PFR 96
PFR 96
PFR 96
Example: If the configuration of capacitors used, starting from Step 1, is 10kvar, 10kvar, 20kvar, 20kvar, 30kvar, 30kvar, 60kvar & 60kvar, then the rated steps are 1,1,2,2,3,3,6,6. Unless all steps are fully used, the unused steps should be set as "000". The last step can be programmed as alarm/fan output by setting the step to "ALA" /"FAn". When the last output is programmed as alarm output, second last output can be programmed as fan output. During the programming of the "Step", the corresponding light indicator for that selected step will light up. Example, number "1" light indicator indicates rated step for contact output number 1. If the automatic C/K mode is enabled, the PFR will carry out the automatic rated step measurement. Therefore, all steps are not programmable except alarm/fan output.
4.2 C/K
This setting is used to set the switching hysteresis and it is calculated based on the smallest size capacitor used. With automatic C/K selection(C/K set to AtC), the reactive power compensation is achieved without C/K setting. The PFR will measure and evaluate all steps available when necessary and C/K value is then computed. The C/K value can also be obtained manually from table 1 or calculated with the following formula :-
C/K =
Qx5 3 xV x I
2.88 x Q V xI
where Q = smallest capacitor step (var) V = nominal primary system voltage (V) I = primary rating of the current transformer (A) Example:If Q= 15kvar; V= 415V; I= 800A => C/K = (2.88 x15000)/ (415 x 800) = 0.13
C/K - Value for 415V
C.T. Smallest Capacitor in ( kvar )
50 60 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1500 2000
:5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5
2.5 0.35 0.29 0.23 0.17 0.23 0.12 0.14 0.07 0.04 0.03
5 0.70 0.58 0.46 0.35 0.23 0.18 0.14 0.12 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.04 0.03
10 1.16 0.93 0.70 0.46 0.35 0.28 0.23 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.03
1.04 0.70 0.52 0.42 0.35 0.26 0.21 0.17 0.13 0.10 0.07 0.05
0.93 0.70 0.56 0.46 0.35 0.28 0.23 0.17 0.14 0.09 0.07
1.16 0.87 0.70 0.58 0.43 0.35 0.29 0.22 0.17 0.12 0.09
1.04 0.83 0.70 0.52 0.42 0.35 0.26 0.21 0.14 0.10
4.3 Sensitivity
This parameter set the speed of the switching. A larger sensitivity value will result in slower switching speed and conversely, a smaller sensitivity value will result in a faster switching speed. This sensitivity applies to both switching on and switching off of the capacitor. Example:- If smallest step, Q1st = 15 kvar; Sensitivity= 60 s/step Scenario 1: Reactive power required to achieve set power factor, Qrq= 15 kvar Step required to achieve target power factor = Qrq / Q1st = 15kvar/15kvar = 1 step Reaction time = 60/1 = 60 sec Scenario 2: Reactive power required to achieve set power factor, Qrq= 45 kvar Step required to achieve target power factor = Qrq / Q1st = 45kvar/15kvar = 3 steps Reaction time = 60/3 = 20 sec
b) Rotational switching (rot): This switching program is similar to the manual switching method and it is based on rotational first-in-first-out sequence. Unlike the manual switching program, this option will automatically switch in and out the capacitors according to the targeted power factor, sensitivity setting and the reconnection time setting. c) Automatic switching (Aut): This automatic switching program uses intelligent switching sequence. The step switching sequence is not fixed and the program automatically select the most appropriate steps to switch in or out in order to achieve shortest reaction time with minimum number of steps. For equal ageing of the capacitor and contactors, the program will select the least used step to be switched in if there are two equally rated steps. Under this switching program, the power factor regulator automatically detects the CT polarity during power up. Once this polarity reference is fixed, any subsequent re-generative power condition detected will cause all the capacitor steps to be disconnected. d) Four-quadrant switching (Fqr): This switching program is similar to the automatic switching program (Aut) except that this switching program allows the power factor regulator to operate correctly under both import power and export power (re-generative) conditions. Under export power condition, the active power is fed back to the supply mains by other energy sources such as solar power etc. If this option is selected, the installer must ensure that the CT polarity is correctly wired because the automatic CT polarity correction detection feature is disabled. The "Manual" light indicator on the power factor regulator lights up if the switching program is set to Manual switching (n-A). For Rotational (rot), Automatic (Aut) and Four-quadrant (Fqr) switching programs, the "Auto" light indicator on the regulator lights up. Under normal operating condition, the step indicators indicate the ON/OFF status of every step. A steady ON light indicates the particular step is switched in. A blinking light indicates that the particular step is required to switch in but unable to do so temporary due to reconnection time lockout. To switch between manual and auto mode directly, set the regulator to power factor display function using the "Mode/Scroll" key. Hold down the "Prog" button for 5 seconds to switch. Please note that all the steps will be disconnected if the power factor regulator detects a re-generative condition under Rotational (rot) or Automatic (Aut) switching program.
