Benisek - Kinetic Balance
Benisek - Kinetic Balance
Benisek - Kinetic Balance
THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 10 (2006), Suppl., No. 4, pp. 153-162
the Euler flow equation ideal, incompressible fluid. This is the theoretical approach to the
problem of the optimal flow field boundary shapes.
Presented method is confirmed in many problems, of which some are introduced
later on.
Theoretical background
D rc r
r dVi + rgrad UdVi + gradp dVi - hD cdVi = 0 (2)
The whole flow domain contains n elementary volumes. The “sound flow” and
“dead water” zones are separated with the surfaces of zero, second or higher order of dis-
continuity. Virtual work of forces acting on the fluid in the volume Vi at the moment t, for
the virtual displacement d r is:
Dc r r r r r
d rdVi + rgradUd rdVi + grad p d rdVi - hDc d rdVi = 0 (3)
Dt V
ò V
ò V
i i i
The last eq. (5), states the Lagrange’s principle of virtual work: Flow equilib-
rium in the volume V at the moment t, is achieved when the sum of virtual works of the
forces, acting on the fluid, equals zero.
Beni{ek, M. H., et al.: Fluid Boundaries Shaping Using the Method of ...
Introducing the kinetic dEk = c2r/2 dVi and potential dEp = Udm + pdV energy,
it follows from eq. (5), that:
Equation (6) represents balance condition for the fluid in motion, which states
that non-viscous and incompressible fluid is in equilibrium if the difference between po-
tential and kinetic energy is at minimum. Knowing that the total energy of virtual moving
does not change, equilibrium condition (6) is expressed as the variation of the sum of
integrals of action Ii, formed for the characteristic flow domain zones Vi:
n n s
r r
dI = å dI i = å d ò r ò cdsdVi = 0 (7)
i =1 i =1 s1 V
where c is the local flow velocity, Vi – i-th fluid flow region, dVi – elementary volume
bounded by the inflow Aei and outflow Aoi control surfaces (fig. 1), as well as by the given
boundaries; s1 and s2 – representative positions of the fluid particle at the moments t1 and
r r
t2, respectively, with ds = cdt.
Equation (7), is more convenient statement of the equilibrium condition for the
fluid in motion, for the purpose of defining optimum fluid flow boundaries, than eq. (6).
This results in fact that optimally defined geometry of fluid flow boundary differs from
other solutions, by having the minimum value of the action integral I.
Usually main the inner flow is consisted of one “sound flow” and one or many
closed secondary flow regions, separated from the main flow by the free boundaries,
which are vorticity dissipative layers in the real fluid, or discontinuity surfaces, of differ-
ent order, for the ideal fluid flow, that is model discussed here. Variational conditions can
be applied to the “sound flow” region, but action integral for the “dead water”, where
fluid is at rest or moves very slowly, equals zero. It follows from eq. (7) that:
r r
dI = d ò ò r cdVds = 0 (8)
s1 V
This equation has analytical solution only in special cases. For this reason nu-
merical, or previously grapho-analytical, method is used. It is well known that elliptic
partial differential equations describe equilibrium phenomena, the one is needed here.
Stream lines and the lines of the same potential are mutually normal and they form a
curvilinear grid. Considering this, the whole computational, fluid flow domain, between
two control surfaces, should be divided into finitely small volumes: DV ( q, p ) . Equation
(8) is then applied to these finite elements of the q-th stream tube, where qÎ[1, m]. Each
of DV ( q, p ) is divided into p (pÎ[1, k]) elementary volumes. The action integral is approx-
imated as:
m q =k
I = rå å c(q, p)DV ( q, p ) Ds( q, p ) (9)
q =1 p =1
THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 10 (2006), Suppl., No. 4, pp. 153-162
where c( q, p) is a local flow velocity corresponding to the mean streamline of the q-th
stream tube divided into k parts, Ds ( q, p ) is the distance between the two respective
positions s(q, p) and s(q, p + 1), along the mean streamline of the q-th stream tube (fig. 1).
In practice, defining flow field boundaries reduces to the variation of one bound-
ary, while others save its position, as well as the control surface. The action integral is
computed for each case, and the one with minimum integral is adopted as the final solu-
Application of the kinetic balance method is illustrated in the next flow field
boundaries forming examples.
Forming inner curved contour of the diffuser with parallel lateral walls [1]
Diffuser model is shown in fig. 2a. Variation of the inner boundary form is de-
fined by the ratio h/b1 values defined with arithmetic progression in interval [0.7, 1.1],
with the step 0.1, as it is shown in fig. 2a. The other fluid flow boundaries are fixed. The
action integral is calculated, using the expression (9), for each geometry.
