Durr India: Background

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Background Rudrapur & Hyundai’s second plant in Chennai.

The company has 40 employees in India and had an
Dürr Group is one of the world’s leading annual turnover of US$ 11.1 million in 2004.
suppliers of products, systems, and services for
automobile manufacturing plants.The company is Market potential attracted Durr
headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany and is directly to start operations in India
represented in 20 countries with 48 locations & 24 The large indigenous auto OEM base in India makes
production facilities and over 5990 employees.The it a very attractive market for Durr. Also the large
Group consists of two divisions - Paint & Assembly global auto majors to whom Duur were supplying
systems, Measuring & Process systems.The group – such as Ford, GM,BMW, Hyundai etc., wanted
generated annual sales revenues of US $ 1.7 billion local support in India to set up their paint and
in 2005. Approx 60 per cent paint shops & 50 per assembly shops. Prior to Duur coming to India, the
cent assembly plants in th world are equipped with automotive companies were importing the Paint
Durr technology. Shops from Poland and Germany. Every paint shop
In India, Durr executes the turnkey projects for requires 1000-1200 tons of metal. Sourcing it from
paint finishing systems , final assembly systems and countries like India or China can reduce the cost
paint application technology systems. Most of the by 30 - 35 per cent.
operations are turnkey project based. Key clients
are mostly automotive players – largely OEMs like Keys to success
Ford, Hyundai, Mahindra & Mahindra (Scorpio
plant), and General Motors.The company is The parent company has been supporting the
currently working on orders from JCB (excavator Indian subsidiary in technology transfer & training
plant near Pune) , M & M for tractor plant in the local employees. Currently the Engineering

team from Durr India is trained in Germany.The will be the central point for basic design, planning,
installation and commissioning people had been procurement, negotiations and project monitoring.
sent to China for training at Durr’s China facilities. Durr India also sees a booming business in India on
The Electrical Engineering section resources had account of new capacities being planned and
been sent to US for training on developing enhancement in manufacturing of Tractors and
automation software for US requirements. Commercial vehicles.To achieve higher growth
Also 5-6 engineers had been sent to Germany for rates the company is also targeting the two and
getting trained on design, fabrication management three wheeler industry in India.
and procurement. Initially basic engineering as well In the case of electrical panel manufacturing
as detailed engineering was being done in Germany the company is now able to deliver qualities that
for the projects in India – now these are being are required globally from India itself. In the near
done in India. future, it hopes to be in a position to convince the
The company offers products which are global parent about its capabilities in designing
innovative, technologically superior and automation software and electrical panels for
environment friendly.They contribute to lower global requirements.
operating costs, higher product quality levels, and
greater flexibility to the customer.

Future plans

The Indian Automotive industry has realised

a growth of 15 per cent over the last 4-5 years.
This has happened in all the segments - passenger
cars, commercial vehicles, 2-3 wheelers etc.The
same growth rate is expected to continue over the
coming years.The industry is undergoing lot of
capacity expansions & new projects. Durr India has
an excellent opportunity in participating in this
growth by supplying world class innovative and
latest technology products and systems.
Durr India is also exploring the possibility to
start manufacturing in India.The company is in
discussions with a company which has
manufacturing facilities in Northern India.This
manufacturing facility would be used to provide Durr India: At a glance
components for Durr’s facilities in other parts of • The group generated annual sales revenues
the world. of US$ 1.7 billion worldwide in 2005.
Globally Durr has “System Centres” – centres • For Durr, India is: A key growth market.
from where major projects are controlled. • Factors for success:Training and technology
Currently there are two of them – one in Germany know how.
and the other in USA.The company is planning one • Future plans: Start manufacturing plant and
in Asia, and there is a possibility of the third System “system center”.
Centre being set up in India.This “System Centre”

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