Paint Brochure English
Paint Brochure English
Paint Brochure English
Dürr atomizers
ensure high
precision paint
application thus
lowering paint
Dürr supplies
solutions for all
paint systems
that are both
cost efficient and
designed with
the environment
in mind.
4 Paint Systems
Product knowledge
The brand name Ecopaint
symbolizes innovation and cost
minimization when it comes to
turning plans into reality. The
modular concept of our Ecopaint
product ranges enhances their
flexibility of use. Product develop-
ment is ongoing and focused on
continued customer satisfaction.
Paint Systems 5
repair/wipe base coat application intercoat oven clear coat application oven
Total solutions: The way to paints and integrated painting • Paint systems used – solvent
keep costs in line with market processes. paints, water-based paints,
conditions powder paints, powder slurry -
Process alternatives depend on: and their polymerization
By the time each car body • Materials used for body manu- characteristics.
receives an “ok“ from the final facture – steel, aluminium, • Production aspects –
audit station and leaves the plastic, pre-coated metal, etc. capacities required and degree
paint shop, it will have passed • Body design and the range of of automation requested
through approximately 20 pro- models and colors
cess stages, each with a num- • Functional and visual quality
ber of stations. The paint shop standards and the build-up of
also has material handling layers forming the paint coat.
equipment and other peripheral
items such as material supply
systems and air and water
purification equipment.
6 Paint Systems
Preliminary Planning
General layout of
a paintshop on
4 main levels
Paint Systems 7
washer pretreatment EC oven sand
P r o d u c t s : P o w e r Wa s h e r / P r e t r e a t m e n t / E C
Corrosion protection:
Essential for long-term value
Ecopaint PT Pretreatment Several rinse zones are inter- the body emerges from the EC Immersion in the
spersed around these and tank loose particles are rinsed EC dip tank using
Pretreatment is the first of the passivation and neutralization away using filtrate recovered the Ecopaint
many stages of the painting pro- zones complete the pretreatment from the paint. RoDip method
cess. Here the body is cleaned process. ensures that all
and prepared for the subsequent To minimize waste water volu- cavities are
coating processes – optimized Ecopaint EC Electrocoat mes this filtrate is contained thoroughly flooded.
for the material involved (steel, within a closed loop system and
aluminium, magnesium, etc). All internal and external body cascades from the end of the
surfaces require an even coat rinse zone back to the dip tank.
Degreasing is followed by the to ensure high-grade corrosion
application of a phosphate coat, protection. The fully automatic
which serves as corrosion pro- electrocoat dip (EC) unit employs
tection and provides a bonding electrophoresis to deposit paint
layer for paint application. solids on the body surface. As
A wheel rim
coating plant
8 Paint Systems
washer pretreatment EC oven sand
Products: Pretreatment / EC
Ecopaint RoDip -
an innovative
Ecopaint AirBiDip
The tried-and-tested Ecopaint
AirBiDip process – based on a
horizontal pendulum conveyor –
is particularly suitable for
• large capacities
• buildings with height
• high availability requirements
• heavy body shells
Paint Systems 9
primer oven repair
Typical example
of an Ecopaint top
coat line
Ecopaint Checker
Ecopaint Clean
Ecopaint Quality
Ecopaint Blow off Car Flash
The visual image of the car • Automatic dusting machines The established world leader:
relies on the successful applica- Ecopaint Blow off, Dürr application equipment
tion of primer and topcoat paint. Ecopaint Clean or alternative
So sophisticated technology is washers (Power Wash) Dürr has been the leading inter-
brought into play. The cost of • Automatic electrostatic pain- national supplier of application
painting is largely dependent on ting systems Ecopaint ESTA equipment for many years.
first run rates. robots or machines Dürr products are used in the
• Pneumatic painting systems painting of two thirds of all
Ecopaint paint lines – always Ecopaint Air assisted robots or vehicles manufactured world-
provide the best total solution machines wide. Our ongoing development
• Interior and detail painting program for all key technologies
The flexibility of Dürr Ecopaint Ecopaint Robots ensures that our systems are
paint lines enables them to fulfill • Material logistics best-in-class when it comes to:
all automatic paint application Ecopaint Supply • paint quality
needs for all paints in use by the • Quality measurement • application efficiency
automotive and automotive Ecopaint Quality • minimal color change losses
supply industries. The modular • stability of application
concept of the range combines • lowering of emission levels
standardized components: • lifecycle costs
10 Paint Systems
primer oven repair
EcoAir Supply
Application, particularly of
water-based paints, involves a
tight process range with regard
to humidity and temperature. EcoHeat Recovery recovers Our EcoPurge Reflow and Ecopaint Booth:
Air supply systems made up of heating energy from the EcoPurge Pushout products Transparent and
standardized modules clean and exhaust air stream. This equip- ensure full flexibility where easy to maintain
condition the air in the volumes ment reduces the amount of frequent color changes are
and to the standard required for primary energy required so involved. These automatic
each spray booth. investment amortization is fast. systems also make it possible
to apply special colors cost-
Environmental protection and In some cases the appropriate effectively.
cost efficiency – EcoPure air purification systems
not a contradiction in terms are added to deal with concen-
trated exhaust air from spray Ecopaint Supply:
The EcoEnvirojet system booths. The right paint, in
washes paint overspray out of the right place, at
the air extracted from the spray Ecopaint Supply – the right time
booth. It is highly effective material logistics
while requiring a minimum of
energy and causing little noise Dürr offers complete material
emission. Our tried-and-tested supply systems for paint ma-
EcoESKA system deals with terials. Here, too, we are one of
paint removal. the world’s leading suppliers.
Excellent color
matching – the
automotive supply
industry paints
trim items using
the same techno-
logies as are used
to paint the bodies.
Paint Systems 11
UBS/sealer mats gel
cavity protect.
Cavity protection
Other tasks
12 Paint Systems
EC oven sand
Paint Systems 13
Products: Conveyor Systems
conveyor for
Superior detail
design leads to
much reduced
(covers on bends –
skid conveyor
to protect the skid
against dirt)
14 Paint Systems
Products: Control Equipment
Ecopaint Control:
Central factory
A modular approach through-
area level
out provides tomorrow’s Customer specific systems
for planning and control
solutions today
visory control systems, works
EMOS-SM Supervisory control systems
closely with our customers to
find the right solutions and then Control level operation and monitoring software
to implement them. Dürr control
systems offer maximum cus- omponente SW-Kompo
tomer benefit and set the global FB
Software FB
FB Hardware
Paint Systems 15
Products: Quality Measurement and Control
16 Paint Systems
Order Processing expertise
Preliminary planning
Project preparation
Technical clarification
Mechanical design
Mechanical fabrication
Electrical design
Electrical fabrication
Initial production
Contract placed Time halved to approx.
12 months
Time required (now)
Time required (previously)
Planning Trials Fabrication Process reliability
Computer simulation Technology Center Pre-commissioning Ongoing optimization
Paint Systems 17
Service / Assistance knowledge
18 Paint Systems
Paint Systems 19
Germany PSA Dürr Systems GmbH Tel.: +49 - 711 - 136 0
Stuttgart E-Mail: [email protected]
PSA (Paint Systems Automotive) PSI (Paint Systems Industrial) APT (Paint Systems Application)
For more information on the Dürr Group visit our web-site: