ECE 2111 Lec PDF
ECE 2111 Lec PDF
ECE 2111 Lec PDF
ECE 2111
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Contents Page
Title Page 3
Course Introduction 4
Course Study Guide and House Rules 5
Study Schedule 8
Assessment and Evaluation Guide 13
Formative Assessment Guide 13
Summative Assessment Guide 13
Technological Tools 14
Facilitator Contact Details 15
Module 1 16
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ECE 2111
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Course Introduction
This 3-unit course, the Industrial Engineering students attain a working knowledge of
engineering techniques in DC and AC circuit connection, fundamental theory of
electricity, some circuit variables and its relation to other devices, different basic
techniques in circuit analysis such as Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s law and Maxwell Mesh
Method, and a series combination of resistance, inductance and capacitance analysis.
To ensure that you will demonstrate the above-cited course learning outcome at the end
of the semester, this course designed to be delivered in 54 contact hours was divided into 3
modules. Each module contains a discussion with its topic learning outcomes and topic
outline. Each module is designed using the 5E constructivist model of learning, developed
by Rodger Bybee, that encourages students to engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and
evaluate their knowledge of topics covered therein. It means that at the end of each unit,
each module, and the course as a whole, you will be assessed on your progress in attaining
the course learning outcomes. Outcomes-based education dictates that only when you
can demonstrate the course learning outcomes by the end of this course, can you be
given a passing mark. The modules that form the building blocks to help you attain the
course learning outcomes are as follows:
This module allows you to review fundamental concepts in the pre-requisite course,
EnggPhys (Lec & Lab). The discussion will focus on the basic electrical ideas and units,
understand the importance of Ohm’s law, and apply it to a variety of electrical circuit
connections. It will also discuss how to determine the power and energy of the system and
the relationship between voltage, current, resistance, and power. The module will also
discuss how to identify and determine the equivalent resistance of types of circuit
connections: series circuit, parallel circuit, series-parallel circuit, and parallel-series circuit..
MODULE 2: Direct Current Circuits-Network Theorems and Laws
This module will enable you to analyze circuits using any of the several network theorems.
The network theorems could be used for single source circuits or multi-source circuits. This
module will discuss the Δ-Y and Y-Δ Transformations, Kirchhoff’s law, and Maxwell’s (Mesh)
Loop Method applied in different circuit connections.
This module introduces the fundamentals of single-phase alternating current circuits. It will
discuss how alternating current is generated and describes the sinusoidal waveform. It will
also define and explain the amplitude, effective, mean, peak to peak value, frequency,
and period. The module will also discuss and explain the basic alternating current circuit:
Resistive Circuit, Inductive Circuit, Capacitive Circuit, and possible series and parallel
combinations. You will also investigate the relationships between voltage and current in
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the R-L-C series and parallel AC circuits by applying the concept of phasors in electrical
calculations. The network theorems that you learned in module 2 are also applicable to AC
Finishing this course successfully relies heavily on your self-discipline and time management
skills. The course modules were prepared for you to learn diligently, intelligently, and
independently. Keeping yourself motivated to follow the schedules specified in the
learning plan, maintaining excellence in the expected student outputs, and mastering the
different technologies and procedures required in the delivery and feedback for this
course, will instill in your important qualities you will need in the future as an engineer
practicing your profession. The following course guides and house rules are designed for
you to practice decorum consistent with standards expected within a formal academic
environment. These guides shall lay the groundwork for consistency, coherence,
cooperation, and clear communication among learners and instructors throughout the
conduct of this course:
1. MANAGE YOUR MINUTES. Create a study routine and stick to it. Keep
requirement deadlines and study schedules always in mind by providing visual
cues posted in your place of study or listed in your reminders (electronically,
online, or on paper). Remember that there are other daily activities that take
up your time, not to mention other courses you may be concurrently taking.
Choose a time of day when you are most likely to maximize learning.
Communicate your schedule to other members of your household so they
could help you keep it. It would also help to prepare a dedicated space in
your residence conducive for learning.
2. MIND YOUR MANNERS. Treat the distance learning environment as an
academic space not too different from a physical classroom. Do not do in the
distance learning environment, acts you would not normally do in a face-to-
face classroom set up. Avoid asking questions that have already been
answered in the lessons or in the instructions previously discussed or provided.
