United States Patent (19) : Hartman, Sr. Aug. 4, 1987

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United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,684,834

Hartman, Sr. 45) Date of Patent: Aug. 4, 1987

(54) ELECTROMAGNETIC MOTOR Primary Examiner-Donovan F. Duggan
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-William M. Hobby, III
(75) Inventor: William J. Hartman, Sr., Keystone
Heights, Fla. 57 ABSTRACT
(73) Assignee: Robert W. Delong, Orlando, Fla.; a An electromagnetic motor apparatus is used for con
part interest verting electrical energy into rotary motion and in
cludes a housing having a crankshaft rotably mounted
21 Appl. No.: 815,463 therein. A plurality of stators form cylinders and are
mounted onto the housing. A plurality of armatures
22 Filed: Jan. 2, 1986 form the pistons and are movably mounted to slide in
51 Int, Cl." ............................................. HO2K 33/00 the stators. Each armature has an armature piston rod
52 U.S. C. ......................................... 310/24; 310/35 connected to each armature and to the crankshaft for
(58 Field of Search ....................... 310/23, 24, 34,35; turning the crankshaft responsive to the movement of
200/30 A the armatures in a timed sequence. A distributor is oper
atively connected to the crankshaft for distributing
56) References Cited electrical energy applied to the distributor from the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS distributor to the stator windings. The distributor has at
least one pair of electrical contacts moving in a liquid
538,351 4/1895 Sabin ..................................... 30/24 bath responsive to the rotation of the crankshaft to
1,349,100 8/1920 Reynolds ... 310/24 direct electrical energy to the stator in timed sequence
1,912,441 6/1933 Foust ..................................... 310/24 so that electrical arcing is reduced in the distribution of
2,734,969 2/1956 Mallory ... ... 200/301 AX
3,542,495 1 1/1970 Barthalon ............................ 310/246 the electrical energy in an electromagnetic motor.
4,093,880 6/1978 Teal ......... ... 30/24
4,317,058 2/1982 Blalock ................................. 310/24 3 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures

