hugely worrying. As the world
given temperature rise. The concept of continues to warm the future function
carbon budget was first time adopted of ocean and land sinks may come
by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate under strain.
Change (IPCC) in its 2013 report. Global Share of CO2
In its most recent synthesis report, The largest producers of CO2 emissions
published in early 2014 states that the worldwide in 2015, based on their
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate share of global CO2 emissions.
Change (IPCC) laid out estimates of In recent years, there has been a
how much CO2 we can emit and still tremendous surge in carbon dioxide
keep global average temperature rise to (CO2) levels in the atmosphere. These
no more than 1.5C, 2C or 3C above pre- atmospheric carbon dioxide rises are
industrial levels. believed to be the result of the earth’s
The first four carbon budgets, leading industrialization. China was the biggest
to year 2027, have been set in law. The emitter of carbon dioxide; the country
UK is currently in the second carbon accounted for around 28.03 percent of
budget period (2013-17). Meeting the global CO2 emissions that year. In 2014
five largest CO2 producers includes
fourth carbon budget (2023-27) will
United States of America, Brazil,
require that emissions be reduced by
Russia India and China out of which
50% on 1990 levels in 2025.
China is at the top position in carbon
Carbon Sinks are increasing with time: dioxide emission. Today, there are a
As Carbon dioxide is increasing day by number of measures to reduce carbon
day in the atmosphere the three major dioxide emissions. These measures
sink (atmosphere, ocean and land) are include reforestation, the introduction
absorbing more carbon. The carbon of a price for carbon, a reduction of
sink are increasing alarmingly due to livestock and a decreased use of fossil
deforestation, fossil fuel emission and fuels in energy generation.
Introduction into force on 16 February 2005. In this
The Paris Agreement is the outcome protocol developed countries were
of 20 previous Conferences of Parties recognized as principally responsible
(COPs) on behalf of United Nations for the current high levels of green
Framework Convention on Climate house gas (GHG) emissions in the
Change (UNFCCC) first held in Rio de atmosphere as a result of more than
Janeiro (Brazil) Earth Summit in 1992. 150 years of industrial activity. So the
Protocol placed a heavier burden on
For the same objective the Kyoto
developed nations under the principle
Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan,
of “common but differentiated
on 11 December 1997 and entered
B-78 Ecology & Environment
The detailed rules for the impleme- Global Peaking (Art.4): To achieve
ntation of the Kyoto Protocol were this temperature goal, Parties aim to
adopted at COP 7 in Marrakesh, reach global peaking of greenhouse
Morocco, in 2001, and are referred to gas emissions as soon as possible,
as the “Marrakesh Accords.” Its first recognizing peaking will take longer
commitment period started in 2008 for developing country Parties, so
and ended in 2012. as to achieve a balance between
The Paris Agreement came during anthropogenic emissions by sources
COP21/CMP11 of United Nations and removals by sinks of greenhouse
Climate Change Conference (UNCCC)
gases in the second half of the century.
held in Paris (France) from 30 Novem-
ber to 11 December 2015. The Parties Mitigation (Art. 4): The Agreement
acknowledged, “climate change is a establishes binding commitments by
common concern of humankind, so all Parties to prepare, communicate
Parties should, when taking action and maintain a nationally determined
to address climate change, respect, contribution (NDC) and to pursue
promote and consider their respective domestic measures to achieve them.
obligations on human rights, the right It also prescribes that Parties shall
to health, the rights of indigenous communicate their NDCs every 5 years
peoples, local communities, migrants, and provide information necessary for
children, persons with disabilities and clarity and transparency. Developed
people in vulnerable situations and the countries should continue to take
right to development, as well as gender the lead by undertaking absolute
equality, empowerment of women and economywise reduction targets,
intergenerational equity”.
while developing countries should
Essential Elements of Paris continue enhancing their mitigation
Agreement efforts, and are encouraged to move
The Paris Agreement builds upon the toward economywise targets over
Convention and for the first time brings time in the light of different national
all nations(Developed & developing) circumstances.
into a common cause to undertake Sinks and Reservoirs (Art.5): The
ambitious efforts to combat climate Agreement also encourages Parties to
change and adapt to its effects, with conserve and enhance, as appropriate,
enhanced support to assist developing sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse
countries to do so. As such, it charts gases as referred to in Article 4,
a new course in the global climate paragraph 1(d) of the Convention,
effort. Some of the key aspects of the including forests.
agreement are:
Market and Non-markets (Art.
Long-term Temperature Goal (Art.
6): The Agreement establishes a
2): The Paris Agreement, in seeking
to strengthen the global response to mechanism to contribute to the
climate change, reaffirms the goal of mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions
limiting global temperature increase and support sustainable development,
to well below 2 degrees Celsius, while as well as defining a framework for
pursuing efforts to limit the increase to non-market approaches to sustainable
1.5 degrees. development.
Ecology & Environment B-79
Adaptation (Art. 7): The Agreement includes a mechanism that will
establishes a global goal to significantly facilitate implementation and promote
strengthen national adaptation compliance in a non-adversarial and
efforts – enhancing adaptive capacity, non-punitive manner, and will report
strengthening resilience and reduction annually to the COP.
of vulnerability to climate change – Global Stocktake (Art. 14): A “global
through support and international stocktake”, to take place in 2023 and
cooperation. Developing country. every 5 years thereafter, will assess
Parties will receive enhanced support collective progress toward meeting
for adaptation actions. the purpose of the Agreement in a
Loss and Damage (Art. 8): The comprehensive and facilitative manner.
Agreement significantly enhances the Decision also sets out a number of
Warsaw International Mechanism on measures to enhance action prior to
Loss and Damage, which will deve- 2020, including strengthening the
lop approaches to help vulnerable technical examination process, enhan-
countries cope with the adverse effects cement of provision of urgent finance,
of climate change, including extreme technology and support and measures
weather events and slow-onset events
to strengthen high-level engagement.
such as sea-level rise. The Agreement
The decision also welcomed the
now provides a framework for Parties
to enhance understanding, action efforts of all non-Party stakeholders to
and support with regard to loss and address and respond to climate change,
damage. including those of civil society, the
private sector, financial institutions,
Support (Art. 9, 10 and 11): The
Agreement reaffirms the obligations cities and other sub-national author-
of developed countries to support the ities. These stakeholders were reques-
efforts of developing country Parties to ted to scale up their efforts and show-
build clean, climate-resilient futures, case them via the Non-State Actor Zone
while for the first time encouraging for Climate Action .
voluntary contributions by other Status of Ratification
Parties. For this developed nations are
called to give $ 100 billion annually The Paris Agreement entered into force
to developing nations by 2020 to help on 4 November 2016, thirty days after
them combat climate and foster green the date (5 October 2016) on which at
economies with advanced technology. least 55% Parties to the Convention
Transparency (Art. 13): The accounting in total of global greenhouse
Agreement relies on a robust transp- gas emissions have deposited their
arency and accounting system to instruments of ratification, acceptance,
provide clarity on action and support approval or accession with the
by Parties, with flexibility for their Depositary. However, 125 Parties out
differing capabilities. In addition to of 197 ratified the Paris Convention.
reporting information on mitigation, The first session of the Conference
adaptation and support, the agreement of the Parties serving as the Meeting
requires that the information subm- of the Parties to the Paris Agreement
itted by each Party undergoes intern- (CMA 1) took place in Marrakech,
ational review. The Agreement also Morocco from 15-18 November 2016.
Inflation (iv) Loop-sided Production
In a broad sense, inflation is that state (v) Hoarding by traders
in which the prices of goods & services (vi) Operation of Law of Diminishing
rise on one hand & value of money falls Returns.
on the other. Impact of Inflation
Types of Inflation Inflation is the most regressive form
1. Demand Pull Inflation: It is that of taxation as it affects the poor and
inflation when prices rise due to vulnerable sections of the society the
higher demand for goods & services most. Such a situation leads to increase
over the available supply. in income disparities.
2. Cost Push Inflation: It is the type Inflation dampens exports by making
of inflation in which prices rise due our products expensive and, conversely,
to increased input costs. makes imports attractive. Such a
situation may warrant formal or informal
Causes of Inflation
devaluation of the currency in order to
The inflation occurs due to two main make our exports competitive.
factors :- Inflation leads to recession, as people
with fixed incomes set apart an increasing
(a) (b) share of their income to meet the growing
Increase in demand Decrease in the costs of essential commodities, leaving
for goods & services supply of goods & very little for expenditure on non-
services essential terms. The production of
(a) Factors causing an increase in such items has to be reduced, leading
demand for goods & services: to shutdowns and recession.
(i) Increase in public expenditure Policy measure to control inflation
(ii) Increase in pvt. expenditure The issue of inflation is addressed from
(iii) Increase in exports both demand and supply sides. Demand
(iv) Reduction in taxation management implies putting a check
(v) Rapid growth of population on the demand of the public for goods
and services. Demand management is
(vi) Black money
achieved by measures such as postponing
(vii) Deficit financing
public expenditure, reducing up excess
(viii) Cheap money policy liquidity either through taxes or saving
(ix) Increase in consumer spending schemes and restrictions on ad hoc
(x) Department of Tax internal treasury bills. While such measures
debts. help contain the money supply, there
(b) Factors causing decrease in supply is a danger that these will contract
of goods & services: the economy and lead to an increase
(i) Shortage of supplies of factors in unemployment. Rationalisation of
(ii) Industrial disputes excise and import duties of essential
commodities to higher the burden on
(iii) Natural calamities
Economy B-81
RBI assists in controlling inflation –– MAT (Minimum Alternate Tax) –
through monetary measures such as Imposed on zero tax companies
quantitative and selective credit controls (companies pay very low tax by
and by manipulating the Cash Reserve using the provisions of exemptions,
Ratio (CRR) and the Statutory Liquidity deductions, incentives, etc.
Ratio (SLR). These are the monetary –– Excise Duties– Tax on production
policies adopted by government. of commodities.
On the supply side, the mechanism of –– Custom Duties– Tax on Import &
Public Distribution System (PDS) ensures Export of commodities.
availability of essential commodities for –– VAT (Value Added Tax) –Tax on
the vulnerable sections of society. This sale of commodities. It is a state
helps to maintain price levels. Fixation level tax. The tax rate is imposed
of maximum prices to eliminate the as x of value added.
–– GST– It is a uniform tax on goods
incentive for hoarding and speculative
& services throughout the country.
activity in foodgrains. Control over
private trade in foodgrains. Adoption of METHODS OF TAXATION OF GOODS
Open General Licence (OGL) to ease the Methods of
imports of sugar, pulses, etc.,in case of Taxation on Goods
shortages. Coupled with this is the open
market sale of rice and wheat resorted
to by FCI from its buffer stock in times Ad– Valorem Specific Duty
of price rise.
Related Terms (1) Ad Valorem– If tax is levied as x of
the value of the goods regardless
Deflation: Deflation is that state in
of number of units produced/
which the value of money rises & the
sold/ imported, then it is called ad
price of goods & services falls.
Stagflation: It refers to the situation
of coexistence of stagnation & inflation Eg.Price of car Tax Amount
in the economy. Stagnation means ` 2 lakh ` 20,000
low National Income growth & high ` 4 lakh ` 40,000
unemployment. (2) Specific Duty– If tax is levied at a
Disinflation: The rate of inflation at a flat rate per unit of goods produced/
slower rate is called disinflation. sold/ imported regardless of the
Types of Taxes value then it is called specific
•• Direct Tax– The tax that people duties.
pay directly to the government is Eg. Car’s Price Tax
called direct tax. Examples : ` 2 lakh ` 10,000
–– Income Tax– Tax on the personal ` 4 lakh ` 10,000
income of the individuals.
–– Corporate Tax– Levied on IMPORTANT INTERNATIONAL
Company’s profit income. REPORTS INDEX
–– Wealth Tax– Imposed on the Human Development Index
accumulated wealth or property
The UNDP Human Development
of every individual.
Report ranks countries on the basis
•• Indirect Tax– The tax burden when
shifted to another person that tax is of measuring human development by
called indirect tax. Examples : combining indicators of the Health,
B-82 Economy
Education & Income into a composite India has been classified in the Medium
Human Development Index (HDI). Human Development Category, placed
The HDI classifies the World into 4 at 130 rank out of 187 countries
broad segments : (Human Development Report 2015).
Very High → High → Medium and → The title of 2015 edition of, HDR is
Low Human Development Components ‘work for Human Development’. The
of HDI. top 3 nations in 2015 HDI are Norway
HDI includes (1st),Australia (2nd) & Switzerland(3rd).
The first Indian Human Development
(a) Health : Life Expectancy at Birth
Report was formally released by the
(b) Education : Mean years of schooling, then Prime Minister Mr. Atal Bihari
Expected years of schooling Vajpayee on April 23, 2002. Madhya
(c) Living standards: Gross National Pradesh was the first state to release
Income Per Capita state-level Human Development Report.
