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N3000 - series

Readout Code
Error Code
- LED Display

Service mode LED

No Error

1. To enter service mode, push 3
buttons simultaneously until 3
binary code is visible
2. Then calculate or read in the
table which error you see. 5


!!! Note : When supply voltage 11

12 VDC (low current voltage) is
not available, no error code will
be given. When 12 VDC is

available the green power LED

will be on. If battery pack is 13
empty you can see a red light !!!
N3000 - series

Service mode LCD

The error code will appear in the

display over here.

!!! Note : When supply voltage

12 VDC (low current voltage) is
not available, no error code will
be given. When 12 VDC is

available the green power LED

will be on !!!
N3000 - series

Error code 1: Senses flame when gas should be off

Turn the refrigerator off and on, Yes

Problem solved
problem solved?


Install error code 1 modification

Disconnect the 12VDC supply Yes kit. For Tab connector item:
and connect it again. Is the
690449, for Mate-N-lok connector
problem solved?

Check if the gas valve works Replace the gas valve


Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139
Production date of the fridge?

After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly


Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)

N3000 - series

Error code 2: Burner control module returns

incorrect feedback.

Burner Control Module failure

Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139
Production date of the fridge?

After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly

Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series

Error code 3: Gas lockout because flame fails to

ignite within 30 sec.

Ensure gas
Check if there is gas supply on No bottle is not
the fridge empty and all
gas valves are
Yes open.

No Turn refrigerator off and on and

Check if there is a spark
check if there is a spark

No Yes
Check if the electrode gap is set Adjust the
at about 4 mm above the burner No No electrode gap
to approx.

Check if electrode connections No No Replace

& look
are ok &forlook
for damages
are ok electrode

Yes Yes
N3000 - series

Error code 3: Gas lockout because flame fails to

ignite within 30 sec.

Yes Yes
Repair connection or damage, No No
turn refrigerator off and on, still Solved
error code 3?
Check if the No Replace the
Yes gas valve is
gas valve
Check if injector of the burner No No
is clean and the flame is dense Clean burner
and blue and injector.
Replace the
Yes Yes burner in case
of bad
Check if the gas pressure is No Check the gas combustion
between 30 an 35 mb installation


Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139
Production date of the fridge?

After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly

Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series

Error code 4: DC heater is off when it should be on

!!! Note: put fridge off when
measuring the impedance off the
heater !!!

Check if all the connections are No Restore the

OK connections

Check if the heater is using No Heater resistance: No Replace the
current (+/- 15 A large fridges Type MinΩ MaxΩ DC heater
and +/- 11 A small fridges) N3080 0.90 1.16
Yes N3090 0.90 1.16
N3100 0.90 1.16
Check the resistance of the No N3104 0.90 1.16 No Replace the
heater, is this between min and N3108 0.90 1.16 DC heater
max? N3112 0.90 1.16
Yes N3115 0.90 1.16
No N3145 0.67 0.86 No
Check if the 20A fuse is OK N3150 0.67 0.86 Change fuse
N3175 0.67 0.86


Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139
Production date of the fridge?

After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly

Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series

Error code 5: DC heater is ON when it should be


Put the refrigerator off an on Yes

(reset) Error solved


Is error code 5 gone?


Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139
Production date of the fridge?
After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly
Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series

Error code 6: DC high voltage is out of range (lower

than 10 V or higher than 15 V)

!!! If DC mode has been selected

manually, the refrigerator is not
switching automatically to
another source of energy when
the engine is off !!!
Input high current voltage
supplied at the fridge is stable DC input issue non fridge related
between 10 V and 15V


If RV is equipped with a solar Yes Issue with the solar panel

panel, disconnect it. Is code 6 regulator or solar panel.


Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139

Production date of the fridge?

After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly
Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series

Error code 7: No “engine run” signal is present and

control is in Manual DC mode.

!!! To know if D+ polarity is

good, select manually DC mode
and engine off. If no error code
occurs, that means that the D+
input is reversed. Ensure power
supply is capable to supply
correct amperage !!!

Input D+ voltage supplied at the No D+ input issue

fridge is stable between 10 V and non fridge
15 V related


Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139

Production date of the fridge?

After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly
Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series

Error code 8: AC heater current is measured to be

75% below nominal current.
!!!Note: put fridge off when
measuring resistance off the heater!!!

No AC input issue
Input AC voltage is between 190
non fridge
VAC and 260 VAC
Check if the fuse is OK No No
Before 3-3-2014 = 4A Heater resistance: Change fuse
Serial number < E062R1000006 Type MinΩ MaxΩ
After 3-3-2014 = 2A N3080 302 389
N3090 302 389
Yes N3100 302 389
Check if the heater is using No N3104 302 389 No Replace the
current (+/- 1 A Large fridges +/- N3108 302 389 AC heater
0.7 A Small fridges) N3112 302 389
N3115 302 389
Yes N3145 210 270
No No Replace the
N3150 210 270
Check the resistance of the AC heater
N3175 210 270
heater, is this between min and

Yes Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139
Production date of the fridge?
After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly
Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series

Error code 9: AC heater is ON when it should be OFF

Put the refrigerator off an on


Is error code 9 gone? Error solved


Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139
Production date of the fridge?
After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly
Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series

Error code 10: AC mains supply is out of range

Production date of the fridge?

