Lessonplans Y4 Unit 1

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Subject /Class
/Topic Details Reflection

Focus : Listening and Speaking

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends REFLECTION
Topic: Our Community
Learning Standards: 1.1.4, 1.3.1 Attendance:
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils ____/____
TUESDAY should be able to:
1.1.4 : talk about related topics with guidance
1.1.2018 ___/___ pupils were
1.3.1 : listen to and demonstrate understanding
able to achieve the
of oral texts by:
(a) asking and answering question
Teaching Aids: Reading cards on personal
Subject details
English CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences, Contextualism Teacher’s action:

Class 1. Teacher introduces herself to the pupils and
get the pupils to respond to teacher’s actions
Year 4
by asking them questions regarding on
teacher’s personal details.
Time Sample questions:
􀁺 What is your teacher’s name?
􀁺 IWhere does she live? *Today’s lesson will
􀁺 How old is she? be carried forward due
2. Introduce and explain the concept of to
personal details. Provide examples of how to
introduce themselves amongst their friends,
3. Distribute Task Sheet. Play the dialogue.
While listening, pupils fill in the blanks in the
task sheet.
4. Play the dialogue again and pupils check
their answers.
5. Provide some practice on asking and
answering questions about the friend’s
personal details.
6. Divide pupils into groups and let them
practice in asking and answering questions
about their friend’s personal details.
7. Choose at random and ask the pupils to tell
others about themselves and their friends’ in
the group.
8.Give feedback to the pupils and encourage
them to speak confidently.
Subject /Class
/Topic Details Reflection
Focus: Reading
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
2NDJANUARY 2019 Learning Standards: 2.2.4
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Attendance:
pupils should be able to: ____/____
2.2.4 apply dictionary skills:
Subject (b) meaning of base word
___/___ pupils were
English Teaching Aids: Dictionary/word cards
able to achieve the
CCE/EE: , Contextualism
Class Activities:
Year 4 LAVENDER 1. Teacher puts up the reading chart
and read aloud Teacher’s action:
2. Pupils read in group together with
Time the teacher
3. Teacher explains about the text
1215PM -
and highlighted 7 words.
4. Pupils guess the meaning of the
words based on the teacher’s
5. Teacher shows the dictionary and
let them explore the dictionary. *Today’s lesson will
6. Shows them how to use the be carried forward due
dictionary and let them work in to
groups of three.
7. Fill up the meaning of the words
from the text in the task sheet
8. Ask them at random to read their
answers and teacher gives the

Subject /Class
Topic Details Reflection
Focus: Writing
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
3 JANUARY 2019 Learning Standards: 3.1.2
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils Attendance: ____/____
should be able to:
Able to write in neat legible print with correct
spelling: ___/___ pupils were
Numerals in word form able to achieve the
Subject objectives.
Teaching Aids: Reading cards on personal
English details
CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences,

Class Teacher’s action:

Year 4 LAVENDER 1. Teacher makes letters patterns on the air
and asks the pupils to guess the letters and
Time follow

1115AM - 2. Introduce and explain to the pupils how to

1215PM write cursive writing . Provide examples and
asks them to practice amongst themselves. *Today’s lesson will be
3. Distribute Task Sheet and let them follow carried forward due to
the patterns given in the task sheet.
4. Check their way of holding the pencils.
5. Divide pupils into groups and let them
practice in groups.
7. Choose at random and ask the pupils to
write on the white board.
8.Give feedback to the pupils and encourage
them to do confidently.

Subject /Class
/Topic Details Reflection
Focus: Grammar
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: Our Community REFLECTION
Learning Standards: 4.2.1
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils Attendance: ____/____
should be able to:
5.1.1 Able to use nouns correctly and
Subject appropriately: ___/___ pupils were
able to achieve the
English (d) countable nouns
(e) uncountable nouns
Teaching Aids: Reading cards on
Class countable and uncountable noun
Year 4 CCE/EE: Constructism Teacher’s action:

Time Activities:
1. Teacher shows two realia to the pupils
and let them choose which one can be
counted and cannot be counted.
2. Introduce and explain the concept
*Today’s lesson will be
countable and uncountable noun. Provide carried forward due to
examples to the pupils,
3. Distribute Task Sheet. Let them explore
the noun around them.
4. Pupils groups the noun and group them
correctly according to the topic learnt.
5.Pupils check their answers.
6. Choose at random and ask the pupils to
show the nouns and tell their groups.

