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Animation 1.1: Sets-math

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1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
1. Sets eLearn.Punjab 1. Sets

Student Learning Outcomes It also helps to solve many mathematical problems of both
simple and complex nature. In short, it plays a pivotal role in the
After studying this unit, students will be able to: advanced study of the mathematics in the modern age. Look at the
• Express a set in: following examples of a set.
• descriptive form, Recall
• set builder form, A = The set of counting numbers. A set cannot consist
• tabular form. B = The set of Pakistani Provinces. of elements like moral
• Define union, intersection and difference of two sets C = The set of geometrical instruments values, concepts, evils
• Find: or virtues etc.
• union of two or more sets,
• intersection of two or more sets, “ A set is a collection of well defined objects/numbers. The
• difference of two sets objects/numbers in any set are called its members or elements”
• Define and identify disjoint and overlapping sets
• Define a universal set and compliment of a set “Set theory” is a branch of mathematics that studies
• Verify different properties involving union of sets, intersection of sets. It is the creation of George Cantor who was
sets, difference of sets and compliment of a set, e.g A k A’ = f. born in Russia on March 03, 1845. In 1873, he
• Represent sets through Venn diagram. published an article which makes the birth of set
• Perform operation of union, intersection, difference and theory. George Cantor died in Germany on January
complement on two sets A and B, when: 06, 1918
• A is subset of B,
• B is subset of A, 1.1.1 Expressing a Set
• A and B are disjoint sets,
• A and B are overlapping sets, through Venn diagram. There are three ways to express a set.
1. Descriptive form 2. Tabular form 3. Set builder form
1.1 Introduction
• Descriptive form
In our daily life, we use the word set only for some particular If a set is described with the help of a statement, it is called
collections such as water set, tea set, dinner set, sofa set, a set as descriptive form of a set.
of books, a set of colours and so on. For Example:
But in mathematics, the word set has broader meanings than N = set of natural numbers
those in our daily life because it provides us a way to integrate the Z = set of integers
different branches of mathematics. P = set of prime numbers
W = set of whole numbers
S = set of solar months start with letter “J”

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1. Sets eLearn.Punjab 1. Sets

Do you Know

The sets of natural numbers, whole numbers, 1. Write the following sets in descriptive form.
integers, even numbers and odd numbers are denoted
by the English letters N, W, Z, E and O respectively. (i) A = {a, e, i, o, u) (ii) B = {3, 6, 9, 12, ...}
(iii) C = {s, p, r , i, n, g} (iv) D = {a, b, c, ... ,z}
• Tabular Form (v) E = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10} (vi) F = {0, ±1, ±2}
If we list all elements of a set within the braces { } and (vii) G = {x | x d N / x < 3} (viii) H = {x | x d N / x > 99}
separate each element by using a comma ”,” it is called the
tabular or roster form. 2. Write the following sets in tabular form.

For Example: (i) A = Letters of the word “hockey”

A = {a, e, i, o, u} C = {3, 6, 9, ... ,99} (ii) B = Two colours in the rainbow
M = {football, hockey , cricket} N = {1, 2, 3, 4, ...} (iii) C = Numbers less than 18 divisible by 3
W = {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} X = {a, b, c, ..., z} (iv) D = Multiples of 5 less than 30
(v) E = {x I x d W / x > 5}
(vi) F = {x I x d Z / – 7 < x < –1}
• Set Builder Form
If a set is described by using a common property of all its
3. Write the following sets in the set builder form.
elements, it is called as set builder form. A set can also be expressed
in set builder form. For example , “E is a set of even number” in the
(i) A = {1,2,3,4,5}
descriptive form, where E = {0, ±2, ±4, ±6,.....} is the tabular form of
(ii) B = {2,3,5,7}
the same set. This set in set builder form can be written as;
(iii) N = set of natural numbers
E = {x | x is an even number} (iv) W = set of whole number
and we can read it as, E is a set of elements x, such that x is an even (v) Z = set of all integers
number. (vi) L = {5, 10, 15,20,...}
A = {x | x is a solar month of a year} (vii) E = set of even numbers between 1 and 10
B = {x | x d N /1 < x < 5} (viii) O = set of odd numbers greater than 15
C = {x | x d W / x 7 4} (ix) C = set of planets in the solar system
(x) S = set of colours in the rainbow
Some Important Symbols 1.2 Operations on Sets
| such that d belongs to
/and 0 or 1.2.1 Union, Intersection and Difference of Two Sets
> greater than or equal to • Union of Two Sets
< less than or equal to The union of two sets A and B is a set consisting of all the

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1. Sets eLearn.Punjab 1. Sets

elements which are in set A or set B or in both. The union of two sets Example 4: If X = {1, 2, 3, 4} and Y = {2, 4, 6, 8}, then find X k Y
is denoted by AjB and read as “A union B” Solution:
X = {1, 2, 3, 4}, Y= {2, 4, 6, 8}
Example 1: If A = {a, e, i, o} and B = {a, b, c}, then find AjB X k Y = {1, 2, 3, 4} k{2, 4, 6, 8}
Solution: = {2, 4}
A = {a, e, i, o}, B = {a, b, c}
AjB = {a, e, i, o} j {a, b, c} • Difference of Two Sets
= {a, e, i, o, a, b, c} Consider A and B are two any sets, then A difference B is the
set of all those elements of set A which are not the elements of set
Example 2: If M = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and N = {1, 3, 5, 7}, then find MjN B. It is written as A - B or A \ B. Similarly, B difference A is the set of
Solution: all those elements of set B which are not the elements of set A. It is
M = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, N = {1, 3, 5, 7} written as B - A or B \ A.
MjN = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} j {1, 3, 5, 7}
Example 5: If A = {1, 3, 6} and B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, then find:
= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7}
(i) A - B (ii) B - A
• Intersection of Two Sets
A = {1, 3, 6}, B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
The intersection of two sets A and B is a set consisting of all the
(i) A - B = {1, 3, 6} - {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
common elements of the sets A and B. The intersection of two sets
= {6}
A and B is denoted by AkB and read as “A intersection B”
(ii) B - A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} – {1, 3, 6}
Example 3: If A = {a, e, i, o, u} and B= {a, b, c, d, e}, then find AkB = {2, 4, 5}
1.2.2 Union and Intersection of Two or More Sets
A = {a, e. i, o, u}, B = {a, b, c, d, e}
A k B = {a, e, i, o, u} k{a, b, c, d, e} We have learnt the method for finding the union and
= {a, e} intersection of two sets. Now we try to find the union and intersection
of three sets.

• Union of three sets
Following are the steps to find the union of three sets

Step 1: Find the union of any two sets.

Animation 1.2: Intersection of two sets Step 2: Find the union of remaining 3rd set and the set that we get
Source & Credit: elearn.punjab
as the result of the first step
For three sets A, B and C their union can be taken in any of the
following ways.
(i) A j (B j C) (ii) (A j B) j C
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1. Sets eLearn.Punjab 1. Sets

It will be easier for us to understand the above method with = {2, 3, 4} k {1, 2} = {2}
examples. Look at the given examples.
Example 6: Find A j (B j C) where A = {1, 2, 3, 4},
B = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} and C = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}. 1. Find the union of the following sets.
(i) A= {1,3,5}, B= {1,2,3,4}
Solution: (ii) S= {a, b, c}, T= {c, d, e}
A j (B j C) = {1, 2, 3, 4} j {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} j {6, 7, 8, 9, 10} (iii) X= {2,4,6,8,10}, Y= {1,5,10}
= {1, 2, 3, 4} j {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} (iv) C= {i, o, u}, D= {a, e, o}, E = {i, e, u}
= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} (v) L = {3, 6, 9, 12}, M = {6, 12, 18, 24,}, N = { 4, 8, 12, 16}
2. Find the intersection of the following sets.
Example 7: If A = {1, 3, 7}, B = {3, 4, 5} and C = {1, 2, 3, 6}
(i) P = {0, 1, 2, 3}, Q = {–3, –2, –1, 0}
(ii) M = {1, 2, ... , 10}, N = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
(iii) A = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15}, B = {5, 10, 15, 20}
(A j B) j C = {1, 3, 7} j {3, 4, 5}) j {1, 2, 3, 6}
(iv) U = {-1, -2 , -3}, V = {1, 2, 3}, W = {0, ±1, ±2}
= {1, 3, 4, 5, 7} j {1, 2, 3, 6}
(v) X = {a, l, m}, Y = {i, s, l, a, m}, Z = {l, i, o, n}
= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
3. If N = set of Natural numbers and W = set of Whole numbers,
then find N U W and N k W
• Intersection of Three Sets
4. If P = set of Prime numbers and C = set of Composite numbers,
For finding the intersection of three sets, first we find the
then find P U C and P k C
intersection of any two sets of them and then the intersection of the
5. If A = {a, c, d, f}, B = {b, c, f, g} and C = {c, f, g, h}, then find
3rd set with the resultant set already found. (i) A U (B U C) (ii) A k (B k C)
(i) A k (B k C) (ii) (A k B) k C
6. If X = {1, 2, 3, ....., 10}, Y = {2, 4, 6, 8, 12} and Z = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11}, then
Example 8: Find A k (B k C) where A = {a, b, c, d}, B = {c, d, e} and
(i) X U (Y U Z) (ii) X k (Y kZ)
C = {c, e, f, g}
7. If R = {0, 1, 2, 3}, S = [0, 2, 4) and T = {1, 2, 3, 4}, then find:
Solution: (i) R \ S (ii) T \ S (iii) R \ T (iv) S \ R
A k (B k C) = {a, b, c, d} k ({c, d, e} k {c, e, f, g})
= {a, b, c, d} k {c, e} 1.2.3 Disjoint and Overlapping Sets
= {c}
• Disjoint Sets
Example 9: If A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B= {2, 3, 4, 5} and C = {1, 2}, then
Two sets A and B are said to be disjoint sets, if there is no
find (A k B) k C
common element between them. In other words there intersection
Solution: is an empty set, i.e. A k B = f. For example, A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {4, 5, 6}
(A k B) k C = ({1, 2, 3, 4} k {2, 3, 4, 5}) k {1, 2} are disjoint sets because there is no common element in set A and B.

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• Overlapping Sets EXERCISE 1.3

Two sets A and B are called overlapping sets, if there is at
least one element common between them but none of them 1. Look at each pair of sets to separate the disjoint and overlapping
is a subset of the other . In other words, their intersection is sets.
non-empty set. For example, A = {0, 5, 10} and B= {1, 3, 5, 7} are (i) A = {a, b, c, d, e}, B = {d, e, f, g, h}
overlapping sets because 5 is a common element in sets A and (ii) L = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, M = {3, 6, 9, 12}
B and non is subset of the other. (iii) P = Set of Prime numbers, C = Set of Composite numbers
(iv) E = Set of Even numbers, O = Set of Odd numbers
1.2.4 Universal Set and Complement of a Set 2. If U = {1, 2, 3, ...., 10}, A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, B = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, C = {2, 4, 6,
8, 10} and D = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, then find:
• Universal Set (i) A’ (ii) B’ (iii) C’ (iv) D’
A set which contains all the possible elements of the sets under 3. If U = {a, b, c,...., i }, X = {a, c, e, g, i}, Y = {a, e, i}, and Z = {a, g, h}, then
consideration is called the universal set. For example, the universal find:
set of the counting numbers means a set that contains all possible (i) X’ (ii) Y’ (iii) Z’ (iv) U’
numbers that we can use for counting. To represent such a set we 4. If U= {1, 2, 3, ..., 20}, A= {1, 3, 5, ... ,19} and B = {2, 4, 6, ... ,20}, then
use the symbol U and read it as “Universal set” i.e. prove that:
The universal set of counting numbers: U = {1, 2, 3, 4, ...} (i) B’ = A (ii) A’ = B (iii) A \ B = A (iv) B \ A = B
5. If U = set of integers and W = set of whole numbers, then find the
• Complement of a Set complement of set W.
Consider a set B whose universal set is U, then the difference 6. If U = set of natural numbers and P = set of prime numbers, then
set U \ B or U - B is called the complement of a set B, which is find the complement of set P.
denoted by B’ or Bc and read as “B complement”. So, we can define
the complement of a set B as: “B complement is a set which contains 1.2.5 Properties involving Operations on Sets
all those elements of universal set which are not the elements of set
B, i.e. B’ = U \ B. We have learnt the four operations of sets, i.e. union,
intersection, difference and complement. Now we discuss their
Example 1: If U = {1, 2, 3, ..., 10} and B = {1, 3, 7, 9}, then find B’. properties.

Solution: • Properties involving Union of Sets

U = {1, 2, 3, ...,10}, B = {1, 3, 7, 9}
B’ = U – B • Commutative property
= {1, 2, 3, ... , 10} – {1, 3, 7, 9}
= {2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10} If A, B are any two sets, then “AjB = BjA” is called the
commutative property of union of two sets.

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Example 1: If A= {1, 2, 3} and B = {2, 4, 6}, then verify that: = {a, e, i, o, u} U { }

A j B = B j A. = {a, e, i, o, u} = A = R.H.S
Solution: Hence proved: L.H.S = R.H.S
A U B = {1, 2, 3} j {2, 4, 6}
= {1, 2, 3, 4, 6} • Properties involving Intersection of Sets
B U A = {2, 4, 6} j {1, 2, 3}
= {1, 2, 3, 4, 6} • Commutative Property
From the above, it is verified that: If A, B are any two sets, then
A j B = B j A A k B = B k A
is called the commutative property of intersection of two sets.
• Associative Property Example 4: If a = {a, b, c, d} and B = {a, c, e, g}, then verify that
If A, B and C are any three sets, then “A j (B j C) = (A j B) j C” A k B = B k A.
is called the associative property of union of three sets. Solution:
A k B = {a, b, c, d} k {a, c, e, g}
Example 2: If A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, B = {1, 3, 5, 7} and C = {2, 4, 6, 8}, = {a, c}
then verify that: A j (B j C) = (A j B) j C B k A = {a, c, e, g} k {a, b, c, d}
Solution: = {a, c}
L.H.S = A j (B j C) From the above it is verified that A k B = B k A.
= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} j ({1, 3, 5, 7} j {2, 4, 6, 8})
= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} j {l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} Example 5: If A= {1, 2, 3} and B = {4, 5, 6}, then verify that
= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} A k B = B k A.
R.H.S = (A j B) j C A k B = {1, 2, 3} k {4, 5, 6}
= ({1, 2, 3, 4, 5} j {1, 3, 5, 7}) j {2, 4, 6, 8} = { }
= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7} j {2, 4, 6, 8} B k A = {4, 5, 6} k {1, 2, 3}
= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} = { }
We see that L.H.S = R.H.S From the above it is verified that A k B = B k A.

• Identity Property with respect to Union • Associative Property

In sets, the empty set f acts as identity for union, i.e. A j f = A If A, B and C are any three sets, then A k (B k C) = (A k B) kC
is called the associative property of intersection of three sets.
Example 3: If A = {a, e, i, o, u}, then verify that A j f = A.
Solution: Example 6: If A = {1, 2, 5, 8}, B = {2, 4, 6} and C = {2, 4, 5, 7}, then
A j f = A verify that: A k (B k C) = (A kB) k C
L.H.S = A j f
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Solution: Example 8: If U = {1, 2, 3, … ,10} and A= {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, then prove

A = {1, 2, 5, 8}, B = {2, 4, 6}, C = {2, 4, 5, 7} that:
L.H.S = A k (B k C) (i) U’ = f (ii) AjA’ = U (iii) AkA’ = f (iv) f’ = U
= {1, 2, 5, 8} k ({2, 4, 6} k {2, 4, 5, 7}) Solution:
= {l, 2, 5, 8} k {2, 4} = {2} U = {1, 2, 3, ..., 10}, A= {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
R.H.S = (A k B) k C
(i): U’ = f
= ({l, 2, 5, 8} k {2, 4, 6}) k {2, 4, 5, 7}
L.H.S = U’
= {2} k {2, 4, 5, 7} = {2}
We Know that U’ = U - U
It is verified that L.H.S = R.H.S
= {1, 2, 3, ..., 10} - {1, 2, 3, ..., 10}
• Identity Property with respect to Intersection = { } = R.H.S
In sets, the universal set U acts as identity for intersection, i.e. Hence verified that L.H.S = R.H.S
A k U = A.
(ii): A U A’ = U
Example 7: If U = {a, b, c, ..., z} and A= {a, e, i, o, u}, then verify We know that A’ = U - A
that A k U = A. = {1, 2, 3, ..., 10} - {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
= {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
Solution: Now we find,
U = {a, b, c, ...,z}, A= {a, e, i, o, u} A U A’ = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} U {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
L.H.S = A k U = {1, 2, 3, ..., 10} = R.H.S
= {a, e, i, o, u} k {a, b, c, ..., z) Hence verified that L.H.S = R.H.S
= {a, e, i, o, u}= A= R.H.S
Hence verified that L.H.S = R.H.S (iii) A ∩ A’ = f
L.H.S = A ∩ A’
• Properties involving Difference of Sets = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} ∩ {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
If A and B are two unequal sets, then A - B ≠ B - A, For example = { } = f = R.H.S
if A = {0, 1, 2) and B = {1, 2, 3}, then Hence verified that L.H.S = R.H.S
A – B = {0, 1, 2} - {1, 2, 3}
= {0} (iv) f’ = U
B – A = {1, 2, 3} - {0, 1, 2} We know that
= {3} f’ = U - f
We can see that A - B ≠ B - A = {1, 2, 3, … ,10} - { }
= {1, 2, 3, … ,10} = U = R.H.S
• Properties involving Complement of a Set Hence verified that L.H.S = R.H.S
Properties involving the sets and their complements are given
A’ j A = U A k A’ = f U’ = f f’ = U 1. If A= {a, e, i, o, u}, B = {a, b, c} and C = {a, c, e, g}, then verify that:
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(i) A ∩ B = B ∩ A (ii) A U B = B U A (iii) B U C = C U B

(iv) B ∩ C = C ∩ B (v) A ∩ C = C ∩ A (vi) A U C = C U A
2. If X = {1, 3, 7}, Y= {2, 3, 5} and Z = {1, 4, 8}, then verify that:
(i) X ∩ (Y ∩ Z) = (X ∩ Y) ∩ Z (ii) X U (Y U Z) = (X U Y) U Z
3. If S = {–2, –1, 0, 1}, T= {–4, –1, 1, 3} and U= {0, ±1, ±2}, then verify
(i) S ∩ (T ∩ U) = (S ∩ T) ∩ U (ii) S u (T j U) = (S j T) j U
4. If O = {1, 3, 5, 7.....}, E = {2, 4, 6, 8......} and N = {1, 2, 3, 4....}, then
verify that:
(i) O ∩ (E ∩ N) = (O ∩ E) ∩ N (ii) O j (E j N) = (O j E) j N
5. If U = {a, b, c, ....,z}, S = {a, e, i, o, u} and T = {x, y, z}, then verify that:
(i) S U f = S (ii) T ∩ U = T (iii) S ∩ S’ = f (iv) T U T’ = U
6. If A = {1, 7, 9, 11}, B = {1, 5, 9, 13}, and C = {2, 6, 9, 11}, then verify
(i) A - B ≠ B - A (ii) A - C ≠ C - A
7. If U = {0, 1, 2,....,15}, L = {5, 7, 9,....,15}, and M = {6, 8, 10, 12, 14},
then verify the identity properties with respect to union and
intersection of sets.
Animation 1.3: Venn diagram
Source & Credit: elearn.punjab

1.3 Venn Diagram

1.3.1 Representing Sets through Venn diagrams
A Venn diagram is simple closed figures to show sets and
the relationships between different sets. In Venn diagram, a universal set is represented by a rectangle
and the other sets are represented by simple closed figures inside
the rectangle. These closed figures show an overlapping region to
describe the relationship between them. Following figures are the
Venn diagram were introduced by a British
Venn diagrams for any set A of universal set U, disjoint sets A and B
logician and philosopher “John Venn” (1834
and overlapping sets A and B respectively.
- 1923). John himself did not use the term
“Venn diagram” Another logician “Lewis”
used it first time in book “A survey of symbolic

Set A Disjoint Sets Overlapping Sets

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In the Venn diagram, the shaded region is used to represent the

result of operation.

1.3.2 Performing Operation on Sets through Venn

Figure (iii)
• Union of Sets
Now we represent the union of sets through Venn diagram • A and B are disjoint Sets
when: When no element of two sets A and B is common, then we
can represent A U B by (figure iv). Here shaded portion represents
• A is subset of B A U B.
When all the elements of set A are also the elements of set
B, then we can represent A U B by (figure i). Here shaded portion
represents A U B.

Figure (iv)

Figure (i) • Intersection of Sets

• B is subset of A Now we clear the concept of intersection of two sets by using
When all the elements of set B are also the elements of set Venn diagram. In the given figures the shaded portion represents
A, then we can represent A U B by (figure ii). Here shaded portion the intersection of two sets when:
represents A U B.
• A is subset of B
When all the elements of set A are also the elements of set
B, then we can represent A ∩ B by (figure v). Here shaded portion
represents A ∩ B.

Figure (ii)

• A and B are overlapping Sets

When only a few elements of two sets A and B are common,
then they are called overlapping sets. A U B is represented by (figure
iii). Here shaded portion represents A U B. Figure (v)

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• B is subset of A • A is subset of B
When all the elements of set B are also the elements of set When all the elements of set A are also the elements of set B,
A, then we can represent AkB by (figure vi). Here shaded portion then we can represent A - B by fig (ix).
represents AkB. There is no shaded portion. So, A - B = { }

Figure (vi) Figure (ix)

• A and B are overlapping Sets • B is subset of A

When some elements are common, then we can represent When all the elements of set B are also the elements of set
AkB by the fig (vii). A, then we can represent A - B by (figure x). Here shaded portion
represents A - B.

Figure (vii)

• A and B are disjoint Sets Figure (x)

When no element is common, then we can represent AkB by
• A and B are overlapping Sets
fig (viii). So AkB is an empty set.
When some elements are common, then we can represent
A - B by the fig (xi).

Figure (viii)

Figure (xi)
• Difference of Two Sets A and B
It is represented by shaded portion when:

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• A and B are disjoint Sets (iii) A - B (For disjoint sets) (iv) B’

When no element of two sets A and B is common, then we can
represent A - B by (figure xii). Here shaded portion represents A - B.

Figure (xii) (v) AkB (Overlapping sets) (vi) AjB ( For disjoint sets)

1.3.3 Complement of a Set

For complement of a set A For complement of a set B

2. If, U= {1, 2, 3, 10}, A={1,4, 8, 9, 10} and B = {2, 3, 4, 7, 10}, then

show that:
U - A = A’ U - B = B’ (i) A - B ≠ B - A (ii) A ∩ B = B ∩ A
(iii) A U B = B U A (iv) A’ ≠ B’
EXERCISE 1.5 through Venn diagram.

1. Shade the diagrams according to the given operations. Review Exercise 1

(i) AkB (A is subset of B) (ii) AjB (B is subset of A)
1. Answer the following questions.
(i) Name three forms for describing a set.
(ii) Define the descriptive form of set.
(iii) What does the symbol “ | “ mean ?
(iv) Write the name of the set consisting of all the elements of
given sets under consideration.
(v) What is meant by disjoint sets?

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2. Fill in the blanks. 8. If A = {a, c, e, g}, B = {a, b, c, d} and C = {b, d, f, h}, then verify that:
(i) The symbol “ ^ ” means _______. (i) Aj(BjC) = (AjB)jC (ii) Ak(BkC) = (AkB)kC
(ii) The set consisting of only common elements of two sets
is called the _______ of two sets. 9. If U = set of whole numbers and N = set of natural numbers,
(iii) A set which contains all the possible elements of the sets then verify that:
under consideration is called the _______ set. (i) N’jN = U (ii) N’kN = f
(iv) Two sets are called _______ if there is at least one element
common between them and non of the sets is subset of 10. If U = {a, b, c, d, e}, A = {a, b, c} and B = {b, d, e}, then show
the other. through Venn diagram
(v) In sets, the universal set acts as _______ for intersection. (i) A’ (ii) B’ (iii) A U B (iv) A ∩ B

3. Tick (p) the correct answer. Summary

• There are three forms to write a set.

(i) Descriptive form (ii) Tabular form (iii) Set builder form
• Two sets are said to be disjoint if there is no element common
between them.
• If A and B are two sets then union of A and B is denoted by AjB
4. Write the following sets in the set builder form. and intersection of A and B is denoted by AkB.
(i) A = {5, 6, 7, 8} (ii) B = {0, 1, 2} • If A and B are two sets then B is said to be subset of A if every
(iii) C = {a, e, i, o, u} element of set B is the element of set A.
(iv) D = set of natural numbers greater than 100 • Two sets are called overlapping sets if there is at least one element
(v) E = set of odd numbers greater than 1 and less than 10 common between them but none of them is a subset of the other.
• A set which contains all possible elements of a given situation or
5. Write the following sets in descriptive and tabular form. discussion is called the universal set.
(i) A = {x | x d W / x < 7}
(ii) B = {x | x d E / 3 < x < 12}
(iii) C = {x | x d Z / -2 < x < +2}
(iv) D = {x | x d P / x < 15}

6. If A = {3, 4, 5, 6} and B = {2, 4, 6}, then verify that:

(i) AjB = BjA (ii) AkB = BkA

7. If X = {2, 3, 4, 5} and Y = {1, 3, 5, 7}, then find:

(i) X - Y (ii) Y - X
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2 Rational Numbers

Animation 2.1: Rational Numbers

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2. Rational Numbers eLearn.Punjab 2. Rational Numbers eLearn.Punjab

Student Learning Outcomes From the above (iii) and (iv), we can notice that -2 and 6 are also
integers. But in case of division of integers, we do not always get
After studying this unit, students will be able to: the same result, i.e. are not integers. So, it means that
• Define a rational number as a number that can be expressed in the division of integers also demands another number system
the form where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0. consisting of fractions, as well as, integers that is fulfilled by the
• Represent rational numbers on number line. rational numbers.
• Add two or more rational numbers.
• Subtract a rational number from another. 2.1.1 Defining Rational Numbers
• Find additive inverse of rational numbers.
• Multiply two or more rational numbers. A number that can be expressed in the form of where p and
• Divide a rational number by a non-zero rational number. q are integers and q m 0, is called a rational number, e.g.,
• Find multiplicative inverse of a non-zero rational number. are examples of rational numbers.
• Find reciprocal of a non-zero rational number.
• Verify commutative property of rational numbers with respect to The set of rational numbers is the set whose elements are natural
addition and multiplication. numbers, negative numbers, zero and all positive and negative
• Verify associative property of rational numbers with respect to fractions.
addition and multiplication.
• Verify distributive property of rational numbers with respect to 2.1.2 Representation of Rational Numbers on Number line
multiplication over addition/ subtraction.
• Compare two rational numbers. We already know the method of constructing a number
• Arrange rational numbers in ascending or descending order. line to represent the integers. Now we use the same number line to
represent the rational numbers. For this purpose, we draw a num-
2.1 Rational Numbers ber line as given below.

In previous class, we have learnt that the difference of two

counting numbers is not always a natural number. For example,
2 - 4 = -s2 ...............(i) Now we divide each segment of the above number line into two
1 - 5 = -4 ...............(ii) equal parts, as given in the following diagram.
In (i) and (ii), we can observe that -2 and - 4 are not natural numbers.
This problem gave us the idea of integers. Now in integers, when we
multiply an integer by another integer, the result is also an integer.
For example,
-1 x 2 = -2............ (iii) In the figure 2.2, the number line represents the rational numbers
-2 x (-3) = 6............(iv) which are given below.

