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Volume 53


Magnolia, Arkansas

Editor-in-Chief .......................... Vicky Herring

Layout and Feature Editor .. Pamela Franks
Assistant Feature Editor ...............Pat Smith
Copy Editor ................................... Mary Smith
Contributing Editor .................Eddie Parham
Photo Editor .............................Mike McMullin
Assistant Photo Editor .............Russ Quarles
Chief Photographer ........................... Guy Gale
Assistant Photographer .................Shep Miers
Assistant Photographer ................Alan Berry
Assistant Photographer ........Wendell Franks
Faculty Advisor ................. Tommy Thomason

A Year in the life • • •

F>_;r,;-M:PEACE LlBRAR'Y 103958



LIFE Page 54 Page 126
Page 14
Page 184 Page 230 Page 276

A Year In The Life Of ...
. . . times and changes
as a September night wind breezed into April
morning skies.
D o you remember? band tri ps and
football games
pantie raids and sleeping through class the
nex t morning
pla yi ng cards and winning somebody's
your mailbox coming up dry six weeks in a row.
And finally how the sun rose on across t he cam pus
and in the sudden light y ou saw all the
times and changes ...

A Year In The Life OJ . ..
. . . walking along
and singing our little songs
of the days we have had to know each other.
I n the corners of classrooms
and blue winter skies there were
and we were there to take thern in our

A Y ear In The Life Of . ..
. . . reaching and holding,
hoping to find comfort in fri endly smiles
and f riendly places.
And then one day discovering your own hand
reaching out
your own .face beamin g, helping others
who reach and hold, hoping to find comfort i,
friendly smiles ...
A Year In The L ife OJ . . .
. . . halls and classes and flashes ofsmiles ..

on your way to a very important date u·ith an

instructor holding your life in hi«
grading pen
and all you want to do is rest your head
in someone's all-miderstanding hands ...
.. ...
A Year In T he Life Of ...
. . . one ... with miles and miles and miles before
him, an
athlete fighting up from the pit, breezing into
empty flat zones
to catch the pass.
Rising higher ancl higher, flying out and aboi·e
the arms
of striving defenders.
to teach ... to touch ... to break through that final
and win.
Student Life

Saga is studies, love, nostalgia

E ver met Thoreau or listened prayed for peace in the Middle
to a lecture by David Sixbey? Did East.
yo u ever take lon g walks o vert he
far m with someone you love? And when we leave ... the
And did you e ver filch crackers friend s, the familiar places, and
to feed the g r eedy ducks by the the sc hool routine, we ca r r y
pond? Have you ever been in a memories and perhaps a bette r
panty raid? And have you ever unde r standing of the world in
felt that just one mo r e c l ass which we liv e.
wo uld be more than you ever
could bear? (OPPO SITE PAGE) LEFT: B icycle r id-
We have lived, smiled, com- ing gains popu larit y in times of energy
plained, and sometimes loved for sho rtage. RIGHT: Enjoyin g a game of
on e year in our li ves. Here, in fo o t ba ll a re Barba ra B u r chfie ld a n d
T o mm y H a ll. LEFT: Eddi e P a rha m
this place, never to be again , we co uldn't wait u ntil Ope n House to t ake
h a ve s hared time and space. We a peek inside Ha rrod H a ll. BELOW: P lay-
h a ve endured Watergate, suf- ing ca rds in t he union provides relaxa-
fered from the energy crisis, and t ion for students between cla sse s.


• • • Student Life
male dorm residents enjoys an informal
meal together. MIDDLE: Speak no evil,
hear no evil, and see no evil pretend three
students as they clown around outs ide
of Wilson Hall. BOTTOM: A friendly cam-
pus worker waves to the photographer.
ABOVE: Dr. and Mrs. Robert Terry and
daughter Natasha take a walk across
campus. LE FT: A coed smiles at bypass-
ing students a s s he strolls across campus
on a brisk autu mn day.

• • • Student Life

(OPPOS ITE PAGE) TOP LEFT: Here it be the most meditative man on campus. D uring their spare time, this group of
is, come and get it! This plant displays LEFT: Rhonda Roark seems t o be all male students relieve their tension by
s en s e of humor (?) of a H arrod coe d. thumbs. ABOVE: If a rugged life appeals playing basketbal l.
BOTTOM LEFT: Russ Quarles seems to to you, then enroll in ROTC. BELOW:


Folk from afar

get education
at prime time
About 8 a.m. each morning a
virtual swarm lights on the SSC
park i ng lots from Stephe n s,
T ay l or, Camden, two blocks
away in Magnolia, and who
knows where. They are called
commuters. Whether the power
of the dollar, good ole mom and
dad, or a neat pl ace of their own
i s the d r aw, SSC offe r s prime
time education in exchange for
the rising price of gas plus
Many of the SSC commuters
don't even see the sun until after
they've been an hour on the road.
The grind gets long and hard
before semester finally end s.

RIGHT: It doe s n't matte r how yo u get

th e r e - a s long a s you g et th e r e .
BELOW: The union is th e common
ga thering place fo r commuters. (OP-
POS ITE PAGE)TOP: Hunting fora pa rk-
ing place is a m aj or problem for commu-
ters . BOTTOM : " I've got m iles to go" is
the thought of the commute r a s he sees
t he road before him.
So, love is
good grades
Married students going to
college together are on the rise.
So are their gradepoints.
Competing against housework,
homework, and part-time jobs,
these couples put marriage to a
strenuous test. In small apart-
ments, on big loans and help
from U.S . Food Stamps, they
learn to scrim p and plan and live
on dreams.
A large percentage of married
students find time to rai se
families, have babies, and then
make good grades. How do t hey
do it? For entertainment, a new
baby is more fun than a s how.
And through some combination
of " Hand me a diaper and pass
the peanut butter," they get
through and live to say, "Re -
member when."
Some of the starry eyes hit the
rocks. But for those who manage
to come through, they know they
made it together.

(OPPOSITE PAGE ) TOP: The re' s love

and there's laundry for La.Jetta and Ron
McDaniels. BOTTOM LEFT: Mr. and
Mrs. George Wiggjns and son pose for a
family portr ait . BOTTOM RIGHT: A
married male find s home an inspiring
atmosphere for studying. LEFT: This
young chi ld seems ob liviou s to daddy
John Cary's pleas for a smile. BELOW:
The Crump ler family read be dtime

I n ternational Students

SC meets
tudents of
I1~an, China
Tra\·eling all the way from
Iran and China, the SSC inter-
na-ional students have contrib-
u.:ed t o ou r lives in an im-
meas u rable way . Friend l y,
a rm and bright, t he y have
romrht us to realize that we are
a!I ju t people . As Streisand
would sing. " People who need
peop!e ... They have slaughtere d
u~ in ping pong and we've en-
joyed their accent. Yet, under it
all. we wish we knew you better.

B E LOW: Hung Kwok Chu n g flips

:hrou2:h his E nglish dictio nary. RIGHT:
Bahma n Ta,·akolia n gets read y fo r
no.he r d ay's classe s . (OPPOSITE
P.:\GE I TOP: Discussi n,11: hi s native land
;h George Wiggi ns is Hun g Kwok
Chun2:. BOTTO:\! LEFT: Arkansas ter-
ram capt u r es the inte re st of Ch ung.
OOITO:\I RIG HT: Tavakolia n ford s a
rzin drenched s idewalk.
Homecomin g

Celebration '7 4 is different

Characteristic of Homecoming Pendrick formed the court.
thi s year was dorm The feature attraction of
d isplays - rather than floats, a Homecoming, the football game,
snake dance - rather than a was played against the Aus tin
parade, and a floral coronation of College Kangaroos and was won
Adolphus - rather than only by the M uleriders.
the coronation of the queen.
There were, however, the (OPPOSITE PAGE > LEFT and RIGHT:
usual heartbeat, after-game Signs of SSC s pirit. LEFT: Adol phus is
dance, corsages, and queen and led lovingly during Hom ecoming cere-
monies by Eddie Parham. ABOVE: " In-
court. st ep with the next man's tuba" seem s to
The queen was Judy P ierce. be the motto of t he band members.
Marilyn Edwar ds, Laura
Flanigan, Margaret Lewis,
Rachel L ovett, and Angie

Judy Pierce crowned homecoming queen

P L'.EIT: Queen J udy applaud s. TO P

IGHT: llulerider glides t hroug h
!I, ~m Col e:re block for s hort ga in e r .
- \Z:: .\hjorette Beth L ewis wait s for
a-odnc:ion. RIGHT: A m ule r ide r
hm~ • h<> <:t'PnP JT ,n PPO~ l 'T'F.

Show stars
cast of tens
Alpha Psi Omega's Aardvark
was conducted to the tune s of
guitars, kazoos, and a piano or
two. Ten talent show partici-
pants included Kat hy Wright,

s oloist, first place winner; Camp
Dolphin Chorale, kazoo band, in
second place; and third place
winner Danita Hall, also singing
Margaret Lewis captured the
Miss Southern Belle title from a
pageant of ten women. First
runner-up was Karla Gibson
and Nancy Sharp was second
The annual production,
themed East Meets West took
place in the Magnolia au-
d itorium while Overstreet Au-
ditorium was in renovation.

TOP: Emcee Shep Miers s miles at ap-

plause. RIGHT: Munchkin s perform.
a rendition of Beethoven 's Fifth is the
Camp Dolphin Chorale. TOP RIGHT:
Accompanying herse lf is Amy Bacon.
BOTTOM: Miss Southern Belle contes-
tants Nancy Sharp wins second place,
Margaret L ewis receives the title, and
Karla Gibson is fir st runner up.
T heatre

The spian s act

in four plays
With sets on diffe r ent scenes.
the thea t r e d epartmen~
pre s ented its a ct iv it ies amirl
fall i n g pl as t er, crampe
quarters, and cre a k ing wooden
bleac hers.
Three three -ac t p l a y were
presented during the year. The
l ast pl ay g ive n in the old
Overstre et auditoriu m , "A Doll":;
House," t ake s place during the
Victori a n e r a and d_e pict · ··the
d oor s l am h e ard ' r ound the
world " or d own trodden w iie
liberates he r self. " Th e X ight of
J an u ar y 16th" is a courtroom
dra m a an d was pe r for med at the
Columbia County Court House.
A j u ry, taken from the audience.
d etermine d the ver dict. '·The
Effect of Ga mma R ay s on ~Ian in
the Moon Mar igolds," was gn-en
in the Armory . A psychologica!
play, it conce rn s an u nhappy
widow and h e r affl icted an d
mousy daug hters.
The spian s a l s o acted in
"Froggie We n t A-courtin .. " a
Children's T heatr e product ion.
al s o in the ar mo ry. Th i.:
de lightful little nu mber features
a lo ve t riangle , a kidna pping.
and an attempted murder and
h a s a h appily -e ver-after endinl!.
Me a nwhile , Be at rice lost her
old h a unt and s how biz mortals
looke d forward to new curtains
and gan g-bangs.


H a ll and P au la P orter rehearse for their
r o le s in "A Doll 's Ho use." B0TT0l1
L E F T: A wi t n ess of " T h e ~ight of
Janu a ry 16th" is sworn to tell the tru.h.
RIGHT: Da nita H all t r ies to get then h~
ex pre ss ion to po r tray her charac.er.
TOP: Director J e r r y Cor tez looks o,·er a
theatrical pamphlet. LEFT : llic 1
McAmis pla ys the r ich young widow m
"J a n u a ry 16th."
... Theatre
(OPPOSITE PAGE ) Beatrice makes a
dramatic entrance (exit?). LEFT: Chris
Bair and star bunny pause in the action
of " The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in
the Moon Marigold s ." ABOVE: A
deranged Danita Hall speaks her mind.
TOP RIGHT: Lynn Perdue and Chris
Bair pass an emotional scene. RIGHT:
Miss Hall bites the furniture polish.
I ,isit


CAB brought White Roots

Pea~e. an In d i an group

e India ns v isited classes

presen ted le c tures and
n5:rat ions of their culture.
e ere m ilitant backers of

-en.s look o ver h andmade it ems

m the tudent Cente r . OPPO-
E PAG E : om e o f the Indian s
~..ed a :epee nea r t he Student Center.
The Art~

C students broaden art appreciation

- 'ihern State students had
f opportunities to broaden
- eir ar istic appreciation and
e~clop thei r own artistic
abir .. ies.
C ..\B - sponso red concerts,
~ - .. als by stu dents and faculty
: ..e .r1usic department, and art
- s by campus painters and
- ~- .;:~ors hig hlighte d the
r.:-.::- ic year at SSC.

BELOW: :\I i;:;: Dale ne gives a faculty

tte ·al. RIGHT: Poet laureate of
\d::a.. , ~. Lilly Peters· accompan ist and
,: f r her SSC Yisit perform .
OP:- SITE PAG E ) TOP: Co mpleting

, paint ing requi rement is Pam
BOTT0 ;1.f: Sh ep ;1,iiers \
-,n:iou;:ly applies a little green, a
-Je pm:..
Marching Riders

Instrumentalists make
excitement, sound, smile s
When anyone ta lk s about ment in hig h school bands. T he
spirit at Southern State the key contests let high school students
to everything lies in the band. see SSC for themselves.
Excitement and sound are seem- Giving a fall concert and t wo
ingly inseparable. From yelling concerts in the spring, the band
in the stands to performing on learns a wide variety of m usic.
the field, band members work In addition to the marching b a nd
throughout the week getting and concert band , w oodw ind
ready for the game . Long hours ensembles a nd brass ensembles
are spent marching in soggy perform.
fields o n cold mornings a nd on Two b an d fratern ities a re
hot humid n ights. Indiv idual active on t he SSC campus. Kappa
practi c e hours sap precious Kappa P si, a national band fra-
study time. Long bus trips are ternity, an d Tau B eta Sigma, a
all part of their routine. national band soro rity , o ffer
In the spr ing, the band goes social opportunities along wi t h
on tour i n the Arkansas hig h service projects.
schools. Extending a handshake
or a smile, band members make (OPPOS IT E PAGE ) T OP PI CTC R E
personal contacts all over the Ba nd pla ys mu sic to a pep rally bea;
state. Sponsoring a n invita- BOTTOM: Marching Riders form pic-
t ures on the field. T OP : Instrumentali5:..;;
t ional ensemble and solo contest, ho ld audie nce rapt. LEFT : Drummin ~
the band encourages achieve- his way to popularity is ~iike ~ arone:r-
Greene Hall
La-e night card games, phone
caJh home. findi ng a date, or try-
- -o ring up a D, the men in
Gr~ene Rall nev er pass up a
~ ~ :o get together and hash
o~r as~ night's sco re, the pro
es. or the new freshmen
- -..5. Both football a nd basket-
_; - earns c all Gree n e home.
he:her it be int ramural
layc::s, ~Ionday night w ith
Eow-a..-d Co sell, or Frisbee foot-
11. you can cou nt on Greene

IGHT-: A couple of Greene Hall r esi-

:.,, ..-restle around during free time.
FAR ?.IGHT: Reflecting on thoughts of
:re '" :hi$ Greene Hall male while he
T!f a:une on his guitar. BELOW: Some
.:ual si-zhts are to be seen in Greene
Harrod Hall
F rom that first day w ith a new
roommate until the last seme s-
ter exam, Harrod Ha ll thro b s
with footst eps, laughter, and t he
next door stereo. When the dust
settles and quiet seeps in, t h e
makeup comes off and the
rounds of friends sharing Ro-tel
dip; philosophy, and how to w in
and lose beaus, converse unt il
study can no longer be denied .
Hey! Anybody for cards?

LEFT: Entertai ning friend s in style at

Harrod'sopen house is LaJ oyce Willia ms.
BOTTOM LEFT: Me linda Fawce tt and
Steve Collins pose for a picture d urine:
an evening of do rm visitation. BELOW:
Two Harrod coeds relax with a frie nd on
open house night.
~ elson Hall
_-o ma~ er what the world out -
side may deal. getti ng a way
i1D5id~ your o w n room to hold
- --~.:::-Teddy bears and s ip cof-
fee -er 5oup is a vital part of
_,." \ -
--.~ -he college week. Inside
_-e 50D Hall gir l s ca n get
-o - ~-her and h ash ov er cruel
pro:essor-. u ntrue loves and I
rida :or spr ing break. Nelson C

a5 :he hom ey ch arm of big

roc-5 and wood floors , quiet
, and w a r m hearts.

IC3- : _.\s Ronda R oa rk st rums her

-frieds Debbie .:-;ash. Judy NcNeil,
Ton; -u t he r l and sin g alo ng.
• :TER PICTC RES: There 's nothing
tbe~.hering of friends in do rmitory
Ii"Oll: usan Scott an d Marily n
~ r . ;:hare coke s a nd cook ies with
fnt. ---
·1·a11ey Hall
Winning the homecoming float
competition is only one expres-
sion of the wholehearted spirit
of Talley H all. Whether they are
manning a panty raid, smearing
friends with shaving cream, or
taking a late n ight trip to the 66
Kitchens for a sandwich, Talley
Hall has a long tradition of mix-
ing good -hearted fun with the
academic routine.

LE F T: Oblivious of his surroundings, a

Talley male turns his fu ll attention to
perfecting his golf strokes. BELOW: F or
t h is Talley resident a phone con versation
could go on ... and on ... and on!
BOTTOM: Re laxing with the help of h is
stero system is Ricky Murphy.
Bussey Hall l

-~ pla ce t o go .. . alone or find

.i:-rien ... Bussey H a ll is made
of ~ou nds - so u 1, r ock, soft
_ -iZI. new words to old songs.
I· -, pile -oflaun dry to t ake home
ro mom and stacks of books that
. hzxe to read a nd the feel of
WE.rm blanket s on rainy morn-
_:,_L i,;ng in Bussey is wanting
· o _ home for Ch r istmas a nd
- _ impatient to come back in
JanWlry .
Talbot Hall
Talbot is the hesitating scrawl
of ballpoint Bic to the tune of a
nearby popcorn p opper, the
sooth in g si lence of being up
early, and the late night blare
of music. And the fir st time e-\·er
to live so far away from home ...
to learn to do our laundry with
out coloring everything blue. o
wonder why am I here, to as·-
where am I going, and some-
times to be lonely in a small room
away from someone you lo,-e . ..

ABOVE: This Talbot resident is ta.ilD

by surprise. TOP LEFT: AnotherTalbo:.
Hall male is caught una\vare by the p!:io-
togr apher. BOTTOM LEFT: Boy!:' willbr
boys !

B-s~. Hall Dorm Council Membe r s are:

r; :;, ri2'ht: ).ancy Taylor, Shirley
hie. Judy Bright. SE CON D ROW:
~na :Yarsh all, Sand ra Henderson,
lln.. Opal Fabian.

Earrod Hall Do rm Council Members are:

FIRST ROW; left to right; T erri
Brad:ord, Chris Bain, Patricia Garrett,
Judy De Loach. SECOND ROW : Brenda
B~--a-e!L Greta ::-Jelson, Vicky Herring,
Twyla York. De bbie Dodson , Mrs. Clova
ilhams. THIRD ROW : Wakie Thomas,
anda we ney, Leah L illy, Din a h
c:- innie ...\nita Cameron.

Ne~n Hall Dorm Council Mem bers are:

Lei': ..o Right: Susan Scott, Judy McNeil,
? .,.,d Roark . Marv Bever, J ackie
Greene Hall Do rm Council Members are:
Left to R ight; Larr y B anks . .\I ike
Maroney, Baron Christenson, Clifton
Lewi s. Center: Don Brown.

Talbot Hall Dorm Council Members are:

FIRST ROW: left to right; Gary Dumas.
Kyle Moore, Steele Westphale, Eddy ~ ix..
SECOND ROW: John Gullatt, Howard
Ratigan, Milton Cowling, ~ ike
McMull in, Leslie Walsh, Doyle Green.

. c-
~ """' ..

Talley Hall Dorm Council Mem bers are:

FIRST ROW: left to right ; John Ta::om.
Cecil Hutson, Jackie Carter. J im oan.
Wade Green, L arry Li semby. Chuc ...
Kaufman, Alan Lisemby.


eremonies are year's end

~or 292 graduating seniors
_-.._;: ~he Spring commencement Adm iral Jor Williams, Jr . U.S.
ieeremoni es ' 73, 216 sen i or s Navy.
onned caps and gowns. After Meaning far more than just a
ir y-ears at SSC, they begin long t r adition , the graduation
ifferent separate lives. Chang- ce r emony sy mbolizes a great
':!. mo,;ng and work - to estab- inve stm e nt of time, effort and
hh and real ize dreams, the money. And it' s a good time to
:,eniors left us. Soon we will leave invite the relatives to celebrate
;;oo and inside as k, " Where will and share your spotlight.
~ and ca n I find a job?"

-~dre- ing the Spring com- RIGHT: A May graduate receives his di-
~ncement, Dr. George L . Six- ploma and a handshake from Dr. Bruce.
BELOW : Students leave Southern State
:- :;poke to the grad uates in his in file. (OPPOSITE PAGE)TOP: A couple
~ : ;·ear at Southern State. leaves A ugust grad u ation sce ne.
BOTTOM LEFT: Graduating in pairs in
Sammer graduation ceremo- May we re the B urleys, Youngs, Head s,
:: rs 'f\'"ere held for 76 seniors. The and Mitchells. BOTTOM RIGHT: Mother
adcress was give n by Read rewards daughter for a job well done.
. .'...-_s .I I
,_ . ..,.. a u• '
Dinah McKinnie Karen McVay

Rhonda Roark
:ampus Beauties

Lisa Sawyer Mary Jimmie Shinn Jackie Thornton

Beauties confer.

Campus Beauties

Brenda Braswell
_Iargaret Lewis
Karla Gibson

~ancy Sharp Rachel Lovett

!\I vrtle
.., Stevens Dianne Cabiness Peggy Pickering
Agri Maid Agri Queen Agri Maid
.c\.gri queen and maids
Who's Who Jud y Bri g ht : Psychology major from
Hope. She was a member of the Sen ate,
YCA, and Psychology Club. Larr y
Blalock: Physical Education major from
Camd e n . He partic i pated in the
Southwest Distr ict FFA J udging Con-
test. James Bons all : Physical Education
major from Magnolia. He was a member
of S-Club. Brenda Braswell: E le mentary
E ducat io n major from Camden, her
activities included being a cheerleader.
Phi l Brooks : ~l anagement major from
TYier. Texas. He was a member ofS-Club.
P~m Coope r : Math majo r from Magnolia.
Her activities include the Senate, and
Physics Club ..Milton Cowling: Music Edu-
cation major from Mineral Spr ings. Mil-
ton was the 197-1 H arrod Dorm Beaux.
Alan Dunca n: Accounting major from
Magnolia. Alan belonged to Alpha Chi,
the Senate, Golf team, and Phi B eta
Lambda. Gary Earl ywine: P hys ical E du-
cation major from Magnoli a. He was on
the Tennis Team and belonged to the P. E.
Assoc iation. Lili Fl e mi s ter: Histo r y
majo r from Magnolia. Lili served on CAB
and as pr esident of the Student Govern-
Who's Who
Karla Gibson: Sociology major from Mag- member of the Agri Club and MBSF. Pam
nolia. She was a member of Alpha Chi, Howe ll: English Education major from
Psychology Club , Concert Choir, and was Little Rock. She ser ved on CAB, and was
a Campus Beauty. Rebecca Bays a member of Lambda S igma Alpha and
Glasgow: Business Education major from the Senate. S hirley Hutson: Mathematics
El Dorado. She was active in Phi Beta major from DeKalb, Texas . Shirley's
Lambda. David Green: Music Education activities included being a cheerleader.
major from Texarkana. David belonged Karen Jones: Phys ical Education major
to Phi Mu Alpha, DaCapo Club, Concert from E l Dorado . .\1ar g aret Le wi s :
Choir, and Madrigals. Tim Henry: Physi- Elementary Education major from Mag-
cal Education major from J efferson, nolia. She was a cheerleader and a Sen-
Ind iana. He was a Track lette rm an, and ate member . Caro lyn Miles: P hysic al
be longed to Newman Club, S-Club, P.E . Education major from Tullos, Louisiana.
Club, and was an Outstanding College She played on the Riderette Tennis and
Athlete. Tommy Hignig ht: Agriculture Basketball teams, was a member of
major from Hot Springs. Tommy was a WRA, P.E. Club, and Campus Gold.
Who's Who
Lynn Perdue: Spanish major fr o m and was State Pres ident of Association
-mackove r. Ly nn participated in Alpha of Bapt ist Students. Sammy Taylor:
P-i Omega and Stagecrafters. Tommy Phy sical Education maj or from Camden.
Ross: E conomics major from Stephens . She was a member of Campus Gold, WRA,
He serve d on t he Senate and was a mem- P.E. Cl ub, and played R iderette Swim-
r of Phi Beta Lambda. Mary Miller m ing and Basketball. Jackie Thornton:
- mith: E n gl ish maj or from Malvern. Engli s h major from Texarkana, Jackie
Ya.ry was a member of Alpha Chi, Sigma belonged to A WS, Alpha Chi, Sigma Tau
Tau Delt a, Lambda Sigma Alpha, Sen- De lta, and Delta Iota Delt a. She also
a:e. a nd w a s co-editor of Beginnings and se rved on CAB and the Senate and wa s a
.so was Miss Sout hern Belle. Wanda Del egate to the State Democratic Con -
- winey: Chemistry majo r from Texar- vention. Marilyn Trexler: Busine ss Edu-
na. She was a member of ABS, Alpha cation major from Emmett. She served
Chi. a nd Sigma Alpha Iota, and Chemis- on the Senate and was an acti ve member
try Club. E ddy Talley: Englis h major of Phi Beta Lambda. Pam Garri son Wynn:
from ~lagnolia. Eddy belonged to Alpha Mus ic major from Magnolia. Pam was a
Chi. Sigma Tau Delta, Sigma Delta Phi, me mber of Alpha Chi.
L arry Banks Milton Cowling John Tatum
l\Tels on Hall Harrod Hall Bussey Hall
Dorm Beaux and Sweethearts


Ra1nona Glasgow Karla G1~bson

Talbot Hall Talley Hall

~ niors

en1ors finish last year with smiles, toil

. ;.·..~... . : \\

Annette :'.\I urry p e rform s in t h e

Dolph-Ca m p Recital H al l.
music al group.

Debra A. Aldridge :\lagnoha

Bus. Ed., A l ph a C hi. P hi B eta
Melinda A. Allen Camden

Shirley S. Anders Camden

John D. Arnold Camden
Sec. Ed., Phi Beta The t a

Wayne Arterbury Hope

Business, FCA
Steve M. Attaway E l Dorado
F inance

Arlene Bacon C h idester

Bus. Ed., Pre Me d-Scie n ce Club
Stevan Jay Bailey :\1ah·em
Bio logy

Roxanne E. Barker Camden

Bus. Ed., ABS, AW S, P hi Beta
Phil W. Barton Hope
Political Science, Chi Al pha. •.u!..,.
College Republican s, Senate

Ronnie J. Bateman Deligh~

Bus. Agri. , Agri Cl u b, Ps ychology
Club, Wesley F o und ation
Clyde E. Baxter, J r.
Sa tellite Beach_ Fla.
Chemistry, Track
• • • Seniors

• Bar..er
:\Ierntt Island, Fla .