Index / Report India's Rank
Gender Inequality Index 2015 130th (Out of 155 countries)
Global Hunger Index 2016 28.5 (Serious hunger situation)
Global Competitiveness Report 55th (Out of 140 economies)
World Investment Report 2016 10th (in FDI inflows in the world)
Global Gender Gap 2015 108th (Out of 145 economies)
Ease of Doing Business Index 2017 130th (Out of 190 economies)
Global Innovation Index 2016 66th (Out of 128 countries)
Global Human Capital Index 2016 105th (Out of 130 countries)
Evergreen Revolution Agricultural Revolution in a nutshell
The pioneer of Indian green revolution Revolution Area
Mr. M.S. Swaminathan, presently
chairman of National Commission on 1. Green Foodgrain production
farmers gave a new call for ‘Evergreen 2. White Milk
Revolution’ for doubling the present
3. Yellow Oil seeds
production level of foodgrains from 210
million tonnes to 420 million tonnes. 4. Blue Fisheries
For making ‘Evergreen Revolution’ a 5. Red Meat and Tomato
success, he stressed on adopting organic
farming. He also mentioned four pre- 6. Golden Fruits
requistes for getting the success: 7. Grey Fertilizers
i. Promoting soil health. 8. Black/ Brown Non-conventional &
ii. Promoting Lab to Land exhibitions. Energy Sources
iii. Making rainwater harvesting compulsory.
9. Silver Eggs
iv Providing credit to farmers on
suitable conditions. 10. Round Potato
Economy B-83
E–Commerce in India certifies that a product confirms to
E-commerce or electronic commerce the Indian Standard, mentioned as IS:
deals with the buying & selling of goods xxxx on top of the mark, developed
& services, or the transmitting of funds by the Bureau of Indian Standards
or data, over an electronic platform, (BIS). The ISI mark is mandatory for
mainly the internet. These business certifying products to be sold in India,
transactions are categorised into– like many of the electrical appliances,
•• Business to Business (B2B) kitchen appliances, other products like
•• Business to Consumers (B2C) LPG valves, LPG cylinders, automotive
•• Consumer to Consumer (C2C) tyres, etc.
•• Consumer to Business(C2B) Provident Fund (PF)
Business to Business to Consumer
E–commerce processes are conducted It is a fund which is composed of
using applications, such as Email, fax, contributions & made by the employee
online catalogues & shopping carts, during the time he/she worked
electronic data interchange, file transfer along with an equal contribution by
protocol & web services & e–newsletters his employer. Its purpose is to help
to subscribers. E–Travel is the most employees save a fraction of their
popular form of E–commerce, followed salary every month, to be used in an
by e–Tail which essentially means selling event that the employee is temporarily
of retail goods on the internet conducted or no longer fit to work or at retirement.
by the B2C category.
Mobile Commerce (M – Commerce) FDI
M–Commerce is the buying & selling • Foreign direct investment (FDI)
of goods & services through wireless is an investment in a business by
handheld services such as cellular an investor from another country
telephone & personal digital assistants. for which the foreign investor has
The phrase mobile commerce was control over the company purchased.
originally coined in 1997 by Kevin The Organisation of Economic
Duffey at the launch of the Global Mobile Co-operation and Development
Commerce Forum. Mobile Commerce (OECD) defines control as owning
transaction continues to grow, & the term 10% or more of the business.
includes online banking, bill payment & Businesses that make foreign
so on. direct investment are after called
Multinational Corporations (MNCs)
Agmark or Multinational Enterprises (MNEs).
It is a certification mark employed • A MNE may create a new foreign
on agricultural products in India, enterprise by making a direct
assuring that they confirm to a set of investment, which is called a
standards approved by the Directorate greenfield investment.
• A MNE may make a direct investment
of Marketing & Inspection, an agency of
by the acquisition of a foreign firm,
the Government of India.
which is called an acquisition or
ISI Mark prownfield investment .
ISI (Indian Standards Institute) Advantages FDI
mark is a certification mark for 1. Economic Development Stimulation.
industrial products in India. The mark 2. Easy International Trade.
B-84 Economy
3. Employment and Economic Boost. b. the other consisting of sectors
4. Development of human capital where prior approval from the
Resources. Foreign Investment Approval
5. Tax incentives. Board (FIPB) is required.
6. Resource Transfer. • FDI policy changes increasingly
7. Reduced disparity between revenues reflect the requirements of industry
and costs. and are based on stakeholder’s
8. Increased productivity. consultation. Upfront listing of
9. Increment in income. negative sectors has helped focus on
Disadvantages of FDI reform areas, which are reflected in
buoyant FDI inflows.
1. Hindrances to domestic Investment. 100% FDI
2. Risk from political changes.
• Advertising, agriculture, air tran-
3. Negative influence on exchange
sport services (domestic airlines),
4. Higher costs. courier services, drugs and pharma-
5. Economic non-viability. ceuticals, electricity, power, films and
6. Expropriation. studios, hotel and tourism, housing
7. Modern-day Economic colonialism. and real estate, construction, mass
• FDI, being a non-debt capital flow, is a rapid transport system, mining
leading source of external financing, (gold and silver), NBFC, marketing,
especially for the developing pipelines and refining of petroleum
economies. It not only brings in products, tourism, transport inf-
capital and technical know-how but rastructure, townships, SEZs, rail-
also increases the competitiveness ways, single brand retail (upto
of the economy. 49% automatic and from 49 to
• The current phase of FDI policy is 100% has to be approved by FIPB),
characterized by negative listing, telecommunications (upto 49% aut-
permitting FDI freely except in a few omatic, 49-100% by FIPB), and asset
sectors indicated through a negative reconstruction companies ( upto
list. Under the current policy regime, 49% automatic, 49-100% by FIPB).
there are three broad entry options
74% FDI
for foreign direct investors:
1. In some sectors, FDI is not permitted • Airports, broadcasting, coal and
(negative list); lignite, credit information companies,
2. In another small category of sectors, direct to home (DTH), mining (diam-
foreign investment is permitted only onds&preciousstones),satellites,and
till a specified level of foreign equity private sector banking are the sectors
participation. withFDIlimit of 74%.
3. The third category, comprising all 26–49% FDI
the other sectors, is where foreign
investment up to 100 % of equity • Airlines/aviation, defence, insurance
participation is allowed. The third and pension are the sectors which
category has two subsets – have 49% FDI limit. Sectors with 26%
a. one consisting of sectors where FDI limits print media (newspaper –
automatic approval is granted 26%, scientific & periodicals – 100%)
for FDI (often foreign equity and FM radio. Public sector Banks
participation less than 100 %), have the lowest FDI limit of 20%.
