US568176 - Tesla

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(No Model.) 2. Sheets-Sheet, l.

No. 568,176 Patented Sept. 22, 1896.

WZrzasses; 1zo. 74, Avezzor

SEGi / 27,77. AZA2as.
(No Model.) 2 sheets-Sheet 2.
No. 568,176. Patented Sept. 22, 1896.
a7 A2.2 J71



6 o'cow. /6. %.w. /6/2 . or v-74.

SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 568,176, dated September 22, 1896.
Application filed April 22, 1896, Serial No. 588,534. (No model.)
To all tufton it in Gulf CO7 cez'7. pose a device or devices in the nature of a
Beit known that I, NIKOLATESLA, a citizen choking-coil in order to give to the circuit a
of the United States, residing at New York, high self-induction. I also provide a circuit 55
in the county and State of New York, have in controller of any proper character that may
vented certain new and useful Improvements be operated to make and break said circuit.
in Apparatus for the Production of Electric Around the break or point of interruption I
Currents of High Frequency and Potential, place a condenser or condensers to store the
of which the following is a specification, ref energy of the discharge-current, and in a lo
erence being had to the drawings accompany cal circuit and in series with such condenser
O ing and forming a part of the same.
I place the primary of a transformer, the sec
The invention, which forms the subject of ondary of which then becomes the source of
my present application is embodied in an im the currents of high frequency. It will be
provement on an electrical apparatus in apparent from a consideration of the condi
vented by me and described in prior Letters tions involved that Were the cendenser to be
Patent, notably in United States Patents No. directly charged by the current from the
462,418, dated November 3, 1891, and No. source and then discharged into the working
454,622, dated June 23, 1891. This apparatus circuit a very large capacity would ordinarily
was devised for the purpose of converting be required, but by the above arrangement
and supplying electrical energy in a form the current of high electromotive force which
suited for the production of certain novel is induced at each break of the main circuit
electrical phenomena, which require currents furnishes the proper current for charging the
of higher frequency and potential than can condenser, which may therefore be small and
readily or even possibly be developed by gen inexpensive. Moreover, it will be observed 75
erators of the Ordinary types or by such me that since the self-induction of the circuit
chanical appliances as were theretofore through which the condenser discharges, as
known. The apparatus, as a whole, involves well as the capacity of the condenser itself,
means for utilizing the intermittent or oscil may be given practically any desired value,
lating discharge of the accumulated electrical the frequency of the discharge-current may
energy of a condenser or a circuit possess be adjusted at will.
3O ing capacity in what may be designated the The object sought in this invention may be
“working’ circuit, or that which contains the realized by specifically different arrange
translating devices or those which are oper ments of apparatus, but in the drawings hereto
ated by such currents. annexed I have illustrated forms which are
The object of my present improvements is typical of the best and most practicable means
35 to provide a simple, compact, and effective for carrying out the invention of which I am
apparatus for producing these effects, but at present aware.
adapted more particularly for direct applica Figure I is a diagrammatic illustration of
tion to and use with existing circuits carry the apparatus, and Fig. 2 a modification of
ing direct currents, such as the ordinary mu the same.
nicipal incandescent-lighting circuits. The Referring to Fig. 1, Adesignates any source
way in which I accomplish this, so as to meet of direct current. In any branch of the cir
the requirements of practical and economical cuit from said source, such, for example, as
operation under the conditions present, will would be formed by the conductors A' A' 95
be understood from a general description of from the mains A" and the conductors KK,
45 the apparatus which I have devised. In any are placed self-induction or choking coils B
given circuit, which for present purposes may B and a circuit - controller C. This latter
be considered as conveying direct currents may be an ordinary metallic disk or cylinder
or those of substantially the character of di with teeth or separated segments DDEE, of IOo
rect or continuous currents and which for which one or more pairs, as EE, diametrically
general purposes of illustration may be as opposite, are integral or in electrical contact
sumed to be a branch or derived circuit across with the body of the cylinder, so that when
the mains from any ordinary source, I inter the controller is in the position in which the
2 568,176