• Beck H ope
~ • ...,__..c-c:c••::.
Phi Beta Lambda
E. Berry '.\1agnol ia
-==~?"\;. Omega Kappa Alpha,
eo::· Club
LL--?T D Blalock Smackover
Auiculture, Agri Club

P.E. Club, "S"



h A Bright Hope
P-y~ • gy. Alpha Chi , AWS,
L - .... -t!!'.m a Alpha, P sych ol -
- ; Brooks Tyler, Te xa s
Club, Senate,

c:-e:cd.a R. Buckner :\1alvern

Attotmung. A \\'S, BSA, Phi Beta

~ n G. Bucy Pine B luff

B=me,,,,_ Football
Leu Eae Bullard Mena
3u.Hne,,,. Phi Beta Lambda
\ Jar. Burchfield Waldo
Ee_~ ...
an L. Burson Magnolia
~~~r,al )lanagement

(ary C Bw-ton Bradley

6~.:.ess Agri., Agri. Club
• • --:- - Camp Willisv ille
B...,,.i..!,,,.. Ed.
,;e-n: A. f'aner Hope
P--ycholozy. ABS
T ::::my R. Caner, Ji·. Crossett
Clyde W. Cary III
B usiness. Swim Team
Katherine L. Casey
Office Adm.

Rosely n Dort on pos es at an Om ega Arthur B. Cason. Jr.

~ppa Alpha affair. Art E d .. Alpha Chi
Norman H. Castleman
P hys. E d .. P.E . Club

Dale C. Cheatham
Mathematics, .-\YS, Se=:.E '
Team. Psychology C.u
Sigma, Talbot Ha: Dorm...,......_..,._
iels B. Christensen .\ ;lar:-..a..
Chemistry. F C -\
Barney B. Clemons
Accounting. ABS.
L ambda
Shirley K. Cogar
Chemistry. Alpha Chi

Marion H. Coleman
Stephen :\I. Collins T~ll2:
Music, Kappa Kappa P::c
P amela K. Cooper
Mat hematics. Pby;cic~
Sigma Pi igma
Monette S. Copeland EO!ers::
Elem. Ed.

Levenda B. Cosby Te..-r=·.,~s

B us. Ed., WR.-\ . .-\
L ambda
Brenda D. Cox Xew
Elem. Ed., CAB. Dorm c:~::::o...,
J er ry R. Cox
Social Scie nce. Wesley
Larry W. Crank
~ 1ence. ROTC, ABS,
=::- '""~ub. Political Science
Theta Kappa


C. Del..-z hter Sparkman

Ed.. BSA. Swim Team
Dor.nn Camden
Ed...-\\\ . WRA. P.E. Club,


El Dorado
ranairement, AMS, SGA,
, HaH Dorm Cou ncil, P h i
~.a Lambda

El Dorado

.:ncan Magnolia
Who·s Who, Taurans,
Chi Phi Beta Lambda
~ . Earleywine Magnolia
P.E.. P.E. Club. Tennis Team
rd G. Edwards Texarkana


:::!;::ube:!:I :. FlemisterMagnolia
• SGA, CAB, Young Demo-
crs.:<,,. Lambda igma Alpha
o C. Ford Magnolia

- Fc.n1ero Texarkana
,JC ::::d.. Kappa Kappa Psi, Phi
, AI';Jha
:'7" • Funderburk Texarkana
-- C ~ Republica ns
. C. Gale ~ash v ille
l!ana~ment. Bray, Mulerider
ee:ad Pho.ographe r
C. Gayle Camden
• • • Seniors
Karla L. Gibson .\fagnol -
Psyc hology, P sychology Club.
Alpha Chi, Lam bda Sigma .-\.ipha..
Concert Ch oi r , AW S. tudt:n:
Rebecca B. Gla sgow Taylor
Bus. Ed. , Alp ha Chi, Phi Bea
Lambda, Lambda Sigma Alpha
Betty R. Goodman Hot prine;;
~ursing, NSNA
Judy A. Goodwin tam1>5

Ben ny J . Gorz Hope

Management, Sigma Lambda Pi.
P hi Beta Lambda , College Repub-
Jam es D. Greg ory Camden
Biology, Kappa K appa Psi. Geol-
ogy Club
Sterling W. Green Camdtm
Art E d., Choir
Karen S. Griffin .\lagno! a
E nglis h, Sigma Tau De lta, u?ma
Delta P i

John B. Gullatt Atl anta. Ga.

Political Scie n ce, B SC. Colle£€
Re publicans, Geology Club
Grady M. Gunnels E rner.; n
B iology
Michael E. H agen .\k Xed
Tommy P. Hall .\lagnolia
Management, AB S

Registration seems tiring for Tommy Ro ss.

El Dorado


H. Hawkes Elmira, •. Y.
P.:::_C..\B. ··
,. Club, P.E. Club
ram E. Henson Mt. Holly
' a.na~ ment

Yuy L Heywood Smackover

E ~ \'.'. Hill, Jr. McGehee

Dennis L Holloway Stuttgart

E .i.5h. BSA, Senate, Mass Choir,
Ome1ra Kappa Alpha
J y D. Ho well Hope
B , iness Ag r i.

&&;by J.B owell Magnolia

E~m. Ed.
~ ! a R.. Howell N. Little Rock
E e ..£h. Who's Who, Al pha Chi,
CAB . ~igma Tau Delta, AWS,
B 1oiogy Club. Lambda Sigma Practicing to be a politician, Le slie Walsh
• pha tapes his telepho ne con versation .
• • • Seniors
Donna F. Hudgen s ); ashvill"'
Elem. Ed., ABS
Sh irle y Y. Hut son De.Kalb. Tex.
Accounting, AWS, Senate, Cheer-
leader, Phi Beta La mbda. Alpha
Chi, La mbda Sigm a Alpha. WR:\.
Who's Who
Sunti Ittivamitum
Ba n g kok. Thailand
Bus. :vlanagement
Gerald T. Jacks \'ill age

J immy D. J a mison ~ ash\·ille

Business Agri., Track Team, ··~··
Club, Phi Bet a La mbda
Patsy J. Jenn ings For m::.n
Marketing, Alpha Chi
Ann T. J ohnson Texarkana
Elem. Ed.
Billy M. J ohnson :'.\1a~nolia

Fred D. J ohnson :'.\lagnolia

L inda K. J ohnson Mineral Springs
Ele m. Ed.
Rachel M. Johnson Camden
Rick J. Johnson ); ashville
Business, Agri. Club

Donald C. Jones Washington

Sociology, Pershing R ifles
H a r vey L. Jones Mineral Springs
Bus. Agri., Agri. Cl u b, Weslev
Karen C. J ones :'.\1a~olia
P .E., WRA, BSU, P.E. Cl ub
Ve ra B. J ones Camden
Elem. Ed.

D avid L. Jordan :'.\1 agnoha

Accounting, Chi Omega, Phi Beta
Lam bda
Gay lor d B. Junkin Tucson. Ariz..
Sheila K. Kelly Pine Bluf!'
General Science, AB S, Biology.
CA B , Vice P r e siden t of Harrod
Hall, ROTC Sweetheart
Roy Kimbell, Jr. Buckner
Bus. Management


t. Petersb urg,
F la.

::\I agnol ia

Camde n

_ R Lewis ::\It . Holly

, . _.;. c:,s. Alpha Chi, Ph i Alpha

Sm acko ve r

'· L1,,emby Pine Bluff

... n. P.E. Club. WRA
- L Little H ut t ig
Ed B C. ::\l uleride r Editor
Lee Lout El Do rado
Ca: Coo' Lo,·e ::\Iagno lia
lbrlte.ing, Alpha Chi, Ph i Beta
bda. Who's Who

·~- K. Lo,·e Texas City, Te x.

~hology, ROTC
lb.! W. lkCrary DeKal b, Tex.
Chem~:ry. Alpha Chi
ne C. :\lcGee .Magno lia
P.E_ WR A. P.E. Club, Swim Team,
,. ·5
·r.. J. }kGou!!'h P resco tt

- ro~ :\1. :\lcHenry C amden

3...,, £
na D . .llcKamie Sta mps
E . I~~- Chee rleade r s, C ampu s
Bezu:y Homecoming Court
L. .llc:-;ultv Ca mden
.\.r.. Xe..-man Club, A \V S
r. C. .llarlar Willis ville
B "'· Management, Phi Bet a
• • • Seniors

Jane Marshall :\la::"'

Marketing, P hi Beta Lambda
Robert W. Martin Del ~
P .E., "S" Club, P.E . Club
Edward R. Massey Er Do.
John W. May II E l Do
Accounting, P hi Beta Lambda

•.\ secretary measures Ken Smith for a mortar board.

Richard M. Meyers lla_

Marketing, P hi Beta Lambda
Carolyn J. Miles 1 UL
P.E. , WRA, P.E . Club. C
Barbara S. Miller ~
P.E. , WRA, .ME~C. ..\I. P.L
Charles F. Moore C

J immie L. Morgan la_

Kenneth R. Mu llins
Donald L. Munn
Mona L. Nelson Tex.a:
Sociology, B SA, Delta le.a Dr :a
r L Xewton Hampton
PbL Science
..:.e! D. Xix Magn olia
: J . Studies
Xunley Emerson
Secre:.arial Scie nce
-J'Dll D. Xutt Bearden
3 "· Al?ri .. Agri. Club, ABS, Phi
3c-:a Lambda

T" on P~ Oglesby Shre ve port, La.

P.E.... Football
'Iberesa R. Oglesby Foreman
Yar..:eting, Phi Beta Lambda
~ 'l"clyn Parker Magnolia
£ \em. Ed .. BSA, Delta Iota Delta
1am R. Parrish Magnolia
l\"ur.;ing. \\' ho's Who

S!lady Patton Camden

:Management, BSA, Basketball
James R. Pedron, Jr. Dermott
P.E _ Swim Team
£.nzabet h J. Pe rry El Dorado
E ducatio n
l.lmdy L. Phillips Magnolia

Phil Propp a nd friend take in conversa-

: ion and sunshine .
• • Seniors

Judy K. Pierce ) lazno.ia

Ele m. Ed., Ho mecominl? Queen
Mark R. Pier ce ) laimo .ra
Manage ment , " S'' Club, Ba,;eba!J
T oni L. Polk Hope
Barba r a R. Prather Ashdow-n
E le m. E d.

Sand ra K. Pruitt Texarkana

Sec . Science , WRA . P hi Be:.a
George R. P urdy 0ew·..
Bu si n ess, Tra ck. P hi Be.a
L ambda
Nelwyn E. Pyles E l Dora.do
B us. Adm in.
H ow ard R. Quarles Bearden
Managem ent

Stan Re ede r Texar ·ana

Manage me nt
J oyce A. Reeves E l Donti!
Marke ting, A WS . P hi Be~.a
Lambd a
J ames R. Robe rson, J r. ) Ja 1a
P hysics
Claude A. R obinson B rookh·n. X .Y.
Psychology, T rack ·

Ro bert L. Robinson TexarkaJ?a

R ichard R. Rodgers Wili..sn...;e
P hysics , Mathe matics. Surma Pi
Sig m a , Soc iety of Physics S:'!l-
David A. Ross :\Iaznoha
F inance, Baseball , " S .. Club
P hill ip D. Ross Hope
Ge n. Science

Ronnie E. Rothwell Thon:..oa

Accounti ng, Alpha Chi. Phi Be:.a
L ambda
Micheal L. R ussell Hope
B iology, T a ur a n s
Preston H . Sa ulsbury E l Do~
Market ing ·
Kathy Sande rs. Fo~~&L
B usiness E ducation
• • • Seniors

A group of students gather at the

intramural field.

' - :Serio Fairview

PE.. ·· " Club, P.E. Club, New-
man. Bowling Team, Swim Team
=erman ~I. Sheets Texarkana
Ge::.. Science. Stagec rafters, ABS,
_ ;!ha Psi Omega, Vice president
o: Ta:!ey Hall
SeTer!y D. Shephe rd Stamps
Elem. Ed.
um I. kaggs Rogers
PI:_ Xewman, "S" Club, Football,

3 y P- -mith Texarkana
Derril! J. mith Magnolia
P. E_ P.E. Club
Jame~ D. Smith Fouke
:._.:_a A . mith Magnolia
:S;nmsh. BSA

Mnne;h L. Smith Hot Springs

B JO!ogy, A~1S, Senate, Football,
Pres. of Greene Ha ll
Ma.nan Y. Smith Bearden
E lem. Ed .. ABS
l.ta.ry :ll. mith Mal vern
::C::nglish, Alpha Chi, Sigma Tau
Del..a. Lambda Sigma A lpha,
\\"bo·s Who, :\iiss Southe rn Belle
Yolonda L. Smith DeKalb, Tex.
Business, A WS, CAB , P hi Be ta
!..ambda, BSA, Delta Iota Delta
Gary D. Sn ay Los Angeles. Cal.
Econ., Tennis
Paulette Stephe n s :\Iagnoha
Office Admin., CAB , BS A. Cheer-
le aders. P hi Beta Lambda, Delta
Iota Delta
J erry A. Stoker Ben Lo mond
lnd. Management, En gineeri ng
B re nda K. Stout Youngst own . Pa.
Sociology, CAB

Patricia A. Stovall Stamps

Elem. Ed., AWS
Patricia L. Strickland :\1agnolia
Pol. Science , Phi Alpha T heta.
Po litical Science Club
Smead P. Stuart :\lagnolia
B ecke Sullivan :::-.;ash,·ille
English, AWS, WRA, Se nate, AB~.
Cheerleader, H arrod Dorm Coun-

John E. Sutte rfie ld Camden

Ind. Management, Kappa Kappa
Psi, Sec. Treasure r of T alley H al!
Dianne Sutton Stephens
Engl ish
David E . Swift L a ke Yillage
Social Studies, Wesley
Wa nd a D. Swinn e y Texarkana
Che m istry, Alph a Chi. ig ma
Alpha Iota, ABS, Who's Who

Ron ald E . Talley :\lagnolia.

Engl ish, Al pha Chi, ABS. igma
Tau Delta, Sigma Delta Pi. \Yho·s
Cha rles W. T aylor Taylor
Charlotte L. Taylor Camden
Art E d.
Lenna M. Taylor Bradley
Elem. Ed., Lam bd a Sigma Alpha

Sammy 0. Taylor Camden

P.E. , WRA, AWS, P.E . Club. Ten-
n is, Basketball , Pres. of Harrod
Hall , Cr os s Dorm Council
David K. Tew :\lagnolia
Ind. Manageme nt, BSC
Debor ah J. Tew :\lagnoli.a
Elem. Ed. , BSU
Larry L. Therrell E l Dorado
Social Studies
• • • Seniors
:Ronni.: E. Thomas Tay lor
J.ackie D. Thornton Te xarkana
5?a.Dish. Sigma Tau Delta, Alpha
Ch.. S11!ma Delta Pi, Delta Iota
De.;a. Campus Beauty, AWS
R .. na Tollett Na s hv ille
Edun.:iC'n . ..\ BS, A WS, B iology
a;; W. Tompkins T aylor

a..""llyn F. T rex ler Emmet

Bu". Ed .. C A B , WRA , AWS,
3.:-na.:e, Phi Beta L a m bda, PBL
and ..\gri. Swe ethe art
1am E. T ucker El Dor a do
lndus:ria] ;\l an a ge me nt
Jerry W. Walke r Magnolia
B~. ..\gri.
M "i.~; S. Walker Magnolia
Ofii«> ..\dmin.

Don;..a K. Wa ller Emerson

.Lem. E d.
Les.:ie . Walsh Sparkman
Bus . ..\gri .. P h i B et a L amb d a ,
.IB-. ..\g r i. Club, SGA, AMS
L&Yeda F . Wa r d Emerson
Math E d.
A..a;,a Warmack St amps
Biol01?y. Alpha C hi

John R. Wa rren Magnolia

P.Z .. Psychology Cl ub, B a seball
Larry R. We ave r Smackover
BIOiogy, Bio logy Club
Gary D. Whe e ler Magno lia
Donald L. Wh id don El Dorado
Bus. ) lan ageme n t

Janie \". White El Dorad o

Yusic Ed., Da Ca po, MENC, Sig ma
Alpha Iota
Jonn W. Wh ite Lo noke
•any Whitelaw Magnolia
Speech. ..\WS, Alpha P si Omega ,
:ragecrafters, Compass Club
•.\lice Wickli ffe Hope
Sociology, ABS
Geor ge E . Wiggin s Mag nolia

Robe rt W. Wiley Magnolia

Ar t, Band
Stephen A. Wilson .\1agnolia
Art, Ka ppa Kappa P s i, P hi ~u
A lph a, Ch oir, College Activities
Board, Senate
Da nny Wood Camden
Ma n ageme n t, Alpha Chi
Robert W. Wr ight Waldo
Ind. Man age ment

J err y E. Wylie Carthage

Billy R. Wynn ~ ash,ille
Ag ri-Bus., Agri Club, AB S, Alpha
C hi, Who's Who
Pamela A. Wy n n l\ ash,ille
Educa t ion , AB S
Vickki L. Zuniga Rogers
Sec. Ed., ABS, A WS, CAB

Laboriously se llin g cush io n s is R uss

Quarle s.

--Cpperclassmen pursue high goals and

\\'"Orthy ideals

_UJO \ t: Janelle Cl ark clutches books

and papers for an Eng li sh class. RIGHT:
J !ing hours a n d course s at registra·
;JD;1 is Al a n Berry. (OPPOSITE PAGE)
Max Alan Adcock Horatio
Gary Don Aldridge Stamps

John E. Alexander, Jr. Magnolia

Christopher R. Ames Camden

Michael L. Arnold Magnolia

Robert L. Arnold El Dorado

Diane Arrington Stephens

Randall W. Avery Prescott

Daphne J. Baker Stamps

Charlotte V. Bates Norphlet

Garriel R. Beasley J onesboro

Jerry R. Berley Camden

Jane E. Berry Magnolia

Richard A. Berry Camden

• • . Juniors

:\Iary D. Bever Camden

Hue Troy B illings Strong

Steve n Bobo Magnolia

H ubert Lee Boddie Camden

Suzan n T. Bowie Magnolia

Steve n L. Brady Hot Springs

Paula Bradley Magnol ia

Brenda G. Bras well Camden

Lisa K. Brayman Crossett

She ryl K. Bright Hope

Dorothy M. Brown Stephen s

Lill ian I. Brown Magnolia

.. her
... .feminine
. . charms
for an
Clifford L. Bullock Stut:.ear.
Lena K. Butler Texarkana
Charles C. Caddv I I L ittle Rix -
An ita K. Ca mer~ n Parkers Chapel
Mary A. Ca rroll E l Dorado

Eddie A. Choate Little Roc'-

Steven C. Clack Camden
Janelle L. Clark Texarkana
Susan J. Clark E l Dorado
Ben F. Clawson Calion

Warren J. Clingan ChideHer

Jerry Coleman Crbana
Margretta E. Conner Hutti-=:
Charles H. Cooper :\lagnolia
Milton P. Cowling :\1ineral Spnn~

Jud ith A. Cox Camden

Char les P. Cr eed :\laimo!ia
Mary A. Cullin s Texarkana
Donny R. Cutchall Fou:.e
Raymond J . Davis Donaldson

Robert N. Dotson E l Dorado

Ronnie P. Duckett W ic..:e~
James R. Duke Hambllrl!'.
Ma rilyn L. E dwards :-.;orphle:.
Ga ry W. Elmore Lono'-e

Rod ney C. F abre Matm0lia

Bobbi M. F atherree Texaril!a
Katherine D. F ontenot Yille Pla:-..e
James A. F ort Camden
James L. F oster E l Dorado

Kellie L. Foster Camde~

Pamela G. Franks Magnolia
Wendell Franks Lo\"eland. Colo.
Amanda J. Gardner Smu'- -.er
Ronald W. Garner -amp:;
: f'nends Am anda Gard ner a nd
L Pardue and FAR RIGHT: J ane
~?TJ' and Patti Do ugan discuss fr ie nd s,
a::d futures.

s D Garret t
Guy C. Garrett
E arl T. Gibson McGehee
rea Gillespie Philadelphia, Pa.
a Y . Gray Waldo

TBTYG- Gray Hatfield

Jerry D. Green Texarkana
n L. Griffi n Crossett
1 E. Hamlin Magnolia
Man sfield, La.

' ary ..\. Harris Prescott

a:&5 W. Ha rris Fordyce
~ D. Harwe ll Magnolia
f'~ m D. Hatte r Hay n esville,
Cbrenco:, R. Ha w kins Cr ossett

rh2eI J. Heale r St. Petersburg,

F la.
, -an ..\. Henry Stamps
Ti ;.b y J. Henry J efferson ville,
Dahl K.. Herndon Ma gnolia
,-dy L Herring El Dorado

£ --c .. A. Heste r Little Rock

Car - · Hii,lon Magnolia
I -iy D. Hignight Red Oak
- •• 11 . .. L
• • • Juniors

Emma J . Holloway :\fagnolia

P au l L. Holt Ford,-ce
De borah H. Horton :\lagn~Iia
Sherr y A. Hou se \Yi!lis,-ille
C harles E . Howard :\Ia~olia

Dianne Hunter :\l agnolia

Betty L. Ingram :\Iagnolia
Robert H. Ingram Camden
Debor a h J. Jacks :\Iagnoha
Retta C. J a ckson :\Iagnolia

,.. ,.e1 . Rhonda C. J ack son Foreman

P egg y D. John son :\Iagnolia
Ch arles E. Kauffm a n, J r. Fordyce
' - Charles R. Kendrick :\Iagnoha
.If••- .-....
Susan J. Kennebeck Camden

Ann E. Kennedy Little Roe

Robert L. Kerr Hooks. Tex.
Dinah J. Kimbell Stamp::;
Polly M. King Hope
Ken neth R. Koen Hope

Philip D. Kum pe L ittle Roc·-

Linda Kuykendall :\Iagno!ia
Frances J . L a ngheld :\tagnolia
Amelia D. L everett Hope
Adria E. Lewis Ashd=
• • • Juniors

• Donald Pine Bluff

'cJunkin;; aratoga
.. :Mt' Kmne,· El Dorado
T. l.k~Iahe~ Hope
t'~t.'J! Litt le Rock

EP,u.·.+r K.. llahan Texarkana

~ - llahan Texarka na
ar.m Baton Rouge, La.
11..e,cc;:.a..: A. Martin Gillham
l!TJ" D :Uay Sheridan

El Dorado

:-y H. :Unchell Texarkana

J. :llontgome ry De Witt
Y~ff}" L )lorrison H atfield
ey J. :\Joseley Stamps
I E . :\Iurphy McNeil

El Dorado
El Dorado

rah K. Xix Camden

L Ogden
,..__,,~,,..:· ;e Hope
Billy D. Oldon Waldo
E. Orrick Taylor
G!enda J. Parker Camden

C)-?.:h1a J. Patton Camden

rhae! \\". Paulus Warren
:iam Y . Pedi1?0 El Dorado
James W. Phi ll ips Crockett Bluff
Mark A. Phillips Magnolia
Elizabeth J . P owers Rison
Dusty W. Rhodes Fordyce
J oseph L. Rhodes Magnolia

Rhonda L. Roark :Wagnolia

David G. Roberts
Mt. Pleas ant, Texas
Re vecca L. Rogers Magnolia
Rhonda C. Rook Hoµe
Thomas E. Ross Stephens

Diane K. Sanders Wy nne

Kay B. Savage Stuttgart
Lisa L. Sawyer Magnoli a
Leonard J. Schinkoeth Ch icago, Ill.
Susan D. Scott El Dorado

BELOW: A couple finds a quiet spot of speckled sunshine.

• • • Juniors

IGHT: Dorothy Brown app li es h e r

;:o a cam· as ; FAR RIGHT: Robert
err applies his to a mouthful of jello at
.Je, o-5.-allowin g Contest. (O PPOSITE
P\GEl BOITO:\l: Cli ff Bulloc k a nd Patti
°"'~"'-n forge t studies for a while.

~ •. hepherd Sta m ps
& Sninn Magnolia
L hi,·e r Albany, Ga.
Eattn R. Silliman Prescott
JaID L kains J acksonville

.l~~ F. :loan Hampton

Domu.G. -mith El Dorado
Pa;ncia L. Smith Hot Spr ings
and.a F. -mith No r phlet
aoda G. -mith Little Rock

Dan H. Sneed Sm acko ver

Inn.. C. -need Sm ackover
-, I So Pr Magnolia
Cynthia P. Stuart )Jae-nob.a
Sa ndr a L . Sum ner Houston. TeL
T oni G. Suthe r la nd mac ·o,·er
Nancy A. T aylor "Crbana
J a m e s K. T hom a s )l agnoh.a

S te ven H. Thom pson Camden

Leonard Reuel T ims :\Iagnoha
Kay C. Triplett Lewi.snlle
Sharon B. T umey )l agnoh.a
I van R. Wa de mithnlle

Me redith L. Waller E rne~ n

Ste ve E. Walle r Brin'· ey
Nancy W. Warre n )It. Roi y
Franklin L. Watts, Jr. macko,·er
Devra A. We st Hot prm __

Thomas S. We stphale
Ron ald W. White Ham --::
P ame la G. Whitt ) lcXe
Wilm a L . Will ia m s :\Iaenob.a
David W . Wilson ) Jagnob.a

L a ur a J . Wilson tephens
J a mes E. Wylie Cartha _
Pamela J. Yarbrough Xashnlle
T homas C. Ya rbrough Xashnlle
R ich a rd W. Zylks E l Dorado


las s begins second year with involvement

ABO\r'.: Scott Hardin enjoys a piece of

..-a=.er=elon provided by CAB. LEFT:
C: perdassmen Steve Goodhe art a n d
Dane] Reid gi ve Joan R i d d le s ome
!a:her.y advice. FA R LEFT: R obbi e
a.~ .ea,es Wilson after class.
Sheila M. Adams Fordyce
T eressa A. Adams Crossett

Peter A. Ad amson Shreveport, La.

Gary S. Adcock Texarkana

Corrine E. Allen E l Dorado

J oh n W. Allen P arkers Chapel

Rebecca L. Allen Center Point

Betty A. Ande rso n Waldo

B obbie J . Anderson Hot Springs

J oy C. Anthony Camden

Amy S. Bacon Chidester

L inda A. Bagwell Magnolia

B renda D. B ailey Magnolia

Christina L. Bair Texarkana
J h.n E. Baker Eme rson
T.,re-a L. Barker ~'lagnolia
an:ta J. Bass :lfagnolia
J "'eph K. Bentz Hot Springs
Jeanne Bigelow Magnolia

Brty L. Black Mc::s!eil

~nni,, P. Blaloc k Smackover
_ n,Ja K. Bland Texarkana
Jud .h ..\. Bonsall :lfagnolia
L a G. Brack man Prescott

Tem L. Bradfo rd Warren

E! nni.c L. B ran n on Lewis vill e
An .a J. Brantley El Dorado
Randy C. B raswell Mt. Holly
Do,-·!..- G. Brewer Me na

:Ue .,,;;a J. Brewste r El Dor ado

Lc-s.ie -. Broom Magnolia
3ruc..- C. Brown Shongaloo, La.
:5dna D. Buchanan Camden
Phyliis B. Buckne r Ti s hom ingo,

Barbara J. Burchfield Waldo

Pa;ric1a ~1. Burns Magnoli a
~b.,rry L. B urns Lewisville
.P.oben . Byrd ,v1agn olia
Diane Cabbiness Smackover

A group of g irl s from Harrod enjoy a n outdoor pep rally.

• • • Sophomores

Jan ie Cagle '.\I a1mOI a

Deborah D. Calaway E l Dorado
Michael D. Callowav Smac:So,·er
J a mes R. Carm icha~l :\lagnoha
Willa rd B. Carpenter :\lagnoha

Callis J. Carter Camd.,n

Pamela A. Ca sey '.\Ia~m:.ha
Jenn ifer S. Castleman Xa;;h,;lle
Denise Castleman CamJc,n
Rebecca S. Chi lders Camc.,n

Travis E. Clark Cros&:::

William A. Co leman tamp,,
Marilyn A. Colvert Camd.,n
Mary E. Comstock '.\Iagnolia
Tan ya D. Cook Camden

William R. Corley '.\Iagnoha

Charles P. Cross :\lagnolia
Bruce L. Crow Texar;,;_ana
Claire J. Crumpler '.\Iagnolia
Da vid R. Crumpler '.\lagnolia

William R. Daley :\Iagno!ia

Larry A. Daniel :\kXeil
Irene H. Danie ls Calion
James T. Daniels :\.kXeil
Marsha L. Daniels \Yarrer.

Barbara J. Daughtery :\le Ge b.:,.,

Emma J. Davis El Dorarlo
J ohnny T. De nnis :\lagnolia
Tama E . Dennis :\I a gnoJi.a
Martha L. Dix Searcy

Sus an G. Dodson :\lagnoua

Robert A. Dorman '.\lagnolia
J effrey A. Doste r Taylor
Robert B. Dover :\lagnotia
Herbert K. Dykes \"ernon. Fla.
ABOVE: Steve Goodheart tries not to for get a n ything on his Christ m as list as he
sits on Santa's knee.

B:-enda Gail Elmore Norphlet

MD!ll" Edward E vans Magnolia
, -~1a Kay Evans H ampton
llarilyn ue Evers Magnolia
e~r \"incent Fell Sheridan

=.:epcen Larry Fess Magnolia

elanie Gay Files B rinkley
lun::iy Dale Fincher Sar atoga
•a.ry Louise Fincher Waldo
Laura Annette Flanigan

'ibomas }! . Fountain Dickin son

\ -r-...or P. Franklin, Jr. E l Dor ado
a.chel Diane Freeland Star City
• • • Sophomores

Camille Garner Camden

Machelle Garner Camoen
Anna Clara Gayle Camden
Ricarda Grace Gean :\lagnoha
John Will iam Gentry tamp,;

John Thomas Geo r ge ~l agnolia

Earl Wayne Gill Texarkarut
Gifford Gene Gleg horn E l Dorado
Steven Dale Good heart
Great F alls: ~Ion..
Charles Earl Goodwin Camden

Lo u Gorman ~lagnolia
Jacqueline L. Grant Conway
Winfred Vernon Gri ffin Taylor
William A. Hairston Warren
Walter A. Hale E l Dorado

Patricia Ann Haltom ll agnolia

Sarah Elizabeth Ham Lewisnlle
Charles Lamar Hamm ons
E l Dorado
Scott David Hard in ~Ial?lloha
Rebecca Ann Ha r dy ~lagnoha

Ramona Lynn Hassen

J acksonnlle
Barbara Hedden ~l agnolia
Raymond Michael Hegarty
Robert L. Helmbec h
K . L ittle Roc'-
A va Marie Herring Camden

Jimmy Denzil Hicks ~ ashrille

Eva M. Hill Texarkana
James Gary H ine s Emerson
James D. Hollenswor th, Jr.
LaRonda J. Hollis tamp

Deborah Kay Holloway

J oe Wallace Ho u se Deligm
John Carl Howe ll , Jr. ll agno!ia
Revecca Sue Huddleston
Rodney F. Ivers Le Vi'Eville
• • • Sophomores

......-. .....~e A. Jackson El Dorado

B~:::th K. Johnson Magnolia
GL.-, D. Jones Lew isville
Hr P-Jones Waldo
• :yn }J. Jones Hatfield

La."Tl" • Jones Magnolia

~ n LJones Blytheville
Te&::1 Y . Jones Rison
a::d.a lL Jones Crossett
La."'TY .l ud t?e. J r. St. Mary

F~n,- J. Keith Magnolia

C :be, J. Lamkin Chidester
~ A.Lam k in Stephens
Ocn:u.s Langston Hope
a:rk E . Langston Bradley

Jo'::n H. Lee Bradley

Je2l1De lL Lehma n Mena
ma.s J. Leonar d Hampton
~mary Lindsey Mt. Holly
.R.rbard A. Lisemby Pine Bluff

-;bony 8. Little Huttig

Rc,:;e Y. Li\;ngston Camden
nald R. Loftis Quitman
_ r M. Lope r Magnolia
l!L-raret E . l lcA d am s Taylor

Mary E. YcA mis We s tern Springs,

3e::y A. llcCroskey Magnolia
!.es ie K. llcCull um Texarkana
~ba D. YcDuffie Calion
ac>:ier. L. ) lcE lroy Brinkley

Di:iab E . YcKinn ie Hampton

llanca!ene Y c Kinney Rosston
Lau.rie H. lld1an us Camden
Charl<k--.e A. )lan n ing Magnolia
Mary L. Martel lla=oba
Sharon L. Marti n El Dorado
1'Iichael L . Martin Ranmn.a
Lee A. Mayhew )la=no .:a
Martha L. :\forcer :'.la::-noEa

Jean Miller Texarkar:.a

Ra ndy J. Miller l"mp::re
Laurie S. Milton W arren
Robe rt L . Mitche ll 11ontft
Charles K. Moln aird El Donr.d

Deana D. Montgomery
Margie B. Moore
Michael J. Morton
Ricky J. M unn
Thomas R. Murphy

Siri G. Nance E l Dorado

Linda D. Nash
Billie S. Neason
Greta N. Nelson
J oslyn A. Nisley

La..e \-illa_
E: Do.
A card game provides laughter for Debbie Calloway and Mike Milam.
ABOVE: Mick i McAmis portrayed Mrs. Faulkner in the play "The Night of January
16th ."

Jai=e;; Edward ~ix Sparkman

Cheryl E laine Xoble Cr ossett
DoM>res Darlene Korris Hope
Fred S. ~ orton Texarkana
Pa.=ela Annette Norton

Edward R av Parham Camden

~!la An~e Parham E l Dorado
E-..a Carol Parker Texarkana
Joleen Parks Smackover
5:.ephen Wayne Pearce

Ka:hy Pender Foreman

Lloyd Franklin Pe nn Camde n
La.."TY Phillip Phagan
Gainesville, Ga.
Debra Gail Pipkin Emerson
Jay B. Pittman Magnolia

Michael Diane Pittman

Elizabeth Ann Polk Emerson
Perry A . Polk McNeil
George Howard Price
A hilene. Tex.
• • • Sophomores

Kenneth E. R ay Smackover
Tomm y Glen Ray El Dorado
James Scott R eeves Nash ville
Derrel Wayne Re id
Bright Star
Marilyn Beth Rhodes Waldo

Cynthia Lou R iggs Camden

Kathryn S. Rister ?\. Little Rock
Conrad Merritt Ritchey
Charles Ray Robinson
Randall Gene Rogers Magnolia

Linda :Marques R ossi ni

Lake Village
Katherine Sue Rowe Stamps
Mi riam Denise Ruple :Vl agnolia
R hon da Russell Delight
Ann ie Marie Sams Camden

Donn a '.\1arie Satterwhite

Hot Springs
J oyce Dale Satterwhite
Hot Springs
Kancy Sav age Magno lia