This reflects your poor focus and uninspired preparation for this course.
Practice Electronic Conversation Etiquette in group chats, open forums, and
similar electronic venues.
a. Use appropriate language and tone, correct grammar and spelling,
and complete sentences acceptable in an academic forum. Avoid
text-speak, slang, and all caps in your posts.
b. Express your opinions politely and do not dominate the
c. Avoid lengthy as well as offensive posts by sticking to the topic of
the discussion.
d. Take time to understand the salient points of the discussion, and
provide a meaningful and well-thought response to the posts of
other participants.
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3. MASTER THE MEDIUM. The distance learning courses will be delivered making
use of the institutional Google Suite account of Saint Louis University. It would
be worthwhile on your part to devote some time and effort to learn the
applications you will need to access your course materials, interact with me
and your classmates, and submit course requirements. Applications of note
are Google Classroom, Google Drive, and Google Meet. There are also
available alternatives to Microsoft Office tools you might want to explore.
Certain requirements will require you to take a video on your smart phone,
save it, and submit it electronically. Work on this skill as well. If you are offline,
identify the most convenient means for express mail correspondence and
inform me as early as possible so we can make the necessary arrangements
ahead of time.
4. MAKE MASTERPIECES. Go beyond minimum requirements. The course learning
outcomes will serve as a guide to the minimum expected competencies you
are to acquire at the end of this course. It does not limit you from performing
beyond it. Keep in mind that the quality of your work reflects the amount of
thought and care you put into the process of completing it. It provides a very
tangible measure of how much of the competencies you have developed
and fully obtained throughout this course.
5. CONNECT CONSTANTLY. There are more than sufficient online and offline
modes to ensure that you are well informed and provided on time with the
needed learning materials, instructions, requirements, and feedback either
from me or from your classmates. Exhaust all means possible to keep in touch
and updated. My contact details can be found at the latter part of this
document and will be made available and widely disseminated to enrolees of
this course.
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course. The only way for you to maximize this course to your advantage is to
learn as much from it as an individual. Make it count.
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Study Schedule
Below is the complete weekly schedule for the attainment of the topic learning
outcomes vis-a-vis the activities. This contains also the schedule of the deadlines of the
submission of the accomplished course requirements or assignments and the
MODULE 1 Basic Concepts of Electrical Circuits
UNIT 1 Electrical Ideas and Units
Week 1 TLO 1: Familiarize with Engage: Pre-requisite review of Engineering
the different Physics (Lec and Lab)
Day 1
components of a DC
circuit and the basic Explore: Read topics on:
Chapter 1: Basic concepts: system of units, basic
electrical laws and
formulas quantities, and circuits elements (Page 1-8)
Irwin & Nelms (2015). Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis
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The course modules rely on formative and summative assessments to determine the
progress of your learning in each module. To obtain a passing grade in this course, you
If you are a student under the offline DL mode, accomplish all print-based and
electronically saved discussion activities and requirements, and submit them on
time via express mail correspondence.
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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.
Technological Tools
To be able to accomplish all the tasks in this course, you will need a computer or a laptop
with the following software applications: Word Processing, Presentation, and Publication for
requirements that do not require online access. A smart phone with video recording and
editing features will also be used for activities that will require you to record videos for
saving and submission.
If you are a student online, access to the institutional Google Classroom will be provided
through your institutional account. An invitation to join the Google Classroom will be sent
to you through the SLU Student Portal and your institutional email account, so make sure to
activate your institutional email account. It is equally important that you check your SLU
Student Portal account at least twice a week and turn your Gmail Notifications on in your
mobile phone and computer.
If you are a student offline, the delivery of instructions and requirements will be primarily
through express mail correspondence of printed modules and saved digital content on a
USB flash drive. Feedback and clarifications will be facilitated through text messaging and
voice calls; hence, you need to have regular access to a cell phone. If you need to call, or
you want to talk to me, send me a message first and wait for me to respond. Do not give
my CP number to anybody. I will not entertain messages or calls from numbers that are not
registered in my phone. Hence, use only the CP number you submitted to me.
