Shashank B R: A Seminar Report ON
Shashank B R: A Seminar Report ON
Shashank B R: A Seminar Report ON
USN; 4GK15CV051
Ferrocement construction involves the use of conventional cement
with fine aggregate and several layers of steel, with the advantage of
higher strength than conventional reinforced concrete, limited
formwork and thinner sections. It is particularly suitable for thin shell
structures, where geometry minimizes bending loads. Architectural
flexibility is one of the main priorities considered in sustainable
housing, along with energy efficiency, occupant comfort, resistance to
seismic and tornado events, affordability and durability.
Ferrocement’s historical and present applications are covered, along
with other building techniques, in order to establish best practices and
possible improvements. Reducing construction labor is a particular
focus, which has limited ferrocement development in recent years.
1.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................1
3.0 HISTORY OF FERROCEMENT............................................................................2
4.0 MATERIAL USED..................................................................................................3
4.1.0 Cement...................................................................................................... 3
4.2.0 Fine Aggregates.........................................................................................3
4.3.0 Water..........................................................................................................3
4.4.0 Admixture..................................................................................................4
4.5.0 Mortar Mix................................................................................................4
4.6.0 Reinforcing Mesh......................................................................................4
4.7.0 Skeletal Steel.............................................................................................5
5.0 METHODS OF FERROCEMENT..........................................................................6
5.1.0 Armature method.......................................................................................6
5.2.0 Closed mould systems...............................................................................6
5.3.0 Integrated mould system........................................................................... 6
6.0 CONSTRUCTION METHODS...............................................................................6
7.0 TEST ON FERROCEMENT SPECIMEN...............................................................8
7.1.0 Flexure.......................................................................................................8
7.2.0 Tension...................................................................................................... 8
7.3.0 Compression.............................................................................................. 8
7.4.0 Design of Specimens....................................... ..........................................8
7.5.0 Test Setup...................................................................................................9
8.0 PROPOSED SMALL HOUSE.................................................................................10
8.1.0 Features of Proposed House.......................................................................10
8.1.1 Light Roofing System............................................................................... 11
8.1.2 Joint Details................................................................................................12
8.1.3Foundations................................................................................................ 13
8.1.4 Openings.....................................................................................................13
8.2.0 Tentative Cost................................................................................................ 13
8.3.0 Flexibility of Extension................................................................................. 14
9.0 CASE STUDY...........................................................................................................15
9.0 ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES OF FERROCEMENT ............................16
10.0 OTHER USES OF FERROCEMENT COMPONENT..........................................17
11.0 CONCLUSION........................................................................................................17
But nowadays we are constructing most of our houses by framed structure concept made of
columns and beams. This need lot of Cement and steel .For a simple structure like small
house we can adopt cost effective technology to save cost of construction.
The ferrocement has been used as effective alternative for traditional construction. Strength
depends on two factors quality of sand/cement mortar mix and quantity of reinforcing
materials used
A Frenchman, Joseph Monier produced flower pots made of cement mortar reinforced with
chicken wire and showed this product at the world exhibition held in Paris in 1867. J. Monier
became known as the father of reinforced concrete. In Germany for many years
reinforcement steel was called "Monier iron". In 1847, another Frenchman, Joseph-Luis
Lambot, filed a patent for producing a cement boat, wire-reinforced, not long after the
development of Portland cement. Which of the two men first had the idea of combining wire
with cement mortar is of no interest. Probably the discovery technique happened by chance.
At that time, the commonly known chicken wire was a handmade product and therefore soon
too expensive in the fast growing industrial era. But the knowledge of the steel-concrete
combination resulted in the development of reinforced concrete using large steel rods. During
the First and also later during the Second World War, the technique of Lambot's ferrocement
boat was remembered in the U.S. and the U.K. and shipbuilders were encouraged to construct
barges like this in order to save shipbuilding materials such as steel plates and timber.
Thin slabs of concrete reinforced in this manner proved to be flexible, elastic, and
exceptionally strong. After the Second World War, Nervi demonstrated the utility of
ferrocement as a boatbuilding material. His firm built the 165-ton motor sailer Irene with a
ferrocement hull 1.4 inches (3.6 cms) thick, weighing 5 percent less than a comparable wood
hull, and costing 40 percent less. Other ferrocement boats have shown similar practicality,
and their number is steadily increasing. The recent emphasis on the use of ferrocement for
boatbuilding has obscured Nervi's noteworthy applications to buildings, begun in 1947. After
building a small storage building in his own construction yard to demonstrate its versatility
and strength, he covered the swimming pool at the Italian Naval Academy with a SO-foot
vault and followed this with the famous Turin Exhibition Hall-a structure spanning 300 feet.
