This document is a stamp identifier listing various stamp overprints, surcharges, and other identifiers in alphabetical order from A to B. It provides concise descriptions of the issuing country or territory and time period for each identifier. The document is intended to help identify and classify stamps. It encourages additions to the list and lists the website as a stamp supplier.
This document is a stamp identifier listing various stamp overprints, surcharges, and other identifiers in alphabetical order from A to B. It provides concise descriptions of the issuing country or territory and time period for each identifier. The document is intended to help identify and classify stamps. It encourages additions to the list and lists the website as a stamp supplier.
This document is a stamp identifier listing various stamp overprints, surcharges, and other identifiers in alphabetical order from A to B. It provides concise descriptions of the issuing country or territory and time period for each identifier. The document is intended to help identify and classify stamps. It encourages additions to the list and lists the website as a stamp supplier.
This document is a stamp identifier listing various stamp overprints, surcharges, and other identifiers in alphabetical order from A to B. It provides concise descriptions of the issuing country or territory and time period for each identifier. The document is intended to help identify and classify stamps. It encourages additions to the list and lists the website as a stamp supplier.
The document provides a comprehensive list and descriptions of stamp identifiers from A to Z.
The document is intended to be a stamp identifier that catalogs different stamps from around the world in alphabetical order for identification purposes.
The document identifies official stamps, semipostal stamps, airmail stamps, newspaper stamps and other special types of stamps from many different countries and regions.
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Shoe Box Stamps
Stamp Identifier This is the most complete Stamp Identifier we have ever found. It was found on the internet with no copyrite, so we copied it, fixed spelling errors, added a few new items, retyped the whole thing and saved it in PDF format. It is given to you at no charge and you may print out as many copies as you might need. After each letter section we have left space for you to add new items as found. Please let us know when you do so. So we may add them to this listing. We would appreciate it if you would consider www.ShoeBoxStamps.Com as your worldwide stamp supplier. Thank you These pages are designed to fit in a 3-hole binder. The page numbers alternate from the upper right to upper left. If you use two sided printing, the page numbers will always be on the outside. There is more space on the left side to accommodate the hole punching. Copyrite 2009 Shoe Box Stamps All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com A A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Architect]. A.B. (overprint on stamps of Russia): Far Eastern Republic (1923). ABASI: (currency): Afghanistan. A BETALE-PORTOMAERKE: Norway, postage dues. ABLOSUNG: Prussian local officials. ABNA OYRA: (overprint): Russia, airmails. ABNO OTOB6: Russia, airmails. A.C.C.P.: Azerbaijan. A CERTO (overprint): Peru- Ancachs (1884). ACO Hbi ATPAD: White Russia. ACORES: Azores. ADMIRALTY OFFICIAL: Great Britain, officials. A.E.F.: French Equatorial Africa. AETA: Epirus. AFFRANCHI AINSI-FATUE FIGURINE (overprint): Madagascar or Diego Suarez used during stamp shortage (speculative) [Postage Paid Thus Low Values Scarce]. AFFRANCHts (overprint precancel in France, Morocco, Andorra, Monaco): officials for government mail. AFGHAN: Afghanistan. AFGHANES: Afghanistan. AFRICA CORREIOS: Portuguese Africa. AFRICA OCCIDENTAL ESPANOLA: Spanish West Africa. AFRICA ORIENTALE ITALIANA: Italian East Africa. AFRIQUE EQUATORIALE FRANCAISE (overprint on stamps of Gabon): French Equaitorial Africa. AFRIQUE EQUATORIALE FRANCAISE (overprint on stamps of Middle Congo): French Equatorial Africa. AFRIQUE EQUATORIALE FRANCAISE (overprint with bars): French Equatorial Africa. AFRIOUE EQUATORIALE GABON: Gabon. AFRIQUE FRANCAISE COMBATTANTE: French Equatorial Africa, semipostals. AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE FRANCAISE: French West Africa. AIRPORT INTERNATIONAL DE KANDAHAR: Afghanistan. A.G. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Attorney General]. A.H. PD. (overprint on stamps of Azores): Angra, Horta, Ponta Delgada (1906). AIDEZ LES TUBERCULEUX (surtax overprint): Tunisia, semipostals. AITUTAKI (overprint on stamps of Cook Islands): Aitutaki. AITUTAKI (overprint on stamps of New Zealand): Aitutaki. AJANLAS (overprint): Hungary, registration stamps (1946). Ajl.1, Ajl.2 (overprint): Hungary, registration stamps (1946). ALAND ISLANDS: 1984 Dependency of Finland ALAOUITES (overprint on stamps of France): Alaouites. ALAOUITES (overprint on stamps of Syria): Alaouites. ALBANIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Albania (1902-7). ALBANIE CENTRALE: Central Albania (1915). ALCANCE Y.U.H.: Uruguay, late fee stamps. ALEXANDRIE: France- Offices in Egypt- Alexandria. Page 3 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com ALFABETIZACION (overprint): Ecuador, adult education propoganda. ALLEMAGNE DUITSCHLAND (overprint): Germany- Belgian occupation (1919-21). ALLIED MILITARY POSTAGE: Germany- Allied military government (1945-6). A.M. (overprint): Greece [Axia Metalliki (value in coin)]. AMBULANTE LAQUINTINIE (overprint): Camerouns, semipostal. A.M.G.-F.T.T. (overprint on stamps of Italy): Trieste (1947-54). A.M.G.-V.G. (overprint): Italy- Allied occupation of Venezia Giulia (1945-7). A M POST: Germany- Allied military government (1945-6). AMSTERDAO (overprint): Portugal, private overprint to send Olympic athletes to Amsterdam. AMTLICH ERPFFNET BURCH DIE K.W. POSTDIRECTION: German States-Wurttemberg , return letter stamps. AMTLICHER VERKEHR: German States-Wurttemberg , officials. AMPCKA6 OACTAH6: Far Eastern Republic. ANDORRA (overprint on stamps of Spain): Andorra- Spanish sector. ANDORRE (overprint on stamps of France): Andorra- French sector. ANHAPA DINERA (currency): Yugoslavia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia. ANNA (currency): British East Africa, India, Indian States, Mesopotamia, Zanzibar, Pakistan. ANNA (currency surcharged on French stamps): France- Offices in Zanzibar. ANNA (currency surcharged on stamps of Great Britain): Muscat & Oman. ANTIOQIUIA: Colombia- Antioquia (1868-1904). A.O. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Audit Office]. A.O. (overprint on stamps of Congo): German East Africa- Belgian occupation (1918)[Afrique Orientale (East Africa)]. A.O.F. (overprint on stamps of France): French West Africa, semipostals 1945) [Afrique Occidentale Francaise (French West Africa)]. A.O.I. (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italian East Africa, postage dues (1941). A PAYER: Luxembourg [to be paid]. A PAYER TE BETALEN: Belgium. A PAYER TE BETALEN: Belgium, Belgian Congo, postage dues. A PERCEVOIR: Belgium, France, French Colonies [To Collect]. APURIMAC: Peru- Apurimac- Chilean occupation (1885). A.R.: Colombia, Panama, Chile [Aviso de Recepcion (Advice of Receipt)]. ARCHIPEL DES COMORES: Comoro Islands. A RECEBER: Portugal, Portuguese Colonies, postage dues [To Be Received]. AREQUIPA: Peru- Arequipa- Chilean occupation (1881). ARMENWET (overprint): Netherlands and colonies, officials [Poor Regulations]. ARMY OFFICIAL (overprint): Great Britain, officials (1896-1904). ARMY OFFICIAL (overprint): Sudan, officials (1905). ARTS FESTIVAL ST. KITTS (overprint): St. Kitts- Nevis (1964). ARVIZKAROSULTAKNAK KULON (overprint): Hungary (1913) [For the Flood Sufferers, Extra]. ARUBA: 1986 seceded from the Netherlands Antilles and became a separate, autonomous member of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. ASCENSION (overprint on stamps of St. Helena): Ascension ASEGURADO: Spanish speaking countries [insured]. ASISTENTA SOCIALA: Romania, postal tax stamps. ASSICURATO: Italian speaking countries [insured]. ASSISTENCIA- D. L. no. 72 (overprint): Timor, social welfare. ASSISTENCIA NACIONAL AOS TUBURCULOSES- PORTE FRANCO: Portugal, franchise stamps [National Assistance for Tuberculosis]. ASSISTENCIA PUBLICA: Portuguese India and Mozambique, postal tax stamps [Public Assistance]. Page 4 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com ASUNCION (underprint): Paraguay, officials for 350 th anniversary of the capital (1886). A&T (overprint on French Colonies): Annam and Tonkin. AT BETALE: Norway, postage dues [To Pay]. ATT(S) (currency surcharges on stamps of Siam): Thailand (1893-1908). AUNUS (overprint on stamps of Finland): Russia- Finnish occupation (1919). AUR (currency): Iceland. AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC TERRITORY: Australia- Australian Antarctic Territory. AUTOPAKETTI: Finland, parcel post stamps. AVION MESSRE TAFARI: Ethiopia, air mails. AVIONSKA POSTA: Yugoslavia, air mails. AVISO DE RECEPACION: El Salvador, acknowledgement of receipt stamps. AVISPORTO MAERKE: Denmark, newspaper stamps sent in bulk to agents or singular non-subscribers. AVISPORTO MAERKA: Denmark, newspaper stamps. AVIS DE RECEPCION: El Salvador, acknowledgement of receipt stamps. AVO(S): Macao or Timor. AYACUCHO: Peru- Ayacucho- Chilean occupation (1881). AYTONOMO: Epirus. AYUDA EL ECUADOR (overprint): Paraguay, semipostals [help for Ecuador (earthquake victims)]. AZERBAIDJAN: Azerbaijan (1919-22) A3AA6: Azerbaijan. Page 5 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com B B (in an oval with no country name): Belgium, parcel post stamps. B (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements): Bangkok (1882-5). BADEN: Germany- French military occupation (1947-9). B.A. ERITREA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa- Eritrea. BAGHDAD (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Mesopotamia- British occupation (1917). BAHAWALPUR: Pakistan- Bahawalpur. BAHRAIN (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Bahrain (1948-60). BAHRAIN (overprint on stamps of India): Bahrain (1933-44). BAHT (currency): Thailand (Siam). BAJAR PORTO: Indonesia, postage due stamps. BAMRA: India- Bamra (1888-94). BANAT BACSKA (overprint): Hungary- Banat issues (1919). BANI (currency): Romania. BANI (currency overprint on stamps of Germany): Romania- German occupation (1917-9). BANI (currency overprint on stamps of Hungary): Romania- Austro-Hungarian occupation (1919). BARANYA (overprint): Hungary- Serbian occupation (1919). BARBERIA (overprint): Italy- Offices in Tripoli. BARBUDA (overprint on stamps of Leeward Islands): Barbuda (1922). BARCELONA: Spain. BARWANI: India- Barwani (1921-48). BASEL: Switzerland- Basel locals (1845). B.A. SOMALIA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa- Somalia. BASUTOLAND (overprint on stamps of South Africa): Basutoland (1945). BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR (overprint): Philippines- Japanese occupation (1942). B.A. TRIPOLITANIA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa- Tripolitania). BATM (overprint on stamps of Russia): Batum. BAYERN: Bavaria. BAYR: Bavaria. B.C.A. (overprint on stamps of Rhodesia): British Central Africa (1891-95). B.C.M.: Madagascar- British Consular Mail (1884-6). B.C.O.F.- JAPAN 1946 (overprint): Australia, military stamps [British Commonwealth Occupation Force]. B.D. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Barracks Department]. B. DPTO. ZELAYA: Nicaragua- province of Zelaya (used to prevent currency manipulation). BECHUANALAND (overprint on stamps of South Africa): Bechuanaland (1945). BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope): Bechuanaland Protectorate (1899). BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Bechuanaland Protectorate (1897-1926). BECP3OPHbIM ET6M: Russia, semipostal. BEHAEHCKAR: Russia. BEHEHCKA6 lb3HA6 OTA: Russia- Wenden. BELARUS: 1991 declared Independence from Soviet Union BELGIAN EAST AFRICA: Ruanda-Urundi. BELGIE: Belgium. BELGIEN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Belgium- German occupation. BELGIE POSTERIJEN: Belgium (1891-6) [Belgium Post]. Page 6 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com BELGIQUE: Belgium. BELGISCH CONGO: Congo (1910-60). BELIZE RELIEF FUND (overprint): British Honduras, semipostals (1932) [for hurricane of Sept 1931 relief]. BENADIR: Italian Somaliland (1903-26). BENGASI- 1 piastre 1 (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Africa- Tripoli (1901). BENIN (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Benin (1892). BERLIN (overprint): Germany- Berlin- military occupation (1948). BESA (currency): Benadir. BESA (overprint): Albania, validity control (1922) [Genuine]. BESETZTES GEBIET NORDFRANKREICH (overprint): France- German occupation (1940). BEYROUTH (overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Turkey- Levant (1905). BEYROUTH (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Levant (1910). B.G.: Modena, newspaper stamps [Bollo Gazzette]. B.G. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Botanical Gardens]. B. HEIPO: Epirus. BHOPAL: India- Bhopal (1908-49). BHOR: India- Bhor (1901). BIAFRA (overprint): Nigeria- revolutionary forces (1968-9). BICENENAIRE DE PORT-AU-PRINCE: Haiti. BIJAWAR: India- Bijawar. BIJZONDEREVLUCHTEN: Netherlands, airmails. B.I.O.T. (overprint on stamps of Seychelles): British Indian Ocean Territory (1968). B.L.P. (overprint): Italy, semipostals used on envelopes with advertisements sold to benefit invalids [Buta Lettera Postali]. B.M. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Bench of Magistrates]. B.M.A. ERITREA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa- Eritrea (1948) [British Military Administration]. B.M.A. SOMALIA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa- Somalia (1948) [British Military Administration]. B.M.A. TRIPOLITANIA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa- Tripolitania (1948) [British Military Administration]. BMA MALAYA (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements): Malaya (1945-6) [British Military Administration]. B.N.F. CASTELLORIZIO (overprint on stamps of French Offices in Turkey): Castellorizio- French occupation (1920) [Base Navale Francaise]. BOARD OF EDUCATION (overprint): Great Britain, officials (1902-4). BOCTOHAR (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1868-84). BOCTHA KOPPECOHAEHI6: Russia- Offices in the Turkish Empire. BOSTGBIET OB, OST (overprint on stamps of Germany): Lithuania- German occupation (1916-7). BOGACHES (currency): Yemen. BOCCHAH (currency): Yemen. BOCHA XEP|EOBHA: Bosnia and Herzegovina. BOCTOHHA6 KOPPECOHEH|I6: Russia- Offices in Turkey. BOGSHA(S) (currency): Yemen. BOHMEN UND MAHREN: Czechoslovakia- Bohemia and Moravia. BOLIVAR: Colombia- Bolivar (1863-1904). BOLIVAR (currency): Venezuela. BOLIVAR, SUCRE MIRANDA- DECRETO? (overprint on Escuelas stamps of Venezuela): Venezuela,validation of non-postage school stamps. BOLLO DELLA POSTA DI SICILIA: Italian States- Two Sicilies (1859). Page 7 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com BOLLO DELLA POSTA NAPOLITANA: Italian States- Two Sicilies (1858). BOLLO POSTALE: San Marino. BOLLO STRAORDINARIA PER LE POSTE: Italian States- Tuscany, newspaper tax stamps for foreign publications [Stamp Extraordinary for the Post]. BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA (overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina): Yugoslavia (1918). BOSNIEN HERZEGOVINA: Bosnia and Herzegovina (1912-8). BOSNIENI HERZEGOWINA: Bosnia and Herzegovina (1906-12). BOYACA: Colombia- Boyaca (1902-4). B.P.C.: Belgian military postmark [Bureau de Poste de Campagne]. B.P.C. with V.P.K.: Belgian military postmark [Bureau de Poste de Campagne- Veld Post Kantoor]. B.R.A. 5 CENTS (overprint): China, railroad late letter fee (1901) [British Railway Administration]. BRASIL: Brazil. BRAUNSCHWEIG: German States- Brunswick. BRIEFPOST: Germany, under French occupation. BRITISH BECHUANALAND (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope): Bechuanaland. BRITISH BECHUANALAND (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Bechuanaland. BRITISH BECHUANALAND: Bechuanaland. BRITISH EAST AFRICA (overprint on stamps of British India): British East Africa (1895-7). BRITISH EAST AFRICA (overprint on stamps of Zanzibar): British East Africa (1895-7). BRITISH NEW GUINEA: Papua and New Guinea (1901-5). BRITISH NORTH BORNEO: North Borneo. BRITISH OCCUPATION (overprint on stamps of Russia): Batum. BRITISH PROTECTORATE OIL RIVERS: British Niger Coast Protectorate. BRITISH PROTECTORATE OIL RIVERS (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Niger Coast Protectorate (1892-93). BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY: Rhodesia (1890-1920). BRITISH SOMALILAND: Somaliland Protectorate. BRITISH VICE CONSULATE: Madagascar (1884-6). BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS: Virgin Islands. BRUNEI (overprint on stamps of Labuan): Brunei (1906). BRUXELLES BRUSSEL (surcharge precancel): Belgium (1929). BUCHANAN: Liberia. BUENOS AIRES: Argentina- Buenos Aires (1858-62). BUITEN BEZIT (overprint): Netherlands Indies for Java and Madura, to check the use of mail (1908) [Outlaying Possessions]. BULEAGA O TOGA: Tonga [Government of Tonga]. BULGARIE: Bulgaria. BUNDI: India- Bundi (1894, 1941-7). BUNDI SERVICE: India- Bundi, officials (1919). BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DU TRAVAIL: Switzerland- Int. Labor Bureau, officials. BURKINA FASO: Formerly Upper Volta BUSHIRE UNDER BRITISH OCCUPATION (overprint on stamps of Iran): Bushire (1915). BUSSAHIR: India- Bussahir (1896-1901). BUU-CHINH: Vietnam. Page 8 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com C c (preceded by numeral of value with Japanese characters): Ryukyu Islands. C (overprint): Paraguay [Compana]. C. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Customs]. CABO (overprint): Nicaragua- Cabo Gracias a Dios, used to prevent currency manipulation (1904- 9). CABO JUBI (overprint on stamps of Rio de Oro): Cape Juby (1916). CABO JUBY (overprint on stamps of Spain): Cape Juby (1919-33). CABO JUBY (overprint on stamps of Spanish Morocco): Cape Juby (1934-48). CABO VERDE: Cape Verde. CACHES (overprint on France and French Colonies postage dues): French India, postage dues. CADIZ VIVA ESPANOL (overprint): Spain- revolutionary Cadiz issues. C.CH. (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Cochin China. C. D. