Daily English Lesson Plan: Week Lesson Day & Date Time Theme Topic Cce/Hots MI/21CS

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Week 5

Daily English Lesson Plan

Lesson 11
Day & Date Sunday 27/1/2019 Time 10.45a.m - 11.45a.m
Theme World of Self, Family & Friends Topic Introduction: Friends
CCE/HOTS Language Apply MI/21CS Musical Communicate
Content and Learning Standard Learning Outline
Main: Speaking 1. Listen and sing along to “What’s your
2.1 Communicate simple information name” song.
intelligibly. *Listen to the song.
2.1.4 Greet, say goodbye and express 2. Sit in a large circle. Teacher plays the
thanks using suitable fixed phrases. song again while the students pass around a
doll. When the music stops, everyone sings
Complementary:Speaking the song “Hello, Hello, what’s your name?”.
2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small The kid holding the doll has to answer “I’m
or large group. (name)”
2.3.1. Introduce self to an audience using 3. Repeat the game but this time change the
fixed phrases. question to “Hello, Hello, what’s her/his
name?” and the rest of the class say
“He/She is (name) at the person holding the
*Play similar game with a lot of given
3. Listen, sing and do action. (Saying
Goodbye song)
*Listen, sing goodbye and follow the actions.
Language/Grammar Focus Assessment

Hi. What’s your name? Game

I’m (name)
He’s, She’s (name)
Objective: Reflection:

Introduce self and others. ________________________________________

Greet and say goodbye.
*Activities for weak learners
Week 5
Daily English Lesson Plan
Lesson 12
Day & Date Sunday 29/1/2019 Time 9.15a.m-10.15am
Theme World of Self, Family & Topic Introduction: Friends
CCE/HOTS Language Create MI/21CS Intrapersonal Communica
Content and Learning Standard Learning Outline
Main: Speaking 1. Review previous lesson by playing the game
2.1 Communicate simple information (Sit in a large circle. Teacher plays the song
intelligibly. again while the students pass around a doll.
2.1.4 Greet, say goodbye and express When the music stops, everyone sings the
thanks using suitable fixed phrases. song “Hello, Hello, what’s your name?”. The
kid holding the doll has to answer “I’m
*Students do similar activity.
2. Students gather on the floor and teacher
Complementary:Language arts
demonstrates how to do the worksheet by
5.2 Express personal responses to
drawing a self-portrait. Get students to
literary texts.
contribute/share/write answers for the
5.2.1 Name people, things or places of
age/school/class part on the board.
interest in illustrations accompanying
*Play similar game with a lot of given
3. Students complete the worksheet and
present their work to friends by telling
them their name, age, school and class.
*Listen, sing goodbye and follow the actions.
Language/Grammar Focus Assessment

Hi. My name is ………………………….. I am Storytelling

Objective: Reflection:

Talk about self ________________________________________

Week 5
Daily English Lesson Plan
Lesson 13
Day & Date Tuesday 30/1/2019 Time 8.45am – 9.45am
Theme World of Self, Family & Topic Introduction: Friends
CCE/HOTS Language Apply MI/21CS Musical Critical
Content and Learning Standard Learning Outline
Main: Reading 1. Students watch, listen, sing to the
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non Number song and do actions
linear print and digital texts by using *Similar activity with a lot of support.
appropriate reading strategies. 2. Go around the class to find the spelling
3.1.1 Identify and recognise the shapes of for each number (written on sticky notes
the letters in the alphabet. and randomly pasted around the class for
students to search). Copy the spelling onto
4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible
the worksheet.
print using cursive writing.
*Similar activity with a lot of support.
4.1.1 iii) Develop hand-eye coordination
3. Read and draw the correct number of
through drawing lines and patterns.
spots on the ladybugs. Tell the class your
age, how many pencils do you have and how
many fans are there in the class etc)
*Similar activity with a lot of support.
Enrichment activity:
1. Read and connect the dots.
2. Read and colour the correct spellings.
Language/Grammar Focus Assessment

Numbers 1-10 Worksheet

Objective: Reflection:

Read and recognize the spelling of ________________________________________

numbers 1-10
Write the numbers 1-10 correctly.

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