two brushes IF F bear upon two of said seg For instance, the choking-coil as a distinctive
ments E E the circuit through the choking device may be wholly dispensed With, pro
coils B will be closed. The segments DID are vided the circuit in which it must otherwise
insuliated, and while shown in the Cllrawings be placed have a sufficiently high self-indulc
as of substantially the same length of arc as tion produced in other ways. So, too, the Ile
the segments E E this latter relation may be cessity of a condenser, strictly speaking, is
varied at will to regulate the periods of clharg avoided when the circuit itself possesses suf
ing and discharging. ficient capacity to accomplish the desired re
The controller C is designed to be rotated Sult.
O by any proper device, such, for example, as IIaving now described my invention and
an electromagnetic motor, as shown in Fig. 2, the manner in which the same is or may be
receiving current either from the main source carried into practical effect, what I claim is
or elsewhere. Around the controller C, or in 1. The apparatus herein described for coll
general in parallel there with, is a condenser verting direct currents into currents of high 7O
II, and in series with the latter the primary frequency, comprising in combination a cil
IX of a transformer, the secondary L of which cuit of high self-induction, a circuit-control
constitutes the source of the currents of high ler adapted to make and break such circuit,
frequency which may be applied to many a condenser into which the said circuit dis
useful purposes, as for electric illumination, charges when interrupted, and a transformer
the operation of Crooke's tubes, or the pro through the primary of which the condenser
duction of high vacua. discharges as Set forth.
. ." indicates the circuit from the secondary, 2. The combination of a source of direct
which may be regarded as the Worling circuit. current and a circuit therefrom, choking-coils
A more convenient and simplified arrange in said circuit, means for making alnd break So
25 ment of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 2. In ing the circuit through said coils, a condense'
this case the small motor G, which drives the around the point of interruption in the said
controller, has its field-coils in derivation to circuit and a transformer having its primary
the main circuit, and the controller C and in circuit, with the condenser as set forth.
condensel II are in parallel in the field-cir 3. The combination with a circuit of high 5
cuit between the two coils. In such case the self-induction and means for making and
field-coils MI take the place of the choking breaking the same, of a condenser around the
coils lis. In this arrangement, and in fact point of interruption in the said circuit, and
generally, it is preferable to use two con a transformer the primary of which is in the
densel's or a condenser in two parts and to condense'-circuit as described.
35 arrange the plinary coil of the transformer 4. The combination with a circuit of direct
between them. The interruptions of the current and having a high self-induction, of
field-circuit of the motor should be so rapid a circuit-controller for making and breaking
as to permit only a partial demagnetization said circuit, a motor for driving the control
of the cores. These latter, however, should in ler, a condenser in a circuit connected with
4 O this specific arrangement be laminated. the first around the point of interruption
The apparatus, as Will now be seen, com therein, and a transformer the primary of
prises, as essential elements, choking-coils, a which is in circuit with the condense as set
circuit - controller, means for rotating the forth.
salme, a condensel', and a transformer. These 5. The combination with a circuit of direct CO
45 elements may be mechanically associated in current, a controller for making and break
any convenient and compact form, but so far ing the same, a motor having its field-mag
as their general arrangement and relations nets in said circuit, and driving the said con
are concerned I prefer the relative disposi troller, a condensel connected with the cir
tion illustrated, mainly because, by reason of cuit alround the point of interruption therein IO5
their symmetrical arrangement in the cir and a transformer the primary of which is in
cuit, the liability of injury to the insulation of circuit with the condensel as set forth.
any of the devices is reduced to a minimum.
I do not mean to imply by the terms em NIXOIA TESTA.
ployed in describing my improvements that Witnesses:
55 I limit myself to the use of the precise de EDWIN B. IIOPKINSON,
vices commonly designated by such terms. M. I.AWSON DYER.

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