E velyn Gennette Sheppard
El Dorado
L aVerne Shockley Magnolia

J ulie Ann Smart El Dorado

Carol Ann Smith E l Dorado
Gene Smith Lewisville
George Mae Smith Stamps
R ay Eugene Smith Red Oak

Wendy Sue Smith Magnolia

Ted Alvin Souter Tay lor
Susie Speer El Dorado
David Lloyd Standridge
Mt. Ida
J ames Clayt on Stanley Mt. ld"li

Marty Stanley Nash ville

Jud ith Alayne Stephen Camden
J essie My r tle Stephens Wickes
Edna May Sterling Waldo
Dorothy Faye Stevenson Hope

• • • Sophomores

Kenneth G. Sto nec ipher Magn olia

Lynn D. tory Magnolia

James :\l. Talley M agnol ia

Wakie I. Tho m as Magnol ia

Y 1Jandia C . Thomas Hughe s

J:...me~ L. Tine r Hum ble, Tex.
-- :J
~ j

Thomas H. Tuberville Camde n

Kathy Uhrich Mag nolia

Paul T. Voss Cart hage

Roire r D. Wald r op Cove

Delbe rt D. Wa lker De lig ht

~lelba J. Walker Texarkana I

C amille Ga rne r , a music education

Wilma G. Walker Texarka n a major, is a member of SSC's concert

Janet R. Wall DeQueen

Robert M. Watts, Jr. Texarkana
Jewel T. Weaver Stamps
Patricia A. Whatle y E l Dorad o
Be verly M. White El Dorado

Janice E. White Pre scott

Rebecca A. Wilkin son Foreman
Frank T. Williams Magnol ia
John K. William s Bodcaw
Gary S. Wil son Cam den

J immy P. Wilson Village

Barbara A. Wise Shongaloo, La.
Kathy D. Wood all Amity
Wand a J. Works Mineral Springs
Betty J . Wyl ie Camde n

Ruth G. Wylie El Dorado

Olivia D. Yarbrough Waldo
Twyl a J. York N a shville
Donna A. Young El Dorado
William E. Young Pine Bl uff

Bonnie H. Youngblood Camden


... Tew clas s is registrated, pigeon-holed, initiated

II '

..\BOYE: Fresh man J an Spig n e r plays

in.rarnural \·olleyball. ·LEFT: The se girls
check o\·er their class ca rds at regist r a -
Mary Rachel Adam s, El Dorado
R ussell Neal Adam s, Magnolia

Nancy Jo Alexander, Magnolia

Susan Anne Alexander, Magnolia

Re becca Robin Ammons, Cale

Willie Mae Anderson, Camden

Deborah Susan Andrews,

Patrick David Antoon, Magnolia

Herbert Keith Arnold, Tyler, Texas

Bill Arterbury, Hope

James R. Arterbury, Hope

Allen Nathan Atkinson, Magnolia

David Edward Atkinson, Magnolia

Rebecca Ann At kinson, Magnolia
RIGHT: A group of freshmen gather
a: a table to get their class cards at

Debra Kay Attaway, Naperville, Ill.

•e..ame Anne Austin, Paragould
.3:cTe R. Bailey, Magnolia
Da""ld Lloyd Baird, Waldo
Kelrin Lynn Baker, El Dorado

Lots Jean Baker, Magnolia

- e"...sJe Banks, Magnolia
ilia Denise Barker, Camden
:.hleen Ann Barnes, Magnolia
Jo Lynn Barnett, Magnolia

\.alerie :llella Barr, Hot Springs

Robert R. Bechtelhei mer, Fairfax,
3elind a Althea Bell, Camden
2.il;on Leroy Bell, Jr., Cove
Jor.nny Berry, McNeil

Ya.ye La.Joyce Betters, Strong

l.ur Roy B illings, Strong
a.e Helen B lackmor, Magnolia
5:,eTen Warne Blair, Mena
'7:m Gra,·es Boreing, Magnolia

C=-wpher E . Bowman, T yler,

Daniel James Boyette, Washington
John R. Bradford, Hensley
n... ..... 1 till 'Q,,.,a\rp\_,;11 1) n POllPPn
• • • F re shmen

Michael Wa yne B rown. \l a irnol

Monique Ann Brown. :\la1-"lo'ia
Ina Eyvonne Buckley, T,- x:ork, i;
J oenat han Buffing t on. :\k\."e1
Clarence He rman B ull. PerryY1 I,

Jarry Warren Burrow, :\lagnoha

Pamel a Kay Burso n, :'.1agnulia
David Francis Butle r , :\Iagnolia
Sue Butler, Hope
Carl Thomas Byrd, Magnolia

Allen Lawso n Cade, St arkv ille. :\liss.

Terry Jean Camp, Will isville
S haron Lee Cardell, Ma g nolia
George DeWayne Carm ichael.
Bobby Joe Carter, Magnolia

Larry Carte r , Prattsville

Gary Lamar Cason, El Do rado
Colbert Dean Cearley, Bristow.
Cindy Lois Cheat ham, Smackover

Larry Donald Christophe r ,
~ Stephens

Jan Ellen Clanton, Magnolia
Daphne Ann Clark, Stro ng
Debbie Kay Clark, Mena
Joey Douglas Clark, Hope
D arrell Ray Clay, Ben ton

David L ee Coffey, Valley Spr:ne-,.
Robert C. Cole, Magnol ia
Susan Annette Coleman, Stamps
Norman Micha el Collins, Taylor
Michael Claude Conner, Hutt ig

J effery Allen Cook, Stephens

Marilyn J. Cox, Waldo
Brenda Jo Crumpler, Magnolia
Vivian Lynne Craig, Crossett
Charles Da vid Crain, Camden
• • • Freshmen I

m RJfus Cross, Magnolia

re5 D.. ne Cul bertson,
::=nnrltill La.
~ Darling, . ashvi lle
y u .:hryn DeLoach, Magnolia
Al::hr:m}· E. Derrick, Waldo

}" F. Dews, El Dorado

y .;. Dickson, :Magnolia
G nion Ray Diffie, McNeil
Jad; B. Dillard. Jr. , Marietta, Okla.
De e Diane Dodson, Magno lia

llichael Dodson, Emerson

by L Dodson, El Dorado
C!lt' na Joan Doolin, Ashdown
=n}· Lynn Do rman, Hope
lbthae! Reid Downs, Hope

am Thomas D unn, Tyler, Texas

nda Gail Eads, Magnolia
' ney Alle n Ehle rt, Hope
D-4ll.'1Y Wayne Ellis, Prescott
~;on E. E lmore, Ch icago, Ill .

iam Da\;d E lmore , Magnolia

'.:::n:.ie Lee Emerson, Emerson
Pa Timothy English, Magnolia
ETa Fam. Delight
• llichael Faulk, Magnolia

l.!eliooa Fawcett, Ashdown

E=er E. Feathe r stone, Lewisville
r: !hchael Fenchel,
ln-m:r.on, ~.J.
Carol Jt!an F incher, Waldo
Y.a..ry-Ca.:herine Flaherty, Magnolia

l!arlyn June Fontaine, Nashville

ary Be::h Ford. :\lagnolia
X ~ Carol Foyil, Camden
?:illy D. Frachiseur, Lewisville
Daniel Grady Freeman, Texarkana
Deborah K. Fricks, Texarkana

Cathy J ane Gandy, Smackover

Carol Linda Garrett, Lincoln. );ebr.

Carol Ann Garrett, El Dorado

Raye Patrice Garrett, 11agnolia

Rhonda Gail Gibson, Patmos

Vhonda Nell Gibson, Patmos

Sanfoi.:d Dean Gladden, Caddo Gap

Ramona Carol Glasgow, :-.ash,·ille

T oni Renee Gleghorn, El Dorado

Gary Lynn Golden, Texarkana

ABO VE: Developing pictures in the

darkroom is Bob Cole. Sandra Sue Goodwin, Willis,·ille
Dan Cedric Grantham, Bearden
• • • Freshmen

Gary Alle n Graves, El Do rado

Cat hy Darlene Griffin, Taylor
~Iarilyn E la ine Groves, Magnolia
:\Iargaret Ruth Guiberteau,
John Troy Hagood, Crossett

Eleanor Bernice Ha ll, Lewisville

Helen Sue Hall, St amps
Pamela Jane Hamaker, Magnolia
Patricia S ue Hanson, Texar kana
~1 ike Kent Harper, Wichita Falls,

Jackie David Harrington, Magnolia

Regin ald Kim Harris, Benton
Gregory Way ne Harrison, Camden
Patricia Ann Harrison, Sarepta, La.
Ricky Darrel Hart, Ro sston

Bruce Dale Hartsell, Magnolia

:\lartha S us an Harwell, Magnolia
:\lichael Wallace Harwell, Magnolia
Janis Carol Harwood, Texarkana
Kathlee n Jane Hatcher, Magnolia

George E dward Hays, Shreveport,

William D. Hedden , J r., Magnolia
Jack Claude Helton , Dallas, Tex.
andra Kay Henderson, Delight
\"iclci Lynn Henderson, As hdown

Thomas E dwin Hesselbein,

Hot Springs
Charles Thomas Hicks, Strong
Gary Allen Hicks, Camden
Curtis Steven Hines, Emerson
Ricky Clark Holder, Texarkana

Gary Da\id H olmes, Magnolia

Ellen Louisa Hopkins, Mineral
\\"illiam Robert Horn. Camden
LEFT: Jan Spigner, Melinda Faw-
cett, and Jennifer Porter show disap-
pointment at finding a class closed.

J eff Quinn Hunter, Hot Springs

William Allen Hunter, '.\1agnolia
Buddy Ray Ingram , Hope
Precious Pamela Ingram. '.\Iagnolia
Angela Ann Jackson, Linden. Tex.

T ommy Ray J ackson, '.\1agnolia

Bobby Joe James, B rinkley
Robert James, Garland
Byron Keith Jarnagin, '.\1a gnolia
Joseph Hal Jean , Magnolia

James Rickey Jeffers, Camden

Charles William J ennings,
Gary Franklin J ennings, Camden
Kenneth Don John son, Magnolia
Kim Juanyce J ohnson , Warren

Rebecca Ann J ohnson, Crossen

Saundra L. Johnston, Magnolia
Cleveland Hastings J ones.
El Dorado
Debbie Louise J ones, Magnolia
Janice Louise J orgensen.

Frank Richard Kenn ey, Bloomfield.

N .J.
Rex Kerr, Hooks, Tex.
Mary Donna Key, E l Dorado
Gregory Scott Kimrey, ::\!agnolia
Vanessa Dell King, Prescott
• • • Freshmen

endal Lambert. Xorphlet

Debb" ..\nn Leslie, McNeil
l1ary E lizabe th Lewis, Magnolia
T y Howard Lewis, Norphlet
' .&muel W . Liggin, El Dorado

L.arr)" Donald Lisemby, Pine B luff

£obert Allen Loe, Prescott
,el!TJ G. Love, Xorman
Ke'"111 Ray .\IcCrary, DeKalb, Tex.
Pa:nc.,. William :\IcConnell, Atlanta,

1e1dard .\IcCormack, Hope

Brem Hughes .\lcKnight, Magnolia
lhthaei J. :\Ic.\Iullin, Blytheville
Oennk R. :\IcXulty, Camden
Karen ..\nn :\Ic\'a~·. El Dorado

Krnn.:;.h Wayne .\fachen, El Dorado

f! _ r Elwin :\1aloch, Emerson
J.amt0c .\Iara. :\1agnolia
&::y Ray .\larks, El Dorado
atl W. :\lassey. El Dorado

~ iah Blan :\layton, Taylor

Danny .\1. :\Ieador, El Dorado
l.l.ary E lizabeth :\leeks, Junction
C ~y
.\pril Xun :\Ierkle, Magnet Cove
Erma Denise :\filler, Brinkley

::...r-.h Jean .\Iixon, Mt. Holly

.r,..,._:· Lou .\Ioore, Oklahoma City,
0 a.
La.'-ora A nne :\forehead, Prescott
E~ Lee .\!organ, Cincinnati, Ohio
Henry ..\.Ian .\!organ, Stephens

Eonald Terry :\lorgan, El Dorado

Caxby Lynn .\Iurphy, Magnolia
llary Louise .\Iurphy, Magnolia
f •~1"0 \.f 11 ,..nlrH• ];'1 nl'\vorlr.
FAR LEFT: Joining in a d iscussion
of Mulerider football i s Ha rdy
Carper. LEFT: Freshman fin d t hat
registration is just an endless s t ack
of cards to be filled out.

Sheila Jean Murphy, Cr ossett

Wanda Je an Nash, Emerson
Marla Kay Nelson, Magnolia
Peter Wesley Newton , Hot Spnnzs.
Sammy J. Newton, .Magnolia

Kenneth Eric Nipper, :\lagnolia

Bobbie Sue Nix, Stamps
H. Steve Odom, Hope
Patricia Holt Ogle, Stephen s
Linda D. Olden, Saratoga

Robert James Olive, :\lagnolia

Connie Lynn Owen, E merson
Karen Ann Owens, Ashdown
Sidney Jo Padgett, Camden
Mary B. Parham, Kc:-.:eil

Sherrie Dianne Park, Foreman

Dale Michael Parken ing. E l Dorad
Beverly Terese Parnell Camden
Steven Nile Patterson , E l Don&,
Marsha Louise Pearce. '.\la1?DOlia
• • • Freshmen

Ell:.:c:.all D. Pearson, Springhill, La.

Paul Phillips, Mt. Ida
Ann Pierce, Smackover
~,,.-ilhr_... E. Pipkin, Emerson
:i: KeiUI Pletcher, Magnolia

""ictie Ann Plunkett, Des Arc

~:,e_ Ray Porter, Mineral
h=ifer Porter, Hampton
lla..71U't!t S. Powell, Springhill, La.
· Hayden Powers, Dierks

Da,rn E laine Prather, L ockesburg

u.nneth Chatman Prather,
Ja.oe_ D. Puska, Magnolia
Pa.i::ela Dorris Ratcli ff, Magnolia
lmda Jo Ray, Horatio

. ·ora Rhodes, Tew Yor k City, N.Y.

5hrila Gail Rhodes, Delig ht
Rhonda Faye Rhynes, Emerson
Son:iie Jo-Lee Riddle, Alma
loa.n .·\xalyn Riddle, Lewisville

5" :.::ri.ey Faye R itchie, Mt. Holly

:::e..-en Rooks Robinson, Camden
= _ ..\..nn Roeken bach, Salem
~n.:.is Xoel Rogers, Sheridan
E. a Kay Rook, Hope

Jenn C. Rose, Forrest City

5.:.aron Gail Ross, Magnolia
Cecil Merl Rothwell, F ordyce
Theresa Jane Russell, Magnolia
Edna Frances Sanders, Magnolia

La= Kay Sanders, Magnolia

~~erly Ann Sandifer, El Dorado
r-.--..._. "'" l oino ~q vnv M~O"nolia
LEFT: A friendly poker game is a
good way r elax, after class, a s Kevin
McCreary, Fred Wilkes, Charlie
Porter, and Don B rown find out.

Darrell L a yne Sewa r d , Stillwater.

Paul Stanford Shank, Little Roca;
Nancy Lou Sharp, Magnolia
Dorothy J e an Shemwell, Camden
Rich ard Mack Shepherd, Atlanta

Desiree Sue Shind helm, E l Dorado

J o Lynn Shipley, Stamps
Robert A. S h urtliff, Magnolia
Eleanor Josan Shryock, E I Dorado
Linda J ane Short, Lewis,;IJe

Candace Kay Sm ith, ~1agnolia

Samuel D. Smith, Magnolia
Edit h Gise le Souter, :\1:agnolia
Arlen Dale Sparks, E l Dorado
Mary Susan Spears, Texarkana

Jan ice Carol Spigner, Jacksonrille

David Allen Spradlin, Waldo
Sherman Floyd S purr , Hatfield
Sharon LaBelle Stanley, Magnolia
Donald Ray Sutto n, Ho t Springs

J erry Ray Sutton, Stephens

Joel Lee Sutton, Lewisville
Paula Sue Swope, Nash,-ille
Mary Jean Szklaruk, Horatio
Jo hn H . T atum, Lo uann
• • • Freshmen


i:IGH T: ~fa rk Pletcher finds the

ulaung atmosphere of college a little
~- Far lowe r right: "Yeccch!"

Ee ui Faye Taunton, El Dorado

G!enda Kay T aylo r. El Dorado
_·oe.:.a Teutsch, T aylor
Loyd John Thomas, Brinkley
Larry Ke ith T hom ason, She ridan

a.nda Sadaye Tipt on, Waldo

Ph,lli5 W. Tollette , Tollette
Jame5 Earl T uc ker, Magnolia
Ea,- Dean Tutt, Camden
Lmda Dianne Valentine, Smackover

nne;:h Darrell Vann, Magnolia

Carrie Dianne \"aughan, Emerson
\"an :.e~·e \"elcho ff, Magnolia
.by Gayle \"inson, Magnolia
Joe Lynn Waddle, Sheridan

Donna Louise Walth all, Magnolia

Ja.c:e,; R. Ward, Strong
illiam Robert Wa rd, Mal vern
Larry Freeman Watson. W~
Don H. Weathersby, Camden
Curtis Lee Webb, Jr., SpnndrlD. La.
Roger Earl We lch, Xorphlet
Maribe th Wells, Lewisville

Alan Lewis White, Stamps

Charles Eddy White, Yagnoha
Eva Elois White, Mt. Holly
Steven Harper Wh ite. Crosse.;
Frances Karen Wiley. Magnolia

F r ed Vernon Wilkes, Mineral

t( -:_ - .:.' Deborah Dell Wi lliams. ~~am~
Gorden Stephen Williams. H _
Springs, Tex. -
Kenneth W. Will iams, llag=olia
Deborah Lynn Willis. M agnolia

Harriet Ann Wilson. Asbdo'lr'C.

Ricky J oe Wilson, :'.\lagnolia
Sara Frances Woole y, Stamps
Brenda Faye Works, Tolle~
Bobby Harold Wright. Lewk--n:..~

Stephen Elry Wright, Stamps

Verne A. Wickliffe, Hope
Danny N. Yarbrough, E! Do
Tommy Randall Young, C ~ -
Ben ny Ray Zachry, Lockes~
Second Semester Students
or Too Late To Classify
Bruce Batc helor, Magnolia

Johnny Biddle, Magnolia

Carol Bock, Camden

Ruth B rewer, Bradley

John Calloway, Smackover

Donald Carrigan, Ozan

Lillian Carson, Camd en

J ames Christopher, Prescott

J oanne Cooper, Sarepta, L a.

J ames Crews, Wauchula, Fla.

Roger Demuth, S perry, Okla.

Cha rles Dow ney, Smackovei:"

FAR LEFT: Margaret Lewis lead s a

Mulerider cheer. LEFT: Jeanne B igelow
and Mr. Thomason discuss a stor y for the
Bray. ABOVE: Shirky Hutson and friend
e njoy a s low dance.
Gail Earlywine, Magnolia

Anita E lliott, Camden

LE-la Ellison . .\Iineral Springs
n-tof her Ezelle. Lufkin. Tex.
Rufu~ Flemons, Prescott
Barnara Fluker, Magnolia
Linda Green, Stephens

Dennis Gurnea, Magnolia

Allan Hall, Arkadelphia
David Halligan, Smackover
Howard Halligan, Smackover
Jame~ Haltom, Magnolia

Joyce Haltom, Magnolia

.\Iichael Harris. Hope
~hchael Hartsfield, El Dorado
Loi,- Henderson, El Dorado
Betty Herron, Stuttgart

Chn-topher Hickman. Clarendon

Kerry Hill, Magnolia
Manh·n Honnell. Winthrop
Jeffrev Huddlestun, Magnolia
~lary Iverson, Stuttgart

errv Jameson, Smackover

E,1z~beth J ordan. Crossett
Yanessa King, Prescott
Wilburn King, Prescott
Jackie Lewis, Laneburg

Deborah Lindsey, Magnolia

Robert .\IcCollum, Texarkana
Jud,· .\1cNeil, Little Rock
.\[ ;ri :\Iarshall, Fordyce
Dan ;\k\'ay, De Queen

Cynthia ;\,1erritt, Magnolia

Anita :-S icholson, Magnolia
Billy Wayne :-Sorton, Texarkana
.Mary Anna Peace, Magnolia
• • • Second Semester Students

Brack Poindexter, Hope

Ricky Purd~·. DeWitt
Jame s Reed, Foreman
Jo Lee Riddle, Alma
Mary E velyn Robison. :\laJ?:nolia

Gregory L. Ross , Magnolia

Raymond Seale, Magnolia
Debbie Smith, Texarka na
Lander Smith, F'ord yce
Lewis Smith, Mt. Holly

Marilyn Smith, El Dorado

Ron Sparks, Mena
Donney Stone, :\las h Yille
Denzil Stratton, El Dorado
Mar ilyn Stuart, Emmet

Earl Thomas, Pine Bluff

Marilyn Trexler, Emmet
Tommy Waits, Magnolia
Evelyn Wainwright, StronJ?:
Ricky Walte r s, Magnolia

Kathy Watkin s, Waldo

Janice White, Magnolia
Mary Jane Whitten, Texarkana
Loraine William s, Strong
Frances Woods, Harrel

D'aun Womack, Lewisville

Kathy Wright, Smackover
· ,.•• 1 !: !l
:.Llit:.i:.L:_ j-
Association of Baptist Students

..\BOYE: Steve Carte r spea ks to a meeting of ABS. RIGH T: Singers (left to right): Ste ve Carter,Shery l B right, Milton Cowling, B uck
c·emons. She ila Gaddy, Vicki Zuniga, and Wanda Sweeney gather around a fami liar piano.
ASS0C1A1\0N Of
Baptist Student Union

Members of the Baptist Student Union pictured are F IRST ROW: Mike Zarimba, Joel Sutton, Lloyd Penn, Dave Tew, Debbie Tew,
:Sorman Castlem a n , Denise Castleman SECOND ROW: Jerry Bass (Director), Elaine Connor, Becky Chi lders, Mark L acey, Anna
Gayle. Donna Sa voy, Pat ricia Burns , Mike Hegarty THIRD ROW: Debbie Atteway, Glenda Taylor, Steve Thompson, Sherry Burns,
A.ndrea Gillispie, N ancy Taylor, Martha Mercer, Jean Miller.
Gnurch ot Ghrist Student Center

Church of Christ Student Ce nter me mbers pictured are : FIRST ROW: Chris Bullard, P ame la Gil bey, S ha ron Chis holm. Yarn.
McMahen, Maxine Bull ard , Leanna Darling, Robert Do ver, SECOND ROW: T. W. Cleek, Rhonda Russell, Judy Bright. S..e
Chisholm, J ohn Davis, Stuart Davis, Anita Brantley, Janice Hargrove, Eddie White.
Latter Day Saints

Latter Day Saints pictured are: William Nolan, facu lty advisor; Donna Satterwhite; De lores Culbertson; Gerald Puri foy.
Members of the Wesley Foundation are Pam Norton; THIRD ROW: Mar s ha Harvey Jones, Ben ny Zachary; F IITB
(left to right) Allen Bonsall; SECOND Parham, Doris Deen Harwell, Debbie ROW: Dus t y Rhodes, T ommy Wai;s.
ROW: Marcie Talbot, Becky Rogers, Calaway; FOURTH ROW: Jerry Cox, Pam Hamake r, and J im Bonsall.
issionary Baptist Student Fellowship

ts.,ionary Baptist Stude nts Fellows hip members are (le ft to r ight ), FIRST ROW: Ray Smit h, David Bost, Troy Hagood; SECOND
~O -. Debbie Clark, Becky Bost, Ann Baker, Tommy H igh night, R. L. Childers; THIRD ROW: Mary Ann Harris , Sher r y Gist , Debbie
We:.:. Barry Baker, Ch uck Bell.
~-, '-' vv J.J.J.Q,.1.1 Vl.U.U

Newman Club members are (left to r ight), F IRST ROW: Den nis McNulty, Mike Rubiuski; SECOND ROW: Holly Rockenba~h. u: ~
McVay; THIRD ROW: Jeanne L ehman, Roger Demath Ike Skaggs, Pete Newton, Jackie Grant, Mike Healer.
Biology Club

Geological Society
Nursing Students

(OPPOS ITE PAGE)TOP: Composing the phy. Buchanan, Betty McCroskey; TEI
Biology Club are FIRST ROW (left to BOTTOM: Aspiring geologists are ROW: Rachel J o hnson. Jacque~ Gos-
right) : Shelia Kelly, Kathy Wright, FIRST ROW (left to right): Dr. James sett, Toni Polk, D iane Pinman. Ba;y
Patricia Strickland, Deena Hunter, Jones, Wesley Davis, Terry R ussell, Vann, Alma Ferrell; F O L"P.T!i e
Mike Russell, Karen Silliman; SECOND Russ Quarles, Julie Brown, Mike Sheets, Phyllis Daniel, Marion la ck. La\·enr
ROW: Mike Johnson, Steve Pelt, Mary Sheryl Bright; SECOND ROW: Dennis Shockley, Debbie Barnaca. LaR
Ann Peace, Debbie Smith, John Alex- Gregory, Burt Cason, Thomas Purifoy, Hollis, Rose Livingston: Flf'I ~ i!
ander; TH I RD ROW: James Duke, Billy Olson; THIRD ROW: Alan Berry, Mary Comstock, Gladys Dara._, ~
Lucian Dilworth, Miss Marie King, Joan Riddle, Phil Ross, Richard Aaron. ring, Debbie Holloway, Beay Gooc:ez-1
Ricky Zylks, Lander Smith, Susan ABOVE: Nursing students include (left Randy Karch, Jeannette Robm. \-
Henry, Mary Street, Gill Johnson; to right) FIRST ROW: Reba McDuffie, Upshaw; SIXTH ROW: Pam Xor:....... "'...... ~
FOURTH ROW: Dr. Hugh Johnson, Dr. Polly King, Jo Ann Edington , Ire ne Nance, Charles Caddy, Rich.ani ~
Dan England, Johnny Biddle, Chuck Daniels, Emma Davis; SECOND ROW : Paula Bradley, E laine Carelock.. r
Howard, Larry Weaver, Sammy Mur- Bill Nance, LaRhonda Turner, Dianne Womack, Nell B urgess.
PI-e-Med and Science Club

Pre- ~l ed Members are (left to right) Rayburn, Owe n Gleen Bucy, Larry At- son, Kenneth Prathe r, Arlene Bacon,
FIR TROW: Ron ald McGee, Rick Cal- kinson, J ohn A lex ander, Kevin Amy Baco n, Linda Mc Nulty, Alla n Lock-
,oway , Bob Misenhe imer, Melvin McCrary; SECOND ROW: Willie J ohn- yer, Ray Wade. Gary Williams.

Sigma Pi Sigma

Society of Physics Students pict ur ed are Rodgers, Ronald McGee, Charles Ro- Holder, James Jones, Bobby Olive, Loyd
left to right) Char les Ward, Richard gers, Joe Mitchell, Mike Morton, Ricky Penn, Debbie Tew, and Carl Rutledge.
Sigma Tau Delta

Sigma Tau Delta members pictured Ford, (Sponsor) SECOND ROW: Martha Pam Gilbey, Diane S utton F ields THIRD
are: FIRST ROW: Billie Rowe, Marci Forgey (Sponsor), Pam Howell, Deborah ROW: Mary Miller Sm ith, Lynn Perdu.-.
Hay ne s, Karen Griffin, Debbie Nash, Hart, Cathy Rowe, Jackie Thornton, Eddy Talley, Larry S im mons.
Toni Sutherland, Caroline Merritt, Dan
...!\.lpha Chi

\LPH.\ C HI }1EMBE RS ARE I N AL - Terr y Gray, J udy Goodwin, Michael Glenda Parker, William Parrish, J oy L.
PH...\BETICAL ORDER: Melinda Allen, Hamlin, Thomas Harris, Clarence Haw- Perdue, Rebecca Roge r s, Margie
Larry Blalock, Linda Ree Blackley, kins, Debbye Hazelwood, Dianne Shepherd, Debra Smith, Lander Sm ith,
Cary Burton, Jerry Burley, B arron Hunter, Debbie Jacks, Linda Johnson, Joseph L. Stephen, Lenna Taylor,
Chru.en_en, Janelle Clark, Linda D. Ve r a Butler J ones, Hazel L. Kirkpat- Donita K. Waller .
Dal:rym:,le, La Juan Foster, Ricca Gean, rick, B everly Mahan, Billy Norton,
Agri Cl u b Mem bers FIRST ROW: (left to Donald Carrigan, J ack Dillard, Ray Coo ley, Roger Fe ll, Dan Stout, Larry
r ight), Bobb y Misenheimer, Diane Smith, J oey Barnhill, J a mes Reeves, Watson , Hal J ean, Randy McC!ard, Bob
Hunter, Peggy P ickering, Diane Cabbi- Charles Jennings, Mark Robbins. ROW Killingsworth, Peter Newton. ROW
ness, Myrtle Stephens, Bobby B radford , THREE:James L. Haltom, Doss Walker, FIVE: James Hornsby, Corbet Lamkin,
Tommy Higni ght, L a rry Tho m ason, Gary Don Aldridge, Gene Smith, Ken - Roge r Vo ss, Billy Wynn, D avid Stan-
R usty Bowlin, Eddie H ays, Homer neth William s, Ray Wade, James Stan- dridge, Robe rt Pierce, Hil ton B e ll,
Featherstone. ROW TWO: Bruce Crow, ley, Ronnie Duc kett, Ja mes P hilli ps, Joe Bobby Joe Mixon .
John Gentry, Gary Hines, Dale Waldrop, May. ROW FOUR: J eff Hunte r, Mike

Phi Beta Lambda

\.30\"E: Phi Beta Lam bda members in- Smith, Terri Ogles by, Ruth Ann Waldo, Steve Brady, Shady Patton, Cliff Bul-
c ude FIR T ROW (left to right): Debbie Lindsey, Jane Mars hall, Gary lock.
a5 Y c Donough, Brenda Johnson, Dumas; THIRD ROW: David Garrett, (OPPOSITE PAGE ) TOP: Members
.5 1rley Hutson, Sha ron Lee Cardel, Tommy Hall, Paule tte Stephens, Linda play, sing, and clap the ir hands at party.
84!:h Ford. Toni Gleghorn, Marilyn Dalrymple, Cathy Griffin, Linda Short. BOTTOM: P hi Beta Lambda ladies pose
Tn'xlter. Benny Zach ry ; SECOND ROW: FOURTH ROW, Dan Sneed, Chris for a picture after a P.B.L. par ty.
Joanne Powers, Judy Bonsall, Yolanda Ame s, T. R. Ross,Jim Sloan, Don Loftus,
RIGHT: B rought to the campus by CAB
was t he folk group Bek 'n I and Flowers.
BELOW: White Roots of Peace enter-
tained the students. (OPPOSITE PAGE)
TOP LEFT: Shady Patton enjoys a slice
at annual watermelon supper. TOP
RIGHT: Ed Hawke s flexe s his muscles
for CAB. BOTTOM LEFT: Members of
the Board are (left to right) FIRST
ROW: Teddi Jone s, Leah Lilly, Roger
Miller; SECOND ROW: Brooksie
Charles, Jo an Riddle, Marilyn Rhodes;
THIRD ROW: Sandie Sumner, Marsha
Parham, Karen McVay, Steve Wilson.
Margie McGee, Guy Gale. BOTTOM
RIGHT: Fine Arts Series lecturer Miss
Lily Peters reads her poetry.
College Activities Board


Women's Recreation Association

Recreating women include (le ft to right) Sara Wooley, Andy Gil lespie, Sharon Spigner, Vicki He nd erso n, D inah J o
FIRST ROW: Holly Rockenbach, Jo Lee Jones, Jeanne Lehman, Sandie Sumner , Kimbell, Sammy Taylor, Anna Gayle,
Riddle , So nj a Bland . SECOND ROW: Jann elle Clark. TH I RD ROW: Jan Claire Crumpler.
Members of the P.E. As sociation a re: Jim Bonsall, D arnelle Fontenot, Dinah Wal lenberg, Fred Wilkes; FOURTH
Mike Rubin sk i; FIRST ROW (left to Kimball, Sara Wooley, Samm y Taylor , ROW: Sam Se ri o, C url y Huddle sto n,
right): J a me s Souter , Bob Dubey, Buddy Vicki Henderson , Vince Taylor, Robert John Watson, L yn McElroy, Williams,
I ngram, Mike Maroney, Robert Martin, Hall; THIRD ROW: Kurt Fenchel, Roger, Bill Skains, Mark Keith, Holl y
Pete Pedron, D avid O'B y rn , Carl Sharon Ross, Nancy Alexander, J anell Rocke nb ach; FIFTH ROW: Benny
Fra me s, J o hn Melone , William J ennings, Clark, Sonja Bland, San dee Sumner, Harris, Jackie Car ter, Butch Jordan,
Roy McLemore; SECON D ROW: Sand y Rhonda R oark, Kar en Jone s, Pam R ic k Stevens, Dan Grantham, Da rell
Xenos, Nancy Sharp, Rhetta Zumwalt, L isemby, Margie McGee, Larry Seward, Mike Eason.

Concert Choir

Concert Cho ir Member s Are: Anna Troy H agood, Donn a Satterwhite, An-
Gayle, Debb ie Attaway, R icky Murphy, Carter, Allen Wad e, Rebecca H uddles-
nette Murry, Sher yl Roge r s, Doris Deen ton, Pat J am rdon, E art Wayne Gill, and