Technology & its Application
Absorbable Heart Stent Electroactive Bandage
The bio- absorbable version made by The NASA (National Aeronautics and
Abbott Laboratories in Illinois does its Space Administration) has developed
job and disappears. After six months a new high-tech electroactive bandage
the stent begins to dissolve, and after that uses electricity to significantly
two years it’s completely gone, leaving promote healing of injured wounds.
behind a healthy artery. But cheap The high-tech bandage creates an
electric charge to promote the healing
stents are metallic which don’t dissolve.
process of wounds in space especially
Artificial Brain in conditions of non-Earth gravity.
Artificial brain is a collection of The electroactive bandage uses a
interconnected neural net module which new material called polyvinylidene
is evolved in a special electronic hardware fluoride (PVDF) which can be
downloaded into PC and interconnected stimulated by pressure of cell growth
according to the design of human brain. and body heat. This bandage could be
used by astronauts in space, military
Autophagy personnel wounded in field, patients
This year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or who have undergone surgery or who
Medicine has been awarded to 71-year- have suffered a serious wound.
old Yoshinori Ohsumi of the Tokyo 3D – Lungs
Institute of Technology for unravelling Scientists in the United States including
in the 1990s the underlying molecular those of Indian origin have successfully
mechanism of autophagy. He was the grown three-dimensional (3D) lungs in
first to visually observe the process. the lab, using stem cells.The 3D lungs
During starvation a person is able to or organoids was created by coating
survive for a considerable stretch of tiny gel beads with lung-derived stem
time. Despite the obvious stress, the cells and then allowing them to self-
body is able to cope because of an assemble into the shapes of the air
internal physiological process of “self- sacs found in human lungs. To show
cannibalisation” through which the body that these tiny organoids mimicked
makes use of its inessential and damaged the structure of actual human lungs,
researchers compared it with real
cellular components by breaking them
sections of human lung.
down and reassembling them into useful
The laboratory-grown 3D lungs can
proteins and the nutrients needed to be used to study diseases including
sustain its essential functions. This Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)
is called autophagy, which literally which has been difficult to study
means “self-devouring”. It is a process using conventional methods and also
that has been evolutionarily conserved test possible treatments for the lung
and is intrinsic to all organisms, from diseases.
unicellular yeast to multicellular IPF is a chronic lung disease
mammalian systems like humans. characterised by scarring of the lungs.
B-86 Technology & its Application
The scarring makes the lungs thick The advantage of the cryogenic engine
and stiff. It results in progressively is that it would develop one-and-a-half
worsening shortness of breath and times the thrust of conventional liquid
thus results in lack of oxygen to rocket engines using fuel storable at
the brain and vital organs. Though room temperature. It is a high risk high
researchers do not know what causes technology and would help bridge the
gap between the number of satellite
IPF in all cases but cigarette smoking
being made by India and the vehicles
and exposure to certain types of dust
needed for their launch.
can increase the risk of developing the
disease. Hawk-Eye
Human Hair as Cathode Hawk-Eye is a complex computer
system used officially in numerous
Researchers from Kolkata based Indian
sports such as cricket, tennis,
Institute of Science Education and
Gaelic football, badminton, hurling,
Research (IISER) have produced cost-
association football and volleyball, to
effective, metal-free cathodes using
visually track the trajectory of the ball
human hair for use in solar cells.
and display a record of its statistically
This is the first instance where a bio- most likely path as a moving image. The
waste-derived electrode (in this case system is not infallible and is accurate
human hair) has been used as cathode to within 5 millimetres (0.19 inch) but
in a quantum dot sensitised solar cell is generally trusted as an impartial
device. second opinion in sports.
Cryogenic Engine Print-on-demand
The cryogenic engine is crucial to the It is a book distribution method made
development of GSLV. Cryogenics refers possible by, and inseparable from,
to technology of sub-zero temperatures, digital printing. It prints books only
and cryogenic engines use liquid oxygen in response to orders, and only prints
as the oxidiser and liquid hydrogen as the the exact amount ordered. With the
fuel. India was to acquire the cryogenic capabilities of digital printing, print
engine and technology from the Russian on demand is capable of filling an
space agency, Glavkosmos. order for one book economically.
Information Technology & Computer
Government Initiatives Net Neutrality
1. National Digital Literacy Mission Network Neutrality, Internet Neutrality
or Net neutrality is a term that was
National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM)
first given by media law professor of
Scheme has been formulated to impart IT Columbia University, Tim Wu, in the year
training to 52.5 lakh persons, including 2003. The principle makes it necessary
Anganwadi and ASHA workers and for the Internet service providers and
authorised ration dealers in all the States/ governments to treat all Internet data
UTs to enable them to actively participate as same. There will not be any charges
in developmental process. imposed on by user, application, type of
2. Digital India (DI) enclosure, content, website, etc. It is the
best way for all to enjoy the usefulness
The Digital India not only envisages
of internet without any charges. It is
giving boost to information technology
a feature of net neutrality to allow
but also envisages achieving import- different websites to exist side-by-side
export balance in electronics. without affecting others. At the same
Supercomputing in India time and same speed, all the websites
are accessible for users. Net neutrality
India’s supercomputer programme will support competitive market place
was started in late 1980s. PARAM by providing a chance to each firm
8000 is considered to be India’s first irrespective of its size. Net Neutrality has
supercomputer. It was indigenously built enabled Google, Facebook and Zomato
in 1990 by Centre for Development of to reach various places around the
Advanced Computing (C-DAC)and was globe. Until now, India has had no laws
replicated and installed at ICAD Moscow to govern the net neutrality. Although
in 1991 under Russian collaboration. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
PARAM-ISHAN (TRAI) has released rules for unified
•• P
ARAM ISHAN is the fastest access service license to encourage net
and most powerful computer. neutrality, they do not execute them.
It has been jointly developed by IIT
Free Basics by Facebook is a free
Guwahati and C -DAC. step to connecting one billion
•• It has a peak computing power of Indians to jobs, education, and
250 Teraflops and three hundred opportunities online, and ultimately
terabytes capacity. a better future.
•• It can be used in research initiatives
such as computational chemistry, 4G
computational electromagnetic, Fourth generation, also called as 4G, is
computational fluid dynamics, civil the succeeding generation of 3G in mobile
engineering structures, nana-block telecommunications. It is an advanced
self-assemble, optimization etc. system with advanced capabilities of
•• It can be also used for weather, telephony, mobile web, gaming services,
climate modeling and seismic data high definition TV, video conferencing,
processing. 3D television and cloud computing.
B-88 Information Technology & Computer
Mobile generations began in 1981 with VoLTE (Voice over Long-Term
byte analogue (1G) moving to digital Evolution) operator in the country,
transmission (2G) in the year 1992. with coverage across all 22
Then, in 2001, multi-media supported telecom circles in India.