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Basic Concepts of Electrical Circuits
Admin. (2019, November 07). Electromotive Force - Definition, Formula, Unit, Difference. Retrieved August 01,
2020, from
DOE FUNDAMENTALS HANDBOOK ELECTRICAL SCIENCE Volume 1 of 4. (n.d.). Retrieved July 31, 2020, from
Siskind, C.S. (1965). Electrical Circuits: Direct and Alternating Current (2 nd Edition).Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Theraja, A.K. and Theraja, B.L. (2005). A Textbook of Electrical Technology, Vol.1.S.Chand & Company Ltd.
Unknown. (1970, January 01). ELECTRICITY: CONDUCTORS & CONDUCTIVITY #3. Retrieved July 31, 2020, from
What is Electricity?
Electricity is defined as "the flow of electrons through simple materials and devices" or "that
force which moves electrons." Scientists think electricity is produced by very tiny particles
called electrons and protons. These particles are too small to be seen, but exist as
subatomic particles in the atom. To understand how they exist, you must first understand
the structure of the atom.
The Atom
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The nucleus is composed of two kinds of subatomic particles: protons and neutrons
The proton carries a single unit positive charge equal in magnitude to the electron
The neutron is slightly heavier than the proton and is electrically neutral, as the name
Electrostatic Force
The attraction of electrons and neutrons are called electrostatic force. Without this
electrostatic force, the electron, which is traveling at high speed, could not stay in its orbit.
Bodies that attract
each other in this
way are called
charged bodies.
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The negative charge of the electron is equal, but opposite to, the positive charge of the
proton. These charges are referred to as electrostatic charges. In nature, unlike charges
(like electrons and protons) attract each other, and like charges repel each other. These
facts are known as the First Law of Electrostatics and are sometimes referred to as the law
of electrical charges.
Electrostatic Force
A special force is acting between the charged objects. Forces of this type are the result of
an electrostatic field that exists around each charged particle or object. This electrostatic
field, and the force it creates, can be illustrated with lines called "lines of force" as shown
The sum of the potential differences of all charged particles in the electrostatic field is
referred to as electromotive force (EMF).
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Electrons are subatomic particles of an atom
The direction of movement between atoms is random unless a force causes the
electrons to move in one direction.
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Read Chapter 1: Basic concepts: system of units, basic quantities, and circuits elements
(Page 1-8)
Irwin & Nelms (2015). Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis
Electrical Circuits
An electrical circuit is a path or line through which an electrical current flows (as
shown below). The path may be closed (joined at both ends), making it a loop. A
closed circuit makes electrical current flow possible. It may also be an
open circuit where the electron flow is cut short because the path is broken. It also
includes several sources, resistors and other circuit elements such as capacitor,
transformers and motors interconnected in a network.Source: ESchooltoday. (n.d.). Retrieved July
31, 2020, from
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Electrical Properties
Source: Unknown. (1970, January 01). ELECTRICITY: CONDUCTORS & CONDUCTIVITY #3. Retrieved July 31, 2020, from
The magnitude of the charge is commonly given in coulombs, and for each negatively
charge electron it is coulomb.
Electric Charge – a body is said to be charge, if it has either excess or deficit of electrons
from its normal values due to sharing.
( )
Electric Current – the rate of charge flow past a given point in an electric circuit.
For a nonuniform current, on the other hand, the transferred charge will vary with current
changes; in such cases the electron motion will be constant only during such short intervals
as the current is steady.
Siskind, C.S. (1965). Electrical Circuits: Direct and Alternating Current (2 nd Edition).Prentice-Hall, Inc.
the quantity is an area, is plotted along vertical axis(ordinate), and is plotted along
horizontal axis(abscissa).
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Example 1.
The current in a conductor changes uniformly from zero to 2 ampere in 3 seconds, remains
steady at 2 amperes for 6 seconds, and then drops uniformly to 1.5 amperes in 8 seconds.
Calculate the total amount of charge transferred in the elapsed time of 17 seconds.
𝒊, 𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔
A1 A4
3seconds 6seconds 17
𝒕, 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒔
( )( ) ( )( )
( )( ) ( )( )
Example 2.