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Now we divide further each small segment of the above drawn EXERCISE 2.1
number line into two more equal parts.
1. Write “T” for a true and “F” for a false statement.
(i) Positive numbers are rational numbers.
(ii) “0” is not a rational number.
(iii) An integer is expressed in form.
In the figure 2.3, the number line represents the following rational (iv) Negative numbers are not rational numbers.
numbers. (v) In any rational number q can be zero.
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
..., - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - ,0, + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + ,... 2. Represent each rational number on the number line.
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Similarly, we can divide each segment of a number line into three, five -5 2 4 3
and even more equal parts and we can also represent any rational (i) (ii) (iii) 1 (iv) -2
2 3 5 4
number on a number line by using the above given method.

Example 1: Draw a number line and represent the rational 2.2 Operations on Rational Numbers
-10 In this section, we perform operation of addition, subtraction,
3 multiplication and division on rational numbers.
Step 1: Draw a number line as given below. 2.2.1 Addition of Rational Numbers

(a) If and are any two rational numbers with the same
denominators, then we shall add them as given below.

-10 1
Step 2: Convert to mixed fraction -3
3 3 Example 1: Simplify the following rational numbers.
Step 3: Divide the line segment of the number line between
- 4 and -3 in three equal parts and start counting from the point -3

1 Solution:
to -4 on the first part is -3 which is our required number.

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(b) If and are any two rational numbers, where q , s m 0, whose

denominators are different, then we can add them by the following
(b) Consider two rational numbers with different denomina-
tors. The different is as under:
Example 2: Find the sum of the following rational numbers.


Example 4: Simplify.

2.2.2 Subtraction of Rational Numbers

(a) Consider tow rational numbers with the same denominators.

The difference is as under:

Example 3: Simplify the following.

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2.2.3 Additive Inverse

Consider that are any two rational numbers, then

we can add them by the following method.
2.2.4 Multiplication of Rational Numbers

We can find the product of two or more rational numbers
by the given rule.
We can examine that the sum of these two rational numbers is zero. Rule: Multiply the numerator of one rational number by the
numerator of the other rational number. Similarly, multiply the
Hence, two rational numbers are called additive inverse
denominators of both rational numbers, i.e.
of each other and 0 is known as additive identity. For example,

etc. all are additive inverse of each

Example 6: Find the product of the following rational numbers.
Example 5: Write the additive inverse of the following rational

1 7 Solution:
(i) 3 (ii) - (iii)
2 4
(i) To find the additive inverse of 3, change its sign.
Additive inverse of 3 is -3
Check: 3 + (-3) = 3 - 3 = 0 2.2.5 Multiplicative Inverse
(ii) To find the additive inverse of - change its sign. Consider two rational numbers where p m 0 and

q m 0. We find their product by the following formula as under

We can notice that the product of these two rational numbers is 1.

Hence, two rational numbers are known as multiplicative
(iii) To find the additive inverse of change its sign. inverse of each other and 1 is called the multiplicative identity.
For example, 2 and , -5 and etc. all are multiplicative
inverse of each other.
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Example 7: Find the multiplicative inverse of the following rational Step 2: Multiply it by the dividend, according to the rule of
numbers. multiplication, i.e.
(i) -4

(i) -4 Example 8: Simplify:
To find the multiplicative inverse of -4 , write the numerator as
denominator and denominator as numerator.
Multiplicative inverse of -4 is

2.2.7 Finding Reciprocal of a Rational Number

• For any non-zero rational number the rational number is Consider a non-zero rational number which is made up of
called its reciprocal. two integers 3, as numerator and 7 as denominator. If we interchange
• The number 0 has no reciprocal. the integers in numerator and denominator, we get another rational
• The multiplicative inverse of a non-zero rational number is its number In general for any non-zero rational number we have
reciprocal. another non-zero rational number This number is called the
reciprocal of The number is the reciprocal of Likewise,
2.2.6 Division of Rational Numbers is the reciprocal of and is the reciprocal of

We know that division is an inverse operation of multiplication.

So, we can do the process of division in the following steps. We observe from here that if is the reciprocal of then is the
Step 1: Find the multiplicative inverse of divisor. reciprocal of In other words, and are reciprocals of each other.
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EXERCISE 2.2 2.2.8 Commutative Property

1. Find the additive inverse and multiplicative inverse of the • Commutative Property of Rational Numbers w.r.t Addition
following rational numbers. Consider that and are any two rational numbers, then
(i) -7 (ii) 23 (iii) -11 according to the commutative property of addition, we have:

(vi) 6 (vii) 1
Example 1: Prove that

2. Simplify the following.

• Commutative Property of Rational Numbers w.r.t

According to commutative property of multiplication, for any
3. Simplify: two rational numbers and we have:

Example 2: Prove that


• Properties of Rational Numbers

The rational numbers also obey commutative, associative and
distributive properties like whole numbers, fractions, integers, etc. Result: Commutative property with respect to addition and
Let us verify it with examples. multiplication holds true for rational numbers.

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2.2.9 Associative Property

• Associative Property of Rational Numbers w.r.t Addition

Consider that and are three rational numbers, then
according to the associative property of addition, we have:
Result: Associative property with respect to addition and
multiplication holds true for rational numbers.

Example 3: Prove that

2.2.10 Distributive Property of Multiplication over
Addition and Subtraction

Now again consider the three rational numbers and

then according to the distributive property:

Example 5: Prove that

• Associative Property of Rational Numbers w.r.t Multiplication
According to associative property of multiplication, for any
three rational numbers and we have:

Example 4: Prove that


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• Case II: Different Denominators

Example 7: Put the correct sign > or < between the following
pairs of rational numbers.


Write other two rational numbers from the given rational numbers
2.3.11 Comparison of Rational Numbers such that their denominators must be equal.

We have studied the comparison of integers and fractions in

our previous class. Similarly, we can compare the rational numbers
by using the same rules for comparison. We shall make it clear with Now compare the numerators of rational numbers with the same
examples. denominators.

• Case I: Same Denominators

Example 6: Compare the following pairs of rational numbers.

By making their denominators equal

Now compare the numerators of rational numbers with the same

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2.3.12 Arranging Rational Numbers in Orders Step 3: Compare the numerators 3, 8 and 1 and rearrange the
rational numbers in ascending order.
We can also arrange the given rational numbers in ascending 1<3<8
order (lowest to highest) and in descending order (highest to lowest)
in the following steps.
Step 1: Find the L.C.M of the denominators of given rational numbers.
Step 2: Rewrite the rational numbers with a common denominator. Thus, arranging in ascending order, we get
Step 3: Compare the numerators and arrange the rational numbers
in ascending or descending order. EXERCISE 2.3

Example 8: Arrange the rational numbers in 1. Put the correct sign > , < or = between the following pairs of rational
descending order. numbers.
Step 1: The L.C.M of denominators 2, 3 and 8 is 24.
Step 2: Rewrite the rational numbers with a common denominator

Step 3: Compare the numerators 12, 16 and 21 and rearrange the 2. Arrange the following rational numbers in descending order.
rational numbers in descending order.
21 > 16 > 12
3. Arrange the following rational numbers in ascending order.

Thus, arranging in descending order, we get 4. Prove that:

Example 9: Arrange the rational numbers in

ascending order.
Step 1: The L.C.M of denominators 4, 3 and 12 is 12.
Step 2: Rewrite the rational numbers with a common denominator

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Review EXERCISE 2 5. Find the additive and multiplicative inverse of the following
rational numbers.
1. Answer the following questions. (i) -14
(i) Define a rational number.
(ii) Write the additive inverse of the rational numbers “a”. 6. Put the correct sign > or < between the following pairs of
(iii) What is the reciprocal of the rational number q m 0? rational numbers.

(iv) Write the sum of two rational numbers and q,
r m 0?
(v) What is the rule to find the product of two rational
numbers? 7. Solve the following.
(vi) What are the inverse operations of addition and

2. Fill in the blanks.

(i) The________ consists of fractions as well as integers.
(ii) The rational numbers and are called____ inverse of 8. Simplify the following.
each other.
(iii) A number that can be expressed in the form of where
p and q are integers and q m? 0 is called the________
(iv) 0 is called additive identity whereas 1 is called ________
identity. 9. Prove that:
(v) The rational number 0 has no ________ .
(vi) The ________ inverse of a rational number is its reciprocal.

3. Tick (p) the correct answer.

4. Draw the number lines and represent the following rational • Every integer can be divided by another non-zero integer, the
numbers. number obtained is called a rational number and is written
symbolically as .

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• Addition of rational numbers with:

Same denominators. Different denominators.

• Subtraction of rational numbers with:

Same denominators. Different denominators.

• To find the product of two rational numbers, multiply the

numerator of one rational number by the numerator of the other.
Similarly, multiply the denominators.

• Division is an inverse operation of multiplication. So, for any two

rational numbers.

• 0 is called additive identity and 1 is called multiplicative identity.

• is called the reciprocal of

• If are two rational numbers, then according to the

commutative property:

• If and are three rational numbers, then according to the

associative property.

• Now again consider the three rational numbers and

then according to the distributive property:

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3 Decimals

Animation 1.1: Introduction to Decimals

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3. Decimals eLearn.Punjab 3. Decimals eLearn.Punjab

Student Learning Outcomes

3.1 Conversion of Decimals to Rational
After studying this unit, students will be able to:
• Convert decimals to rational numbers.
We take the following steps to convert decimals to rational
• Define terminating decimals as decimals having a finite number
of digits after the decimal point.
Step 1: Write “1” below the decimal point.
• Define recurring decimals as non-terminating decimals in which a
Step 2: Add as many zeros as the digits after the decimal point.
single digit or a block of digits repeats itself an infinite number of
Step 3: Reduce the rational number to the lowest form.
times after decimals point (e.g. = 0.285714285714285714....)
• Use the following rule to find whether a given rational number is
Example 1: Convert 0.12 to a Example 2: Convert 2.55 to a
terminating or not.
rational number. rational number.
• Rule: If the denominator of a rational number in standard form
has no prime factor other than 2, 5 or 2 and 5, then and only then Solution: Solution:
the rational number is a terminating decimal.
• Express a given rational number as a decimal and indicate whether
it is terminating or recurring.
• Get an approximate value of a number, called rounding off, to a
desired number of decimal places.

In the previous classes, we have learnt that a decimal consists of Example 3: Convert -1.375 to a rational number.
two parts, i.e. a whole number part and a decimal part. To separate
these parts in a number, we place a dot between them which is Solution:
known as the decimal point.
Do you Know
Decimal point

The word “decimal” has been

deduced from a latin word
“decimus” which means the tenth.

Whole number part Decimal part

So, we can define a decimal; a number with a decimal point is called

a decimal.
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EXERCISE 3.1 Example 1: Express each rational number as a decimal.

1. Convert the following decimals into rational numbers.

(i) 0.36 (ii) 0.75 (iii) –0.125
(iv) –6.08 (v) 6.46 (vi) 15.25 Solution:
(vii) 8.125 (viii) –0.00625 (ix) –0.268

3.2 Terminating and Non-Terminating


Decimals can be classified into two classes.

(i) Terminating Decimals (ii) Non-terminating Decimals

3.2.1 Terminating Decimals

Look at the conversion of rational numbers into

In the above example, we observe that after a finite number 3.2.2 Non-Terminating Decimals
of steps, we obtain a zero as remainder. Such rational numbers, for
which long division terminates after a finite number of steps, can In some cases while converting a rational number into
be expressed in decimal form with finite decimal places and these a decimal, division never ends. Such decimals are called non-
decimals are called terminating decimals which can be defined as; termination decimals as shown in the following examples.
“A decimal in which the number of digits after the decimal point is
finite, is called a terminating decimal.”
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3.2.3 Rule to find whether a given rational is

So, we can define a non-terminating decimal as; terminating or not
“A decimal in which the number of digits after the decimal point are
infinite, is called a non-terminating decimal”. We have learnt that the division process terminates for some
From the above examples, it can also be observed that a single digit rational numbers and does not terminate for certain other rational
or a block of digits repeats itself an infinite number of times after the numbers.
decimal point in such decimals. i.e. • Terminating Decimals
• In 0.3333..., the digit 3 repeats itself an infinite number for times.
• In 0.2727..., the block of digits 27 repeats itself an infinite number
of times. • Non-terminating Decimals
• In 0.1666..., the digit 6 repeats itself an infinite number of times.
The non-termination decimals in which a single digit or a block of
digits repeats itself infinite number of times after the decimal point From the above examples, it can be observed that a rational number
are also called recurring decimals. can be expressed as a terminating decimal if its denominator has
only prime factors 2 and 5, otherwise it is a non-terminating decimal.
Example 2: Change the rational numbers into non-terminating
So, we can use the following rule to find whether the given rational
number is terminating or not.

Rule: If the denominator of a rational number in standard form has
no prime factor other than 2, 5 or 2 and 5, then and only then the
rational number is a terminating decimal.

Example 3: Without actual division, separate terminating and

non-terminating decimals.
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is a non-terminating decimal because its denominator is 7.
is a terminating decimal because its denominator has prime
factors 2 x 2 x 2 = 8

20 20 ÷ 2 10
Write in the standard form of the given rational number.
= =
6 6÷2 3
is a non-terminating decimal because the denominator of its
standard form is 3.

25 3.3 Approximate Values
45 45 ÷ 5 9
The standard form of= = .
25 25 ÷ 5 5 Whenever we come across the non-terminating decimals, it
45 is very difficult to solve the problems without the help of a calculator.
is a terminating decimal because the denominator of its standard
25 Even calculators also have limitations. Therefore, in order to solve
form is 5. such kinds of problems, we round off the decimals.
• Round off
3.2.4 Expressing a Rational Number as a Decimal to
Here the term round off is used to leave the digits after the decimal
indicate whether it is Terminating or Recurring
point. The following are the steps to round off a decimal.
Example 4: Express the rational numbers as decimals. Also Step 1: Decide how many digits we need after the decimal point.
separate terminating and recurring decimals. Step 2: Drop the remaining digits off, if the The symbol “c“
first most digit we want to leave is less than means “approximately
5. And if it is 5 or more, then add 1 to the equal to”.
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required last digit before dropping the remaining digits. 2. Express the following rational numbers in terminating decimals.
It will be easier for us to understand this method with some examples
which are given below.

Example 4: Round off the following decimals up to:

(a) 3-decimal places
(b) 2-decimal places 3. Express the following rational numbers in non-terminating
(i) 2.3427 (ii) 4.7451 (iii) 1.5349 decimals up to three decimal places.

Solution: (i) 2.3427
(a) The digit next to 3-decimal places is 7 (greater than 5). So, we
increase the digit 2 by one. i.e. 2.3427 c 2.343
(b) The digit next to 2-decimal places is 2 (less than 5). So, we ignore 4. Round off the following decimals up to three decimal places.
the remaining digits without any change. i.e. 2.3427 c 2.34
(ii) 4.7451
(a) The digit next to 3-decimal places is 1 (less than 5). So, we
ignore the remaining digits without any change. i.e. Review Exercise 3
4.7451 c 4.745
(b) The digit next to 2-decimal places is 5 (equal to 5). So, we 1. Answer the following questions.
increase the digit 4 by one. i.e. 4.7451 c 4.75 (i) Define the terminating decimals.
(iii) 1.5349 (ii) Write the names of two classes of decimals.
(a) The digit next to 3-decimal places is 9 (greater than 5). So, we (iii) Which of the non-terminating decimals are called
increase the digit 4 by one. i.e. 1.5349 c 1.535 recurring decimal?
(b) The digit next to 2-decimal places is 4 (less than 5). So, we (iv) How many digits after a decimal point show a non-
ignore the remaining digits without any change. i.e. terminating decimal?
1.5349 c 1.53 (v) Write the rule to find whether a given rational number is
terminating or not.
EXERCISE 3.2 (vi) What is meant by the term round off in decimals?

1. Without actual division, separate the terminating and 2. Fill in the blanks.
non-terminating decimals. (i) A ________ decimal may be recurring or non-recurring.
(ii) Two parts of decimal number separated by a dot is called
the ________ .
(iii) In terminating decimals, division ________ after a finite
number of steps.
Version 1.1 Version 1.1
10 11
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
3. Decimals eLearn.Punjab

(iv) In decimals, the term round off is used to leave the digits
after the ________ .
(v) A fraction will be terminating if the ________ has 2 or 5 or
both as factors.

3. Tick (p) the correct answer.

4. Convert the following decimals into rational numbers.

(i) 0.375 (ii) 0.25 (iii) 0.5 (iv) 4.75
(v) 0.79 (vi) 1.29 (vii) 2.34

5. Convert the following into decimal fractions and identify

terminating and non-terminating fractions.

4 11 8 1
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
5 12 9 7
22 21 3
(v) (vi) (vii)
7 6 10
6. Round off the following up to 2-decimal places.
(i) 4.5723 (ii) 107.328 (iii) 5.7395
(iv) 6.7982 (v) 25.4893


• Every decimal with finite digits after the decimal point is called a
terminating decimal.
• A terminating decimal represents a rational number.
• A decimal with infinite digits after a decimal point is called a
non-terminating decimal.
• A non terminating decimal may be recurring or non-recurring.
• Decimals can be reduced by rounding off the digits after the
decimal point.
• A fraction will be terminating if the denominator in standard form
has 2 or 5 or both as factors.
Version 1.1
Version 1.1



Animation 4.1: Exponents

Source & Credit: elearn.punjab
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab 4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab

Student Learning Outcomes Similarly,

• 11×11 can be written as 112. We read it as 11 to the power of 2
After studying this unit, students will be able to: where 11 is the base and 2 is the exponent.
• Identify base, exponent and value. From the above examples we can conclude that if a number “a” is
• Use rational numbers to deduce laws of exponents. multiplied with itself n –1 times, then the product will be an, i.e.
• Product Law: an = a x a x a x ...................x a (n-1 times multiplications of “a” with
when bases are same but exponents are different: itself)
am x an = am+n We read it as “a to the power of n”or “nth power of a”where “a” is the

when bases are different but exponents are same: base and “n” is the exponent.
an x bn = (ab)n Example 1: Express each of the following in exponential form.
• Quotient Law: (i) (-3)x(-3)x(-3) (ii) 2x2x2x2x2x2x2
when bases are same but exponents are different:
1 1 1 1  -7   -7 
(iii)  × × ×  (iv)  × 
when bases are different but exponents are same: 4 4 4 4  12   12 
(i) (-3)x(-3)x(-3)=(-3)3
(ii) 2x2x2x2x2x2x2=(2)7
• Power Law: (am)n = amn
For zero exponent: a0 = 1 1 1 1 1 1
 -7   -7   -7 

For exponent as negative integer: (iii)   ×   ×   ×   =

  (iv)  ×  =  
4 4 4 4 4  12   12   12 
• Demonstrate the concept of power of integer that is (–a)n when n Example 2: Identify the base and exponent of each number.
is even or odd integer.
 x
 -7  a

• Apply laws of exponents to evaluate expressions. (i) 1325 (ii)   (iii) am (iv) (- 426)11 (v)   (vi)  - 
 11  b  y
Solution: 9
4.1 Exponents/Indices (i) 13 25  7
(ii)  -  (iii) am
 11 
base = 13
base = a
4.1.1 Identification of Base, Exponent and Value -7
exponent = 25 base = exponent = m
We have studied in our previous class that the repeated exponent = 9
multiplication of a number can be written in short form, using n
 -x 
exponent. For example, (iv) (-426)11 (v)   (vi)

 
• 7 × 7 × 7 can be written as 73.
base = - 426 b  y 
The exponent of a number indicates a -x
We read it as 7 to the power exponent = 11 base = base =
us, how many times a number (base) b y
of 3 where 7 is the base and exponent = n exponent = t
is multiplied with itself.
3 is the exponent or index.
Version 1.1 Version 1.1
2 3
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab 4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab

Example 3: Write the following in the simplest form. 3. Prove that:

(i) (5)3 = 125 (ii) (-1)11 = -1 (iii) (-3)5 = -243
 -1 
2 4
(i) (-5)3
(ii)   (iii)  
3  4 
 -2 
2 3 6
3 9  1 1 64
Solution: (iv)   = (v) -
  =
- (vi)   =
2 2 2 7 49  8 512  3  729
(i) (-5)3 = (-5) x (-5) x (-5) (ii)  = ×
 4  -64
4 3 4
= (+25) x (-5)  
3 3 3 1 1 2 16
(vii)   = (viii)  -  = (xi)   =
= -125 2× 2 4  10  10000  3 27  5  625
= =
Thus, (-5)3 = -125 3× 3 9 4. Express each rational number using an exponent.

2 4 (i) 121 (ii) 81 (iii) -625
Thus,   =
3 9
1 8 1
 -1   1   1   1   1 
(iv) (v) (vi) -
 = - ×- ×- ×- 
(iii)  1000 343 32
   4  4  4  4
-1 × -1 × -1 × -1 1
= = 4.2 Laws of Exponents/Indices
4× 4× 4× 4 256
 -1 
1 Exponents are used in solving many problems, so it is important
Thus,   =
 4  256 that we understand the laws for working with exponents. Let us
discuss these laws one by one, and see some examples.
4.2.1 Using Rational Numbers to Deduce Laws of
1. Identify the exponent and base in each of the following. Exponents
(i) (-1)9 (ii) 2100 (iii) (-19)22 (iv) 3-5
 -6 
2 • Product Law
(v) (ab)n (vi)   (vii) a-mn
(viii)  
 11  9 • When bases are same but exponents are different
b Consider the following examples
 p
 1
 11  23 x 22 = (2 x 2 x 2) x (2 x 2)
(ix)  q  -  (x)
(xi)  y  (xii)  
   x    13  = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
2. Express each of the following in exponential form. = 25
From the above, we can notice that the same result can be obtained
-3 -3 -3 -3
(i) 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 (ii) × × × by adding the exponents of two numbers.
7 7 7 7 23 x 22 = 23+2 = 25
1 1 1 Similarly,
(iii) p x p x p x p x p (iv) × ×
10 10 10
 -3   -3   -3   -3   -3   -3   -3   -3   -3 
2 2
(v) xy x xy x xy (vi) 31 x 31 x 31 x 31 x 31
  ×  =  × × × × × × 
(vii) (-a) x (-a) x (-a) x (-a) x (-a) x (-a) x (-a)  4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4 
Version 1.1 Version 1.1
4 5
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab 4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab

(i) 53 x 54
 -3 

=  = 53+4 = 57
[a am x an = am+n]

 4 
(ii) (-3)3 x (-2)3
Again use the short method to find the result.
= [(-3) x (-2)]3 = [6]3
[a an x bn = (ab)n]
 -3   -3   -3   -3 
2 5 7

  ×  =   =    -1   2 
2 2
 4   4   4   4  (iii)   × 
From the above examples, we can deduce the following law:   3
“While multiplying two rational numbers with the same base, we  -1   2  
=   ×    [  a n × bn =
(ab) n ]
add their exponents but the base remains unchanged, i.e. for any
 4   3  
number “a” with exponents m and n, this law is written as,
 -1 × 2   -1 
2 2

am x an = am+n
4 × 3   6 

• When bases are different but exponents are same
 -3   -3 
3 4
We know that
(iv)   ×  a m+ n ]
[ am × an =
23 x 53 =(2 x 2 x 2) x (5 x 5 x 5)  2   2 
= (2x5) x (2x5) x (2x5) 3+ 4
 -3   -3 

= (2x5)3 = =
  
Similarly,  2   2 
 -1   3   -1   -1   -1    3   3   3  
3 3

  ×   =   ×   ×    ×   ×   ×    1. Simplify the using the laws of exponent into the exponential

 4   4   4   4   4    4   4   4   form.
 1 3  1 3  1 3  1 3
= - ×  ×  - ×  ×  - ×  = - ×  3 2
 4 4  4 4  4 4  4 4 2 2
(i) (-4)5 x (-4)6 (ii) m3 x m4
(iii)   ×  
From the above examples, we can deduce the following law: 7 7
“While multiplying two rational numbers having the same exponent, 4 5 3 3
1 1 2 5
the product of the two bases is written with the given exponent.” (iv)   ×   (v) p10 x q10
(vi)   ×  
 10   10  5 7
Suppose two rational numbers are “a” and “b” with exponent “n”
 -1   -1 
6 5 10 7
then, 2 2
(vii)   ×   (viii) (-3) x (-5) (ix)   ×  
7 7

an x bn = (ab)n  2   2  3 3

Example: Simplify the following expressions.  -10   -10 
7 6 8
 11   21 

(i) 53 x 54
(ii) (-3)3 x (-2)3 (x)   ×  (xi)   ×  
 11   11   7   22 
 -1   2   -3   -3   -x   -x 
2 2 3 4

(iii)   ×  (iv)   ×  (xii)  × 

  3
4    2 
2    y 
Version 1.1 Version 1.1
6 7
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab 4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab

2. Verify the following by using the laws of exponent.

(i) (3 x 5)4 = 34 x 54 (ii) (7 x 9)8 = 78 x 98 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 24
= = = 24 ÷ 34

(iii) (2)6 x (2)3 = 29 (iv) (x x y)m = xm ym 3× 3× 3× 3 3 4

(iv) (8)5 x (8)7 = (8)12 (v) (p)r x (p)s = pr+s
• Quotient Law
• When bases are same but exponents are different x x x x x x

Consider the following.   =  × × × × 

 y   y   y   y   y   y 
27 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 x × x × x × x × x x5
= = = = x 5
÷ y 5
2× 2× 2
y × y × y × y × y y

= 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 24 Thus, this law can be written as:
Let us find the same quotient by another way.
For any two rational numbers “a ” and “b”, where b ≠ 0 and “n” is their
exponent, then,
27 7 -3 a
= 2= 24 a ÷b =
n n
2 3
 
Similarly, b
Example: Simplify.
 -2   -2   -2   -2   -2 
 × × × × 
 -2   -2   3   3   3   3   3 
5 2
7 4 9 2
  ÷  = (i) 9 '3
 3  3
(ii)  -  ÷  - 
3 3
(iii)   ÷  
 -2   -2 
8 8
 3   3 
 ×   11   11  7 7
 3   3 
(iv) (14)11 ' (63)11
 -2   -2   -2   -2 

=  × ×  =   Solution:

 3   3   3   3  7 4
According to the short method that we used for finding the quotient:  3  3
(i) 98 ' 38 (ii) -  ÷- 
5 2 5- 2 3  11   11 
 2  2  2  2
-  ÷-  = -  = - 
 -3 
 3
 3  3  3  3 =  =- m- n
=  = 38  a ÷ b=     a ÷ a =a
n n m n

Thus, from the above examples we can suggest another law; 3 b  11   11 
“The division of two rational numbers with the same base can be 9- 2 2
3 3
performed by subtracting their exponents”. Suppose ‘a’ is the base (iii)   ÷  (iv) (14)11 ' (63)11
7 7
of any two rational numbers with exponents ‘m’ and ‘n’ such that
9- 2 7 11 11 n
a ≠ 0 and m > n, then, 3 3  14  2 a
a n a m- n=  =
=  =    a m ÷ =     a n ÷=
bn  
am ' an = am-n 7 7  63  9 b
• When bases are different but exponents are same
We know that: 4
2 2 2 2 2
  =  × × × 
3 3 3 3 3
Version 1.1 Version 1.1
8 9
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab 4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab

EXERCISE 4.3 32 3 × 3
1. Simplify = = 1
32 3 × 3
(i) 27 ' 22
(ii) (-9)11 ' (-9)8 (iii) (3)4 ' (5)4 This can also be written as 32-2 = 30 = 1
(iv) (m)3 ' (n)3
(v) (a)7 ' (a)2 (vi) (b)p ' (b)q Similarly,
( - 2) 4 ( - 2) × ( - 2) × ( - 2) × ( - 2)
= = 1
7 2 15 11 ( - 2) 4 ( - 2) × ( - 2) × ( - 2) × ( - 2)
3 3 1 1

(vii)   ÷   (viii)   ÷   (ix) (2)5 ' (3)5 This can also be written as (-2)4-4 = (-2)0 = 1.
4 4 6 6
Thus, we can define this law as:
 -3   -3   p  p Any non-zero rational number with zero exponent is equal to 1.
17 8

(x)   ÷   (xi) (x) ' (y) (xii)   ÷  

a a

 10   10  Suppose “a” be any non-zero rational number with exponent “0”,

q q
2. Prove that then a0 = 1
• Negative Exponents
 -4 
3 Look at the pattern given below.
(i) 2 ÷7 =
  (ii)
( - 4) ÷ (5) =
  (iii) 3 ' 3 = 3
3 8 7
102 = 10 x 10
7  5 
101 = 10
 -21   -21   -21 
6 7 3 4
a 100 = 1
(iv) a ÷ b =
  (v)  ÷  = 
6 6
 
b  22   22   22  10-1 =
 -9   -9   -9 
5 4

(vi)   ÷  =   1 1
10-2 = × =
1 1
= 2
 13   13   13 
10 10 10 × 10 10
• Power Law ...................................................
We have studied that am × an = am+n. Let us use this law to simplify ...................................................
an expression (3 ) . 4 2

-m 1 1
(3 )
4 2
= 34
x 34
=10 =
 -1 7   -1 7 = -314+47= 38 is the same as 34x2
10 × 10 × ⋅⋅⋅× 10(m times) 10m
 =   expression  ×  using  1
We solve   2 another
   2   2  the same law. In general, it can be written as; a - m =
 
7+7 7×2 am
 -1   -1   -1 

= =
    is also the same as   We can also deduce this law from am x an = am+n. Suppose n = -m,
 2   2   2  then we will get,
Thus, from the above examples, we can deduce that the base a m × a - m =a m-m ⇒ a m × a - m =a 0 ⇒ a m × a - m =1  a 0 =1
remains the same with a new exponent equal to the product of the Divided by am on both sides.
two exponents, that is: (am)n = amxn = amn am × a-m 1 -m 1
= ⇒ a =
• Zero Exponent am am am
By the quotient law, we know that anything divided by itself is 1 Thus, we have another law:
as shown below.
Version 1.1 Version 1.1
10 11
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab 4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab

Any non-zero number raised to any negative power is equal to its (ii)  -2  -4 (iii)  a  -6
reciprocal raised to the opposite positive power. i.e.    
 5   -b 
a-m = 1 -m 1 1 1
am = =  a = =  a -m

 -2 
am  a 
   
p  5   -b 
If is a non-zero rational number, then according to the above
( - b)6  -b 
 -5 
4 4
q 1 54  5  1
 p
1 1 pm  p 
= = = =  or   = =  
given law, we have:  = = = = ( - 2) ( - 2)  -2 
4 4
 2  a6 a6  a 
q  p
pm q m  q  ( - b) 6
q q m
   -2 
 -5 
 a   -b 
-6 6

-m m Thus,   =   Thus,   =  
Thus,    p  5   2   -b   a 
q = 
  q
4.2.2 Demonstration of the concept of Power of an
Example 1: Express the following as a single exponent.
2 6
 -2 3   1 5  We know that when we multiply a negative number by itself, it
(i) (34)5
(ii)    (iii)   
Solution:  3    7   gives a positive result because minus time minus is plus. For example,
2 6 (-3) x (-3) = (-3)2 = +9 (-5) x (-5) = (-5)2 = +25
 -2 3   1 5 
(i) (34)5 a(am)n = amn (ii)     (a ) = a (iii)     (a m ) n = a mn
m n mn
But do you know it happens to all even exponents that can be seen
 3    7  
in the pattern given below.
= 34x5  -2   -2 
1 1
3×2 6 5×6 30

= =
= =     
= 320  3   3 
7 7 (-2)2 = (-2) x (-2) = +4 .................................................................... (even)
Example 2: Change the following negative exponents into (-2)3 = (-2) x (-2) x (-2) = -8 .............................................................. (odd)
positive exponents. (-2)4 = (-2) x (-2) x (-2) x (-2) = +16 ................................................ (even)
-3 -4 -6
(-2)5 = (-2) x (-2) x (-2) x (-2) x (-2) = -32 ........................................ (odd)
(i) 3 (ii)  -2  (iii)  a  (-2)6 = (-2) x (-2) x (-2) x (-2) x (-2) x (-2) = +64 ............................. (even)
     
4  5   -b 
Solution: (i) 3 From the above it can also be noticed that a negative number with
 

4 an odd exponent gives a negative result. So, we can explain it as:
1 1
= = 3
 a-m
3 am Let “a” be any positive rational number and “n” be any non-zero
 
integer, than according to this law:
3 -3 3
1 43  4  3 4
= = = =  Thus,    
33 3 33  3  4 3
Version 1.1 Version 1.1
12 13
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab 4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab

• If “n” is an even integer, then (–a)n is positive. EXERCISE 4.4

• If “n” is an odd integer, then (–a)n is negative.
1. Express the following as single exponents.
4.2.3 Applying Laws of Exponent to Evaluate (i) (23)5
(ii) (102)2
(iii) (-34)5
Expressions (iv) (p2)3
(v) (-m7)4
(vi) (x a)b

Example 3: Simplify and express the result in the simple form. 3 6 n

 -1 3   2 3   p  m 
(vii)    (viii)    (ix)   
-3 3
 2 3 3
5 -5  3    9    q  
(i) (47 ' 45) x 22 (ii)   ×   ×   ×   2. Change the following negative exponents into positive
5 5 5 5
-1 exponents.
 -2   -2 
 -2  2 
(i) (12)-3
(ii) (-a)-2
(iii) (100)-5
(iii)   ×   ×   
 7   7   7  
-4 -9 -b
Solution: 2  -1  x
(iv)   (v)   (vi)  
3  10   y
 -2   -
2   -2  2 
3. Evaluate the following expressions.
(i) (47 ' 45) x 22 (iii)   ×   ×   
 7   7   7   (i) (12)3 x (23)2
(ii) [(-3)7]0 x [(-3)2]2
= 47-5 x 22 5+ (2) 2×(-1)
= 42 x 22 aam ' an ==
am-n  -2   -2   am × an = a m+ n 3
 -3 0   -3  2 
  ×   23 
= (4 x 2) 2
aa x b = (ab)
n n n  7   7  (a m ) n = a mn
(iii)    ×    (iv)  6 
  4    4    2 ÷ 23 
= 82 = 64 -2
 -2   -2 

-3 3 = -5 5   × 
2  2 3 3  7   7  -3 -6 -5
(ii)   ×   ×   ×    -2   -2 
1 1
5 5 5 5 3+ (- 2)   ×    × 
 -2  (v)
2 2 (vi)
 9   9 
5+(-5) =    a m × a n a m+ n
= -5 4 -4
+  a m+ n
 a × an =  7  1 3 3
  × 
   
5 5 3- 2 2 2 2
 -2  -2
 2 3
0 0
= =  1

  +   7  7       × 
5 5   3 3
-  3 -6 (viii) -4 -4
1+1 2 =
a 1 0
1 1 2 2
      × 

3 3 3 3
-3 -2 -3 -4
 -1 
3 0
2 2 2 1 1
(ix)   ×   ×   (x)   +  + 
3 3 3  2  3 4

Version 1.1 Version 1.1

14 15
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab 4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab

Review Exercise 4 5. Use the laws of exponents to find the value of x.

1. Answer the following questions. 5

 3  2  3x
(i) What is meant by the exponent of a number? (i) [(-7)3]6 = 7x (ii)    = x
 4   4
(ii) What is the product law with the same base?
(iii) Define the power law of exponent.  13  4  13x 5 5
11 8x

(iii)    4 = x (iv)   ×   =
 
 8   8 3 3 3
(iv) What is the reciprocal of ?
2 9 2 x-1
2 2 2
q (v)   ÷  =
 
9 9 9
2. Fill in the blanks.
6. Simplify and write the answer in simple form.
(i) 5×5×5×5 can be written in exponential form as _________.
(ii) an x bn = __________ . 2
 -3  2  -3 3   -3  2 
(iii) an ' bn = ___________. (i)   ×    ÷   
(iv) Any non-zero rational number with __________ exponent  4   4    4  
equals to 1.
3 4
 5   5    5  
10 2 4
(ii)   ×    ÷   
(v) (-a)n is positive, if ‘n’ is an _______ integer.  19   19    19  
(vi) _________ is read as ‘nth power of a’. 5 2
 18 3  18  2   18  2 
(iii)   ÷    ÷   
 11   11    11  
3. Tick (p) the correct answer. 8 5
 -4  2   -4 3   -4 
(iv)    ÷    ×  
 9    9    9 
2 3
 1 3   1 6   1  25
(v)    ×    ÷  
 10    10    10 

4. Find the value of:
• The exponent of a number indicates us how many times a number
(base) is multiplied with itself.
(i) (4)-3 (ii) (-5)4 (iii) (2)-9
• While multiplying two rational numbers with the same base,
-5 we add their exponents but the base remains unchanged. i.e.
 -1 
3 2
 3  11 
(iv)   (v)   (vi) -   am × an = a m+n
 3   10   13  • While multiplying two rational numbers having same exponent,
the product of two bases is written with the given exponent. i.e.
an × bn = (ab)n

Version 1.1 Version 1.1

16 17
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
4. Exponents eLearn.Punjab

• The division of two rational numbers with the same base can be
performed by subtracting their exponents. i.e. am'an = am–n
• To raise a power to another power, we just write the product of
two exponents with the same base. i.e. (am)n = amn
• Any non-zero rational number with zero exponent equals to 1,
i.e. a0 = 1
• Any non-zero rational number with a negative exponent equals to

-m 1
its reciprocal with the same but positive exponent. i.e. a =
• (-a)n is positive, if n is an even integer and (-a)n is negative, if n is
an odd integer.

Version 1.1
version: 1.1


1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab 5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab

Student Learning Outcomes Thus, the square of a number can be defined as:
“The product of a number with itself is called its square.”
After studying this unit, students will be able to:
5.1.1 Perfect Squares
• Define a perfect square.
• Test whether a number is a perfect square or not. A natural number is called a perfect square, if it is the square
• Identify and apply the following properties of perfect square of a of any natural number. To make it clear, let us find the squares of
number. some natural numbers.
• The square of an even number is even. 12 = 1 x 1 = 1 62 = 6 x 6 = 36
• The square of an odd number is odd. 22 = 2 x 2 = 4 72 = 7 x 7 = 49
• The square of a proper fraction is less than itself. 32 = 3 x 3 = 9 82 = 8 x 8 = 64
• The square of a decimal less than 1 is smaller than the decimal. 42 = 4 x 4 = 16 92 = 9 x 9 = 81
• Define the square root of a natural number and recognize its 52 = 5 x 5 = 25 102 = 10 x 10 =100 and so on
• Find square root, by division method and factorization method Here, “1 is the square of 1”, “4 is the square of 2”, “9 is the square of
of a 3” and so on. It can be noticed that all these are natural numbers.
• Natural number, So, these are perfect squares which can be represented by drawing
• Fraction, dots in squares.
• Decimal,
Which are perfect squares.
• Solve real life problems involving square roots.

5.1 Introduction

In previous classes, we have learnt that the area of a square

can be calculated by multiplying its length by itself as shown below. When we have a number of rows equal to number of dots in a row,
Area of the square = length × length then it shows a perfect square.
= x × x
= x2 5.1.2 To Test whether a number is a Perfect Square
It means x2 is an area of a square whose side or not
length is x or simply
we can say that “x2 is the square of x”. i.e. To check whether a given number is a perfect square or not,
The square of x = x2 write the number as a product of its prime factors, if all the factors
can be grouped in pairs, then the given number is a perfect square.
version: 1.1
version: 1.1
2 3
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab 5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab

Example 1: Check whether the following numbers are perfect Notice that the squares of all even numbers are even numbers.
squares or not.
(i) 3969 (ii) 6084 (iii) 3872 • The square of an odd number is odd
Solution: Now we find the square of some odd numbers.
(i) 3969 12 = 1 x 1 = 1 32 = 3 x 3 = 9
52 = 5 x 5 = 25 72 = 7 x 7 = 49
The prime factors of 3969 =
92 = 9 x 9 =81 112 = 11 x 11 = 121
We can see that each factor forms a pair. Hence,
3969 is a perfect square. Hence, the squares of all odd numbers are also odd numbers.

(ii) 6084 Example 2: Without solving, separate the perfect squares of even
The prime factors of 6084 = numbers and odd numbers
(i) 3481 (ii) 2704 (iii) 49284 (iv) 12321
Here, each factor of 6084 forms a pair. So, it is a
perfect square. (i) 3481
The square of an odd number is also odd.
Q 3481 is the square of an odd number.

(iii) 3872 (ii) 2704

The square of an even number is also even.
The prime factors of 3872 = Q 2704 is the square of an even number.
We can see that 2 is a factor which cannot be paired (iii) 49284
with any equal factor. So, 3872 is not a perfect square. The square of an even number is also even.
Q 49284 is the square of an even number.
(iv) 12321
5.1.3 Properties of Perfect Squares of Numbers The square of an odd number is also odd.
Q 12321 is the square of an odd number.
There are some interesting properties about perfect squares.
Let us discuss some of them. • The square of a proper fraction is less than itself
• The square of an even number is even To square a fraction, we multiply the numerator by itself and do the
We know that natural numbers can be divided into two groups: same for the denominator.
even numbers and odd numbers. Look at the squares of the even
numbers given below.
22 = 2 x 2 = 4 42 = 4 x 4 = 16
62 = 6 x 6 = 36 82 = 8 x 8 = 64 Now let us compare the fraction with its square by using the
102 = 10 x 10 = 100 122 = 12 x 12 = 144 method of cross multiplication.
version: 1.1
version: 1.1
4 5
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab 5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab

4. Find the squares of proper fractions. Also compare them with

From the above it can be observed that the square of a proper
3 5 4 1
fraction is less than itself ,i.e. . Similarly, (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
4 6 11 7
5. Find the squares of decimals and compare them with itself.
(i) 0.4 (ii) 0.6 (iii) 0.12 (iv) 0.05

5.2 Square Roots

• The square of a decimal less than 1 is smaller than the decimal 5.2.1 Defining square root of a natural number and
To find the square of a decimal, we can use the following method. recognizing its notation

The process of finding the square root is an opposite operation

Is 0.09 smaller than 0.3 or greater? Certainly, 0.09 is smaller than of “squaring a number”. To understand it, again we find some perfect
0.3.i.e.0.09 < 0.3, squares.
22 = 4(2 squared is 4)
52 = 25( 5 squared is 25)
Again 0.0004 is smaller than 0.02 i.e. 0.0004 < 0.02. 72 = 49(7 squared is 49)
It means the square of a decimal less than ‘1’ is always smaller than
the given decimal. These equations can also be read as, “2 is the square root of 4”,
EXERCISE 5.1 “5 is the square root of 25” and “7 is the square root of 49”.
Similarly, we can find the square root of any square number.
1. Find the squares of the following numbers. For this purpose, we use the symbol “ “ to represent a square
(i) 6 (ii) 5 (iii) 10 (iv) 7
root, i.e. x = x where “ “ is called redical sign. Here, x2 is
(v) 13 (vi) 8 (vi) 41 (vii) 19
called redicand.
(ix) 100 (x) 9 (xi) 11 (xii) 25
If x is any number that can be written in the form of x = y2, then
2. Test whether the following numbers are perfect squares
x is called the square of y and y itself is called the square root of x.
or not.
(i) 59 (ii) 625 (iii) 225 (iv) 196
5.2.2 Finding square roots by prime factorization
(v) 425 (vi) 81 (vi) 121 (vii) 2500
3. Without solving, separate the perfect squares of even and odd
We have learnt that:
(i) 441 (ii) 144 (iii) 2401 (iv) 6561
(v) 2025 (vi) 11236 (vi) 7569 (vii) 12544 version: 1.1
version: 1.1

6 7
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab 5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab

If a, b be any two numbers, • Take square root on both sides.

The square root of 4 is, =
4 =
22 2 then 900= 2 × 2 × 3× 3× 5× 5

(i) a × b = a× b Write them as a pair of prime factors of a perfect square.
The square root of 9 is, =
9 =
32 2
The square root of 25 is, =
25 =
52 2 a a
(ii) = 900 = 2 × 2 × 3× 3 × 5× 5
b b
= 22 × 32 × 52
and so on. But in case of large perfect squares, it becomes more
difficult for us to guess their square roots. To solve this problem, we Write the square root of each perfect square, i.e. x 2 = x and find
use a method which is called the prime factorization method.The their product.
steps for finding the method are given below, 900 = 2 × 3 × 5 = 30
2 36 Hence, 30 is the square root of 900.
Step 1: Find the prime factors of the given number. 2 18
Suppose the given number is 36, then. 3 9 • Finding Square Roots of Fractions
36 = 2 x 2 x 3 x3 3 We know that there are three types of common fractions.

Step 2: Take the square root on both sides. • Proper fraction • Improper fraction • Compound fraction
36= 2 × 2 × 3× 3
Example 2: Find the square root of a common fraction
Step 3: Write them as a pair of prime factors of a perfect square.
36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3

= 22 × 32 • We have to find the square root of

. So,
Step 4:
Write the square root of each perfect square, i.e. x2 = x
and find their product.
144 144
36 = 2 × 3 = 6 we can write it as: =
Hence, 6 is the square root of the given number 36. 256 256
2 144 2 256
The prime factors of a perfect square are always in the pairs. • Find separately the prime factors 2 72 2 128
of 144 and 256 as given. 2 36 2 64
2 900
Example 1: Write the square root of 900. 2 18 2 32
2 450
3 9 2 16
3 225
Solution: 3 2 8
3 75
• Find the prime factors of 900. 2 4
5 25
Factorization of 900 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 5 5 version: 1.1
version: 1.1
8 9
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab 5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab

144 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3× 3 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3× 3 Example 4: Find the square root of the decimal 0.64

= =
256 2× 2× 2× 2× 2× 2× 2× 2 2× 2 × 2× 2 × 2× 2 × 2× 2
22 × 22 × 32 2× 2×3 12
= = = • Change the decimal into a 2 64 2 100
22 × 22 × 22 × 22 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 16
2 32 2 50
fraction as, 0.64 = 2 26 5 25
12 100
Therefore, is the required answer. 2 8 5
16 • Now find the square root as a
2 4
63 proper fraction.
Example 3: Find the square root of the compound fraction 1 2
(i) Change the mixed fraction into an improper fraction as:
64 2× 2× 2× 2× 2× 2 2× 2 × 2× 2 × 2× 2
= =
63 144 100 2× 2× 5×5 2× 2 × 5×5
1 =
81 81 22 × 22 × 22 2 × 2 × 2 8
= = = = 0.8
Now find the square root. Thus, 3 81 2 144 2 × 5
2 2 2 × 5 10
3 27 2 72 Thus, 0.8 is the required square root of 0.64
3 9 2 36
3 2 18 EXERCISE 5.2
3 9
3 1. Find the square roots of the following numbers.
144 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3× 3 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3× 3 (i) 4 (ii) (9)2 (iii) 36 (iv) (25)2
= = (v) 16 (vi) c2 (vii) 49 (viii) a2
81 3× 3× 3× 3 3× 3 × 3× 3 (ix) 25 (x) 81 (xi) y2 (xii) 100
22 × 22 × 32 2 × 2 × 3 12 3 2. Find the square roots of the following numbers by prime
= = = = 1 factorization.
3 × 3
2 2 3 × 3 9 9
(i) 144 (ii) 256 (iii) 576 (iv) 324
(v) 441 (vi) 729 (vii) 196 (viii) 1225
3 63
Thus, 1 is the square root of 1 (ix) 10000 (x) 1764 (xi) 4356
9 81 3. Find the square roots of the following fractions.
• Finding Square Roots of Decimals
In the case of decimals first we change them into common fractions
49 144
(i) (ii) 2.25
(iii) (iv) 0.0196
and then we find the square root. After finding the square root, we 81 196
again write the answer in decimal form. We make it clear with an 784 13
(v) (vi) 1 (vii) 3.24 (viii) 12.25
example. 441 36
version: 1.1
version: 1.1
10 11
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5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab 5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab

Step 5: Again try to guess

325 252 the greatest number
(ix) 3 (x) 59.29 (xi) 1 (xii) 1.5626
900 324 whose product with
divisor must be equal
4. Prove each of the following by prime factorization.
to or less than the
(i) 9 × 36 = 9 × 36 (ii) 144 ×=
4 144 × 4 2nd dividend as given in the opposite.

(iii) 64 × 25 = 64 × 25 (iv) 81 × 100 = 81 × 100 The quotient is the required square root. It can be checked by finding
its square. Thus the required square root is 18.
144 144 256 256
(v) = (vi) =
9 9 4 4 Example 2: Find the square root of 585225 by division method.
484 484 576 576
(vii) = (viii) = Solution: 585225
121 121 144 144
• Finding Square Root by Division Method
We have already learnt the process of finding the square root of
natural numbers by prime factorization method. Now we learn
another method for finding the square roots of natural numbers
which is known as ‘division method’.

Example 1: Find the square root of 324 by division method.

Solution: 324
From right to the left make pairs of the digits Thus, the required square root is 765.
Step 1: and show them by putting a bar over each of • Finding Square Roots of Fractions
them. We have learnt the method of finding the square root of fractions
Try to guess the greatest number whose by prime factorization. Now we find the square root of a fraction by
square must be equal to or less than the first division method.
Step 2:
pair or digit (from left to right). Here we can
see the required greatest number is 1. 4096
Example 1: Find the square roots of by division method.
Subtract the square of the number from the 15129
Step 3: pair or digit. i.e. 12 = 1 and 3 – 1 = 2. Now 4096
bring down the 2nd pair as shown. 15129

Double the quotient and use it as 4096 4096

Step 4: We know that: =
2nd divisor. 15129 15129
version: 1.1
version: 1.1
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5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab 5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab

Thus, 333.0625 = 18.25

Example 3: Find the square root of the following by division
(i) 0.119025 (ii) 199.9396
(i) 0.119025
Make pairs of the whole number part and decimal part respectively:
0.1190 25

• Finding Square Roots of Decimals

To learn the process of finding the square roots of decimals, we
examine the following example and its steps.

Example 2: Find the square root of 333.0625 by division method.

Solution: 333.0625
Step 1: Make the pairs of the whole number part of the decimal as (ii) 199.9396
number.(from right to left) 333.0625 Make pairs of the whole number part and decimal part respectively:
Step 2: Make the pairs of the decimal part. (from left to right) 199 . 93 96
3 33 . 06 25
Step 3: Use the same division method as numbers.

Step 4: Put the decimal point in the quotient before bringing down
the pair after decimal point.


1. Find the square roots of the following by division method.

(i) 729 (ii) 2304 (iii) 4489 (iv) 7056
(v) 9801 (vi) 14400 (vii) 15625 (viii) 18496
(ix) 207936 (x) 321489 (xi) 5499025 (xii) 4986289 version: 1.1
version: 1.1
14 15
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5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab 5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab

2. Find the square roots of the following common fractions by

division method.
Thus, the required length is 45m.
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Example 2: Find the length of a boundary of a square field
whose area is 784m2.
(v) (vi) (vii) (viii) Solution:
Area of the square park = 784m2
Length of side =
(ix) (x) (xi) (xii) 784

3. Find the square roots of the following decimals by division method.

(i) 0.0529 (ii) 1.5625 (iii) 9.7344 (iv) 0.4761
(v) 0.001369 (vi) 32.1489 (vii) 0.002025 (viii) 131.1025
= (2 x 2 x7)m = 28m
(ix) 508.5025 (x) 799.7584 (xi) 1082.41 (xii) 4596.84
The length of the boundary or perimeter of the square field:
= 4 (length)
5.2.3 Solving Real Life Problems involving Square Root = 4 (28m) = 112m

We solve real life problems involving square roots by using the Example 3: Find the perimeter of a rectangular park whose
method of finding the square root. length is three times of its width and the area is 720.75m2. Also
calculate the cost of fencing the park at the rate of Rs.195/m.
Example 1: The area of a rectangular park is equal to another square
(use division method for finding square root)
shaped park. Find the length of a square shaped park if the length
and breadth of the rectangular park are 81m and 25m respectively.
We have
Length of the park = 3(width of the park)
Area of the rectangular park = length x breadth
Area of the rectangular park = 720.75m2
= 81m x 25m = 2025 m2
As we know that, (i) perimeter =? (ii) Cost of fencing =?

Area of square shaped park = Area of rectangular park We know that: Area of the rectangular park = Length x width
Length of side = 720.75m2 = 3(width) x width
720.75m 2
= 3(width)2

= = (width )2
240.25m2 = (width )2
= = width

version: 1.1
version: 1.1
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5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab 5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab

Find how many plants did the owner arrange in a row.

(Hint = 89500 – 99= ?)
9. Which smallest number can be subtracted from 15198 to get a
perfect square?
10. Find the number that gives 992.8801 after multiplying itself.
11. Find the measurement of the sides of a rectangle whose length
is four times of its width and area is 51.84cm2.
12. The area of a circular swimming pool is 154m2. Find out the
radius of the swimming pool.

perimeter = 2(length + width) Review Exercise 5

= 2(46.5m + 15.5m)= 2 x 62m = 124m
Cost of fencing of 1m = Rs. 195 1. Answer the following questions.
Cost of fencing of 124m = Rs.(195 x 124) =24,185 (i) What is meant by the square of a number?
(ii) Define a perfect square.
(iii) Which smallest number can be subtracted from 50 to get
1. The area of a square is 73.96m2. Calculate the length of its side. a perfect square?
2. 324 soldiers queued up such that the number of queues is (iv) Name the two methods for finding the square roots of
equal to the number of soldiers in each queue. Find the large natural numbers.
number of queues. 2. Fill in the blanks.
3. By which smallest number can 275 be multiplied to get a perfect (i) 4, 9, 16, 25, ... are called ___________.
square? (ii) If x = y2, then y is called the ___________ of x.
4. By which smallest number can 648 be divided to get a perfect (iii) While finding the square root by division method, the
square? digits are paired from ___________.
5. The length and breadth of a rectangular swimming pool are (iv) The number whose square root is non-terminiting and
243m and 27m respectively. Find the length of a square shaped non-recurring decimal is called the ___________ number.
swimming pool which has the same area as rectangular
swimming pool. 121 121 = 169
6. The base and height of a triangle are 8cm and 4.5cm respectively.

