Quipayo National High School: I. Objectives

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Quipayo National High School

Cookery – Grade 10

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion the students will able to:
 Generalize the slaughter procedure
 Classify the materials needed in slaughter the chicken.
 Demonstrate the step in slaughter the chicken.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Slaughter the chicken
Reference: TVL – Home economics COOKERY Module 2 Manual page 233- 238
Technology and Livelihood Education Grade 10 Module
Materials: Laptop, TV, and Speaker


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation

Good Morning Class! Good Morning Ma’am!

Kindly stand up and let us pray.

Ms.________ please lead the
Before you seat. Please arrange
your chairs properly and pick up the
pieces of dirt under your chair.

Pass a 1/8 sheet of paper and write (The students will pass their 1/8 sheet of
your name for your attendance. paper.)

Are you ready for our new lesson Yes Ma’am.

this morning?

B. Review the previous lesson

That’s good. But before we start for

our next lesson. Let’s have a recap
for the last topic last meeting?
Anyone? (the student’s raise their hands.)

Yes Ms.Nino Our lesson last meeting is about Sauces,

market forms of chicken.
Thank you Ms.Nino
And now I have a game for you.

C. Motivation

I have a ball here that full

questions. It is made of paper.
The mechanics of this game is. I
will play a music, then when I stop
the music. The person who hold the
ball is the one who will answer the
question. Did you understand? Yes Ma’am!

(proceed the game)

How was the game? It’s so fun.

D. Activate

Thank you class. I’m glad that you

enjoy in our activity.

Anybody who can tell me what have

you notice or realize from our
Yes Mr. Asagra? It’s all about slaughtering.

Very Good Mr.Asagra. Thank you!

Who else? Yes Mr.Elopre? I’ve noticed Ma’am that our activity is all
about butchering or slaughtering of chicken.
Precisely Mr.Elopre

So for today we are going to tackle

the Slathering of chicken. So now, I .
think your ready to our topic.

Anyone have an idea about

slathering of chicken?
Did you experience to slaughtered Ma’am I already saw someone slaughter a
the chicken? chicken. And I noticed that when they cut
the neck part of the chicken they have a
bowl with salt.
Thank you Mr. Bermillo but what is I think ma’am to avoid spill out the blood of
the purposed of the salt? the chicken. Because I’ve noticed that the
blood of the chicken becomes solid.
Who else?
Ma’am Yes Mr. Bermillo is right because I
Thank you Mr. Bermillo and Ms. already experience to slaughter a chicken.
Alvarez. When slauther a chicken
we need a bowl with salt to avoid
spill out of blood.

When we say slaughter what do Kill some kind of animal like chicken, pig,
you mean class? goat etc.

Correct mr. slaughter is the act of

killing animals for their meat.

When we slaughter a chicken what

we need to do first? Anyone? We need to prepare the materials needed.

Thank you. Mr
Hot water, knife, chopping board
There are several procedure in
slaughtering a chicken. First is Mise
En Place. What is Mise En Place Mr? Preparing an ingredients or materials
Precisely ms. The word Mise En
Place is from French word. In
English is Set up. We need to
prepare the equipment, tools,
materials will be needed in
slaughtering procedure.
Second procedure is Culling from
the word cull what do you mean
class? Cull is to choose a chicken from the backyard
that will slaughter.

Correct mr. why we need to choose To removes the risk of your other chickens
a chicken to be slaughter? catching a disease from the sick or injured

The third step is scalding. After we

select a chicken to be slaughter we
will proceed in scalding procedure.
What is scalding procedure ms. Scalding means the passing of the bird
through hot water after they have been
killed and bled, which is normally done to
prepare the epidermis (upper skin), so that
the feathers come off more easily.
Precisely ms.
The fourth step is De-Feathering.
King read and explain your insights.
(show a slide De-Feather is……..) If the scalding was done properly it should
not be very difficult to remove all the
Thank you ms. The last is Cleaning pinfeathers.
the chicken. What is it mr? kindly
give your insights. (show a slude
Cleaning the chicken is …….. ) Clean the inside the body of chicken.

That’s the end of our lesson for

today. Did you understand our
lesson today. Do you have a
questions? None ma’am.

Are you sure? Yes Ma’am.

E. Evaluation

Get ¼ sheet of paper and answer

the following.
1. What do we call the process
that passing of the bird through
hot water?
2. The act of killing animals for
their meat is called?
3. The French word Mise En Place
4. What do we call the process
that removes the risk of your
other chickens catching a
disease from the sick or injured
5. Removing everything inside the
body plus the head and feet
6-10. what are the five (5)
procedure in slaughter the chicken?

F. Application
(Actual Performance)
Performance activity will be rated
using rubrics.
100 – has followed all steps
95 – have followed all steps but
missed 1.
90 - have followed all steps but
missed 2.
80 - have followed all steps but
missed 3.
60 - have not shown any step.

IV. Assignment
1. In groups, bring a live chicken for our activity for tomorrow.

Prepare by:
Jocelyn S. Taguinod

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