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Convict Department]. C. DE PESO (currency): Philippines. CADIZ (overprint on stamps of Spain): Cadiz (revolutionary period- 1936). CAISSE d?AMORTISSEMENT: France, semipostals. CALCHI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Calchi (1930). CALIMNO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Calimno. CAMBODGE: Cambodia. CAMEROONS U.K.T.T. (overprint on stamps of Nigeria): Cameroons (1960-1) [United Kingdom Trust Territory]. CAMEROUN (overprint on stamps of French Congo): Cameroun (1915-25). CAMEROUN (overprint on stamps of Gabon): Cameroun (1915-25). CAMEROUN (overprint on stamps of Middle Congo): Cameroun (1915-25). CAMPACHE: Mexico- Campache (1876). CAMPANA CONTRA EL PALADISMO: Mexico, anti-malaria campaign. CAMPIONARIA OE TRIPOLI: Tripolitania, Libya. CAMPIONE D?ITALIA: Italy- Campione d?Italia (1944). CANADRIN (currency): China (pre-1897). CANAL ZONE (overprint on stamps of Panama): Canal Zone. CANAL ZONE (overprint on stamps of U.S.): Canal Zone. CANARIAS (overprint): Spain- Canary Islands (1936-7). CANARO (overprint): Fiume- Italian occupation of Arbe and Veglia. CANCELLED V-R-I (overprint): Transvaal- second British occupation- Wolmaranstad (1900). CANTON (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Canton (1901-23). CANTONAL TAXE: Switzerland- Zurich. CAPO VERDE: Cape Verde. CARCHI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Calchi (1932). CARITAS (surcharge): Luxembourg, semipostals [Charity]. CARNARO (overprint): Fiume (1920). CARTILLA POSTAL DE ESPANA: Spain, franchise stamps. CARUPANO: Venezuela- Carupano (1902). CASA DE CORREOS (overprint): Ecuador, postal tax for new post office building fund. CASO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Caso (1913). CASTELORISO (overprint on stamps of France): Castellorizo (1920). Page 9 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com CASTELORIZO (overprint on stamps of France- Offices in Turkey): Castellorizo (1920). CASTELROSSO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Castellorizo (1922-32). CAUCA: Colombia- Cauca (1879-83, 1903). CAVALLE: France- Offices in Turkey- Cavalle (1893-03). CAVE (overprint): Ceylon, private merchant?s mark to discourage pilfering. C.C.C.P.: Russia [USSR]. C. BEN. R. (overprint): Ecuador- Guayas, validation mark of governor?s initials [Carlos Benjamin Rosales]. C. CH: Cochin China. C DPTO ZELAYA (overprint): Nicaragua- Cabo Gracias a Dios district to prevent currency manipulation. CECHY A MORAVA: Czechoslovakia- Bohemia and Moravia. C.E.F. (overprint): Cameroons (1915) [Cameroons Expeditionary Force]. C.E.F. (overprint): India- China Expeditionary Force (1900-21). CEFOLONIA E ITACA (overprint on stamps of Greece): Ionian Islands- Italian occupation (1941). CENT(S) (currency overprint): Russia- Offices in China (1901-22). CENTENARIO DE S. ANTONIO INHAMBANR MDCCCXCV: (overprint on stamps of Mozambique): Inhambane (1895) [Centenary of St. Anthony]. CENTAVO(S) (currency): South and Central American countries. CENTENAIRE ALGERIE: France (1929). CENTENAIRE DU GABON: French Equatorial Africa (1938). CENTESIMI (currency): Italy, Italian Colonies CENTESIMI (currency overprint on stamps of Austria): Italy- Austrian occupation (1918). CENTESIMI (currency overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina): Italy- Austrian occupation, postage dues and special deliveries (1918). CENTESIMI DI CORONA (currency overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Austrian occupation (1919). CENTESIMI DI CORONA (currency overprint on stamps of Italy): Dalmatia (1921-22). CENTESIMO(S) (currency): Italy, Uruguay. CENTIMES (currency overprint on stamps of Austria): Austria- Offices in Crete (1903-7). CENTIMES (currency overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany- Offices in Turkey (1908). CENTIMOS (currency- no country name): Spain. CENTIMOS (currency- overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Morocco (1891-1910). CERIGO (overprint on stamps of Greece): Ionian Islands- fraudulent issue. CERRADO Y SELLADO: Mexico, official seals. CERTIFICADO: Spanish language countries [Registered]. CERVANTES: Spain, officials (1916). CESKOSLOVEN VOJSKO NA RUSI: Czechoslovakia, Sibarian Army Post. CESKOSLOVENSKA: Czechoslovakia. CESKOSLOVENSKE ARMADY SIBERSKE: Czechoslovakia, Sibarian Army Post. CESKOSLOVENSKO: Czechoslovakia. CESKO-SLOVENSKO: Czechoslovakia- Slovakia (1939). CFA (overprint on stamps of France): Reunion [Communaute Francaise d?Afrique]. C.G.H.S. (overprint on stamps of Germany): Upper Silesia, officials (1920-22). CH (currency- followed by oriental characters): Korea. CHALA: Peru- Chala- Chilean occupation (1884). CHAMBA: India- Chamba. CHARKHARI: India- Charkhari (1894-1945). CHARLEROI 1911 (overprint): Belgium, semipostal. CHEMINS DE FER: Belgium, parcel posts. CHEMINS DE FER SPOORWEGEN: Belgium, parcel posts. Page 10 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com CHIFFRE TAX (no country name on perforated stamps): France, postage dues. CHIFFRE TAX (no country name on imperforated stamps): French Colonies, postage dues. CHIHUAHUA: Mexico- Chihuahua provisionals (1872). CHIMBORAZO RIOBAMBA (overprint): Ecuador- Chimborazo (1902). CHINA (overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany- Offices in China (1898-1913). CHINA (overprint on stamps of Hong Kong): Great Britain- Offices in China (1917-27). CHINE (overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in China (1894-1922). CHINESE IMPERIAL POST: China (1898-1912). CHRISTMAS ISLAND (overprint on stamps of Australia): Christmas Island (1958-62). CH TAXE O.M.F. SYRIE (overprint): Syria, postage dues. C.I.C.I. (overprint): Portugal, franchise stamps (1933) [Congress of the Int. Colonial Institute]. CIERRO OFICIAL: Chile or El Salvador, official seals. C.I.H.S. (overprint on stamps of Germany): Upper Silesia, officials (1920) [Commission Interalliee Haute Silesie]. CINQUANTENAlRE 24 SEPTEMBRE 1853-1903 (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): New Caledonia, postage dues (1903). CIRENAICA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Cyrenaica. CIRENAICA (overprint on stamps of Tripolitania): Cyrenaica, airmails (1932). C.I.S. (overprint): Schleswig, officials [Commission Interallie Slesvig]. C. L. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Crown Lands]. C.M.T. (overprint on stamps of Austria): Western Ukraine- Romanian occupation- Pokutia (1919) [Compana Militaire Timbru (military campaign stamp)]. CN (currency): Korea. C. O. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Commisariat Officer]. COAMO: Puerto Rico- Coamo- U.S. Administration (1898). COCHIN: India- Cochin (1892-1949). COCHIN ANCHAL: India- Cochin (1892-1949). CO.CI. (overprint): Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- Italian occupation (1941). COLIS POSTAL: parcel posts [Postal Packages]. COLIS POSTAL (no country name): Belgium, parcel posts. COLIS POSTAUX (no country name): Belgium, parcel posts. COLIS POSTEAU (no country name): Belgium, parcel posts. COLOMBIA (on stamp of Panama with map): Panama, Colombian dominion (1887-97). COLON: Chile [Colombus]. COLONIA DE RIO DE ORO: Rio de Oro [Colony of Gold River]. COLONIA ERITREA: Eritrea. COLONIA ERITREA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Eritrea (1892-1928). COLONIALI ITALIANE: Italian Colonies. COLONIE ITALIANE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italian Colonies (1932). COLONIES DE L?EMPIRE FRANCAIS: French Colonies (1859-65) [Colonies of the French Empire]. COLONIES POSTES: French Colonies (1881-6). COMITE FRANCAIS DE LA LIBERATION NATIONAL: French Colonies, semipostals (1943). COMISSAO PORTUGUESA DE PRISONEIROS DE GUERRA (overprint): Portugal, franchise stamps for use by members of the military commission in charge of prisoners of war. COMITE FRANCAIS: French Colonies, semipostals. COMMISSION DE CONTROLE PROVISOIRE KORKA: Albania. COMMISSION DE GOUVERNEMENT HAUTE SILESIE: Upper Silesia. COMMISSION FUR RUCKBRIEF: German States- Bavaria, return letter stamps. COMMISSION INTERALLIEE MARIENWERDER: Marienwerder. Page 11 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com COMMUNICACIONES: Spain. COMORES: Comoro Islands. COMP A DE MOZAMBIQUE (overprint on stamps of Mozambique): Mozambique Company (1892). COMPANHIA DE MOZAMBIOUE: Mozambique Company. COMPANHIA DO NYASSA: Nyassa (1921-23). COMPANIA COLOMBIANA: Colombia, airmails (1920). COMPLEMENTARIO: Mexico, postage dues [To Complete]. COMUNE DI CAMPIONE: Italy- Swiss enclave (1944). COMUNICACIONES: Spain (1870-99). CONFED. GRANADINA: Colombia- Grenadine Confederation. CONFEDERATE STATES or CONFEDERATED STATES: United States- Confederate States. CONFEODERATIO HELVETICA: Switzerland. CONF?ON ARGENTINA: Argentina (1858-60). CONG HOA MIEN NAM VIET NAM: National Front for the liberation of South Vietnam. CONGO (with Portuguese inscriptions): Portuguese Congo. CONGO BELGE: Belgian Congo (1908-10). CONGO FRANCAIS: French Congo. CONGO FRANCAIS GABON: Gabon (1910). CONGRATULATIONS FALL OF BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR 1942 (overprint): Philippines- Japanese occupation. CONGRESO DE LOS DIPUTADOS: Spain, officials (1896-8) [Congress of Deputies]. CONSEIL DE L?EUROPE: France- Council of Europe, officials. CONSTANTINOPLE (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Constantinople (1909-10). CONSTANTINOPOL (overprint): Romania- Offices in Turkey- Constantinople (1919). CONSTITUENTE FIUMANA 24-IV-1921 (with 1922 added overprint on stamps of Fiume): Fiume semipostals changed for ordinary use. CONSTRUCCION (overprint): Guatemala, postal tax stamps. CONSUMPTIVE HOMES: New South Wales, semipostals. CONTRA LA FAIM (overprint on stamps of Rwanda): Ruanda-Urundi [Against Hunger]. CONTRAMARCA (overprint): Ecuador, believed bogus (1899-1901) [Countersigned]. CONTRA SELLO (overprint): El Salvador, prevent use of stolen unmarked stamps (1874) [Countersigned]. CONTRASENA- ESTAMPILLAS DE CORREO (overprint): Venezuela (1874-80) [Countersigned- Postage Stamps]. COO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Coo (1930-32). COOK ISLANDS or IS?DS (overprint on stamps of New Zealand): Cook Islands (1936-46). COOK ISANDS - NIUE: Niue. CORDOBA: Argentina- Cordoba (1858). COREA: Korea (1884-94). COREE: Korea, on stamps printed in Paris (1902-3). CORFU (overprint on stamps of Greece): Corfu- Italian occupation (1941). CORFU (overprint on stamps of Italy): Corfu- Italian occupation (1923). CORONA (currency overprint on stamps of Italy): Austria- Italian occupation (1919), Dalmatia (1919-22). CORPS EXPEDITIONNAIRE FRANCO-ANGLAIS CAMEROON (overprint): Gabon- French-British occupation of Cameroons. CORREGIDOR MANILA: Philippines: Japanese occupation. CORREIO(S) (no country name): Portugal (1853-65) [Postage]. CORREO AEREO (no country name): Spain [Air Mail]. Page 12 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com CORREO AEREO: Spanish language countries [Air Mail]. CORREO ESPANOL MARRUECOS (overprint on stamps of Spain): Spanish Morocco (1903-10). CORREO ESPANOL TANGER: Spanish Morocco- Tangier, semipostals (1926). CORREO URCENTE: Spain, special delivery. CORREOS (no country name) denominations in CUARTOS, REALES, CS or CTOS: Spain. CORREOS (no country name) denominated REAL: Dominican Republic. CORREOS (no country name): Cuba, Peru, Philippines, Dominican Republic or Spain. CORREOS DE COLOMBIA: Colombia. CORREIOS E TELEGRAPHOS: Portugal [Posts and Telegraphs]. CORREOS FONOPOSTAL: Argentina, recorded message stamps (1939). CORREOS FRANCO (with queen or arms): Spain (1852-4) [Free Mail]. CORREOS GUIRIA (overprint): Venezuela- Marino, control mark on locals (1903). CORREOS INTERIOR: Philippines (1859-63) [Inland Postage]. CORREOS MEXICO GOBIERNO REVOLUCIONARIO: Mexico- Yucatan (1924). CORREOS MATURIN (overprint): Venezuela- Maturin, control mark on locals (1903). CORREOS NACIONALES: Colombia (1859-86) [National Post Office]. CORREOS NALES: Colombia (1859-86) [National Post Office]. CORREOS OAXACA: Mexico- Oaxaca. CORREOS- RL.: Spain (1864). CORREOS- RL PLATA F.: Cuba, Puerto Rico (1855-66) [Real Plata Fuerte (silver real based)]. CORREOS Y TELEGEOS: Spain (1879). CORREOS Y TELEGs: Spain (1879). CORREOS URBANO DE BOGOTA: Colombia- Bogota [Bogota City Post Office]. CORREOS URBANO MEDELLIN: Colombia- Medellin [Medellin City Post Office]. CORREOS YRAPA (overprint): Venezuela- Marina, control mark on locals (1903). CORREO URGENTE: Spanish language countries, special delivery. CORRESPONDENCIA A DEBE: Panama, postage dues [Correspondence With Payment Due]. CORRESPONDENCIA OFICIAL: Mexico, officials [Official Correspondence]. CORRESPONDENCIA URCENTE: Spain, special delivery [Urgent Correspondence]. CORRIENTE (overprint): El Salvador, convert officials to ordinary postage (1918). CORRIENTES: Argentina- Corrientes (1856-78). COS (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Coo (1912-22). COSTA ATLANTICA B.: Nicaragua- Province of Zelaya (1907). COSTA ATLANTICA C.: Nicaragua- Cabo Gracias a Dios (1907). COSTANTINOPOLI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Constantinople (1909- 23). COSTITUENTE FIUMANA- 24.IV.1921 (overprint): Fiume (1921). COTE DE SOMALIS: Somali Coast. COTE FRANCAIS DES SOMALIS: Somali Coast. COTE D'IVOIRE: Ivory Coast. COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE: Netherlands- Int. Court of Justice, officials. COUR PERMANENTE DE JUSTICE INTERNATIONALE: Netherlands- Int. Court of Justice, officials. C. P. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Commissioner of Police]. C.P. (overprint): Ivory Coast, parcel posts [Colis Postaux]. CPbCKA: Serbia. CPA XPBATA COBEHA (overprint): Yugoslavia- Bosnia, semipostals. CPJA: Serbia, newspaper stamps. CPJA C. HAPA: Serbia- German occupation. CROCE ROSSA ITALIANA: Italy and San Marion, semipostals [Italian Red Cross]. Page 13 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com CROISSANT ROUGE TURC: Turkey, semipostals [Turkish Red Crescent]. CROIX ROUGE: French language countries, mostly semipostals [Red Cross]. CROIX ROUGE HAITIENNE: Haiti, airmails (1945) [Haitian Red Cross]. CRUZ ROJA HONDURENA: Honduras, postal tax stamps. [Honduran Red Cross]. CRUZ VERMELHA PORTUGUESA: Portugal, Red Cross franchise stamps [Portuguese Red Cross]. CRVENI KRST (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia, Offices Abroad, semipostals. CS (overprint): Hungary, parcel posts [weight]. C. S. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Chief Secretary]. C.S.A. POSTAGE: United States- Confederate States. CS. DE PESO (currency): Philippines. C. SGN. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Colonial Surgeon]. CSOMAG (overprint): Hungary, parcel posts [weight]. CT.: Bulgaria. C. T. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Commissioner of Titles]. CTOT.: Bulgaria. CTOTNHKN: Bulgaria. CUAUTLA: Mexico- Cuautla (1867). CUBA (overprints on stamps of U.S.): Cuba, U.S. Administration (1899). CUCUTA: Colombia- Cucuta (1907-7). CUNDINAMARCA: Colombia- Cundinamarca. CUERNAVACA: Mexico- Cuernavaca (1867). CUNDINAMARCA: Colombia- Cundinamarca (1870-1904). CURACAO: Netherlands Antilles (1873-1948). CUZCO (overprints on stamps of Peru or Arequipa): Peru- Cuzco- Chilean occupation (1882-4). C.X.C. (overprints on Bosnia Herzegovina): Yugoslavia- Bosnia and Herzegovina (1918). CYPRUS (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Cyprus (1880-1). Page 14 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com D d (pence) currency, preceded by a numeral, on stamp with king/queen's head, no country name: Great Britain D (currency- dinar, on stamp with Arabic writing): Iran. DAI NIPPON 2602? (overprint on stamps of Malaya/States): Malaya- Japanese occupation [Empire of Japan]. D. B. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Destitute Board]. DANMARK: Denmark. DANSK-VESTINDIEN: Danish West Indies. DANSK-VESTINDISKE: Danish West Indies. DANZIG (overprint on stamps of Germany): Danzig (1920-3). DARDANELLES (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1910). DATIA: India- Datia (1897). D.B.L. (overprint in script letters on stamps of Russia): Far Eastern Republic (1920). D.B.L. (with additional overprint of three bars): Siberia. D B P (overprint in script letters on stamps of Russia): Far Eastern Republic (1920). DDR: German Democratic Republic (East Germany). DE (overprint on stamps of Ecuador): Ecuador- Tunguraugua. DECRETO DE 27 JUNI?O 1870 (overprint on Escuelas stamps): Venezuela. D. de A.: Colombia- Antioquia (1868-1904) [Department of Antioquia]. DEDEAGH: France- Offices in Turkey- Dedeagh (1893-1903). DEFENSA NACIONAL: Ecuador, postal tax stamps [National Defense]. DEFICIENCIA DE FRANQUEO: Ecuador, postage dues. DEFICIENTE: Ecuador, Nicaragua, postage dues. DEFICIT: Peru, postage dues. DELEGACOES: Portugal, Red Cross franchise stamps (1926- Lisbon, 1936 elsewhere). DE LEON (overprint): Ecuador, control mark to prevent unmarked use (1902) DEL GOLFO DE GUINEA: Spanish Guinea. DEN WAISEN SIROTAM (overprint on stamps of Italy): Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- German occupation (1944). DE OFICIO (overprint on stamps of Peru or El Salvador): Peru or El Salvador, officials. DEPARTMENTO DEL TOLIMA: Colombia- Tolima. DEPT. OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Hawaii, officials. DERECHO JUDICIAL: Philippines revenues, suitably re-overprinted as postage provisionals (1880- 90) [Judicature Fees]. DERECHOS DE FIRMA: Philippines revenues, suitably re-overprinted as postage provisionals (1880-90) [Documents Fee]. DEUTECHOSTERREICH: Austria. DEUTSCH NEU-GUINEA: German New Guinea. DEUTSCH OSTAFRIKA: German East Africa. DEUTSCH OESTR. POSTVEREIN: German States- Baden, Wurtemberg, Thurin and Taxis [German-Austrian Postal Union]. DEUTSCH SUDWESTAFRIKA: German South West Africa. DEUTSCHE BUNDESPOST: Germany- German Federal Republic (West Germany). DEUTSCHE DEMOKRATISCHE REPUBLIK: German Democratic Republic (East Germany). DEUTSCHE FELDPOST: Germany, military parcel post stamps [German Fieldpost]. Page 15 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com DEUTSCHE MILITAER-VERWALTUNG MONTENEGRO (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Montenegro- German occupation (1943). DEUTSCHE POFT: Germany. DEUTSCHE POST: Germany. DEUTSCHE POST OSTEN (overprint): Poland- German occupation (1939). DEUTSCHE REICHSPOST: Germany [German Imperial Post]. DEUTSCHES REICH: Germany [German Empire]. DEUTSCHES REICH GENERALGOUVERNEMENT: Poland- German occupation (1941-44). DHAR: India ?Dhar (1898-1901). DIEGO-SUAREZ (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Diego-Suarez (1892-6). DIENST: German language countries, officials [Service]. DIENST (overprint on stamps of Netherlands): Netherlands Indies, officials (1911) [Service]. DIENSTMARKE: Germany, Bavaria, Prussia, Danzig or Saar, officials. DIENSTSACHE: Luxemberg, official stamps. DIENST SACHE: German States- Wurttemberg, official stamps. DILIGENCIA: Uruguay (1856-7) [Stagecoach]. DINAR(S) (currency): Iran. DINERO (currency- no country name): Peru (1858-72). DIOS PATRIA LIBERTAD: Dominican Republic [God, Fatherland, Liberty]. DIOS, PATRIA, REY: Spain- Carlist issues (1874) [God, Fatherland, King]. DIOS, UNION Y LIBERTAD: Honduras (1865) [God, Union and Liberty]. DISTRICTO (overprint on stamps of Arequipa): Peru- Cuzco (1881-5). DIWI RUBLI (overprint): Latvia, 2 rubles. DJ (overprint on stamps of Obock): Somali Coast (1894-1902). DJIBOUTI: Somali Coast. DJIBOUTI (overprint on stamps of Obock): Somali Coast (1894-1902). D.L.O.: US, dead letter office. DM (currency overprint): Danzig, officials [Dienst Marke]. DOLLAR (currency overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in China (1917). DOPLATA: Central Lithuania, Poland, postage dues. DOPLATIT (no country name): Czechoslovakia, postage dues. DOPLATNE (no country name): Czechoslovakia, postage dues. D. P. (overprint): Hong Kong, private overprint by newspaper firm to prevent misuse [Daily Press]. D. R. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Deed Registry]. DPRK: North Korea (1977-present). DRIJVENDE BRANDKAST: Netherlands and Indies, marine insurance stamps [Floating Safe]. DRZAVA: Yugoslavia- Bosnia and Herzegovina (1918). DUC. DI PARMA: Italian States- Parma. DUITSCH OOST AFRIKA BELGISCHE BEZETTING (overprint on stamps of Congo): German East Africa- Belgian occupation (1916-22). DURAZZO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Durazzo (1909-16). DUTTIA: India- Duttia (1893-1921). Page 16 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com E E (overprint on stamps of Bavaria): German States- Bavaria, officials [Eisenbahn (railway)]. E. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Engineer]. EA (overprint on stamps of ): Algeria. E.A.F. (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): East Africa Force (1943-6), Somalia [East Africa Force]. E. B. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Education Board]. ECUADOR (overprint on stamps of Colombia airmails): Ecuador (1928-9). EAST AFRICA & UGANDA PROTECTORATES (crown and C.A. wmk): East Africa & Uganda. EAST AFRICA & UGANDA PROTECTORATES (crown and script C.A. wmk): Uganda & Tanzania. EAST INDIA POSTAGE: India. EAST INDIA POSTAGE (overprint with crown and new denominations): Straits Settlements. E. . (overprint): Cilicia- Greek occupation. E. . . (overprint): Greece- Dodecanese Islands. EDIFICIOS POSTALES (overprint): El Salvador, postal tax stamps. EHA6 POCCI6: South Russia- Denekin issues. E.E.F.: Palestine, British occupation (1918) [Egyptian Expeditionary Force]. EENDRAGT MAAKT MAGT.: South African Republic [Union Makes Strength]. EESTI: Estonia. EESTI POST VIRUMMA: Estonia- Bolshevist occupation- Virumma, bogus issue (1918-19). EE.UU. DE C.: Colombia- Tolima (1870). EE. UU. DE COLOMBIA: Colombia (1886). EE. UU. DE VENEZUELA: Venezuela. EFO 1915 (overprint): French Polynesia (1915) [Etablissments Francaises de l?Oceanie (French Oceanic Settlements)]. EFTERPORTO: Danish West Indies, postage dues [Postage to Pay]. EGEO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands. EGYKRAJCZAR: Hungary [One Kreuzer]. EGYPTE: Egypt. EGYPTIENNES: Egypt. EINSCHREIBEN: German language countries [Registered]. EINZUZIEHEN: Danzig, postage dues. EIRE: Ireland. EJERCITO CONSTITUCIONALISTA: Mexico, revenues provisionally used as postage (1923) [Constitutional Army]. EJERCITO RENOVADOR: Mexico- Sinaloa revenue (1923). EL PARLAMENTO A CERVANTES: Spain, official stamps (1916). ELSAS (overprint on stamps of Germany): France- German Occupation- Elsase (1940). EL SALVADOR: Salvador. ELUA KENETA: Hawaii (1861-93). EKECIC: Greece- Salonika, postal tax stamps. EAHNIKH: Greece. EAC: Greece. EA: Greece. E. AYOTON HEIPO: Epirus. E. IOIK. KIOYMOY-TZINA (overprint on stamps of Greece): Thrace- Greek occupation. Page 17 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com EHNIKH-IOKHCIC (overprint): Greece- use in North Epirus (Albania) (1940). EHNIKH-IOKHI (overprint): Greece- Turkish occupation (1912-13). EHNIKH-XEMAPPA (overprint on stamps of Greece): Epirus- Chimarra issue. EMP. OTTOMAN: Turkey (1876-92), or Eastern Rumelia. EMPIRE FRANC: France. EMPIRE FRANCE: France (1853-71) or French Colonies (1871-2). EMPIRE FRANCAISE: France (1853-71) or French Colonies (1871-2). ENAPIOMON: Greece, postage dues. ENCOMENDES POSTAIS: Portuguese language countries [Parcel Post]. ENCOMIENDA: Uruguay, parcel posts. ENTREGA ESPECIAL: Cuba and Dominican Republic, special deliveries. ENTREGA IMMEDIATA: Cuba, special deliveries (1910-4) [Immediate Delivery]. EONIKH: Greece, tax stamps (1914). EO. SO.: Colombia [Estado Soberano (sovereign state)]. EEIPO (overprint): Epirus. EPMAKb: South Russia- Don issues. EPMPKb: South Russia (1919). EQUATEUR: Ecuador. E.R. (with Queen Elizabeth's head): Great Britain (1952-67). E.R.I. (overprint): Transvaal [Edward Rex Imperator]. ERITREA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Eritrea (1948-51). ERSTE K.K. PR. DONAU DAMPFSCHIFFAHRT GESELLSCHAFT: Danube Steam Navigation Company. E.S. (overprint): Mexico- Sonora (1914-5). ESC. (currency): Spain [Escudos]. ESCUDO DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE MANAGUA: Nicaragua, officials (1905) [Shield of the Department of Managua]. ESCUELAS: Venezuela, fiscals used as postage (1871-95) [Schools]. E.S. DE ANTIOQUIA: Colombia- Antioquia [Estado Soberano (sovereign state)]. E.S. DE PANAMA: Panama [Estado Soberano (sovereign state)]. ESPANA: Spain. ESPANA FRANQUEO: Spain, Carlist issues (1874-5). ESPANA SAHARA: Spanish Sahara. ESPANA VALENCIA: Spain- Valencia, Carlist issues (1874-5). ESPANOLA: Spain. ESPRESSO: Italy, domestic express mail [Express]. ESTADO(S): Spanish language countries [State(s)]. ESTADO DA INDIA: Portuguese India (1946-62). ESTADO DE NICARAGUA: Nicaragua. ESTADO ESPANOL: Spain. ESTADO GUAYANA: Venezuela- Guayana. ESTADO S. DEL TOLIMA: Colombia- Tolima. ESTADO SOBERANO DE BOLIVAR: Colombia- Bolivar [Sovereign State of Bolivar]. ESTADO SOBERANO DE SANTANDER: Colombia- Santander [Sovereign State of Santander]. ESTADOS UNIDA DE NUEVA GRANADA: Colombia- New Granada (1861). ESTADOS UNIDOS DO BRASIL: Brazil [United States of Brazil]. EST AFRICAIN ALLEMAND OCCUPATION BELGE (overprint on stamps of Congo): German East Africa, Belgian occupation (1916-22). ESTERO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices Abroad, general issue (1874-85) [Foreign]. E.T.: French language countries [State]. Page 18 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com ETABLISSEMENTS DANS L'INDIE: French India (1892-1907). ETABLISSEMENTS DE L'INDIE: French India (1892-1907). ETABLISSEMENTS DE L'OCEANIE: French Polynesia. ETABLISSEMENTS FRANCAIS DANS L?INDE: French India (1892-1907). ETAT: French language countries [State]. ETAT DU CAMEROUN: Cameroun. ETAT DU INCHI YA KATANGA: Province of Katanga. ETAT FRANCAIS: France- Gernman occupation (1940-4). ETAT INDEPENDANT DU CONGO: Congo (1886-1908). ETHOPIA: Ethiopia (formerly Abyssinia). ETHIOPIE: Ethiopia (formerly Abyssinia). ETHIOPIENNES: Ethiopia (formerly Abyssinia). ETIOPIA: Ethiopia, Italian occupation (1936). ENIKA EPIA(I: Greece, postal tax stamps. ETS. FRANCS. DE L'OCEANIE: French Polynesia. E.U. DE COLOMBIA: Colombia. E.U. DO BRAZIL: Brazil. EUPEN (overprint): Germany- Belgian occupation (1920-1). EUPEN & MALMEDY (overprint): Germany- Belgian occupation (1920-1). EXPED. SCIENT? (with oriental characters): China. EXPERIMENTO POSTA AERO? (overprint): Italy, air mail special delivery (1917). EXPOSICION DE BARCELONA: Spain (1929-30). EXPOSICION GENERAL ESPANOLA: Spain. EXPOSICION GRAL SEVILLA BARCELONA: Spain. EXPOSITION COLONIALE INTERNATIONALE PARIS 1931 (no colony name): France. EXPOSITION INDUSTRIELLE DAMAS 1929: Syria. EXPRES: many languages [special delivery]. EXPRESO: many languages [special delivery]. EXPRESSO : Italian and Portuguese languages [special delivery]. EXTERIOR (with design of Mercury): Uruguay, parcel posts. Page 19 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com F FACTAJ (overprint): Romania, parcel posts (1928). FARDOS POSTALES: El Salvador, parcel posts. FARDOS POSTALES (overprint): Italy- Italian Social Republic, parcel posts. FARIDKOT: India- Faridkot (1887-1901). FDO. POO: Fernando Po (1897-9). FEDERACION VENEZOLANA: Venezuela. FEDERATA DEMOKRATIKE MDERKOMETORE: Albania. FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Malaya (1900-35). FEDERATION DU MALI: Mali. FEDERATION OF MALAYA: Malaysia. FEDERATION OF SOUTH ARABIA: South Arabia, formerly Aden and western protectorates (1963). FELDPOST (overprint): Germany, military stamps (1944). FELDPOST 2kg. (overprint): Germany, military parcel posts (max. 2 kg, in weight). FEN (currency): Manchukuo. FEN: (currency overprint with Poczta Polska): Poland (1918) [Fenigy]. FESTAD DE CIUDADE LISBOA: Portuguese and Azores postal tax stamps [Lisbon City Festival]. FEZZAN: Libya- French occupation (1943-5). FEZZAN GHADAMES: Libya- French occupation (1943-5). FIERA CAMPIONARI TRIPOLI: Libya (1934). FIERA DI TRIESTE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Trieste (1950-53). FIJI TIMES EXPRESS: Fiji, privately issued stamps prior to 1871. FILIP?AS: Philippines. FILIPAS IMPRESOS: Philippines- newspaper stamps. FILIPINAS: Philippines. FILLER (currency): Hungary. FILS (currency, no country name): Iran or Jordan. FIUME (overprint on stamps of Hungary): Fiume (1918-9). FLUCHTLINGSHILFE MONTENEGRO (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Montenegro, German Occupation semipostals (1944). FLUGFRIMERKI: Iceland, airmails. FLUGPOST: German Language countries [airmails]. F.M. (overprint): France, military stamps [Franchise Militaire]. FN (currency): Manchukuo. F.N.F.L. (overprint on stamps of French colonies): Free French Naval Forces (1940-5) [Forces Navales Francaises Libres]. FOMENTO-AERO-COMMUNICACIONES (overprint): Ecuador, air mail postal tax stamps. FONDUL AVIETIEI: Romania, postal tax stamps. FONO FOU 1958 SAMOA I SISIFU: Western Samoa (1958). FORCES FRANCAISE LIBRES LEVANT (overprint): Syria, French military stamps. F?OYAR: Faroe Islands. FR: French language countries [France]. FR. (overprint on stamps of Mauritania): French West Africa (1943-4). FR. (overprint on stamps of Senegal): French West Africa (1943-4). FRANC (currency): France and colonies. Page 20 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com FRANCA (overprint): Peru- Franca- Chilean occupation. FRANCAIS: French language countries [France]. FRANCAISE: French language countries [France]. FRANCE D'OUTRE-MER: French Colonies, semipostals (1943). FRANCO: Philippines, Spain, Switzerland. FRANCO (overprint): Uruguay, officials. FRANCO BOLLO (with no country name on perforated stamps): Italy or Italian States [Free Stamp]. FRANCO BOLLO (with no country name on imperforated stamps): Sardinia [Free Stamp]. FRANCOBOLO DI STATO: Italy, official stamps [Free Stamp of the State]. FRANCO BOLLO GIORNALI STAMPE: Italy and Sardinia, newspaper stamps. FRANCO BOLLO POSTALE (with denominations in BAJ, SCUDO, CENTESIMI): Roman States. FRANCOBOLLO POSTALE PER GIORNALI: Fiume, newspaper stamps. FRANCOBOLLO POSTALE ROMAGNE: Italian States- Romagne. FRANCOBOLLO POSTALE TOSCANO: Italian States- Tuscany. FRANCOBOLLO PROVINCIE MODONES: Italian States- Modena. FRANCO MARKE: German States- Bremen (1856-60) [Free Stamp]. FRANCO POSTE BOLLO: Italian States- Naples, Two Sicilies. FRANCO SCRISOREI: Romania- Moldovia-Walachia (1862-3) [Free Stamp for Letter]. FRANCO 6 Cts. CORREOS: Spain. FRANK: Albania. FRANKEER ZEGEL 2 ? CENT (currency overprint on fiscal stamps): Surinam, postally valid. FRANKEER ZEGEL 2 ? CENT (currency overprint on marine insurance stamps of Netherlands): Curacao, postally valid. FRANQUEO DEFICIENTE: Ecuador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, El Salvador, postage dues. FRANQUEO ESPANA: Spain, Carlist issues (1874-50) [Spanish Postage]. FRANQUEO IMPRESOS: Spain, newspaper stamps. FRANQUEO OFICIAL: Spanish language countries, officials [Official Postage]. FRANQUICIA POSTAL: Spain, franchise stamps (1881) [Immune from Postal Tax]. FREI DURCH ABLOSUNG Nr.16: Germany, local officials used Baden (1903-5) [Free Through Redemption]. FREI DURCH ABLOSUNG NR.21: Germany, local officials used in Prussia (1903-5) [Free Through Redemption]. FREIE STADT DANZIG: Danzig [Free City of Danzig]. FREIMARKE (no country name): German States- Baden, Prussia, Thurn & Taxis, Wurttemberg [Free Stamp]. FREISTAAT BAYERN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Bavaria (1919-20). FRIMARKE: Denmark, Norway, Sweden [Free Stamp]. FRIMAERKE KGL POST: Denmark (1851). FRIMAERKE LOKALBREF: Sweden- Stockholm local (1856) [Free Stamp for Local Letters]. FRIMERKE: Iceland [Free Stamp]. FT (currency): Hungary [Forint]. FUERSTENTUM LIECHTENSTEIN: Liechtenstein. FURSTENTUM LIECHTENSTEIN: Liechtenstein. Page 21 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com G G (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope): Griqualand West (1877-80). G (overprint): Canada, officials. G & D: (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Guadeloupe [Guadeloupe and Dependencies]. GAB (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Gabon (1886-89). GABON (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Gabon (1889). GARCH: Saudi Arabia (1929-30). GARZON: Colombia- Tolima (1894). G. & D. (overprint on stamps of Guadeloupe): Guadaloupe (1903-4). G C (overprint): Mexico- Acambaro [Gobierno Constitutionalista (Constitutional Government)]. Mexico]. G C M (overprint on stamps of Mexico- Oaxaca and Sonora): Mexico- Oaxaca and Sonora, revenues [Gobierno Constitutionalista Mexico (Constitutional Government of Mexico)]. G. D. DE LUXEMBOURG: Luxembourg (1859-1882) [Grand Duchy of Luxembourg]. GD LIBAN (overprint on stamps of France): Lebanon. GD-OT (overprint): Czechoslovakia- Bohemia and Moravia, newspaper stamps used by commercial firms. G.E.A. (overprint on stamps of East Africa & Uganda): German East Africa- British occupation (1917). G.E.A. (overprint on stamps of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika): Tanganyika (1921-2). GEBYR (overprint): Denmark, late fee. GEBYRMAERKE: Denmark, late fee. GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT: Poland, German occupation (1940-4). GEN-GOUV. WARSCHAU (overprint on stamps of Germany): Poland- German occupation (1916- 7). GENEVE: Switzerland- Geneva (1843-9). GEORGIE: Georgia (1919). GEORGIENNE: Georgia (1920). GERUSALEMME (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Jerusalem. GERUSALEMME (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Jerusalem (1909-11). G et D: (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Guadeloupe (1903-4) [Guadeloupe et Dependances]. G. F. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Gold Fields]. G.F.B. (overprint): Tonga, officials [Gaue Faka Buleaga (On Government Service)]. GHADAMES TERRITOIRES MILITAIRE: Libya, French occupation (1949). GIORNALI STAMPE: Italian States-Sardinia, newspaper stamps (1861). GHANA INDEPENDENCE 6 th MARCH 1957 (overprint on stamps of Gold Coast): Ghana (1961). GIBRALTAR (overprint on stamps of Bermuda): Gibraltar. GILBERT & ELLICE PROTECTORATE (overprint on stamps of Fiji): Gilbert and Ellice Island Protectorate. GIORNALI STAMPE: Italian States- Sardinia, newspaper stamps [Printed Newspapers]. GL. O. A. 7 FEV. 1914 (overprint): Haiti, for General Oreste Zamor, future president (1914). GOB. CONS(T). (overprint): Mexico- Cuanajuanta- Nueva Leon (1914) [Gobierno Constitucionalista (Constitutional Government)]. GOBIERNO (overprint): Peru, officials [Government]. GOBIERNO CONSTITUCIONALISTA MEXICO: Mexico- Sonora revenues. Page 22 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com GOBIERNO CONSTITUCIONALISTA MEXICO (overprint): Mexico- Oaxaca revenues. GOBIERNO REVOLUCIONARIO: Mexico- Yucutan revenues. GOLFE DE BENIN: Benin. GOLFE DE GUINEA: Spanish Guinea (1907-49). GORNY SLASK: Upper Silesia- unrecognized locals of Polish origin for towns of Beuthen, Kattowitz and Gleiwtz. GOURDE (currency): Haiti. GOVERNATORATO DEL MONTENEGRO (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Montenegro- Italian occupation. GOVERNO MILITARE ALLEATO (overprint): Italy, Allied military government (1943). GOVT. PARCELS (overprint): Great Britain, officials. GOYA: Spain (1930). G. P. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Government Printer]. G.P. DE M.: Mexico- Oaxaca revenues and others (1916-7) [Gobierno Proviorio de Mexico (Provisional Government of Mexico)]. G.P.E. (overprint on stamps of French Colonies)- Guadaloupe (1884-91). GRAHAM LAND (overprint): Falkland Islands- Graham Land (1944). GRANA: Italian States- Two Sicilies (1861). GRANADA: Colombia- Granada (1861). GRANADINA: Colombia- Granadina (1859-60). GRAND COMORE: Grand Comoro (1897-1912). GRND DUCHE DE LUXUMBOURG: Luxembourg (post-1891). GRAND LIBAN: Lebanon (1924-27). GRENVILLE: Liberia. G.R.I. (overprint on stamps of German New Guinea): New Britain (1914-15) [Georgius Rex Imperator (George, King and Emperor)]. G.R.I. (overprint on stamps of German Samoa): Samoa (1914) [Georgius Rex Imperator (George, King and Emperor)]. G.R.I. (overprint on stamps of Marshall Islands): New Britain (1914) [Georgius Rex Imperator (George, King and Emperor)]. GROENEKRUIS: Surinam, semipostals [Green Cross]. GRONLAND: Greenland. GROSSDEUTSCHES REICH: Germany, semipostals (1943-5). GROSSDEUTSCHES REICH BOHMEN UND MAHREN: Czechoslovakia- Bohemia & Moravia. GROSSDEUTSCHES REICH GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT: Poland- German occupation semipostals (1943-4). GROSZY (surcharge): Poland, revalidating stamps after currency reform (1950). GROUCH (currency): Turkey [Ghurush]. G. S. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Government Storekeeper]. G. T. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Goolwa Tramway]. GT. PRE (overprint): Haiti (1902) [Gouvernement Provisiore (Provisional Government)]. GUADALAJARA: Mexico- Guadalajara (1867-8). GUADELOUPE (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Guadeloupe (1889-91). GUAM (overprint on stamps of the U.S.): Guam, U.S. Administration (1899). GUANACASTE: Costa Rica- Guanacaste, discounted stamps for exclusive use there (1885-90). GUATEMALA C.A.: Guatemala [Centro America (Central America)]. GUERCHE (currency): Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia. GUINE: Portuguese Guinea. GUINEA CONTIAL Espanola: Spanish Guinea (1903-9). GUINEA CONTINENTAL (overprint on stamps of Elobey, Annobon and Corsico): Spanish Guinea Page 23 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com (1906). GUINEA CORREOS (overprint): Spanish Guinea- fraudulent overprints (1914). GUINEA ECUATORIAL: Equatorial Guinea. GUINEA ESPANOLA: Spanish Guinea (1902, 1949-60). GUINEE: French Guinea (1906-42). GUINEE FRANCAISE: French Guinea (pre-1906). GUINE PORTUGUESA: Portuguese Guinea. GULTIG 9. ARMEE (overprint on stamps of Germany): Romania- German occupation (1918). GUYANA (overprint on stamps of British Guiana): Guyana (1966-8). GUYANE: French Guiana (pre-1904). GUYANE FRANCAISE: French Guiana. GUYANE FRANCAISE (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): French Guiana (1886-92). GUY. FRANC. (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): French Guiana (1886-92). G.W. (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope): Griqualand West (1877). GWALIOR: India- Gwalior. Page 24 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com H H. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Hospital]. H. A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [House Assembly]. HABILITADO: Spanish language countries, restored value to demonetized stamps [Qualified]. HABILITADO (overprint on stamps of Cuba): Cuba- U.S. Administration (1898-9). HADHRAMAUT: Aden- Hadhramaut (1955). HADI SEGELI OZVEGYEKNEK ES ARVAKNAK KET (2) FILLER (overprint on stamps of Hungary): Hungary, semipostals (1914) [War Subscription for the Widows and Orphans of Fallen Fighters)]. HAGA PATRIA: Mexico, postal tax stamps. HANG-KHONG: Vietnam, airmails. HANNOVER: German States- Hanover (1850-66). H.A..B. (overprint on stamps of Russia- Nikolaevsk issue): Siberia HAPOHA PEAKA: Bulgaria. HARPER: Liberia. HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN: Jordan (1949-present). HATAY DEVLETI: Hatay. HAUTE SILESIE: Upper Silesia. HAUTE SILESIE COMMISION DE GOUVERNMENT: Upper Silesia. HAUTE VOLTA: Upper Volta. HAUTE VOLTA (overprint on stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger): Upper Volta. HAUT-SENEGAL NIGER: Upper Senegal & Niger (1914-7). HBA (overprint on stamps of Russia): Siberia (1921). HEALTH: New Zealand, semipostals. H.E.H. THE NIZAM'S: India- Hyderabad (1927-49). HEDJAZ & NEDJDE: Saudi Arabia (1929-33). HEJAZ & NEJD: Saudi Arabia (1929-33). HEEbA |BEPHO KPCTA: Yugoslavia, postal tax stamps. HELLAS: Greece (1966-present). HELLER (currency): Austria, Carinthia, Liechtenstein, Bosnia and Herzegovina. HELVETIA: Switzerland. HERZEGOLICHE POSE FREMARKE: German States- Holstein. HERZOGTH HOLSTEIN: German States- Schleswig-Holstein. HERZOGTH SCHLESWIG: German States- Schleswig-Holstein. H. H. NAWAB SHAH JAHANBEGAM: India- Bhopal. H.I.: Hawaii. H.I. with U.S. POSTAGE: Hawaii (1851). HIRLIP BELYEG: Hungary, newspaper stamps (1900-22). HIRLAPJECY: Hungary, newspaper stamps (1900-22). HIVASTLOS: Norway, officials. HOBY- Montenegro (1874-96). HOBYT- Montenegro. HOCHWASSER 1920 (overprint): Austria, semipostals (1920) [High Water]. HOI HAO (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Hoi Hao (1901-19). HOLKAR STATE: India- Indore (1886-1906). HOLSTEIN: German States- Schleswig-Holstein (1864). Page 25 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com HONDA (overprint): Colombia- Tolima (1896). HOPFLUG: Iceland, airmails. HOPFLUG ITALA 1933 (overprint): Iceland, Balbo airmail flight (1933). HORTA: Horta, Azores (1892-1906). H.P.: Bulgaria. H.P.: Armenia [Hagagan Post (Armenia Post)]. H.P.N. (overprint on Spain): Spain- Teruel province, Canaries and Murcia (1868) [Habilitacion por la Nacion]. H.P. bAP6: Bulgaria [Bulgaria People's Republic]. HRVATSKA: Yugoslavia or Croatia. HRZGL POST FRM: German States- Holstein (1864). HRZGL POST FRMRK: German States- Holstein (1864). HT. SENEGAL & NIGER: Upper Senegal & Niger (1906-14). HURRICANE HATTIE (overprint): British Honduras, semipostals for hurricane of Oct. 31, 1961 relief). HYDERABAD: India- Hyderabad (1946). Page 26 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com I I. A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Immigration Agent]. I.B.: West Irian (1970). ICC (overprint): India- Int. Commission on Indo-China (1965-8). IDAR: India- Idar (1939-44). IDROVOLANTE (overprint): Italy, hydroplane airmail (1917) [By Hydroplane]. I. E. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Intestate Estates]. I.E.F. (overprint): India, military stamps (1914) [India Expeditionary Force]. I.E.F. "D" (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Mesopotamia (1919). IERUSALEM (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Jerusalem (1909-10). I GILDA (overprint): Iceland, restoring postal validity (1902) [In Validity]. IKAPIA: Icaria. ILE ROUAD: Rouad. ILE ROUAD (overprint on stamps of French Levant): Rouad (1916). ILES WALLIS ET FUTUNA: Wallis & Futuna Islands. ILES WALLIS ET FUTUNA (overprint on stamps of New Caledonia): Wallis & Futuna Islands. (1920-40). IMPERIAL BRITISH EAST AFRICA COMPANY: British East Africa. IMPERIO COLONIAL PORTUGUES (no colony name): Portuguese Africa, postage dues, 1945. IMPERIO DO BRASIL: Brazil (1887-8) [Empire of Brazil]. IMPERIO MEXICANO: Mexico (1866) [Empire of Mexico]. IMPERIUM: Queen Victoria essays produced by De la Rue & Company. Ltd. as samples with no specific country named. IMPER. REG POSTA AUSTR: Austria, Offices in Turkey (1883-6). IMPRESOS: Cuba, Philippines, newspaper stamps [Prints]. IMPRIME (overprint): Turkey, newspaper stamps [Printed]. IMPRIMES (overprint): Iran, newspaper stamps [Printed]. IMPTO DE GUERRA: Spain, war tax stamps (1874-98) [War Tax]. IMPUESTO: Chile, revenues used as postage [Tax]. IMPUESTO DE GUERRA: Spain, war tax stamps (1874-98) [War Tax]. IMPUESTO DE ENCOMIENDAS: Uruguay, parcel posts. INCHI YA ETAT DU KATANGA: Katanga, rebellion against the Belgian Congo. iNCi YIL DONUMU: Turkey. INDE: French India. INDIA (with Portuguese or words REIS, REAL, TANGAS or RUPIA): Portuguese India. INDIA PORT. : Portuguese India (1871-86). INDIA PORTUGUEZA: Portuguese India (1887-95). INDIE: French India. INDO-CHINE: Indo-China. INDONESIA (not preceded by REPUBLIK): Netherlands Indies. INDONESIA REPUBLIK: Indonesia. INDORE: India- Indore (1904-47). INDUSTRIELLE KRIEGSWIRTSCHAFT: Switzerland War Board of Trade officials (1918). INHAMBANE (overprint on stamps of Mozambique): Inhambane (1894-5). INKERI: North Ingermanland (1920). INLAND (on stamp with no country name): Liberia. Page 27 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com INSELPOST (overprint): Germany, military stamps. INSTRUCAO D.L. No. 7 de 3-2-34 (overprint on war tax stamps of Portuguese India): Timor, postal tax stamps (1934-5). INSTRUCCION: Venezuela, fiscal stamps. INSTRUCCION SELLO PROVISIONAL CARUPANO 1902: Venezuela- Carupano (1902). INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID POSTAGE DUE: Zanzibar (1931-33). IONIKON KPATO: Ionian Islands [Ionian Government]. I.O.V.R.: Romania, postal tax stamps (1948). I POLSKA WYSTAWA MAREK (overprint): Poland, semipostals [White Cross Society]. I.P.N. (overprint): India, fiscal commission on due notes [Indian Postal Note]. I.R. (overprint): U.S. Internal Revenue issues. IRANIENNES: Iran (1935-7). IRAQ (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Mesopotamia (1918-22). IRIAN BARAT: West Irian (New Guinea) (1963-8). I.R. OFFICIAL (overprint): Great Britain, officials (1882-1904) [Inland Revenue]. I. S. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Inspector of Sheep]. ISLAND: Iceland. ISLAS DE JUAN FERNANDEZ: Chile- Juan Fernandez Islands, also seeing general use (1910). ISLAS GALAPAGOS: Ecuader- Galapagos Islands. ISOLE ITALIANE DELL'EGEO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands (1930-40). ISOLE JONIE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Ionian Islands- Italian occupation (1941). ISTRA SLOVENSKO PRIMORJE: Yugoslavia, issues for Istria and the Slovene Coast (1946). ISTRIA LITTORALE SLOVENO: Yugoslavia, issues for Istria and the Slovene Coast (1946). ITA-KARIALA (overprint on stamps of Finland): Karelia, Finnish military administration (1941-?). ITALIA: Italy. ITALIANE: Italy. ITALIANO: Italy. ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA (overprint on stamps of Greece): Ionian Islands- Italian occupation. ITALIAN SOMALILAND: Somalia. IZMIR HIMAYEIETFAL CEMIYETI: Turkey, tax stamps (1933). Page 28 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com J J (overprint on stamps of Peru): Peru- Yca (1884). JAFFA (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1909-10). JAIPUR: India- Jaipur (1904-49). JAMHURI ZANZIBAR TANZANIA: Zanzibar (1964-8). JANINA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Janina (1902-11). JAPANESE: Japan (1876-96). JAVA (overprint): Netherlands Indies for Java and Madura, to check the frequency of mail (1908). JA |PECHN KPCT (and cross): Jugoslavia, postal tax stamps. JEEND STATE (overprint): India- Jhind (1885). JERUSALEM (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1909-10). JIND STATE (overprint): India- Jhind (1885-1913). JIND (overprint): India- Jhind (1913-43). JOHOR (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements): Malaya- Johore (1884-91). JOHORE: Malaya- Johore. JORNAES: Portuguese language countries for printed matter [Journals]. JOURNAUX: France, for newspapers and printed matter (1868) [Journals]. JOURNAUX DAGBLADEN (overprint): Belgium, newspaper stamps. J.R.G. AEREO VALE 1946 (overprint): Venezuela under the Junta Revolucionaria de Gobierno. JUAN FERNANDEZ (overprint): Chile (1910). JUBILE DE L'UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE: Switzerland (1900). JUEGOS OLYMPICOS (overprint): Costa Rica, semipostals. JOCABJA: Yugoslavia. Page 29 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com K K (with no country name): Bosnia and Herzegovina. K 60 K (surcharge): Armenia (1919). K-numeral-K (surcharge): Far Eastern Republic (1920). KAULBACH ISLAND: (1971-84) Island off the coast of Nova Scotia with local post stamps to frank mail to the nearest Canadian post office on the mainland. KAIS KON: Austria (1853-1907). KAISERLICHE KONIGLICHE OESTERRPOST: Austria (1853-1907). KAISERLICHE KONIGLICHE OESTERRPOST (denominations in piastres): Austria- Offices in Turkey. KALAYAAN NANG PILIPINAS: Philippines- Japanese occupation. KAMERUN: Cameroun (1900-18). KAMERUN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Cameroun (1897). Kans. (overprint): U.S., Kansas overprints to reduce theft (1929). KAP: Latvia (1918-22). KAPATCbKA-YKRAIHA: Czechoslovakia- Carpatho-Ukraine. KAATCbKA kPAIHA: Carpatho-Ukraine. KARJALA: Karelia (1922). KARKI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Calchi (1912-22). KARLFONDS: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, military fieldpost stamps with charity surcharge [Emperor Karl?s Fund]. KARNTEN ABSTIMMUNG (overprint on stamps of Austria): Austria- Carinthian plebescite (1920). KAROLINEN: Caroline Islands. KASAI (SOUTH KASAI): Congo- unrecognized state (1960-1). KATANGA: Congo- unrecognized state (1960-3). Revolt was against the (then) Republic of the Congo. KATCHAK POSTA (overprint in Turkish characters): Turkey, used on attempted but caught smuggled private letters into Greece, representing double postage and fine paid [Smuggled Letter]. KATHERI STATE OF SEIYUN: Aden- Katheri (1942). KAZAKHSTAN: Achieved its independence upon the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 K.C.-NOUITA: Serbia (1866) [Princely Serbian Post]. K.C. OTA: Serbia. K. CPCKA OTA: Serbia. KEDAH: Malaya- Kedah. KEELING: Cocos (Keeling) Islands. KELANTAN: Malaya- Kelantan. KEMAHKOTAAN (overprint): Malaya- Johore, for new Sultan (1896) [Coronation]. KENTTA POSTIA. PUOLUSTUSVOIMAT: Finland, military stamps. KENTTA-POSTI FALTPOST: Finland, military stamps (1943). KENTTAPOSTIA: Finland, military stamps (1941-63). KENYA & UGANDA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania (1922-33). KENYA UGANDA TANGANYIKA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania (1935-64). KENYA UGANDA TANZANIA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania (1965-1976). KERASSUNDE (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1909-10). K.G.C.A. (overprint on newspaper stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Carinthian plebescite (1920) [Koruska Glasoona Cona A (Carinthian Plebescite Zone A)]. Page 30 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com KGL. POST FRM. (denomination in cents): Danish West Indies (1855-73) [Kongeligt Post Freimaerk (Royal Post Free Stamp)]. KGL. POST FRM. (denomination in skillings): Denmark (1851-68) ) [Kongeligt Post Freimaerk (Royal Post Free Stamp)]. KTA: Russia- Offices in China. KHMERE: Cambodia (1971-5). KHOR FAKKAN: Sharjah (1964-?). KIAUTSCHOU: Kiauchau. KIBRIS: Cyprus. KIBRIS CUMHURIYETI: Cyprus [Cyprus Republic]. KIBRIS TURK FEDERE DEVLETI: Cyprus- Turkish occupation. KINGSTON RELIEF FUND 1d (overprint): Barbados, semipostals for help for Jamaican earthquake (1906). KIONGA (overprint on stamps of Lourenzo Marques): Kionga (1916) KIRIBATI: The Gilbert Islands were granted self-rule by the UK in 1971 and complete independence in 1979 under the new name of Kiribati. KISHANGARH: India- Kishangarh (1904-47). KISHENGARH: India- Kishangarh (1899-1904). K.K. (BRIEF MARKEN): Austria [Imperial Royal Letter Stamp]. K K K (overprint): Philippines- Aguinaldo, political secret society [Kataas-taasan Kagalanggalang Katipunan]. KK-POST-STEMPEL with values in kreuzer: Austria [Imperial Royal Postage Stamp]. KK-POST-STEMPEL with values in cents: Austria- Lombardy Venetia [Imperial Royal Postage Stamp]. KLAIPEDA: Memel, Lithuanian occupation (1923). KOH: Russia, South Russia, Far Eastern Republic, Finland, Latvia or Batum. KOINNIKH RONOIA: Greece, postal tax stamps. KOETH PATK: Bulgaria, parcel post. KOLONIE CURACAO: Netherlands Antilles (1903-8) [Colony of Curacao]. KOLONIE SURINAME: Surinam (1903-8) [Colony of Surinam]. KON: Russia, South Russia, Far Eastern Republic, Finland, Latvia or Batum. KO-KOP.: Finland. KONGELIGT POST FRIMAERKE: Denmark (1851) [Royal Post Free Stamp]. KONGRESI K.K.F.S. (overprint): Albania, postal tax semipostals. KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN: Netherlands [Kingdom of the Netherlands]. KOP KOH: Finland (1856-66). KOPYTA: Epirus- Karitsa issue. KORCA: Albania (1914-18). KORCE: Albania (1914-18). KORONA (currency): Hungary [Crown]. KOUANCTCHE-OUWAN (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Kwangchowan (1906-41). KOUANG-TCHEOU (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Kwangchowan (1906-41). KOZTARSASAG: Hungary (1918-9) [Republic]. KOZTARSASAG (overprint): Hungary (1918-9) [Republic]. K.P. (overprint): Philippines- Japanese occupation officials [Kagamitang Pampamahalaan]. K.. (overprint): Greece, postal tax stamps. KPAJbEBCTBO C. X. C.: Yugoslavia. KPALJEVSTVO SRBA, HRVATA I SLOVENACA: Yugoslavia. Page 31 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com KPAbEBHA CPJA: Serbia. KPAbEBHA CPA XPBATA COBEHA|A: Yugoslavia. KPbIMCKO KPAEBOO PABKTEbCTA: South Russia- Crimea. KPCT.A.: Yugoslavia, postal tax stamps. KPHTH: Crete. KR. (currency): Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Germany, Hungary or Wurttemberg [Kronen (crown)]. Kr. 1.98 (overprint): Sweden, parcel posts. Kr. 2.12 (overprint): Sweden, parcel posts. KRALJEVINA SRBA, HRVATA I SLOVENACA: Yugoslavia [Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia]. KRAlb. UPHATOPA: Montenegro. KREUZER (currency): Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Germany, Hungary or Wurttemberg. KRONE (currency): Austria (1899-1952). KRONEN (currency): Austria (1899-1952). K.S.A.: Saudi Arabia (1975-present). K.U.K.: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina [Kaiserliche und Konigliche (Imperial and Royal)]. K-U-K FELDPOST (overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina): Austria, military stamps (1915). K-U-K FELDPOST: Austria, military stamps (1915-8). K-U-K FELDPOST (with denominations in bani or lei): Romania- Austrian occupation (1917-8). K-U-K-MILITARPOST: Bosnia and Herzegovina (1912-18) [Kaiserliche und Konigliche Militarpost (Imperial and Royal Military Post)]. KUPA (overprint): Yugoslavia- Italian occupation (1941-2). KURLAND (overprint): Latvia- German occupation (1945). KURUS: Turkey. KUWAIT (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Kuwait (1948-58). KUWAIT (overprint on stamps of India): Kuwait (1923-45). K. WURTT. POST: German States- Wurttemberg (1875-1900) [Konigliche Wurtembergische Post (Royal Wurttemberg Post)]. KYRGYZSTAN: Achieved its independence upon the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 Page 32 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com L L (overprint): Colombia, airmails carried by LANSA company. L. A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Lunatic Asylum]. LA AGUERA: Aguera (1920-22). L A B: Bolivia, airmails [Lloyd Aereo Boliviano]. LABUAN (overprint on stamps of North Borneo): Labuan (1894-1901). LA CANEA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Crete (1900-12). LA CRUZ ROJA ESPANOL: Spain, semipostals [Spanish Red Cross]. LA CRUZ ROJA PARAGUAY: Paraguay, semipostals [Paraguay Red Cross]. LA GEORGIE: Georgia (1919). LAIBACH (overprint): Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- German occupation (1944-5). LAGOS: Lagos, Nigeria (1874-1906). LA LEY: Bolivia (1878) [The Law]. LAND-POST PORTE-MARKE: German States- Baden, postage dues (1862) [Rural Post- Postage Due]. L & S POST (overprint): Newfoundland airmail to ordinary use conversion (1931) [Land and Sea Post]. LANDSTORMEN FRIMARKE: Sweden, semipostals for funds to equip soldiers [Military Reserves Stamp]. LANSA: Colombia, airmails (1950). L.A.R.: Libyan Arab Republic (1969-present) LATTAQUIE (overprint on stamps of Syria): Latakia (1931-3). LATVIJA: Latvia. LATVIJA DSR: Latvia- Russian occupation. LATWIJA: Latvia. L. C. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Legislative Council]. LEGI POSTA: Hungary, airmails. LEI (currency overprint on Austrian stamps): Romania- Austrian occupation (1917-8). LERO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy Aegean Islands- Leros (1930-2). LEROS (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy Aegean Islands- Leros (1912-22). LESOTHO (overprint on stamps of Basutoland): Lesotho (1966). L?ETAT DU KATANGA: Katanga, rebellion against the Belgian Congo. LEVA (currency): Bulgaria. LEVANT: France- Offices in Turkey. LEVANT (overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Turkey- Levant (1902-23). LEVANT (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain Offices in Turkey- Levant (1905-6). LEVANT (overprint on stamps of Poland): Poland- Offices in Turkey- Levant (1919-21). LEVANTE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Levant. LEY 8310 (overprint): Peru, postal tax stamps [Law 8310]. LEY NACIONAL DE SELLO: Argentina, postal fiscal stamps [National Stamp Law]. L F F (overprint): Liberia, officials [Liberian Frontier Force]. LIBAN: Lebanon. LIBANAISE: Lebanon. LIBAU (overprint on stamps of Germany): Latvia- German occupation (1919). LIBERTAD, 15 DE SETIEMBRE: Guatemala (1886-94) [Liberty, September 15]. LIBERTAD Y ORDEN: Colombia [Liberty and Order]. Page 33 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com LIBIA: Libya (1912-51). LIBYA: Libya. LIBYA (overprint on stamps of Cyranaica): Libya (1951). LIBYE: Libya. LIETUVA: Lithuania. LIETUVA (overprint on stamps of Russia): Lithuania- South District (1919). LIETUVOS: Lithuania. LIETUVOS PASTA: Lithuania [Lithuania Post]. LIFE INSURANCE (overprint): New Zealand, life insurance department. LIGNES AERIENNE DE LA FRANCE LIBRE: Syria- Free French Administration military airmails (1942). LIGNES AERIENNE F.A.F.L.: Syria- Free French Administration military airmails (1942). LIMBAGAN- 1543-1943 (overprint): Philippines- Japanese occupation (1943). LINDBERGH ENERO 1928 (overprint): Costa Rica [Lindbergh January 1928]. LINEAS AEREA NACIONAL: Chile, airmails [National Air Lines]. LINEAS AEREAS DEL ESTADO: Argentina, airmails [State Air Lines]. LIPSO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Lisso (1912-32). LIRE (currency overprint on stamps of Austria): Italy- Austrian occupation (1918). LIRE 1.20 DI CORONA (currency overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Dalmatian occupation. LISBOA: Portugal, Red Cross tax stamps (1913) or franchise stamps (1903-38). LISSO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Lisso (1930). LITAS: Lithuiania (1922-40). LITWA SRODKOWA: Central Lithuania. LITWY SRODKOWEJ: Central Lithuania. LJUBLIANSKA: Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- German occupation (1944-5). L. L. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Legislative Library]. L.L.L.R.: Georgia. L. MARQUES (overprint on stamps of Mozambique): Lourenco Marques (1895-7). L Mc L (and design of ship): Trinidad- Lady McLeod private issue (1847). LOCAL-TAXE: Switzerland- Zurich (1843-6). LOCUST CAMPAIGN (overprint): Trans-Jordan, semipostals. LOJA FRANCA (overprint on stamps of Ecuador): Ecuador- Loja Province, control overprint to prevent use of stolen stamps from July 1902 Guyaquil Post Office fire (1902-3). LOKAL BREF: Sweden- Stockholm. LOSEN: Sweden, postage dues [Redemption Money]. LOS RIOS (overprint): Ecuador, provincial control (1902-3). LOTHRINGEN (overprint on stamps of Germany): France- German occupation of Lorraine(1940). LOTNICZA: Poland, aimails. L.P. (overprint on stamps of Russia): Latvia- Russian occupation for Mitau and Schaulen (1919) [Latvija Pawalda (Latvia Administration)]. L. T. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Land Titles]. LTSR 1940 VII 21 (overprint): Lithuania- Russian occupation. LUBIANA (overprint): Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- Italian occupation (1941). LUCHA CONTRA EL CANCER (overprint): Panama, semipostals [Fight Against Cancer]. LUCHTEPOST: Belgium, airmails [Air Post]. LUCHTEPOSTZEGEL: Netherlands, airmails. LUEBECK: German States- Leubeck (1863-7). LUFTFELDPOST: Germany, military air post stamps (1942). L.T.S.R. (overprint with date): Lithuania, union with the U.S.S.R. LUGPOST: South Africa or South West Africa, airmail stamps. Page 34 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com LUXEMBOURG (overprint on stamps of Germany): Luxembourg- German occupation (1940-1). Page 35 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com M M (overprint): Belgium, military parcel posts. M. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Military]. M.A. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Agriculture]. M. B. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Marine Board]. MACAU: Macao. MACAV: Macao. MADAGASCAR (overprint on stamps of France): Madagascar (1895). MADEIRA (overprint on stamps of Portugal): Madeira (1868-98). MADERANERTHAL: Switzerland, hotel local stamp. MADRID: Spain (1920-30). MAFEKING (overprint on stamps of Bechuanaland): Cape of Good Hope (1900). MAFEKING (overprint): Cape of Good Hope (1900). MAGYAR: Hungary. MAGYAR KIR. HIRLAP BELYEG: Hungary, newspaper tax stamps. MAGYAR KIR(ALYN) POSTA: Hungary [Hungarian Royal Post]. MAGYAR NEMZETI KORMANY SZEGED (overprint): Hungary- Szeged- Serbian occupation (1919) [Hungarian People?s Government Szeged]. MAGYAR NEPKOZTARSASAG: Hungary (1919) [People?s Popular Republic]. MAGYARORSZAG: Hungary (1925) [Hungarian State]. MAGYAR TANACS KOZTARSASAG: Hungary (1919) [Hungarian Soviet Republic]. MAHRA SULTANATE OF QISHN AND SOCOTRA: South Arabia (1967). MAI GT. PRE. 1902 (overprint): Haiti (1902) [Gouvernement Provisoire (Provisional Government)]. M.A.L.: cancel of British Forces in North and East Africa [Military Authority Lira]. MALACCA: Malaya- Malacca. MALAGA (overprint): Spain revolutionary issues- Malaga (1937). MALAGA ARRIBA ESPANA (overprint): Spain- Malaga, revenues. MALAGASY: Madagascar (1961-present). MALAYA (overprint over portrait of Sultan): Malaya- Kelantan, Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Selanegor or Trengganu. MALAYA (overprint over picture of mosque): Selangor. MALAYA (overprint over picture of over picture of State Arms): Negri Sembilan. MALAYAN POSTAL UNION: Malaya, postage dues (1945). MALAYA PERLIS: Malaya- Perlis. MALAYA SINGAPORE: Singapore. MALDIVES (overprint on stamps of Ceylon): Maldives Islands(1906-9). MALGACHE: Madagascar (1959-61). MALUKU SELATAN: South Moluccas (Indonesian private issues). MANAMA: Ajman- Manama. MANDAT: Netherlands, money order stamps (1894). MANIZALES: Colombia- Manizales. MAPKA: Russia, Finland or Serbia. MARCA DA BOLLO: Italy. MARIANAS ESPANOL (overprint on stamps of Spain): Mariana Islands (1899). MARIANEN: Mariana Islands (1899-1919). MARIENWERDER (overprint on stamps of Germany): Marienwerder plebescite (1920). Page 36 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com MARK (currency): Finland, Germany. MARKA (currency): Estonia (1919-28), Russia. MARKAA (currency): Finland. MARKKA (currency): Finland. MAROC: French Morocco, Morocco. MAROCCO (overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany- Offices in Morocco. MAROKKO (overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany- Offices in Morocco (1911). MARRUECOS: Morocco- Northern Zone (1956-8). MARRUECOS (overprint on stamps of Spain): Spanish Morocco. MARRUECOS ESPANOL: Spanish Morocco- Northern Zone. MARSCHELL INSELN: Marshall Islands. MARSHALL INSELN: Marshall lslands. MARTINIQUE (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Martinique (1886-92). MAURITANIE: Mauritania. MAGAZON A MOROC: Sultanate of Morocco, local issue of questionable repute (1891) [Mazagan to Morocco]. MAGAZON MARAKECH: Sultanate of Morocco, local issue of questionable repute (1893) [Mazagan to Marakesh]. MAT TUAN D.T.G.P. MIEN NAM VIET NAM: National Front for the liberation of South Vietnam. MAZATLAN (overprint): Mexico- Mazatlan (1916). M.B.D. (overprint): India- Nandgaon, officials (1893-5). MBLEDHJA KUSHTETUGESE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Albania- Italian dominion (1939). MBRETNIJA SHQIPTARE: Albania- Italian occupation. MECKLENB.: German States- Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1856-67). MEDELLIN PROVISIONAL: Colombia- Antioquia (1888-9). MEDIA ONZA: Spain, official stamps (1854-63). M.E.F. (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa (1942-50) [Middle East Forces]. MEJICO: Mexico (1856-64). MELAKA: Malaysia- Malacca. MELAT-I-KAZERUN 1335 (overprint): Iran, unofficial rebellion overprint (1917). MELMEDY (overprint on stamps of Belgium): Germany- Belgian occupation of Melmedy (1920-1). MEMEL (overprint on stamps of France): Memel (1920-3). MEMEL with KLAIPEDA: Memel- Lithuanian occupation (1923). MEMEL GEBIET: Memel [Memel District]. MENSAJERIAS: Uruguay, special delivery stamps. METELIN (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1910). MEXICANO: Mexico. MEXICO TRANSITORIO: Mexico- Sonora revenues. M.G. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of War]. M.H. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Finance]. M.I. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Interior]. MILESIMA DE ESCUDO (currency): Spain. MILESIMA DE PESO (currency): Spanish Colonies. MILESIMO (currency): Uruguay. MILITAR K.u.K. POST: Bosnia and Herzegovina- Austrian Administration (1912). MILITARPOST: Bosnia and Herzegovina. MILITAR POST EILMARKE: Bosnia and Herzegovina, special handling stamps. MILIT. (POST) PORTOMARKE: Bosnia and Herzegovina, military post postage dues.. MILL. (currency surcharge on stamps of France): France- Offices in Egypt (1921-8). Page 37 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com MILLIEME(S) (currency surcharge on stamps of France): France- Offices in Egypt (1921-8). M.J.I. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Justice and Education]. M. KIR.: Hungary (1916). M.M. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Marine]. MN: Korea (1884-95). MOCAMBIQUE: Mozambique. MOHO AAH: Outer Mongolia. MOGADORO A MAROC: Sultanate of Morocco, local issue of questionable repute (1895) [Mogadoro to Morocco]. MOLDOVA: 1991 declared Independence from Soviet Union MONGTSEU (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Mongtseu (1903-9). MONGTZE (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Mongtseu (1903-9). MONISTIR (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Turkey, for royal visit of Sultan to Rumelia (1911) [City of Monistir]. MONROVIA: Liberia. MONSTER (overprint): Dutch language countries [Specimen]. MONT ATHOS (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Mont Athos (1909-10). MONTE CASSINO 1944 (overprint on stamps of Poland-Exile in Great Britain): Polish government in exile (1944). MONTENEGRO (overprint on stamps of Austria): Montenegro- Austrian occupation (1917-8). MONTENEGRO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Montenegro- Italian occupation (1941-2). MONTEREY (overprint): Mexico- Monterey. MONTEVIDEO: Uruguay- Montevideo (1858-67). MONTSERRAT (overprint on stamps of Antigua): Montserrat (1876). M.O.P. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Public Works]. MOQUEA (overprint): Peru- Moquegua- Chilean occupation (1885). MOQUEGUA (overprint): Peru- Moquegua, applied after regional earthquake (1881). MOQUEGUA (overprint on stamps of Arequipa): Peru- Arequipa- Moquegua- Chilean occupation (1885). MORA: Ukraine. MORELIA (overprint): Mexico- Morelia. MOROCCO AGENCIES (overprint on stamps of Gibraltar): Great Britain- Offices in Morocco. MOROCCO AGENCIES (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Morocco. MORVI: India- Morvi (1931-48). MOYEN CONGO: Middle Congo. MQE (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Martinique (1886-91). M. R. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Manager of Railways]. M.R.C. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religion]. M. R. G. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Main Roads Gambierton]. MUESTRA (overprint): Spanish language countries [Specimen]. MULTA: several countries, postage dues [Fined]. MULTADA: Chile, postage dues[Fined]. MULTAS: Ecuador, postage dues[Fined]. MUSCAT & OMAN: Oman (1966-70). MUSTER (overprint): German language countries [Specimen]. M.V.i.R. (overprint): Romania- German occupation (1917-8) [Militar Verwaltung in Rumanien (Military Administration of Romania]. Page 38 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com N NBHA: India- Nabha. NACHMARKE (overprint): Austria, postage dues. NACH PORTO (overprint): Liechtenstein, postage dues [After Postage]. NACIONES UNIDAS: United Nations. NANDGAM: India- Nandgam (1891-5). NADRUK (underprint): Netherlands (1852) [Reprint]. NA OSWIATE: Poland, semipostals [For Public Instruction]. NAPA PARA (currency): Yugoslavia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia. NAPOLETANA: Italian States-Two Sicilies. NA SKARB NARODOWY: Poland, semipostals [For National Funds]. NA SLASK (overprint): Central Lithuania. NATIONALER VERWALTUNGS AUSSCHUSS 10.XI 1943 (overprint): Yugoslavia and Montenegro- German occupation of Montenegro (1943). NATIONALSOZIAL DEUTSCHE ARBIETERPARTE: Germany, franchise stamps [National Socialist German Workers party]. NATIONAL VERSAMMLUNG: Germany (1919) [National Assembly]. NATIONS UNIES: United Nations. NATIONS UNIES OFFICE EUROPEEN (overprint on stamps of Switzerland): Switzerland, officials [United Nations European Office]. NAURU (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Nauru (1916-23). N.C.E. (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): New Caledonia (1881-93). N.D. HRVATSKA: Croatia. N.D. RATNI DOPRINOS: Croatia. Nebr. (overprint): U.S. Nebraska overprints to reduce theft (1929). NED ANTILLEN: Netherlands Antilles (1949-present). NEDERLAND: Netherlands. NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE: Netherlands Indies (1864-1949). NEDERLANDSE ANTILLEN: Netherlands Antilles (1949-present). NEDERLANDS NIEUW GUINEA: Netherlands New Guinea (1950-62). NEDERL-INDIE: Netherlands Indies (1864-1949). NED-INDIE: Netherlands Indies (1864-1949). NED NIEUW GUINEA: Netherlands New Guinea (1950-62). NEGRI SEMBILAN: Malaya- Negri Sembilan. NE PAS LIVRER LE DIMANCHE: Belgium label (French inscription) preventing Sunday mail delivery (1893-1915) [Do Not Deliver Sunday]. NEU-GROSCHEN (currency): German States- Saxony. NEW GRANADA: Colombia (pre 1862). NEW HEBRIDES CONDOMINIUM (overprint on stamps of Fiji): New Hebrides (1908-10). NEZAVISNA DRZAVA HRVATSKA: Croatia, postal tax stamps. N.F. (overprint on stamps of Nyasaland): German East Africa- British occupation (1917) [Nyasaland Force]. N. FL.: Armenia. NIET BESTELLEN OP ZONTAGE: Belgium label (Flemish inscription) preventing Sunday mail delivery (1893-1915) [Do Not Deliver Sunday]. NIEUW GUINEA: Netherlands New Guinea (1950-62). Page 39 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com NIEUW REPUBLIEK ZUID AFRIKA: New Republic. NIPPON: Japan (1966-present). NISIRO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Nisiro (1932-32). NISIROS (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Nisiro (1912-22). NIUE (overprint on stamps of New Zealand): Niue. NIVINI (overprint on special delivery stamps): Czechoslovakia, newspaper stamps. NIWIN (overprint): Curacao, semipostals [initials of an Indonesian relief agency]. NLLE. CALEDONIE (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): New Caledonia (1892). NO HAY ESTAMPILLAS (overprint): Colombia (1912) [There are no stamps]. NOPTO MAPKA: Serbia, postage dues. NORDDEUTSCHER POST-BEZIRK: German States- North German Confederation (1868-71) [North German Postal Circuit]. NORD-DEUTSCH-POST: German States- North German Confederation, officials (1870-1). NOREG: Norway (1952-2005). Noreg is preferred spelling. Stamps will appear both ways. NORFOLK ISLANDS (overprint on stamps of Australia): Norfolk Islands (1959). NORGE: Norway. NOSSI-BE (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Nossi-Be (1891-4). NOUVELLE CALEDONIE: New Caledonia (1905-present). NOUVELLES HEBRIDES: New Hebrides- French issues. NOUVELLES HEBRIDES (overprint on stamps of New Caledonia): New Hebrides- French issues. NOWANUGGUR: India- Nowanuggur (1877). NOWTA: Serbia. A?OYTA: Russia. A?OYT MAPKA (no country name): Azerbaijan (1922-4). NSB (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Nossi-Be (1890-3). N. SEMBILAN: Malaya- Negri Sembilian. N.S.W.: New South Wales. N. T. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Northern Territory]. N.W. PACIFIC ISLANDS (overprint on stamps of Australia): North West Pacific Islands (1915-6). NYASSA (overprint on stamps of Mozambique): Nyassa (1898). N.Z.: New Zealand. Page 40 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com O OLYM: Greece. OLYM?: Greece. OLYM?IAKOI: Greece. O. A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Official Assignee]. OAHA MAPKA: Finland (1866-74). OAXACA: Mexico- Oaxaca (1914). O.B. (overprint): Philippines, officials (1906-present) [Official Business]. OBOCK (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Obock. OCCUPATION AZIRBAYEDJAN (overprint on stamps of Russia): Azerbaijan, unofficial overprints by Entente Allied officers (1918). OCCUPATION FRANCAISE (overprint): Hungary- French occupation (1919). OCCUPATION FRANCAISE CAMEROUN (overprint on stamps of Middle Congo): Cameroon- French occupation. OCEANIE: French Polynesia (1892-1958). OCUPACION DE PASQUA: Chile, semipostal for Easter Island. O?HA MAPKA YKSIMAPKKA: Finland. OESTERR: Austria (1883-1907) [Austria]. OESTERR POST with KAIS KOENIGL: Austria (1883-1907). OESTERR POST LIECHTENSTEIN: Liechtenstein- Austrian postal administration (1912-20). OEUVRES DE GUERRE (overprint): Cameroon, semipostals. OEUVRES DE SOLIDARITE FRANCAISE: French Colonies, semipostals (1943-4). OEUVRES SOCIALES (overprint on stamps of St. Pierre & Miquelon): St. Pierre & Miquelon, semipostals. O.F. CASTELLORISO (overprint on stamps of France): France- Castellorizo occupation. OFFENTLIG SAK: Norway, officials. OFFICIAL (overprint on stamps of Kenya and Uganda): Tanganyika, officials (1959-60). OFFISIEEL: South West Africa, officials. OFFISIEEL-OFFICIAL: South Africa, officials. OFF. SAK.: Norway, officials. OFFICIEL (overprint): Luxembourg, officials. OFFICIEL (overprint): Iran, officials denoting genuiness (1885-7). OFICIAL: Spanish or Portuguese language countries [Official]. O.?. (overprint with airplane): Bulgaria, airmails. O.H.E.M.S. (overprint): Egypt, officials (1922). O.H.H.S. (overprint): Egypt, officials (1907-1922) [On His Highness Service]. O.H.M.S. (overprint): Canada, officials [On His (or Her) Majestys Service]. OHU POST: Estonia, airmails. OIL RIVERS: Niger Coast Protectorate (1892-3). OKCA: Russia- Army of the North (1919) [Odjeiny Korpus SevernoyArmii]. O.K.C.A. POCCI?: Russia- Army of the North (1918). O.L. (overprint): Monaco, letters handed to mailmen or found in post boxes prior to 1908 [Origine Locale (Local Origin)]. OLTRE GIUBA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Oltre Giuba. O.M.F. CILICIE (overprint on stamps of France): France- occupation of Cilicia. O.M.F. SYRIE (overprint on stamps of France): Syria (1920-22) [Occupation Militaire Francaise (French Military Occupation)]. Page 41 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com ON C.G.S. (overprint on stamps of India- Cochin): India- Cochin, officials [On Cochin Government Service]. O.N.F. CASTELLORIZO (overprint on stamps of French Levant): France- Castellorizo occupation [Occupation Navale Francaise (French Naval Occupation)]. ON K.D.S. (overprint): India- Kishangarah, officials [On Kishengarh Durbar Service]. ON L.F.S. (overprint): India, private overprints to prevent theft [On Local Funds Service]. ON S.S. (overprint): India- Travanacore, officials. ON S.S.S. (overprint): India- Sirmoor, officials [On Sirmoor State Service]. ON STATE SERVICE (overprint): Iraq, officials. ONZA: Spain, officials [Ounce]. O.P.S.O. (overprint): New Zealand, officials for Post Office sent abroad [On Public Service Only]. ORANGE RIVER COLONY (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope): Orange River Colony (1900-2). ORANJE VRIJ STAAT: Orange River Colony [Orange Free State]. ORCHA: India- Orchha (1913-7). ORCHHA: India- Orchha (1913-7). ORDINARY (overprint): Liberia, airmail to regular mail conversion. ORE (currency) Denmark, Sweden or Norway. ORGANISATION INTERNACIONALE POUR LES REFUGIES (overprint): Switzerland- Int. Org. for Refugees, officials (1950). ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE (overprint): Switzerland- World Health Organization, officials. ORO PASTAS: Lithuania, air mails. ORPHELINS DE LA GUERRE: France, semipostals [War Orphans]. ORTS-POST: Switzerland (1850). O.S.: Norway, officials (1951-2) [Offentlig Sax]. O.S.: English language countries, officials [On Service]. O.S.G.S. (overprint): Sudan, officials [On Sudan Government Service]. OSTEN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Poland- German Occupation (1939). OSTERREICH: Austria. OSTERREICHISCHE POST: Austria. OSTERR-POST: Austria. OSTLAND (overprint on stamps of Germany): Russia- German occupation (1941-3). O.T. (overprint): Czechoslovakia, newspaper stamps used by commercial firms. OTVORENIE SLOVENSKENO (overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia): Slovakia (1939). OUBANGUI-CHARI: Ubangi. OUBANGUI-CHARI-TCHAD (overprint on stamps of Middle Congo): Ubangi (1915-24). O.U.S. (overprint between wavy lines): Great Britain, official overprint for the Oxford Union Society to prevent pilfering of 1d reds. O.W. OFFICIAL (overprint): Great Britain- Office of Public Works, officials (1896-1902). Page 42 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com P p (currency, on stamps with no name and queens head): Great Britain (1971-present) [Pence]. P (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements): Malaya- Perak (1878). P. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Police]. P. A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Protector of Aboriginees]. P???HCTA ?O?A: Bulgaria, officials. PACCHI POSTALI (with various designs): Italy, parcel posts. PACCHI POSTALI (with denomination in diagonal band): San Marino, parcel posts. PACCHI POSTALI (with star and crescent emblem): Somalia, parcel posts. PACKENMARKE: Russia- Wenden, parcel post stamps (1863) [Parcel Stamp]. PACKHOI (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Packhoi (1906-19). PAHANG: Malaya- Pahang. PAISA (currency): Indian States- Feridkot, Nepal, Pakistan. PAITA (overprint): Peru- Paita- revolutionary period (1884). PAK-HOI (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Packhoi (1906-19). PAKISTAN (overprint on stamps of India): Pakistan (1947-9). PAKKE-PORTO: Greenland, parcel posts. PALACIO DE COMMUNICACIONES: Colombia and Cuba, postal tax stamps. PALESTINE (overprint on stamps of Egypt): Palestine- Palestine occupation (1948-9). PALESTINE (overprint on stamps of Egypt with E.E.F.): Palestine- British Mandate. PALESTINE (overprint on stamps of Trans-Jordan): Palestine. PAPUA: Papua & New Guinea. PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA: Papua New Guinea (1952-71). PARA(S) (currency): Egypt, Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of Austria): Austria- Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of Romania): Romania- Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey. PARA OS POBRES: Portugal and Azores, postal tax stamps (1915) [For the Poor]. PAR AVION: universal inscription, airmail. PARDOES DA GRAND GUERRA: Portugal and Azores, postal tax due stamps [Comrades of the Great War]. PARM: Italian States- Parma (1852-55). PARMENSI: Italian States- Parma (1852-55). PAR POSTE AERIENNE: Switzerland, airmails. PASCO (overprint): Peru- Pasco- Chilean occupation (1884). PARTICULAR (overprint): Nicaragua, conversion of officials to ordinary mail. PATIALA: India- Patiala (1891-1947). PATMO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Patmo (1930-2). PATMOS (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Patmo (1912-22). PATRIOTIC FUND: Queensland, semipostals. PATZCUARO: Mexico- Patzcuaro, authenticity questioned. P.C.?.C.P.: Russia (1921-3) [Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic]. PE. (currency): Egypt [Piastra Egiziane (Egyptian Pisatre)]. Page 43 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com PECHINO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in China- Peking (1917-9). PELITA (overprint): Netherlands Indies, semipostals. PEN (currency): Finland [Pennia]. PENANG: Malaya- Penang. PENNI (currency): Finland. PENNIAS (currency): Finland. PE??A?KA ?b?GA???: Bulgaria [Bulgarian Republic]. PERAK: Malaya- Perak. PENRHYN (overprint on stamps of Cook Islands): Penrhyn Island (1973-present). PENRHYN ISLAND (overprint on stamps of New Zealand): Penrhyn Island (1902-20). PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF SOUTHERN YEMEN (overprint on stamps of South Arabia): Yemen (1968). PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF YEMEN: Yemen (1971-present). PERAK: Malaya- Perak. PERLIS: Malaya- Perlis. PER LUGPOS: Afrikaans language, South Africa, South-West Africa [air mail]. PER PACCHI (overprint): Vatican, parcel posts. PERSANE(S): Iran (1881-1935). PERSEKUTUAN TANAH MELAYU: Malaya (1957-63). PERUANA: Peru. PERV-AEREO: Peru, airmails. PER VLIEGTUIG: Belgium, airmail. PESA (currency overprint on stamps of Germany): German East Africa (1893). PESETAS (currency, no country name): Spain. PF or PFG (currency, overprint on stamps of Russia): Estonia- German occupation (1918). PFENNIG (currency): German States-Wurttemberg, German States-Bavaria or Germany. P.G.S. (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements): Malaya- Perak, officials. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Philippines- U.S. administration. PHILIPPINES (overprint): U.S. administration of the Philippines. PIASTER (currency): Austria- Offices in Turkey. PIASTER (currency overprint on stamps of Austria): Austria- Offices in Turkey. PIASTER (currency overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany- Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA or PIASTRE (currency overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA or PIASTRE (currency overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA or PIASTRE (currency overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA or PIASTRE (currency overprint on stamps of Romania): Romania- Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA or PIASTRE (currency overprint on stamps of Russia) on stamps of Russia: Russia- Offices in Turkey. PIASTRO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Crete. PIES (currency): India. PICE (currency): Nepal. PILGRIM TERCENTENARY: U.S. issue (1920). PILIPINAS: Philippines- Japanese occupation and republic issues since 1962. PINSIN(E) (currency): Ireland. PISCO (overprint): Peru- Pisco- Chilean occupation. PISCOPI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Piscopi (1912-32). PIURA: (overprint): Peru- Piura- Chilean occupation (1884). PJON FRIM: Iceland, officials. PJONUSTA: Iceland, officials. Page 44 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com PJONUSTU: Iceland, officials. PJONUSTUMERLI: Iceland, officials. PLEBISCITE OLSZTYN ALLENSTEIN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Allenstein (1920). PLEBISCIT SLESVIG: Schleswig (1919). P. L. TEHERAN (overprint): Iran- City of Teheran [Poste Locale Teheran]. P.M. (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy, military stamps (1943-5 [Posta Militaire (military post)]. P. O. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Post Office]. POBLACHT NA HEIREANN: Ireland [Republic of Ireland]. POCCI? (overprint on stamps of Russia): South Russia- Crimea. POCCIR: Russia. POCCI?: Russia, South Russia. POCCIR cb? AUMI?: Russia- Army of the North (1920). POCZTA: Poland. POCZTA POL. KORP (overprint on stamps of Russia): Poland (1918) [Polish Expeditionary Force]. POCZTA POLSKA (overprint on stamps of Austria): Poland (1918). POCZTA POLSKA (overprint on stamps of Germany): Poland Poznan issues (1919). POCZTA POLSKA (overprint on German occupation stamps): Poland. POHJOIS INKERI: North Ingermanland. POLAIRE INTERNATIONALE (1932): U.S.S.R., airmails. POLE DU NORD (1931): U.S.S.R., airmails. POLSKA: Poland. POLYNESIE FRANCAISE: French Polynesia (1956-present). POMBAL: Portugal and Azores, postal tax stamps. PONCE: Puerto Rico (1898). P.O.?.?.T. (overprint on stamps of Russia- Offices in Turkey): Ukraine, never issued. P.O.?.?.T. (overprint on stamps of Russia- Offices in Turkey): Ukraine. POR AVION: Venezuela, airmails. POR CORREO AEREO: Colombia, airmails. PORT CANTONAL: Switzerland- Geneva. PORTEADO: Portugal and Azores, postage dues. PORTEADO A RECEBER: Portugal and Azores, postage dues [Postage to Be Received]. PORTEADO CORREIO: Portugal and Azores, postage dues. PORTE DE CONDUCCION: Peru, parcel posts [Postage for Conveyance]. PORTE DE MAR: Mexico, postage dues for ship mail (1875). PORTE FRANCO with CORREOS: Peru (1858-72). PORT GDANSK (overprint): Poland- Offices in Danzig (1925-38). PORT LAGOS (overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Turkey (1893). PORTO: multiple languages [Postage]. PORTO (no country name): Austria [Postage]. PORTO FRANCO: Portugal, franchise stamps with company name but without denomination. PORTO FRANCO with CORREOS: Peru [Postage Free]. PORTO GAZETEI: Romania- Moldova, newspaper stamps (1858-9) [Newspaper Postage]. PORTOMAERKE: Danish West Indies and Norway, postage dues. PORTOMARK: Bosnia & Herzogovina, postage dues. PORTO PFLICHTICE DIENST SACHE: German States- Wurttemberg, officials [Service Matter Liable to Postage]. PORTO RICO (overprint): U.S. administration- Puerto Rico (1899). PORT-SAID: France- Offices in Egypt- Port Said (1895-1928). PORTUGAL CONTINENTE: Portugal [Portugal mainland]. POSESIONES ESPANOLES DEL SAHARA OCCIDENTAL: Spanish West Sahara. Page 45 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com POSIESXHEDEUIEEGIZIANE: Egypt (1872-9). POSSEEL: Afrikaans language, South Africa and South West Africa [Postage]. POSTA (overprint): Tanna Tuva, converting fiscals to ordinary mail. POSTA AEREA: Italian language countries [Air Mail]. POSTA AERIANA: Romania, air mails. POSTA AERORE: Albania, airmails. POSTA AJRORE: Albania, airmails. POSTA CESKOSLOVENSKA (overprint on stamps of Austria): Czechoslovakia, semipostals (1919). POSTA FIUME: Fiume, triangular newspaper stamp. POSTAGE (with denominations in pies, annas or rupees): India- Hyderabad. POSTAGE & REVENUE (with denominations in d (pence)): Great Britain. POSTAGE & REVENUE (with denominations in annas): India- Kishengarh. POSTAGE with CAMB AUS SIGILLUM NOV: New South Wales (1850-1). POSTAGE DUE (with denominations in d-(pence): Great Britain, Australia. POSTAGE I.E.F. 'D' (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Mesopotamia- British occupation of Mosul. POSTAGE TWO CENTS with portrait of Andrew Jackson, initials C. S. in lower corners: United States- Confederate States. POSTALARI: Turkey [Postage]. POSTALE ITALIANO: Italy [Italian Postage]. POSTAL FERIL EST. OTAVALO (overprint on consular fee stamps): Ecuador, honoring railway (1928). POSTAL UNION CONGRESS LONDON: Great Britain. POSTA PNEUMATICA: Italy, pneumatic tube post. POSTA ROMANA CONSTANTINOPOL (overprint on stamps of Romania): Romania- Offices in Turkey (1919). POSTAS LE NIOC: Ireland, postage dues. POSTAT AJRORE: Albania- Italian occupation, airmails. POSTAT E QERVERRIES SE PERKOHESHME- TE SHQIPONIES: Albania. POSTAT EXPRES: Albania, special delivery. POSTA UKR. N. REP. SCHAGIW (surcharge on stamps of Austria): Western Ukraine- Stanislau local [Ukrainska Narodnia Respiublika Schaiw (Ukrainian Peoples Republic Schagiw-currency)]. POSTCOLLI: Belgium, parcel posts. POSTCOLLO (overprint): Belgium, parcel posts. POSTE AERIEN (no country name): Iran, airmails (1928). POSTE AERIEO (overprint on fiscal stamps): Iran, airmails. POSTE AERIENNE: French language countries [Air Mail]. POSTE AERIENNE (no country name): Iran. POSTE AVION: Haiti, airmails. POSTE DE GENEVE: Switzerland- Geneva. POSTE ESTENSI: Italian States- Modena (1852) [Post of the House of Este]. POSTE KHEDEVIE EGIZIANE: Egypt (1872-5) [Khediva Egyptian Post]. POSTE ITALIANE: Italy. POSTEK NEDEUIERGIZIANE: Egypt (1872-9). POSTE LOCALE: Switzerland- Geneva (1849-50) [Local Post]. POSTAGE PAYE (overprint): Haiti (1904) [Postage Paid]. POSTE PERSANE: Iran (1881-98). POSTES: French language countries and universal [Postage]. POSTES (with red crescent and 1954): Afghanistan, tax stamps (1954). POSTES AFGHANES: Afghanistan. Page 46 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com POSTES AVION: Haiti, airmails. POSTES CENTIME (with numeral in center and a network of colored lines): France- Alsace and Lorraine- German occupation. POSTES DE COREE: Korea (1902). POSTES DE YEMEN: Yemen. POSTES EGYPTIENNES: Egypt, United Arab Republic. POSTES ETHIOPIENNES: Ethiopia. POSTES EXPRES: Egypt, special delivery stamps. POSTES HEDJAZ AND NEJDE: Saudi Arabia. POSTES IMPERIALES DE COREE: Korea (1903). POSTES OTTOMANES: Turkey, Mesopotamia (1913-22). POSTES PERSANES: Iran. POSTES SERBES (overprint on stamps of France): Serbia- Corfu (1916-8). POSTES SYRIE: Syria. POSTE VATICANE: Vatican City. POSTFAERGE (overprint): Denmark, parcel posts. POSTFRIM.: Norway, Denmark [Postfrimaerki (Free Postage Stamp)]. POSTGEBIET OB. OFT. (overprint on stamps of Germany): Lithuania- German occupation (1916-7) [Postage Area of the Eastern Commander-in-Chief]. POST LUCHTDIENST: Belgian Congo, airmails. POST OBITUM: U.S.- dead letter seal (1877). POST STAMP: India- Hyderabad. POSTTAXE BAYER: German States- Bavaria, postage dues. POST ZEGEL (no country name): Netherlands (1852-67), Transvaal [Postage Stamp]. POSTZEGEL Z. AFR. REPUBLIEK: Transvaal. POST & RECEIPT (with denomination in annas): India- Hyderabad. POULS: Afghanistan, semipostals (1952). POUR LA CROIX ROUGE: Yugoslavia- postal tax stamps [For the Red Cross]. POUR LE STADE MUNICIPAL DE PORT-AU-PRINCE: Haiti, semipostal. P.P.: French language countries, universal [Poste Paye (Postage Paid)]. P.P. (overprint on French postage dues): France- Offices in Morocco, conversion of postage dues to ordinary postage. P.P.C. (overprint on stamps of Poland): Poland- Offices in Turkey, consular mail. PREKOMURJE (overprint): Hungary- Yugoslavian occupation of Transmuria (left bank of Mur River) (1919). PRENSA (overprint): Uruguay, newspaper stamps. PREUSSEN: German States- Prussia (1861-7). PRIMA VALORES DECLARADOS: Dominican Republic, insured letter stamps. PRIMIER VUELO POSTAL- BARRION-MIAMI (overprint): Guatemala, airmails. PRIMO VOLO DIRETTO ROMA-BUENOS AIRES TRIMOTORE "LOMBARDI-MAZZOTTI" (overprint): Italy and Cyrenaica, airmails. PRINCE FAROUK: Egypt (1929). PRINCIPAUTE DE MONACO: Monaco [Principality of Monaco]. PRINCIPAUTE DE TRINIDAD: Brazil- bogus private issue (1894). PRISTINA (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Turkey (1911) [City of Pristina]. PRO AERO: Switzerland, airmails. PRO AGRICULTURA Y CANADERIA: Paraguay, semipostals. PRO CARTERO: Argentina, semipostals. PRO CASA DE JUBILACIONES DE COMMUNICACIONES: Bolivia, postal tax stamps. PRO COMBATTENTI (overprint): San Marino, semipostals (1918) [For the Troops]. Page 47 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com PRO DESOCUPADOS (overprint): Peru, postal tax stamps [For Unemployed]. PRO EDUCACION FISICIA: Panama, postal tax stamp [For Physical Education]. PRO FUNDAZIONE STUDIO LIRE 5: Fiume, semipostals [Benefit of Educational Fund]. PRO INFANCIA (overprint): Mexico, postal tax stamps [For Childrens Welfare]. PRO JUVENTUTE: Switzerland, semipostals. PRO PATRIA: Switzerland, semipostals [For the Country]. PRO PLEBISCITO TACNA Y ARICA: Peru- plebescite tax stamps (1925-8). PROTECCION A LA INFANCIA (overprint): Mexico, postal tax stamps. PROTECCION AL ANCIANO: Uruguay, postal tax stamp [For the Aged]. PROTECTORADO ESPANOL EN MARRUECOS: Spanish Morocco. PROTECTORADO ESPANOL EN MARRUECOS (overprint on stamps of Spain): Spanish Morocco (1915). PROTECTORAT COTE DES SOMALIS: Somali Coast. PROTECTORATE (overprint on stamps of Bechuanaland): Bechuanaland Protectorate (1888-9). PROTECTORAT FRANCAIS (overprint on stamps of France or French Morocco): French Morocco (1914-22). PROTEJA A LA INFANCIA: Mexico, postal tax stamps [For Childrens Protection]. PRO TUBERCULOSOS POBRES: Spain (1937-8) [For the Poor with Tuberculosis]. PRO UNION IBEROAMERICANA: Spain (1930). PROVINCE LAIBACH- LJUBLJANSKA POKRAJINA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Yugoslavia- Laibach- German occupation. PROVINZ LAIBACH: Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- German occupation. PROVISIONAL 1881-1882 (overprint): Peru- Arequipa (1881-5). PROVISIONAL GOVT. 1893 (overprint): Hawaii Republic issues (1893). PROVISORIO (overprint): Portugese Colonies, to revalidate demonetized stamps. PROVISORISCH WERT IN SCHWEIZ FRANC (overprint): Liechtenstein [Temporary Value in Swiss Francs]. PROV. R.I.: United States- Postmaster's provisional issue. PRO VIVIENDA OBRARA: Bolivia, postal tax stamps. PRZESLYKA URZEDOWA: Poland, officials. PS (intertwined in script letter): Colombia- Causa (1882-3). P. S. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Private Secretary]. P.S.N.C. (in corners with ship): Peru- Pacific Steam Navigation Company (1857). PTO-RICO: Puerto Rico. PUL: Afghanistan. PULAU PENENG: Malaysia- Penang. PUNO (overprint on stamps of Peru or Arequipa): Peru- Chilean occupation (1882-5). PUOLUSTUSVOIMAT KENTTA POSTIA: Finland. PUTTIALA (overprint on stamps of India): India- Patiala (1884-90). PUTTIALA STATE: India- Patiala (1884-90). P. W. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Public Works]. P?B or Pyb: Russia, South Russia, Finland. PYCCHON APMIN (overprint on stamps of Ukraine): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Wrangel issues (1921). PYCCKAR HOYTA (overprint on stamps of Ukraine): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Wrangel issues (1921). Page 48 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com Q QATAR (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Qatar (1957-60). QARKU POSTES I KORCES: Albania (1918) [Local Pot of Korytza]. QEVERRIES SE PERKOHESHME: Albania (1913). QUINDAR (currency): Albania. QUINTAR (currency): Albania. QUAITI STATE IN HADHRAMAUT: Aden, East Aden Protectorate (1955). QUAITI STATE OF SHIHR AND MUKALLA: Aden, East Aden Protectorate (1955). QUAN BOO: Vietnam, military stamps. QUELIMANE (overprint on stamps of Portugese Colonies issues): Quelimane (1913). Page 49 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com R R: universal symbol for registration. R (on stamp covered with wriggly writing): India- Jhind (1874-84). R (overprint on stamps of Colombia): Panama. R on stamps with Arabic lettering but no country name: Iran. RABAUL: New Britain- German New Guinea registration label (1914). RACAPITO AUTORIZZATO: Italy, authorized delivery stamps. RAJASTHAN (overprint on stamps of India): India- Rajasthan (1949). RAPPEN (currency): Switzerland. RARATONGA: Cook Islands (1919-31). RATNI DOPRINOS: Croatia, semipostals. RUA (overprint on stamps of Syria): United Arab Republic (1958). RAYON: Switzerland (1850-4). R. B. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Road Board]. R.B.S. (currency): Denmark (1851) [Riggsbank Skilling]. R. COMMISSARIATO CIVILE TERRITORIO SLOVENI OCCUPATI LUBLINA (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- Italian occupation (1941-5). R. de C. (overprint): Nicaragua, postal tax stamps [Reconstruction of Communications]. R. de C. GARZON 1894 NO HAY ESTAMPILLAS: Colombia- Tomina [Republica de Colombia (Republic of Colombia- No Stamps)]. RECAPITO AUTORIZZATO: Italy, authorized delivery. RECARGO: Spain, war tax stamps (1898) [Extra Charge]. RECOMENDADA: Colombia, registration (1881). RECOMMENDATA: Italian language countries [Registration]. RECOMMENDE: French language countries [Registration]. RECOUVREMENTS: French language countries, to collect postage on returned C.O.D. parcels [Recoveries]. RECOUVREMENTS- TAXE A PERCEVOIR: French language countries, on stamps used to collect magazine subscriptions, etc. [Value to Collect]. RECOUVREMENTS- VALEURS IMPAYEES: French language countries, on stamps used to collect magazine subscriptions, etc. [Value Unpaid]. RECUERDO DEL IDE FEBRERO: Honduras (1916). REDONDA: Antigua REGATUL ROMANIEI (overprint on stamps of Hungary): Hungary- Romanian occupation (1919) [Kingdom of Romania]. REGENCE DE TUNIS: Tunisia (1888-1908) [Regency of Tunis]. REGGENZA ITALIANA DEL CARNARO (overprint): Fiume (1920) [ Italian Regency of Quarnaro]. REGIERUNGS DIENSTSACHE (overprint): Luxembourg, officials. REGISTRO: Columbia-Antioquia (1896-9) [Registered]. REGNO D'ITALIA FIUME: Fiume (1924). REGNO D'ITALIA FIVME: Fiume (1924). REGNO D'ITALIA VENEZIA GIULIA: Austria- Italian occupation (1918). REGNO D'ITALIA VENEZIA TRENTINO: Austria- Italian occupation (1918). REHABILITADA PARA EL SERVICIO (overprint): Honduras, convert air mails to ordinary postage. REICH: Germany (1872-1944). REICHSPOST: Germany (1872-1944). REIS with CORREIO (currency, no country name): Portugal. (1853-64). Page 50 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com REIS (currency): Portugal, Portuguese Colonies, Brazil. REJISTRO: Colombia, registration [Registry]. RELAIS: Iran, stickers for railway tickets allowing users to ride postal wagons on non-railway routes. REP. DI S. MARINO: San Marino. REPOBLIKA MALAGASY: Madagascar. REPOEBLIK INDONESIA: Indonesia. REP SOCIALE ITALIANA: Italy- Italian Social Republic (1944). REPUBBLICA ITALIANA: Italy. REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO: San Marino. REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA: Italy- Italian Social Republic (1944). REPUB. FRANC.: France, French Colonies. REPUBLICA DE GUINEA ECUATORIAL: Equatorial Guinea. REPUBLICA DOMINICANA: Dominican Republic. REPUBLICA ESPANOLA: Spain. REPUBLICA INHAMBANE (overprint on stamps of various Portuguese colonies): Inhambane (1913). REPUBLICA MAYOR DE CENTRO AMERICA ESTADO DE EL SALVADOR: El Salvador. REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DE URUGUAY: Uruguay (1864-6) REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY: Uruguay (1866-1961). REPUBLICA PERUANA: Peru. REPUBLICA POPULARA ROMINA: Romania. REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA: Portugal. REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA (overprint on stamps of Bechuanaland Protectorate): Botswana (1966). REPUBLIEK STELLALAND: Stellaland. REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA: South Africa (1961-71). REPUBLIKA MALAGASY: Madagascar (Malagasy Republic). REPUBLIKA NG. PILIPINAS: Philippines- Japanese occupation (1943). REPUBLIKA POPULLORE E SHQIIPERISE: Albania. REPUBLIK INDONESIA SERIKAT: Indonesia. REPUBLIK MALUKU SELATAN: South Moloccas (Indonesian private issues). REPUBLIOUE ARABE UNIE-SYRIE: United Arab Republic- Syria (1958). REPUBLIQUE AUTONOME DU TOGO: Togo. REPUBLIQUE CENTRAFRICAINE: Central African Republic. REPUBLIQUE DAZERBAIJAN: Azerbaijan (1919-22). REPVBLIQUE DE COTE D'IVOIRE: Ivory Coast. REPOBLIQUE DE GUINEE: Guinea. REPUBLIQUE DE HAUTE VOLTA: Upper Volta. REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONCO: Congo. REPUBLIQUE D'HAITI: Haiti. REPUBLIQUE DU CONGO: Congo, Congo Republic. REPUBLIQUE DU DAHOMEY: Dahomey. REPUBLIQUE DU MALI: Mali. REPUBLIQUE DU NIGER: Niger. REPUBLIQUE DU SENEGAL: Senegal REPUBLIQUE DU TCHAD: Chad. REPUBLIQUE DU TOGO: Togo. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE: France. REPUBLIQUE GABONAISE: Gabon (1959-present). Page 51 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com REPUBLIQUE GEORGIENNE: Georgia. REPUBLIOUE ISLAMIQUE DE MAURITANIE: Mauritania. REPUBLIQUE LIBANAISE: Lebanon. REPUBLIQUE MALGACHE: Madagascar (Malagasy). REPUBLIQUE RWANDAISE: Rwanda. REPUBLIQUE SYRIENNE: Syria. REPUBLIQUE TOGOLAISE: Togo (1961-present). REPUBLIQUE TUNISIENNE: Tunisia (1957-present). REPULO POSTA (overprint): Hungary, airmails. RESELLADO (overprint): Ecuador, control mark [Restamped]. RESELLADO (overprint): Venezuela, restore validity to demonitized stamps [Restamped]. RESISTANCE (overprint): Syria, military semipostals. RESMI (overprint): Turkey, officials. RETARDO (overprint): Colombia and Panama, late fee stamps [Late]. RETOURBRIEF KGL OBERAMT: German States- Bavaria, return letter stamps. RETOURBRIEF KGL OBERPOSTAMT REGENSBURG: German States- Regensburg, return letter stamps. RETURN FROM NORFOLK ISLANDS: Pitcairn Islands, marking inhabitants return to the island. RETYMNO: Crete (1899). REUNION (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Reunion (1891). R.F. (no country name): France, French Colonies [Republique Francais (French Republic)]. R. G. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Registrar General of Births]. R.H.: Haiti, postage dues (1898) [Republique dHaiti (Republic of Haiti]. RHEINLAND-PHALZ: Germany- Rhine Palatinate- French military occupation (1947-9). RHEIN-RUHR-HILSE (overprint): Germany, semipostals. RHODESIA (overprint on stamps of Rhodesia and Nyasaland): Rhodesia, postage dues (1965-7). R. H. Official (overprint): Great Britain, officials [Royal Household]. RIAL(S) (currency): Iran. RIALTAR SEALDAC NA HEIREANN (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Ireland (1922) [Prov. Government of Ireland]. RIAU (overprint): Indonesia- Riouw Archipelago (1954-60). RIGSBANK SKILLING: Denmark (1851-4). RIN (currency): Japan. RIOS 19 (overprint on stamps of Ecuador): Ecuador, Los Rios provincial control marks (1902). RIS (currency overprint on stamps of Netherlands Indies): Indonesia (1950-1) [Republik Indonesia Serikat]. RIZEH (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Rizah (1910). RL. PLATA F.: Cuba, Philippines. RN (currency): Japan. R.O. (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Eastern Rumelia (1880) [Roumelie Orientale]. ROBERTSPORT: Liberia. RODI: Italy- Aegean Islands- Rhodes. RODI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Rhodes. ROMANA: Romania or Rome. ROMANIA: Romania. ROMANIA- ZONE DE OCCUPATIE (overprint): Hungary- Romanian occupation. ROMAGNE: Italian States- Romagne (1859-60). ROMANA: Romania. ROMINA: Romania. ROODE KRUIS: Netherlands, semipostals [Red Cross]. Page 52 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com ROSS DEPENDENCY: New Zealand- Ross Dependency (1957-present). ROTARY INTERNATIONAL- CONVENTION WIEN 1932 (overprint): Austria semipostal (1932). ROUMELIE ORIENTALE (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Eastern Roumelia (1880). ROYAUME DE L'ARABlE SAQUOITE: Saudi Arabia. ROYAUME DE L'ARABlE SOUDITE: Saudi Arabia. ROYAUME DE YEMEN: Yemen. ROYAUME DU BURUNDI: Burundi. ROYAUME DU CAMBODGE: Cambodia. ROYAUME DU LAOS: Laos. ROYAUME DU MAROC: Morocco. RP: Liechtenstein, Switzeriand. R.P.E. SHIQPERISE: Albania. RPF (surcharge): Luxembourg- German occupation (1940). R.P. ROMINA: Romania. RSA: South Africa (1967-present). R.S.M.: San Marino (1949-51). RUANDA (overprint on stamps of Congo): German East Africa- Belgian occupation (1916). RUANDA-URUNDI (overprint on stamps of Congo): Ruanda-Urundi. RUE (overprint): Ecuador, control mark. RUMANIEN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Romania- German occupation (1918). RUSSISCH-POLEN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Poland- German occupation (1915). RWANDAISE: Rwanda. RYUKUS: Ryukus Islands (1950-72). Page 53 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com S S (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements): Malaya- Selanegor (1879-91). S. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Sheriff]. S.A.: Saudi Arabia. SAARE (overprint on stamps of Bavaria): Saar (1920). SAARE (overprint on stamps of Germany): Saar (1920). SAARGEBIET: Saar (1920-34). SAARGEBIET LUFTPOST: Saar, airmails. SAARGEBIET VOLKSHILFE: Saar, semipostals. SAARLAND: Saar (1957-9). SAARPOST: Saar (1948). SABAH (overprint on stamps of North Borneo): Sabah (1964). SACHEN: German States- Saxony. SACHSEN: German States- Saxony. SAGGIO (overprint): Italy [Specimen or Proof]. SAHARA ESPANOL: Spanish Sahara. SAHARA OCCIDENTAL: Spanish Sahara. S.A.I.D.E. (overprint): Egypt, airmails [Services Ariens Internationalaux dEgypte]. SAINT HELENA TRISTAN RELIEF (overprint): St. Helena, semipostal for Tristan da Cunha (1961). SAINT PIERRE ET MIQUELON: St. Pierre & Miquelon. SAINT PIERRE M-ON (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): St. Pierre & Miquelon. S.A.K.: Saudi Arabia. SALONICCO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Salonika (1909-11). SALONIKA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Salonika (1909-11). SALONIQUE (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1909-10). SALVE HOSPES: Netherlands, semipostals for national tourist association. SAMOA (overprint on stamps of Germany): Samoa (1900). SAMOA (without WESTERN on stamps of New Zealand): Samoa (1914-34). SAMOA I SISIFU: Western Samoa (1958). SANDJAK D'ALEXANDRETTE (overprint on stamps of Syria): Alexandretta. SANITORIUM: Dominican Republic, semipostals. SANTANDER: Colombia- Santander. SAORSTAT EIREANN (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Ireland (1922-3) [Free State of Ireland]. SAR (Sytia (1961-present). SARKARI: India- Soruth. SARRE (overprint on stamps of Germany)- Saar (1920). SASENO (overprint on stamps of Italy)- Saseno (1923). SAURASHTRA: India- Soruth (1929-49). S. C. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Supreme Court]. S.C.A.D.A.: Colombia- South American airline private stamps [Sociedad Colombia Alleman de Transportes Aereos]. SCARPANTO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Scarpanto (1912-32). SCH. (currency): German States [Schilling]. SCHLESWIG: German States- Schleswig-Holstein (1864-5). SCINDE DISTRICT DAWK: India (1852). SCOUTS FUND (overprint): Siam, semipostals. Page 54 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com SCUDO (currency): Italian States- Roman States (1852). SCUTARI DI ALBANIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Scutari (1909-16). S.d.N. BUREAU INTERNATIONALE DU TRAVAIL (overprint): Switzerland, officials, Int. Labor Bureau. SECOURS (with Arabic inscription): Saudi Arabia, postal tax stamps [Relief]. SECOURS AUX VICTIMS DE LA GUERRE: Haiti, postal tax stamps [Relief for War Victims]. SECOURS AUX REFUGIES (overprint): Syria, semipostal [Relief for Refugees. SECOURS NATIONAL (overprint): French Colonies (various), semipostals [National Relief]. SEDANG: bogus issue (1899). SEIYUN: Aden- Seiyun. SEGNATASSA (no country name): Italy, postage due stamps (1863-9) [Sign Tax]. SEGNATASSE (no country name): Italy and Colonies, Vatican, postage due stamps [Sign Tax]. SEGURO POSTAL: Mexico, insured letter stamps [Safe Post]. SEGURO SOCIAL DEL CAMPESINO (overprint): Ecuador, postal tax stamps [Farmers Social Security]. SEJM WILNIE: Central Lithuania (1922). SELANGOR: Malaya- Selangor. SELLO POSTAL: Spain (1900-2). SELLO POSTAL (overprint): Nicaragua, revalidating demonetized issues. SELLOS DE CORREOS- RESENA HISTORICA: Spain, private issue by A.F. Duro (1881). SEN (currency) Japan, Ryukyu Islands (1948-50). SENEGAL (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Senegal (1892). SENEGAMBIE ET NIGER: Senegambia & Niger (1903). SERBES (overprint on stamps of France): Serbia (1916-8). SERBIEN (overprint on stamps of Austria or Bosnia and Herzegovina): Serbia- Austrian occupation (1916). SERBIEN (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Serbia- German occupation (1941). SERVICE DE LA SOCIETE DES NATIONS (overprint): Switzerland, officials, League of Nations. SERVICE DE LETAT: Egypt and Saudi Arabia, officials [Service of State]. SERVICE DES POSTES PERSANES: Iran, officials. SERVICE FRANCO: Iran, officials. SERVICE POSTAL AERIEN: Belgian Congo, airmails. SERVICE POSTAL AERIENNE: French Morocco, airmails. SERVICIO AEREO: Spanish language countries [Air Service]. SERVICIO AEREO HABILITADO (overprint): Honduras, officials made valid for airmail. SERVICIO AEREO EXTERIOR: Spanish language countries [Foreign Air Service]. SERVICIO AEREO INTERIOR: Spanish language countries [Domestic Air Service]. SERVICIO AEREO INTERNACIONAL (overprint): Honduras, airmails [International Air Service]. SERVICIO AEREO SOBRETASE: Argentina, airmails. SERVICIO CENTROAMERICANO (overprint): Nicaragua, airmails [Central American Service]. SERVICIO DEL ESTADO (overprint): Chile, officials [State Service]. SERVICIO INTERNO (overprint): Guatemala, officials [Internal Service]. SERVICIO OFICIO: Paraguay, officials [Official Service]. SERVICIO OFICIO (overprint): Peru and Ecuador, officials [Official Service]. SERVICIO ORDINARIO (overprint): Nicaragua, converting airmails to regular issues [Ordinary Service]. SERVICIO POSTAL AEREO: Brazil, airmails [Air Mail Service]. SERVICIO POSTAL AEREO (overprint): Colombia, Guatemala, Uruguay, airmails [Air Mail Service]. SERVICIO POSTAL DEL SALVADOR: El Salvador [El Salvador Postal Service]. Page 55 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com SERVICIO POSTAL MEXICANO: Mexico [Mexico Postal Service] (1886-95). SERVIZIO DI STATO: Italian language countries, airmail officials [State Service]. SEVILLA-BARCELONA: Spain (1929). S F (overprint): Denmark, military stamps [Soldater Frimaerke (Soldiers Stamp)]. S.G. (overprint): Sudan, officials [Sudan Government]. S. G. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Surveyor General]. SGR (currency): German States- various [Silver Groschen]. SH (in upper corners, no country name, eagle and shield): German States- Schleswig-Holstein (1850). SHANGHAI CHINA (overprint on stamps of U.S.): United States- Offices in China (1919-22). SHANGHAI LOCAL POST: Shanghai (1890-3). SHANGHAI L.P.O.: Shanghai [Local Post Office] (pre-1890). SHCO (on shield): Mozambique, postal tax stamps. SHIHR AND MUKALLA: Aden- Shihr and Mukalla (1942-53). SHQIPENIA (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Albania (1913). SHQIPENIE: Albania. SHQIPERIA: Albania. SHQIPERIE KORCE VETQEVERITALE: French Forces- occupation of Albania- Korytza [Albanian Korytza Independent]. SHQIPERIJA: Albania. SHQIPERISE: Albania. SHQIPNI: Albania. SHQIPNIJA: Albania. SHQIPONIES: Albania. S.H.S.: Yugoslavia (1918-20) [Srbska, Hrvatska, Slovenska (Serbo-Croat-Slovenian Kingdom)]. S.H.S. (overprint): Hungary- Yugoslavia- Croatia-Slovenia. SICILIA: Italian States- Two Sicilies. SIEGE DE LA LIGUE ARABE: Morocco. SIEGE (OF) MAFEKING: Cape of Good Hope (1900). SIMI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Simi (1912-32). SINGAPORE MALAYA: Singapore (1948-59). SIRMOOR: India- Sirmoor (1879-1901). SIVAS (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Turkey (1930). SKILLING (currency): Denmark, Norway. SKILLING BANCO (currency): Sweden. SLD. (currency): Austria- Offices in Turkey. SLESVIG: Schleswig- plebecite issue (1920). SLOVENI (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Italian Occupation (1941). SLOVENSKA POSTA: Czechoslovakia- Slovakia (1939-44). SLOVENSKENO (overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia): Czechoslovakia- Slovakia (1939-44). SLOVENSKO: Czechoslovakia- Slovakia (1939-44). SLOVENSKO-PRIMORGE (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Istria (1945-6). SLOVENSKY STAT (overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia): Czechoslovakia- Slovakia (1939-44). S. M. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Stipendiary Magistrate]. S. MARINO: San Marino. SMIRNE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Smyrna (1909-22). SMYRNE (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Smyrna (1909-10). SN (currency): Japan. S.O. (overprint): Hong Kong, intended for revenue but postally used during a shortage (1882) [Stamp Office]. Page 56 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com S.O. 1920 (overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia): Eastern Silesia (1920) [Silesie Orientale]. SOBRE CLOTA PARA MULTOS POSTALES: Mexico- parcel posts. SOBREPORTO: Colombia- postage dues. SOBREPORTO AEREO: Colombia- airmail postage dues. SOBRETASA AEREA- Colombia, airmail (1929). SOCIEDAD COLOMBO-ALEMANA DE TRANSPORTES AEREOS: Colombia, airmail (1920-1). SOCIEDADE DE GEOGRAPHIA DE LISBOA: Portugal, franchise stamps (1903-38) [Geographical Society of Lisbon]. SOCIEDADE HUMANITARIA CRUZ DE ORIENTE: Mozambique, postal tax stamps [East Cross Humanitarian Society]. SOCIEDADE PORTUGUEZA DA CRUZ VERMELHA PORTE FRANCO: Portugal, private franchise stamps [Portuguese Red Cross]. SOCIETE DES NATIONS: Switzerland- League of Nations, officials (1922-44). SOL (currency): Peru. SOLDI (currency): Austria- Lombardy-Venetia (1858-65). SOLIDARITE 1947: Tunisia, semipostal. SOLIDARITE FRANCAISE: French Colonies, general issue, semipostals (1943-4). SOMALIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Somalia (1922-3). SOMALI DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (1970-3). SOMALIA ITALIANA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Somalia. SOMALIA ITALIANA MERIDIONALE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Somalia, postage dues (1906-8).. SOMALILAND INDEPENDENCE 26 JUNE 1960 (overprint): Somaliland. SOMALIS: Somali Coast (1902-67). SOMALIYA: Somalia (1973-present). SOM UBESORGET AABNET AF POST DEPARTMENTET: Norway, return letter stamp [Return to Sender]. SOM UINDLOST AABNET AF POST DEPARTMENTET: Norway, return letter stamp [Return to Sender- Not Called For]. SONORA: Mexico- Sonora civil war issues (1913-4). SORUTH: India- Soruth (1929-49). SOUDAN (overprint on stamps of Egypt): Sudan (1897). SOUDAN (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Sudan (1894). SOUDAN (overprint on stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger): Sudan (1921-30). SOUDAN FAIS: French Sudan (1894) [Sudan Francaise]. SOUDAN FRANCAIS: French Sudan. SOURASHTRA: India- Soruth (1923-9). SOUTHERN RHODESIA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Southern Rhodesia, postage dues (1951). SOUTH GEORGIA (overprint on stamps of Falkland Islands): Falkland Islands- South Georgia (1944- present). SOUTH ORKNEYS (overprint on stamps of Falkland Islands): Falkland Islands- South Orkneys (1944-62). SOUTH SHETLANDS (overprint on stamps of Falkland Islands): Falkland Islands- South Shetlands (1944-62). SOUTH WEST AFRICA (overprint on stamps of South Africa): South West Africa (1923-27). SOWJETISCHE BESATZUNGS ZONE (overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany- Russian occupation (1948). SPANISH WESTERN SAHARA: Spanish Sahara. SPECIAL EXPRES: Canada, special delivery. Page 57 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com SPECIMEN (overprint): English speaking countries, sample stamp. SPITFIRE: Camerouns, semipostals. SPM (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): St. Pierre and Miquelon (1885-6). SPOORWAGEN CHEMINS DE FUR: Belgium, parcel posts. S.Q. TRSTA-VUJA: Yugoslavia Zone B- Trieste. S.Q. TRSTA-VUJA ZRACNA P: Yugoslavia Zone B- Trieste, airmails (1949). SRBH HRVATI I SLOVENICA: Yugoslavia. SRI LANKA: Ceylon (1972-present). S.R.M. (currency): German States- Holstein [Skilling Reichs Munze]. SRODKOWA LITVA: Central Lithuania. SRODKOWA LITWA POCZTA: Central Lithuania. ST (no country name): Thailand (1932-43). S. T. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Superintendent of Telegraph]. STAATS MARKE: German States- Wurttemberg, officials. STADT BERLIN: Germany- Soviet occupation (1948-9). STADT POST AMT: German States- Bremen [City Post Bremen]. STADT POST BASEL: Switzerland, Basel [City Post Basel]. STAEMPLE: Austria, newspaper stamps. STAMPALIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Stampalia (1912-32). STAMPLE: Austria, newspaper stamps [Stamp]. STAMP DUTY: New Zealand and Victoria fiscal tax stamps. STEMPLE: Austria, newspaper stamps [Stamp]. STATE OF KUWAIT: Kuwait (1962-present). STATE OF SINGAPORE: Singapore. STATI PARM: Italian States- Parma (1852-9) [State of Parma]. STATI PARMENSI: Italian States- Parma (1852-9) [State of Parma]. ST. CHRISTOPHER-NEVIS-ANGUILLA: St. Kitts- Nevis (1952-80). STEMPEL with CENTS: Austria- Lombardy Venetia (1850). STEMPEL with KREUZER: Austria (1850). STG (no country name): Thailand (1932-43). S. THOME E PRINCIPE: St. Thomas & Prince Islands. STOCKHOLM: Sweden (1924). S. TOME E PRINCIPE: St. Thomas & Prince Islands. STOTHNKH (currency): Bulgaria. ST-PIERRE M-ON (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): St. Pierre and Miquelon (1891-2). STRAITS SETTLEMENTS (overprint on stamps of Labuan): Straits Settlements (1907). S.T. TRSTA-VUJA: Yugoslavia Zone B- Trieste. S.T.T. VUJA (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia Zone B- Trieste. S.T.T.-V.U.J.N.A. (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia Zone B- Trieste. S U (overprint on stamps of Strait Settlements): Malaya- Sungei Ujong (1878-91). SUBMARINO with CORREO: Spain- submarine stamps (1938). SUDAN POSTAGE TAX: Sudan, postage dues. SUID-AFRIKA: South Africa. SUIDWES-AFRIKA: South West Africa. S UJONG (overprint on stamps of Strait Settlements): Malaya- Sungei Ujong (1891-4). SUL BOLLETTlNO: Italy or overprinted colonies, parcel posts. SUL BOLLETTlNO (on stamps with star and crescent): Somalia, parcel posts. SULLA RICEVUTA: Italy or overprinted colonies, parcel posts. SULLA RICEVUTA (on stamps with star and crescent): Somalia, parcel posts. SULTANAT D'ANJOUAN: Anjouan. Page 58 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com SUNGEI UJONG (overprint on stamps of Strait Settlements): Malaya- Sungei Ujong (1878-91). SUOMI (currency): Finland (1917-present). SURCHARGE POSTAGE: Grenada. Trinidad and Tobago, postage dues. SURGOS: Hungary, special delivery. SURGOS (overprint on stamps of Hungary): Fiume, special delivery. SURINAME: Surinam. SVERIGE: Sweden. S.W.A.: South West Africa. S.W.A. (overprint on stamps of South Africa): South West Africa. SWAZEILAND: Swaziland (1889-95). SWAZILAND (overprinted on stamps of South Africa): Swaziland (1945). SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC: Syria. SYRIE: Syria. SYRIENNE: Syria. SZEGED 1919 (overprint on stamps of Hungary): Hungary- Szeged (1919). Page 59 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com T T (in 4 corners with numeral in center): Dominican Republic (1901-42). T (with lion., F and numeral): Belgium (1966-70). T (overprint on stamps of any country): postage due stamps. T (overprint with circle on stamps of Peru): Peru- Huacho (1884). T. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Treasurer]. TA BETALEN PORT: Netherlands, Dutch Indies, Surinam, Netherlands Antilles. TACNA Y ARICA: Peru-plebescite tax stamps (1925-8). TAHITI (overprint on stamps of French Colonies or French Polynesia): Tahiti. TAI-HAN: Korea (1895) [Empire of Korea]. TAJIKISTAN: Achieved its independence upon the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 TAKCA: Bulgaria, postage dues (1884-9) [Tax]. TAKCA ?O??A?AHKE: Bulgaria, postage dues. TAKCEHA ???bEGA: Montenegro, postage dues. TAKSE: Albania, postage dues [Tax]. TALCA: Chile- Talca tax stamp (1942). TANGANYIKA & ZANZIBAR: Tanzania (1964). TANGANYIKA KENYA UGANDA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania (1935-64). TANGER (overprint on stamps of France and French Morocco): French Morocco (1918-24). TANGER-FEZ: Sultanate of Morocco, local issue of questionable repute (1895). TANGER (with CORREO(S) ESPANOL): Spanish Morocco-Tangier. TANGIER (overprint on stamps of France): French Morocco, postage due stamps. TANGIER (overprint on stamps of Spain): Spanish Morocco- Tangier. TANGIER (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Morocco (1927-57). TANZANIA with MUUNGANO: Zanzibar & Tanzania- Zanzibar (1965-8). TANZANIA, UGANDA, KENYA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania (1965-1976). TANZANIA with ZANZIBAR: Zanzibar & Tanzania- Zanzibar (1965-8). TASA: Uruguay, postage dues [Tax]. TASA POR COBRAR: Cuba, postage dues [Tax to Collect]. TASSE GAZETTE: Italian States- Modena, newspaper stamps (1859). TAXA: Uruguay, postage dues. TAXA DE FACTAGIU: Romania, parcel posts [Tax for Porterage]. TAXA DE GUERRA (with values in AVOS): Macao, war tax stamps (1919). TAXA DE GUERRA (with values in 0$): Portuguese Africa, war tax stamps (1919). TAXA DE GUERRA (with values in REIS): Portuguese Guinea, war tax stamps (1919). TAXA DE GUERRA (with values in RP): Portuguese India, war tax stamps (1919). TAXA DE PLATA: Romania, postage dues [Money Fine]. TAXA DEVIDA: Brazil, postage dues [Tax Due]. TAXA RECEBIDA: Mozambique, airmails. TAXE (on 6 rappen stamp): Switzerland, Zurich. TAXE (overprint): Albania, postage dues. TAXE A PERCEVOIR: French language countries, postage dues [Tax to be collected]. TAXE A PERCEVOIR T (overprint): Ethiopia, postage dues. TAXE PERCUE: Mozambique, airmails. T.C. (overprint on stamps of Cochin): India- Travancore-Cochin (1950). T.C.E.K.: Turkey, tax stamps (1946). TCHAD: Chad. Page 60 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com TCHONGKING (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Tchong King (1903-19). T.C. POSTALARI: Turkey. TE BETAALEN: South Africa and South West Africa, postage dues [To Pay]. TE BETALEN with A PAYER: Belgium, postage dues [To Pay.] TE BETALEN with PORT: Netherlands, Indies, Antilles, New Guinea or Surinam, all postage dues [To Pay]. TEHERAN (overprints): Iran (1902). TELEGRAFOS: Spanish language countries [Telegraphs]. TELEGRAFOS DEL ESTADO: Chile, telegraph stamps [State Telegraphs]. T.E.O. with CILICIA (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Cilicia (1919) [Territoires Ennemis Occupes]. T.E.O. (overprint on stamps of France with denominations in MILLIEMES): Syria (1919) [Territoires Ennemis Occupes]. T.E.O. (overprint on stamps of France with denominations in MILLIEMES): France- Offices in Turkey: Cilicia (1919) [Territoires Ennemis Occupes]. T.E.O. (overprint on stamps of French Offices in Turkey): Cilicia, Syria (1919) [Territoires Ennemis Occupes]. TERRES AUSTRALES ET ANTARCTIQUES FRANCAISES: French Southern and Antarctic Territory. TERRES AUSTRALES ET ANTARCTIQUES FRANCAISES (overprint on stamps of Madagascar): French Southern and Antarctic Territory. TERRITOIRE DE L'ININI (overprint on stamps of French Guiana): Inini (1932-41). TERRITOIRE DU FEZZAN: Libya -Fezzan -French occupation. TERRITOIRE DU NIGER (overprint on stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger): Niger (1921-6). TERRITOIRE FRANCAIS DES AFARS ET DES ISSAS: Afars and Issas. TERRITORIO DE IFNI (overprint on stamps of Spain): Ifni (1941-50). TERRITORIOS DEL AFRICA OCCIDENTAL ESPANOLA: Spanish West Africa. TERRITORIOS ESPANOLES DEL GOLFO DE GUINEA: Spanish Guinea (1909). TETUAN (overprint on stamps of Spain or Spanish Offices in Morocco): Spanish Morocco-Tetuan (1908). T.F. (overprint): Orange River Colony, telegraph stamps [Telegraaf]. THAI: Thailand. THAILAND (with denominations in cents): Malaya- Siamese occupation (1943-5). THRACE INTERALLIEE (overprint on stamps of Bulgaria): Thrace- Allied occupation (1919-20). THRACE OCCIDENTALE (overprint on stamps of Bulgaria): Thrace- Allied occupation (1919-20). TIENTSIN (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in China- Tien Tsin (1917-21). TIERRA DEL FUEGO: Argentina- local stamp (1891). TIMBRE: French language countries [Stamp]. TIMBRE COLIS POSTEAUX (overprint): Indo-China, parcel post stamps. TIMBRE DE RECONSTRUCCION: Guatemala, postal tax stamps [Reconstruction Stamp]. TIMBRE DU SOUVENIR: Luxembourg, semipostals. TIMBRE FISCAL REPUBLIQUE SYRIENNE (overprint): Syria, postal tax stamps. TIMBRE IMPERIAL JOURNAUX: France, newspaper stamps [Imperial Newspaper Stamps]. TIMBRE MOVIL: Spain, revenue stamps [Movable Stamp]. TIMBRE PATRIOTICO (overprint): Ecuador, postal tax stamps. TIMBRE POSTE (overprint on stamps of France): French Morocco (1893). TIMBRE POSTE COLIS POSTAUX (overprint): Martinique, postage dues. TIMBRE PROPORCIONAL: Costa Rica, revenue stamps made valid for postage [Proportion Stamp]. TIMBRES DE MANDAT: Netherlands, money order stamps. Page 61 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com TIMBRE TAXE with A PERCEVOIR (no country name): French Colonies, postage dues (1945). TIMBRU DE AJUTOR: Romania, postal tax stamps. TIMBRU DE BINE-FACERE: Romania, postal tax stamps (1906) [Stamps of Benefaction]. TIMBRUL AVIATIEI: Romania, semipostals. TIMBRU OFFICIAL: Romania, officials. TIMOR (overprint on stamps of Macao): Timor (1885-95). TIMOR (overprint on stamps of Mozambique): Timor (1946). TJENESTE-FRIMAERKE: Denmark, officials (1871-1924) [Service stamp]. TJANESTE-FRIMARKE: Sweden, officials (1881-1919) [Service stamp]. TJENESTE-FRIMARKE: Sweden, officials (1874-80) [Service stamp]. TJENESTEFRIMERKE: Norway, officials (1926-32) [Service stamp]. T.L. 1 June 1899 (overprint): Tonga, marking kings marriage [Taufa-Lavinia (king and queens name)]. TOGA: Tonga (1897-1949). TOGO (overprint on stamps of Dahomey): Togo (1916-25). TOGO (overprint on stamps of Germany): Togo (1897-99). TOGO (overprint on stamps of Gold Coast): Togo (1915-6). TOGO ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION (overprint on stamps of German Togo): Togo- British occupation. TOGOLAISE: Togo (1961-present). TOGO OCCUPATION FRANCO-ANGLAISE (overprint on stamps of German Togo and Dahomey): Togo- French occupation. TOKELAU ISLANDS (overprint on stamps of New Zealand): Tokleau islands (1966-7). TOLIMA: Colombia- Tolima (1871-1904). TOO LATE: Victoria, late fee stamp (1855). TO PAY: Great Britain, postage dues. TOSCANO: Italian States- Tuscany. TOTOGI G TOHI: Tonga [Good for Postage]. TOU.: Iran, airmails (1928). TOUVA: Tannu Tuva (1927-35). TOVVA K 8 K POSTAGE: Tannu Tuva. T. R. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Titles Registry]. TRAITE DE VERSAILLES (overprint on stamps of Germany): Allenstein, plebescite issue (1920). TRANSACCIONES: Bolivia, revenue stamps used as postage (1893) [Transactions]. TRANSITORIO: Mexico, provisionals (1913) [Transitory].TRANSITO TERRITORIO: El Salvador, transcontinental Zacapa routing (1899) [Territorial Transit]. TRANS-JORDAN: Jordan (1927-52). TRANSPORTO PACCHI IN CONCESSIONE: Italy, parcel post authorized delivery stamps. TRAVANCORE: India- Travancore-Cochin. TRAVANCORE-ANCHAL: India- Travancore-Cochin. TRAVANCORE-ANCHEL: India- Travancore-Cochin. TRAVANCORE-COCHIN: India- Travancore-Cochin. TREBIZONDE (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Trebizonde (1909-10). TRENGGANU: Malaya- Trengganu. TRENTINO (overprint on stamps of Austria): Austria- Italian occupation (1918). TRIDENTINA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Austria- Italian occupation (1918). TRIESTE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Trieste. TRIPOLI: Tripolitania. TRIPOLI DI BARBERIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Africa (1909-15). TRIPOLI with CAMPIONARIA: Libya (1927-38). Page 62 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com TRIPOLITANIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Tripolitania. TRIPOLI MAGGIO (overprint on stamps of Libya): Tripolitania, airmails (1934). T. Ta. C.: Turkey, airmail tax stamps (1931-3). TRISTAN DA CUNHA (overprint on stamps of St. Helena): Tristan da Cunha (1952-63). TRISTAN DA CUNHA RESETTLEMENT 1963 (overprint): St. Helena. TUMACO: Colombia- Cauca (1901-12). TUNIS: Tunisia. TUNISIE: Tunisia. TURK: Turkey. TURKIYE: Turkey. TURKIYE COCUK ESIRGEME KORUMU: Turkey, postal tax stamps. TURKIYE CUMHURIYETI POSTALARI: Turkey. TURKMENISTAN: Achieved its independence upon the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 TURK POSTALARI: Turkey. TUVALU (overprint on stamps of Gilbert & Ellice Islands): Tuvalu (1976). TWO PENCE (under an enthroned queen): Victoria (1852-4). Page 63 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com U UAE (overprint on stamps of Abu Dhabi): United Arab Emirates (1972). UAPCTBO: Bulgaria (1937-44). U.A.R.: United Arab Republic. U.A.R. (denominations in m and f): Egypt (1958-71). U.A.R. (denominations in p): Syria (1958-61). UCAK POSTALARI: Turkey, airmails. U.G.: Uganda, typewritten stamps (1895). UGANDA (overprint on stamps of British East Africa): Uganda (1902). UGANDA with EAST AFRICA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania. UGANDA with KENYA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania. UGANDA KENYA TANGANYIKA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania. U.H. (overprint): Ecuador, postal tax late fee. UHURU 9th DEC. 1961: Tanganyika. UHURU 1963: Zanzibar. UKRAINE (overprint on stamps of Germany): Russia- German occupation (1941-3). UKRAINSKA NARODNA REPUBLICA: Ukraine [Ukrainian Peoples Republic]. U.K.T.T. (overprint on stamps of Nigeria): Cameroons- Southern Cameroons (1960-1). UKU LETA: Hawaii [Paid Letter]. ULTRAMAR (with a year date): Cuba (1873-6), Puerto Rico (1867-76) [Beyond the Sea]. ULTRAMAR (with a year date, denominations in Avos): Macao (1911) [Beyond the Sea]. ULTRAMAR (with a year date, denominations in Reis): Portuguese Guinea, war tax stamps (1919) [Beyond the Sea]. UNEF (overprint on stamps of India): India- military stamps (1965). UNESCO (France- UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Org., officials (1961-71). UN FORCE (INDIA) CONGO (overprint on stamps of Congo): India- military stamps (1962). UN FORCE W. IRIAN (overprint): Pakistan- military stamps (1963). UNIAO DOS ATIRADORES CIVIS PORTO FRANCO: Portugal, Rifle club franchise stamps [Union of Civilian Riflemen Free Stamp]. UNIE VAN ZUID AFRIKA: South Africa. UNION FRANCAIS: Laos. UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Switzerland- Int. Telecommunications Union, officials. UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: South Africa. UNION PANAMERICANO 1890-1926 CORREO AEREO (overprint): Guatemala, air mails. UNION POSTALE DEL SALVADOR: El Salvador. UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE with HELVETIA: Switzerland- UPU Int. Bureau, officials (1957-60). UNITED REPUBLIC OF TAHCAHYIKAB ZANZIBAR: Tanzania. UNITED STATES CITY DISPATCH POST: U.S. Courier stamps- New York City. UNTEA (overprint on stamps of Netherlands New Guinea): West Irian (1962) [United Nations Temporary Executive Authority]. UOPTO CKPNCOPN: Romania- Moldavia (1858). U.P.A.E. ADHESION VICTIMAS SAN JUAN Y PUEBLO ARGENTINO: Paraguay, semipostals [For Earthquake Victims of San Juan and the Argentine People]. UPHA GOPA: Montenegro- Italian occupation (1941-3). URGENCIA: Spain, special delivery. Page 64 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com URGENTE: Spain and Ifni, special delivery. URUNDI (overprint on stamps of Congo): German East Africa- Belgian occupation (1916). U.R.I. (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia, unofficial semipostals (1923). U.S.: United States. U.S.I.R. (overprint): United States Internal Revenue. U.S.A.: United States of America. USKUB (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Turkey (1911). U.S.P.S.: United States Postage Stamps or Postal Service. U.S.T.C. (overprint): India- Cochin (1949) [United States of Travancore-Cochin]. UZBEKISTAN: Achieved its independence upon the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 Page 65 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com V V. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Volunteers]. V. A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Valuator]. VALE (overprint): Nicaragua [Value]. VALE UN CENTAVO R. de C. (overprint): Nicaragua, postal tax stamps. VALEUR DECLARE: French language countries, insured parcel label [Value Declared]. VALEUR DECLAREE: Canada, insured parcel label [Value Declared]. VALEVOLO PER LE STAMP (overprint): Italy, newspaper parcel post stamps, tolerated on letters [Available for Printed Matter]. VALLES D'ANDORRE: Andorra (1932-43). VALMY (overprint): Cameroons, semipostals. VALONA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Valona (1909-16). VALOR DECLARADO: Spanish language countries, insured parcel post labels. VALORE GLOBALE (overprint): Fiume, making valid for regular use. VALPARAISO MULTADA: Chile, postage dues. VANCOUVER ISLAND: British Columbia and Vancouver Island (1865). VAN DIEMENS LAND: Tasmania (1853-69). VATHY (overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Turkey- Vathy (1894-1900). VATICANA: Vatican City. VATICANE: Vatican City. VENEZA: Venezuela (1865-76). VENEZIA GUILIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Austria- Italian occupation (1918). VENEZIA TRIDENTINA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Austria- Italian occupation (1918). VENEZOLANA: Venezuela (1863-5). V.G.: VENEZIA GIULIA. VIA AEREA: Italian language countries [By Air]. VICTORIA and V: Cuba, postal tax stamps. VICTORIA DE TORREON ABRIL 2 1914 (overprint): Mexico (1914) [Victory of Torreon]. VIET-NAM BUU CHINH: Vietnam (1951-6). VIET-NAM CONG-HOA: South Vietnam (1956-75). VIRUMAA: Estonia, Virumaa region, bogus issues. VIVA ESPANA (overprint on stamps of Spain): Spain (1936-7). VIVA ESPANA (overprint on revenue stamps of Canary Islands): Canary Islands (1936-7). V. N. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Vaccination]. VOJENSKA POSTA: Czechoslovakia, Army Post in Siberia. VOJNA UPRAYA JUGOSLAVENSKE ARMIJE (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Istria and Slovene Coast (1947). VOJENSKO NA RUSI: Czechoslovakia, Army Post in Siberia. VOLKSDIENST: Netherlands, semipostals. VOLKSSTAAT BAYERN: German States- Bavaria, officials [Peoples State of Bavaria]. VOLKSSTAAT WURTTEMBERG: German States- Wurttemberg, officials [Peoples State of Wurttemberg]. VOM EMPFANGER EINZUZIEHEN: Bavaria, postage dues [From Receiver to be Collected]. VOM EMPFANGER ZAHLBAR: Bavaria, postage dues [From Receiver to be Paid]. VOOR HET KIND: Netherlands, semipostals. [For the Children]. VOOR HET NATIONAL STEUNFONDS: Surinam, semipostals. VOOR KRIJGSGEVANGENEN (overprint): Curacao, airmail semipostals. Page 66 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com V.R. (overprint on stamps of Fiji): Fiji (1874-7). V.R. with TRANSVAAL (overprint on stamps of Transvaal): Transvaal (1877-9). V.R.I. (overprint on stamps of Orange Free State): Orange River Colony- British occupation [Victoria Regina Imperatriz]. V.R.I. (overprint on stamps of South African Republic): Transvaal [Victoria Regina Imperatriz]. V.R. SPECIAL POST (overprint on stamps of Transvaal): Cape of Good Hope- Vryburg- British occupation (1900). V.R. TRASNSVAAL (overprint): Transvaal. VUJA STT: Yugoslavia- Zone B- Trieste. V.U.J.N.A. STT (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Zone B- Trieste. Page 67 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com W W. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Waterworks]. WADHWAN STATE: India- Wadhwan (1888-9). WALLIS ET FUTUNA (overprint on stamps of New Caledonia): Wallis & Futuna Islands (1920-40). WAR (overprint): British Honduras, war tax stamps. WAR CHARITY 3.6.18 (overprint): Bahamas, semipostals. WAR DEPT.: U.S., officials. WAR STAMP (overprint): various British colonies, war tax stamps. WAR TAX (overprint): various British colonies, war tax stamps. WARSZAWA: Poland (1918). W AUSTRALIA: Western Australia. WEIHNACHTEN (overprint on stamps of Rhodes): Italy- Aegean Islands- unofficial German overprint (1944). WENDEN: Russia- Livonia- Wenden (1862-84). WENDEN KRIESES: Russia- Livonia [District of Wenden]. WENDENSCHEN: Russia- - Livonia- Wenden (1862-84). WERTAUGABE: German language countries, insured parcel label. WESTERN SAMOA: Samoa (1935-55). WEST IRIAN: West New Guinea. W.H.W. (overprint): Danzig, semipostals. WINTERHILF (overprint): Austria, semipostals. WINTERHULP: Netherlands, semipostals. WIR SIND FREI (overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia): Czechoslovakia- German occupation (unofficial) (1938). WITWEN UND WAISEN-WOCHE (overprint): Bosnia, semipostals [Widows and Orphans]. WN (currency): Korea. WOLMAR-RONNEBERG: Latvia, Wolmar district, bogus issue (1918). WON (currency): Korea. WURTTEMBERG (with denominations in PF or M): Germany- Wurttemberg- French occupation (1947-9). WURTTEMBERG (with denominations in KREUZER or FREIMARKE): German States- Wurttemberg. Page 68 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com X XAPTOSHMON (overprint): Greece, postal tax stamps. XAPTOEHMON: Greece, tax stamps (1917). XEJEPA: Montenegro (1902-5). XEAEPA: Montenegro (1902-5). XEIMAPPA: Epirus (questionable issue). XII CAMPIONARIA TRIPOLI: Libya (1938). Page 69 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com Y YAR: Yemen Arab Republic (1963-present). YCA (overprint): Peru- Yca- Chilean occupation (1884). YCA VAPOR (overprint): Peru- Yea- Chilean occupation (1884). Y.C.C.P.: Ukraine. Y.C.P.P.: Ukraine, semipostals (1923). YCTAB: Montenegro (1905). YEMEN PDR: Yemen Peoples Democratic Republic. YEN (currency) Japan, Manchukuo, Ryukyu Islands. YKPAIHCbKA P.O.?.?.T.: Ukraine. YKP. H.P. (overprint on stamps of Austria): Western Ukraine. YKP. H. PE? (overprint on stamps of Austria): Western Ukraine. YKSI MARKKA: Finland (1866-74). YN. (currency): Japan, Manchukuo, Ryukyu Islands. YUNNAN FOU (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Yunnan Fou (1906-19). YUNNAN SEN (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Yunnan Fou (1903-5). Page 70 of 70 ShoeBoxStamps.Com Z Z. AFR. REPUBLIEK: Transvaal. ZA GRUENI KRST: Yugoslavia, postal tax stamps. ZAIRE: Congo (1971-present) ZANZIBAR (overprint on stamps of British East Africa): Zanzibar (1895-6). ZANZIBAR (overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Zanzibar (1894-1900). ZANZIBAR (overprint on stamps of India): Zanzibar (1895-6). ZANZIBAR with TANZANIA: Zanzibar (1965-8). Z.A.R. (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope): Cape of Good Hope- British occuaption of Vryburg (1899) [Zuid Africaansche Republiek (South African Republic)]. ZA RDECI KRST: Yugoslavia, postal tax stamps. ZEGELREGT: Transvaal (1895). ZEITUNGS MARKE: Austria, newspaper stamps. ZEITUNGS MARKE DEUTESCHES REICH: Germany, newspaper stamps. ZEITUNGS STAEMPLE: Austria, newspaper stamps. ZEITUNGS STAMPLE: Austria, newspaper stamps. ZEITUNGS STEMPLE: Austria, newspaper stamps. ZELAYA: Nicaragua- Zelaya (1904-11). ZELAYA (overprint on stamps of Nicaragua): Nicaragua- Zelaya (1904-11). ZENTRALER KURIERDIENST: Germany- German Democratic Republic, officials (1956-7). ZEPPELIN 1930 (overprint): Iceland and Finland, airmails. ZEPPELIN POST: Liechtenstein, airmails. Z.M. (overprint): Mexico- Zacatecas provisionals. ZOMERZEGEL: Netherlands, semipostals. ZONA DE OCCUPATIE P.T.T. 1919 ROMANA (overprint): Hungary- Romanian occupation (1919). ZONA DE PROTECTORADO ESPANOL EN MARRUECOS (overprint on stamps of Spain): Spanish Morocco (1916-25). ZONE FRANCAISE BRIEFPOST: Germany- French occupation (1945-6). ZRACNA POSTA: Yugoslavia- Zone B- Trieste. ZUID AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK: Transvaal. ZUIDWEST AFRIKA: South West Africa. ZUIDWEST AFRIKA (overprint on stamps of South Africa): South West Africa (1923-5). ZULASSUNGSMARKE DEUTCHER FELDPOST: Germany, fieldpost permit stamps for military parcels (1942). ZULULAND (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Zululand (1888-94). ZULULAND (overprint on stamps of Natal): Zululand (1888-94). ZURICH: Switzerland- Zurich (1843-6). ZURINO (overprint): Hungary, newspaper stamps used by Croatians for special delivery letters [Quick].