4.4 Reconnection Time This is the safety lockout time which is used to prohibit the reconnection of the same capacitor step before it is fully discharged. This parameter is usually set larger than the discharge time of the largest capacitor size in used. 4.5 Rated Step
Every step in the power factor regulator is programmable except Step 1. Step 1 is fixed as "1" and it is the smallest capacitor step used. All other steps were programmed as multiple of Step 1.
To abort without saving the selected setting, press the "MODE/SCROLL" key.
Control Paramenter Target power Factor C/K Sensitivity Reconnection Time Rated Step*2: Step 1 Step 2 Indication LED SET Cos C/K SENSITIVITY RECON TIME 1 2 STEP LED*1 Setting Range 0.80 Ind - 0.80 Cap 0.03 - 1.20/AtC 5 - 300 s/step 5 - 240s 001- 002 - 003 - 004 005 - 006 - 008 - 012 016 RATED STEPS 000 - disable 001 Default Factory Setting 0.98 Ind AtC 45 s/step 30s
Alarm Delay time Description Action Message Activate Deactivate Lol Current lower than 3% 10 s 5s rated value Hil 2 min 1 min -* 4 All steps Current exceed 110% of rated value disconnected LoU 5s voltage lower than 85% of 100 ms rated value HiU Voltage exceed 110% of 15 min 7.5 min rated value UCo All capacitors are 15 min 7.5 min connected and the power factor lower than set power factor OCo All capacitors are 15 min 7.5 min disconnected and the power factor higher than set power factor ESt Auto C/K or rated step measurement error. Manual setting required ECt Automatic CT polarity detection error
Blinks Blinks
*4- Automatic switching of steps are prohibited when this alarm occurred.
8. Programming Lock
The power factor regulator is equipped with a programming lock to prevent inadvertent changes to the control parameters. If locked, all the control parameters can only be viewed at and cannot be changed without unlocking it first.
ALA*3 - alarm ouput FAn*4 - fan output Step 14 Switching Program THD Limit SWITCH PROG THD LIMIT 14 n-A - rot - Aut - Fqr 0.20 - 3.00/ oFF Aut 0.50
*1- Under normal operation except for rated step display, the step indicator indicate step ON/OFF status *2- Number of steps depend on model *3- Only last output can be configured as alarm output *4- Last output can be configured as fan output, or second last output can be configured as fan output only when last output is configured as alarm output.
To lock or unlock, first ensure that the display is on the power factor display function mode, then press "PROGRAM" key once followed by "DOWN" key immediately. Hold the "DOWN" key until the numeric display flashes "LOC" or "CLr". "LOC" indicates the power factor regulator is locked and "CLr" indicates the regulator is unlocked.
9. Technical Data
9.1 Auxiliary Supply
Supply voltage Operating Limits Consumption Frequency : 110VAC / 220VAC (Depending on Model) : -15% + 10% : 10VA max : 50Hz or 60Hz
5. Fan Output
When the fan output is selected, the output will be energized with any capacitor bank switched ON.
6. Alarm
Alarm conditions detected by the power factor regulator are indicated by the flashing "ALARM" light indicator. The last step of the regulator, if required, can also be selectively programmed as alarm contact in addition to the "ALARM" indicator. This additional alarm contact is normally open and it closes when alarm is activated. To view the alarm message, press the "MODE/SCROLL" key until the "ALARM" function is selected. The numeric display will show the alarm message as according to Table 3 below. If more than one alarm messages are recorded, press the "UP" or "DOWN" keys to view the others. The alarm indications are automatically reset to normal once the alarm conditions are restored.
: Automatic / Automatic Rotate / Manual / Four- quadrant Rated step coefficient : 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 8 / 12 /16
9.5 Mechanical
Mounting : Panel mounting Dimension ( h X w X d) : 96mm X 96mm X 70mm Approximate weight : 0.6 kg