Effectiveness of Durian Peel As Biomass Briquette

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A Research Project
Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School Department
University of Mindanao, Davao City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In RES 3S and RCP 1S (Practical Research 3 & Research/Capstone Project)
2nd Semester, SY 2018 – 2019


De Castro, Evan Kristofer C.

Gabaesin, Mariah Karla M.
Galagar Jayson R.
Navaja, Kayle T.
Sameon, Josie T.

March 2019


Energy utilization and resources are a fundamental human need which

increases energy demands' and problem as well as its effects on daily use are

deteriorating. In order to cope up with this, utilizing the agricultural waste as a

fuel source to serve as an alternative energy in the form of biomass briquettes

is encouraged. In connection to this, the aim of this study was to determine the

effectiveness of durian peel as biomass briquette in terms of its combustion

properties. Wherein, pure paper briquette was assigned as the control variable

and a different proportions of durian peels as biomass briquette as the

experimental variable. In addition, this study utilized experimental design

specifically parallel group design where each subject is randomly assign to one

of two or more different treatment or intervention groups. In relation to this, the

study has shown that there is significant difference on the effectiveness of

durian peels among treatments in some variables in terms of ash content,

energy content and specific fuel consumption. However, fixed carbon content

and burning rate results showed that there is no significant difference among

treatments. Based on the findings, durian peel as biomass briquette is effective

and has the ability to be used as fuel; therefore, future researchers should

conduct a comparative study of durian peel biomass briquette to a

commercialized charcoal product.

Keywords: ash content, fixed carbon content, energy content, burning

rate, specific fuel consumption




BIOMASS BRIQUETTE” prepared and submitted by Evan Kristofer C. De
Castro, Mariah Karla M. Gabaesin, Jayson R. Galagar, Kayle T. Navaja,
and Josie T. Sameon, in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical
Research 3, has been examined, accepted and approved, and is hereby

Research Instructor


APPROVED by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of




Panel Member Panel Member

ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research



Principal, SHS


This endeavor would not be made possible without the help of various

individuals. Without them, the researchers might not meet their objectives in

this study. The researchers would like to express their heartfelt appreciation to

the following people for their help and support:

Mr. Jobert C. Regidor, their research adviser, with whom they are

indebted for the encouragement, guidance, advice and patience in examining

and reviewing the content of this study for the development of this paper;

To the panelists, for the inspirational thoughts, suggestions and

corrections that truly improved this research study;

Mr. Joey C. Oliveros, their Senior High School Principal, for the approval

of this endeavor;

Mr. John Rannilo Ortiz, their research statistician, for making their

research result be possible and the interpretation of data, for imparting his

knowledge, the guidance and the support for the betterment of the study. His

involvement in this study cannot be gainsaid;

Their family, for their undying love, guidance, words of encouragement,

full support, their financial assistance, and for always being there for their ups

and downs; and

Above all, to the Almighty God who gave them the strength and wisdom,

hope and courage to pursue their studies and for guiding them throughout their

life. All these works are dedicated to Him.



Title Page i
Abstract ii
Approval and Endorsement Sheet iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables and Figures vii

Chapter 1 Introduction
Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 3
Hypothesis 3
Conceptual Framework 4
Significance of the Study 5
Scope and Limitation of the Study 5
Definition of Terms 6
Literature Review 7

Chapter 2 Methods
Research Design 18
Statistical Treatment 19
Research Procedure 19

Chapter 3 Results and Discussion

Results 34
Discussion 45
Conclusion 47
Recommendation 48

References 49
A Effectiveness of Durian Peel using Ash Content 57
Effectiveness of Durian Peel using Fixed Carbon
B 58
C Effectiveness of Durian Peel using Energy Content 59

