Case Study

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College of Engineering

EE/ECE Department

Jaro, Iloilo City


A Case Study Report

Presented to
The Faculty of the Department of the Electrical Engineering
Central Philippine University
Jaro, Iloilo City Philippines

Conducted by:

Date Submitted: April 22, 2019

Professor: Dr. Alberto Java


The ability to design a system component, or process to meet desired needs

within realistic constraints, in accordance with standards


Identify environmental, economic, and safety concerns in designing transmission

and distribution systems.


Electricity has been an integral part of human life and society in total; this would

mean the widespread utilization of electricity in vast areas. This would then cause

widespread inefficiencies in the system, which would mean that proper system analysis

and planning is essential. Designing the transmission and distribution system would

employ load flow analysis and short circuit analysis in order to determine and identify

any flows present in the system and the perform appropriate actions to mitigate any

issues found

Load flow analysis is a method of analysis used in power systems that one can

use to determine the amount of current and voltage a certain bus of the power system

consumes per given load. The system must also consider different factors that may

affect the system designed. Factors such as the environment which will determine the

type of material that will be used in construction and since Philippines is a tropical

country and may then have many temperature impacts to the electrical system. These
factors must be considered before any analysis must be applied such as the short

circuit analysis.

Figure 1: Engineers at the control room performing tasks which would include

the load flow analysis and Short circuit analysis

Short circuit analysis determines the amount of the fault current that will flow in a

given fault bus. Load flow and Short Circuit Analysis are a critical to any type of power

system of a certain institution. Institutions such as the Central Philippine University have

a simple power system that has two feeders providing the power for the institution. In

this case study however, the feeder two is chosen by the group of students to be subject

to the study. The study aims to determine any flaws in the feeder two of the school and

apply any appropriate measures to counter these flaws.

Load flow analysis also employs the voltage stability analysis which measures

the capacity of the system to manage any acceptable voltages at all busses present in

the power system under normal conditions. This is done to prevent any instability in the
system which may lead to a voltage collapse. Therefore this method used by power

system planners and researchers is utilized to prevent such instability to occur.

Figure 2: Excerpt from the study “A short survey of methods for voltage

instability detection” by M. Glavic and T.V. Custem which shows the unstable

transmission voltages at 0%, 30% and 70% loading

Central Philippine University such as any institution is subject to occasional and

accidental power losses which has a grave impact upon its power budget and then

therefore would affect the overall financial stability of the institution. Frequent blackouts

may be from voltage instabilities, which would be very detrimental to any electric
appliance present in the grid of the institution’s power system. Thus the study was made

and conducted to help analyse the amount of loads present, the amount it pulls from the

feeder, and if issues are found what are the steps to mitigate such issues?

Figure 3: Loads such the Henry Luce III Library consume large amounts of power

The Central Philippine University Feeder Two Structure:





Problem of the Study:

Modern high demands in electricity and gradual continuous growth of power

demands which then compose several problems to the power system of the Institution.

The problem was brought by the University’s Power Plant which they need data which

support its decision making to apply the right action for the issues that have arisen


The case study that is to be conducted in the institution aims to find out the load

flow, the capacity the institution can hold and the appropriate measure to take in order

to mitigate any issues found in the feeder.


The situation in the feeder two and the overall power system needs an electrical

assessment which may need actual and theoretical readings of the loads present in the

feeder. The loads will be then be subject to load flow and short circuit analysis, in order

to determine what may be the flow that is present in the system and be able to

determine the maximum fault current present in the fault.

The theoretical aspect of the feeder two is determined by the surveying of the

team building by building and determining the max loadings present in each building

and ultimately determining the maximum load present in a certain node of the feeder.

The actual aspect of the feeder system is determined by utilizing the power

logger on each of the main nodes present in the feeder system. The power logger will

determine the average voltage, current, power, and other important electrical

parameters needed for the power system analysis.