Mache lle Garner, Gary L eslie, Karla Harwell, Wanda Sm ith, Janet Ferger- Charles Robinson.
Gibson, Camille Garner , Kris Wesson, son, Mike Paulus, David Green, Tommy
Members of Madrigals are: Lisa Sawyer, Pat Jamerson, Machelle Garner, Camille Garner, Rick Stringer, R ic ky Murphy, and David

Psychology Club

The Ps ychology Club includes (left to right) FRONT ROW : Mike P aulus, Karla Gibson, J udy Bright, L ela Ellison, Di a nne Henry;
SECO!'< D ROW: Joe Bates, Benny Gorz, Claude Rob in son , Steve Ca rte r, T ommy Carter, and Dr. Ida Flemister.


Sigma Alpha Iota m e mbers are: FIRST Kathy Stuart SECOND ROW: Mrs. Gary Nash , E velyn S hepherd. Lisa ~a,ryer.
ROW: Mrs. Robert Terry, Mrs. Blanche Reid, Barbara Miller , Wanda Smith, Anne Murry, Marilyn R hodes. Dora
Hoffman, Janice White, Rebecca Hud- Wanda Swinney, Camille Garner, Mrs. Deen Harwell, Ma chelle Garner a-
dleston, Pam Wynn , Rhonda Jackson , Ja ne ll e Vierte l T HIRD ROW: Judy Mrs. Shirle y Smart.
Reserve Officers Training Corps
Pam Ingram, Aub rey Loude rmilk, Pat
McCormack, C harles Kiker, Vic F rank-
. lin, J im Out land, Larry Christopher;
FIFTH ROW : J ean Mille r, C huck Bell,
Jac k Dill a rd, Pe arley Moor e, Tressie
Char les, Home r F eatherston, J ames
Christopher, Bill Hedden, Kim Harri s;
S I XTH ROW: Bob Hel mbeck, Janice
White, Eva White, Me lan ie Austin,
Andy Woffo rd , Robe r t Hall, Pat Antoon.
BOTTO M: I n Compa n y B are: Allan
Cranford ; SE CON D ROW: J oe R hodes,
Jim Ma rrow , Larr y Ban ks; THIRD
ROW : Thom as Rhynes, Stan Shank,
Da le Parkening, Hal J ean, Larry Wat-
son, Da vid Co ffee, Ji l l B rakev il le;
FOURTH ROW : Ji m H icks, Vernon
Price, Ken Prather, J im Nichols, Terry
Ru ssell, Don Sutton, J oe Waddle, Troy
Hagood; FIFTH ROW: Derrel Reid,
Larry Lisemby, Kat hy Griffin, Rhonda
Rhy nes, Tim Englis h, Rufu s Flemons,
Jack H arrington, J ames Fort, Steve
Odom; SIXTH ROW: Earl Thomas, Dick
McCormack, Rick Ha rt, Aaron J ohnson,
Greg Kimrey, Bruce Hartsell, Pete New-
to n, Ben Zachary. TOP: Members of
Pers hing R ifle s and w omen's Capers
drill team are as follows: J oe Rhodes,
Jean Mille r; SE COND ROW: Yolanda
Thom as, Jac k Har r ington, Charles
Goodwin, Dick McCormac k, Earl
Thomas, Jill Brakeville, Rhond a R hynes,
J a n ice White, Melanie Austin. THIRD
ROW: Don J ones, Larry B anks, Steve
Odom, Rodney Davis, Don Sutton, Mike
Harris, Pam Ingram, Tressie Cha r les.
LEFT: ROTC Ranger s are: FIRST ROW:
Jerry Love, Mike Harr is, Don Robinson,
(OPPOSITE PAGE) TOP: ROTC' s Com - ROW: Mike Harr is, Steve Bailey, Mike Allan Cranford; SECOND ROW: Arlis
pany A includes; Ken Love , SE CO ND Down s, Jackie Grant, C harles Goodwin , Dean, Ben Cla wson, Dal e Parkening;
ROW (left to right): Dan Cunningham, Dan Grantham, Me lissa Cranford, J e ff TH IRD ROW: Bruce Hartsell, Kim H ar-
Charles P orte r, Ben Clawson; THIRD Hunter ; FOURTH ROW: Pau l Voss, r is, Andy Wofford , Charles Kiker.


~:..a~rafters are: FIRST ROW: Marty Whitelaw, Mike Sheets, Shep Miers, Jackie Grant, Ken Stonecipher, Micki McAmis BACK
ROW: Paul P orter. Debbie Nash, Judy Mc Neil, Amanda Garner, Chris Bair, Toni Sutherland. and Lynn Pe rdue
A1pna rs1 umega

Alpha Psi Omeg, mem ben " " Am• nd• Ga<d nee, Shep'""'· Paula Port.e, , Toni Suthedand, Ken Stoneciph", Lynn p.,due, Mike
Sheets, Jud y McNeil, Micki '.\1cAmis, J ackie Grant, and Chris Bair



Majorettes (front to back) Rebecca Huddles ton, Linda Bagwell, Beth Lewis, Ly nn Dix, J oanne Powe rs, Pam Casey, Judy B onsall,
Dinah McKinnie s tand in format ion.
SSC Cheerleaders are (left to r ight): Laura F lanigan, Leah L illy, Nancy Sharp, Gloria McKamie , P aulette Stevens, Shirley Hutson,
and Becky Sullivan.

Tau Beta Sigma


Tau Beta Sigma me mbe rs are (left to bie N ix; SECOND ROW: J enn ifer Por- C lan to n, Ja n Spigne r , M a r ily n
riz ht FIRST ROW: Rebecc a Huddles- te r, J udy Bo n sall, Beth L e wi s, Lynn McMa he n , J oan ne Powe r s , and Dinah
;.on. ~lelinda Fawcett. Pam Story, Bob- Dix, E laine Miller; THIRD ROW: Jan McKinn ie.

Kappa Kappa Psi members pictured are: FIRST ROW: David Sneed, Ron Sparks, R onnie Reed, Billy Ferguson. Earl Thomas Gib=
SECOND ROW: J ohn Sutterfield, Steve Wilson, Dennis Gregory BACK ROW: Roger Miller, Steve Collins
TOP: Bonnye P owell, print shop secretary begin s another day's work. ABOVE: Vernon
Powell, print shop director, ope rates new headliner. (OPPOSITE PAGE): Helping to
produce hundreds of copies of cam pus brochures is student assistant Jimmy Dale
Print Shop


ABO \.E : BR A Y s taffers (left to right) Koen, Mari lyn Cox, Jeanne Bigelow, and J o hn Unger, and Gale clown in c hicago
Terry Calah an, M ary Anna Peace, Guy E ddie Par ham relax in the president's afte r attending a natio nal collegiate
Gale. hep :\lie r s, Mike McMu llin, Helen office. (OPPOS ITE PAGE) TOP: Miers, journalis m conven t ion.

(OPPOSITE PAGE) TOP: The life of thority. MIDDLE: Becky Allen com- McMullin hide s all the pressures of the
Editor-in-Chief Vicky He rring calls for pletes her class editor duties. RIGHT: post of photo editor behind his pipe
hours of meditation. LEFT : Head Assuming a leisurely pos ition, Mike smoke.
photographer Guy Gale asserts his au-
T OP LE FT: Al an Berry ret reats with a few good negatives to his hideo ut. TOP
RIGHT: Guy Gale tries for the detac hed professional look. LEFT: As seen t hrough the
eye of a Mamiya-Se ko r-Mike McMullin. ABOVE: P en sive on a parapet is Shep Miers.

Phi Mu Alpha

Music fraternity brothers are (left to right) FRONT ROW: David Green,John Wesley, Dan Fornero, Earl Gibson; SE CON D ROW: Dr.
David Crouse, Walter Hale, and Dr. Robert Campbell.
M.E .N.C. members are: Earl Gibson, Janice White, Bobbie Sue Nix, Lisa Sawyer, (2nd Row) Machelle Garne r, Kat hy S tuart , Camille
Garner, Debbie Attaway, J oel Sutton , David Green (Back Row) Rhonda J ackson, Dor is Deen H arwell, Annette Murry, and Jane lle

Delta Iota Delta

Sisters of Delta Iota Delta are (up): Eve- D a ugherty, Pau lette Stevens, Minnie kindergartner sm ile. RIGHT: Evelyn
lvn Parker, Yolanda Smith, Brooksie Davis, L inda Smith, Eve lyn Wainright. Wainright, one of the Delta hostesses
Charles, J anet Ferg-erson, Teddi Jones, (OPPOS ITE PAGE) TOP LEFT: Delta treated children like these to a day at
Jackie Tho rnton, Mona Ke lson: (down): Teddi Jones finds fun in her sorority. the fair.
Leah Lilly, Charlot te Ogden, Barbara TOP RIGHT: Sandra H am ilton makes a
Omega Kappa Alpha

ABOVE: Fraternity members are (left Johnny Biddle, Kerry Hill, James Chris- (OPPOSITE PAGE) TOP RIGHT, FAR
to r ight): Jame s Fort, Shady P atton, topher, Larry Banks, Jame s Phillips, RIGHT: Omega Kappa Alpha brother s
Vain Caldwe ll, Johnny Turner, Terry Lawre nce McKinney, James Berry. stay cool d u ring initiation.
Cal ah an , Wilbur King, Tony Knight,
Tauran Society

Tauran members are: Tommy H arris, Tim English, Pat Antoon, Jim Thomas, Tim Boreing, Denni s Huffman, Steve Brown, Mike
Ru;:;.dl. To mmy Ross, Ken Koen, Bill Skains, Ken Miller, Alan Smith, Derrell Reid, a n d J o hn Unger.
Several Tauran members hold a "rap

Tauran members serve several young

ladies at a rush party.

Association of Women Students

Association of women students has as its members (left to right) FIRST ROW: Lavenda Cosby, Marsha Parham, Sheryl Bright;
SECOND ROW: Anna Gay le, Cynthia Patton, Debbie Dodson; THI RD ROW: Brenda Braswell, Rhonda Roark, Shirley Hutson.
Alpha Chi

Alpha C hi me mbers pictured are: (1st Row) La.Jetta Griffin , Gail Calahan, (2nd Row) Joyce Reeves, J anice White, (3rd Row) Be"rerly
White, Wanda Smith, Tressie Charles, Kim Johnson, (4th Row) Charlotte Jackson, Evelyn Shephard. :\fary Cullin s, Hele n s.:ci.~
Miss BSA

Ms. Williams
wins pageant
Amid a grouping of African
statues, Sharon Williams won
the Miss BSA title. First
runner-up was Joyce Williams
and second runner-up was Carol
Moss. These women competed in
the Miss Black Collegiate of A r -
kansas pageant, held at SSC.
To background music by the
Ghetto the contestants partici-
pated in evening dress, African
dress, casual dress, and talent
Bobbie Anderson, Miss BSA
of 1973, crowned Ms. William s.

RIGHT : Miss BSA contest a n ts pose in

evening dresses. T hey are (le ft t o r ig ht):
Mary C ull in s, J oyce Will ia m s, T e ddy
J ones, S haron William s, Broo k s ie
Charles, J essie B an ks, a nd Carol Moss.
BELOW: The women we ar African at-
tire. (OPPO S ITE PAGE ): T he ne w Miss
BS A, S haron Will iam s, s t a nd s for r evue.
Black Students Association

BSA members pictured are: (1st R ow) E velyn Parker, Gloria Johnson, Mary Mona Nelson, B arbara D aughte r y,
Annie Sams, J essie Banks, Lo rraine Mee k, Janet Ferguson (3rd Row) J oslyn Claude Robin son, Leah Lilly (5th Row)
Williams, Me lba Walker, E va Hill, E ve- N isley, Cynthia Patton, Charlotte Jack- Fred J ohnson, Johnnie Biddle, Ke rry
lyn Wainright, Sh elia Adams, Vanessa son, Bobbie Anderson, Paulett e Ste- Hill , James F o rt, J ames H arris, Brack
King, Faye Betters (2nd Row) Patric ia ven s, Daphne Cla rk (4t h Row) J ames P oin d exter, T ony Kn ights, Cha rle s
Smith, Terry Calahan, Gail Calahan, Phillips, Rachel Love tt, Johnnie Turner, R obinson, Shady Patton, Linda Nash .
BSA officers are (1st R ow) Barbara (B ack Row) J o hnnie Turner, a nd Tony
Da ughtery, Leah Lilly, Gail Calahan Knight.

A g roup of BSA members relax before a meeting.

Student Government Association


(OPPOSITE PAGE ) Senate session

hears discussion from t he floor. L EFT:
Student government president L ili
F lemiste r call s a committee member.
BELOW: Vice president Ken Koen
checks school polic ie s w ith activities di-
rector Jeff Christenson. BOTTOM
LEFT: Taking minutes of a se n ate meet-
ing is Gail Calahan, secretary. BOTTOM
R IGHT: Treasu rer's duties occupy Dale
Cheatham. Mike Sheets served as Sen-
ate treasurer second semester.

·.:. ..
- ---·
Presiden t

Bruce okays
new facilities
Saddle d with the im possible
job of working with the legis-
1at u r e, dir ecting camp u s
improvement s, working w i t h
faculty, students, and alumn i.
Dr. I mon E. Bruce must find thai
common ground where they may
all work together.
This yea r pl ans and drea m s
became reality . . . the new li-
brary - a cool two and a hal f
million, a new p hysical planL
sprung up to the tune of $600.00.
Work began on the speech addi-
tion to Overstre et whi ch
included the renova tion of the
auditorium, new classrooms.
offices and speech laboratories
to be completed next year. A new
bookstore will be included in the
library. New storage facilities
for the cafeteria were also added.

OPPOS ITE PAGE: Dr . Bruce loo'·, O\"er

blueprints of n ew ideas for t h e school
ABOVE: T he Board of Trustees and Dr.
Bruce ponder o\·er business. LEFT: Dr.
Bruce and J immy "Red" J ones a • • be
SCA game.
Leaders advise, economize
Ever wonder what happens in Re search, se r ved also as Vice
a meeting of the SSC Board of Pres ident of the Department of
Trustees? All big moves and H igher Education of the Arkan-
decisions must be okayed by sas Education Association .
them. Appointed by the gov- Dr. Donald Haefner, Vice Pres-
ernor for five year term s, they ident of Student Affairs, must
meet on set dates six times a oversee the student services
year. They must review bids for while keeping the path between
construction work, set salaries the student body and the
and approve major curric ulum administration open .
changes. With more community
colleges draining state funds ,
four year colleges like SSC will Smith sto ps looking through the file s to
be on tight budgets. pose. TOP MIDDLE: Dr. Don Haefner's
Dr. L.A. Logan, Vice President attention is diverted by a cameraman,
during a Senate meeting. TOP RIGHT:
for Academic Affairs , must Dr. L.A. Logan find s t im e to take a r est
police registration, assemble the from academic duties . BELOW LEFT:
catalogue, schedule and prepare (C LOCKWISE) Mem bers of the Board
of Trustees are: D. 0. Talbot, Secretary;
faculty meetings, and run the Mrs: B ery l Anthony, Jr.; Dan Coo k,
committees. Chairman; James McKenzie; Dr. J ohn
Dr. Charles Jackson, Vice Pres- H. Wilson. BELOW: Dr. Charles Jackson
seems rel ieved at the chance for a
ident of Administrative break.
Deans of Students, Alumni Secretary Traveling with the SSC cheer-
leaders or filling in as dorm di-
rector, she is always busy, con-
cerned and needing more rest.
When Richar d Reed started as
assistant dean, he didn't know
he would be called in the mid-
night hours to police panty raids
and direct egg removal from
Harrod Hall. Regardless, he
keeps his sense of humor and can
use a laugh even when it's on
Forever friendly, Jake
Whitehead is in and out of the
Student Affairs Office as Execu-
tive Secretary of the Alumni As-
sociation. He publishes the
Southern Stater which is mailed
to alumni.


Whitehead (ce nter) is Homecom ing host
to alumni Mrs. Jack Machen (left) and
(right ) Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson. TOP
RIGHT: Chatting with students at
Homecom ing tea is Mi ss Pat Weaver.
BOTTOM RIGHT: A conversation
diverts Richard Reed' s attention from
his reading. FAR LEFT: Miss Weaver
calls from her office amid memorabilia.
LEFT: Whitehead readies his
publication for mailing. BELOW: The
scene is revisited by culprits, broo ms,
and the too-ever-present Dean Reed.


Post Office, Maintenance

Staffs give
services to
Whenever something goes
wrong, be it a clogged drain, a
heating problem or a contrary
machine, the physical plant
always gets the call. The staff is
made up of men like Earl Miller
who drives the Mulerider bus
and almost any machine on
campus that mo ves and has
gears. Bobby Smith keeps the
work crews moving. The list goes
on and on.
After the t errors of registra-
tion and a poor student's woes,
the bookstore staff will smile and
try to ease your pain.
Looking for that letter filled
with love or money? Mrs. Aloyise
Hipp works to see that you get it.

(OP POSITE PAGE) TOP: Tak ing your

money and your mail is Aloise Hip p.
LEFT: B il l y Ray Machen, head of
maintenance, points out a floor plan for
the new physical plant. B OTT0)1: Clyde
Thomas, Bookstore Manager, makes a
sale, as Mrs . Rena Richa rd s looks on.

Dorm, Clinic, Libra ry

Library, dorms, clinic have a busy year

Rising up behind the student
union, the new library at last
assu m ed a brick and concrete
fo rm to replace the P eace
Library facility. While plans to
move the books had to be made,
the library staff still found time
to help students with their
research work.
Interested in a 24-hour-a day
job including weekends? Apply
for the positio n of dorm
supervisor. Coping with stereos
and panty raids, they are never
free to re st.
Registered nurse Mrs. Mary
Johnson, was on call 24 hours a t
the Student H ealth Clinic.

(OPPOSITE PAGE ) Dorm supervisors are

(seated, left to right): Clova Williams,
Marie King, Opal Fabian; (standing)
George Wiggins, T. W. Cleek, Ron Crum-
pler. LEFT: Sharing an anecdote are
campus nurses Magnelia Bostic and
Mary Johnson. BELOW: New library
nears completion amid weeds and dis-
carded two-by-fours.

__ _ _ ....., _,,._~..._ ..._, .&..&.'-,;.&._tJ U V\.A'-A.\....,J..llJ ..:>

Ranging from very serious

crises to normal student prob-
lems, Dr. Paul R. Kirkpatrick,
counseling director, and Mr.
Alvin Brannon, counselor, are
available for any student who
wants to talk with a trained
counselor. The nature of the con-
fidential discussions are left to
the student.
The Special Services Program
serves freshmen and sophomore
studen ts who are not well
prepared for college. They
receive developmental courses
in addition to tutoring in all of
their subjects. The program
enables students with a low ACT
sco re or low gradepoint to
r eceive financial aid.
Mrs. Ann Thomas was named
Director of Testing in addition to
directing the Upward Bound.


Wilson checks on the progress of a
student. TOP RIGHT: Holding a variety
of positions, Alvin Brannon is instructor,
co unselor, and a Special Services
consultant. BOTTOM RIGHT: Mr.
Brannon confers with Margie Shepard.
LEFT: Director of the counseling center
and professor of psychology a nd
education, Dr. Paul Kirkpatrick strikes a
familiar pose. BOTTOM LEFT: Mrs. Ann
Thom as is Director of testing, counselor,
and assistant professor of psychology
and education, as well as heading the
Upward Bound program.

Ina B. Baker
Instructor-Counselor, Special Services

Ralph Wilson
Director of Education ; Director of
Special Ser vice s

News Bureau, Accountants,
Journalist, Recruiter

Offices give
aid, admissions
counselor added
To a senior student trying to
graduate, Mr. Maxine Porter-
field is probably the most impor-
tant person on campus. Making
s ure that every senior has all
those "requ irement s" before
graduation is a big job.
The terror ofregistration and
a poor student's pocketbook, the
SSC Business Office secretaries
keep the records of who owes
Jeff Christenson, in his first
year as the Director of Student
Activities and Admissions
Counselor traveled throughout
Arkansas to tell high school
seniors about Southern State.
In the Journalism Depart-
ment, George Henry was the
man that sent information
about SSC students to their
hometown papers. Manning the
presses in the college print shop
was Vernon Hall. Purchase of a
new headliner made for better
technical production for various
(OPPOSITE PAGE) LEFT: Discussing a
matter of business with a secretary is
Jame s L. Smyth. TOP RIGHT: Vernom
Hall shows a student the procedures of
printing. BOTTOM RIGHT: Mrs. Jackie
Ford glances through a file cabinet.
LEFT TOP: Making business arrange-
ment over the phone is Coach George
Henry. LEFT: Jeff Christenson receives
grusts, after Pianist Viginia Laico

John T. Anthony
Associate Profe sso r of Agriculture

Orval Childs
Profe ssor of Agriculture

Jack T. Hanington
Associ a te Profe ssor of Agricu lture

William C. Loe
Associa te Professor of Agricultu re

Lewis T. Porterfield
Ins tructor of Agric ulture

Peggy C. Root
Assistant Professo r o f Home Econom ics
Agri, Home Ee

Home Ee to be abolished ,
Agri department flourishes
Perhaps the mo st pleasant sors the Agri Club and the
work of the year for Mr. Orval annual Farm City Banquet.
Childs and the Agriculture A tighter educational budget
Department staff was the and the pressure to teach
uncrating of $6,000 worth of " saleable skills" closed the doors
equipment and teach i ng of the Home Economics Depart-
supplies awarded them by the ment according to Peggy Root,
National Science Foundation. department head.
Former SSC student, Eddie
Plunkett returned to teach ani- (OPPOSITE PAGE) A sly occupant
readily accepts fr iendly gesture from
mal science here after receiving Lewis Porterfield. TOP RIGHT: A real
his M. A. from the University of ham! BELOW LEFT: An agri d orm
Arkansas. means ha ving friends with w h om to
study. BELOW: Homework has a
The Agri Department spon- different meaning for agri students.

Willard C. Car penter
Associ ate Profe ssor of Art;
Head, Department of Art

Fred J. Henry
Assistant Professor of Art
Mary D. O'Hem
Assistant Professo r of Art

t '~ i:
\ /• I' --
Art, Music

Art, music students create individualism

Ever hear 12 pianos play at the private collection. Entitled
same time? With the new " Evolution of a Dinosaur," the
electronic piano lab, 12 students painting was exhibited at the
practice in the same room, and Arkansas Delta Art Show.
hear themselves through in- Senior art student Burt Cason
dividual headphones. The new interpreted the philosophy of the
lab will increase practice space Art Department: "The student
and multiply teacher coveage. must first set goals. Then,
Th e SSC music department t hrough experimentation and
emphasizes individual freedom flexibility, they move from the
and the developme n t of se nior student who sees and copies to
lea d ers hip. For the se nior one who constantly analyzes and
recita l, a mus ic student works creates."
four years in his applied field-
vocal, instrumental, or key- student works diligently on a drawing.
board. BOTIOM: Mrs. Smart and Mrs. Baer dis-
The Ark a n sas Arts Center play smiles as they receive bouquets
afte r their r ecital. LE FT: Amid
selected a painting by SSC art Homecoming bustle, David Crouse
instructor Fred Henry for its searches for a lost name tag.

re• '

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Darlene Baer
Assistant P rofessor of :Ylusic
Robert G. Campbell
Professor of Music, Head, Div.
of Fine Arts
David L. Crouse
Assistant Professor of Music
Gene W. Ke lsay
Professor of Music

Richard 0. Oliver
Professor of Music
Jan :\I. Shaw
Assistant Professor of M usic; Dir. of
Shirley G. Smart
Ass istant Professor of Music
Janelle D. \'iertel
Assistant Professor of :\1: usic

... Business
Bruce B. Bevens

Professor of Business; Chairman, Divi-
sion of Business Administration
Louis J. Blanchard
( ' Associate Professor of Accounting

Scott Boaz
Associate Professor o f Economics &
Leland Callaway
Professor of Office Administration
Alvarene Peace
Assistant Professor of Economics &
David F. Rankin
A ssociate Professor of Economic s &

Richard Samuel
Associate Professor of Business
Albert Stecker
Professor of Business
Anna R. Trex ler
Assistant Professor of Office Ad min.

Gayle White
Associate Professor of Office Adm in.


s peaking at the Phi Beta Lambda
meeting. RIGHT : Jane Berry gets
working experience. LEFT: Dr. Leland
Callaway reads up on witchcraft trends.

BELOW: Signs of the times. RIGHT:
Marie Goodwin thinks about an adver-
tising assignment. (OPPOS ITE PAGE )
LEFT: Club initiate, Terri Oglesbey holds
her candle. RIGHT: Typing and making

signs, three students work in a lab.

- ")

\ TlNG



Business Division sees

innovation and expansion
With fifty percent of the busi- son Hall.
ness faculty curr e ntly holding Plans were made for the Busi-
terminal degrees, the Southern ness Administration Division to
State business facult y is now one move to the J . M. Peace Library
of the best qualified in the South. Buildin g in the 1974-1975
Two additiona l faculty members, academic year. With approx-
Jim Kimbell an d Rosemary imately $400,000 to spend for
Vance, are away at schoo l renovation, t h e SSC Business
working on their doctorates. Division will be housed in out-
Forty new IBM typewriters standing facilities, according to
were added to the Office Bruce B . Bevens, Di vision
Administration l aboratory in Chairman.
Jacks on Hall. New electronic cal- The Business Divi s ion
culators a nd exten sive access to expanded the areas of adult
the IBM 1130 computer a d d to education to he lp meet the needs
the excellent equipment in Wil- of South Arkansas.


New programs
to aid teachers
11-'1\i!IAAf, ICINa EOUC.ffllll AM)
ti AfRICA What's n ew in the Educ ation
Department is a course entitled
Early Ob ser vation-Participa-
t ion for Teacher Educa tion Stu-
d ents. It provided planned and
guided school experiences prior
to the student teaching semes-
ter. Also, the stude nt can find
out earlier in his college career
if he really wants a vocation in
the public schools. If the student
continues his interest, the ex-
perience will help make his stu-
den t t eaching semester more
The Physical Education Staff
is making plans for the graduate
program beginnin g nex t year.
Use of video tape s, film loops, two
te nni s ba ll throwing machines,
and a physiograph machine were
implem e n te d this yea r in the

- r egular cou r ses .

(OPPOSITE PAGE ) : The education
Department tra ins it s stud en ts to t ra in,
in turn, their st udents . LEFT: Nina
Langheld and Ni na Smith look for new
educational trends. BELOW: Classes are
where its at.

... Education

Onietta Beny
Professor of E le mentary Education
Kathryn Condray
Assistant Professor of Library Science