3G was introduced. It had byte rate of
200 kb/s. 4G is assumed to have a five SOME COMMONLY USED TERMS
times faster speed than its predecessor • Assembler– A programme, which
3G. 4G aims at providing a download converts assembly language pro-
speed of 100MB/s. gramme into machine language pro-
•• 4G long-term evolution (LTE) is gramme. It is a system software.
wireless communications standard • Bit– It is the basic units of computer.
developed by the 3rd Generation It can have two values 1 and 0 only.
Partnership Project (3GPP). • BIOS– It stands for Basic Input Out-
•• 4G LTE is one of several competing
put System. This program is stored
4G standards along with WiMax
in ROM.
(IEEE 802.16) and Ultra Mobile
• Byte– One byte is a collection of 8
Broadband (UMB). Presently two
standards are commercially used
• Compiler– It is a computer pro-
world-wide viz. LTE and Mobile
gramme that transforms human
WiMax standard.
readable source code of another
•• WiMax standard was first commer-
cially in South Korea in 2007 and LTE computer programme into the Ma-
standard was first used in Norway chine readable code that a CPU can
and Sweden in 2009. execute.
•• Designed to provide up to 10x speeds • Cloud Commuting– It is a new tech-
of 3G networks for mobile devices nology for internet services, under
such as tablets, smartphones, net- which the user need not to have fall
books and wireless hotspots etc. softwares and operating system in-
•• It can provide internet speed of at stalled on his machine, rather could
least 100 Mbit per second (Mbps) be provided the same as and when
to 1 Gbps. required by the internet e.g., Google.
•• 4G technologies are designed to • Computer Virus– A virus is a com-
provide IP (Internet Protocol)- puter programme which attaches
based voice, data and multimedia itself to and becomes part of anoth-
streaming at high speed. er executable programme and thus
Reliance Jio halts the system by pending to same
undesired result.
•• Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited,
• Connector– A connector is a device
doing business as Jio, is a LTE
that joins two networks together.
(Long-Term Evolution) mobile
The most common connectors are
network operator in India.
hub, bridges and router.
•• It is a wholly owned subsidiary of
Reliance Industries • Cables– A flexible metal or glass
provides wireless 4G wire or group of wires. All cables
LTE service network used in electronics are insulated
(without 2G/3G based with a material such as plastic or
services) and is the only 100% rubber.
Information Technology & Computer B-89
• Cell– Cells are boxes created by the (megabit per second) or faster over
interaction of rows and columns. distances of up to 75 km ranging
• Copyright– It means the material from several blocks of buildings to
and information are the personal entire cities.
property of the owner or producer. • Modem– A modem is a device that
• Database– It is a collection of files. allows a computer to communicate
Data remains in an organized form through telephone lines.
in a database. • Network Interface Card (NIC)–
• Interpreter– It translates some An expansion card or other device
form of source code into a target used to provide network access to
representation that it can immedi- a computer or other device, such as
ately execute but execution is rela- a printer. Network interface cards
tively slower than compiler. mediate between the computer and
• Internet– It is the worldwide the physical media, such as cabling,
accessible system of interconnected over which transmissions travel.
computer networks that transmit • Primary Key– It is a field with
unique value for each record.
data by using the internet protocol.
• Resource– Any part of a computer
• Local Area Network (LAN)– A
system or a network such as a disk
LAN is a computer network that
drive, printer, or memory that can
physically links two or more
be allotted to a program or a process
computers within a geographically
while it is running.
limited area (generally one building
• Secondary Memory– It is the
or a group of buildings).
permanent memory of the computer.
• Multi-tasking– Allows more than
• System Software– It performs the
one programme to run concurrently.
basic functions that are necessary to
• Multi-processing– Supports running
operate a computer system.
a programme on more than one CPU.
• Time sharing– It is the concurrent
• Multi-threading– Allows different
use of a single computer system by
parts of a single programme to run
many independent users. In time
sharing many terminals can be
• Multimedia– It is the use of
attached to a central computer.
several media (example, text, audio,
graphics, animation, video etc.) to • Tag– It is part of HTML. It determines
convey the information. the way, the browser displays text in
• Microprocessor– It is a single chip Web Page.
based device which is a complete • Wide Area Networks (WAN)–
processor in itself and is capable of WAN is a computer Network that
performing arithmetic and logical is distinguished from a Local Area
operations. Network because of its longer-
• Metropolitan Area Networks distance communications. The
(MAN)– MAN is a high-speed network may cover a whole country
network that can carry voice, data, or may include the sites of a large
and images at up to 200 Mbps multinational organization.
Badminton 1 or 2 Polo 4
Baseball 9 Rugby Football 15
Basketball 5 Tennis and Table tennis 1 or 2
Cricket 11 Water Polo 7
Football 11 Volleyball 6
Hockey 11 Kabaddi 7
Chess 1
Olympic Games are an international Mount Olympia. India officially
sporting event which is organised in the participated in the Olympics for the
form of summer and winter sports. The first time in the year 1920, in
Summer Olympic Games were first held the 6th edition of the games
in 1896. The Winter Olympic Games at Antwerp, Belgium.
were created after the huge success of The Olympic flag is made up of white
the Summer Olympics. Baron Pierre de silk and contains five intertwined rings
Coubertin founded the International as the Olympics emblem.
Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894. The colour of rings represents different
The Olympic Games are held after continents as given below:
every four years, with the Summer and
Winter Games alternatively occurring Blue Europe
every four years but two years apart Yellow Asia
from each other. Black Africa
The Olympics games originated in the Red America
city of Olympia, an ancient city of
Greece. These games were held at Green Australia and Oceania
•• Back in 1948, Sir Ludwig Guttman, sport as part of the rehabilitation
a neurologist who was working programmes of his patients. He
with World War II veterans with set up a competition with other
spinal injuries at Stoke Mandeville hospitals to coincide with the
Hospital in Aylesbury, began using London Olympics in that year.