He subsequently built several other long-span structures of ferrocement. Nervi's work and
subsequent applications presage an application of ferrocement on land that may overshadow
the fresh-water applications.
3.1 Cement: Ordinary Portland cement that is commercially available in the market is
satisfactory for ferrocement construction. However other types of Portland cement can be
used like sulphate resisting cement for ferrocement construction in marine environment.
Portland pozzolana cement as also been recommended for ferrocement as it provides good
resistance to sulphate attack and also competitive in price compared with ordinary Portland
cement. Rice husk ash (up to 20% by weight) can be used as pozzolana and mixed with
Portland cement without any deleterious effects on the mortar.
3.2 Fine Aggregates Well graded natural river sand. It should be clean, hard, strong, free
of organic impurities and deleterious substances and relatively free from silt and clay. It
should be inert with respect to other materials used and of suitable type with respect to
strength, density, shrinkage and durability of the mortar made with it. Grading of the
sand is to be such that a mortar of specified proportions is produced with a uniform
distribution of the aggregate, which will have a high density and good workability and which
will work into position without segregation and without use of high water content. The
particle size less than 4.75mm having fineness modulus between 2.5-3 is suited for
ferrocement construction.
3.3 Water: The water used for preparing cement sand mortar should be potable and
relatively free from organic compounds. water cement ratio varies from 0.35 to 0.55.
3.4 Admixture: Admixture are additives, which are introduced in the cement sand mortar
mix to modify some of the properties of the mortar and its fresh and hardened states. these
materials may be chemical admixtures in which case they are added in quantities not larger
than 5% by weight of cement and referred as additives . Different types of admixtures are
used to improve /modify various properties.
Retarders: Delay in the setting time of cement paste is achieved by adding sugar,
carbohydrate derivatives and some salts.
Water reducers: Also called plasticizers help to improve the plasticity of the mix in its fresh
state and mainly to achieve higher strength by reducing water cement ratio or for improving
workability to facilitate proper compaction.
Foamed blast furnace slag: Used as a light weight aggregate for partial or full replacement
of sand.
3.5 Mortar Mix: The reaction of Portland cement and water results in formation of
hardened cement paste. Fineness modulus of sand, water-cement ratio and sand-cement ratio
should be determined from trial batches to insure a mix that can infiltrate (encapsulate) the
mesh and develop a strong and dense matrix. Normally water cement ratio varies from 0.35
to 0.55. Water reducing admixtures may be used to enhance mix plasticity and retard
initial set, as with conventional concretes. The behaviour of mortar is similar to that of plain
concrete. The major distinction is the size of the aggregate used. In general a good quality
mortar is stronger and more durable than good quality concrete; however, their basic
response to the environment is essentially the same.
3.6 Reinforcing Mesh: One of the essential components of ferrocement is wire mesh.
Different types of wire meshes are available almost everywhere. These generally consist of
thin wires, either woven or welded into a mesh, but the main requirement is that it
must be easily handled and, if necessary, flexible enough to be bent around sharp corners.
The function of the wire mesh and reinforcing rod in the first instance is to act as a
lath providing the form and to support the mortar in its green state. In the hardened state its
function is to absorb the tensile stresses on the structure which the mortar, on its own, would
not able to withstand. A structure is subjected to great deal of pounding, twisting and
bending during its life time resulting in cracks and fractures unless sufficient steel
reinforcement is introduced to absorb these stresses. The degree to which this fracturing of
the structure is reduced depends on the concentration and dimensions of the embedded
reinforcement. The mechanical behaviour of ferrocement is highly dependent upon the type,
quantity, orientation and strength properties of the mesh and reinforcing rod.
3.7 Skeletal Steel: Skeletal steel as the name implied is generally used for making the
framework of the structure upon which layers of mesh are laid. Both the longitudinal and
transverse rods are evenly distributed and shaped to form.
There are basically three types of ferrocement.
4.1 Armature method: In this method the skeletal steel is welded to the desired shape on
either side of which are tied several layers of stretched mesh. This is strong enough, so that
mortar can filled in by pressing one side and temporally supporting on other side.
4.2 Closed mould systems: Several layers of meshes are tied together against the surface of
the mould which holds them in position while mortar is being filled in. The mould may be
removed after curing or may remain in position as a permanent part of a finished structure. If
the mould is to be removed for reuse, releasing agent must be used.