Leon Hardin
Associate Profe ssor of Education
Frank L. Irwin
Professor of Education & Chairman of
Oi,·ision of Education

Don E. :\'larshall
As sistant Profe ssor of Education
Stella Smith
Associate Profe ssor of Education

Ralph Wilson
Associate Professo r of Education; Direc-
t or of Special Services

TOP: T rac k sta r s work out. RIGHT:

Coach Ri p Powell bellows out the day's
orde r s. ( O P POS I T E P A G E \ TOP ,
Kathryn Brown
Professor of P hysical Education
R aymond Powell
Assista nt Professor of P hysical Educa-

Margare t Downi ng
Ass istant Professor of P hysical Ed uca-

Monroe Ingram
Assistant Pro fesso r of P hysical E duca-
Larry McNeal
Assistant Pro fesso r of Physical Ed uca-
t ion
Katie Marshall
Associate Professor of Physical Educa-

Calvin Neal
Assistant Pro fessor of Physical Educa-

Richard Carte r
Pro fesso r of P hysical Education
Delwin Ross
Associate Professor of Physical Educa-
tion and Educ ation

Auburn Smith
Associate Professor of Physical Educa-
W. T. Watson
Assistant Professor of Physical Educa-

Speech plan s
new addition
to Auditorium
Falling tiles, water dripping
through the roof, and very
limited work space were once
part of SSC threatre. This year,
work began on the new speech
addition to Overstreet and the
renovation of the auditorium.
De spit e the closing of Over-
street, theatre production went
on as scheduled by employing
vario us local facilities such as
the county courthouse.
Dr. Paul Trottman headed the
Humanities Di vis ion in his first
year at SSC. Course offerings in
Fre nch were cut from the major
to the minor status.
In his first year as chairman
of the Englis h departme nt, Dr.
Dan Ford emphasized innova-
tion and young faculty. Dr.
Robert Terry, Mrs. Bettie
Mahone y and Mrs. Ethel
Chaffin, a professional Englis h
tutor, joined the English staff.
Both Michaal Smalling and
Micheal Belmont are working
toward the completion of their
dissertation work.
Tommy Thomason in his first
year as head of the journalism
department brought the "new
look" Bray. Another first, the
Bray staff and Thomason
attended the convention of the
National Collegiate Press i n
Chicago. A journalism minor
was added for students who are
working on the B.S .E. degree.

RIGHT: Jake Whitehead looks over the

Alumni bulletins. (OPPOSITE PAGE)
BOTTOM: Dr. Robert Hartsell and son
Bruce find time during their davs to have
Anthon~, Micheal Belmont
Assistan t Professor of English
Betty Blue
Profe sso r of Foreign Language; He ad,
Department of Foreign Languages
Jeff~- Cortez
A ssistant Professor of S peech

Daniel G. Ford
Associate Professor of English; H ead,
Dept. of English
Martha Forgey
Assistant Professor of E ngli sh
Margaret Harton
-~ Associate Professor of Speech

' I Robert L. Ha r tse ll

A 41L .. •' -- - .4
•' y ......
Associate Professor of Speech

Marette Jackso n
Assistant Professor of English
R obert Niebergall
Assistant Professor of Foreign L an-
g uages
Hollis Purtle
Assistant Pro fessor of English
Dan Skelton
Assistant Professor of English

Micheal Sm alling
Ass istant Professo r of English
Tomm y T homason
In structor of J ournalism
Jake Whitehead
Assistant Professor of Speech
Dale Whitman
Assistant Professor of Englis h

... Humanities

(OPPOSITE PAGE) TOP: Stud yi ng a mat-
ter c a refully i s Ja ke W hitehe a d .
BOTT0:\1 LEFT: Tom my Thomason at
work on the Bray. BOTTOM RIGHT: Dr.
Dan Ford finds it no problem in t riguing
his cla sses. ABOVE LEIT: Pau l White
experiences his first theme assignment.
BELOW LEFT: R obert Niebergall rep-
rese nts the Language Department dur-
ing registration . BELOW: Humanitie s
secr etaries stretch their coffee break.



Military Science

Cadets win
at Ft. Riley
In its second year at SSC, the
ROTC program boasts three
scholarship students and four-
teen coeds working toward Army
LTC Gary Wil son emphasizes
this year's "high quality cadets."
In competition at Ft. Riley this
summer against 1800 othe r
cadets three cadets were cited
for outstanding leadership.
ROTC cadets participated in
field compet ition with other
colleges at Oklahoma State
University and at Ft. Leonard
Wood, Mo.
In the spring, the department
hosted an open house and the
annual ball. In May an awards
ceremony was held to honor
cadets for academic and military

ABOVE: Dr. Bruce and Dr. Logan with

visitors a re watching ROTC ceremony.
RIGHT : Cadets stand at attention.
Bruce presenting an award to a cadet.
BELOW: The award winne r s take a
minute to have pictures made.
-- Cpt. George Kalergis
Assist. Professor of Military Science
Cpt. William R. McGarvey
Assist. P rofessor of Military Science

Maj. J ohn M. Pinson

Assist. Professor of Military Science
LTC Gary Wilson
Prof. of Military Scien ce & dept. head


Modern labs
help nurses
Since its beginning in January
1969, the SSC Nursing program
has graduated ninety students
including five male nurses.
From the attic of the Armory
to one of the most beautiful
facilities on campus, the Nursing
Department has the most mod-
ern equipment with an
autotutorial lab and a lab with
hospital-size beds.
The first eight weeks of
training require long hours in
the lab and strict examinations
before actual hospital observa-
tion. Department head, Pat Wil-
liams, said that they are lucky
to have excellent clinical facil-
ities. Utilizing F,l Dorado, Mag-
nolia, and Camden hospitals, the
South Arkansas Mental Health
Center. and local kindergartens,
the SSC staff stays on the road.
The department is approved
by the Arkansas Board of Nurs-
ing and accredited by the
National League of Nursing.
Mrs. Williams also serves an
accrediting visitor for the
National League of Nursing.
. . ....
ABOVE RIGHT: A receptionist is keeping
her books while being observed. RIGHT:
. 4,
A nurse shows the procedures of taking
care of a patient. BELOW: Two students
display l ab equipment. (OPPOSITE
PAGE) BOTTOM: Students observe as a
faculty member performs a demonstra-
Marie Brown
Instructor in Nursing
Billie R. Camer on
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Irene Conn
Instructor in Nursing
Geraldine Lusby
Instructor in Nursing

Billie Raphiel
Instructor in Nursing
Barbara N. Reppond
Instructor in ::'\ursing
Charla Rogers
Instructor in Nur sing
Pat Williams
Assistant Professor of Nursing

Jerry Anderson
Associate Professor of Mathematics
James Ayres
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Raymond Cammack
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
T. W. Cleek
Associate Professor of Mathematics

B. C. Dodson
Professor of Chemistry
George W. Henry
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Hugh Johnson
Assistant Professor of Biological Sci.
James Jones
Assistant Professo r of Geology

Marie King
Assistant Professor of Biology
Ronald McGee
Assistant Professor of P hysics
Henry Robinson
Assistant Professo r of B iology
Char les Rodgers
Assistant Professor of Physics

Carl Rutledge
Assistant Professor of Physics
J ohn Smart
Associate Professo r of Chemistry /Jf/1\.
Arthur Steely
Associate P rofessor of Mathe mat ics
Omer Watson
~ -::::: .
Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Calvin Wetzig
Professor of Mathematics

Physics Department builds planetariu111

With new sophisticated equip-
ment s uch a s 3X6" pocket com-
puters, electronic s lide rule . the
ho l ographic cam e r a and the
laser, the Phys ic s Department
takes the mos t pride in it new
planetarium built by the physic:;
s tudents them selves.
The cardboard plan etarium
con s tructed of p e ntago n s and
hexagons can seat 15-20 people.
Projecting the con stellation on
its ceiling, Dr. Charles Rodgers
and Dr. Carl Rutl edge can
stimulate a clear starry night on
the rainiest day of the year.
Thro ughout the Gene r al Sci-
ence D ivis ion , plan s a r e being
made for graduate stud ies in the
Master of Education in General
Science Degree.
I n the biology department.
research is the key word. Dr.
Henry W. Robin son was selected
by the American Fisheries Soci-
ety as the cons ultant on r are and
endangered fish speci es in

LEFT: Hu gh John son , Biology Professor.

g ives special expla natio n during lab.
• • • Science

TOP: Foliage thrives in biology lab.

so n assists a student in the biology lab.
LEFT: Studen t s may gaze at the stars
in the geodesic dome. BOTTOM: Two
physics students stu dy togethe r for a big
t est .


Social Science

Black studies, field trips enrich courses

Dr. David Sixbey has been col-
lecting material s to build a Black
Studies file. Eventually, he
hopes that a Black American
Culture center would be estab-
lished here similar to the Ozark
Folk Center in North Arkansas.
The History Department began
indexing the Arkansas Gazette
from 1819 to the present for arti-
cles relevant to black studies. In
the Afro-American history
course, Dr. Sixbey encourages
students to use tape recorders to
collect black folklore, songs and
History department chair,
man, Dr. Jerry Pyle, worked to
open U. S. History cou r ses to
freshmen to ease scheduling
problems. A History essay con-
test was held for high school and
college students.
The psycho l ogy and the
sociology departments worked
together to provide fields of prac-
tical experience . Trips to the
Mental Health Center in El
Dorado, and the state and
federal correction institutions
were provided for psychology
and sociology students.

Joe A. Bates
Assistant Profes sor of Psycholo2y
Worth B. Conn
Associate Professo r of Sociolol?y

I d a M . Flemister
A ssoc iate P rofessor of Psychology

,~ -~,- '
Dw igh t L. Hud dles tun
Assoc iate Profe ssor of Geography

Ed sel P. Lusby
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Willi am C. :s.Tolan
Pro fessor of P olitical Science

J e rry W. Pyle
Assistant Pro fessor of History
Dr. Frank F. Schambac h
Assistant Professor o f Anthropol ~

David H. Sixbey
Assista n t Professor of Hi story
Robert B. Waltz
Profess or of Hi story

(OPP OSI TE P AG E ) Be v e rl y Watk ins

works on a new archeological f i nd.
RIGHT: D r. No lan prepares fo r his daily

• • • Social Science
(OPPOSITE PAGE) Dr. Walz looks for
report folders in bookstore. LEFT: Dr.
Flemister seems to be in deep
meditaiton. ABOVE: Dr. Huddlestun
checks his mail.


Engineering Department constructs glider

If you see a lar ge kite-like device ment 's drafting rooms, shops, are taught how to program in at
with a wing span of over 20 feet and equipment such as the least t hree languages, and to
come swooping over the hill with Laser, oscilloscope and Huett adapt the computer to their field.
a man clinging to its frame, it Packet electronic calculators.
won't be a UFO or the late Wil- With increased environmental
bur Wright. Instead, you will problem s arising, the problem of
view Frank S. Root and brain solid waste disposal for small
child of the Engineering Depart- towns and communities was
ment- the Rogallo glider. studied by the SSC Engineering
Built by the Engineering Department.
Dept., the g lider was tested on Ivan Brown, Associate Profes-
a large hill on the SSC farm. With sor of Engineering, is the Direc- BELOW: Alan Duncan and Cliff Bullock
this innovation, air-surfing may tor of the Computer Center. The run a program in an IBM compute r.
come to Magnolia. (OP POSITE PAGE) LE PT: Before cutting
center is equipped with an IBM class Alan Berry looks over his sho ulder.
Twenty-one engineer i ng 1130 capable of running various RIG HT: Dr. Rut ledge explains an assign-
majors utilized the depart- co mputer languages. Students ment to Lander Smith.
Thomas D. Bowle s
Professor of Engineering

I van W. Brow n
Associate Professor of Engineering; Dir.
of Data Process ing
Frank S. Root
Assoc iate Professor of Engineer;ng;
Head Department of Engineering


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Coaching Staff

Active members of the SSC coaching

staff when Southern State captu red the
Arkan sas Intercollegiate Conference All
Henry, Sonny Whittington, Eldon
Hawley, Jim Kimbell; Second Row:
Monro e Ingram, Calv in :\" ea!, W. T.
Watson and Athletic Director Auburn
Richard Carter, Delw in Ross, Rip Powell, Smith.
Sports Trophy were: First Row: George
S Club Members are; FIRST ROW: (left Bell, Robert Martin, Bobby Dodson, Phil Freeman; FO U RTH ROW: Cnach ~e
to right), Mark Pierce, Jim Bonsall, Mike Brooks, Steve Waller; THIRD ROW: Steve Lamb, David Ross, Do n Philli
Rubinski, Jimmy J anison, Troy Haygood, Russ Bechtelheimer, Ray Giddens, Lynn McE l r oy, Glenn B ucy. Chr
Jim Fincher, Joe Waddle; SECOND Edgar Montgomery, Gaylon Garri son, Bowman, T omm y D unn , B b D :r.
ROW: Chris Ames, Mike Healer, Keith Chip Hairston, Don Brown, Gary Eddie Choate.
Arnold, Tim Henry, Dean Cearley, Billy Beas ley, Charles Goodwin, Danny

M uleriders take second in conference

The Southern State College
Muleriders, a perennial power in
the Arkansas Intercollegiate
Conference, failed in their bid to
make it two stra ight years as
confe rence champions. The
Riders did, however, finish the
seaso n with an impressi ve 8-2
record, good enough for a tie for
second place. Head coach
Raymond "Rip" Powell and his
staff guided the Mules through
a season that saw them rank
among the top twelve in the
nation. Southern State's 4-0
record against non-conference
team s added to the over all
record of 16-0, that AIC teams
had against out. of state foes.
Some outstanding perform-
ances by fre s hmen, t he likes of
Russ Bechtelheimer and David
Bohannon, blended with the
unfaltering play of veterans like
Ike Skaggs and Max Adcock
placed this year's team among
the very best in AIC's history.

(OPPOSITE PAGE) Below left: Roy

McC!emore goes up t he m iddle for a short
gai n against Austin College. Right: Floyd
Can ady leaps to catch a pass from quar-
terback Russ Bec htelheimer.

C. Hill, T. Dunn, J. Hawkins, D. Phillips, Bechtelheimer, T. Haygood, I. Skaggs, R.

Southern State Football Team : (front McClemore, G. J oh nson, E. Montgomery,
r ow) S. Lamb, C. Frames, S. Wright, D. C. B owm an, G. Garison, E . Green, P.
White, E . Choate, M. Adcox, S. Bull, (last J. Waddle, B. Dubey, J . Glenn, H. Dykes,
Carmichael, B. Harr is, R. M artin, A.
row) P. Brooks, K. Arnold, D. '.\>lay, R. Gid- D. Rogers, R. Byrd.
White, L. Reeder, S. Waller, B. Bell, B.
Dotson, T. Derkins, (middle row)J. Batts, dens, D. Bohannon, W. J ennings, R.

Mules open season

Southern State
defense tested
In their first game of the season,
the Muleriders came out victorious
against Southeast Oklahoma State,
the first of four non-conference
games schedul ed for this year. SOS
found themselves six points down
when the final gun sounded, due to
an eleven yard touchdown pass from
quarterback Steve Lamb to tight
end Eddie Choate.
The second contest pitted SSC
against Central Missouri Methodist,
a team which boasted of having the
nation's leading punt returner and
the nation's fourth leading passer,
the previous year. Any doubts that
Rider fans had before the game were
quickly expelled as the Mules began
scoring early in the first period and
didn't stop until they had rung up
38 points, against 14 for CMM. The
punishing Rider ground game
chewed up the Central Missouri
defense for 470 yards, bringing back
memories of last year's champion-
ship team. For the first time in the
history of the school, three SSC
backs rushed for over 100 ya rds.
David Bohannon led with 151 yards
all in the second half, next came
Floyd Canady with 122 yards and
third was Roy McLemore, who
ground out 108 yards in the first
half. The Central Missouri coach
praised the Mulerider team calling
them "the most physical team ever
to play on this field."
LEFT( Hal-
. d O ut a few yar s.
more gr.m s h Rider bench deserted
ftime fmds t e ry equipment.
t for necessa k th
excep h 1973 Muleriders ta e e
field prior t~ tle g:ke up the referee!
TOP: "Some o ;h;;'.mon is stopped after
short David
gam. ABBOVE: McClemore takes
a breather.

Homecoming game

Riders crunch
The Muleriders, find themselves
on the short end of 20-0 halftime
score performed a mild miracle in
the second half to pull out a 28-26
victory over the Mississippi College
Freshman QB, Russ Bechtelheim-
er replaced an injured Steve Lamb
in the third period and combined
with Larr y Reader for three
touchdown passes in six total
attempts. Floyd Canady scored the
other touchdown on a five-yard run.
In the annual Homecoming game,
played the following Saturday, the
Riders humiliated a ragged Austin
College squad 41-0. Bobby Dotson
led the scoring with three touch-
downs, two on passes from
Bechtelheimer, and the other on
fumble recovery in the endzone.
Canady and David Bohannon scored
one a piece and Denni s Rog ers
hauled in a Carmicheal aerial for the
final telley. The Austin game wa s
the final non-conference game for
the Mules and upped their record to

(OPPOSITE PAGE) A capacity crowd

fills Wilk ins Stadium for the annual
Homecoming game. TOP: David Bohan-
non drags Austin College defenders for
a 3-yard gain. LEFT: Floyd Canady
heads for pay dirt.

Mules F alter

Riders rank eleventh

best nation-wide
Southern State chalked up its fifth win tra- tions out on Ouachita Baptist
in as many games as the Riders posted Unive r sity the next week. SSC com-
a 7-0 shutout over a young but powerful pletely dominated the contest and ended
State College team. Rip Powell's Riders, up with a 28- 10 victory. The R iders
now ranked eleven th nationally, scored amassed a total of 363 yards; 228 yards
their on ly TD on a t hirty-five yard pass rus hing and 134 yards passing.
from Russ Bechtel heim er to tight end Roy McClemore bulled his way over fo r
Eddie Choate. The tally came with less two touchdowns , Fl oyd Canady added
t han ten seconds le ft in the first half. one, and freshman B enny Harris scored
The Mules suftered their first setback the final TD.
oft he year on the turf o f Henderson State
College the next Saturday, as the Red-
dies proved their were worthy of a top (OPPOSITE PAGE) TOP: Muleriders
t en ranking by rolling past the 'Riders take the f ield again st Hender so n.
17-6. Southern State's only score came BOTTOM: Jimmie Bates (63) looks on as
late in the ga me when Larry R eeder R oy Mc Cl em o re stumb les for a gain.
hauled in a Bechtelheimer pass deep in TOP: A tr io of SSC footbal l fan3
the endzone for fix futile po ints. With BOTTOM LEFT: Head Coach Ri p Powell
only a slim chance of winning the confer- acknowledges his approval of a good call.
ence c rown after t heir defeat at BELOW: Floyd Canady breaks around
Arkadelphia, the Riders took their frus- end.

SSC loses crown

Rip's Riders end

season with wins
Three lost fumbles and two key inter-
ceptions by the Harding Bison defense
wiped out any hopes Southern State
might have had of at least sharing the
conference crown with Henderson. Har-
ding, led by all AIC quarterback Tom Ed
Gooden, pushed across two touchdowns
while holding Southern State sco reless,
and dealt the Riders their second loss of
the season 12-0, eliminating them com-
pletely from the co nfe rence race. T he
game marked the firs t time in over two
years that an SSC squad had been s hut
The Mu leriders regrouped after the
Ha rding loss, however , to completely
overwhelm the Arkansas Tech Wonder-
boys 24-0. The win left the Riders with
a 3-2 conference record and 7-2 overall.
Southern State sco red tw ice on passes
to Eddie Choate and Roy Mc L emore
blasted in from two yards out for another.
Jim Batts rounded out the scoring with
a field goal that he booted from 30 yards
out. The defense, as usual, turne d in
another outstanding game. Led by Phil
Brook' s two inte rceptions the Riders
held Tech to 164 yards total offense while
posting their fourth shutout of the year.
The last game of the year saw Southern
State swat the University of Arka nsas
at Monticello 35-20 to put the R iders in
a tie with Harding for second place in
the A IC. McLemore had his best game
of the season, as he ground out 170 yar ds
on 30 carries and scored all five Rider

RIGHT: Quarterback Ru ss Bechtel-

heimer obviously looking in the wrong
direction. BELOW: Fresh man running
back Dav id Bohannon. BOTTOM
R IGHT: The Muleriders defense scram-
bles u p a Henderson runner. (OPPOSITE
PAGE) TOP: Phil Brooks blasts through
for a tackle. BOTTOM: An injured oppo-
nent is helped off the field.
SSC Opponent
51 Louisiana College 52
Basketball 66 D allas Baptist 49
61 East Central Oklahoma 74
66 So u theast Oklahoma 81

Mules miss 68
St ate Co llege of Arkansas
He n drix
65 Arkansas College
AIC crown 77 College of the O zarks
74 Lou is iana College 59
Southern State's Muleriders, 52 E ast Texas State University 48
in contention· for the AIC 49 Henderson Sta te College 55
championship until the final 59 H arding 71
games of the season, finished in a 76 State College of Arkansas 61
four-way tie for second wit h 74 U of A at Mon tice llo 62
State College of Arkansas 62 Ouachita B aptist Univer sity 60
Arkansas College and Ouachit~ 73 Arkansas Tech 49
Baptist University. 82 College of the Ozar ks 40
The Muleriders were 13-5 in 61 Hen drix 63
conference action. 57 A rkansas College 52
Henderson, which knocked off 48 Henderson Stat e Co llege
the Riders twice, took the A IC 79 H a r d ing 50
crown. 70 State College of Ark ansas 72
68 U of A at Mont icello 56
BELOW: Ron F luker eludes the Reddies 61 Ouac hita Baptist University 72
on defense. (OPPOS ITE PAGE), RIGHT: 73 Ar kansas Tec h 57
Larry Banks puts in a layup. TOP:
M ichael Horn gets off a jump shot. BOT-
TOM: The Rid er coaches watch n er v-
ously during SSC's stretch drive.
Clifton Lewis
paces Mules

1n scoring
Clifton Lewis led all Rider
scorers for the 1973-74 season
with a total of 359 points.
Larry Banks was second in the
scoring derby with 283 points,
followed by Ron F l uker with 273.
Lewis also led the Riders in
rebounds with 186, followed by
Shady Patton with 125.
Of the Mulerider starting five,
Larry Banks led in free throw
percentage with .771, hitting on
71 of 92 attempts. Lewis had the
highest field goal percentage of
the starters, hitting 160 of 323
for .495.


members were, first row, Ron Fluker,
David Coffee, Ron Garner, Aaron
Johnson , Larry Banks, Michael Horn ,
Ken Mercer. SECON D ROW: Sam Biley,
Lyndell Martin (manager) John Harris,
Clifton Lewis, Rob bie Watts, Kevin
Hamilton, Shady Patton. LEFT: Larry
Banks (no. 10) shoots a free throw and
passes to an opponent in a game with
East Texas State University.

Muleriders edged out in AIC title chase
(O PPOS ITE PAGE l :\BO\.E : Rider fans
pack the gym. BELO\\·: Ron Garner =e:
off a free th row. LEFT: Cliiton L.;;~
shoots a short jumper. BE LO\\' LEFT
Ron Fluker t r ies a jum p shot from ;he
co r ner. B ELOW: On e of the c D·
ference-champion Re d die,- pa,-- e- a

capture state
The Riderette basketball
team, playing in the newly
formed Arkansas Women's As-
sociation, breezed through the
seaso n , coasted through the
state tournament, to be defeated
in the AIAW Region IV playoffs
in N acodoches, Texas.
Riderettes had a season record
of 18 wins and two losses . At
state tournament the Riderettes
beat Arkansas College 72-73, Ar-
kansas State University at
Beebe 59-48, and Hender son
State twice, 91-56 and 60-45. In
(OPPOSITE PAGE ) RIGHT: Sara ABOVE: Carolyn Miles goes for a jump
the Regional tournament, the Woole y takes a jump ba ll. LEFT: ball. BELOW: The ref calls a foul on a
Riderettes nipped Baylor Uni- Saundra Hamilton goes after a rebound. Riderette opponent. BELOW LEFT:
versity 59-56 before bowing out BOTTOM RIGHT: Whoops! Doroth y Darnell Fontenot misses from beneath
Stevenson lands on an opponent. LEFT: the basket.
of the tourney. Vicki Henderson goes for two po ints.

- ~·~-~

Bow ling, Golf

Mulerider bowlers face rebuilding year

The Mulerider Bowling team

face s a year of rebuilding in 1974
after capturing the conference
cr own from Harding in 1973; In
winning the crown from
H a rding, So uthern State beat
the team w hich h ad won the
n a tional title three of the past
fi ve y ea r s. The only two
re t urnees from la st year are
S t e ele We st phale and Cecil
Hudson .
Southe rn State's golf team has
tw o men returning from last
y e a r' s fourth place team. Sid
Moor e and John Unger are the
only regulars returning. Three
fres hmen make up the re st oft he
starting five for the linksters,
Mar v in Lind say , Gary Cason
a nd Joe Waddle. Others on the
t e am include Kurt Fenchel,
Andy Rogers and Jack Helton.
So far this season the team is
undefeated in AIC play and has
lost only to Texarkana College,
both times they have met by two
strokes. They have been tough
on AIC te am s and look to place
hig h in t he conferP.nce meet.

TOP: (left to right) The B owling team

inc lud es Kyle Moore , Cliff Bullock,
B obby McGough, P e te Polk , Cecil
Hut son, Richa rd Zylks, Steele
Westphale , Robert Pierce, Mike John son ,
Mark Phillips. MIDDLE: Applying his
streng th to a center ball is Richard Zylks .
RIGHT : With a precise movement Mark
Phillips follows s uit. (OPPOSITE PAGE)
Left: John Unger tee s off. RIGHT: Sid
Moore r eadie s to sw ing.
Men's, Women 's Swim T e

Teams place
in two meets
T he Rider swimmers fini shed
third in t he AIC m eet this year,
behind Hendrix and Harding.
Howe ver, the Rider s s cored
higher in the conference m eet
than any previous SSC team.
Fre s hman Jerry Stinson set a
new co nference mark in the
200-yard free s tyle. He was also
second in individual scoring in
t h e meet.
SSC 's women 's swim team
finished fifth in the Arkan sas
Women's Ext r amural Sports
Association tourn ament.


s wimmer s get in some practice in the SSC
pool. BOTT OM LEFT: Di vers spent
many hours perfecting their high dives.
BOTTOM R IGHT: Coach Delwin Ross
encourages his swimmers from pool side.
LEFT: The R iderette swimmers w ith
Co ach Ma rgaret Downing. BOTTO:ll
LEFT: One of the Riderettes works out in
preparation for a meet. RIGHT: The
Riderette relay gets ready for a race. On
the block is Jean Lehman.
Men's, Wome n 's Tenn is

Conference champions continue hig h

Coach Richard A. Carter has Kathryn Brown, continues to be Jenn ings, Al an Cade, Mike Eason, Jerry
arranged the toughest schedule among the top teams in the Walsh, Gary Earlywine, Jim Tiner, Gary
Snay and Gary Roberts. BELOW: Gary
ever faced by the Muleriders for confer ence year after year. The Snay gets off a backhand shot.
1974. The Riders, champions of Riderettes are once again led by
the Arkan sas Intercollegiate Jan elle Clark, probably the top
Conference for the past two woman player in the state.
years, play schools from the Big
Eight, Southland and Southwest BELOW: Members of the women's team
conferences. The team is led by are , F IRST ROW: Janell e Clark, Dr.
defending AIC singles champion Kat hry n Brown, Sandy Xenos; SECOND
ROW: Mari Marshall, Chris Bair; THIRD
Gary Snay, and returning ROW: Clair Crumpler, Nancy Alexander,
lettermen Gray Robert s, Gary Ro silyn Landes, J ean Lehman , Sharon
Earlywine, and Jimmy Tiner. Ross; FOURTH ROW: J essica Boucher.
R IGHT: J im Tiner serve during practice.
The Riderette tennis team, (OPPOSITE PAGE ): Men 's team
under the direction of Dr. members include Pat Doherty, Charles
Track team
boasts top
This year's thinclads, coached
by George Henry, promised to be
even better than last's, when the
Mul es landed a second place
conference fini s h behind
Ou ac hita Baptist university.
De s pite t he loss o f six
s printers at semester, the Riders
st ill boast a number of top
performers. Back from last ye ar
is Mike H ealer, the conference
record holder in the three mile
with a time of 14:40 . Already this
year he 's run t h e eve nt in
14 :28.5. Al s o b ac k are Tim
Henry, the conference's fa stest
miler, L ynn McElroy; defending
broad jump champion , Chip
H a irston, who holds the fas test
time thus far in the 440 y ard
hurdles, and Don Brown, one of
the leading discu s throwers in
the conference.

ABOVE RIGHT: Tom Founta in of last

year's team le ads two oppo nents in the
hurdles . BELOW: T ea m members
included, FIRST ROW: Charle s Goodwin,
Larry Walde n burg, Tim He nry, Milton
Cowling, S n ake Reid, Roger DeMeuth;
SECO:\"D ROW: Steve Willia ms , Gary
Beasle y, P at McConnell , Jim Jami son,
Lynn McEl roy, Darre ll Seward, Bobby
Bradford: THIRD ROW: Chip Hairsto n,
Fred Wilkes, Robert Shu rtl e ff, Dean
Cea rley, Curt Fenchel, Richard Stevens;
FOU RTH ROW: Co nn y Smith, Don
Brown, Mike Healer. J udge Larry, Don
A. Brown , Curtis Webb. ABOVE: A Rider
pole v aulter c lears t he bar. BELOW :
Chip Hairs ton practices in preparation
for a meet.

A BOVE : A Rider pole vaulter clear s the

bar. BELOW: Ch ip Hairston practices in
preparation for a meet.
•• ........ __
- I
·- -
' '
- - "'! ··· ···-
.. _Jf

take second
in conference
The dynamic duo of Mike
Healer and Tim Henry paced
Southern State to a second place
conference finish behing Hard -
Healer and Henry, recognized
as two of the top distance men in
the South, finished first and
third in the conference meet,
while freshman standout Dean
Cearley came in fifth. But these
three weren't enough to
overcome the depth of defending
champion H arding.
In dual meet competition
Harding was the only school to
beat Southern St ate, and then it
was only by six points. After the
conference meet, the Riders,
under the guidance of Coach
George Henry, traveled to
Salina, Kansas, to run in the
National Cross Country meet,
where they finished thirty-first
out of 68 teams.

OPPOSITE: Mike Healer (right) and Tim

Henry (left) both broke the SSC course
record for cross country last fall. ABOVE
R IGHT AND BELOW: Riders get a meet
with Ouachita underway.
B aseba ll

Rider nine to aim for conference crown

Coach Monroe Ingram's
baseball team, led by the solid
performances of pitcher David
O'Byrne battled to a second
place conference finish last year
with an overall record of 19-9.
The fine defense of the Riders
helped make up for a hitting
deficienc y as the Mules beat
conference champion Henderson
two out of three meetings.
Besides O'Byrne, shortstop
Rance Rewis and thirrl baseman
John White were selected on the
all conference team.
This year the Riders hope to
nail down the AIC crown which
has eluded them the past two
years. Ten returning lettermen,
two transfers, and an improved
hitting attack should give the
rest of the conference all they
can handle.


player dives back to fi rst a s Mark Pierce
puts on the t ag. FAR RIGHT: All-AIC
s hortstop Rance Rewis turns a double
play. RIGHT: A l l-confere.nc e hurler
Da vid O'Byrne thro w i ng s moke.
BOTTOM: Rewis beats out a throw to
support. BELOW: David O'Byrne
throwing batt ing practice. RIGHT: Steve
Horton boosts his batting average.
LEFT: Gary Elmore hits a foul tip .
BELOW: Team members in cl ude
FRONT ROW (left to right): :vlark Pierce,
Robert Jacobs, Ron Fluker, Gary Wilso n,
J im Bonsall, " Big Cat" Freeman, Allen
Smith, Jim F letcher; SECOND ROW:
Larry B anks, Ja c kie Ca rter, Vince
Smith, Steve Goodheart, Boggie Hester,
Ga r y Elmore, Steve Horton, Steve
Waller, Budd y Ingram, Bill Bell, Lendall
Mart in, Coac h David O' Byrne.

Lettermen give Riders experience in '7 4

draw wide
Despite a drop in enrollment at
Southern State, the Intramural
program, headed by Dr. Larry
McNeal, continues :o expand
and involve a greater percent-
age of students and faculty
members than in the past. The
program includes the traditional
sports like football (181 partici-
pants), basketball (233 partici-
pants), volleyball, softball, bad-
m in ton, and tennis and also
some newer, upcoming sports
such as soccer, eight ball, snook-
er, and bicycle racing.


S t ate·s part-time athlete s in a
kaleidoscope of football action from the
intramu ral field.

Soccer, punt, pass and kick

OPPOSITE PAGE: SSC socce r teams

bring the fast-paced excitement of that
popular sport to the intramural fields.
ABO\'E: Intramural-sponsored punt,
pass and kick competition gave SSC
students the opportunity to com pete
against each other in distance throwing
and kicking a nd accuracy in punting.
RIGHT: Two judges measure the length
of a throw in PP&K competition.


ABO\'E: Dr. Kathryn Brown prepares
to take a healthy cut at a high curve.
RIGHT: Kay Womack stretches for a fly
Henderson waits for a good pitch.
RIGHT: A coed umpire prepares to
make a cal l. BELOW: A seventh-inn ing
Girls' softball: it's not just a man's game

Basketball highlights intramural program

I ntramural basketball action offered

wo uld-be athletes an opportunity to
perfect their skills. Men's champions
were Greene We st and women 's
champion was Harrod West.

In Memoriam

Jeffrey Huddle stun

The Lord is my shepherd;

I shall not want.
H e make th me to lie down in green pastures;
H e leadeth me beside the still waters.
H e restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of
righteousness for His name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort 'me.
Though preparest a table before me in the presence
of mine enemies:
Though anointest my head with oil;
My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the
days of my life:
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
-Psalm 23
A Bailey, Brenda Diane .................... 97
Bailey, Steven Jay ..... .................... 71
Bost, Becky ...... ............................. 13-1
Bost, David Raymond ................. 134
Bailey, Steve R .............................110 Boucher. Jessica ........................... 256
AARDVARK ................................... 32 Bair, Christina Lee 97, 154, 155, 256 Bowie, Suzann Talbot ................... 88
, ASSOCIATION OF BAPTIST B aird, Da vid Lloyd ...................... 110 Bowles, John Robert ..................... 72
STUDENTS ............................... 128 Baker, Barry ................... .............. 13-1 Bowlin, Dwight Wayne ................. 72
ACADEMICS ................................ 184 Baker, Daphne J ............... .. ........... 87 BOWL ING ..................................... 252
Adams, Mary R ............................ 109 Baker, J o An n ............................... 135 Bowman, Christopher E ugene .. 110
Adams, Russell Neal ................... 109 Baker, John Edward ..................... 98 234
Adams, Sheila Mishall .......... 97, 179 Baker, Kelvin Lynn .............. ....... 110 Boyette, Daniel J ames ................ 110
Adams, Teressa Ann ..................... 97 Baker, L ois Jean .......................... 110 Brackman, Linda Gail ................... 98
Adamson, Peter A ................ .......... 97 BAND .............................................. .40 Bradfo rd, John R ......................... 110
Adcock, Gary Steven ............ ......... 97 Banks, J essie ........................ 110, 179 Bradford, Terri ............................... 98
Adcock, Max Alan .................. 87, 23-1 Barker, Lisa Denise ....................11 0 Bradley, Paula ................................ 88
ADMINISTRATORS ................... 190 Barker, Roxanne Ellen ................. 71 Brady, Steven Lee ......................... 88
AGRICULTURE Barker, Teresa Lorraine .............. 98 Brakeville, Paula Jill ................... 110
DEPARTMENT ......................... 200 Barnes, Kathleen Ann ................ 110 Brannon, Ronnie Louis .......... ...... 98
AGRICULTURE MAIDS ............. 60 Barnett, Jo Lynn ......................... 110 B rantley, Anita Jane ............ 98, 131
Aldridge, Debra Ann ..................... 71 Barr, Valerie Mella ...................... 110 Braswell, Brenda Gaye ................. 88
Aldridge, Gary Don ........................ 87 B a rton, Philip Wesley ................... 71 Braswell, Randy Craig .............. .... 98
Alexander, John Edward ... .. 87, 130 BASE BALL .................................. 262 BRAY ............................................. 162
Alexander, Nancy Jo ........... 109, 256 BASKETBALL ............................. 2-!4 Brayman, Lisa Karen ................... 88
Alexander, Susan Anne .............. 109 Bass, Jerry .................................... 130 Brewer, Doyle G ............................. 98
Allen, Corrine Elizabeth ..............97 Bass, Marcia Jane .......... ................ 98 Brewer, Ru th Della ..................... 123
Allen, John W ..................................97 Batchelor, Bruce .......................... 123 Brewster, Melissa Jan .................. 98
Allen, Melinda Anne ..................... 71 Bateman, Ronnie Joe .................... 71 Bright, Judith Anita ............. 72, 131
Allen, Rebecca Lynn ..................... 97 Bates, Charlotte Virginia ............. 87 Brig·ht, Sheryl Kaye ...................... 88
ALPHA C HI .................................. 140 Batts, Jimmie L ee ......... ...... 23-1, 241 Brooks, Philip Jeffrey ........... 72, 234
ALPHA CHI ALPHA .................. 176 Baxter, Clyde Edward .................. 71 Broom, Leslie Suzanne ................. 98
ALPHA PSI OMEGA .................. 155 Baxter, Idoma Maril yn ............. .... 72 Brown, Bruce Carl ......................... 98
Ames, Christopher Robert ...........87 Beasley Garriel Rowland ........ .... 87 Brown, Dorothy Mae ........... .......... 88
Ammons, Robin Rebecca ............ 109 Bechteiheimer. Robert R . .. 110, 234 Brown, Karen Louise .................. 110
Anders, Shirley Stephens ........... ..71 Beck, Carroll Wayne ...................... 72 *Brown, Dr. Kathryn .................. 256
Anderson, Betty Amalyne ........... 97 Bell, Belinda Althea .................... 110 Brown, L illian I nez ....................... 88
Anderson, Bobbie Jean ......... 97, 179 Bell, Bill ......................................... 234 Brown, Mary Ann ..................... ..... 88
Anderson, Willie Mae .................. 109 Bell, Chuck ............... ..................... 134 Brown, Ylichael Wayne ............... 111
Andrews, Deborah Susan .. ......... 109 Bell, Hilton Leroy ..... .. ................. 110 Brown, Monique Ann .................. 111
Anthony, Joy Carolyn ................... 97 Bentz, Joseph Karl ........................98 Brown, Nolan J ............................... 89
Antoon, Patrick David ........ 109, 174 Berley, Jerry R ............................... 87 Brown, Wade Steven ................... 17-1
Arnold, Herbert Keith ........ 109, 234 Berry, J ames Edward ................... 72 *Bruce, Dr. Imon ................. 186, 187
Arnold, John Dixon ........................ 71 Berry, Jane Elizabeth .......... 87, 100 BLACK STUDENTS
Arnold, Michael L. ......................... 87 Berry, Johnny ...... ......................... 110 ASSOCIATION ......................... 178
Arnold, Robert Leroy .................... 87 Berry, Richard Alan ...................... 87 MISS BSA ..................................... 180
Arrington, Diane ............................ 87 Better s, Faye LaJoyce ...... .. 110, 179 BAPTIST STUDENT UNION ... 130
ART ................................................. 202 Bever, Mary Dale ........................... 88 Buchanan, Sylvia Dianne ............ 98
Arterbury, A. Wayne ..................... 71 Biddle, Johnny Ray ............ .123, 179 Buckley, Ina Eyvonne ................ 111
Arterbury, Bill .............................. 109 Bigelow, Jeanne ............................. 98 Buckner, Brenda Ro se .................. 72
Arterbury, James R ..................... 109 Billings, Hue Troy .........................88 Buckner, Phyllis Bennett ............. 98
ATHLET ICS ................................. 230 Billings, Izer Roy ......................... 110 Bucy, Owen Glenn ................. 72, 138
Atkinson, Allen Nathan ............. 109 BIOLOGY ..... ................................. 136 Buffington, J oen athan ................ 111
Atkinson, David Edward ............ 109 Black, Betty Louise ....................... 98 Bull, Clarence Herman .......111, 234
Atkinson, Larry Dale .................. 138 Blackmon, Mae Helen ................. 110 Bullard, Chris ............................... 131
Atkinson, Rebecca Ann .............. 109 Blair, Steven Wayne .......... ......... 110 Bullard, L eta Rae .......................... 72
Attaway, Debra Kay ........... 110, 130 Blalock, Dennis Paul ..................... 98 Bullock, Clifford L ................. 89, 252
148, 169 Blalock, Larry Dale ....................... 72 Burchfield, Barbara Jane ...... ...... 98
Attaway, Steve M . .... ................. .... 71 Bland, Sonja Kay ........ .. ................. 98 Burchfield, Vicki Jan ..................... 72
Austin, Melanie Anne ................. 110 BOARD OF TRUSTEES ............ 187 Burns, Patricia Marie ........... 98, 130
Avery, Randall Wayne ..................87 Bobo, Steve Charles ...................... 88 B urns, Sherry Lynn .............. 98, 130
ASSOCIATION Bock, Carol .................................... 123 Burrow, Jarry Warren .......... .... .. 111
OF WOMEN STUDENTS ....... 174 Boddie, Hubert L ee ................ ....... 88 Burson, Norman Lewis ................. 72
Bohannon, David L. ............ 234, 237 Burson, Pamela Kay ............ ....... 111
Bolam, Michael Austen ................ 72 Burton, Gary Cleve ........................ 72
B Bonsall, James Allen ..................... 72
Bonsall, Judith An n ...................... 98
BUSINESS ....................................204
B USSEY HALL ............................ .46
Bacon, Amy Sue ..................... 97, 138 BOOKSTORE .... ...... ................. ..... 192 But ler, David Francis ................. 111
Bacon, Arlene ......................... 71, 138 Booth, Roger Winston ................... 72 Butler, Lena Kay ........................... 89
Bagwell, Linda Ann ...................... 97 Bore in!!". Tim GravP!'; 11" 17,1
Byrd. Robert Smead ................... ... 98 Carson, L illian ............................ .. 123 Cox, Judith An n ............... .............. 89
Carter, Bobby J oe ........................111 Cox, Marilyn J. ............................. 111
Carter, Callis J ackson ......... ........ .. 99 Craig, Vivi an Lynne ....................111
C Carter, Larry ................................ 111
Carter, Steve A ............................... 72
Crain, Charles D avid ... ................ 111
Cr ank, La rry W .............................. 73
CAB ................................................. 1-1-1 Carter, T ommy R ................... 72, 148 Crawford, Allen P ............ .............. 74
Cabbiness. Diane ............................ 98 Cary, Clyde William ....... ................ 73 Cr eed, Charles P aul ....................... 89
Caddy. Charles Clinton ................. 89 Casey, Katherine Lynn ......... ........ 73 Cr ews, J ames Adl ai ..................... 123
Cade. Allen Lawson ............. 111, 256 Casey, Pamela Ann ........................ 99 Cross, Charles Preston .................. 99
Cagle, Jani ....................................... 99 Cason, Arthur Burt ... .................... 73 CROSS COUNTRY ...................... 260
Calahan. Gail Strickland .... ........ 179 Cason, Gary Lamar ..................... 111 Cross, Willi am Rufus ................... 112
Calahan. Terry Conrad ............. .. 179 Castleman, J e nnifer Sue .............. 99 Crow, Bruce Lynn ......... .............. ... 99
Calaway. Deborah Denise ............ 99 Castleman, L. De nise ......... ... 99, 130 Crumpler, B renda J o ................... 111
Calloway, John R ................. 123, 138 Castleman, Norman Henry .. 73, 130 Crumpler, Cl air J . ..................99, 256
Calloway, )lichael D ......................99 Cearley, Colbert Dean ................. 111 Crumpler, David R . ........................ 99
Cameron. Anita K. ................ ......... 89 Cheatham, Cindy L ois ................. 111 Culbertson, Dolor es Marie .11 2, 132
Camp. Xancy Sue .............. ............. 72 Cheatham, Dale C .......................... 73 Cu llins, Mary Ann ..................... .... 89
Camp. Terry Jean ........................ 111 C HEERLEADERS ...................... 157 Cutchall, Donny Ray ..................... 89
CA~IPCS BEA CTIES ...................56 Childe r s, R . L. ............................... 134
Canady. Floyd Lee ....................... 241 Childers, Rebecca Sue ........... 99, 130
Cardell. haron Lee ..................... 111
Carmichael. George De Wayne .. 111
CHILD'S HALL ........................... 141
Choate, Eddie A ..................... 89, 234
23-1 Christen sen, Niels Barron ........... 73
Carmichael, James R ..... .. .. .. .......... 99 Ch ristophe r , James Douglas ...... 123 Daley, William Ray ...... .............. .... 99
Carpenter. Willard Byrum ........... 99 Christo pher, L arr y Donald ........ 111 Dal rymple, Linda Diane ............... 7-1
CHURCH OF CHRIST STUDENT Daniel , Larry Austin ..................... 99
CENTER .................................... 131 D aniel, P hyllis Doreen ........ .......... 7-1
Clack, Steven Curtis ................... ... 89 Daniels, Irene H ............... ......... .. ... 99
Clan to n,Jan Ellen .................. ..... 111 Daniels, James Timothy ............... 99
Clark, Daphne Ann .............. 111, 179 D a n iels, Marsha Lorraine ............ 99
Clark, Debbie Kay ......... ....... 111, 134 D a rl ing, Leanna ................... 112, 131
Clark, Janelle Leone ............. 89, 256 D aughte r y, Barbara Jean ....99, 179
Clark, Joey Douglas ..................... 111 D avis, E mma J ane ......................... 99
Clark, Susan Jane ............ .............. 89 Davis, Raymond Jack .. .................. 89
Clark, T ravis Eugene ......... ........... 99 Dean, Arlis Danie l ............. ........ .... 74
Clawson, B e n Francis ................... 89 De L aughter, J ohn Cavett ............ 74
Clay, Darrell Ray ......................... 111 De Loac h, J udy K athryn ............. 112
*Cleek, T. W .......... ............ ............... 131 DELTA IOTA DELTA ............... . 170
Cle mons, Barney Buck ................. 73 DeMu t h, Roger Claren ce .... 123, 135
Clingan, Warren Jefferson ........... 89 Dennis, J ohnny T homas ............... 99
COAC HE S ................... ...................232 Dennis, T ama Elizabeth ............... 99
Coffey, David Lee ... ...................... 111 Derrick, Anthony Earl ................ 112
Cogar , Shirley Kaye ...................... 73 Dews, J ohn ny F ............................ 112
Cole, R obe rt C ............................... 111 Dick son, Clay A ........... ................. 112
Coleman, Jerry ............................... 89 Diffie, Gordon Ray ............. .......... 112
Colem an , Marion H udgen s ........... 73 Dillard, Jack Bennett .................. 112
Coleman, Susan Annette ............ 111 Dix, Martha L ynn .......................... 99
Coleman, William Andrew ............ 99 Dodson, Debbie Diane ... .............. 112
Collins, Norman Michael ............ 111 Dodson, J ohn Michael ......... ........ 112
Colli n s, Stephen M ................. 73, 158 Dodson, Ruby L . ........................... 112
Colvert, Marilyn Annette ....... 46, 99 Dodson, Susan Gail ........................ 99
Comstock, Mary Elizabeth ......... .. 99 Doherty, Pat ............... ................... 256
CONCERT CHOIR ................. .... .. 148 Doolin, Gle nna J oan .................... 112
Conner, Margretta Elaine ... 89, 130 DORM BEA UX .............................. 68
Conne r, Michael Claude .............. 111 DORM COUNCIL ............. ............. .48
Cook, Jeffery Allen ...................... 111 DORM DIRECTORS .................. .196
Cook, Tany a Dale ...................... .....99 DORM SWEETHEARTS ........... ... 69
Coope r, Charles Henry .................. 89 Dorman, J ohnny L ynn ................112