Subject /Class
/Topic Details Reflection
Focus:Language Art
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: Our Community REFLECTION
Learning Standards: 4.1.2
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Attendance:
pupils should be able to: ____/____
Able to sing songs and recite jazz chants
and poems with correct stress,
Subject ___/___ pupils were
pronunciation, rhythm and intonation
able to achieve the
English Teaching Aids: Poem book
CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences,
Year 4 Activities: Teacher’s action:
1. Teacher shows the poem books to the
pupils and explains how to use it.
2. Introduce the poem to the pupils and
read them aloud.
3. Teacher reads the poem together with
the pupils
4. Provide some practice let them practise *Today’s lesson will be
carried forward due to
in groups
5. Asking and answering questions about
the poem
6. Choose at random and ask the pupils to
read it in front of the class with the correct
7. Give feedback to the pupils and
encourage them to speak confidently.
Subject /Class
/Topic Details Reflection

Focus: Listening and Speaking

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends REFLECTION
Topic: Our community
Learning Standards: 1.3.1(a) Attendance:
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ____/____
pupils should be able to:
Subject Able to listen to and demonstrate
___/___ pupils were
English understanding of oral texts by:
able to achieve the
(a) asking and answering questions
Teaching Aids: Reading cards on personal
Class details
Year 4 CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences, cooperation
Teacher’s action:
Time 1. Teacher refers to the textbook page 2
and elicits pupils’ knowledge at the market.
2. Teacher lets the pupils to give their
opinion based on the dialogues.
3. teacher asks pupils to role play the
situation at the market. *Today’s lesson will be
4. Divides pupils into group and talk about carried forward due to
the words.
5. Teacher distributes paper and asks
pupils discuss in group , things they can
see and buy at the certain places.
7 .Teacher checks and pupils do correction.

Subject /Class
/Topic Details Reflection
Focus: Reading
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: Our Community REFLECTION
Learning Standards: 2.2.2
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Attendance:
pupils should be able to: ____/____
Subject 2.2.2 read and understand phrases and
sentences from: (a) linear texts
English ___/___ pupils were
Teaching Aids: Mind mapping Chart
able to achieve the
CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences,
Year 4
1. Teacher puts up the mind mapping
chart and give title to the chart Teacher’s action:
Time 2. Pupils give answers based on the
topic given by teacher
3. Teacher explains about the topic
and highlighted the related words
with the topic.
4. Pupils fill in the words based on the *Today’s lesson will be
teacher’s explanation topic. carried forward due to
5. Let them work in groups and fill in
the mind map based on the topic
6. Ask them at random to read their
answers and teacher gives

Subject /Class /Topic Details Reflection

Focus: Writing
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: Our Community REFLECTION
Learning Standards: 3.1.2
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils Attendance: ____/____
should be able to:
Able to write in neat legible print with correct
spelling: ___/___ pupils were
Subject able to achieve the
Teaching Aids: Reading cards on personal
English details
CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences,

Class Activities:
Teacher’s action:
Year 4 1. Teacher displays / refer the picture on the
tb page 7.
Time 2. Introduce and explain to the pupils about
the fund-raising fair
3. Elicits pupils’ ideas and asks pupils to give
ideas and suggestions.
4. Teacher asks pupils to read and *Today’s lesson will be
carried forward due to
understand the paragraph.
5. Divide pupils in pair work, asks pupils to
complete the paragraph.
6. Discuss the answers and pupils read and
make correction.
7. Teacher distributes papers.
Pupils write neatly and teacher chooses the
nice writing to displays on the board.

Subject /Class /Topic Details Reflection

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends REFLECTION
Topic: Our Community
Learning Standards: 5.1.1 Attendance: ____/____
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils
should be able to:
Subject Able to use nouns correctly and ___/___ pupils were
able to achieve the
English appropriately:
(d) (d) countable nouns
(e) uncountable nouns
Class Teaching Aids: Realia objects
Year 4 CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences, Teacher’s action:

Time Activities:
1. Teacher shows objects to the pupils at
random and let them guess which object can
be counted and cannot be counted.
2. Introduce and group them. Provide
*Today’s lesson will be
examples and call the pupils at random to carried forward due to
group the objects,
3. Distribute Task Sheet to the pupils and let
them fill in the blanks in the task sheet.
4. Display the answer and asks the pupils to
check their answers.
5. Provide some practice and give other
6. Divide pupils into groups and let them
answering questions among their friend’s
7. Choose at random and ask the pupils to
tell others their answers.
8.Give feedback to the pupils answers
Subject /Class
/Topic Details Reflection
Focus:Language Art
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: Our Community REFLECTION
Learning Standards: 4.1.2
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Attendance:
pupils should be able to: ____/____
Able to sing songs and recite jazz chants
and poems with correct stress,
Subject ___/___ pupils were
pronunciation, rhythm and intonation
able to achieve the
English Teaching Aids: Poem book
CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences,

Class Activities:
Year 4 1. Teacher shows the poem books to the Teacher’s action:
pupils and explains how to use it.
Time 2. Introduce the poem to the pupils and
read them aloud.
3. Teacher reads the poem together with
the pupils
4. Provide some practice let them practise
*Today’s lesson will be
in groups carried forward due to
5. Asking and answering questions about
the poem
6. Choose at random and ask the pupils to
read it in front of the class with the correct
7. Give feedback to the pupils and
encourage them to speak confidently.

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