Figure 4: The Library Transformer Bank

Figure 5: The LDT Transformer Bank

Figure 6: The Elementary Transformer Bank (Upper Pictures) and the Admin

Transformer Bank (Lower Pictures)

The Power Logging results are shown below:

Figure 7: The 5 Banks of Transformers in the Feeder Line 2

Based on the results of the power logging and surveying the approximate loads of the

Feeder two system is shown below utilizing the ETAP software for the circuit


Figure 8: The Complete Load Flow Analysis of Feeder 2

As seen on the ETAP software of the Feeder 2 where the values are in phase

Transformer Rating Calculations:

Iphase = 9.2 Amperes

Iline = 15.93 Amperes

S actual transformer loadings = (15.93 A)(13.8 kV)(√3) = 0.381 MVA

Applying safety factor = 0.381(1.25) = 0.476 MVA

As seen on the computations above the approximate estimated apparent power

is 0.476 MVA therefore a 1 MVA standard rating transformer must be selected, designed

and utilized. This standard rating is within the safety factor and verified using


Short Circuit Analysis

Then after analysing the loads and drawing conclusions the next step is to

conduct the short circuit analysis of the system. Short circuit analysis is used to

determine the magnitude of the short circuit current and determines the OCPD

(OverCurrent Protective Devices) value.

Figure 9: The Complete Short Circuit Analysis of Feeder 2

Table 1: Primary Side Busses

Bus Primary Side Kilo Ampere Interrupting Current

Library 2.947 KAIC
LDT Building 2.785 KAIC
CHM Building 2.565 KAIC
Elementary Building 2.302 KAIC
Administration Building 2.242 KAIC

Table 1: This table indicates the amount of fault current that will pass when a three

phase fault occurs on the respective busses

Table 2: Secondary Side Busses

Bus Secondary Side Kilo Ampere Interrupting Current

Library 44.333 KAIC
LDT Building 32.059 KAIC
CHM Building 16.083 KAIC
Elementary Building 14.311 KAIC
Administration Building 22.37 KAIC

Table 2: This table indicates the short circuit fault current amount that will be generated

whenever there is a three phase fault on the busses.


From the data that was collected from the primary and secondary sides of the

bus the Kilo Ampere Interrupting Current was determined. The Kilo Ampere Interrupting

Current or KAIC for short is the fault current that will pass whenever a three phase fault

occurs. Thus the KAIC ratings of the protection must be above the solved parameters.

This will certify that the breakers will trip and no short circuit current will damage the

loads of the busses and will only trigger and trip the breakers attached.

Short Circuit Analysis Recommendations

The protective devices must be higher that the KAIC ratings from the tables, thus

preventing any damage done to the loads.

Overall Recommendations

From the data that was collected it is highly recommended that a 1 MVA standard

Transformer is to be designed and used, in order for the capacity of the power plant’s

capacity is extended.

This is a recommendation to the office of CPU which can be the basis for the

power plant’s extension or improvement. The design was based on the power logging

results on the feeder number two line. The data from the power logging of each

transformer bank was done in about a day or 24 hrs. The example of the data collected

by the power logger is shown below:

Figure 10: The Current and Voltage readings of the LDT transformer bank

The data that was collected was the data that would be regularly seen in

summer, since it was collected at that time. This would mean the loads are a little bit

higher than seen in other parts of the year.

The study was conducted and solved correctly and the current ratings are

somehow similar. The optimal power can then be calculated and the designed using the

parameters solved. The safety factor of 125% is also considered in order for an

allowance of 80% more than the load. This would ensure the safety of the system since

in practical applications currents might exceed the calculated terms, therefore the safety

factor of 80% is considered.


From the study conducted the group is only limited to the feeder number two of

the premises of Central Philippine University. The calculations are supported by the data

logger’s parameters. The data logging would then be helpful to the students and also to

the faculty of the Central Philippine University. The students have learned a very

important aspect in their engineering career; these are the practical aspects such as

attaching a power logger in a transformer bank. The students have done this all by

themselves but of course the students are supervised by the advisers of the following

subjects that they have undertaken in order to conduct the study.


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