( )
( )
( )
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Although all the free electrons in a conductor begin moving almost instantaneously upon
the application of an electric pressure, their actual velocity, or drift, is exceedingly slow;
this, as will presently be shown, depends only upon the current density in the given
conductor, i.e., the number of amperes per unit of cross-sectional area.
Velocity of electrons in inches per second is equal to the ratio of electrons per second to
electrons per inch:
[ ]
The quantity in the bracket is the current density in the conductor, and this is
conveniently replaced by Δ, which is specified in amperes per square inch of cross-
sectional area; therefore, the equation for electron velocity becomes
cannot be applied to conductor materials other than coper, since copper wire was
assumed in its derivation
the constant will not be the same for all substances
The constant is, therefore, proportional to resistivity, a term that represent opposition to
current (transfer of charge) in a given material unit dimensions.
Example 3.
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When an emf is applied to the ends of a conductor it is proper to refer to the existence of a
potential difference between such ends; also, since increments of emf are required for
successive increments of conductor, it is customary to regard a potential difference as a
drop in potential along the length of the conductor. Still another term, more commonly
used than those already given, is voltage; it too suggests the existence of force that tends
to create a current.
EMF is numerically expressed as the number of Joules of energy given by the source
divided by each Coulomb to enable a unit electric charge to move across the circuit.
EMF is given as the ratio of work done on a unit charge which is represented as follows:
Potential Difference – The amount of energy per unit charge needed to move a charged
particle from a reference point to a designated point in a static electric field.
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The magnitude of the current passing through a conducting material depends not only
upon the impressed emf but on the properties of the conductor as well. Since electrical
conductivity varies with the different materials it is therefore proper and convenient to
assume that all substances possess a reciprocal property, i.e., a tendency to oppose
The electrical resistance, , is an electrical quantity that measures how the device or
material reduces the electric current flow through it. The resistance is measured in units
of ohms (Ω).
The unit of resistance is the international ohm and is defined as the resistance at zero
degrees centigrade of a column of mercury of uniform cross section, having a length of
106.3 centimeters and a mass of 14.4521 grams.
1. Length ( )
2. Cross-sectional Area ( )
3. Type of Material
*Specific resistance/resistivity (ρ) – an intrinsic property of a material that is
measured as its resistance to current per unit length for a uniform cross section
𝐶𝑀 𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑐 𝑒𝑠
𝑥 6
𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑐 𝑒𝑠 𝐶𝑀
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Resistivities of Common Elements and Alloys @ 20 oC
Silver 9.9 Brass 42
Copper, annealed 10.37 German Silver 199
Copper, hard-drawn 10.65 Manganin 265
Gold, pure 14 Lucero 280
Aluminum 17 Advance 294
Magnesium 28 Constantan 302
Tungsten 33 Excello 550
Zinc 36 Nichrome 600
Nickel 47 Nichrome II 660
Iron, cast 54 Chromel 625-655
Platinum 60
Iron, commercial 75
Lead 132
Mercury 577
4. Temperature Material
Temperature Coefficient , α
(@ 20 oC)
Nickel 0.006
Iron , commercial 0.0055
Tungsten 0.0045
( ) Copper, annealed 0.00393
Aluminum 0.0039
Lead 0.0039
Copper , hard-drawn 0.00382
Silver 0.0038
Zinc 0.0037
Gold , pure 0.0034
Platinum 0.003
Brass 0.002
Nichrome 0.00044
German Silver 0.0004
Nichrome II 0.00016
Manganin 0.00003
Advance 0.000018
Constantan 0.000008
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Electrical Conductivity - is used to specify the electrical character of a material. It is simply
the reciprocal of the resistivity.
[ ( )]
Example 4.
Calculate the number of free electrons in a copper conductor having a diameter of 0.064
inches and a length of 1000 ft.
Copper are excellent conductors because it has electrons per cubic inch.
( )
( )
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Example 5.
A coil of copper wire has a length of 600 ft. What is the length of an aluminum conductor, if
its cross-sectional area and resistance are the same as those of the copper coil?
Copper Aluminum
Length, =600 ft. =Unknown (?)
Cross sectional Area,
Resistivity (Refer to 10.37 17
( )( ) ( )( )
( )( )
Example 6.
[ ( ) ( ) ]
Example 7.