 100
Find the length of the side of a square whose area is the double
3. Tick(p) the correct answer.
of the given triangle.
7. The area of a square field is 617796m2. Find the length of its
8. A nursery owner tries to arrange 89500 plants into the shape
of solid square. But he finds that he has 99 plants left over. version: 1.1
version: 1.1
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5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab 5. Square Root of Positive Number eLearn.Punjab

4. Find the square root of the following. 9. A teacher drew a triangle of 8cm height and 18cm base. Now
he wants to draw a square whose area must be the twice that
(i) 1024 (ii) 484 (iii) (iv) 6 . 2 5 of the triangle. Calculate the length of the each side of the
49 square that he has to draw.
1225 14 40
(v) 0.0225 (vi) (vii) 2 (viii) 1
3025 25 81 10. Solve:
(ix) 10.89 (x) 1
(xii) 3.0625 (i) By which smallest number can 605 be multiplied to get a
121 324 perfect square?
539 (ii) By which smallest number can 3675 be divided to get a
(xiii) 29.16 (xiv) 1
1225 perfect square?
(iii) The area of a square is 94.09 m2. What is the length of its
5. Prove each of the following by prime factorization.
(i) 16 × 81 = 16 × 81 (iv) The length of a side of a square is 55.5 m. What is the
(ii) 0.25 × 0.04 = 0.25 × 0.04 area of the square?

5625 Summary
625 625
5.76 5.76 • The product of a number with itself is called its square.
(iv) = • A natural number is called a perfect square, if it is a square of any
1.44 1.44
natural number.
• The square of an even number is even and of an odd number is
6. 10201 soldiers have queued up for an attack such that the
number of queues is equal to the number of the soldiers in
• The square of a proper fraction is less than itself.
each queue. Find the number of soldiers in each queue.
• The square of a decimal less than 1 is smaller than itself.
• The process of finding the square root is the reverse operation of
7. A businessman bought a square shaped park whose area
‘squaring a number’.
is 50625m2. He wants to fix light poles after the distance of
• If x is a number such that x = y2, then x is known as the square of
each metre on its surroundings. For this he calculated the
y and y is known as square root os x.
perimeter of the park. Do you know what perimeter he
calculated? • To represent the square root, we use the symbol “ ” which is
called radical.
8. The length and breadth of a rectangular swimming pool in • To find the square root of a mixed fraction, we convert it into an
a bungalow are 125m and 45m respectively. Find the length of improper fraction.
another square shaped swimming pool which has the same • We find the square root of a decimal by changing it into a fraction.
area as rectangular swimming pool. • We find the square root of a decimal by changing it into a fraction.
version: 1.1
version: 1.1
20 21
version: 1.1




Animation 6.1: Continued Ratio

Source & Credit: eLearn.Punjab
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
6. Direct & Inverse Variation eLearn.Punjab 6. Direct & Inverse Variation eLearn.Punjab

Student Learning Outcomes From the above explanation, we can observe that b is a common
element of two ratios which is the cause to combine them. Such
After studying this unit, students will be able to: type of an element is called the common member of the given ratios.
• Define continued ratio and recall direct and inverse proportion. Always write the common member in the middle of the other
• Solve real life problems (involving direct and inverse proportion) elements according to the method given above.
using unitary method and proportion method. Example 1: The two ratios of three quantities a, b and c are as,
• Solve real life problems related to time and work using proportion. a:b =1 :2 and b:c = 2:3. Find their continued ratio.
• Find relation between time and distance (i.e. speed). Solution:
• Convert units of speed (kilometer per hour into meter per second The ratios are:
and vice versa).
• Solve variation related problems involving time and distance.

The common member of two ratios is b, so

Suppose someone uses 3 cups of water and 1 cup of milk
to prepare tea. We can compare these two quantities by using the
term of ratio. Water and milk are in the ratio of 3:1. Thus, the ratio is
a comparison between the two or more quantities of the same kind
which can be written by putting a colon (:) among them. A ratio is the Hence, a:b:c = 1:2:3
numerical relation between two or more quantities having the same Therefore, 1:2:3 is the required continued ratio.
unit. If the corresponding elements for the two ratios are not equal, then
these are made equal by multiplying both the ratios by the numbers
6.1 Continued Ratio which make them equal as shown below.

If the two ratios a : b and b : c are given for three quantities

a, b and c, then the ratio a : b : c is called continued ratio which can
be written as,
Example 2: The ratio of Saleem’s income to Haider’s is 2:3 and
Imran’s income to Saleem’s is 1:5. Find the continued ratio among
their incomes.
Here, ratio a : b : c is a continued ratio which is formed from the The ratios are:
other two ratios a : b and b : c to express the relation between three Saleem’s income to Haider’s = 2:3
quantities a, b and c. Imran’s income to Saleem’s =1:5 version: 1.1
version: 1.1
2 3
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6. Direct & Inverse Variation eLearn.Punjab 6. Direct & Inverse Variation eLearn.Punjab

Saleem is the common member but the value of his income is not 8. According to a survey, the people’s liking for chicken and
the same in both ratios. Thus, first find the same values of common mutton are in the ratio of 2:1 and the people’s liking for chicken
member as given below: and beef is in the ratio of 5:2.Find the ratio among people’s
liking for chicken, mutton and beef.
9. In a maths test Zara, Moona and Komal got marks in the ratio
as given below:
Zara to Moona = 4:5
Thus, 15:10:2 is the required continued ratio. Moona to Komal = 4:3
Find continued ratio of marks obtained by Zara, Moona and
Example 3: If a:b =1:3 and b:c = 2:5, then find a:c. Komal.
• Proportion
Solution: We have learnt in our previous classes that four quantities are
The ratios are: a:b = 1:3, b:c = 2:5 said to be in proportion,if the ratio of the 1st to the 2nd is equal to
We can see that b is the common member so, the ratio of the 3rd to the 4th. In other words,the four quantities
a,b,c and d are in proportion if a:b = c:d. Let us recap on what we
studied in our previous class about proportion.
• In a proportion, the second and the third elements are called
“means of a proportion” and the first and the fourth elements are
Thus, a:b:c = 2:6:15 called “extremes of a proportion” i.e.
From the above, we can observe that the value of a = 2 and c = 15.
So, a : c = 2:15.
• If second and third elements of a proportion have the same value
EXERCISE 6.1 such as:a:b::b:c
Here ‘b’ is called mean proportional.
1. If a:b = 3:5 and b:c = 5:6, then find a:b:c. • One ratio is proportional to the other ratio, if and only if,
2. If r:s =1:4 and s:t = 2:3, then find r:s:t. product of means = product of extremes
3. If p:q = 1:2 and q:r = 1:2, then find p:q:r. • The 4th element of a proportion is known as the fourth proportional
4. If x:z =3:2 and y:z = 1:2, then find x:y:z. e.g., in proportion, a : b :: c : d, d is called the fourth proportional
5. If l:m = 1:7 and l:n = 5:6, then find l:m:n. of a, b and c.
6. In a bakery, the ratio of the sale of bread to eggs is 2:3 and the • A relation in which one quantity increases or decreases in the
sale of eggs to milk is 3:1. Find the continued ratio of bread, same proportion by increasing or decreasing the other quantity,
eggs and milk. is called the direct proportion.
7. Ahmad and Irfan got a profit in a business in the ratio of 5:4 • A relation in which one quantity increases in the same proportion
and Irfan and Waseem got a profit in the ratio of 8:9. Find the by decreasing the other quantity and vice versa, is called inverse
ratio of profit among Ahmad, Irfan and Waseem. proportion. version: 1.1
version: 1.1
4 5
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6. Direct & Inverse Variation eLearn.Punjab 6. Direct & Inverse Variation eLearn.Punjab

• A method which is used to calculate the value of a number of

things by finding the value of one (unit) thing is called the unitary

Example 1: Ghazi earns Rs.7500 in 2 weeks. What will he earn

in 2 days if he works 6 days a week?
Unitary Method Example 3: 125 men can construct a road in 120 days. How
Ghazi earns in 12 days = Rs.7500 Q 2 weeks =12days many men can do the same work in 100 days?
Ghazi earns in 1 day Unitary Method
• To do the work in less days, we need more men.
Ghazi earns in 2 days. In 120 days, men can construct the road = 125 men
Ghazi earns Rs.1250 in 2 days. In 1 day, men can construct the road = (125 x 120) men
Proportion Method
Days are directly proportional to the rupees. In 100 days, men can construct the road.

Proportion Method
• Men are inversely proportional to the days.

Ghazi earns Rs.1250 in 2 days.

Example 2: 10 boys complete a work in 4 days. In how many

days will 20 boys complete the same work?
Solution: 150 men can do the same work in 100 days.
Unitary Method
• More boys will complete the work in less number of days.
10 boys complete the work = 4 days. 1. Find the value of m in the following proportion.
1 boy complete the work = (4x10) days (i) 13:3 = m:6 (ii) m:5 = 3:10 (iii) 35:21 =5 :m
(iv) 9:m = 54:42 (v) 0.21:6.3 = 0.06:m
20 boy complete the work =
(vi) 1.1:m = 0.55:0.27
Proportion Method 2. What is the fourth proportional of 2, 5 and 6?
version: 1.1 • Boys are inversely proportional to the days. 3. Find mean proportional of 4 and 16. version: 1.1

6 7
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6. Direct & Inverse Variation eLearn.Punjab 6. Direct & Inverse Variation eLearn.Punjab

4. A worker is paid Rs.2130 for 6 days. If his total wage during a Example 2: If the heart of a human being beats 72 times in 1
month is Rs.9230,find the number of days he worked in the minute. Find, in what time will the heart beat 204 times.
month. Solution:
5. Uzair takes 75 steps to cover a distance of 50m. How much (Heart beating is directly proportional to the time)
distance will be covered in 375 steps? The situation can be written as:
6. If 2 boxes occupy a space of 500 cm3, then how much space will
be required for such 175 boxes?
7. An army camp of 200 men has enough food for 60 days. How
long will the food last, if:
a. The number of men is reduced to 160?
b. The number of men is increased to 240?

6.2 Time, Work and Distance 170 seconds or 2 min 50 sec

6.2.1 Time and Work Example 3: If 36 men can build a wall in 21 days, find how many
men can build the same wall in 14 days.
• While solving the problems related to time and work, it can be
observed that: time is directly proportional to work, because more
Men are inversely proportional to the time. So, this situation can be
work takes more time and less time gives less work.
written as:
• Number of workers is inversely proportional to the time, because
more working hands take less time to complete a work whereas
more time given for a work needs less working hands.

Example 1: If a girl can skip a rope 720 times in 1 hour. How

many times can she skip in 35 minutes?
Skipping a rope is directly proportional to the time. So, we
can write this situation as;


1. If a man can weave 450m cloth in 6 hours. How many metresof

cloth can he weave in 14 hours?
2. If a 162km long road can be constructed in 9 months. How many
number of months are required to construct a 306 km long
road ? version: 1.1
version: 1.1
8 9
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6. Direct & Inverse Variation eLearn.Punjab 6. Direct & Inverse Variation eLearn.Punjab

3. 540 men can construct a building in 7 months. How many men (hr, min, sec).
should be removed from work to finish the building in 9
4. Asma can iron 5 shirts in 14 minutes. How long will she take to The units of speed are mutually convertable. Let us make it clear
iron 35 shirts? with the help of some examples.
5. 12 water pumps can make a water tank empty in 20 minutes.
But 2 pumps are out of order. How long will the remaining Example 1: Convert the speed of 54 kilometers per hour into
pumps take to make the tank empty? metres per second.
6. 14 horses graze a field in 25 days. In how many days will 35 Solution:
horses graze it? Speed = 54 km/hour Q km = 1000 m
7. A mason can repair a 744m long track in 24 days. If he repairs Distance = 54 km Q 1 hour = 60 min
589m track, then find how many days will he take to repair the Time = 1 hour 1 min = 60 sec
remaining track.
54 × 1000
8. A farmer can plough an area of 40 acres in 16 hours. How many Speed
acres will he plough in 36 hours? 60 × 60
9. A dish washer deems 1350 dishes in 1 hour. How many dishes 54000
= = 15 metre / second
will it wash in 16 more minutes? 3600
Example 2: Convert the speed of 10 meters per second into
6.2.2 Relation between Time and Distance
kilometres per hour.
In our daily life, we observe many moving things like vehicle, birds, Solution:
human beings, ships, animals, etc. in our surroundings. While moving Speed = 10 m/sec Q 1000m = 1km
these things cover a certain distance in a certain time at a certain
speed. To understand the relation between these three quantities Distance = 10 meter 1m = km
we can use a formula which is given below: Time = 1 second Q 3600 sec = 1 hour
Distance = Speed x Time
From the given formula, it can be examined that: 1
1 sec = hour
• Distance is directly proportional to the time and speed. 3600
• Time is inversely proportional to the speed. 10 / 1000
Speed =
An interval between two happenings is called time. Its basic unit is 1 / 3600
second. 10 × 3600
• Units of Speed
= = 36 km/hour
1 × 1000
“The distance covered per unit time is called speed.”
Example 3: A truck covers a distance of 360 kilometres in 5
Speed is measured in different units that is, kilometres per hour,
hours. Find its speed in:
metres per second, etc. We write these units by dividing the units of
(i) kilometres per hour (ii) metres per second
version: 1.1 distance (km, m) by the units of time. version: 1.1

10 11
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Solution: 8. A bus leaves Islamabad at 11:00 a.m and reaches Lahore at

Distance = 360 km, Time = 5 hours, Speed = ? 3:00 p.m. If the distance between Lahore and Islamabad is 380
(i) kilometres per hour km,find the speed of the bus.
By using the formula,
Review Exercise 6
Distance 360

Speed = = 72 km/hour
Time 5 1. Answer the following questions.
(ii) metres per second (i) Define direct proportion.
Distance in metres = 360 x 1000 = 360000m (ii) What is continued ratio?
Time in seconds = 5 x 60 x 60 = 18000 sec (iii) Write the formula to show the relation between time,
Now change the unit of speed into metres per second. speed and distance.
Speed = 72 km/hour (iv) Define speed.
72 × 1000 72000 2. Fill in the blanks.
= = = 20 metre/second
1 × 60 × 60 3600 (i) Distance is directly proportional to the _______ and speed.
(ii) Number of workers is _______ proportional to the time.
EXERCISE 6.4 (iii) The combination of two ratios of three quantities is called
a _______ ratio.
1. Convert the unit of speed into metres per second. (iv) Distance = _______ x time.

(i) 72 km/hour (ii) 144 km/hour (iii) 216 km/hour
(iv) 360 km/hour (v) 180 km/hour (vi) 1152 km/hour
Convert the unit of speed into kilometres per hour.
(v) Speed =

(i) 10 m / sec (ii) 25 m / sec (iii) 5 m / sec (vi) In two ratios a : b and b : c, b is called the________ .
(iv) 15 m / sec (v) 30 m / sec (vi) 20 m / sec
3. Iram walks up to her school at a speed of 4 km/hour. It takes 45 3 Tick (p) the correct answer.
minutes to reach the school. How far is her school from her
4. A non-stop train leaves Lahore at 4:00 p.m and reaches Karachi
at 10:00 a.m next day. The speed of the train was 70 km / hour.
Find the distance between Lahore and Karachi.
5. A cyclist crosses a 30 metre long bridge in minutes. Find 4. Find the missing terms in the table, if is directly proportional
the speed of the cyclist. to the y.
6. A car covers 201 kilometres in 3 hours. How much distance will x 2 4 6 8 10
it cover in 7 hours? y 4 12 16
7. A truck moves at the speed of 36 kilometres per hour. How far
5. Find the missing terms in the table, if x is inversely proportional
version: 1.1 will it travel in 15 seconds? version: 1.1
to y.
12 13
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
6. Direct & Inverse Variation eLearn.Punjab

x 1 2 4 6 8
y 24 12 3
6. In a class, 8 ice creams are served for every group of 5 students.
How many ice creams will be served if there are 40 students in
the class?
7. In a hostel of 50 girls, there are food provisions for 40 days. If
30 more girls join the hostel, how long will the provisions last?

8. How many days will 1648 persons take to construct a bridge, if

721 persons can build the same in 48 days?

9. A rickshaw travels at the speed of 36km per hour. How much

distance will it travel in 20 seconds.

10. A bus covers a distance in 3 hours at a speed of 60km per hour.

How much time will it take to cover the same distance at a
speed of 80km per hour?


• Two ratios of three quantities can be combined into a continued

ratio to express the relation of these quantities.
• A relation in which one quantity increases or decreases in the
same proportion by increasing or decreasing the other quantity,
is called the direct proportion.
• A relation in which one quantity increases in the same proportion
by decreasing the other quantity and vice versa, is called the
inverse proportion.
• Time is directly proportional to the work, and the number of
workers is inversely proportional to time.
• To understand the relation between distance, speed and time, we
use the formula:
Distance = Speed x Time
• An interval between two happenings is called time.
version: 1.1 • The distance covered per unit time is called speed.

version 1.1


7 Financial Arithmetic
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
7. Financial Arithmetic eLearn.Punjab 7. Financial Arithmetic eLearn.Punjab

Student Learning Outcomes

× 6,200,000
After studying this unit, students will be able to: 1000
• Explain property tax and general sales tax. = Rs.49,600
• Solve tax-related problems.
• Explain Profit and markup. Example 2: Raheem paid Rs. 8,676 as a property tax at the rate
• Find the rate of profit/markup per annum. of 2%. Find the worth of Raheem’s property.
• Solve real life problems involving profit/markup. Solution:
• Define zakat and ushr. Property tax = Rs. 8,676
• Solve problems related to zakat and ushr. Tax rate = 2%
Worth of the property = ?
7.1 Taxes By using the unitary method
2% of the worth of property = Rs. 8,676
Government needs money to run a state. For this purpose,
 8 , 676 
government collects an amount from the public and provides them 1% of the worth of property = Rs.  
facilities like security, hospitals, education, defense, roads, parks,  2 
etc. This amount is called a tax. We pay different types of taxes in  8 , 676 
= Rs. 
100% of the worth of property × 100
=  Rs. 433,800
Pakistan but here we shall, discuss only property and general sales  2 
tax. The worth of Raheem’s property is Rs. 433,800.

7.1.1 Property Tax and General Sales Tax • General Sales Tax
“The tax a buyer pays to the seller at the time of buying
• Property Tax things is called general sales tax”. General sales tax is imposed by
The tax which is received on a property is called the property the government on the percentage of the selling prices of things. In
tax. Property tax is a provincial tax paid on the value of a property. It Pakistan, its rate varies from 0% to 25% depending on exemptions
is generally paid at a flat rate of 2% but the tax rates vary, depending and types of industry.
on the province. In Pakistan some basic items including wheat, rice, pulses,
vegetables, meat, poultry, books, drugs, etc. are exempted from
Example 1: Find the property tax on a property of Rs.6,200,000 the general sales tax.
at the rate of 0.8%. Example 3: Saleem bought a car for Rs. 875,000 and paid 16%
Solution: as a tax. How much tax did he pay?
Worth of the property = Rs.6,200,000 Solution:
Tax rate = 0.8% Price of the car = Rs. 875,000 Remember
Property tax = ? Tax = 16% The standard rate of sales tax
Property tax = 0.8% of Rs.6,200,000 General sales tax = ? in Pakistan is 16%.
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GST = 16% of Rs.875,000 6. Find the property tax on a property of Rs.650,000 at the rate
of 1.8%.
16 7. Farah paid the property tax of Rs. 9,240 at the rate of 2%. Find
= × 875,000
100 the worth of her property.
= (16 x 8750) = Rs. 140,000
8. The price of a bicycle is Rs.6,480 inclusive 8% GST. What is the
Example 4: The price of a mobile is Rs.8,800 inclusive of a 10% original price of the bicycle?
GST. What is the original price of the mobile?
Solution: 7.2 Profit and Markup
Price of the mobile = Rs.8,800
GST rate = 10% We know that in a business, generally goods are bought at
Original price = ? a certain price and sold at a higher price. In such a case, there is a
Price % of the mobile = 100% + 10% = 110% gain, i.e.
By using the unitary method Sale price - Cost price = Gain
110% price of the mobile = Rs.8,800 While discussing this gain, we often use two different terms, profit
and markup. To understand the difference between these two terms,
 8 ,800  let us learn them one by one.
1% price of the mobile = Rs. 

 110  • Profit
 8 ,800  A profit means what we have earned after selling a thing. It is
= Rs. 
100% price of the mobile × 100
=  Rs. 8,000 calculated as a percentage of the cost price as shown below.
 110 
Thus, the original price of the mobile is Rs.8,000. Gain
Profit% = × l00%
EXERCISE 7.1 Cost price
• Markup
1. Calculate the price that a customer has to pay for each article In our daily life, we often borrow money from our friends and
with a 16% general sales tax imposed on it. relatives to buy a thing that we repay them after a certain period.
(i) Football = Rs.800 (ii) Rackets = Rs. 1,250 Some banks and retail organizations also provide the same services
(iii) Hockey = Rs. 1,650 (iv) Bat = Rs.2,100 and charge an additional amount called markup.
2. Find the property tax on a property of worth Rs.948,000 at the “A markup is an amount added to a cost price to calculate the sale
rate of 1.5%. price.”
3. Haris paid the property tax of Rs.2,068 at the rate of 0.8%. Find Usually, we calculate the markup as a percentage of the actual
the worth of property. amount paid for a thing. This is called the markup rate and paid
4. Property tax Rs. 18,720 was paid when the worth of property is amount itself is called the principal. Suppose “P” is the principal, “T”
Rs. 1,560,000. Find the percentage of property tax. is the time period and “R” is the markup rate, then the amount of
5. The price of a toy including 5% general sales tax is Rs.945. Find markup will be:
the original price of the toy.
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RPT Sale price

Markup = Cost price (C.P) =
100 (100% + Profit%)

Example 1: Ada bought a jewelry set for Rs.84,000 and sold for  3978 
Cost price (C.P) =  × 100  = Rs. 3,400
Rs.855,00. Find the percentage of profit.  117 

Cost price (C.P) = Rs.84,000 Example 4: Hatim bought a bike for Rs. 135,000 and sold at 62%
Sale price (S.P) = Rs.85,500 profit. Find the sale price of the bike.
Gain = Sale price - Cost price Solution:
= Rs.85,500 - Rs.84,000 = Rs. 1,500 Method I
% profit = 62%
Gain Cost price = Rs.135,000
%Profit = ×l00%
Cost price Sale price = ?

Sale price = (100% + 62%) x 135,000 rupees
 1,500 
=  × 100  %= 1.79% = 162% x 135,000 rupees
 84 , 000 
Example 2: Aleem bought a television for Rs. 15,000 on
 162 
 100 × 135 , 000  =
Rs. 218,700
installments at the markup rate of 12% per annum. Find the selling  
price of the television if time period is 3 years.
Solution: Method II
Cost price (P) = Rs. 15,000 ; Markup rate = 12% per annum
Time period (T) = 3 years ; Price of the Television = ? Profit
%Profit × 100
Using the formula, Cost price
RPT 12 × 15,000 × 3 = 62 × 100
Amount of the markup = = Rs. 5 , 400 135,000
100 100
Price of the television = cost price + markup  62 × 135,000 
Profit =   rupees
= Rs. 15,000 + Rs. 5,400 = Rs. 20,400  100 

Example 3: Imran sold a bicycle for Rs. 3,978 and got 17% profit. = Rs. 83,700
Find the cost price of the bicycle. We know that;
Solution: Sale price = cost price + profit
Sale price (S.P) = Rs.3,978 = Rs.135,000 + Rs.83,700
% Profit = 17% = Rs.218,700
By using formula,
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Example 5: Find the markup on a thing whose price is Rs. 45,000

for 73 days at the rate of 10% per annum. Markup Principal Time Period Markup rate
(i) Rs. 500 2 years 12%
Principal (P) = Rs. 45,000, Markup rate (R) = 10% per annum,
Markup = ? (ii) Rs. 205 1 year 8%
73 1 (iii) Rs. 528 Rs. 1,650 10 years
Time period = 73 days = year = year
365 5
RPT (iv) Rs. 350 Rs. 3,500 2.5%
By using the formula: Markup =
(v) Rs. 100,000 3 years 1.25%
10 × 45 , 000 ×
= Rs. 5 (vi) Rs. 1,050 5 years 4.5%
10 × 45 , 000 × 1
= Rs.= Rs. 900 2. Adnan bought 96 eggs at the rate of Rs.40 per dozen and sold
100 × 5
at the rate of Rs.4 per egg. Find the percentage of profit, if 3
Example 6: The markup on a principal amount is Rs. 820 for eggs were rotten.
6 months at the rate of 12.5% per annum. Calculate the principal 3. If 16% profit on a mobile set is Rs.832. Find the cost price of the
amount. mobile set.
Solution: 4. Zia bought an out of order clock for Rs.750 and got it repaired
Markup = Rs. 820 Markup rate (R) = 12.5% for Rs.425. What should be the selling price of the clock if Zia
wants to earn 25% profit?
6 1
Time period (T) = 6 months = year year 5. Find the markup on a principal amount of Rs. 75,500 at the
12 2
rate of 9% per annum for 4 years.
Principal amount (P) = ?
6. Ujala bought a car for Rs.280,000 and spent Rs. 12,000 more on
RPT it. What should be the selling price if she wants to get 7.5%
By using the formula: Markup =
100 profit?
1 7. The price of a bicycle including markup is Rs. 5610. If the markup
12.5 × × P rate is 5% per annum, find the amount of markup for 146 days.
820 = 5
100 8. Khushi bought a computer for Rs. 100,000 and paid a markup
820 × 100 × 2 of Rs. 25,000 for 2 years. What markup rate did she pay?
Principal amount = = Rs. 13,120
12.5 × 1
7.3 Zakat and Usher
Zakat and Ushr are levied as ordered in the Holy Qur’an and
1. Find the missing quantities by using the formula Sunnah. Let us discuss them one by one.
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• Zakat a piece of land watered by artificial means of irrigation such as

Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam which is ordrs by Almighty wells, buckets, tube well, etc.
Allah which is paid on the wealth which remains with a person for a
complete year. Islam has fixed its rate, that is 2.5%. Nisab (minimum amount of agricultural produce) which is liable to
Ushr is 948kg in weight. If the produce is less than that, no Ushr is
Nisab (minimum limit of wealth that attracts liability of Zakat) in chargeable.
case of gold is 7.5 tolas and in case of silver is 52.5 tolas.
Example 3: A farmer sold his crop of wheat for Rs.995,400. Find
Example 1: Calculate the amount payable as Zakat by Haleem
the amount of Ushr at the rate of 10%.
who saves Rs.949,000 for one year.
Total Amount = Rs.995,400
Total Saving = Rs.949,000
Rate of Ushr = 10%
Rate of Zakat = 2.5%
Amount of Ushr = ?
Amount of Zakat = ?
Amount of Ushr = 10% of Rs.995,400
Amount of Zakat = 2.5% of Rs.949,000

 10 
 2.5  =  × 995,400  = Rs. 99,540
=  × 949,000  rupees  100 
 100 

 25 × 949,000  Thus, amount of Ushr is Rs.99,540

=  rupees = Rs. 23,725
 
Example 4: Adnan sold mangoes and paid Rs. 3,675 as the
Thus, Haleem will pay Rs.23,725 as Zakat. amount of Ushr at the rate of 5%. Find the sale price of the mangoes.
Example 2: Find the wealth of Ibrahim if he paid Rs.7,500 as
Amount of Ushr = Rs.3,675
Rate of Ushr = 5%
Amount of mangoes = ?
2.5% of Ibrahim’s wealth = Rs.7,500
5% of mangoes amount = Rs. 3,675
7 ,500
1 % of Ibrahim = Rs.  3,675 
2.5 1% of mangoes amount = Rs. 
7 ,500  5 
= Rs.
100 % of Ibrahim ×=
100 Rs.300,000
2.5  3,675 
Price of mangoes = Rs.  × 100 
• Ushr  5 
Ushr means one-tenth. It is paid on agricultural products. It
Price = Rs. 73,500
is paid at the rate of 10% of the produce in case a piece of land
Thus, the amount of mangoes is Rs.73,500
irrigated by natural sources like rain, springs, streams, etc. However,
the rate of Ushr is one-half, i.e. 5% of the entire produce in case
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EXERCISE 7.3 3. Tick (p) the correct answer.