4.3 Integrated mould system: Using minimum reinforcement any integral mould is first to
be considered to act as a framework. On this mould layers of meshes are fixed on either side
and plastering is done onto them from both sides. As the name suggests, the mould remains
permanently as an integral part of the finished structure. (e.g. double T-sections for flooring,
roofing etc.) Precaution should be taken to have firm connection between the mould and the
layers filled in later, so that finished product as a whole integral structural unit.
The desired shape may be built from a multi-layered construction of mesh, supported
by an armature or grid, built with rebar and tied with wire. For optimum
performance, steel should be rust-treated, (galvanized) or stainless steel.
Over this finished framework, an appropriate mixture (grout or mortar) of Portland
cement, sand and water and admixture is applied and penetrate the mesh. During
hardening, the assembly may be kept moist, to ensure that the concrete is able to set
and harden slowly and to avoid developing cracks that can weaken the system.
Steps should be taken to avoid trapped air in the internal structure during the wet
stage of construction as this can also create cracks that will form as it dries.
Trapped air will leave voids that allow water to collect and degrade (rust) the steel.
Modern practice often includes spraying the mixture at pressure (a technique
called shotcrete) or some other method of driving out trapped air.
To eliminating air where it contacts steel, modern concrete additives may include
acrylic liquid "admixtures" to slow moisture absorption and increase shock resistance
to the hardened product or to alter curing rates.
Plastering shall be done using simple equipment.
One worker to impregnate mortar from one side while another worker holds a back-up
sheet on the other side.
Excessive mortar build-up to be scraped off.
Curing to be carried out for 28 days preferably in shade to avoid cracking by keeping
moist by frequent wetting, covering with jute sacks that retain water.
6.2 Tension: The nominal resistance of cracked ferrocement elements subject to pure tensile
loading was approximately equal to the load-carrying capacity of the mesh reinforcement
alone in the direction of loading. The nominal tensile capacity was directly proportional to
the effective cross-sectional area of the mesh reinforcement.
6.3 Compression: The assumption was that the nominal resistance of ferrocement
sections subjected to uniaxial compression was approximately equal to the load-carrying
capacity of the unreinforced mortar (concrete) mix. If the cracked mortar, after subjecting
the element to its ultimate load, was chipped off and was replaced with the same
mortar mixture, its compressive strength could be theoretically equal to the original load-
carrying capacity.
6.4 Shear: Test were conducted on 155 simply supported rectangular ferrocement
specimen under four point loading variables of the study were the numbers of layers of wire
mesh, two mesh layouts, strength of mortar and shear span to depth ratio. two types of shear
cracking and failure namely those are due to flexural shear and web shear
6.4 Design of Specimens
Figure 8 shows the dimensions of the specimens. Hollow cylindrical specimens with
an outer diameter of 150 mm, a thickness of 32 mm, and a height of 200 mm were
subjected to axial compression. The shape of compression specimen was patterned
after the specimens used to study the stress-strain curve and the Poisson’s ratio of
ferrocement under axial compression (Rao et al., 1986). The mesh was rolled to
obtain the required number of layers. Plastic moulds for 150 mm x 300 mm (6” x
12”) concrete test cylinders were modified to create hollow cylindrical
compression specimens. As shown in Figure 5, filler made of a round wooden
platform with a cylindrical pole at the middle was used to attain the required
dimensions of a compression specimen.
In casting the tension, flexure, and shear specimens, layers of plywood were cut
to form the shapes of the specimens as shown in Figure 9. The plywood pieces
were secured to the platform using 5-mm diameter steel bolts spaced at 100 mm
on center. Layers of wire mesh were placed in between the plywood pieces. Wire
mesh strands were pulled outward slightly to minimize sagging of the mesh and
to maintain the spacing between layers of mesh
The experiment was part of research on the use of ferrocement for low-cost housing.
Specimens can test at the testing laboratory of the Civil Engineering Department, of any
University india. Each type of specimen was subjected to loading as shown in Figures 10.
7.1 proposed small house.
Ferrocement, a material recommended by ACI 549R-97, is proposed for this house.
Ferrocement performs excellently due to its closely distributed reinforcement. This will be a
very economical option for temporary and permanent construction for the years to come.
Shortly after the earthquake this design was proposed, keeping in mind the cost efficiency,
availability of materials, quick time of fabrication and flexibility of extension and portability.