U.S. Patent Aug 4, 1987 4,684,834

E23;S X
II: E a


1. 2
the crankshaft to direct electrical energy to each stator
ELECTROMAGNETIC MOTOR in timed sequence so that the electrical arcing is reduced
in the distributor of the electromagnetic motor.
The present invention relates to electric motors and
especially to an electromagnetic motor for converting Other objects, features and advantages of the present
electrical energy into rotary motion for performing invention will be apparent from the written description
work. and the drawings in which:
In the past, a variety of electrical power plants have FIG. 1 is a cutaway perspective view of an electro
been provided including electromagnetic power plants 10 magnetic motor in accordance with the present inven
having a crankshift with a plurality of cranks thereon tion;
and with a plurality of solenoids, each of which is con FIG. 2 is a side elevation of a portion of the crank
nected to a separate crank in such a manner that sequen shaft and connecting rods;
tial operation of the solenoids will cause rotation of the 15
FIG. 3 is a cutaway side elevation of the stator and
crankshaft. Examples of this type of motor are disclosed armature windings; and
by the Patents to Reynolds et al., U.S. Pat. No. FIG. 4 is a timed sequence of interconnecting of
1,349,100, Moodyman, U.S. Pat. No. 1,886,040 and armatures and windings.
Morch, U.S. Pat. No. 2,338,005. In this type of struc DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
ture, the cores of the solenoids drive the crankshift EMBODIMENT
directly. 20
Other prior U.S. Patents include the Dotson U.S. Pat. Referring to the drawings, and especially to FIG. 1,
No. 3,328,656 for a reciprocating motor control system an electromagnetic motor 10 is illustrated having a
for solenoids having high Q solenoid coils. The Erdoesy housing 11 having a crankshaft 12 mounted therein. The
U.S. Pat. No. 3,694,679 for an electromagnetic engine. crankshaft 12 has a distributor 13 mounted inside the
The Mills U.S. Pat. No. 3,832,608 for electromagnetic 25
housing 11 and connected by a rotating gear 14 to a
motors and processes of their operation. The Ramirez rotating gear 15 connecting to the crankshift 12. The
U.S. Pat. No. 3,939,367 for a magnetically actuated rotating gear 14 is connected to a shaft 16 passing into
reciprocating engine. The Davis et al, U.S. Pat. No. the housing of the distributor 13. A conductor 17 is
4,019,103 for an electromagnetic motor and generator connected into the distributor from a power source
and a pair of Funderburg U.S. Pat. No. 4,179,631 and 30
4,228,373 for electromagnetic motors. while a plurality of conductors 18 leaves a distributor
The most important prior art to the present invention and connects four separate stators 20. Each stator 20 is
appears to be taught by the Pecci U.S. Pat. No. wrapped aluminum or copper wire wrapped around a
3,676,719 for an elecromagnetic motor with plural re sleeve 21 to form a stator for cooperation with an arma
ciprocation members. The Pecci Patent shows an elec 35 ture 22, which is also wrapped soft aluminum or copper
tromagnetic motor having soft iron cores sliding in coils wire wrapped around a portion of a piston or armature
mounted in the engine to form cylinders for driving rod 23. Metal piston surfaces 19 and 29 are positioned
piston rods for actuating gears. The piston rods are on either end of the armature 22. A soft iron dome 24 is
cylindrically mounted and drive the gears connected to mounted above the stator windings 20 so that each
a driveshaft. Electrical energy is distributed through a 40 armature sliding in the piston portion 25 of the stator 20
distributor mounted to the outside of the engine and will also form compressed air for pushing the armature
rotated to form a plurality of contacts to interconnect piston 22. Each rod 23 has a crankshaft connecting
the coils. portion 26 and may have bearings, bushings or sleeves
In contrast to this prior art, the present invention therein.
advantageously utilizes a distributor mounted within 45 The distributor 13 is filled with a transformer oil 27 in
the block or housing and which it has a conventional a sealed unit, while the shaft 16 is supported on a bear
pair of contacts submersed in a transformer oil to pre ing 28 and connects to a rotating cam 30. The rotating
vent arcing and provide a long life for the distributor. In cam pushes a cam follower 31 which in turn operates
addition, copper or aluminum wound armatures are the distributor contact base 32 alternately interconnect
provided for sliding within a similarly wound stator. 50 ing electrical contacts 33 and 34. One set of contact
points is shown but the distributor has four sets of
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION contact points, each being driven by the cam 30 in timed
An electromagnetic motor for converting electrical sequence. The four contact points are illustrated in
energy into rotary motion for performing work has a diagramatic form in FIG. 2, each being connected to
housing or block with a conventional crankshaft rotably 55 the same power source but with a seperate output con
mounted therein. A plurality of stators are wound alu nected to each stator. An electrical input wire 17 is
minum or copper wire form cylinders therein and are connected through a conductor 35 within the liquid 27
mounted to the housing. A plurality of armatures are to the contact 33, while a plurality of conductors 18 is
formed of soft wound copper or aluminum wire to form connected through a screw fastener 40, through the
pistons movably mounted to slide in the stators. A plu housing for the distributor 13, to each of the stators.
rality of armature piston rods connects each armature to Thus the timing is achieved for the distributor by hav
the crankshaft for turning the crankshaft responsive to ing the gear 15 connected to the timing gear 14 for
movement of the armature in a timed sequence. A dis directly driving the distributor points. Advantageously,
tributor is operatively connected to the crankshaft for the transformer liquid 27, filling the distributor 13 has
distributing electrical energy applied to the distributor 65 been shown to prevent the usual arcing between the
and from the distributor to the stator windings. The points 33 and 34 as they approach or extend from each
distributor has at least a pair of electrical contacts mov other and thereby provides for long-lasting points with
ing therein in a liquid bath responsive to the rotation of out the usual arcing problems. In addition, the trans
former oil acts as a lubricant for the cam 30 to prevent a plurality of armature piston rods, each piston rod
wear from the cam followers 31 and eliminating the being connected to one armature and to said crank
need for a bearing type cam follower. The distributor shaft responsive to movement of the armatures in a
does, however, require a sealed unit. The crankshaft 12 timed sequence;
is mounted in a plurality of crankshaft bearings 41 and 5 a distributor operatively connected to the crankshaft
has balanced arms 42 along with crankshaft pin mem for distributing electrical energy applied to the
bers 43 connecting to the piston rods 23. distributor and for applying electrical energy ap
It should be clear at this point that an electromagnetic plied thereto to the stator windings, said distributor
motor or engine has been provided which uses linear being a sealed unit filled with a transformer oil and
moving armatures sliding in fixed cylindrically stators O having at least a pair of electrical contacts moving
and which has a dome top for providing an efficient in said transformer oil responsive to the rotation of
driving solenoid type member driven in sequence by an the crankshaft to direct electrical energy to each
oil filled distributor having a plurality of contact points stator in timed sequence whereby electrical arcing
therein mounted within the motor housing. It should, is reduced in the distributor of an electromagnetic
however, be clear that the present invention is not to be 5 motor; and
considered as limited to the form shown which would a soft iron done mounted atop each stator to form a
be considered illustrative rather than restrictive. sealed cylinder allowing compression of air therein
I claim: responsive to the movements of the armature
1. An electromagnetic motor for conveying electrical therein.
energy into rotary motion comprising in combination; 20 2. An electromagnetic motor in accordance with
a housing; claim 1 in which said distributor unit has can actuated
a crankshaft rotably mounted in said housing; electrical contacts therein mounted in said transformer
a plurality of stators forming cylinders therein oil, said cam being connected to a shaft connected to a
mounted onto said housing each said stator having timing gear, connected to a driveshaft gear, connected
a plurality of metal windings around a sleeve; 25. to the crankshaft of said electromagnetic motor.
a plurality of armatures forming pistons and movably 3. An electromagnetic motor in accordance with
mounted to slide in said stators each said armature claim 2 in which each said armature has a metal piston
having a pluarality of metal windings around a soft surface across the topk and bottom thereof.
iron core; sk k sk k









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