Cooper, Joanne ............................. 123 Dor man, Robert Anthon y ............ 99
Cooper, Pamela Kay ...................... 73 Dorton, Roselyn .............................. 74
Copeland, Monette S . ...... .............. 73 Dost e r , Jeffre y Allen ..... ................ 99
Corley, William Roderick .............. 99 Dot son, Robert Norris .......... 89, 234
Cosby, Levenda Beth ................. ... 73 Dougan, Patricia Claire ................ 74
COUNSELO RS ............................. 190 Dover, Robert Brent ............. 99, 131
Cowling, Milton Paul ..................... 89 Downey, Charles Lee .................. 123

Down s, Michael Reid ................... 112 E\'ans, Kenny Edward ..... .. .........100 Flemister, Elizabeth S ............ 62, 74
Dubey, Robert A ..... .................. .. .23.J Evan s, Virginia Kaye .. ................100 Flemons, Rufu s Conquest .......... 124
Duke, James R ..... ........................... 9 Evers, Marilyn Sue ...................... 100 Fluker, Barbara Ann .................. 124
Dumas, Gary Wayne ...................... 7-i Ezelle, Christopher H . ................ 124 Fontaine, Marilyn J une .............. 112
Dumas, Hany Lynn ...................... 74 Fontenot, Katherine Darnell 46. 89
Duncan, Alan H .............................. 7-i FOOTBALL ................................... 234
Dunn. William Thomas ....... 112, 23.J ' Ford, Dan ......... ............................ 139
Dykes, Herbert K. .................. 99. 234 F Ford, :}lary Beth .......................... 112
Ford, Sharon Curtis ...................... 74
*Forgey, Martha .......................... 139
E Fabre, C. Rodney ........................... 9
Fain, Eva ............. .......................... 112
Fornero, Dan Kurt ......................... 74
Fort, James Albert ................89, 179
Fatherree, Bobbi M ....................... 89 Foster, J ames L . ............... ........... ... 89
Eads, Rhonda Gail ....................... 112 Faulk, Roy Michael ...... .. ............. 112 Foster, Kellie LaJ uan ..... .............. 89
Earlywine, Gail .............. .. ............. 123 Fawcett, M. Melinda ................... 112 Fountain, Thomas M ................... 100
Earlywine, Gary Alan ..... 62, 74, 256 Featherstone, Homer Eugene ... 112 Foyil, Nancy Carol ....................... 112
Eason, Michael Wayne ................ 256 Fell , Roger Vincent ..................... 100 Frachiseur, Billy Doyle .............. 112
EDITOR'S NOTE ......................... 288 Fenchel, Kurt Michael ....... ......... 112 Frames, Carl R . ............................ 234
EDUCATION ................................ 208 Fergerson. Janet Karoll .....148, 179 Franklin, Martha Lynn .............. 112
Edwards, Marilyn Lois ................. 89 Ferguson, Billy ............................. 15 Franklin, Victor Pershing .......... 100
Edwards, Richard G...................... 74 Ferrell, Alma M.............................. 74 Franks, M. Wendell ....................... 89
Ehlert, Sidney Allen .................... 112 Fess, Stephen Larry ....................100 Freel a nd, Rachel Diane .............. 100
Ell iott, Anita F aye ...................... 123 Fields, Diane .......................... ....... 139 Freeman, Daniel Grady ........ ...... 113
Ellis, Danny Wayne ..................... 112 Files, Melanie Gay ................. ...... 100 FRESHME N ............ ..................... 10
Ellison, Lela Mary ....................... 124 Fin cher, Carol Jean ..................... 112 Fricks, Deborah Kathryn ........... 113
Elmore, Brenda Gail .... ............... 100 Fincher, Jimmy Dale ........... ........ 100 Funderburk, Gary Wayne ............ 74
Elmore, Clinton Eugene ............. 112 Fincher, Mary Louise ................. 100 Furgerson, Billy Carroll ............. 100
Elmore, Gary Wayne ..................... 9 Fl):E ART'S SER IE S .................. 38
E lmore, William David ................ 112 Fish, Ruth Kathleen ..................... 74
Emerson. Ernie Lee .................... 112 Flaherty, Mary Catherine .......... 112
Engl ish, Paul Timothy ........ 112, 174 Flanigan, Laura Annette ........... 100 G
..L..L Hessesbein , Thomas Edwin ....... 114
Gandy, Cath y J ane ...................... 113
Gardner, Am anda Jo ..... 89, 154, 155 Hester , R ussell A........................... 90
H agen, Michael Eddie ......... .......... 75 He ywood, Mary L ee .......................76
Garner. Cam ille .... 101 , 148, 149, 169
Hagood, John Troy 114,134,148,234 H ickman, Christ oph er ................. 124
Garner. )lachelle .101, 148, 149 , 169
Ga rne r. Ronald Wayne ............. ... .89 Hairston, William A ..................... 101 Hicks, C h arles T h omas ....... ........ 114
H ale, Walter A..............................101 Hicks, Gary A llen .... ..................... 114
Garrett. Carol L inda ................... 11 3
Hall, Allen ........ ............................. 124 H icks, Jimm y De n zil .................... 101
Ga r rett, Car ol Ann ...................... 113
H all, Eleanor Bernice ................. 114 H igdon, Car la Sue .......................... 90
Garrett. Char les David ................. 89
H all, Helen Sue ................... ......... 114 H ign ight, Tommy Darius 65, 90, 135
Garrett, Gary Clark ....................... 90
Hall, Tommy P ........................ ........ 75 Hild r eth, Louis D .................... .......90
Garrett. Raye P atr ice ................. 113
Halligan, David Kirby ................. 124 Hill, Calvin Mich ael .................. ...234
Garrison. Gaylon L y nn .. .... ....... .. 234
Halligan, Howard ......................... 124 H ill, Eva M..................... ....... 101, 179
Gayle. Anna .................. 101, 130, 148
Haltom, James Louie .................. 124 Hill, H ugh Wilson ........................... 76
Gayle. J oan Con way ..................... .74
Haltom, Joyce ...............................124 H ill, Kerry .............................124, 179
Gean . R icarda Grace ...................101
Halto m, Patricia Ann ............. ..... 101 Hines, Curtis Steven ................... 114
Ge n try, John William .................. 101
Ham, Sarah Elizabeth ................ 101 Hines, James Gary ....................... 101
GEOLOGY ..................................... 136
George, John T homas .................. 101 Hamaker, Pamela Jane ............... 114 Holden, P a u la Sue ......................... 91
Hamlin, Michael Eugene .............. 90 Holder, R icky Clark ............. 114, 141
Gibson. E arl T hom as .... 90, 158, 169
Gibson. Karla Lynn e ....... 65, 75, 148 H ammons, Charles Lamar ......... 101 Hollenswort h, James D ............... 101
Hanson, Patricia Sue ..... .............114 Hollis, LaRonda JoAnn ............... 101
Gibson. R honda Gail .................... 113
Hardin, Scott David .....................101 Holloway, Deborah Kay .............. 101
Gibson. Ybonda X ell .... ................ 113
Hardy, Rebecca Ann ................... 101 Holloway, Dennis L ....................... 76
Giddens, Ray ................................. 234
Hargrave s, Christine K. ............... 76 Holloway, Emma Jean .................. 91
Gilbey. Pamela Kay ..... ..90, 131 , 139
Hargrove, Jan ice ............ .............. 131 Holmes, Gary David .................... 114
Gill. E arl Wa y ne ................... 101, 148
Harper, Mike Kent ....................... 114 Holt, Paul Louis ............................. 91
Gille pie. Andrea H ............... 90, 130
Harrington, Jackie David ........... 114 HOMECOMING .............................. 28
Gist. Sherry ....... ............................ 134
Harris, Benny Ray ...................... 234 H opkin s, E llen Louisa ................. 114
Gladden, anford Dean ............... 113
Harris, Carrie ................................. 76 Horn, William Robert ..................114
Glasgow. Ramona Carol .... .... ..... .113
H arris, James Michael ........ 124, 1 79 Horne, Evelyn Rose .......... .... ....... 114
Glasgow, Rebecca B ays .......... 65, 75
Harris, John L owrey ..................... 90 Horton , De borah Hicks .................91
Gleghorn. Gifford Gene .......... ..... 101 Harri s, Mary Ann .................. 90, 134 Honnell, Ma r ilyn .......................... 124
Gleghorn. Toni Renee ................. 113 Harris, Rebinald Kim ..... ............. 114 House, Joe Wallace ...................... 101
Glenn. John E dward .................... 234 Har ris , Thomas Wayne ......... 90, 174 H ouse, Sherry Ann ........................ 91
Golden , Gary Ly nn ...................... 113 Harrison, Gregory Wayne .......... 114 Howar d, Ch a rles Eckard .............. 91
GOLF .............................................. 253 Harrison, Patricia Ann ............... 114 Howell, J immy D ............................76
Goodhean. Steve n Dale ..............101 HARROD HALL ........................... .43 Howell, John Car l ......................... 101
Goodman. Betty R ......................... 75 Hart, Deborah Ann ...................... 139 Howell, Kathy J o ............................ 76
Goodwin. Charles Earl ................ 101 Hart, Ricky Darrel ....................... 114 H owell, P amela Rene ...... 65, 76, 139
Goodwin. J udy Ann ........................ 75 Hartsell, Bruce Dale ................... 114 Huddleston, Rebecca Sue ... 101, 148
Goodwin. Sandra Sue .................. 113 Hartsfield, Mike ........................... 124 H uddlestun, Jeffrey Dwight ...... 124
Gorman, Lo u ......... ......... ........ ....... 101 Harwell, Doris Deen ...... 90, 148, 169 Hudgens, Donna F .. ...................... .77
Gorz, Benny Joseph ........... ............ 75 Harwell, Martha Susan .............. 114 H uffman, Dennis Randel ............ 174
GR.ADC ATIO:'.\ ...... .... ..................... 50 Harwell, Michael Wallace ........... 114 H ughes, Mona Lea ..................... .. 114
J acqueline. Louise ............... 101, 135 Harwood, Janis Carol .................. 114 HUMANITIES ............................. 212
154, 155 Hassen, Ramona Lynn ............... 101 Hunter, J. Dianne ..........................91
Grantham. Dan Cedric ................ 113 Hatcher, Kathleen Jane ............. 114 H u nter, Jeff Qu inn ...................... 115
Gra,·es. Gary Allen ...................... 114 Hatter, Franklin Delano .............. 90 H unter, Willi am A llen ................. 115
Gray. Linda ~ arie ................ ......... 90 Hawkes, Edwin H ... .... ................... 76 H utson , Cecil Henry ....................252
Gray. Terry Gail ............................. 90 Haw kins, Clarence Ru ssell .......... 90 H u t son, Shirley Yvonne ............... 77
Green. E arl Glen ............ .............. 234 Hawkins, James Arthur ............. 234
Green, Jerry Da,;d .......... 65, 90, 148 Hays, George Edward ................. 114
Healer, Michael John ............ 90, 135
149, 169
Green, Linda S .............................. 124
Green, Sterling Wade ....................75
Hedden, Barbara .......................... 101
Hedden, William Donald ............. 114
GREE~E HALL ........................... .44 Hegarty, Raymond Michael 101, 130
Gregory, J a m es De nnis ......... 75, 158 Helmbeck, Robert L .................... 101 I NDEX ............ ........ ....................... 276
Griffin , Cathy Darlene ................ 114 Helton, Jack Claude .....................114 Ingram, Bet ty L ou ........................ 91
Griffin, Donova LaJ etta ............... 90 Henderson, Lois Jean .................. 124 Ingram, Buddy Ray ..................... 115
Griffin, Karen Sue ................. 75, 139 Henderson, Sandra Kay ............. 114 Ingram, Precious Pamela ........ ...115
Gr iffin, Win fred Vernon .............. 101 Henderson, Vicki Ly nn ............... 114 Ingram, Robert Hagley ................ 91
Gro,·es. )larilyn E laine ...............114 Henry, Susan Anne ....................... 90 I NTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 24
Guiberteau, )1argaret Ruth ...... 114 Henry, Timothy James ....... ....65, 90 INTRAMURALS .......................... 266
Gullatt, J o hn Burrand .................. 75 Henson, William E . ........................ 76 Ittivamitum, Sunti ........................ 77
Gunnels, Grady Mae ...................... 75 Herndon, Dahl K . ........................... 90 Ivers, Ro dney F ............................ 101
Gurnea, De n n is ............................. 124 Herring, Ava Marie ...... ...............101 Iv erson, Mary ............................... 124

J Kendrick, Charles R ...................... 91
Kennebeck, Susan J ean ................ 91
Kenn ey, Frank ............................. .115
Jacks. Deborah Jan ........................ 91 Kenn edy, Ann El ise ....................... 91 McAdams, Margaret Ethel ........ 102
Jacks, Gerald Thomas ................... 77 Kerr, Rex ....................................... 115 McAmis, Ma r y E llen ... 102, 154, 155
Jackson . Ang·ela Ann ................... 115 Kerr, Robert .................................... 91 McCollum, Andrew Rob e rt ......... 124
J ackson , Charlotte Ann e .... 102, 179 Key, :\Iary Donna ......................... 115 McCo nnell, Patrick William ....... 116
Jackson, Retta Caule~· .................. 91 Kimbell, Di nah J o .......................... 91 McCormack, R ichard Jay ........... 108
Jackson, Rhonda Cl'oss ........ .91, 169 Kimbell, Roy Zolly ......................... 77 McCrary, Kevin Ray ........... 11 6, 138
J ackso n. Tomm~· Ra ~· .................. 115 Kimre ~·. Gregory Scott ................ 115 McCrary, :\1ark William ................ 78
J ame r son, P at ....................... 1-18, l-19 King, Jimmy Earl ........................... 78 McCroskey, Betty Ann ................ 102
Jamerson . Sherry ......................... 12-1 King, Polly ;\1arie ........................... 91 McCullu m, Leslie K. .................... 102
J a mes. Bobby Joe ......................... 115 King, Vanessa Dell ...... 11 5, 12-1, 179 McDonald, Dale N eill .................... 92
James. Robert ............................... 115 King , \Vilbul' .................................. 12-1 McDuffie, Re ba Duke .................. 102
J amison, Jimmy Don ..................... 77 Knigh t, Anthony .................... 78, 179 McElroy, Robert Lynn ................ 102
J arnigan, Byron Keith ................ 115 Koen , Ke nneth R. ................ .. 91, 17-1 McGee, Marjorie Cathel'ine ......... 78
J ean, J oseph .................................. 115 Kumpe, Philip De an ...................... 91 *McGee, Ron ald ............ ................ 141
J effe rs, J ames Ricke~· .................. 115 Kyle, Norma Janette .................... .78 McGough, Robert Ja mes ...... 78, 252
J enning·s, Charles \Villiam .11 5, 256 McHenry, Won drous Marie .......... 78
J enni ng·s, Gar~· Franklin ............ 115 .McJunkins, James Steven ............ 92
J enni ng-s, Pats~· Jane ... ................. 77 McKamie, Gloria D........................ 78
J ennings, William E .................... 2:~-1
J ohnson . Ann Trice ........................ 77
L McKin ney, Lawrence ....................92
McKinney, Manda lene ......... ....... 102
J ohnson, Bill~· ~1ike ............... 77, 252 McKinnie, D inah Elizabeth ....... 102
J ohnson, Bre nd a Karen .............. 102 Lacey, ~fal'k ....... ........................... 130 McKnig·ht, Bren t Hughes ........... 116
J ohnson, Fred D ..................... 77, 179 L amb, Steve P .............................. 23-1 McLemore, Roy ... ......... 234, 241, 237
J ohnson, Garry E ......................... 234 Lam be r t, Mencia) ......................... 11 6 :\1cMahen, Marilyn T odd ......92, 131
J ohnson . Gloria De An ................. 179 Lamkin, Corbet Joe ..................... 102 McManus, L aurie Helen ............. 102
J ohnson. Kenneth Don ................ 115 Lamkin, Royce Allen ................... 102 McMullin, Mic hael J ames ........... 116
.John son. K irn J uan~·ce ................ 115 La ndes, Ro salyn ...........................256 McNeil, J udy P at ric e ............... 46, 92
J o hn son, Linda Kay ....................... 77 Lane, R ic h ard E ............................. 78 124, 154, 155
J ohnson, Peg-gy Dianne ......... ....... 91 Langheld, F r a nces J eannine .......91 McNulty, Dennis Raymond 116, 135
J ohnson, Rache l ~,Jae .. .................. 77 Langston, J. Dennis ..................... 102 McN ulty, L inda L. ................. 78, 138
J ohnson, Rebecca Ann ................ 115 Langston , Mark E ........................ 102 McVay, Dan ............ ....................... 124
J ohnson. Rick J erome ................ ... 77 Lee, John H ................................... 102 McVay, Karen Ann .............. 116, 135
J oh n son, Will ie .............................. 138 Lehman, J ean ne Marie 102,135,256 Machen, Billy R ay ....................... 192
J ohnston . Saundra L .. ................. 115 L eonal'd, Thomas J a mes ............. 102 :V1achen, Kenneth Wayne ........... 116
Jones, Donald C .............................. 77 Leslie, Debbie Ann ...................... 116 MA.DR !GALS ................................ 149
J ones, Clevelan d H ..................... 115 Leslie, Gary Allen ................ ........ 1-18 Mahan, Beverly Kay ..................... 92
J ones, Debbie Louise ................... 115 Le verett, Amelia Davis ................ 91 Mahan, :\1arti n Nelwyn ................ 92
J ones, Gary De \V ayne ................. 102 Lewis , Adr ia E .................... ............ 91 MAINTENANCE .............. ...........192
J on es. Han·e~· Lee ......................... 77 Lewis, J ackie ................................. 124 MAJORETTES ............................. 156
J ones, Helen Rose ........................ 102 L ewis , :\1argal'et Ann .............. 65, 78 Maloc h, Roger E lwin ................... 116
J ones.James ................................. 141 Lewis, Mary Elizabeth ............... 116 Manning, Char lotte Ann ............ 102
J ones, Karen Curtis ................. 65, 77 Lewis, Ron a ld Bl'oadu s ................. 78 Mann ing, Don n a Car ol ................ 102
J ones, Kathryn Marie ................. 102 Lewis, Tony Howard ................. .. 116 Mara, Edward James .................. 116
J ones, Larry Wayne .................... 102 Lewis, Vicki Kay ................... ......... 78 Marks, Betty Ray ........................ 116
J ones, Sharon Lee ........................ 102 LIBRARY ...................................... 196 Marlar, Albert C .............................78
J ones , Teddi Yvonne ................... 102 Liggin, Samuel W ......................... 116 MARRIED STUDENTS ............... 22
J ones, Vera Butler ......................... 77 Lilly, Leah Gretta .................. 78, 179 Marshall, L. Jane ........................... 79
J one s, \Vanda Marilyn ................ 102 Li ndsey, Rosemary ...................... 102 Marshall, Mari L y nn ........... 124, 2511
J o rdan, David Lawrence ........ .. .... 77 Linsey, Deborah ........................... 124 Martel, Ma r y Luc y ......................103
Jordan, Eliza beth ......................... 124 Lisemby, Larry Donald .............. 116 Martin , "Bro" .......................... ....... 92
Jorgense n, J a nice Louise ........... 115 Lisern by, Pamela Sue .................... 78 Martin, Lendall Arnold ................ 92
JOURNAL I SM .................. ........... 198 Lise mby, Richard Alan ............... 102 Mart in, Michael Lee .................... 103
Judge, Larry ................ .... ............. 102 Little, Anthony Benoit ............... 102 Ma rtin, Robe rt Way ne .......... 79, 234
JUNIORS ......................................... 86 Little, Dennis L. ............................. 78 Mart in, Sharon Lynn .................. 103
Junkin, Gaylord B .......................... 77 Livingston, Rose Marie .............. 102 Massey, E dwa rd Rand olph .......... 79
Lockyer, C. Allan ................... ...... 138 Masse y, Mark W ........................... 116
Loe, Robert Allen ......................... 116 May, J e rry David ........... ........ 92, 234
K Loftis, Donald Ray ....................... 102
Loper, Roger Meacheam ............ 102
May, John Willis ............................. 79
Mayhew, Lee Ann .. ...................... 103
Lout, David Lee ...... .......................78 Mayton, Sheliah Blan .................116
KAPPA KAPPA PSI .................... 158 Lo ve, Carol Cook ............................ 78 MISSIONARY BAPTIST
Kauffman, Charles E .................... 91 Love, Charles K. ............................. 78 STUDENT FELLOWSHIP ..... 134
Keith, Terry Joe ........................... 102 Love, Jerry G ........................... .. ... 116 Meadow, Danny Mic hael ............lln
Kelley, Sheila Kav ...................... 77 T f\Ut:l t t P ot" h n l
l\l u:::> IG ~VUGATUK :S A'l'lU1 AL Murphy, R icky ... ................... 148, 149 ASSOC IATION ......................... 137
CO::\'FERE ::\'CE ........................ 169 :\1urphy. Samuel Edward .............92 :N utt, L~·nn Dewel ................. ......... 80
Mercer. :\lartha Lee ............ 103, 130 :\1urphy, Sheila J ean ................... 117
Merkle. April ~un ........... ............. 116 Murphy, T homas R ichard ... .47, 103
:\1erritt. Carolyn Sue ................... 139 :\1urry, ::vi. Annette ........92, 148, 169
:\1erritt, Cynthia ........................... 124
Me:\'ers. Richard :\fax .................... 79
:\1 US IC ........... ................................. 20:1 0
Miers. Charles S . ............ 92. 154, 155
:\Iiles. Carolyn Jane ..... ............ 65, 79 Odom, H. Ste\"en ........................... 117
:\IILIT:\RY CIE::\'CE ................ 216
Miller. Barbara Sharon ................ 79
N Ogden, Charlotte Louise ............... 92
Ogden, Patr icia Holt ... ................. 117
:\1iller. Erma Denise .................... 116 Oglesby, Eldon Ross ...................... 80
Miller. Jean ........................... 103, 130 Nance, Siri Gail ............................ 103 Ogleby, Theresa Ruth ................... 80
Miller. Ken \\' .......................... 92, 174 Nance, William Creed .................... 92 Olden, Linda Darnishes .............. 117
:\liller. Randy Jame· ................. .. 103 N ash, Deborah Lynn .-16, 92, 139, 154 Ol i\"e. Robert J ames ............ 117, 141
:\Iiller. Roger :\lien ................ 92, 15 Nash, Linda Diane ...... ........ 103, 179 Ol son, Billy Don ................. ............ 92
:\1ilton. Laurie Sue ..................... .. 10!3 Nash, Wanda Jea n ....................... 117 OME GA KAPPA ALPHA ...... ..... 172
:\1isenheimer. Bobby W......... 92, 138 Nassa r , Merceder Gonzalez ......... 92 ORGA:'1IZATIONS ...................... 126
11itchell. Joe Clifford ............. 92, Ul Teason, Billie S herree ................ 103 Orrick, Ronald Edwin .......... ......... 92

:\1itchell. :\lary Helen .................... 92 Nelson, Greta Nan ....................... 103 Owen, Connie Lynn ................ ..... 117
1Iitchell. Robert Lee ...................103 NELSON HALL ............................ .-14 Owens, Karen Ann .......... ............. 117
:Mixson, arah Jean .....................116 Nelson, Marla Kay .......................117
Molnaird. Charles D ....................103 Nelson, Mona L aCynthia ........... 179
:Montgomery, Deana Darlene .... 103
Montgomery. Edgar J ........... 92, 234
::\'ewcomb, James Mitchell ............92
~EWMAN CLUB ......................... 135
:vloore. Charles Floyd .................... 79 Newton, Home r I. .......................... 80
:\Ioore. Kelly Lou ..........................116 ::\'ewton, Peter Wesley ......... 117, 135 Padgett, Sidney J o ...................... .117