1. An amount of Rs.62,480 remained with Nosheen for a complete

year. How much Zakat will she pay?
2. Saba paid Rs.2,250 as Zakat. What is the worth of her wealth?
3. Nadeem paid Rs.6,075 as Zakat. How much wealth did he have? 4. Calculate the amount of property tax of a house at the rate of
4. Saleem earned Rs. 114,700 from a rice crop and paid Ushr at 2%. The value of the house is Rs. 1,450,000.
the rate of 5%. What amount did he pay as Ushr? 5. Adnan has paid Rs. 16,000 as a property tax at the rate of 1.6%.
5. Nabeel sold apples for Rs.398,160 and paid 10% as Ushr. Find Find the value of his property.
the amount of Ushr. 6. The price of a toy is Rs.500. Find the sale price of the toy if GST
6. Shama’s annual saving is Rs. 222,000. What is the amount of is 16%.
Zakat to be paid by her? 7. Nabeel bought a bag for Rs.4,000 and paid Rs.560 more as GST.
7. Nahal paid Rs.7,895 as Ushr at the rate of 10%. What amount Find the percentage of GST.
did she earn? 8. Nadeem sold a bicycle for Rs.4,500 with markup of 25%. Find
8. Calculate the amount payable as Ushr by a farmer who earned the cost price of bicycle.
Rs.88,460. Find the actual amount, if rate of Ushr is 5%. 9. A shopkeeper sold a calculator for Rs.900 and earned 22%
profit. Find the actual price of a calculator.
Review Exercise 7 10. Komal saves Rs.96,000 in a year. How much will she pay as
1. Answer the following questions. 11. Saleem has 2,400kg wheat. The price of wheat is Rs.30kg. Find
(i) What is meant by the tax? the Ushr that he will pay.
(ii) Define the general sales tax. Summary
(iii) What is the difference between profit and markup?
(iv) What rate of Zakat has Islam fixed? • A tax is a fee charged on the public at the rate fixed by a government
(v) What is Ushr? to run its affairs.
2. Fill in the blanks. • The tax which is received on property is called the property tax.
(i) The tax which is received on a property is called the_______. • The tax a buyer pays to the seller at the time of buying things is
(ii) The tax a buyer pays to the seller at the time of buying called general sales tax.
things is called _______. • An amount added to a cost price to calculate the sale price is
(iii) An amount added to a cost price to calculate the sale called a markup.
price is called a _______. • A profit means what we have earned after selling a thing.
(iv) Zakat and Ushr are levied as ordered in the____ and • Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam which is ordrs by Almighty
Sunnah. Allah which is paid on the wealth which remains with a person for
(v) A markup is an amount added to _______to calculate the a complete year. Islam has fixed its rate, that is 2.5%.
sale price. • Ushr means one-tenth. It is paid on agricultural products.
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Animation 8.1: Algebraic expression

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8. Algebraic Expressions eLearn.Punjab 8. Algebraic Expressions eLearn.Punjab

Student Learning Outcomes introduction to the basic ideas of algebra including the effects of
some basic operations, concept of variables and simplification of an
After studying this unit, students will be able to: algebraic expression with its evaluation.
• Define a constant as a symbol having a fixed numerical value.
• Recall a variable as a quantity which can take various numerical Do you Know
values. Algebra is an Arabic word which means ‘‘bringing together
• Recall a literal as an unknown number represented by a letter of broken parts”.
an alphabet.
• Recall an algebraic expression as a combination of constants and 8.1.1 Literals
variables connected by the sign of fundamental operations.
• Define a polynomial as an algebraic expression in which the The letters or alphabets that we use to represent unknowns
powers of variables are all whole numbers. are called literal numbers. For example, area of a rectangle can be
• Identify a monomial, a binomial and a trinomial as a polynomial calculated by multiplying its length and breadth, i.e.
having one term, two terms and three terms respectively. Area = l x b
• Add two or more polynomials. Where, l = length and b = breadth. Clearly, l and b represent the
• Subtract a polynomial from another polynomial. unknowns. So, these are called literal numbers.
• Find the product of:
1. monomial with monomial. 8.1.2 Constant
2. monomial with binomial/trinomial.
3. binomials with binomial/trinomial. A symbol having a fixed numerical value is called a constant.
• Simplify algebraic expressions involving addition, subtraction and For example, 2, 7, 11, etc. are all constants.
• Recognize and verify the algebraic identities: 8.1.3 Variable
1. (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b) x + ab,
2. (a + b)2 = (a + b) (a + b) = a2 + 2ab + b2, A symbol represented by a literal and can take various
3. (a - b f = ( a -b ) { a - b ) = a - 2ab + b2, numerical values is called a variable, i.e. in x + 1, x is a variable and
4. a2- b2 = (a -b ) (a + b). 1 is a constant.
• Factorize an algebraic expression (using algebraic identities).
• Factorize an algebraic expression (making groups). 8.1.4 Algebraic Expressions

8.1 Algebraic Expressions A combination of constants and variables connected by the

signs of fundamental operations (+, ', -, x) is called an algebraic
Algebra is one of the useful tools of mathematics. It uses expression, i.e. 8, 4x + y, x2 + y2, a2 - 2ab + b2, etc.
mathematical statements to describe the relationships between
things that vary over time. In our previous class, we have learnt the
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• Algebraic Terms 2. Write constants and variables used in each expression.

The parts of an algebraic expression separated by the (i) x + 3 (ii) 3a + b - 2 (iii) l2 + m2 + n2
operational signs “+” and “-” are called its terms, i.e. in x + y, x and y (iv) 5a (v) 2x2 - 1 (vi) 3l2 - 4n2
are its two terms. 3. Identify monomials, binomials and trinomials.
(i) x + y - z (ii) -6l (iii) 2x2 - 3
8.1.5 Polynomial (iv) abc (v) x2 + 2xy + y2 (vi) (-a)3
(vii) l - m (viii) 7a2 - b2
(ix) lm + mn + nl
Normally, the word poly is used for more than one things but (x) 2a - 3b - 4c (xi) 11x y (xii) a3 + a2b + ab2
2 2

in algebra polynomial represents an algebraic expression containing

a single term as well as two or more than two terms. 8.2 Operations with Polynomials
For a polynomial, the exponents of the variables must be the whole
numbers. For instance, 9, 3x, x2 + 2, x3 + 2x + 1, etc. all expressions are
Recall that in our previous class, we have learnt the
polynomials but x -2 + 1, x1/2 +3x + 2, etc. are not polynomials because
application of some basic operations in algebra. Now we learn more
their exponents (-2 ; 1/2) are not whole numbers.
about them.
“An algebraic expression in which the exponents of variables are all
whole numbers is called a polynomial”.
8.2.1 Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials
8.1.6 Identification of a monomial, bionomial and
In polynomials, we use the same method for addition and subtraction
that we use for like terms, which is given below.
• We can arrange the polynomials in any order but usually we
Monomial: A polynomial having one term is called a monomial, i.e.
arrange them in descending order and write the like terms
5, 3x, 2ab, etc. are monomials.
vertically in a single column for adding.
Binomial: A polynomial having two terms is called a binomial, i.e.
• For subtraction, we just change the signs of the terms of the
6x + a, a - 3b, etc. are binomials.
polynomial which are to be subtracted and simply add them.
Trinomial: A polynomial having three terms is called a trinomial, i.e.
x2 + 3x + 5, 2a + 3b + c, etc. are trinomials.
Example 1: Add the following polynomials.
(i) 2x y + x3y + x2y - 5, 2x2y - x4y2 + x3y + 1, 2 - x4y2 + x3y - 7x2y
4 2
In routine, we write a polynomial in descending order and arrange
(ii) x2 + y2 + 2xy, y2 + z2 + 2yz, 2x2 +3y2 + z2 , z2 - 2xy - 2yz
a polynomial with respect to one variable, e.g. we arrange the
polynomial x3y2 + y4 + x4 - x2y3 with respect to x as, x4 + x3y2 - x2y3 + y4.
(i) 2x4y2 + x3y + x2y - 5, 2x2y - x4y2 + x3y + 1, 2 - x4y2 + x3y - 7x2y
Arrange the polynomials in descending order and write all like terms
1. Add the terms to write an algebraic expression.
in a single column.
(i) 2ab, 3bc, ca (ii) 7l2, 3m2, -8 (iii) p2, -q2, -r2
(iv) 5xyz, 2yz, -8xy (v) -2ab, a,-bc, c
(vi) 9 lm , 8 mm , - 10 ml , - 2
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2x4y2 + x3y + x2y - 5 • 2x4y2 - x4y2 - x4y2 = (2-1-1)x4y2 = 0x4y2 If we subtract the 2nd polynomial from 1st polynomial, we can get the
-x4y2 + x3y + 2x2y + 1 • x3y + x3y + x3y = (1+1+1) = 3x3y required polynomial.
-x4y2 + x3y - 7x2y + 2 • x2y + 2x2y - 7x2y = (1 + 2 - 7) = -4x2y 4x6y4 + 3x4y2 - 6x2y + 11 • 4x6y4 - x6y4 = (4 -1) = 3x6y4
0 x4y2 + 3x3y - 4x2y - 2 • -5 + 1 + 2 = -2 +x6y4 + x4y2 " x2y + 1 • 3x4y2 - x4y2 = (3 -1) = 2x4y2
• -6x2y+x2y= (-6+1) = -5x2y
Thus x4y2 + 3x3y - 4x2y - 2 is the required polynomial. 3x y + 2x y - 5x y + 10
6 4 4 2 2
• 11 - 1 = 10
(ii) x2 + y2 + 2xy, y2 + z2 + 2yz, 2x2 + 3y2 + z2 , z2 - 2xy - 2yz
Thus, 3x6y4 + 2x4y2 - 5x2y + 10 is the required polynomial.
Arrange the polynomials in descending order and write all like terms
in a single column.
x2 + y2 + 2xy • x2 + 2x2 = (1 + 2) x2 = 3x2 EXERCISE 8.2
y2 + z2 + 2yz • y2 + y2 + 3y2 = (1 + 1 + 3) y2 = 5y2
2x2 + 3y2 + z2 • z2 + z2 + z2 = (1+1+1)z2 = 3z2 1. Add the following polynomials.
z2 - 2xy - 2yz • 2xy - 2xy = (2 - 2)xy = 0 (i) x2 + 2xy + y2, x2 - 2xy + y2
3x + 5y + 3z + 0xy + 0yz
2 2 2
• 2yz - 2yz = (2 - 2) yz = 0 (ii) x3 + 3x2y - 2xy2 + y3, 2x3 - 5x2y -3xy2 - 2y3
Thus, 3x2 + 5y2 + 3z2 is the required polynomial. (iii) a5 + a3b - 2ab3 + b3, 4a5 + 3a3b + 2ab3 + 5b3
(iv) 2x4y - 4x3y2 + 3x2y3 - 7xy4, x4y - 4x3y2 - 3x2y3 + 8xy4
Example 2: What should be added to 3 + 2x - x3y2 + 4x2y to get (v) ab5 + 12a2b4 - 6a3b3 + 10a4b2 - a5b, 4ab5 - 8a2b4 + 6a3b3
2x3y2 + x2y - 3x - 1? - 6a4b2 + 4a5b
Solution: 2. If A = x - 2y + z, B = -2x + y + z and C = x + y - 2z then find.
Arrange the polynomials in descending order. (i) A - B (ii) B - C (iii) C - A
1st polynomial = 2x3y2 + x2y - 3x - 1 (iv) A - B - C (v) A + B - C (vi) A - B + C
2nd polynomial = -x3y2 + 4x2y + 2x + 3 3. What should be added to x7 - x6 + x5 - x4 + x3 - x2 + x + 1 to get
If we subtract the 2nd polynomial from 1st polynomial, we can get x7 + x5 + x3 - 1?
the required polynomial. 4. What should be added to 2x4y3 - x3y2 - 3x2y - 4 to get
• 2x3y2 + x3y2 = (2+1) = 3 x3y2 5x4y3 + 2x3y2 + x2y - 9?
5. What should be subtracted from 5x5y5 - 3x3y3 + 10xy - 9 to get
2x3y2 + x2y - 3x - 1 • x2y - 4x2y = (1 - 4) = -3x2y
3x5y5 + 7x3y3 - 11xy + 19?
*x3y2 + 4x2y + 2x + 3 • -3x - 2x = (3 - 2)x = -5x
3x3y - 3x2y - 5x - 4 • -1 - 3 = -4 8.2.2 Multiplication of Polynomials
Thus, 3x3y - 3x2y - 5x - 4 is the required polynomial.
While multiplying two polynomials in addition to the commutative,
Example 3: What should be subtracted from 3x4y2 + 11 + 4x6y4 - 6x2y
associative and distributive laws, we also use the laws of exponents
to get 1 + x4y2 - x2y + x6y4?
that can be seen in the given examples
• Multiplying monomial with monomial
Arrange the polynomials in descending order.
Example 1: Find the product of:
1st polynomial = 4x6y4 + 3x4y2 - 6x2y + 11
(i) 4a2 and 5a3 (ii) 5x2 and 3y2 (iii) 3l4m2n and 7l5m8n6
2nd polynomial = x6y4 + x4y2 - x2y + 1
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Solution: EXERCISE 8.3

(i) 4a2 and 5a3
4a2 x 5a3 = (4 x 5)(a2 x a3) 1. Multiply
= (20)(a)(2+3) a product law (i) 7m and -8 (ii) 2ab and 3a2b2 (iii) 4xy and 2x2y
= 20a5 am x an = am+n (iv) - 4ab and -2bc (v) 3lm3 and 3mn
(vi) -6x2y and 3xyz2 (vii) 2a2b and 5a2b3
(ii) 5x2 and 3y2
(viii) l2mn and lm3n6 (ix) -4x2yz7 and 8xy4z3
5x2 x 3y2 = (5 x 3)(x2 x y2) 2. Simplify
= (15)(x2y2) (i) lm (l + m) (ii) 2p(p + q) (iii) 3a (a - b)
= 15x2y2 (iv) 2x (3x + 4y) (v) 2a (2b - 2c) (vi) 2lm (l2m2 - n)
(iii) 3l4m2n and 7l5m8n6 (vii) a (a + b - c ) (viii) 3x( x - 2 y - 2z)
3l4m2n x 7l5m8n6 = (3 x 7) (l4 x l5) (m2 x m8) (n x n6) (ix) 3p q (p + q - r )
2 3 2 4

= 21 x l4x5 x m2+8 x n1+6 = 21l9m10n7

• Multiplying binomial with Binomial / Trinomial
• Multiplying monomial with Binomial / Trinomial Example 3: Multiply:
(i) (x + 3) (x - 1) (ii) (2a + 3b) (2a - 3b)
Example 2: Simplify: (iii) (m + 2)(m2 - 2m + 3) (iv) (2x - 1) (x2 - 5x + 6)
(i) 3x2(x2 - y2) (ii) -6a2 (2a + 3b) Solution:
(i) (x + 3) (x - 1) (ii) (2a + 3b) (2a - 3b) (iii) (m + 2)(m2-2m + 3)
(iii) 2l2m2n2 (3lm - 2mn + 5nl)
x+3 (2a + 3b) (m + 2)
x x-1 x (2a - 3b) x (m2 - 2m + 3)
(i) 3x2(x2 - y2)
a 2a x 3b = 6ab
= (3x2 x x2) - (3x2 x y2)
x + 3x
4a2 + 6ab m3 - 2m2 + 3m
= 3(x2+2) - 3(x2 x y2)
-x-3 - 6ab - 9b2 + 2m2 - 4m + 6
= 3x4 - 3x2y2
x2 + 2x - 3 4a2 - 9b2 m3 -m+6
(ii) -6a2 (2a + 3b)
Thus, (x + 3) (x - 1) Thus, (2a + 3b) (2a - 3b) Thus, (m + 2)(m2 - 2m + 3)
= (-6a2 x 2a) + (-6a2 x 3b)
= x2 + 2x - 3 = 4a2 - 9b2 = m3 - m + 6
= (-6 x 2 ) (a2 x a) + (-6 x 3)(a2 x b)
Example 4: Simplify:
= (-12)(a2+1) + (-18) (a2b)
(i) 2x2 (x3 - x) - 3x (x4 - 2x) + 2 (x4 - 3x2)
= -12a3 - 18a2b
(ii) (5a2 - 6a + 9) (2a - 3) - (2a2 - 5a + 4) (5a + 1)
(iii) 2l2m2n2 (3lm - 2mn + 5nl)
= (2l2m2n2 x 3lm) - (2l2m2n2 x 2mn) + (2l2m2n2 x 5nl)
(i) 2x2 (x3 - x) - 3x (x4 - 2x) + 2 (x4 - 3x2)
= (2 x 3) (l2m2n2 x lm) - (2 x 2) (l2m2n2 x mn) + (2 x 5) (l2m2n2 x nl)
= (2x2 % x3 - 2x2 % x) - (3x % x4 - 3x % 2x) + (2x4 - 6x2)
= (6) (l2+1m2+1n2) - (4) (l2m2+1n2+1) + (10) (l2+1m2n2+1)
= (2x2+3 - 2x2+1) - (3x1+4 - 6x1+1) + (2x4 - 6x2)
= (6) (l3m3n2) - (4) (l2m3n3) + (10) (l3m2n3)
= (2x5 - 2x3) - (3x5 - 6x2) + (2x4 - 6x2)
= 6l3m3n2 - 4l2m3n3 + 10l3m2n3
= 2x5 - 2x3 - 3x5 + 6x2 + 2x4 - 6x2
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= (2x5 - 3x5) + 2x4 - 2x3 + (6x2 - 6x2) method.

= -x5 + 2x4 - 2x3 Area of four walls = 2(l + b ) x h
(ii) (5a2 - 6a + 9) (2a - 3) - (2a2 -5a + 4) (5a + 1) Now we learn some important algebraic identities.
5a2 - 6a + 9 2a2 - 5a + 4 Identity 1: (x + a)(x + b) = x + (a+ b)x + ab
% 2a - 3 % 5a + 1 Proof:
10a3 - 12a2 + 18a 10a3 - 25a2 + 20a L.H.S. = (x + a)(x + b)
- 15a2 + 18a - 27 + 2a2 - 5a + 4 = x(x + b) + a(x + b)
10a3 -27a2 + 36a - 27 10a3 -23a2 + 15a + 4 = x2 + bx + ax + ab
(5a2 - 6a + 9) (2a - 3) - (2a2 -5a + 4) (5a + 1) = x2 + (b + a)x + ab
= (10a3 - 27a2 + 36a - 27) - (10a3 - 23a2 + 15a + 4) = x2 + (a + b)x + ab = R.H.S.
= 10a3 - 27a2 + 36a - 27 - 10a3 + 23a2 - 15a - 4 Thus L.H.S. = R.H.S.
= (10a3 - 10a3) + (-27a2 + 23a2) + (36a - 15a) + (-27 - 4) Identity 2: (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
= - 4a2 + 21a - 31 Proof:
L.H.S. = (a + b)2 = (a + b) (a + b)
EXERCISE 8.4 = a(a + b) + b(a + b)
= a2 + ab + ba + b2
1. Multiply = a2 + ab + ab + b2
(i) (3a + 4) (2a - 1) (ii) (m + 2) (m - 2) = a2 + 2ab + b2
(iii) (x - 1) (x2 + x + 1) (iv) (p - q ) ( p2 + pq + q2) Thus L.H.S. = R.H.S.
(v) (x + y)(x2 - xy + y2) (vi) (a + b) (a - b)
Identity 3: (a - b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2
(vii) (l - m) (l2 - 2lm + m3) (viii) (3p - 4q) (3p + 4q)
(ix) (1 - 2c) (1 + 2c) (x) (2x - 1) (4x2 + 2x + 1)
L.H.S. = (a - b)2 = (a - b) (a - b)
(xi) (a + b) (a2 - ab + b2) (xii) (3 - b) (2b - b2 + 3)
= a(a - b) - b(a - b)
2. Simplify
= a2 - ab - ba + b2
(i) (x2 + y2) (3x + 2y ) + xy (x - 3y)
= a2 - ab - ab + b2
(ii) (4x + 3y) (2x - y) - (3x- 2y) (x + y)
= a2 - 2ab + b2
(iii) (2m2 - 5m + 4) (m + 2) - (m2 + 7m - 8) (2m - 3)
Thus L.H.S. = R.H.S.
(iv) (3x2 + 2xy - 2y2) (x + y) - (x2 - xy + y2) (x - y)
Identity 4: (a - b)(a + b) = a2 - b2
8.3 Algebraic Identities L.H.S. = (a - b)(a + b)
= a(a + b) - b(a + b)
An algebraic identity is a simplified form consisting of the
= a2 + ab - ba - b2
algebraic terms which provide us with a rule for solving the long
= a2 + ab - ab - b2
calculations in a short and easy way. For example, to calculate the
= a2 - b2
area of four rectangular walls we use the following identity as a short
Thus L.H.S. = R.H.S.
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Example 1: Simplify the binomials by using the identity. Solution:

(i) (x + 6) (x + 5) (ii) (x - 4) (x - 8) (iii) (2x + 9) (2x - 3) (i) (3x - 4y),(3x + 4y)
Solution: By using the identity,
(i) (x + 6 ) (x + 5) (a + b)(a - b) = a2 - b2
By using the identity, (3x + 4y) (3x - 4y) = (3x)2 - (4y)2
(x + a)(x + b) = x + (a+ b)x + ab = 9x2 - 16y2
(x + 6)(x + 5) = x + (6 + 5)x + (6 x 5) (ii) (7a - 9b), (7a + 9b)
= x2 + 11x + 30 By using the identity,
(ii) (x - 4) (x - 8) (a + b)(a - b) = a2 - b2
By using the identity, (7a + 9b) (7a - 9b) = (7a)2 - (9b)2
(x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b)x + ab = 49a2 - 81b2
(x - 4) (x - 8) = x2 + (-4 - 8)x + (-4) x (-8) (iii) (6x2y2 + 8a2b2), (6x2y2 - 8a2b2)
= x2 - 12x + 32 By using the identity,
(iii) (2x + 9) (2x - 3) (a + b)(a - b) = a2 - b2
By using the identity, (6x2y2 + 8a2b2) (6x2y2 - 8a2b2) = (6x2y2)2 - (8a2b2)2
(x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b)x + ab = 36x4y4 - 64a4b4
(2x + 9)(2x - 3) = (2x)2 + (9 - 3)2x + 9 % (-3)
= 4x2 + (6)2x + (-27) EXERCISE 8.5
= 4x2 + 12x - 27
Example 2: Find the square of the following by using identity. 1. Simplify the following binomials by using the identity.
(i) (4a + 3b ) (ii) (2x - 3y) (i) (x + 1) (x + 2) (ii) (x - 2) (x - 4) (iii) (a + 5) (a + 3)
Solution: (iv) (b + 6) (b - 9) (v) (2x + 3) (2x - 7) (vi) (2y + 1) (2y + 5)
(i) (4a + 3b) (vii) (3b - 1) (3b - 7) (viii) (4x + 5) (4x + 3) (ix) (5y - 2) (5y + 6)
By using the identity, (x) (8a + 7) (8a - 3)
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 2. By using identity, find the square of the following binomials.
(4a + 3b)2 = (4a)2 + 2 % (4a) % (3b) + (3b)2 (i) x + y (ii) 3a + 4 (iii) x - y (iv) a + 2b (v) 2x + 3y
= 16a2 + 24ab + 9b2 (vi) 2a - b (vii) 3x - 2y (viii) 4x + 5y (ix) 7a - 8b
(ii) (2x - 3y)
3. Find the product of the following binomials by using identity.
By using the identity,
(i) (x + y) (x - y) (ii) (3a - 8) (3a + 8) (iii) (2a + 7b) (2a - 7b)
(a - b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2
(iv) (x + 3y) (x - 3y) (v) (6a - 5b) (6a + 5b) (vi) (9x - 11y) (9x + 11y)
(2x - 3y)2 = (2x)2 + 2 % (2x) % (3y) + (3y)2
= 4x2 - 4xy + 9y2 8.4 Factorization of Algebraic Expressions
Example 3: Write the product of the following binomials by
using identity, In arithmetic, we have learnt that the prime numbers which
(i) (3x - 4y),(3x + 4y) (ii) (7a - 9b), (7a + 9b) are multiplied with each other to get a product are called factors. For
(iii) (6x2y2 + 8a2b2),(6x2y2 - 8a2b2) example,
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18 = 1 x 2 x 3 x 3 .................... (i) two squared terms is a2 - b2. So,

Similarly in algebra, if an algebraic expression is a product of two or a2 - b2 = a2 + ab - ab - b2
more than two other algebraic expressions, then the two or more = a(a + b) - b(a + b)
than two other algebraic expressions are called the factors of the = (a - b) (a + b)
product. For example, Example 1: Factorize.
3xy - 3xz = 3x (y - z ) .............. (ii) (i) 49x - 81y
2 2
(ii) 18a2x2 - 32b2y2 (iii) (6a - 8b)2 - 49c2
Here in (ii), 3, x and (y - z) are the factors of 3xy - 3xz and 3 & x are Solution:
known as common factors of the whole expression. So, we can define (i) 49x2 - 81y2
the factorization of an algebraic expression as, = (7x)2 - (9y)2
“The process of writing an algebraic expression as the product of two = (7x - 9y) (7x + 9y)
or more expressions which divide it exactly is called the factorization”. [Using the identity, a2 - b2 = (a - b) (a + b)]
In algebra, the opposite of the factorization is called the expansion. (ii) 18a2x2 - 32b2y2
This is the process of multiplying the factors to get the same = 2[9a2x2 - 16b2y2]
algebraic expression. = 2[(3ax)2 - (4by)2]
Example 1: Resolve the following expressions into factors. = 2(3ax - 4by) (3ax + 4by)
(i) 3a + 6b + 9c (ii) a(x - y) -b(x - y) [Using the identity, a2 - b2 = (a - b) (a + b)]
Solution: (iii) (6a - 8b)2 - 49c2
(i) 3a + 6b + 9c = (6a - 8b)2 - (7c)2
(taking 3 as common) = (6a - 8b - 7c) (6a - 8b + 7c)
= 3 (a + 2b + 3c) [Using the identity, a2 - b2 = (a - b) (a + b)]
(ii) a(x - y) -b(x - y)
(taking x - y as common) EXERCISE 8.6
= (x - y) (a - b)
Example 2: Factorize. 1. Resolve into factors.
(i) (ax - y) - (ay - x) (ii) (x2 + yz ) - (y + z)x (i) 5x2y - 10xy2 (ii) 2a - 4b + 6c (iii) 9x4 + 6y2 + 3
Solution: (iv) a3b + a2b2 + ab3 (v) x2yz + xy2z + xyz2 (vi) bx3 + bx2 - x - 1
(i) (ax - y) - (ay - x) (ii) (x2 + yz ) - (y + z)x (vii) x2 + qx + px+ pq (viii) ab - a - b + 1 (ix) (pm + n) + (pn + m)
= ax - y - ay + x = x2 + yz - yx - zx (x) (a + bc) - (b + c)a (xi) x - (m + n) x + mn (xii) x3- y2 + x - x2y2
2 2

= ax + x - ay - y = x2 - zx - yx + yz 2. Factorize by using identity.