Fig 10: model, panel, joint, truss, footing and angles in ferrocement house
The principal material for this house is ferrocement. It consists of ferrocement panels (3′-
6″x10′-6″each) placed side by side connected with steel plate fixtures using bolts (Figures
11,and 13). Ferrocement is selected because it is recommended by ACI 549R-97 as a very
good option for making small size houses. Furthermore, all the panels are lightweight, which
are easy to cast, transport and assemble. The system has been designed with the do it-yourself
concept in mind.
Table 6. Steel
1 Angle Sections for L 2″x2″x1/8″[ L 51x51x3.2]
Truss, Purlins & Braces
2 Vertical Steel Ratio Required For 0.0012 (minimum
3 Horizontal Steel Ratio Required For 0.002 (minimum)
The vertical steel is 1/16″or 1.5mm wire @ 4″c/c & @ 3″c/c for horizontal steel. Such a
small spacing proves that thin wire mesh (grating) can be used for the wall panels, which is in
fact ferrocement.
7.1.1 Light Roofing System
One of the major causes of damage during earthquake was heavy roofs. Mud layer of one to
two feet was used to be placed on weak walls to avoid the severe cold during chilling winters.
During earthquake the weak vertical supports could not survive and came down with thick
layer of mud, burying everything under it. Lightweight roofs are better than heavier ones
because they:
The roof system of this proposed house consists of GI corrugated sheets with simply
supported lightweight trusses consisting of single angles (Figure 10). Every truss is strongly
coupled with panels by bolted steel fixtures. Braces connecting bottom cords of consecutive
trusses and the purlins ensure the space truss behaviour. Wooden trusses, which have been in
common use, are deliberately avoided as they are comparatively heavier and cause more
damage to life and property in case of collapse.
7.1.3 Foundations
Total service load reaction is 1.73 kips [7.69 kN] which yields a foundation size of 11″x
11″[280mm x 280mm] for a net allowable bearing capacity of one tons/ft2 [100 kPa]
Foundation is proposed as 12″x 12″[300mm x 300mm] pre-cast ferrocement block with
6″[150mm] total thickness (Figure 14). It has a 3” [75mm] deep grove to accommodate
ferrocement panels. Foundation depth is proposed as 2ft [600mm]. The connection between
foundation blocks and panels is developed by bolted angle section both at inner and outer
side. Blocks are so sized that a single person can easily lift and transport it to the required
7.1.4 Openings
Doors can be located at any desired position. It is just a matter of removing one panel and the
door opening is ready. Panels with windows and ventilators can also be cast but it is
recommended to have ventilators in roof.
It can be confidently said that cost will not cross rupees 44000/-, which means it is rupees
400/- per square foot. As stated previously, this structure can be easily extended so the
It is oceanarium situated in the east of the Valencia, Spain. where different marine habitats
are represented . It was designed by architect Felix candela and the structural engineers
Alberto domingo and Carles lazaro. The geometry of his designs was simple and aesthetically
pleasing; seemingly intricate designs were accomplished simple patterns. Prefabrication was
used extensively, including the rib trusses and ferrocement panels
9.2 Disadvantages
The need of a casting space and working area to prefabricate the elements and cure
them. This may be difficult or expensive especially in an urban setting.
The need for a control to ensure quality products
The need for a proper applied curing method, usually overlooked in any building
construction activities
If the elements are not manufactured on the site they will have to be transported
which may add to the cost. Care should be taken not to damage the elements during
Ferrocement construction is an exciting alternative to conventional wooden and masonry
methods. In the context of sustainable housing, aspects such as strength, durability,
architectural freedom, occupant comfort, affordability and energy efficiency align well with
ferrocement’s qualities. This project explores its rich history and structure types, including
water tanks, houses, boats and large public areas. Various options are explored to reduce
construction labor costs, which is the biggest reason for its low adoption in today’s buildings.
There are many modern improvements possible, including new materials, innovative fabric
forming methods, computer modeling and analysis, among others. Traditional ferrocement’s
large labor requirements can be reduced. Computer-generated, projected layouts allow for
shop fabrication of rebar armature, which is only assembled on-site. Inflated fabric, spray
foam insulation and the laminated ferrocement technique can drastically reduce armature
work. The use of flexible, non-metallic materials such as basalt increases durability and
makes the mesh easier to handle and shape. Mortar composition can be improved with fly ash
for quicker shotcrete application.
[1] Ferrocement: Applications in Developing Countries/NATIONAL ACADEMY OF
SCIENCE /Washington, D.C. • February 1973.
[2] Ferrocement Super-Insulated Shell House Design and Construction by JAN LUGOWSKI.
[4]Ferrocement: Building with cement, sand and wire mesh by Stanley Abercrombie.