B-92 Sports
•• The Paralympics are elite sport Allan Donald White Lightning
events for athletes from six different
disability groups. Athletes include Kapil Dev The Haryana
those with mobility disabilities, Hurricane
intellectual disabilities, visual Shikhar Dhawan Gabbar
impairments, cerebral palsy and Brendon Baz
amputees. McCullum
•• This event focuses on the athletes’
achievements rather than their Rahul Dravid The Wall, Mr.
disabilities. Dependable, Jammy
•• Paralympic sports include athletics, Mahendra Mahi, Captain Cool,
cycling, judo, rowing, swimming, Singh Dhoni MSD
and volleyball. Michael Phelps “The Baltimore Bullet”
•• The first Paralympic Games
Usain Bolt “Lightning Bolt”
were held in Rome, Italy, in 1960
and involved 400 athletes from Lionel Messi “La Pulga”
23 countries. Originally, only Baichung “Sikkimese Sniper”
wheelchair athletes were invited to Bhutia
compete. Mahesh “Indian Express”
•• The Paralympics are held in two Bhupathi and
seasons: summer and winter. Leander Paes
AROUND THE WORLD Novak Djokovic “Djoker”
Rafael Nadal “The King of Clay”
Sachin Master Blaster,
Andre Agassi “The Las Vegas Kid”
Tendulkar Tendlya
Martina Hingis “Can’t-miss-Swiss”
Virender Viru, Sultan of Multan
Shoaib Akhtar Rawalpindi Express Sachin Playing it my way
V V S Laxman Very Very Special Tendulkar
Don Bradman The Don Kapil Dev By God’s Decree
Milkha Singh Flying Sikh Sunil Gavaskar Idol, Sunny Days
Sunil Gavaskar Sunny, Little Master Ajith Wadekar The making of a cricketer
Sourav Gan- Dada, The Prince of David Beckham My Side
guly Kolkata Tiger Wood How to play golf?
Ricky Ponting Punter Allan Border Beyond Ten thousand
Harbhajan Bhajji, Turbanator PT Usha Golden Girl
Singh Major Dhyan Goal
Shane Warne Warnie, The King of Chand
Spin Javed Miandad The cutting edge
Brett Lee Bing, Binga, The Vishvanathan My best game of Chess
Speedster Anand
PT Usha Payyoli Express Yuvraj Singh The test of my life
Major “The Wizard” Abhinav Bindra A Shot at History
Dhyanchand Allan Donald White Lightening
Sports B-93
(a) Somerset
(d) Veins Veins Veins Artery
(b) Worcestershire Body Heart Lungs Heart Body
1. (c) 20. (a) 39. (d) 58. (b) 77. (d) 96. (b) 115. (a) 134. (d)
2. (b) 21. (b) 40. (d) 59. (a) 78. (b) 97. (d) 116. (b) 135. (b)
3. (b) 22. (c) 41. (d) 60. (a) 79. (b) 98. (a) 117. (d) 136. (b)
4. (b) 23. (d) 42. (c) 61. (b) 80. (d) 99. (b) 118. (b) 137. (b)
5. (d) 24. (d) 43. (a) 62. (b) 81. (c) 100. (a) 119. (c) 138. (d)
6. (c) 25. (d) 44. (d) 63. (b) 82. (a) 101. (b) 120. (b) 139. (b)
7. (b) 26. (a) 45. (a) 64. (C) 83. (b) 102. (b) 121. (c) 140. (b)
8. (c) 27. (b) 46. (d) 65. (b) 84. (d) 103. (a) 122. (a) 141. (a)
9. (c) 28. (d) 47. (b) 66. (b) 85. (d) 104. (d) 123. (d) 142. (b)
10. (d) 29. (d) 48. (c) 67. (b) 86. (b) 105. (b) 124. (d) 143. (c)
11. (c) 30. (c) 49. (d) 68. (d) 87. (c) 106. (c) 125. (a) 144. (b)
12. (d) 31. (a) 50. (a) 69. (c) 88. (c) 107. (b) 126. (b) 145. (a)
13. (b) 32. (d) 51. (a) 70. (d) 89. (c) 108. (a) 127. (b) 146. (a)
14. (b) 33. (b) 52. (a) 71. (d) 90. (d) 109. (b) 128. (a) 147. (b)
15. (c) 34. (b) 53. (a) 72. (c) 91. (b) 110. (c) 129. (a) 148. (a)
16. (c) 35. (b) 54. (a) 73. (c) 92. (c) 111. (d) 130. (a) 149. (c)
17. (d) 36. (b) 55. (a) 74. (c) 93. (b) 112. (c) 131. (c) 150. (b)
18. (b) 37. (a) 56. (d) 75. (d) 94. (c) 113. (a) 132. (d)
19. (c) 38. (a) 57. (c) 76. (c) 95. (b) 114. (b) 133. (b)
Logical Thinking
Analogy 3. Gender based analogy: In such
type of analogy, one word is
The meaning of analogy is ‘similar
masculine and another word
properties’ or ‘similarity’. If an object
is feminine of it. In fact, it is a
or word or digit or activity shows
‘male and female’ or ‘gender’
any similarity with another object or
word or digit or activity in terms of
properties, type, shape, size, trait etc.,
then the particular similarity will be Man : Woman
called analogy. Boy : Girl
TYPES OF ANALOGY. Nephew : Niece
1. Tool & object based analogy: Bull : Cow
This establishes a relationship Duck : Drake
between a tool and the object in 4. Quantity and unit based analogy:
which it works. Similar relations In such type of analogy, 2nd word is
has to be discovered from answer the unit of the first word and vice-
choices. versa.
Examples: Examples:
Pencil : Paper Distance : Mile
Pen : Paper Mass : Kilogram
Scissors : Cloth Length : Meter
Saw : Wood Example 1.
Eraser : Paper Bulky : Fat : : Happiness : ?
2. Synonym based analogy : In such (a) Bad (b) Ugly
type of analogy two words have (c) Joy (d) Sorrow
similar meaning. Sol. (c) Option (c) is the correct
Examples: because ‘Bulky’ is the synonym of
Big : Large ‘Fat’ and similarly ‘Happiness’ is
Huge : Gigantic the synonym of ‘joy’.
Endless : Eternal
Odd One Out
Thin : Slim
In classification we take out an element
Benevolent : Kind
out of some given elements and the
Notion : Idea element to be taken out is different
Huge : Big from the rest of the elements in terms
B-126 Logical Thinking
of common properties, shapes, sizes, sequences of the numbers denoting
types, nature, colours, traits etc. In this them, as alternatives. The candidate is
way the rest of the elements form a required to arrange these words in a
group and the element that has been logical sequence based on a common
taken out is not the member of that property and then choose the correctly
group as this single element does not graded sequence from the given data
possesses the common quality to be
Example 4. Arrange the following in
possessed by rest of the elements.
a meaningful sequence
Example 2. Which one of the following 1. Consultation
word is not a part of the group
2. Illness
formed by remaining words.
3. Doctor
The remaining words form the
group on the basis of certain 4. Treatment
similarity. 5. Recovery
(a) Name (b) Game (a) 2 3 1 4 5 (b) 2 3 4 1 5
(c) Fame (d) Shame (c) 4 3 1 2 5 (d) 5 1 4 3 2
Sol. (d) Option (d) is the correct Sol. (a) Clearly illness occurs first.
answer because this is the only One then goes to a doctor
word which has 5 letters while the and after consultation with
remaining words have 4 letters
him, undergoes treatment to
and hence options (a), (b), &
finally attain recovery.