= x(a + 1) - y(a + 1) = x(x - z) - y(x - z) (i) 4a2 - 25 (ii) 4x2 - 9y2 (iii) 9a2 - b2
= (x - y) (a + 1) = (x - y) (x - z) (iv) 9m2 - 16n2 (v) 16b2 - a2 (vi) -1 + (x + 1)2
• Factorization of a2 - b2 type expression (vii) 8x2 - 18y2 (viii) (a + b)2 - c2 (ix) x2- (y + z)2 (x) 7x2 - 7y2
If we have the difference of two squared terms, then we can (xi) 5a2 - 20b2 (xii) x4 - y4
factorize them as one factor is the sum of two terms and the other
factor is the difference of two terms. For example, the difference of
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• Factorization of a2 ± 2ab + b2 type expressions EXERCISE 8.7

We know that the square of a binomial can be expanded as the
1. Resolve into factors by using identity.
square of 1st term plus the square of 2nd term plus the twice of the
(i) x2 + 8x + 16 (ii) x2 - 2x + 1
product of the two terms, i.e.
(iii) a4 - 14a2 + 49 (iv) 1 + 10m + 25m2
• (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
(v) 4x2 - 12xy + 9y2 (vi) 9a2 + 30ab + 25b2
• (a - b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2
(vii) 16a2 + 56ab + 49b2 (viii) 36x2 + 108xy + 81y2
Example 3: Resolve into factors.
(ix) 49m2 + 154m + 121 (x) 64a2 - 208ab + 169b2
(i) 8x - 56x + 98
(ii) 16a4 + 14a2b2 + 9b2
(xi) 3x4 + 24x2 + 48 (xii) 11x2 + 22x + 11
(xiii) 44a4 - 44a3b + 11a2b2 (xiv) a4 + 16a2b + 64b2
(i) 8x2 - 56x + 98 = 2[4x2 - 28x + 49]
(xv) 1 - 4xyz + 4x2y2z2 (xvi) 16x3y - 40x2y2 + 25xy3
It can be written as:
2. Factorize by using the identity.
= 2[(2x)2 - 2(2x)(7) + (7)2] a28x = 2 (2x) (7)
= 2(2x - 7) 2
(i) a2x2 + 2abcx + b2c2 (ii)
[Using the identity, a2 - 2ab + b2 = (a - b)2]
Thus, the required factors are 2 and (2x - 7)2. (iii) (iv)
(ii) 16a4 + 14a2b2 + 9b2
= (4a2)2 + 2(4a2) (3b2) + (3b2)2 a2(4a2) (3b2) = 24a2b2 (v) (vi)
By using the identity, a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a + b)2, we have
(4a2)2 + 2(4a2) (3b2) + (3b2)2 = (4a2 + 3b2)2
(vii) a2b2c2x2 - 2a2b2cdxy + a2b2d2y2 (viii)
Thus, the required factors are (4a2 + 3b2)2
• Factorization by making groups
Example 2: Factorize Look at the following algebraic expressions.
• x2 + ax + 4x + 4a
• al + bm + bl + am
Solution: • pq - 2p - q + 2
We can observe from the above given expressions. That there are
It can be written as,
no common factors in them and these expressions are also not any
of the three types discussed in other sections. For factoring such
types of expressions, we rearrange them and make their groups as
By using the identity, a2 - 2ab + b2 = (a - b)2 given in the examples.
Example 1: Factorize 5a + xa + 5x + x2
5a + xa + 5x + x2
Step 1: Rearrange the expression. x2 + 5x + xa + 5a
Thus, the required factors are
Step 2: Make their groups. (x2 + 5x) + (xa + 5a)
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Step 3: Factor out the common factors. x(x + 5) + a(x + 5) 3. Tick (p) the correct answer.
Step 4: Factor out the common expression. (x + 5) (x + a)
Thus, the required factorization is (x + 5) (x + a)
Example 2: Factorize: 2a2b + 4ab2 - 2ab - 4b2
2a2b + 4ab2 - 2ab - 4b2
Step 1: Rearrange the expression and 2a2b - 2ab + 4ab2 - 4b2 4. Resolve into factors.
factor out the common factor. = 2b (a2- a + 2ab - 2b) (i) 10a2 - 200a4b
Step 2: Make their groups. = 2b [(a2 - a) + (2ab - 2b)] (ii) 36x3y3z3 - 27x2y4z + 63xyz4
Step 3: Again factor out the common = 2b [a (a - 1)+ 2b (a - 1)] (iii) 15x4y + 21x3y2 - 27x2y2 - 33xy4
(iv) x(a2 + 11) - 16(a2 + 11)
Step 4: Factor out the common expression. = 2b [(a - 1) (a + 2b)] (v) x2(ab + c) + xy(ab + c) + z2(ab + c)
Thus, the required factorization is 2b(a - 1) (a + 2b). 5. If A = 2(x2 + y2 + z2), B = -x2 + 3y2 - 2z2 and C = x2 - y2 - 3z2 , then
EXERCISE 8.8 (i) A + B + C (ii) B + C - A (iii) A - B + C
(iv) A + B - C (v) A - B - C (vi) B - C - A
1. Factorize the following expressions. 6. Simplify the following polynomials
(i) lx -my + mx - ly (ii) 2xy - 6yz + x - 3z (iii) p2 + 2p - 3p -6 (i) (x - 2y)(x + 2y) (ii) (4x2) (3x + 1)
(iv) x2 + 5x - 2x - 10 (v) m2 - 7m + 2m - 14 (vi) a2 + 3a - 4a + 12 (iii) 2x(x + y) - 2y(x - y) (iv) (a2b3)(2a - 3b)
(vii) x2 - 9x + 3x - 27 (viii) z2 - 8z - 4z + 32 (ix) t2 - st + t - s (v) (a2 - b2) (a2 + b2) (vi) (a2 + 1) (a2 - a - 1)
(x) n2 + 5n - n - 5 (xi) a2b2 + 7ab - ab - 7 (xii) l2m2-13Im-2lm+26 (vii) x(y + 1) - y(x + 1) - (x - y)
(viii) a2(b2 - c2) + b2(c2 - a2) + c2 (a2 - b2)
Review Exercise 8 7. Simplify the following by using identity.
(i) (3x - 4) (3x + 5) (ii) (2a - 5b)2
1. Answer the following questions. 8. Factorize.
(i) What is meant by literals? (ii) Define a constant. (i) a2 - 26a + 169 (ii) 1 - 6x2y2z + 9x4y4z2
(iii) What is a binomial? (iii) 7ab2 - 343a (iv) 75 - 3(x - y)2
(iv) What is an algebraic identity?
(v) Define the factorization of an algebraic expression. 9 2 4
(v) 49(x + y)2- 16(x - y)2 (vi) a + ab + b 2
2. Fill in the blanks. 16 9
(i) (a + b)2 = ______. (ii) (a - b)2 = ______. a 2 2 2ac c2 2 9 2 36 2
(iii) (x + a) (x + b) =_____. (iv) a2 - b2 = ______.
(vii) l - lm + 2 m (viii) (a - ) - m
b2 bd d 5 25
(v) A symbol represented by a literal and can take various
numerical values is called a ______.
(vi) A polynomial having only one term is called ______.
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• The letters or alphabets that we use to represent unknowns /

numbers are called literals.
• A symbol represented by a literal that can take various numerical
values is called a variable.
• A symbol having a fixed value is called a constant.

• A combination of constants and variables connected by the signs
of fundamental operations is called an algebraic expression.
• The parts of an algebraic expression separated by the operational
signs ‘+’ and ‘-’ are called its terms.
• An algebraic expression in which the exponents of variables are
all whole numbers is called a polynomial.
• A polynomial can be arranged in any order but usually we arrange
it in descending order.
• An algebraic equation which is true for all values of the variable
occurring in the relation is called an algebraic identity.
• The process of writing an algebraic expression as the product
of two or more expressions which divide it exactly is called the

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9 Linear equations

Animation 9.1: Linear Equation

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9. Linear Equations eLearn.Punjab 9. Linear Equations eLearn.Punjab

Student Learning Outcomes Equation Left-hand side Right-hand side

x+3=6 x+3 6
After studying this unit, students will be able to: 2x - 5 = 5 2x - 5 5
• Define a linear equation in one variable. 6 = 12 + x 6 12 + x
• Demonstrate different techniques to solve linear equations. • Addition
• Solve linear equations of the type: We can add the same number to both sides of an equation.
 ax + b =c,
For example, if we are given an equation.
ax + b m x + 2 = 4 ... (i)
 = .
cx + d n We can add 3 to both sides of (i) to obtain:
x + 2 + 3 = 4 + 3
• Solve real life problems involving linear equations.
or x + 5 = 7 ... (ii)
(i) and (ii) are equivalent equations which have the same solution or
9.1 Linear Equation root
• Subtraction
The equation which contains a single variable with the exponent
We can subtract the same number from the both sides of an
of 1 is called the linear equation in one variable. For example,
equation. For example;
• 2x + 4 = 6x (Linear equation in variable x)
x + 5 = 3 ... (i)
• 3y - 7 = 14 - 2y (Linear equation in variable y)
x + 5 - 2 = 3 - 2
• z + 5 = 0 (Linear equation in variable z)
or x + 3 = 1 ... (ii)
(i) and (ii) are equivalent equations.
9.2 Solution of a Linear Equation • Multiplication
We can multiply both sides of an equation by a non-zero
A linear equation in one variable is an open sentence. The
number. For example:
process of finding that value of the variable which makes it a true
sentence is called its solution. That value of the variable which makes
the equation a true sentence is called a solution of the equation. A
solution is also called a root of the equation.
(i) x + 2 = 5
Here solution is x = 3 or the root is x = 3 because when we put x = 3,
we get 5 = 5 which is a true statement.
• Division
(ii) 2x = 4
We can divide both sides of an equation by an non-zero
We put x = 2 and get 4 = 4, a true statement, thus the solution of the
number. For example:
equation is x = 2.

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6x = 12 ... (i)
8x + 4
Multiply both sides by 4 (ii) =1
16 - 4 x
8x + 4
4 × =
8× 4 or (16 - 4x) × =
1 × (16 - 4x)
16 - 4 x
x = 32 ... (ii)
or 8x + 4 = 16 - 4x (Multiply both sides by the L.C.M 16 - 4x)
Example 1: Solve the equation, Example 2: Solve the equation, or 8x + 4x = 16 - 4 (Separate variables and numbers)
x - 6 = 2. or 12x = 12
Solution: x = 2. 12
6 or =
x = 1
x - 6 = 2 ........... (i) 12
Add 6 to both sides, Solution:
x - 6 + 6 = 2 + 6
x=2 EXERCISE 9.1
x = 8
Example 3: Solve the equation, Multiply both sides of (i) by 4
1. Solve the following equations.
x + 1 = 5.
Solution: 1
6 × x= 6× 2 1
(i) x=4 (ii) x - 7 = -15 (iii) x + 1 = 5
x + 1 = 5 ........... (i) 6 8
Subtract 1 from both sides of (i), or x = 12
(iv) 2x - 6 = 0 (v) 11x - 2 = 20 (vi) 17x = 255
x + 1 - 1 = 5 - 1
x=4 2x
(vii) 5x - 3 = 12 (viii) 11 - x = 6 (ix) =8
Example 4: Find the solution of the following equations and 5
verify the solution. (x)
-7=2 (xi)
= 10 (xii) 9x + 11 = 83
3 2
x+6 x+4 8x + 4 x-5 7x + 3
(i) = (ii) =1 (xiii) =7
(xiv) - 2 = 5 (xv) = 19
2 3 16 - 4 x 4 4 2
Solution: 2. Find the solutions of the following equations.
x+6 x+4 (i) 5x-3 = 3x-5 (ii) 3x+8 = 5x +2 (iii) 12x-3 = 5(2x+1)
(i) =
2 3 x-3 3 x -1 4
(iv) 10(2-x) = 4(x-9) (v) = (vi) =
x+6 x + 4 (Multiply both sides by the L.C.M 6 x +1 5 x-2 3
6 × = 6×
2 3 of 2 and 3) x-2 1 3x - 8 x+2 2
(vii) = (viii) = 1 (ix) =
3(x + 6) = 3(x + 6) 3x + 4 7 5x - 2 2x - 5 5
3x + 18 = 2x + 8 x+3 x+6 7x - 6 4x + 3 x + 7
(x) = (xi) = 1 (xii) =
3x - 2x = 8 - 18 2 3 x - 18 3 2
x = - 10 (Separate variables and numbers)
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Thus, the boy is 18 years old.

9.2.1 Solving Real Life Problems involving Linear
Equations EXERCISE 9.2

Let us solve some real life problems involving linear equations. 1. Hussain bought 10 ice creams. He gave Rs. 1,000 to the
shopkeeper. The shopkeeper returned him Rs. 250. For how
Example 1: A 96cm long wire is given the shape of a rectangle
much did he buy one ice cream?
such that its length is 12cm more than the breadth. Find the length
2. The length of a rectangle is 2 cm more than twice its breadth. If
and breadth of the rectangle.
the perimeter of the rectangle is 28cm, find its length and
Suppose that breadth of the rectangle = x
3. The price of a pen is Rs. 42 and of a notebook is Rs. 18. Calculate
then length of the rectangle = x + 12
how many pens and notebooks you can buy for Rs. 480 if you
length of the wire (perimeter) = 96cm
want to buy an equal quantity of both.
By using the formula
4. A father’s age is twice his daughter’s age but 16 years ago the
2(length + breadth) = perimeter
father’s age was 4 times his daughter’s age. Calculate their
or 2[(x + 12) + x)] = 96
or 2(2x+ 12) = 96
5. Distribute an amount of Rs. 200 between Raheem and Usman
or 4x + 24 = 96
such that Raheem gets Rs.50 more than twice as much as
or 4x = 96 - 24
Usman gets.
or 4x = 72
6. The length of a marriage hall is 4 times its breadth. If
or x = 18
the perimeter of the hall is 240m, find the length and the
Thus, breadth of the rectangle is 18cm
breadth of the marriage hall.
Length of the rectangle = x + 12
7. Aslam’s age is half of his father’s age but 15 years ago his age
= 18 + 12 = 30cm
Example 2: After 32 years from now, a boy will be 5 times as old was just of father’s age. Find his present age now.
as he was 8 years back. How old is the boy now?
8. Distribute an amount of Rs.500 among 2 brothers and 1 sister
such that,
Suppose the age of the boy = x
a. sister gets twice as much as brothers gets.
After 32 years age will be = x + 32
b. each brother gets twice as much as the sister does.
8 years back the age was = x - 8
According to the situation, Review Exercise 9
x + 32 = 5 (x - 8)
or x + 32 = 5x - 40 1. Answer the following questions.
or 5x - x = 40 + 32 (i) What is a linear equation?
or 4x = 72 (ii) What is meant by the solution of an equation?
or x = 72/4 = 18 years (iii) Define the linear equation in one variable.
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2. Fill in the blanks. Summary

(i) The equation which contains a single variable with the
exponent 1 is called the linear equation in one_______. • An equation which contains a single variable with the exponent
(ii) A solution is also called a ______ of the equation. “1” is called the linear equation in one variable.
(iii) The process of finding the value of a variable to make a • The value of the variable that makes the equation a true sentence
sentence true is called its_______. is called the solution of the equation.
(iv) Addition of the _______ to both sides of an equation does • A number non-zero in case of division can be added, subtracted,
not affect its equality. multiplied and divided on the both sides of an equation and it
3. Tick (p) the correct answer. does not affect the equality of the equation.

4. Solve each of the following equations.

5 2
(i) 2x + 3 = 5x + 7 (ii) 5 x - = 3x -
3 3
3 5 5 7 3
(iii) x - = + x (iv) 3(3x - 1) - 8(x + ) = 0
2 3 2 3 2
5 3 3 5 2 2 3 1
(v) ( - 2 x) + (2 x - ) = 0 (vi) - x= x-
2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3
3 5 2
(vii) 2 - x = (1 - x) (viii) (3x - 1) = 2 x - 1
2 2 5
1 2 4x - 3 1 2 1 7
(ix) (x - 3) + = (x) (x - 3)+ = (4x - 3)+
3 3 6 3 3 3 2
5. Find the number.
(i) -3 added to a number is equal to 10.
(ii) Three times a number is 15.
(iii) 13 subtracted from three times a number is 8.
(iv) A number divided by 5 gives 9 less than twice the number.
(v) The sum of three consecutive numbers is 45.

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10 Fundamentals of

Animation 10.1: Circle radians

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Student Learning Outcomes

10.1 Properties of Angles
After studying this unit, students will be able to:
Two different rays with a common starting point form an angle
• Define adjacent, complementary and supplementary angles.
which is denoted by the symbol ∠. The unit of measuring an angle is
• Define vertically opposite angles.
degree (°). Angles are classified by their degree measures, e.g. right
• Calculate unknown angles involving adjacent angles,
angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, etc
complementary angles, supplementary angles and vertically
opposite angles.
10.1.1 Adjacent, Complementary and Supplementary
• Calculate unknown angle of a triangle.
• Identify congruent and similar figures.
• Recognize the symbol of congruency.
• Adjacent Angles
• Apply the properties for two figures to be congruent or similar.
The word adjacent means “next or neighbouring” and by the
• Apply following properties for congruency between two triangles.
adjacent angles we mean angles next to each other. Two angles are
1. SSS b SSS
said to be adjacent if:
2. SAS b SAS
(i) they have the same vertex.
(ii) they have one common arm.
4. RHS b RHS
(iii) other arms of two angles extend on
• Describe a circle and its center, radius, diameter, chord, arc, major
opposite sides of the common arm.
and minor arcs, semicircle and segment of the circle.
For example, in the figure (10.1), it can be seen that the two angles
• Draw a semicircle and demonstrate the property; the angle in a
∠AOC and ∠BOC are adjacent because they have the same vertex “O”
semicircle is a right angle.   
and one common arm OC . Other arms OA and OB on the opposite
• Draw a segment of a circle and demonstrate the property; the 
angles in the same segment of a circle are equal. sides of the common arm OC .

• Complementary Angles
Two angles are called complementary angles when their sum
Geometry has a long and glorious history. It helped us to of degree measure is equal to 90°. For example, in the figure (10.2),
create art, build civilizations, construct buildings and discover other
worlds. Therefore, the knowledge of geometry remained the focus m∠BAD = 600
of ancient mathematicians. m∠SAD = 300
The most important work done in the area of Geometry m∠BAD + m∠SAD
was of Euclid. His book,“Euclid’s Elements” had been taught = 600 + 300
throughout the world. = 900

Thus ∠BAD and ∠SAD are complementary angles.

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• Supplementary Angles 10.1.3 Finding Unknown Angles involving Adjacent,

Two angles are called supplementary angles when their Complementary, Supplementary and Vertically
sum of degree measure is equal to 180°. For example, in the figure Opposite Angles
m∠BAD = 600 Example 1: Look at the following diagram and name all the
m∠SAD = 1200 pairs of:
m∠BAD + m∠SAD
= 600 + 1200 (a) Adjacent angles
= 1800 (b) Vertically Opposite Angles

The sum of the two angles is 180°. Hence, these are supplementary
angles. Solution:
(a) Adjacent angles
10.1.2 Vertically Opposite Angles (i) ∠ u and ∠ v (ii) ∠ v and ∠ w (iii) ∠ w and ∠ x
(iv) ∠ x and ∠ y (v) ∠ y and ∠ z (vi) ∠ z and ∠ u
A pair of angles is said to be vertically opposite, if the angles All these are pairs of adjacent angles
are formed from two intersecting lines and the angles are non- (b) Vertically Opposite Angles
adjacent. Such angles are always equal in measurement as shown (i) ∠ u and ∠ x (ii) ∠ w and ∠ z (iii) ∠ v and ∠ y
in the figure (10.4). All these are pairs of vertically opposite angles.
 
Here it can be seen that two lines AB and CD
intersect each other at point “O” and form four Example 2: Write the measurement of missing angles.
angles i.e. ∠AOC, ∠BOC, ∠BOD and ∠AOD. Here
the angles ∠AOD and ∠BOC are called vertically
opposite angles. Similarly the angles ∠AOC and
∠BOD are also vertically opposite to each other. We can prove that
vertically opposite angles are equal in measure as given below. In
the figure (10.4), we can also see that:
m∠AOD + m∠AOC = 1800 (supplementary angles) (i) (ii)
m∠AOC + m∠BOC = 1800 (supplementary angles)
m∠AOD + m∠AOC = m∠AOC + m∠BOC
m∠AOD = m∠BOC
Similarly, we can also prove that:
m∠AOC = m∠BOD

(iii) (iv)
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Solution: Example 3: Find the missing angle in each triangle.

(i) (ii)

We have m∠AOC = 35°. We have to ∠AOB = 1350 and Solution:
Since, ∠AOC and ∠BOC are m∠BOC = 450. Since, ∠AOB and We know that the sum of the measures of three angles of a triangle
complementary angles. So, ∠COD are vertically opposite is always equal to 180°. Let us use the same angle sum property of a
m∠AOC + m∠BOC = 900 angles. So, triangle to find the following unknown angles.
350 + m∠BOC = 900 m∠COD = m∠AOB (i) (ii)
m∠BOC = 900 - 350 Thus, m∠COD = 1350
= 550 Similarly, ∠BOC and ∠AOD are
Thus, m∠BOC = 550 vertically opposite angles. So,
m∠AOD = m∠BOC
Thus, m∠AOD = 450
(iii) (iv)
We have, We have,
m∠B = 520, m∠C = 480, m∠A = ? m∠O = 900, m∠A = 400, m∠B = ?

We know that We know that

m∠A + m∠B + m∠C = 1800 m∠O + m∠A + m∠B = 1800
m∠A + 520 + 480 = 1800 900 + 400 + m∠B = 1800
We have m∠BOC = 1280. We have m∠AOB = 750 and
m∠A + 1000 = 1800 1300 + m∠B = 1800
Since, ∠AOC and ∠COB are ∠AOC = 450. Since, ∠AOC and
m∠A = 1800 - 1000 = 800 m∠B = 1800 - 1300 = 500
supplementary angles. So, ∠COB are adjacent angles. So,
Thus, m∠A = 800 Thus, m∠B = 500
m∠AOC + m∠BOC = 1800 m∠AOC + m∠BOC = ∠AOB
m∠AOC + 1280 = 1800 450 + m∠BOC = 750
m∠AOC = 1800 - 1280 m∠BOC = 750 - 450
= 520 = 300
Thus, m∠AOC = 520 Thus, m∠BOC = 300

10.1.4 Finding Unknown Angle of a Triangle

If the measurements of two angles of a triangle are known,
then the third angle can be calculated.
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We have, m∠D = 1100 5. Find the unknown angles of the given triangles.
m∠E = 300
(vertically opposite angles are equal)
m∠F = ?
We know that
m∠D + m∠E + m∠F = 1800 (vertically opposite angles are equal)
1100 + 300 + m∠F = 1800
1400 + m∠F = 1800
m∠F = 1800 - 1400 = 400 6. Find the remaining angles in the given right angled triangle.
Thus, m∠F = 400

1. Name all the angles in the figure which are adjacent.

10.2 Congruent and Similar Figures

10.2.1 Identification of Congruent and Similar Figures

• Congruent Figures
2. In the following figure ∠AOB and ∠BOC are adjacent angles. i.e.
Two geometrical figures are said to be congruent, if they have
m∠AOB = 200 and m∠AOC = 420. Find m∠BOC.
same shape and size. Look at the following figures.

3. Identify the pairs of complementary and supplementary

(i) 500 , 400 (ii) 1200 , 600 (iii) 700 , 700 The sides and angles of two given figures can be matched as given
(iv) 1300 , 500 (v) 700 , 200 (vi) 500 , 1000 below.
4. In the given figure, find all the remaining angles.

From the above, it can be seen that the two figures have exactly the
same shape and size. Therefore, we can say that these two figures
are congruent.
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10.2.2 Recognizing the Symbol of Congruency Example 1: Decide whether the figures in each pair are
congruent or only similar.
We have learnt that two geometrical figures are congruent if Solution:
they have the same shape and same size. The congruency of two
figures is denoted by a symbol b which is read as “is congruent to”.
The symbol b is made up of two parts. i.e.
• ; means the same shape (similar). • = means the same size
The symbol for congruence was developed by Gottfried
Leibniz. He was born in 1646 and died in 1716. Gottfried
Leibniz made very important contributions to the
notation of Mathematics.
• Similar Figures
The figures with the same shape but not necessarily the
same size are called similar figures. The similarity of the geometrical
figures is represented by the symbol “;”. For example, all circles are
similar to each other and all squares are also similar.

Example 2: How are the following shapes related?


Figure 1
But these are not congruent to each other as the size of each circle
is different.

10.2.3 Applying the Properties for two Figures to the

Congruent or Similar

The difference between similar and congruent figures is that:

• Congruent figures have the same shape and same size.
• Similar figures have the same shape, but may be different in sizes.
Let us use the same properties for two figures to find whether
they are congruent or similar.

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For example, if

b) Two sides of one triangle and their included angle are congruent
1. Define similar geometrical figures with examples.
to the two corresponding sides and angle of the other triangle,
2. Are similar figures congruent? Give examples.
i.e. SAS bSAS. For example,
3. Are congruent figures similar? Prove this with examples.
4. Identify congruent and similar pairs of figures.

c) Two angles of one triangle and their included side are

congruent to the two corresponding angles and side of the
other triangle, i.e. ASA b ASA. For example,

10.3 Congruent Triangles

While considering triangles, two triangles will be congruent if:

d) The hypotenuse and one side (base or attitude) of a triangle
a) All the three sides of one triangle are congruent to all three are congruent to the corresponding hypotenuse and one side
corresponding sides of the other triangle, i.e. SSS bSSS. of the other triangle i.e. RHS b RHS. For example,

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6. Look at the figure to show that 3ABP b3DCP


1. If the measures of two angles of a triangle are 35° and 80°,

then find the measure of its third angle. 10.4 Circle
2. In the given figure, ∠1 b ∠3 and ∠2 b ∠4.
Then prove that, 3ABD b 3BDC
A circle is the most familiar shape of the geometry that we
often observe around us, a wheel, the Sun, full Moon, coins of one,
two and five rupees are some examples of a circle. So, we can define
it as:
“A circle is a set of points in a plane which are
equidistant from a fixed point, called center of the
3. If the bisector of an angle of a triangle bisects its opposite
circle”. Let “P” be any point which is moving so that
side, then prove that the triangle is an isosceles triangle.
it remains at equal distance from a fixed point “O”.
4. In the given figure, LN ≅ MP and LP ≅ MN , then prove that This point will trace a circle whose center will be
∠P ≅ ∠N and ∠LMN ≅ ∠MLP “O” as shown in the figure.

• Radius
The distance between the center and any point on the circle is
called radius. Here the distance between “O” and “P” is called radius.
In this figure OP is the radial segment.
5. In the given triangle 3ABC, CD ⊥ AB and CA ⊥ CB , then prove
that AD ≅ BD and ∠ACD ≅ ∠BCD • Diameter
A line segment that passes through the
center of a circle and touches two points on its
edge is called the diameter of the circle. In the
given figure, AB is the diameter of the circle.

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• Chord
A line segment joining two points on a circle
is called the chord. The figure shows that AB is
the chord of the circle.