Values of dimensionless action integral I/I0 for variety of geometry is presented
in fig. 2b. Function I/I0 has minimum for the value h/b1 = 0.815, so this contour was found
to be the optimal. These theoretical results were confirmed by the conducted experi-
ments, presented in [1].
Beni{ek, M. H., et al.: Fluid Boundaries Shaping Using the Method of ...
The geometrical form of the aeration duct is shown in fig. 3a. The only variable
boundary is the inner one, which forms and positions are defined by the value r/bu = 1.57,
1.37, and 1.14. Computed values of dimensionless action integral I/I0 are shown in fig.
3b. Function I/I0 has minimum value for the ratio r/bu = 1.37, which is denoted as the case
II in fig. 3b.
The kinetic balance method, presented in this paper, has been used for defining
optimal shape of the lower contour of the intake structure, with geometry defined in fig.
4a. Discussed geometry variations are denoted by numbers 4-10. Not only geometry
changes, but various head water levels: Ñ63.0, Ñ65.0, and Ñ69.5 have been taken into
consideration. The computation results are shown in fig. 4b. The minimum values of
dimensionless action integral I/I0, for various head water levels are, as it is shown in fig.
4b, in interval (6, 8). These theoretically gained results, have been confirmed by experi-
THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 10 (2006), Suppl., No. 4, pp. 153-162
Beni{ek, M. H., et al.: Fluid Boundaries Shaping Using the Method of ...
THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 10 (2006), Suppl., No. 4, pp. 153-162
Like in all the previous examples one boundary is changeable, the other remain
unchanged. In this case inner concave boundary of suction cone was varied, while the
shape of the bell was already defined and kept constant.
Dimensionless action integrals I/I0 have been computed for the three shapes of
suction bell contour, defined with the ratio: R/hu = 2.42, 1.91, and 1.64, which is denoted
in the fig. 5 as A, B, and C, respectively. Computation results are shown in fig. 5b. It was
found, and in this diagram obvious, that the function I/I0 has its minimum for the ratio
R/hu = 1.91, corresponding to the curve B.
The suction cone was built in the shape of the curve B. No fore mentioned prob-
lems appeared, so once again, successful use of the kinetic balance method was con-
firmed in reality.
Shaping optimal Banki turbine semi-spiral case has been done by using the
method of kinetic equilibrium. Impeller, semi-spiral case (intake chamber) and wicket
gate are main parts of the Banki turbine fluid flow geometry. Semi-spiral case directs wa-
ter to the impeller under defined angle, with as much as possible lower energy losses.
Turbine inflow is regulated by the wicket gate blade. This is working principle of this,
like other action turbines, where water kinetic energy is used.
The most convenient construction of the wicket gate, from hydraulic point of
view, is the hydraulically shaped blade, built in as console, rounded at the end.
Fluid flow boundaries, i. e. water passage geometry, of the Banki turbine is
given in fig. 6, preceded by the tab. 1, where radii for three various constructions, denoted
with i, are given. Value of the clasping angle of the semi-spiral case is here 90º, though it
may have various values.
Integral of action has been calculated for each possible geometry of the intake
Table 1. Geometry parameters (curvature radii) for turbine semi-spiral case definition
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
Beni{ek, M. H., et al.: Fluid Boundaries Shaping Using the Method of ...
Figure 6. Various constructions of the Figure 7. Action integral values for various
Banki turbine intake chamber constructions of the semi-spiral case
THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 10 (2006), Suppl., No. 4, pp. 153-162
This research has been financed by Ministry of Science and Environmental Pro-
tection, in the frame of National Energy Efficiency Program, project No. 271-019 (De-
velopment program: Use of alternative and renewable energy resources). Research has
also been supported by Lola Sistem a. d., Belgrade, Go{a Company, Smederevska
Palanka, Serbia, and Sever Company, Subotica, Serbia.
f – equipotential line
y – stream line
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Vol. 1, pp. 455-463
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mum Shape of the Cross-flow Turbine Semi-Spiral Case by the Lagrange’s Principle of Vir-
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[6] Benišek, M., ^antrak, S., Nedeljkovi}, M., Ignjatovi}, B., Dušani}, A., One Method for Flow
Passage Forming and Determination of Vortex Core Radius, Proceedings, International Con-
ference Classic and Fashion in Fluid Machinery, Belgrade, 2002, pp. 241-246
Authors’ address:
M. Benišek, S. ^antrak, M. Nedeljkovi},
Dj. ^antrak, D. Ili}, I. Bo`i}
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade
16, Kraljice Marije, Belgrade, Serbia
Corresponding author (M. Benišek):
E-mail: [email protected]