Moore, Kyle ................................... 252 ::\'ewton, Sammy J ........................ 117 Parham, Edward Ra~, ................. 104
Moore. :\largie Bell ...................... 103 ::\'icholson, Anita J ane .................124 Parham, Marsha Anne ............... 104
\forehead, La~ora Anne ............ 116 ::\'ipper, Kenneth Eric .................. 117 Parham, Mary B . .................... .....117
Morgan. Em Lee ......................... 116 ::\' isley, J oslyn Ann ............... 103, 179 Park, Sherrie Dianne .................. 117
Morgan, Henry Alan ................... 116 ~ ix. Bobbie Sue ..... ............... 117, 169 Parkening, Dale Michael .... ........ 117
Morgan, Jimmie Lee ...................... 79 N'ix, Deborah Kay .......................... 92 Parker, E velyn .......... ... ................ 179
\1o rgan, Ronald Terry ................ 116 :\'ix, Jame s Edward ......... ............ 104 Parker, Gle nda J oyce .................. .. 92
Morrison. Terry Lee ............... .... ...92 ~ix, Samuel Dale ........................... 80 Parker, Rita Carol ....................... 104
Morton, Michael James ...... 103, 141 Noble, Cheryl Elain e ................... 104 P a rks , J oleen ................................. 104
Mosely. :\1ary Jill ............................ 92 Nolan, William .............................. 132 P arne ll, Beverly Terese .............. 117
\1CLERIDER ............................... 164 'orris, Dolores Darlene .............. 104 Parrish, William Richard ............. 80
Mullins, Kenneth Rue l .................. 79 Norton, Billy Way n e .... ................ 124 Pat ton, Cynthia Faye ........... 92, 179
\1unn, Donald Leonard ................. 79 Norton, Fred S .... ...................... .... 104 Patton, Shady ......................... 80, 179
Munn, Ricky Joe ...........................103 Norton, P amela Annette ............ 104 Patterson, Steven N ....................117
Murphy. Cathy Lynn .................. 116 Nunley, Olivia ..... ............................ 80 Paulus, M ichael W ................. 92, 148
\1 urphy, Mary Louise ................. 11 6 NURSES ........................................196 P.E. ASSOCIATION .................... 147
Murphy, :\1elissa Jane ................. 116 NURS I NG ...................................... 218 Peace, Mary Anna ....................... 124

Pearce, Marsha L . ........................ 117
Pe arce, Stephan W....................... 104
Pearson, R andall D ............... ....... 118
Pedigo, William Ma rti n ......... 92, 124
Pedron, J ames R . .... ............ ........... 80
Pender, M. Kathy ......................... 104
Fendrick, Angela S ................ ........ 92
Penn, L loyd F .. ............. 104, 130, 141
Perdue, J oy L ...67, 92, 139, 154, 155
Perkins, Terry Don ................. ..... 234
Perry, Elizabeth J .......................... 80
Phagan, Larry P ........... .... .. .. ... .. .. 104
PHI BETA LAMBDA ................. 142
PHI MU A LPHA .................... ...... 168
Phillips, Donald P . ............... 11 8, 234
Phillips, Ja mes W.... .. ......... .... 93, 179
Phillips, Mark A . ...... .... .... ...... 93, 252
Phillips, Mind y L ... ........ .... ....... ......80
PHOTOGRAPHERS ... ................. 166
Pierce, Jud y Kay .................... ........ 81
Pierce, Mark R. ...............................8 1
Pie rce, Robert Al an ... ...... ............252
Pierce, Sally Ann ....................... .. 118
Pipkin , Debra G . ...... .............. ....... 104
Pipkin, Maril y n E . ....................... 118
Pittman, Jay B . ............................ 104
Pittman, Michael D . ......... ........... 104
Pletcher, Mark K....... ................... 11 8
Pl unkett, Vickie Ann ................... 11 8
Poindexter, B rack R ............ 124, 179
Polk, E lizabet h Ann ................. ... 104
Polk, Perry A .... .................... 104, 252
Polk, Ton i Ly nn ............................ ..81
Porter, Charles R ....................... .. 118
Porter, J ennifer L . .............. ......... 118
Porter, Paula Ann ...... ......... 154, 155 Ray, Kenneth E ................ ........... . 105 *Robison, Dr. Henry ................. ... 222
POST OFFICE ...... ...... ..................192 Ray, Melinda Jo ..................... .. ..... 11 8 Roc kenback, Holly An n ...... 118, 135
Powell, Margaret S ...................... 118 Ray, Tommy Glen ....................... . 105 Rodgers, Richard R ..... .......... 8 1, 141
P owers, Eliza beth J . ................ ...... 93 Rayburn, Melvin .......................... 138 Rogers, Dennis Noel ............ 118, 234
Powers, William H ............... ........ 11 8 Reed, James ...... ....... ..................... 124 Rogers, John C . ............................. 141
Prat her, Barbara R ........ ... ............81 Reed, Ronald G ................... .... ...... 158 Rogers, Randall G . ...................... .105
P rather, Dawn E .... ...... .... ............ 11 8 Reeder, Larry .. ............... ...... ........ 234 Rogers, Rebecca Lynn ............. .. .. .93
Prather, Ken n et h C. ............ 118, 138 Reeder, Stan ................................... 81 Rogers, Sheryl R . ............... .. 148, 169
PRE-MED AND SCIENCE CLUB Reeves, James Scott ... ... .... .......... 105 Rook, Rhonda Carol ....................... 93
138 Reeves, Joyce Ann ..... ............. ....... 81 Rook, Rita Kay ............................. 11 8
Price, George H . ............... ............ 104 R eid, De rrel Wayne ........ .... .105, 174 Rose, John C... ............................... 11 8
PRI N T SHOP ....... ........... .............. 160 Rhod es, Dusty W ............ ................ 93 Ross, Da vid A ............................... ..81
Pruitt, Sandra Kay ........... ......... .... 81 Rhode s, J oseph Larry ................... 93 Ross, Gregory L .............. ...... ........ 125
PSYCHOLOGY CLUB ................ 151 R hodes, Marilyn Beth ................. 105 Ross, Phillip D.................... ............81
P U BLIC RELATIONS ............ ... 198 Rh odes, Nora ........................... ..... 118 Ross, Sharon G..................... 118, 256
Purdy, George R . ............................ 81 Rhode s, Sheila Gail ...................... 118 Ross, Thomas E . .............. 67, 93, 174
P urdy, Ricky ..................... ............ 125 Rhynes, Rhonda Faye ................. 11 8 Rossi ni, L inda M.......................... 105
Purifoy, Gearld D . ................ 104, 132 Riddle, Bonnie J o-Lee ......... 11 8, 125 ROTC .............................................. 152
Puska, J ames D............. ...............118 Riddle, Joan A . ..................... ........ 118 Rothwell, Cecil M ....... .... ..............118
P y les, Nelwyn Elane ................... .. 81 RIDERETTES .............................. 250 Rothwell, R onnie E ....................... 81
R iggs, Cynthia Lou ...................... 105 Rowe , B illie G ........................ .. ..... 139
Rister, Kathryn S ......... ............... 105
Q Ritchey, Conrad M. ... ................... 105
Ritchie, Shirley F ........ ............... .. 118
Rowe, Katherine S ... ............ 105, 139
Rubinski, M ike ............................ .. 135
Ruple, Miriam D ........................... 105
R oark, Rhonda L ............... 21, 46, 93 Russell, Micheal L . ................ 81, 174
Quarles, Howard R. .................21, 81 Roberson, James R . ..... .................. 8 1 Ru ssell, Rhonda ................... 105, 131
Roberts, David G ....................93, 256 Ru ssell, Theresa J ...................... .. 118
Robin son , Charles R ... 105, 148, 179 *Ruthledge, Carl ....... ................... 141
R Robin son, Claude A ............... 81, 179
Robin son, Mary ............................ 125
Robin son, R obert Lee ................... 81
..., ........... .... , ... ... ............... -,. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... ........ v v , .... ' " v•1111,,11, " ' a11ua. u-............... ...... v-1:, .l."±O

Sanders, Diane Kay ....................... 93 Smith, Wendy Sue ........................ 105 Talley, Jame s M ...................... ..... 106
Sanders. Edna F ..........................11 Smith, Yolonda L .................... ....... 82 Talley, Rona ld E .............. 67, 83, 139
Sanders, Laura Kay .................... 118 Snay, Gary D .......................... 82, 256 Tatum, J ohn H .............................. 11 9
Sandifer, Be,·erly Ann ................ 11 Sneed, Dan H .................... .............. 9-1 TA U BETA SIGMA ..................... 159
Satterwhite, Donna ~I. 105. 132. 1-1 Sneed, David C....................... 94, 158 TA UR •.<\NS ..................................... 17-l
Satterwhite. Joyce D . ......... ...... ... 105 SOC. SCIENCE ............................. 22-1 Tau nto n , E dith F ......................... 120
Saulsbury, Preston H .................... 81 SOPHOMORES ............................... 96 Taylor, Char les W .......................... 83
Savage, Kay B ................................ 93 Souter, Edith ... ............... .............. 119 Taylor, Charlott e Lee .................... 83
Savage. Xance .............................. 105 Souter, James L. ............................ 94 Taylor, Glend a Kay ............. 1:20, 130
Savoy, Donna E .................... 118, 130 Souter, Ted A ................................ 105 Tayl or, Le nn a M ............................ 83
Sa,vyer, Lisa Lee ........... 93, 149, 169 MISS SOUTHERN BELLE ......... 54 Taylor , Nancy Ann ................ 95, 130
S-CL liB ................................ .... ...... 233 Sparks, Arle n D ............................ 119 Taylor, Sammy Olivia ............. 67, 83
Schales, Deloris D ........................ 118 Sparks, Ron .................. .. .. ............. 125 TECH NICA L .... ............................ 22 8
SCIEXC E ................. ......................220 Spears, Mary Susan .................... 119 *Terry, Robert ................. ............... 19
Sclurlsorth. Leonard J ......... .........93 SPECIAL SERVICES ................. 194 MEN'S TE NN IS ........................... 256
Scott, Susan D ......................... .46, 93 Speer, Susie ................................... 105 WOMEN'S TE NN IS .................... 257
Seale. R aymond ............................ 125 Spradlin, Dav id A ........................ 119 Teu tsch, Noet ta ............ ................ 120
SECOXD SE~IESTER STUDENTS Spurr, Sherman F .............. .......... 119 Tew, David K. ......................... 83, BO
122 ST AG EC RAFTERS ..................... 154 Tew, Deborah ................. 83, 130, 1-11
SEXIORS ............... .......................... 70 Stagg, Vicki L y nn .......................... 94 THE ATRE ....................................... 34
Serio, am ................... ..................... 81 Standridge, Da vid L. ................... 105 Therrell, Larry Ly nn .................... 83
Seward, Darrell L . ....................... 119 Stanley, James C .......................... 105 Thomas, C lyde .............................. 192
SGA ................................................. 182 Stanley, Marty .............................. 105 Thomas, Earl L. ........................... 125
Shank. Paul Stanford ..................119 Stanley, Sharon L. .......................119 Thomas, James K. ..................95, l 7J
Sharp. X ancy L. ...........................119 Stephen, Joseph L. ......................... 94 Thomas, Loyd John ..................... 1:20
Sheets. Herman ~I. ........ 82, 154, 155 Stephen, Judith A ........................ 105 Thomas, Ronni e E .........................8:~
Shemwell. Dorothy J ................... 119 Stephens,. Jess ie M. ...................... 105 T homas, Wakie I. ......................... 106
Shepherd, BeYerly D ..................... 82 Sterling, Edna May ..................... 105 Thomas, You land ia Cassanova .1 06
Shepherd, 11argie F ....................... 94 Stevens, Pa ulette ......................... 179 T homason, La rry K ..................... 120
Shepherd, R icha rd M ............ ...... 119 Stevenson, Dorthy F ..... ..... ......... 105 Thompson, Steven H. ............ 95, 130
Shippard. E,·erlyn G . ....... ............ 105 Stoker, Jerry Allen ...... .................. 83 Thornton, J ack ie D .......... 67, 84, 139
Shindhelm. Desiree S . ................. 119 Stone, Donney ............................... 125 Tims, Leonard R . ........................... 95
Shinn, Bo B o ................................... 94 Stonecipher, Kenneth G ............. 106 Tiner, James Ly nn ..............106, 256
Shipley, J o L . ................................ 119 154, 155 Tipton, Wand a S ........................... 120
ShiYer, Donald Lee ....................... .94 Story, Lynn David ....................... 106 Tolle t te, P hyllis W ....................... l:W
Shryock Eleanor J . ...................... 119 Story, Pamela G ........................... 11 8 Tollett, R ogena ............................... 84
Shockley, LaYerne ....................... 105 Stout, Brenda Kay ......................... 83 Tompkins, Thomas Wayne ........... 84
Short, L inda J .. .............................119 Stovall, Patricia Ann ..................... 83 TRACK ........................................... 258
Shurtleff. Robert A ...................... 119 Stratton, Denzil T ........................ 125 Trexler, Marilyn Faye .......... 67, 125
SIG~1A PI SIG1IA ....................... 138 Strickland, Patricia Lea ............... 83 Triplett, Kay Clark ........................ 95
SIG~1A TAU DELTA .................. 139 Stringer, Richard L ............... ...... 149 Tuberville, Thomas H ................. 106
Silliman, Karen R. ......................... 94 Stuart, Cynthia K. ................. 95, 169 Tucker, James Earl ..................... 120
Simmons, Lany ............................139 Stuart, Marilyn ............................ 125 Tuc ker , William E .......................... 84
Skaggs, William Isaac ... 82, 135, 234 Stuart, Smead P .................. ........... 83 Tumey, Sharon Beth ..................... 95
Skain s, William L. .................. 94, 174 STUDENT LIFE ............................ 14 Turner, Joh nny L ......................... 179
Sloan, James F ............................... 9-1 Sullivan , Becke ........................... .... 83 Tut t, Roy Dean ................. ..... ....... 120
Smart, Julie Ann ..........................105 Sunner , Sandra Lynn ................... 95
Smith, Alan Reh .................... ....... 174 Sutherland, Toni G......... .46, 95, 139
Smith, Billy R ...................... .........119
Smith, Carol Ann ......................... 105
Smith, Debra Sue ......................... 135
154, 155
Sutterfield, J ohn E ................ 83, 158
Sutton, Dianne ............................... 83
Smith, Derrill J oe ........................ ... 82 Sutton, Donald Ray ..................... 119
Smith, Donna G.............................. 94 Sutton, Jerry Ray ........................ 119 Uhrich, Kathy ...............................106
Smith, Gene ................................... 105 Sutton, Joel Lee ........... 119, 130, 169 Unger, John W .................. .... 174, 252
Smith, Georgia Mae .....................105 Swiff, David E ........ ......................... 83
Smith, James D .............................. 82 MEN'S SWIMMING .................... 254
Smith, Kenneth Lee ...................... 82 WOMEN'S SWIMMING ... ........... 255
Smith, Lander A ...... ................... . 125
3mith, Lewis W ............................ 125
Swinney, Wanda D .................. 67, 83
Swope , Paula Sue ......................... 119
3mith, L inda Ann .......................... 82 Szklaruk, Mary J .......................... 119
3mith, Marian Y ............................ 82 Vale ntine, Linda Dianne ............ 120
3mith, Mary M ................. 67, 82, 139 Vann, Kenneth D arrell ............... 120
Smith, Patricia L ................... 94, 179 Vaughan, Carrie Dianne ............ 120
Smith, Ray E ........................ 105, 134
3mith, Samuel D .......................... 119
T Velchoff, Van Steve ..................... 120
VICE PRESIDE NTS ................... 188

*Viertel, Janelle ................. .......... 169
Vinson, Kathy Gayle ................. .. 120
Voss, Paul Travis ............ ....... ...... 106

Wade, Allen ........... ........................ 148
Wade, Ivan Raymond ............ 95, 138
Waddle, Joe Lynn ................ 120, 234
Waits, Tommy ........... .... ................ 125
Wainwright, E velyn ............ 125, 179
Waldo, Ruth Ann ...................... ... 106
Waldrop, Roger Dale ............. ...... 106
Walker, Delbert Doss ... .... .... ....... 106
Walker, Jerry Wayne .................. ... 84
Walker, Melba Jean ...... ....... 106, 179
Walker, Mitzie Smelser ........ ......... 84
Walker, Wilma Gail ...... .... ....... .....106
Wall, Janet Reece .........................107
Waller, Donita Kaye ..................... .84
Waller, Meredith Lowe .................95
Waller, Steve Elliott .............. 95, 234
Walsh, Jerry K .... .... ..................... .256
Walsh, Leslie S . .............................. 84
Walters, Ricky .............................. 125
Walthall, Donna Louise .............. 120
Ward, Charles Wayne .................. 141
Ward, James R ......................... .....120
Ward, LaVeda F ........... .. ............... .84
Ward, William Robert ................. 120
Warmack, Asa .... ................... .......... 84
Warren, John Robert ..................... 84
Warren, Nancy Watson ................. 95
Washington, Lisa Joe .................. 120
Watkins, Kathryn L .................. .. 125
Watson, Brenda Alice ................. 120
Watson, Larry Freeman .......... ... 121
Watts, Franklin Leland ......... ...... .95
Watts, Robert Marshall ........... ...107
Weathersby, Don H ................... .. 121
Weaver, Jewel Turner .................107
Weaver, Larry Ray ........................ 84
Webb, Curtis Lee .......................... 121
Welch, Roger Earl ...... ........... ....... 121
Wells, Maribeth ............................ 121
WESLEY FOUNDATION ........... 133
Wesso n, Kris Arlene ... ................. 148
West, Debra Annette ............ 95, 134
Westphale, Thomas Steele ... 95, 252
Whatley, Patricia Ann ................ 107
Wheeler, Gary Don ........................ 84
Whiddon, Don ald Lee ................. ...84
White, Alan Lewis ........... .... 121, 234
White, Beverly Mae ... .. ................ 107
White, Charles Eddy ......... .. 121, 131
White, E va Elois ......................... .121
White, Janice A . .......... ............. .... 125
White, Janice Elaine ................... 107
White, Janice Violet .............. 84, 169
White, John Wayne ........................ 84
White, Paul Alfred ....................... 234
White, Ronald Wayne .. ............. .. ...95
White, Steven Harper ................. 121
Whitelaw, Marty .... ................ 84, 154
Whitten, ~1 a r y J a n e ..................... 125 Wise, Barbara Ann ...................... 107
WHO'S WHO ................................... 6:2 Wom ac k, D'uan ............................. 125
Wickliffe, Alice ............................ .... 8-1
Wickliffe, \'erne ..... ....................... 1:21
\Vood, Danny ............... .................... 85
Woodall, Kathy Diane ................. 107 y
Wiggins, George E ................. ...... ..8-1 Wood s Marv Frances .................. 125
Wiley, F rances K aren ................. 121 \Voole~ Sa1.'a Frances ................. 121
Yarb1·ough, Da n ny '.\/ at h a n ........ 1:21
1Viley, Rober t Way n e ..................... 85 Work; , 'Brenda Faye .................... 107
Yarb r ough, Oliv ia Dean ............. 107
.Vilkes. F red \ 'ernon .............. ...... 121 W0:'.\1E'.\/' S REC REATION
Y a r broug h, P amela J o .... .............. 95
.Vilkin on. Rebecca ............ .... ...... 107 ASSOCIATIO~ ......................... 1-16
Yarbroug·h , Thomas Cecil ............. 95
Nilliams, Debor ah Dell ............... 121 Wrig ht, Bobby Harold ................. 121
York, Twyl a Ja n e .................. ....... 107
Villiams. Frank T homas ............ 107 Wright , Kathy ............................... 125
Young·, Donna An n ...................... 107
;\lilliams. Gary Wayne ........... ...... 13 Wright, Robe r t W........................... 85
Young , T omm y Ran dall .............. 121
~'illiams, Gorden Stephen .......... 121 Wright, St ephe n Elry .......... 121, 23-1
Young, Willi a m E ......................... 107
Villiams. J ohn Ke n ne th ............. 107 Wylie , Betty Janell ...................... 107
You n g blood. Bonn ie Ha n es ........ 107
Villiams. Kenneth W . .................. 121 Wvl ie James Evans ....................... 95
\" illiains, Loraine ................. 125, 179 Wyl ie: Jerry Eugene ...................... 85
Villiams, Wilm a Lee ...................... 95 Wylie, Ruth Grace ........................ 107
Villis. Deborah L y n n .................. 121
Vilson, Da\"id Woodrow ................ 95
\' ilson, Gary St e ,·e n .................... 107
Wvnn Billv Randolph ................... 85
W~nn: Pan~e la Ann .................. 67, 85 z
Vilson, H arriet An n .. .................. 121 Zachr y, Benn y R a y .................. .... 121
Vilson. J immy Porter .................. 107 Zarim bda, Ylike ............................ 1:30
Vilson, L aura J ean ........................ 95
Vilson R icky J oe .................. ...... .. 121
X Zunig a , Vickki Lea .... .................... .85
Zylk s, R ic hard Wayne ........... 95, 252

A Year I n The L?j'e Of . . .
. . . Yesterday. W'here 1n walks and talks and
knows or even remembers. But we were there and the
burning of
old leaves and letters suffer smoke in our
tears and sleepy dream1'ngs .. .

NOW .. .
Take a look backward. Reflect on what this year has meant in your life. Has it
meant coming closer to achieving your dreams; attaining fulfillment? Or yet, have
you encountered unexpected surprises along the way.

I prefer to believe that each year of life grows better than that which has
preceded it. We must have this hope - that each day there is a new challenge, a
new cause to pursue, something new to reach out to.
D id you find that the world you were seeking was really not what was meant for
you at all? Perhaps you wanted things of a tangible nature - only to rediscover
that there is no permanency here, but only in things beyond the reach oft he mighty
dollar. Welcome to serendipity! As William Jame s once said, "The greates use of life
is to spend it for something that will outlast it."

During our years at college our paths have crossed with countless individuals,
and we have each in turn developed a little more of our own individuality. Each
individual who's life has in some way coincided with our own is a part of what we
have grown to become. One has the power for his life to be an edifice or a detriment
to the life of another. Which would you have yours to be?
Memories a r e not all happy ones, but it is the totality of trials and tribulations, as
well as our triumphs that contribute to individual growth. Our development cannot
stop with a college degree. We must be ever-r eady to extend ourselves, utilizing to
the fullest capacity our potential.

I suppose each of us has hi s own conception of success. Throughout the year I

have come to realize the truth of Booker T. Washington's quotation "Success is to
be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life a s by the
obstacles w h ich he has overcome while trying to s ucceed."

Now ... I bid you to go in peace as your prepare for the next year in your life ... for
the show must go on!


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