• Arc
If we cut a circle it will give us the curved On joining these semicircles, we get the same circle again. Now
shape as shown in the figure. This whole figure let us demonstrate the property of a semicircle that the angle in a
 is called arc of the
is called sector whereas BC semicircle is a right angle.
circle with radii OB and OC Step 1: Draw a circle, mark its center and draw a diameter
through the center. Use the diameter to form one side of
An arc consists of two end points and all the points on the circle a triangle. The other two sides should meet at a vertex
between these endpoints. When we cut a circle in such a way that somewhere on the circumference.
a sector of the circle is smaller than the other, we get two types of Step 2: Divide the triangle in two by drawing a radius from the
arcs, i.e. minor arc and major arc. center to the vertex on the circumference.
• Minor Arc Step 3: Recognize that each small triangle has two sides that are
An arc which is smaller than half of the circle is called minor radii. All radii are the same in a particular circle. This
arc. It is named by using two end points of the arc. means that each small triangle has two sides the same
• Major Arc length. They must therefore both be isosceles triangles.
An arc which is more than half of the circle is called major arc. Step 4: Because each small triangle is an isosceles triangle, they
It is named by three points. The first and third arc end points and must each have two equal angles.
the middle point is any point on the arc between the end points. For Step 5: The sum of internal angles in any triangle is 180°. By
example, comparison with the diagram in step 5, we notice that the
If we cut a circle at any points A and B. It will provide three angles in the big triangle are a, b and a + b. So, we
can write an equation as:
us two arcs 
AB and 
ACB . The arc 
AB is minor arc
whereas a way through 
ACB makes a major arc.
a + b + (a + b) = 1800

2a + 2b = 1800

10.4.2 Semicircle 1800

a +=
b = 900
Now consider the case, if we cut a circle such that both the arcs
Hence proved, the angle in a semicircle is a right angle.
are equal. Then it can happen only when it is cut along its diameter.
This process generates two semicircles or two half circles.

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10.4.3 Segment of a Circle 4. Draw a semicircle of a radius of 8cm.

5. Draw a circle and cut it into two segments. Construct two
Segment of a circle is a part of circle, cut along any chord. Look inscribed angles in each of the segment and measure them.
at the following figures.

1. Answer the following questions.

(i) What is meant by the adjacent angles?
(ii) What is the difference between complementary angles
and supplementary angles?
The arc  ACB corresponding to the chord  AB is called segment of (iii) Define the vertically opposite angles.
the circle. In second figure AOB is the sector of the circle. (iv) What is the symbol of congruency?
Now cut the circle along a chord other then (v) What is a circle?
diameter. You have two segments. Now draw (vi) Differentiate between major and minor arcs.
two inscribed angles of the smaller segment
∠ACB and ∠ADB. Now measure them, we will 2. Fill in the blanks.
see that both angles are equal in measurement. (i) From the _______ angles we mean, angles next to each
i.e. m∠ACB = m∠ADB. other.
Again draw the two angles in the major segments of the circle, (ii) If the sum of two angles is _______ then the angles are
∠APB and ∠AQB. Measure them again, have you noticed that again called complementary angles.
m∠APB = m∠AQB. Therefore, we can draw a conclusion; the angles (iii) The non-adjacent angles which are formed from two
in the same segment of a circle are equal. intersecting lines are called _______ angles.
(iv) Two figures are congruent if they are same in_______ and
EXERCISE 10.4 ________.
(v) A circle is a set of points which are equidistant from a
fixed point, called its _______.
1. Draw a circle with radius OA = 5cm and find its diameter.
(vi) Two triangles are congruent, if three sides of one triangle
2. In the given figure locate major and minor arcs.
are _______ to the three sides of other triangle.
(vii) The figures with same shape but not necessarily the
same size are called _______ figures.
(viii) Vertically opposite angles are always _______ in measure.

3. Tick (p ) the correct option.

3. How many diameters of a circle can be drawn. Draw a circle

and trace at least ‘5’ different diameters.

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4. Find unknown measures of the sides and angles for these • A segment of a circle cut across diameter is called semicircle.
congruent shapes. • An angle in a semicircle is a right angle.
• The angles in the same segment of a circle are equal.

5. If a and b are complementary angles, then find the value of ‘b’

if measure of ‘a’ is 40°.
6. If x and y are two supplementary angles where as m∠x = 600.
Then find the measure of y.


• Two angles with a common vertex, one common arm and

uncommon arms on opposite sides of the common arm, are
called adjacent angles.
• If the sum of two angles is 90°, then the angles are called
complementary angles.
• If the sum of two angles is 180°, then the angles will be
supplementary to each other.
• If two lines intersect each other, the non adjacent angles, so
formed are called vertical angles.
• Two geometrical figures are similar if they are same in shape.
• Figures are congruent if they are same in shape and size.
• Two triangles will be congruent if any of the following property
(i) SSS b SSS (ii) SAS b SAS (iii) ASA b ASA (iv) RHS b RHS
• A path traced by a point remaining equidistant from the fixed
point, generates circle.
• A line segment joining two points on a circle is called chord of a
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11 Practical Geometry

Animation 11.1: Parallelogram Area

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Student Learning Outcomes In figure (ii), we can notice that the line segment AB is longer
than CD because the length of AB is greater than that of CD i.e.
After studying this unit, students will be able to:
• Divide a line segment into a given number of equal segments. m AB > mCD .
• Divide a line segment internally in a given ratio.
• Construct a triangle when perimeter and ratio among the lengths
of sides are given.
• Construct an equilateral triangle when In figure (iii), we can check the third and final possibility of the
• base is given comparison of two line segments. Here we can see that two line
• altitude is given segments are equal in length, i.e. m AB = mCD
• Construct an isosceles triangle when Such line segments which have equal lengths are called congruent
• base and a base angle are given, line segments.
• vertex angle and altitude are given,
• altitude and a base angle are given. 11.1.1 Division of a Line Segment into Number of Equal
• Construct a parallelogram when Segments
• two adjacent sides and their included angle are given,
• two adjacent sides and a diagonal are given. In our previous class, we have learnt that a fine segment can
• Verify practically that the sum of. be divided into an even number of line segments by successive
• measures of angles of a triangle is 180° bisection of its parts as shown below:
• measures of angle of a quadrilateral is 360°

11.1 Line Segment

We know that we can compare two line segments by measuring
their lengths.

Now we learn a method for dividing a line segment into an odd

number of congruent parts, i.e. 3, 5, 7, ........ and so on. We shall learn
this method with the help of an example.
In figure (i), we can see that the line segment AB is shorter than CD
because the length of AB is less than that of CD i.e. m AB < mCD Example 1: Divide a line segment of length 14cm in 7 equal line
Steps of construction:
(i) Draw a 14cm long line segment PQ. (Use a ruler)
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• The point W is dividing the line segment PQ in ratio 3 : 4.

(ii) Draw a ray PR making an acute angle with a line segment PQ.
• The point X is dividing the line segment PQ in ratio 4 : 3.
(Use a ruler)
• The point Y is dividing the line segment PQ in ratio 5 : 2.
(iii) Draw another ray QS making the same acute angle with PQ • The point Z is dividing the line segment PQ in ratio 6 : 1.
(iv) Draw 7 arcs (according to the required parts of a line segment) Now we learn the division of a line segment in a given ratio. Suppose
of suitable radius, intersecting the ray PR at points A, B, C, D, that the given ratio is a: b: c. So,
E, F and O respectively. (Start from A and for each arc consider Step 1: Draw a line segment PQ.
the previous point as the starting point). Step 2: Draw two rays PR and QS making acute angles with
(v) Similarly, draw 7 arcs of same radius, intersecting the ray QS at line PQ.
points F’, E’, D’, C’, B’, A’ and O’ respectively. Step 3: Draw a + b + c number of arcs at equal distance on
(vi) Draw line segments PO’, AA’, CC’, DD’, EE’, FF’ and OQ. These line
PR and QS .
segments intersect the line segment PQ at points U, V, W, X, Y
and Z respectively. Step 4: Join the points of PR and QS corresponding to the ratio
a : b : c.
The intersecting points divide the line segment PQ in a given ratio
a : b : c.

Example 2: Divide a long line segment of length 12cm in the

ratio 1 : 3 : 4.
Steps of construction:
(i) Draw a 12cm line segment PQ. (Use a ruler)
(ii) Draw two rays PR and QS making same acute angle with line
segment PQ.
(vii) Hence PU ,UV ,VW ,WX , XY ,YZ and ZQ are the required 7 (iii) Draw 1 + 3 + 4 = 8 arcs of suitable radius, intersect the ray PR at
congruent parts of line segment PQ points A, B, C, D, E, F, G and O and intersect the ray QS at point
G’, F’, E’, D’, C’, B’, A’ and O’.
Note: Result can be checked by measuring the each part with a
(iv) Draw line segments PO’, AA’, DD’ and OQ’ , these line segments
intersect the line segment PQ at points X and Y.

11.1.2 Division of a Line Segment in a given Ratio

In previous example, we can notice that the intersecting points
U, V, W, X, Y and Z are also dividing the PQ in a specific ratio.
• The point U is dividing the line segment PQ in ratio 1 : 6.
• The point V is dividing the line segment PQ in ratio 2 : 5.

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(v) The line segments PX, XY and YQ are three parts of a line Example 1: Construct a triangle whose perimeter is 12cm and
segment PQ which are dividing it in the ratio 1 : 3 : 4. 2:3:4 is the ratio among the lengths of its sides.
EXERCISE 11.1 Steps of construction:
(i) Draw a line segment PQ of length 12cm. (use a ruler)
1. Divide a line segment of length 6cm into 3 congruent parts. (ii) Divide the line segment PQ in the given ratio 2:3:4.
2. Divide a line segment of length 7.5cm into 5 congruent parts. (iii) Consider the point L as center and draw an arc by using the
3. Draw a line segment of length 10.8cm and divide it into 6 length of PL as radius.
congruent parts. (iv) Again consider the point M as center and draw another arc by
4. Divide a line segment of length 10cm into 5 congruent parts. using the length of MQ as radius.
5. Draw a line segment of length 9.8cm and divide it into 7
congruent parts.
6. Divide the line segment:
a. AB of length 4cm in the ratio 1 : 2.
b. PQ of length 7.5cm in the ratio 2 : 3.
c. XY of length 9cm in the ratio 2 : 4.
d. DE of length 6cm in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3.
e. DE of length 6cm in the ratio 1 : 1 : 2.
f. LM of length 13.5cm in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4.
g. UV of length 11.2cm in the ratio 1 : 2 : 4.

11.2 Triangles

We are already familiar with the different methods of triangle (v) Label the point of intersection of two arcs as N.
construction. Here we shall learn more methods. (vi) Join the point N to L and M respectively.
∆LMN is the required triangle.
11.2.1 Construction of a Triangle when its Perimeter and
Ratio among the Lengths of Sides are Given 11.2.2 Construction of Equilateral Triangles

A triangle can also be constructed if we have the perimeter An equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are
of a triangle and the ratio among the lengths of its sides. equal and all three angles are congruent. It can be constructed using
a given length of a line segment (base and altitude). Let us construct
an equilateral triangle when:

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• Base is Given (iv) Construct the angles of 30° at point X i.e. m∠PXY = 30° and
Here it begins with the given base which is the length of each m∠PXZ = 30°.
side of the required equilateral triangle. Let us make it clear with an

Example 2: Construct an equilateral triangle ∆ABC whose base is

4.5cm long.
Steps of construction:
(i) Draw a line segment of length 4.5cm using a ruler. Label its
end points A and B.
(ii) Place the needle of the compasses at
point A and open it so that the tip of
the pencil touches the point B. ∆XYZ is the required equilateral triangle.
(iii) Draw an arc of radius AB with
centre A. 11.2.3 Construction of Isosceles Triangles
(iv) Draw another arc of radius AB with
centre B. This arc will intersect the As isosceles triangle is a triangle in which two sides are equal
first arc at one point. Name the in length. These two sides are called legs and third side is called the
meeting point of two arcs as C. base. The angles related to the base are also congruent. An isosceles
(v) Finally join the point C with the point A and with the point B. triangle can be constructed when:
The triangle ∆ABC is the required equilateral triangle. • Base and a Base Angle are Given
• Altitude is Given We know that the base angles of an isosceles triangle
An equilateral triangle can also be constructed if its altitude is are always equal. So, we can construct an isosceles triangle with the
given. Let us learn this method with an example. measure of its base and base angle are given.

Example 3: Construct an equilateral triangle ∆XYZ whose Example 4: Construct an isosceles triangle ∆ LMN whose base is
altitude is of measure 5cm. of measure 6cm and measure of base angle is 30°.
Solution: Solution:
Steps of construction: Steps of construction:
(i) Draw a line AB using a ruler and mark any point P on it. (i) Draw a line segment LM of length 6cm. (By using a ruler)
   (ii) Construct an angle m∠MLN = 30° at the point L.
(ii) Draw a perpendicular PQ on line AB, i.e. PQ ⊥ AB .
(iii) Construct another angle LMN of 30° at point M. The produced
(iii) From point P draw an arc of measure 5cm. This arc will cut the
arms of these angles intersect at point N.
perpendicular PQ at the point X as shown.

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• Altitude and Base Angle are Given

We know that in an isosceles triangle, base angles are congruent
and sum of three angles is 180°. It means, if the base angle of an
isosceles triangle is given, we can find its vertex angle as shown
∆LMN is the required isosceles triangle. Let the base angle be 40° and vertex angle be x. Then according to
• Vertex Angle and Altitude are Given the isosceles triangle:
In an isosceles triangle, the angle formed by the two sides of 40° + 40° + x =180°
equal length and opposite to the base is called vertex angle. When 80° + x =180°
the altitude is drawn to the base of an isosceles triangle, it bisects x =180°- 80°
the vertex angle. This property can be used to construct an isosceles x = 100°
triangle with its vertex angle and measure of altitude are given. Thus, the vertex angle is of measure 100°.

Example 6: Construct an isosceles triangle with altitude = 4cm

Example 5: Construct an isosceles triangle with altitude = 3.5cm
and base angle = 50°.
and vertex angle = 50o
Steps of construction:
Steps of construction:
(i) We know that:
(i) Draw a line XY and choose any point D on it.
 50° + 50° + vertex angle = 180°
(ii) Draw a perpendicular DG above the base line. 100° + vertex angle = 180°
(iii) From point D, draw an arc of radius 3.5cm to cut this vertex angle = 180° - 100° = 80°
perpendicular at point C. (ii) Draw a line PQ and choose any point O on it.
(iv) Since the vertex angle is 50° and an altitude bisects it. So, (iii) Draw the perpendicular OD above the base line.
perpendicular will show the angle of 25° on both sides, (iv) From point O, draw an arc of radius 4cm and cut the
perpendicular at point C.
i.e. = 250
2 500
(v) Draw two arms making an angle of = 250 at point C on
(v) Draw two arms making an angle 25° with perpendicular CD, 2
on both sides and let these arms cut the base line at points both sides of the perpendicular line OD .
A and B. (vi) Let the arms touch the base line at points A and B.

∆ABC is the required isosceles triangle. ∆ ABC is required isosceles triangle.

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EXERCISE 11.2 In the above figure (a), we can see that,

(i) AB  CD and AD  BC
1. Construct the equilateral triangles of given measures. (ii) m∠AB = m∠CD and m∠AD = m∠BC
(i) base = 4cm (ii) altitude = 6cm (iii) m∠DAB = m∠DCB. i.e. ∠DAB = ∠DCB
(iii) altitude = 5.5cm (iv) base = 3.5cm and m∠CDA = m∠CBA. i.e. ∠CDA = ∠CBA
2. Construct an isosceles triangle whose:
(i) base = 3cm and base angle = 45° 11.3.1 Construction of Parallelogram when two
(ii) altitude = 4.8cm and vertex angle = 100° Adjacent Sides and their Included Angle are Given
(iii) base = 5cm and base angle = 65°
(iv) altitude = 4.2cm and base angle = 35° We can construct a parallelogram when the measurements of
two adjacent sides and the related angle which is formed by two
3. Construct a triangle ∆LMN whose ratio among the lengths of its
sides, are given.
sides is 2 : 3 : 4 and perimeter is 10cm.

4. Construct a triangle ∆XYZ whose perimeter is 13cm and 3 : 4 : 5 is Example: Construct a parallelogram ABCD if,
the ratio among the length of its sides. =
m AB 6cm =
m AD 3.5cm =
m∠A 600
5. The perimeter of a ∆XYZ is 12cm and ratio among the lengths Solution:
of its sides is 4 : 2 : 3. Construct the triangle ∆XYZ. Steps of construction:
(i) Draw AB 6cm long.
11.3 Parallelogram (ii) Construct an angle of 60° at point A i.e. m∠A = 600.
(iii) Draw an arc of radius 3.5cm.
A parallelogram is a four-sided closed figure with two parallel (iv) Now take the point B as center and draw another arc of radius
and congruent (equal in measurement) opposite sides. The opposite 3.5cm.
angles of a parallelogram are also congruent and its diagonals bisect (v) Now again consider the point D as center and draw an arc of
each other as shown in the figure (a). radius 6cm. This arc will intersect the previous arc on the
point C.
(vi) Join the point C and point D and also join the point C and
point B.

figure (a) Result: ABCD is the required parallelogram.

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EXERCISE 11.3 (iii) Now consider the point C as centre and draw an arc of radius
3cm on the upper side of segment AC and draw another arc of
1. Construct the parallelogram ABCD where radius 4cm on the lower side of AC. (These points of arcs
m AB 7cm =
mBC 4cm m∠=
ABC 600 intersect at point B and D).
2. Construct the parallelogram PQRS where (iv) Finally join the points B and D with the point A and then with
the point C.
mPQ 8cm =
mQR 4cm m∠=
PQR 750
3. Construct the parallelogram LMNO where
mLM 6.5cm =mMN 4.5cm m∠
=LMN 45 0

4. Construct the parallelogram BSTU where

= mBS 7.7cm = = ∠BST 30 0
mST 4.4cm m
5. Construct the parallelogram OABC where
=mOA 6.3cm = m AB 3.1cm m=∠OAB 70 0

6. Construct the parallelogram DBAS where

mBA 9cm =
m AS 2.8cm m=
∠DBA 400 Thus, ABCD is the required parallelogram.

• Construction of Parallelogram when two Adjacent sides and 11.3.2 Sum of measure of Angles of a Triangle and
a Diagonal are given: a Quadrilateral
A parallelogram can be constructed when we have two adjacent
sides and one diagonal as given in the example. • The sum of Measures of Angles of a Triangle is 180°
In any triangle, the sum of measures of its angles is 180°. It can
Example: Construct the parallelogram ABCD if, be verified as given below.
m AB =
4cm mBC 3=
cm mCA 6cm Verification: Let ∆ABC be a triangle, then according to the given
statement, we have to verify that.
Solution: m∠ACB + m∠ABC + m∠BAC = 180°
Step 1: Draw a line ED parallel to the line
We can examine that AB and BC are two sides because
segment BC as shown in the figure (a).
both have a common point B and diagonal AC is also bigger
Step 2: Since line ED and line segment BC are
in measurement.
parallel. So, according to the
Steps of construction:
properties of parallel lines,
(i) Draw a AC of measure 6cm. m∠ACB = m∠CAD
(ii) Consider the point A as centre and draw an arc of radius 4cm m∠ABC = m∠BAE
on the upper side of line segment AC and draw another arc Step 3: Label two equal angles (∠ACB and ∠CAD) as x and label
radius of 3cm on the lower side of line segment AC. other two equal angles (∠ABC and ∠BAE) as y. Finally,
label the angle ∠BAC as z.

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Step 4: It can be seen that the sum of measurement of three 3. Construct the parallelogram ABCD where
angles x, y and z is 180° because these angles are on a straight =
m AD 3=
.1cm mGP 6=
.5cm mDP 8cm
line i.e. 4. Construct the parallelogram VTSE where
m∠x + m∠y + m∠z = 180° =
mSR 1.=
5cm mRT 3=
.6cm mTS 4.8cm
Hence Verified m∠ACB + m∠ABC + m∠BAC = 180° 5. Construct the parallelogram DBCO where
mBC 4=
.4cm mBO 6=
.6cm mCO 7.7cm
• The sum of Measures of Angles in a Quadrilateral is 360°
6. Construct the parallelogram MASK where
We have learnt that the sum of three angles in a triangle is 180°.
Let us use the same fact to verify that the sum of angles in a
mMA 3=
.1cm m AS 6.=
4cm mMS 5.2cm
quadrilateral is 360°.
Verification: Let ABCD be a quadrilateral, then we have to verify
Review Exercise 11
that, m∠A + m∠B + m∠C + m∠D = 360°
1. Answer the following questions.
Step 1: Join the point B with point D as
(i) Which line segments are called congruent line segments?
shown in the figure (b). This will
(ii) Write the sum of interior angles of a triangle.
divide the quadrilateral into two
(iii) Define an equilateral triangle.
triangles, i.e.
(iv) Name the equal sides of an isosceles triangle.
∆ABD and ∆BCD.
(v) What is meant by the vertex angle in an isosceles triangle?
Step 2: The sum of angles in a triangle is 180°.
So, In triangle ∆ABD, we have
2. Fill in the blanks.
m∠a + m∠b + m∠c = 180°
(i) An ________ triangle can be constructed if the length of its
In triangle ∆BCD, we have
one side is given.
m∠d + m∠e + m∠f = 180°
(ii) We compare two line segments by measuring their
Step3: Find the sum of all the angles of the quadrilateral as,
m∠a + m∠b + m∠c + m∠d + m∠e + m∠f = 180° + 180°
(iii) Two line segments of an ________ length are called
m∠a + (m∠b + m∠d) + m∠e + (m∠c + m∠f ) = 360°
congruent line segments.
Hence verified, m∠A + m∠B + m∠C + m∠D = 360°
(iv) A polygon with three sides and three vertices is called
a _________ .
(v) The opposite angles of a parallelogram are also ________.
(vi) Two equal sides of an isosceles triangles are called
1. Construct the parallelogram MNAR where
________ and 3rd side is called the ________.
mMN 5=
cm mMA 2.8=
cm mNA 7cm
2. Construct the parallelogram DGRP where
3. Tick (p ) the correct option.

= mDG 5=
.5cm mGP 1=
.9cm mDP 6.8cm

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4. Divide a line segment of length 9.8cm into 7 congruent parts.

5. Divide a line segment LM of length 13.5cm in the ratio 2:3:4.
6. Construct an equilateral triangle whose altitude is 3.8cm.
7. Construct an isosceles triangle whose altitude is 5cm and base

angles are 67
8. Construct a parallelogram ABCD, if:
m AB 5=
.4cm mBC 2=
.4cm m AC 6.6cm


• The line segments having an equal length are called congruent

line segments.
• A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three vertices and its
sum of interior angles is 180°.
• A triangle can also be constructed with its perimeter and ratio
among lengths of its sides.
• An equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are
equal and all three angles are congruent.
• An isosceles triangle is a triangle in which two sides are equal and
base angles are congruent.
• A parallelogram is a four sided closed figure with two parallel and
congruent opposite sides.

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12. Circumference, Area and Volume eLearn.Punjab 12. Circumference, Area and Volume eLearn.Punjab

Student Learning Outcomes Here, we can also calculate the ratio between circumference
and diameter of the circles given above by finding
After studying this unit, students will be able to:
• Express p as the ratio between the circumference and the diameter the value where “c” is the circumference and “d” is the diameter
of a circle. d
• Find the circumference of a circle using formula. of the circles A, B and C as given in the following table.
• Find the area of a circular region using formula. Circumference Diameter Ratio
• Find the surface area of a cylinder using formula. (c) (d) (c/d)
A 7.6 2.4 3.1666
• Find the volume of cylindrical region using formula.
B 12.57 4 3.1425
• Solve real life problems involving;
C 19.48 6.2 3.1419
• circumference and area of a circular region.
We can see that the ratio between circumference and diameter
• surface area and volume of a cylinder.
is approximately the same. We denote this constant value by a
Greek symbol p the value of which is taken approximately equal to
12.1 Circumference, Area and Volume
or 3.14.
12.1.1 Expressing p as the Ratio between Circumference 7
of a Circle and diameter circumference (c)
So, we can write the above statement as, =p
diameter (d )
The circumference of a circle is the distance around the edge
of the circle. It could be called the perimeter of the circle. To find Or simply we can write it as, =p
Therefore, c = dp
the circumference of any circular thing like a coin, simply wrap any
adhesive tape around it such that the end point of tape must meet But we know that d = 2r
the starting point. Now unfold the tape and again paste on any flat So, c = 2pr
surface then measure the length of the tape to find the circumference Hence, c = dp or 2pr where ‘c’ is the circumference, ‘d’ is the diameter
of that circular thing. and ‘r’ is the radius.
We observe some following figures of the circles whose circumference
and diameters have been found by the methods given above.
12.1.2 Finding the Circumference of a Circle Using

Example 1: Find the circumference of a circle with diameter

Diameter (d) = 3.2cm Circumference (c) = ?
Using the formula, c = dp
c = 3.2 × = 10.06cm (up to two decimal places )
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Example 2: The radius of a circle is 4.7cm. Find its circumference. 2. The diameter of a circle is 11.6cm. Find the circumference of
Solution: the circle.
Radius (r) = 4.7cm Circumference (c) = ? 3. The radius of a circle is 9.8 cm. Find the circumference of the
Using the formula, c = 2pr circle.
4. The circumference of a circle is 1.54cm. Find the diameter and
c =2 × × 4.7 =29.54cm (two decimal places )
7 22
radius of the circle (when p= ).
Example 3: The circumference of a circle is 418cm. Calculate 7
the diameter and radius of the circle. 5. The circumference of a circular region is 19.5cm, find its
Solution: diameter and radius (when p c 3.14).
Circumference (c) = 418cm Radius (r) = ? Diameter (d) = ?
(i) Using the formula, c = 2pr 12.1.2 Area of a Circular Region

c 418 × 7 The area of a circular region is the number of square units

r = = 66.5cm
2p 2 × 22 inside the circumference of the circle. We know that if we have the
measurements of the length and the width of a rectangle, we can
r = 66.5cm
find the area of the rectangle by the following formula.
(ii) Using the formula, c = pd
Area of a rectangle = Length x Width
c 418 × 7 Here we use the same formula to calculate the area of a circle. To
r = = 133cm
p 22 make it clear, consider a circle of any suitable radius as shown in the
figure (a).
d = 133cm
Now we divide the above circular region into 8, 16 and 32 equal parts
and rearrange its radial segments after cutting them carefully, as
given below.
1. Find the unknown quantity when p=

(i) If we divide this circular region into 8 equal parts and rearrange
their radial segments, we get the following figure (b).