(c) form a group separating out
S o , t h e c o r r e c t o r d e r
option (d).
becomes, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5... (a).
Example 3. Which of the following
animals does not fit into the Direction & Distance
group formed by remaining
Concept of Direction
In our day to day life, we make our
(a) Cat (b) Dog
concept of direction after seeing the
(c) Tiger (d) Octopus
position of sun. In fact, this is a truth
Sol. (d) Option (d) is the correct
that sun rises in the East and goes
option as this is the only animal
out of given options which is a down in the west. Thus when we stand
water animal. Rest of the options facing sunrise, then our front is called
are land animals. East while our back is called West. At
this position our left hand is in the
Logical Sequence of Words Northward and the right hand is in the
In this particular type of problems, Southward. Let us see the following
certain inter-related words are given direction map that will make your
and numbered, followed by various concept more clear:
Logical Thinking B-127
Direction Map:
Sitting arrangement
On paper North is always on top be It is a sequential arrangement of
while South is always in bottom. persons/objects on the basis of some
Example 5. Raman walked 2 km West conditions. In these types of questions,
from his office and then turned we have to analyse the given information
South covering 4 km. Finally, he
and condense it in a suitable form to
waked 3 km towards East and
again move 1 km West. How answer the questions. Though there
far is Raman from his initial exists no set formulae to solve these
position? kinds of problems, yet a systematic
(a) 4 km (b) 8 km approach can help to solve questions.
(c) 10 km (d) 7 km Following examples will help you to
Sol. (a) Raman starts from his office
develop methodology to solve these
A, moves 2 km West upto
types of questions.
B, then 4 km to the South
upto C, 3 km East upto D and Example 6. Five coaches P, L, R, M, O
finally 1 km West upto E, are in a row. R is to the right of
Thus his distance from the
M and left of P. L is to the right
initial position A = AE = BC =
of P and left of O. Which coach
4 km.
Hence, option (a) is the is in the middle?
correct answer. (a) P (b) L
(c) R (d) O
Sol. (a)
Left Right
Hence, P coach is in the middle
of the five coaches.
B-128 Logical Thinking
DIRECTIONS (Qs. 1 to 18) : In each of 10. Safe : secure : : Protect : ?
the following questions, there are two (a) guard (b) lock
words / set of letters / numbers to the (c) sure (d) conserve
left of the sign :: which are connected in 11. Melt : Liquid : : Freeze : ?
some way. The same relationship (a) Crystal (b) Solid
obtains between the third words / set of (c) Ice (d) Evaporate
letters / numbers and one of the four 12. Length : Metre :: Power : ?
alternatives under it. Find the correct (a) Calories (b) Degree
alternative in each question. (c) Watt (d) Kilogram
1. Ocean : Water :: Glacier : ? 13. Square : Cube :: Circle : ?
(a) Refrigerator (b) Ice (a) Ellipse (b) Parabola
(c) Mountain (d) Cave (c) Cone (d) Sphere
2. Medicine : Sickness :: Book : ?
14. Paper : Tree :: Glass : ?
(a) Ignorance (b) Knowledge
(a) Window (b) Sand
(c) Author (d) Teacher
3. Bank : River :: Coast : ? (c) Stone (d) Mirror
(a) Flood (b) Waves 15. Fish : Scales : : Bear : ?
(c) Sea (d) Beach (a) Feathers (b) Leaves
4. Thunder : Rain :: Night : ... (c) Fur (d) Skin
(a) Day (b) Dusk 16. Country : President : : State : ?
(c) Darkness (d) Evening (a) Chief Minister
5. Breeze : Cyclone : : Drizzle : ? (b) Prime Minister
(a) Earthquake (b) Storm (c) Speaker
(d) Governor
(c) Flood (d) Downpour
17. Blue whale : Sea : : ? : Land
6. Disease : Pathology :: Planet : ?
(a) Turtle (b) Fish
(a) Astrology
(b) Geology (c) Elephant
(c) Astronomy (d) Green whale
(d) Palaeontology 18. Hard : Rock : : Soft : ?
7. Shout : Whisper :: Run : ? (a) Lead (b) Paper
(a) Stay (b) Stand (c) Sponge (d) Glass
(c) Walk (d) Hop DIRECTIONS (Qs. 19 to 35) : Find the
8. Smoke : pollution : : war : ? odd word/letters/number pair from
(a) victory (b) peace the given alternatives.
(c) treaty (d) destruction 19. (a) Rice (b) Wheat
9. Hour : second : : tertiary : ? (c) Barley (d) Mustard
(a) ordinary (b) secondary 20. (a) Arrow (b) Sword
(c) primary (d) intermediary (c) Knife (d) Axe
Logical Thinking B-129
57. Ram left home and walked 5 km her starting point? In which
southward, turned right and direction would she be driving?
walked 2 km and turned right and (a) 6 km East (b) 3 km West
walked 5 km and turned left and (c) 3 km East (d) 6 km North
walked 5 km. How many km will 62. A cyclist goes 30 km to North and
he have to walk to reach his home then turning to East he goes 40
starting ? km. Again he turns to his right and
(a) 5 (b) 7 goes 20 km. After this he turns to
(c) 17 (d) 15 his right and goes 40 km. How far
58. Sobha was facing East. She walked is he from his starting point ?
20 metres. Turning left she moved (a) 0 km. (b) 10 km.
15 metres and then turning right (c) 25 km. (d) 40 km.
moved 25 metres. Finally, she 63. Rajat moves from his office to the
turned right and moved 15 metres canteen straight at a distance of
more. How far is she from her 12 meters. Then he turned left and
starting point? walked for 2 metres. Then he
(a) 25 metres (b) 35 metres turns left again and walks straight
(c) 50 metres (d) 45 metres for 12 metres. How far is he from
59. Jatin leaves his house and walks his office?
12 km towards North. He turns (a) 10 metres (b) 12 metres
right and walks another 12 km. (c) 8 metres (d) 2 metres
He turns right again, walks 12 km 64. Rohan walks a distance of 3 km
more and turns left to walk 5 km. towards North, then turns to his
How far is he from his home and left and walks for 2 km. He again
in which direction ? turns left and walks for 3 km. At
(a) 7 km east (b) 10 km east this point he turns to his left and
(c) 17 km east (d) 24 km east walks for 3 km. How many
60. Priya starts walking in the kilometres is he from the starting
afternoon facing the Sun. After point ?
some time, she turned to the right. (a) 1 km (b) 2 km
Later again, she tunred to her left (c) 3 km (d) 4 km
and again also left. At what 65. Pinky walks a distance of 600 mtr.