The resistance of a wire is 126.40 Ω at 100ºC and 100 Ω at 30ºC. Determine the temperature
coefficient of copper at:
a.) 0ºC
b.) 30ºC
c.) 100ºC
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a.) 0ºC
b.) 30ºC
c.) 100ºC
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Example 8.
The field winding of a series motor has a resistance of 120 Ω at 15ºC. After running for 2
hours the resistance increased by 20Ω. If the temperature coefficient of the winding at 0ºC
is 0.004, find the temperature increased.
after 2 hours (resistance increased by 20Ω)
(temperature coefficient)
Example 9.
The substation bus bar is made up of 2 inches round copper bars of 20 ft. long. What is the
resistance of each bar if resistivity is 1.724 x10-6 Ω-cm?
( )
( )
( )( )
Kinds of Current
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2. Alternating Current (AC)
- electrons in the circuit are first moved in one direction and then in the opposite
direction, constantly alternating back and forth about relatively fixed position
- e.g. radio, TV, refrigerator, printer
Symbol for AC
Symbol for
Symbol for
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Watch the following video on YouTube: Into The Ordinary. (2017, November 24). What is
electricity? – Electricity Explained – (1) [Video]. Youtube:
Graded activity/assignment will be given. (Google Classroom)
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Unit 2: Ohm’s Law, Power, and Energy
Siskind, C.S. (1965). Electrical Circuits: Direct and Alternating Current (2 nd Edition).Prentice-Hall, Inc.
DOE FUNDAMENTALS HANDBOOK ELECTRICAL SCIENCE Volume 1 of 4. (n.d.). Retrieved July 31, 2020, from
Read the following:
Read topics on: Chapter 2.1 Ohm’s Law (Page 25)
Read the following:
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Ohm’s Law
In 1827, George Simon Ohm discovered that there was a definite relationship between
voltage, current, and resistance in an electrical circuit. Ohm’s Law defines this relationship
and can be stated in three ways.
Power is the rate at which work is done, or the rate at which heat is generated. The unit
commonly used to specify electric power is the watt (W). Power is also described as the
current (I) in a circuit times the voltage (V) across the circuit.
Heat prematurely degrades wire quality causing energy loses and burnouts.
Resistance in the wire converts a portion of electrical energy into heat.
Heat in the wire decreases the efficiency of the system.
Contraction and expansion of the wire and wire fittings.
Electrical Arcing (sparks).
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Example 1.
The power drawn by a resistive coil made of copper wire is 220 watts at 110 Volts of 20ºC.
Calculate the power consumed by the coil at 115 Volts and 100ºC. The temperature of
coefficient is 0.000393.
[ ( )]
[ ( )( )]
Example 2.
A coil copper wire has resistance of 90Ω at 20ºC and is connected to a 230V supply. By
how much must the voltage be increased in order to maintain the current constant if the
temperature of the coil rises to 60ºC? Take the temperature coefficient of resistance of
copper as 0.00428 from 0ºC.
Solve for :
The current at :
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Example 3.
A small light bulb is connected to a 6V battery and draws a 2 A of current. What is the net
resistance of the bulb?
Example 4.
Calculate the resistance of (a) a 100 watts 120 volts incandescent, (b) a 750 watts 115-volt
toaster, (c) a 1300 watts 110-volt portable iron.
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DOE FUNDAMENTALS HANDBOOK ELECTRICAL SCIENCE Volume 10f 4. (1992). U.S. Department of Energy,
Washington, D.C. 20585
Each electrical circuit has at least four basic parts: (1) a source of electromotive force, (2)
conductors, (3) load or loads, and (4) some means of control.
Closed Circuit is an uninterrupted, or unbroken,
path for current from the source (EMF), through the load, and back to the source.
Open Circuit or incomplete circuit exists if a break in the circuit occurs;
this prevents a complete path for current flow.
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Short Circuit is a circuit which offers very little resistance to current flow and can cause
dangerously high current flow through a circuit. Short circuits are usually caused by an
inadvertent connection between two points in a circuit which offers little or no resistance to
current flow. Shorting resistor R in Figure will probably cause the fuse to blow.
A series circuit is a circuit where there is only one path for current flow. In a series
circuit the current will be the same throughout the circuit. This means that the
current flow through R1 is the same as the current flow through R2 and R3.