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In this way we get the length of rectangle which is half

 2p r 
of the circumference   of circle and width of the
 2 
rectangle is equal to the radius of the circle. The length of the
rectangle is half of the circumference of the circle because half of
the radial segments are upwards and half are downwards and the
total length of these all segments is equal to the circumference of
(ii) If we divide this circular region into 16 equal parts and
the circle.
rearrange their radial segments, we get the following figure (c).
circumference of the circle
Length of the rectangle =
= = (2p r ) p r
Width of the rectangle = Radius of the circle = r
Area of the circular region = Area of the rectangle
= Length x Width
(iii) If we divide this circular region into 32 equal parts and = pr x r = pr2
rearrange their radial segments, we get the following figure (d). Therefore,
Area of the circular region = pr2

Example 1: The radius of a circle is 14.3cm. Find the area of the

Radius (r) = 14.3cm Area of the circle = ?
Using the formula,
Area of the circle = pr2
On considering these figures we see that these figures are of
parallelogram in which the edges of half of the sectors are  22 
=  × 14.3 × 14.3  cm 2
upwards and half of the sectors are downwards and which are  7

adjacent to each other. Similarly, if we continue the division = 642.68cm2
of circular region into more sectors, then this figure will completely
be converted into rectangle. Otherwise if we divide the last Example 2: The area of a circle is 172.1cm2 . Find the
radial segment into two equal parts and placed them at the circumference of the circle.
both ends of rectangle, then we can get the same rectangle.
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Area of the circle = 172.1cm2 Circumference (c) = ?
12.2 Cylinder
We know that circumference = 2pr and we can calculate the radius of
the circle from its area. We are already familiar with the shape of a cylinder in our
Area of the circle = pr2 everyday life. Tin pack of soft drinks, pine apple’s slice jar, ghee tins,
oil drums, chemical drums, different types of rods and pipes, all are
22 2
172.1 = r examples of a cylinder. For further detail, we examine the following
7 figure (a) of a cylinder.
172.1 × 7 2
r2 = cm
r2 = 54.76cm2
r = 7.4 cm
So, c = 2pr

Circumference (c) =2 × × 7.4 =46.51cm


1. Find the area of each of the following circles

From the given figure (a), we can observe that a cylinder is a solid
which consists of three surfaces of which two are circles of the same
radius and one is curved surface. We can also see that two circular
region of a cylinder are parallel to each other and the circumference
of the circles is the width of the curved surfaces. The length of the
curved surface is called the height of the cylinder which can be
denoted by “h” where we already know that “r” is the radius of both
circles and “d ” is the diameter, i.e.
Radius = r Diameter = d Height = h

2. Find the area of a circle whose circumference is 31.43cm.

12.2.1 Surface Area of the Cylinder
3. The radius of a circle is 6.3cm. Calculate the area and
circumference of the circle.
We have already learnt the formula of finding the area of a
4. The circumference of a circle is 26.4cm. Find the area of the
rectangle and a circle which are given below,
area of a rectangle = length x width
5. Find the circumference of a circle whose area is 38.5m2.
area of a circle = pr2

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Here we shall use the same formula for finding the surface area of Area of two circles = area of circle A + area of circle B
a cylinder. We know that a cylinder is the sum of three flat surfaces = pr2 + pr2 = 2pr2
(two circles and one curved surface) that can be shown by unfolding a Thus, Surface area of a cylinder = area of a curved surface + area of
cylinder as given in the following figure (b). two circles
= 2prh + 2pr2
= 2pr (h + r)

Example 1: Find the surface area of a cylinder with length

18.5cm and radius 3.2cm.
Length (h) = 18.5cm Radius (r) = 3.2cm
Surface area of a cylinder = ?
Using the formula,
= 2p r (h + r )
Surface area of a cylinder

=(2 ×× 3.2(18.5 + 3.2)cm 2
From the figure (b), we can examine the three flat surfaces of the 22
Surface area of a cylinder =(2 × × 3.2 × 21.7) =436.48cm 2
cylinder. In which circle A is the top and circle B is the base of the 7
cylinder where rectangle GOAT is the curved surface that if we roll
up and join its two edges GT and OA we get again the same curved
surface. Now we can calculate the surface area of a cylinder by finding
the sum of areas of two circles A & B and area of the rectangle GOAT
1. Find the surface area of the following cylinders.
as given below:

Width of a rectangle = circumference of a circle = 2pr
Length of a rectangle = h
Area of a rectangle GOAT = Length x Width
= h x 2pr = 2prh
We know that,
Area of a curved surface = area of a rectangle GOAT
So, area of a curved surface = 2prh
Area of a circle A = pr2
Area of a circle B = pr2

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2. The radius of a cylinder is 1.4cm and length is 5.2cm. Calculate

the surface area of the cylinder.
3. Find the surface area of a 7.4cm long iron rod of 3.1cm radius.
4. A cylinder is 5m long and radius of the cylinder is 5.3cm.
Calculate the surface area of the curved surface.
5. The diameter of a cylinder is 18.5cm and length is 6.1m. Find
the surface area of the curved surface.

12.2.2 Volume of a Cylinder

We know that to find the volume of any object, we use the

measurements of three dimensions and the formula for finding the From the above figure, we can examine that the length of the cuboid
volume of an object is: is half of the circumference (2pr) of a circular region, height is equal
Volume = length x breadth x height to the length (h) of the cylinder and breadth is equal to the radius of
Now by using the above formula of volume, we shall discover another the circular region. So, if we calculate the volume of the cuboid that
formula for finding the volume of a cylinder. To discover the formula will be equal to the volume of the cylinder as given below:
for finding the volume of a cylinder, we can use the following two • length of the cuboid = half of the circumference
 =
length =(2p r ) p r
• By making a cuboid 2
• By stacking coins • breadth of the cuboid = radius of the circular region
∴ abreadth = r
• By making a Cuboid • height of the cuboid = length of the cylinder
We have already learnt under the topic “area of a circle” that ∴ aheight = h
when we divide a circle into several but even number of parts and • volume of the cylinder = volume of the cuboid
rearrange them according to the instructions we get a rectangle = length x breadth x height
whose length is half of the circumference (2pr) of the circle and width = pr x r x h
is equal to the radius (r) of the circle. Then by using the formula for ∴ volume = pr2 h
the area of a rectangle, we find the area of a circle. Similarly, we
can use the same above method for a cylinder but when we cut a • By stacking coins
cylinder into several but even number of parts and rearrange them Take 5 coins of Rs.5 and stack up a pile which gives
we get a cuboid as shown in following figure. us a shape of a small cylinder A of 1cm height as given below. We
can check this measurement by stacking up a pile of 5 coins of Rs.5
Similarly, stack up two more piles of 10 coins and 15 coins of Rs.5
that gives us two cylinders of 2cm and 3cm respectively, label them

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as B and C as shown in the following figures. Example 2: Find the height of a cylinder whose volume is
3,168cm and radius is 6cm.

Radius (r) = 6cm Volume (v) = 3168cm3 Height(h) = ?
Using the formula,
Volume = pr2 h

volume  3168 × 7 
=h =   cm
p r2  22 × 6 × 6 
Suppose that the radius of the coin is r then the area of circular
Height = 28 cm
region will be pr2, i.e.,
Area of the circular region = length x breadth = pr2
Example 3: Find the radius of a cylinder whose height is 14cm
Where height = 1cm, 2cm and 3cm
and volume is 891 cm3.
Using the above information, we one by one calculate the volume
of cylinder A, B and C.
Volume of the cylinder A = (length x breadth) x height
Volume(v) = 891cm3
Height(h) = 14cm Radius(r) = ?
= (pr2 x 1) cm3 = pr2 cm3
Using the formula,
Volume of the cylinder B = (length x breadth) x height
Volume = pr2 h
= (pr2 x 2) cm3 = 2pr2 cm3
Volume of the cylinder C = (length x breadth) x height volume
= (pr2 x 3) cm3 = 3pr2 cm3 r=
We consider that we stack up a pile of some coins whose height is h
then the volume of cylinder is:  891 × 7 
=  cm
Volume of cylinder = (length x breadth) x height
 22 × 14 
= (pr2 x h) = 20.25cm2
Therefore, volume = pr2 h
=r =
20.25cm 4.5cm
Example 1: Find the volume of a cylinder whose height is
18.5cm and radius is 4.2cm.
Solution: EXERCISE 12.4
Radius (r) = 4.2cm Height (h) = 18.5cm Volume (v) = ?
Using the formula, 1. Find the volume of the following cylinders.
Volume (v) = pr2 h
= ( × 4.2 × 4.2 × 18.5cm = 1025.64cm
3 3

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Example 1: The radius of the wheel of a car is 0.28m. Find in

how many revolutions the car will cover a distance of 880 meter.
Radius(r) = 0.28m Circumference(c) = ? Using the formula, c = 2pr

c =2 × × 0.28m
c = 1.76m
The car will cover the distance of 1.76m in a complete revolution of
its wheels. So,1.76m distance covered by car = 1 revolution.

880m distance will be covered by a car = × 880 = 500 revolutions.
Example 2: The diameter of the wheel of Ahmed’s bicycle is
0.72m. The bicycle wheel completes 750 revolutions when Ahmed
comes from school to house. Find the distance between school and
Diameter (d) = 0.72m Circumference (c) = ?
Using the formula, c = pd

2. Find the volume of a cylinder whose height is 9.8cm and radius = × 0.72 =2.26m
of 5.6cm.
In 1 revolution the distance covered = 2.26m
3. The volume of a cylinder is 311.85cm3 and height is 10cm. Find
In 750 revolutions the travel is = 2.26 x 750 = 1695m
the radius of the circular region of the cylinder.
4. The radius of cylinder is 7cm and its volume is 2,233cm3. Find
Example 3: The length of the minute hand of a time clock is
the height of the cylinder.
3.5cm. Find the distance covered by the pointer of minute hand in 3
5. Find the radius of a cylinder when its height is 9.2cm and its
volume is 5,667.2cm3
The length of the minute hand (radius) = 3.5cm Circumference = ?
12.2.3 Real Life Problems
Using the formula, c = 2pr

• Solving Real Life Problems involving Circumference and Area 22

of a Circle =(2 × × 3.5)cm =22cm

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We know that in 1 hour, pointer of minute hand completes one 3. The length of the minute hand of a watch is 1.75cm. Find in how
revolution. So, many hours, the pointer of minute hand will move to cover
In 1 hour, pointer of minute hand covers the 165cm.
distance = 22cm 4. The length of the hour hand of a watch is 1.2cm. Find the
In 3 hours, pointer of minute hand covers the distance covered by the hour pointer of hand in 24 hours.
distance = 3 x 22cm = 66cm (Hint: The hour hand completes one revolution in 12 hours)
5. The radius of a circular garden is 24.5m. Find the cost of fencing
Example 4: The circumference of a circular floor is 55m. the garden at the rate of Rs.175 per meter.
Calculate the area of the floor and also find the cost of flooring at 6. The diameter of a circular room is 4.2m. Find the cost of flooring
the rate of Rs.90/m2. at the rate of Rs.150/m2.
Solution: 7. Find the wages of grass cutting of a circular park at the rate of
Circumference (c) = 55m Area of the floor = ? Rs.5/m2, where the radius of the park is 105m.
We know that, 8. The radius of a circular pool is 10.5m. Calculate the cost of
c = 2pr flooring tiles used on the floor of the pool at the rate
of Rs. 180/m2.
r= 9. The diameter of a circular playground is 21m. Calculate the
2p cost of repairing the floor of the playground at the rate of
 55 × 7  Rs.230/m2 and also find the cost of fencing the playground at
Radius of circular floor =  8.75 metre
 2 × 22  the rate of Rs.75/m.
Now we calculate the area of floor. • Solving Real Life Problems involving Surface Area and Volume
Area of the circular region = pr2 of a Cylinder

 22  Example 1: The length of a steel pipe is 2.1m and the radius is

=  × 8.75 × 8.75  = 240.62m 2
 7  8cm. Calculate its surface area if pipe is open at both the ends.
The cost of lm2 = 90 rupees Solution:
The cost of 240.62m2 = (90 x 240.62) = Rs. 21655.8 The pipe has only curved surface so,
Length (h) = 2.1m = (2.1 x 100) = 210cm
Radius (r) = 8cm
EXERCISE 12.5 Area of a curved surface =?
Using the formula,
1. The diameter of the wheel of Irfan’s bike is 0.7m. The wheel Area of a curved surface = 2prh
completes 1800 revolutions when he reaches home from the  22 
=  2 × × 8 × 210  = 10560cm 2
office. Find the distance between Irfan’s house and office.  7 
2. The radius of a truck wheel is 0.55m. Calculate how much
distance the truck will cover in 1,500 revolutions of the wheel. Example 2: Find the surface area of an oil drum whose length is
1.6m and the diameter is 63cm.
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Solution: 4. A cylindrical chemical drum is 220.5cm long and the radius of

Length (h) = 1.6m = (1.6 x 100)cm = 160cm the drum is 42cm. Calculate the cost of painting the drum at
the rate of Rs.0.15/cm2.
diameter (d ) 63 5. Radius of a round swimming pool is 17.5m and the depth of
Radius (r ) = = cm 31.5cm
2 2 the pool is 3m. Calculate the cost of tiles used on the wall of the
Surface area of the drum = ? pool at the rate of Rs. 120/m2.
Using the formula, 6. The internal diameter of a round mosque is 31.5m and height
Surface area of the drum (cylinder) = 2pr (h + r) of walls is 7m. Find the cost of cementing the round wall of the
22 mosque at the rate of Rs.l9/m2.
=2 × × 31.5 (160+31.5) 7. A cylindrical water tank is 7.7m high and its inner radius is 5m.
Calculate the price of marble used in the inner side of the tank
=2 × × 31.5 × 191.5 at the rate of Rs.500/m2.

Surface area of the drum = 37917cm2 8. Find the height of an oil drum whose volume is 12,474m3 and
radius is 6.3m.
Example 3: Height of an oil drum is 250cm its radius is 70cm. 9. A cylindrical tin can is 77cm high and its radius is 20cm. Find
Find the volume or capacity of cylinder in litre. how many liter of oil may be contained in the tin can.
Solution: 10. Find the capacity of a circular water tank in liters when the
Height (h) = 250cm Radius (r) = 70cm height of the tank is 420cm and its diameter is 510cm.
Capacity of an oil drum in litres = volume = ?
Volume of cylinder = pr2 h REVIEW EXERCISE 12
= ( × 70 × 70 × 250)cm3
7 1. Answer the following questions.
Volume of cylinder = 3,850,000cm 3
(i) Define the circumference of a circle.
We know that: (ii) What is an area of a circular region?
1,000cm3 = 1 liter (iii) Write the formula for finding the surface area and volume
3,850 ,000 of a cylinder.
Volume (litre) = litres 3,850 litres
1,000 (iv) Write the formula for finding the circumference and area
of a circle.
EXERCISE 12.6 (v) What is the approximate value of p?

1. A cylindrical wooden piece is 19.4cm long. Find the surface

2. Fill in the blanks.
area of the wooden piece if its diameter is 14cm.
(i) The _______ of a circle is the measurement of its closed
2. A tin pack of a soft drink is 10cm long and the radius of the tin
pack is 3.3cm. Find the surface area of the tin pack.
(ii) Two circular regions, of a cylinder are_______to each other.
3. A circular pillar of 22.5cm radius is 6.3m long. Calculate the
(iii) The length of the_______is called the height of the cylinder.
surface area of the pillar.
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(iv) The ratio between circumference and diameter of a circle 10. Find the cost of spraying a chemical in a circular field at the
is denoted by the symbol_______. rate of Rs.10/m2 where the radius of the circular field is 73.5m
(v) Surface area of a cylinder = area of the curved surface and also calculate the cost of making hurdle around the field
+ _______. at the rate of Rs.25/m.

3. Tick (p ) the correct option. SUMMARY

• The circumference of a circle is the distance around the edge of

the circle.
• The ratio between circumference and diameter of a circle is
4. Find the area and circumference of the circle, if p= and denoted by a Greek symbol p whose approximate value is 3.14.
radius is:
7 • The area of a circular region is the number of square units inside
(i) 2.8cm (ii) 4.9cm (iii) 10.5cm the circle.
• A cylinder consists of three surfaces i.e. two circles of same radius
1 1 and one curved surface.
(iv) 10 cm (v) 6 cm
2 2 • C = dp or 2pr, where ‘c’ is the circumference, ‘d’ is the diameter
5. Find the surface area and volume of the following cylinders. and ‘r’ is the radius.
(i) r = 14cm, h = 15cm (ii) r = 3.5cm, h = 100cm • Area of the circular region = pr2
(iii) r = 10cm, h = 21cm (iv) r = 4cm, h = 12cm • Surface area of a cylinder = 2pr (h + r)
• Volume of a cylinder = pr2 h
6. Area of a round bed of roses is 7.065m . Find the cost of
fencing around it at the rate of Rs.20 per meter (when
p c 3.14).

7. The radius of the wheel of Aslam’s cycle is 35cm. To reach school

from house, the wheel completes 1200 rounds. Find the

distance from house to school (when p≈ ).
8. Find the surface area of 2m 99 long drum whose radius of

base is 21cm (when p≈ ).
9. A well is 20m deep and its diameter is 4m. How much soil is
required to fill it. (when p c 3.14).
version: 1.1 23 version: 1.1

Version: 1.1



Animation 13.1: Information Handling

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13. Information Handling eLearn.Punjab 11. Information Handling eLearn.Punjab

Student Learning Outcomes represented in the form of tables and different kinds of graphs.
We know that a data is collected in raw form and it provides us
After studying this unit, students will be able to: information about individuals. Data in such form is called ungrouped
• Demonstrate data presentation. data. After arranging the data for desired information, it is called
• Define frequency distribution (i.e. frequency, lower class limit, grouped data. For example, a teacher collected the score of 20
upper class limit, class interval). students in mathematics test:
• Interpret and draw pie graph. 11, 52 ,40 ,95 , 65 ,45 , 35 , 30 , 88, 56, 75, 90, 81, 82, 28, 49, 67, 98,
64, 92
Introduction This is an ungrouped data. Now if we arrange it to represent
information into groups, then it is called grouped data.
In the world around us, there are a lot of questions and • Number of students who scored from 11 to 40 = 5
situations that we want to understand, describe, explore and access. • Number of students who scored from 41 to 70 = 7
For example, • Number of students who scored from 71 to 100 = 8
• How many hospitals are there in different cities of Pakistan? It can be seen that it is easier to visualize the given information if
• How many children were born during the last 10 years? data is presented in grouped form. We can also represent a grouped
• How many doctors will be required in the next 5 years? data using a table.

To know about such things, we collect information and present it No. of

Group Score Tally Marks
in a manageable way so that useful conclusions can be drawn. The Students
branch of statistics that deals with this process is called information 11 - 40 11, 40, 35, 30, 28 5
41 - 70 52, 65, 56, 45, 49, 67, 64 7
71 - 100 98, 88, 75, 90, 81, 82, 98, 92 8
13.1 Data
The method that we used to record the results in the table is called
tallying in which we draw tally marks according to the number of
Data means facts or groups of information that are normally
individuals of a group. We make the set of fives by crossing the four
the results of measurements, observations and experiments.
marks with the fifth mark. This makes easy to count the tally marks.
These results help us in reviewing our past performance and future
For example, to show 12 individuals of a group we draw tally marks
planning. For example, the government of a state prepares its
budgets and development plans on the basis of a collected data
We can also characterize the information presented in the example
about the resources and population.
Scores Characteristics
13.1.1 Presentation of Data
71 - 100 Excellent
41 - 70 Good
After the collection of a data, the most important step is its
11 - 40 Poor
presentation that provides basis to draw conclusions. Data can be
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13.1.2 Frequency Distribution

greatest value - lowest value
Size of interval =
The conversion of ungrouped data into grouped data so that the no. of intervals
frequencies of different groups can be visualized is called frequency 100 - 11 89
= = = 29.6
distribution 3 3
Round off the answer, this is the required size of the interval, i.e.
The table which shows the frequency of class intervals is called 29.6  30
the frequency table.
Example 1: There are 40 students in the class VII who got the
following marks in an English test. Make a frequency table by using
• Frequency
5 classes of an equal size.
The number of values that occurs in a group of a data is called its
35, 9, 26, 41, 27, 15, 18, 60, 46, 33, 24, 15, 52, 39, 28, 89, 74, 68, 56, 38,
frequency, e.g. in the above given example,
92, 49, 28, 82,19 ,21, 34 ,23 ,43 ,77 ,65 ,64 ,21 ,59 ,15, 33, 66, 29, 33,65,
The frequency of (11 - 40) is 5.
The frequency of (41 - 70) is 7.
We know that,
The frequency of (71 - 100) is 8.
• Class Limits greatest value - lowest value
Size of class =
Upper Class Limit: The greatest value of a class interval is called the no. of intervals
upper class limit, e.g. in the class interval (41 - 70), 70 is the upper We can see from the above un-grouped data that of:
class limit. Greatest value = 92
Lower Class Limit: The smallest value of a class interval is called the Lowest value = 9
lower class limit, e.g. in the class interval (71 - 100), 71 is the lower No. of classes = 5
class limit
• Class Intervals 92 - 9
Size of class = = 16.6 ≅ 17 (round up )
Each group of a data is also known as the class interval. For example, 5
(11 - 40), (41 - 70) and (71 - 100) are class intervals. Each interval Tally
Class Interval Frequency
represents all the values of a group. Marks
Size of the Class Interval: The number of values in a class interval 9 - 25 10
is called its size or length. For example, the size or length of class 26 - 42 13
interval (11 - 40) is 30 that can be checked by counting. It can also be 43 - 59 6
calculated by subtracting the lowest value of the data from greatest
60 - 76 7
value and divide the result by the number of class intervals as shown
77 - 93 4
Lowest value = 11
Greatest value = 100
Now use the formula to calculate the size. 1. The telephone bills paid by 12 consumers are given below.
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Make a frequency table of 5 classes of an equal size. Example 1: It is compulsory for each student to take part in the
510, 700, 356, 603,422, 674,481, 545, 718, 592, 685, 569 different games. Out of 1800 students in the school 750 play cricket,
2. In a board examination, 20 students of the Dawn Public School 200 play badminton, 400 play hockey and 450 play football.
got the following marks out of 850 marks. Construct a frequency In order to represent their comparison, draw a pie graph.
table by taking 100 as a class interval. Solution:
551, 786, 678, 725, 788, 580, 720, 690, 750, 651, 599, 609, 719, Total number of students = 1800
760, 625, 775, 646,667,753,675 (i) Find the angle for each sector by using the following formula
3. The daily wages of 15 workers are given below. Make a
No. of students play a game
frequency table of 4 classes of an equal size. Required angle = × 3600
400, 225, 250, 380, 425, 175, 230, 325, 150, 300, 200, 180, 350, total students
375, 200 200
Measure of angle associated with badminton = × 3600 = 400
4. A cricket player made the list of his last 18 innings scores which 1800
is given below. Measure of angle associated with cricket =
× 3600 = 1500
122, 102, 72, 99, 89, 106, 99, 85, 92, 108, 102, 98, 95, 76, 80, 65, 1800
101, 96, Make a frequency table of 6 classes of an equal size. 400
Measure of angle associated with hockey = × 3600 = 800
5. The following data shows the distance in km that was travelled 1800
by Mr. Usman in last 21 days. 450
Measure of angle associated with football = × 3600 = 900
77, 58, 62, 85, 32, 71, 59, 60, 38, 32, 69, 80, 76, 92, 61, 82, 74, 70, 1800
99, 44, 53 Make a frequency table of 5 classes of an equal size.
(ii) In order to draw a pie graph
6. The following data is showing the sale of a bike company during
• Draw a circle of a suitable radius.
last months.
• Draw an angle of 40° representing the badminton.
571, 692, 700, 533, 832, 744, 649, 584, 613, 735, 872, 900, 512,
• Draw an angle 150° representing the cricket.
864, 654, 782, 777, 555, 632, 880, 628, 529, 680, 756, 567, 548,
• Draw an angle 80° representing the hockey.
824, 719, 678, 721
• Remaining angle will be of 90° representing the football.
Make a frequency table by taking 100 as a class interval.
(iii) Label each sector according to the following figure.

13.2 Pie Graph

“The representation of a numerical data in the form of disjoint

sectors of a circle is called a pie graph.”
A pie graph is generally used for the comparison of some numerical
facts classified in different classes. In this graph, the central angle
measures 360° which is subdivided into the ratio of the sizes of the
groups to be shown through this graph. Following examples will help
to understand the concept of a pie graph.
Have you noticed that students like cricket most?
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Example 2: The following table shows the favourite food of the EXERCISE 13.2
students of the grade VII. Plot a pie graph to show the favourite food
of the students. 1. Hina went for shopping and spent 30% of her pocket money
Fried Mutton Minced for food, 35% on buying books, 20% on school dress and saved
Food Biryani Vegetables
Chicken Karahi Meat 15%. Represent the data on pie graph.
No. of
40 20 10 6 4
Students 2. A media reporter conducted a survey of persons visiting
Solution: market during the two hours. He found that there were 720
(i) Find the angles for each sector by using the following formula. persons visited the market out of which 320 were women, 220
men and 180 children. Draw a pie graph.
No. of students like food
(a) Required angle = × 3600
total students
3. In a class, the grades obtained by the students in the final
(b) Angle for fried chicken = × 3600 = 1800 examination are given below. Draw the pie graph.
80 Grade A+ A B C D E F
20 No. of students 2 6 10 30 6 4 2
(c) Angle for mutton karahi = × 3600 = 900
10 4. Details of students in five classes of a school are given below.
(d) Angle for biryani = × 3600 = 450
80 Draw a pie graph to show the comparison.
6 Class I II III IV V
(e) Angle for minced meat = × 3600 = 270
80 No. of students 300 270 225 150 135
(f) Angle for vegetables = × 3600 = 180 5. Noreen has the following types of books in her library. Draw
(ii) Draw a circle of any suitable radius. pie graph showing the information.
(iii) Divide the circle into the sectors of calculated angles. Subject English Islamic Stories Poems
(iv) Label each sector according to the following figure. No. of books 180 90 60 30

Review Exercise 13

1. Answer the following questions.

(i) What is meant by the grouped data?
(ii) Define a class interval.
(iii) Define a pie graph.
(iv) Write the formula for finding the size of class interval.
Did you see that fried chicken is the most favourite food of (v) Which method is called tallying
the students?
version: 1.1 9 version: 1.1
1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab 1. Quadratic Equations eLearn.Punjab
13. Information Handling eLearn.Punjab 11. Information Handling eLearn.Punjab

2. Fill in the blanks. By using the table, draw a pie graph.

(i) ________ means groups of information that are normally
the results of measurements, observations and 7. In a party, a host served the guest by following food items.
experiments. Food Items Cold Drink Sandwich Burger Cake
Quantity 180 124 330 86
(ii) Each_________represent all the values of a group.
Use the table to draw a pie graph.
(iii) A data is collected in ________ form and it provides us
information about individuals.
(iv) The method which is used to record the result is
• Data means facts or groups of information that are normally the
(v) The greatest value of a class interval is called the ___ limit.
results of measurements, observations and experiments.
(vi) The number of values in a class interval is called its _______.
• Data is collected in raw form and it provides us information about
(vii) The representation of a numerical data in the form of
individuals such form of the data is called ungrouped data.
disjoint sectors of a circle is called a _______.
• In a grouped data, each group is also known as the class interval.
3. Tick (p ) the correct option. • The greatest value of a class interval is called the upper class limit.
• The smallest value of a class interval is called the lower class limit.
• The number of values that occurs in a class interval is called its
• The table which shows the frequency of class intervals is called
frequency tables.
4. The ages of patients in years admitted in a hospital during a • The representation of a numerical data in the form of disjoint
week are given below. Group the data taking 10 as the size of sectors of a circle is called a pie graph.
an interval. • In pie graph, the central angle measures 360° which is subdivided
25, 50, 49, 47, 26, 10, 2, 1, 15, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 30, 35, 40, 37, into the ratio of the sizes of the groups.
32, 31, 3, 4, 7, 10, 15, 12, 13, 17, 14, 20, 22, 24, 26, 30, 17, 35, 40,
36, 32, 31, 37

5. The following data shows the distance in km that Mr. Ghani

traveled in last month.
90, 44, 15, 19, 28, 9, 92, 17, 8, 84, 50, 60, 77, 69, 24, 89, 63, 74,
35, 48, 39, 81, 58, 37, 55, 67, 46, 30, 26, 79.
Construct the frequency table of 6 classes of an equal size.

6. Ali and his friends eat breads in a day as shown in the table.
Meals Breakfast Lunch Dinner Supper
No. of Breads 12 24 16 8
version: 1.1 11 version: 1.1

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