After 08-02-2016 Before 08-02-2016

Serial number > E039T….. Serial number < E039T…..

Input AC voltage supplied at No AC input Production Yes Input AC voltage supplied at the
the fridge is between 190 VAC issue non date of the fridge is between 200 VAC and
and 260 VAC? fridge related fridge? 260 VAC?
Yes No
Replace power board assembly
AC input issue non fridge related

Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139

After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly

Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series

Error code 11: No energy source is available and

control is in AUTO mode

!!! Make sure that an energy

source is available!!!

Select all the sources manually Yes

and check if an error code See the description of the error
occurs. codes


Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139
Production date of the fridge?
After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly
Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series

Error code 12: Display board and power board lose

communication with each other.

Input DC low current voltage at No DC input issue

the fridge is between 10 V and non fridge
15 V related


Disconnect 12V and wait 5 min

(resettable fuse can cool down) No Solved, does
Connect 12 V, still error code error occurs
12? again?


Check if the pins in the wiring Yes Fix pins if

loom plug are present and not
bent or loose

Are the connectors on the No Restore

display board and power board


Measure on the communication

connector on the power board
(connector with 4 wires)
between white (+) and green(-)
on DC. Is there +/- 5V? No Yes

N3000 - series

Error code 12: Display board and power board lose

communication with each other.
Yes No Yes
Replace cable
No between
Measure on the display board power- and
between white and green. Is display board
there +/- 5V?

Measure on the display board

between the yellow (+)and Yes Contact
green(-) wire on AC. Is there a
pulse that is going on and off
between 0.5 and 0.7 VAC?


Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139
Production date of the fridge?
After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly
Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series
Error code 13: Thermistor fails; control
automatically switches to Backup Operation System
No Install
Check if thermistor is present
Check if the thermistor is No Plug in
plugged in correctly into the correctly
Check if the wiring loom is No Connect
connected to the power board correctly
Check if the pins in the wiring No Fix pins if
loom plug are present and not
bent or loose
Measure continuity of cable Replace cable
Replace thermistor

Error code 13 dissolved?

Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138
No Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139
Production date of the fridge?

After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly

Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series

Inadequate performance on 12 VDC source and no

error code.
!!! Do the testing of the fridges
on the manual mode of this
source !!!
Check if the thermistor is Install
properly fitted on the 5th fin from No thermistor on
the right inside the cooling the right
cabinet. place.
Check if the input at the DC HC
poles of the power board is No DC HC input
>12V when the 12V heater is issue
Yes Check if the DC heater is properly No Install the DC
installed. heater
Check if the input at the heater properly
connection to the power board Yes
is > 12V Check if the heater is using No Replace DC
current (+/- 15 A large fridges and heater
+/- 11 A small fridges)
Contact Thetford

Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139
Production date of the fridge?
After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly
Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series

Inadequate performance on 230 V source and no

error code.
!!! Do the testing of the fridges
on the manual mode of this
source !!!

Check if the thermistor is Install

properly fitted on the 5th fin from No thermistor on
the right inside the cooling the right
cabinet. place.

Check if the input between the

(L) and the (N) at the power No
AC input issue
board is over the 220V when
heater is enabled. Yes Check if the heater impedance is No Replace AC
Yes correct in Ohm (see table code 8) heater
Check if the input at the heater Yes
connection to the power board No Install the AC
Check if the AC heater is properly
is > 220V heater
Contact Thetford


Before 22-6-2015? Use for LED:LED KIT:SR 691138

Serial number < E173S…. Use for LCD:LCD KIT:SR 691139
Production date of the fridge?

After 22-6-2015? Replace power board assembly

Serial number >/= E173S….. (691101)
N3000 - series

Inadequate performance on gas source and no

error code.

!!! Do the testing of the fridges

on the manual mode of this
source !!! Clean the
burner or
Injector of the burner is clean. replace the
No burner in case
Flame is dense and blue. Gas
pressure is between 30 and of bad
35mb combustion.
And check
Yes pressure.

Check if the thermistor is Install

properly fitted on the 5th fin from No thermistor on
the right inside the cooling the right
cabinet. place.

Check if the flame diffuser is in No Install a flame

the pipe. diffuser.

Check if the burner is aligned No

properly in front of the pipe. Align burner


Contact Thetford
N3000 - series

Appendix: Wiring diagram


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