App 9.3 Method Statement Dam
App 9.3 Method Statement Dam
App 9.3 Method Statement Dam
Datum: 29/05/2017
The project entails the construction of a zoned earthfill dam with a gross capacity in the order of
±330 000m³ including an open channel spillway and piped outlet works. The embankment will have a
maximum height of ±14m, a total length in the order of ±519m and a crest width of ±4m. The bulk of the
embankment earthfill would come from inside the dam basin below the full supply level.
The proposed construction period is planned for January 2019 to May 2019.
Imported sand (finger drains in wall), In-situ soils (dam wall), concrete – outlet pipe trenches
Chemical toilet system will be used on site which will be serviced on a weekly basis. It will be secured
and not closer than 30m from a water body.
Plant maintenance on site:
Plant will be kept in good order and inspected daily, drip trays will be provided for plant that is
stationary and also be inspected daily. Only minor services will be done on site and all used/damaged
machine parts will be removed.
Oil & Fuel spills:
Drip trays will be positioned to catch accidental leaks or spillages at the refueling point at all times, all
liquids collected in the drip trays will be decanted into a marked and sealed drums which will be taken
to an approved spoil or treatment facility. There will be 4 drip trays on site.
Fuel storage; refueling and fuel spills:
The construction plant will be refueled using a mobile fuel tanker. Drip trays and a suitable spill kit will
be on standby and available at the refueling point. In case of an accidental spill, the contaminated
material will be disposed of at the nearest approved disposal site. The fuel tanker will be parked on top
of a raised embankment reducing the risk for any machine driving into it accidentally and causing a fuel
spill. No containers with hazardous substances will be stored on site and fluids that are necessary for
servicing equipment will be brought from the home-based workshop when needed and taken away
after use. Contaminated soils will be collected and removed to the nearest landfill site or as arranged
with the owner.
A bulk fuel storage tank will be considered at a dedicated location on site either in addition to or as an
alternative to the mobile fuel tanker, if required. The installation will comply with applicable building as
well as health & safety regulations including a bunt wall in case of spillage.
Environmental Awareness:
An induction course will be conducted by the ECO on the construction site at commencement of works.
Environmental awareness training of new and follow up of older staff members as well as sub-
contractors will be conducted at regular intervals or as deemed necessary.
Emergency procedures and Fire hazard:
There will be two fire extinguishers at the fuel bowser and employees will be trained how to use them
in case of emergency. All fire equipment will be serviced monthly and they will be checked bi-weekly by
the acting fire officer. No open fires will be allowed on site. A water truck with capacity of 10 000 liters
will be on site in case of any fire emergency. The site agent of the contractor will also act as the
environmental officer on behalf of the contractor if a dedicated person or agent is not appointed.
All relevant Material and Safety Data sheets will be available on site throughout the contract.
The contact numbers of the local police and emergency services including the number of a spill
response team in the event of a major spill, will be provided to all employees.
A general search and rescue will be conducted.
Sediment and erosion control:
No sediment will be able to enter the stream as the newly constructed dam wall will act as a buffer to
contain sediment from the construction area. Topsoil from temporary stockpiles will be used to cover
exposed areas to encourage the fast growth of vegetation to prevent unnecessary erosion.
Storm water management:
Existing storm water ditches will be maintained in order to let water flow freely to the river without
eroding the soil. Existing drainage furrows will be maintained and kept clean at all times in order to
prevent rainwater from scouring and eroding surrounding areas and sedimenting the stream.
Dust and noise control;
Working hours will be from 7am till 6pm during weekdays, plant will be equipped with standard factory
fitted silencer systems. Dust will be controlled by watering dusty areas with water truck.