direction is Priya moving now? towards east, turns left and moves
(a) East (b) West 500 mtr, then turns left and walks
(c) North (d) South 600 mtr. and then turns left again
61. Asha drives 6 km towards West and moves 500 mtr and halts. At
and turns to the right and drives 3 what distance in metres is the
km. Then, she turns again and from the starting point?
drives towards right hand and (a) 2200 (b) 500
drives 6 km. How far is she from (c) 0 (d) 600
B-132 Logical Thinking
66. Sunita rode her scooty northwards, (a) Ravi (b) Mahima
then turned left and then again rode (c) Girdhar (d) Rama
to her left 4 km. She found herself 70. Five boys A, B, C, D. E are sitting
exactly 2 kms west of her starting in a park in a circle. A is facing
point. How far did she ride South-West, D is facing South-
northwards initially ? East, B and E are right opposite A
(a) 2 km (b) 4 km and D respectively and C is
(c) 5 km (d) 6 km equidistant between D and B.
67. P, Q, R, S and T are sitting around Which direction is C facing'?
a circular table. R is to the right of (a) West (b) South
P and is second to the left of S. T is (c) North (d) East
not between P and S. Who is 71. Four students ABCD are sitting one
second to the left of R? each of the four corners of a
(a) S square all facing the centre of the
(b) T square. The student E sitting at the
(c) Q centre is facing only C and the
(d) Data inadequate student A is sitting facing the back
68. In a classroom, there are 5 rows, of E. If D is sitting on the right of
and 5 children A, B, C, D and E are E, where B will be sitting to E?
seated one behind the other in 5 (a) B is sitting on the left of E
seperate rows as follows : (b) B is to the back of E
A is sitting behind C, but in front of B. (c) A is facing B and E
C is sitting behind E, D is sitting (d) B is on the right of E
in front of E. 72. There are five buses M, N, O, P, Q
The order in which they are in a row on a road. Bus M is
sitting from the first row to the standing at the front and Q is
last is standing at the back end. Bus N
(a) DECAB (b) BACED stands between M and O. Bus P
(c) ACBDE (d) ABEDC stands between O and Q. Which
69. A group of friends are sitting in an bus is in the middle of the five?
arrangement one each at the (a) M (b) P
corner of an octagon. All are (c) N (d) O
facing the centre. Mahima is 73. Five boys A, B, C, D and E are
sitting diagonally opposite Rama, standing in a row. D is on the right
who is on Sushma's right. Ravi is of E. B is on the left of E, but on the
next to Sushma and opposite right of A. D is on the left of C, who
Girdhar, who is on Chandra's left. is standing on the extreme right.
Savitri is not on mahima's right Who is standing in the middle?
but opposite Shalini. Who is on (a) D (b) E
Shalini's right? (b) B (d) C
Logical Thinking B-133
30.(c) Except veranda, all others are 43. (d) The correct order is :
surrounded by four walls. Cow ® Grass ® Milk ®
31. (d) Radio, transistor and Curd ® Butter
television are the way of 44. (a)
broadcasting. Hence, tube is
Seed ® Plant ® Flower ® Fruit
odd one out.
3 ® 1 ® 4 ® 2
32. (b)
45. (c) Meaningful order is :
33. (c) Bulb is an item while all
others are phenomena. Son ® Brother ® Husband
34. (a) Except Flute, all others are (1) (4) (2)
stringed musical instruments. ® Father ® Grandfather
35. (a) Except Tomato all others are (5) (3)
grown underground. 46. (c) Cow ® Milk ® Curd ®
36. (b) The correct sequence is (4) (2) (1)
Foetus – Baby – Child – Butter Milk ® Butter ® Ghee
(1) (2) (3) (3) (6) (5)
Adult – Youth 47. (b) Infancy ® Childhood ®
(4) (5) (2) (3)
37. (c) Correct sequence is : Adolescence ® Adulthood
Fever ® Doctor ® Diagnose ® Prescribe ® Medicine
(4) (1)
(2) (1) (4) (3) (5)
48. (c) Meaningful Order:
Fever ® Doctor ® Diagnose ® Prescribe ® Medicine Mosquito ® Cat ® Tiger ®
(2) (1) (4) (3) (5)
(3) (2) (4)
38. (d) Line ® Angle ® Triangle ®
(1) (2) (3) Elephant ® Whale
Square (1) (5)
(4) 49. (c) Meaningful order is :
1, 2, 4, 3
Community ® School ®
39. (b) 3, 5, 1, 4, 2
(4) (3)
40. (b) 1. Amoeba
Classroom ® Desk ® Drawer
2. Oyster
(1) (2) (5)
3. Worm
50. (a) Asia ® India ® Karnatka ®
4. Cow
41. (c) Meaningful order of the
51. (c)
words :
3. Day ® 5. Work ® Starting point
1. Exhaust ® 2. Night ® N
30 m
4. Sleep
42. (b) Meaningful order of the W E
40 m
C. Member ® A. Family ®
B. Community ® D. Locality
® E. Country 50 m
B-136 Logical Thinking
9' 10' G
5' 6'
E 12' F
56. (c) The movements of Lokesh
3 are as shown in figure. (A to
B, B to C, C to D, D to E). Clearly,
his final position is E which
is to the North of his house A.
53. (d) Clearly, comparing the C 10 km B
direction of A w.r.t. C in the
15 km
5 km
second diagram with that in
the first diagram, A will be D
10 km
south-west of C.
N A (Lokesh)
57. (b)
5 km
S 5 km 5 km
2 km
54. (b) Clearly, the boy rode from A W E
to B,
C 1km B
2km Required distance = 5 + 2 = 7 km
58. (d)
25 metres
D 1km A
15 metres
15 metres
59. (c) (12 km + 5 km = 17 km)
12km 12 m Canteen
W E Office
\ Required distance = 2 metres
12km S
12km 2 km
64. (a)
5km Point
60. (d) 3 km 3 km
3 km
Required distance = 1 km
65. (c)
D 600 mtr. C
500 mtr.
500 mtr.
Hence, Priya is moving in the
South direction.
61. (c)
starting point A 600 mtr. B
Hence, Pinky is 0 metres
from the starting point.
66. (b)
B and F are neighours of A
A D 79. (c) Sitting Arrangement:
72. (d) M N O P Q
Bus O is in the middle of the five.
73. (b) A B E D C
74. (d) So, the correct answer is (c).
80. (c) Rohan
Tamil Malayalam English Hindi
Udit Sanjay
C P O P P Rakesh
D can speak English, Hindi, and
Rakesh is opposite to Tanuj