The total resistance in a series circuit is equal to the sum of all the parts of that
circuit, as shown in equation.
RT = resistance total
R1, R2, and R3 = resistance in series
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Example 5.
A series circuit has a 60Ω, 100Ω and 150Ω resistor in series. What is the total resistance of the
The total voltage (VT) across a series circuit is equal to the sum of the voltages across each
resistor in the circuit as shown in equation:
VT = total voltage
I = current
RT = total resistance
Example 6.
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Example 7.
A series circuit has a 50Ω, 75Ω, and 100Ω resistor in series. Find the voltage necessary to
produce a current of 0.5amps.
Example 8.
A 120 V battery is connected in series with three resistors: 40 Ω, 60 Ω, and 100Ω. Find the
voltage across/voltage drop each resistor.
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Check: Total voltage (VT) across a series circuit is equal to the sum of the voltages across
each resistor
Parallel circuits are those circuits which have two or more components connected
across the same voltage source. Resistors R 1, R2, and R3 are in parallel with each
other and the source. Each parallel path is a branch with its own individual current.
When the current leaves the source V, part I 1 of I T will flow through R1; part I 2 will flow
through R2; and part I 3 will flow through R3. Current through each branch can be
different; however, voltage throughout the circuit will be equal.
The total resistance in a parallel circuit can also be found by using the equation:
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When any two resistors are unequal in a parallel circuit, it is easier to calculate R T by
multiplying the two resistances and then dividing the product by the sum, as
shown in equation (this is valid when there are only two resistors in parallel).
Example 9.
Two resistors, each drawing 3A, and a third resistor, drawing 2A, are connected in parallel
across a 115 V source. What is total current?
Since the total current of parallel circuit:
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Example 10.
Two branches, R1 and R2, are across a 120 V power source. The total current flow is 30 A.
Branch R1 takes 22 amps. What is the current flow in Branch R2?
The total current of parallel circuit:
Since the total current given:
Example 11.
A parallel circuit consists of R1 = 15Ω, R2 = 20Ω and R3 = 10Ω, with an applied voltage of
120V. What current will flow through each branch?
The total voltage of parallel circuit:
Since the resistance are given:
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Example 12.
Find the total resistance of a 4Ω, an 8Ω, and a 16Ω resistor in parallel.
Example 13.
What value of resistance must be added, in parallel, with an 8Ω resistor to provide a total
resistance of 6Ω?
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In the series-parallel shown, the major (series) circuit is made up of two section which
combine resistors in parallel.
Series-Parallel Circuit
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In the parallel-series circuit shown, the major (parallel) circuit is made up of
two minor circuit which combine resistors in series.
Note: The term “parallel-series” uses the word parallel first emphasizes the major
circuit, and the word series second to indicate the minor connections.
Example 14.
What is the value of the unknown resistor R as shown in the figure? If the voltage drop
across the 500Ω resistor is 2.5V? All resistance are in ohm.
Source: Theraja, A.K. and Theraja, B.L. (2005). A Textbook of Electrical Technology, Vol.1.S.Chand & Company Ltd.
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Example 15.
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Example 16.
Two 30-ohm resistors are connected in series. When a resistor R is connected across one of
them the total circuit resistance is 40 ohms. Calculate the ohmic value of R.
Example 17.
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Example 18.
Source: Theraja, A.K. and Theraja, B.L. (2005). A Textbook of Electrical Technology, Vol.1.S.Chand & Company Ltd.
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Formative Assessment
1. A wire whose resistance is r ohms is being cut into four equal parts. If these parts are
to be connected in parallel, how much is the equivalent resistance in ohms.
2. What resistance must be connected in parallel with a 1.0-ohm resistance to give an
equivalent resistance of 0.2 ohms?
3. A resistor of 3 ohms is connected in parallel with one of 2 ohms resistance. If the
combination is connected in series with a 4 ohms resistor. What is the equivalent
resistance of the whole combination of three resistors?
4. Three resistors of 3, 6 and R ohms, respectively are connected in parallel across a
constant current source of 10 A. Find the value of R if its draws 2 A?
Graded activity/assignment will be given. (Google Classroom)
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