D Effectiveness of Durian Peel using 60

Burning Rate
E Effectiveness of Durian Peel using
Specific Fuel Consumption
F Statistical Analysis of Variance on the Effectiveness
of Durian Peel using Ash Content
G Statistical Analysis of Variance on the Effectiveness
of Durian Peel using Fix Carbon Content
H Statistical Analysis of Variance on the Effectiveness
of Durian Peel using Energy Content
I Statistical Analysis of Variance on the Effectiveness
of Durian Peel using Burning Rate
J Statistical Analysis of Variance on the Effectiveness
of Durian Peel using Specific Fuel Consumption
Curriculum Vitae


Table Page

1 Ratios of Different Set-ups 22

Test for Effectiveness of Durian Peels as Biomass
2 31
Briquette Using Ash Content
Test for Effectiveness of Durian Peels as Biomass
3 31
Briquette Using Fixed Carbon Content
Test for Effectiveness of Durian Peels as Biomass
4 32
Briquette Using Energy Content
Test for Effectiveness of Durian Peels as Biomass
5 32
Briquette Burning Rate
Test for Effectiveness of Durian Peels as Biomass
6 33
Briquette Using Specific Fuel Consumption
7.1 Mean Values for the Ash Content 34
7.2 Mean Values for the Fixed Carbon Content 35
7.3 Mean Values for the Energy Content 35
7.4 Mean Values for the Burning Rate 36
7.5 Mean Values for the Specific Fuel Consumption 36
Analysis of Variance of the Effectiveness of Durian
8.1. 39
Peels as Biomass Briquette Using Ash Content
Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) on the Mean
8.1.1 39
Ash Content of the Biomass Briquette Results
Analysis of Variance of the Effectiveness of Durian
8.2 Peels as Biomass Briquette Using Fixed Carbon 40
Analysis of Variance of the Effectiveness of Durian
8.3 41
Peels as Biomass Briquette Using Energy Content
Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) on the Mean
8.3.1 42
Energy Content of the Biomass Briquette Results
Analysis of Variance of the Effectiveness of Durian
8.4 43
Peels as Biomass Briquette Using Burning Rate
Analysis of Variance of the Effectiveness of Durian
8.5 Peels as Biomass Briquette Using Specific Fuel 44
Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) on the Mean
8.5.1 Specific Fuel Consumption of the Biomass Briquette 45

Figure Page

1 Conceptual framework of the Variables of the Study 4

2 Collection of Biomass Wastes Durian Peel 20
3 Chopping of Durian Peels into Small Pieces 20

4 Drying the Peels under the Heat of the Sun 21

5 Carbonization process through furnace 21
6 Uniformity in size using sieve 21
7 Cooking process of paper and water mixture 21
8 Addition of simple adhesive 22
9 Compressing to Form the Briquette 22
10 Final product of biomass briquette 22
11 Water Boiling Test Diagram 25
12 Flowchart of the Entire Process of the Experiment 30
13 Mean values for the Overall Combustibility Variables 37

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Energy utilization and resources are a fundamental human need which

increases energy demands' and problem and its effects on daily use are

deteriorating. The reason that strategies and endeavors are sought after to

keep up the supply balance and energy demand throughout the world that

causes the effect to the environment, as well as to the economy. Whereas,

Nuriana, Anisa and Martana (2014) stated that the stock of energy is very

definite to fossil fuel source which is not a sustainable resource for future life.

Hence, there are about 197 million metric tons of oil equivalent of energy that

the world consumes in a span of the year 2000 to 2017 (Enerdata, 2017). In

able to anticipate the crisis, there is a need for improved alternative energy

sources, namely solar energy, wind energy, biofuel, hydropower, and biomass

and must be applied productively. For instance, utilizing hydropower would not

devour the water utilized, rather it will just serve as a material or power to make

energy (Chauhan & Vig, 2007).

A biomass briquettes are known produced product of low-pressure

compact biomass such as agricultural waste, woods, sawdust, etc. (McDougal,

Eidemiller, & Weires, 2010). In connection, consumption of a large amount of

durian fruit produces an estimated amount of 70% inconsumable wastes in the

form of seeds and peels. Also, Wahyono (2009) stated that according to its

chemical compositions, durian contains a high amount of amylopectin and


amylose which are considered as good binder agents. However, the potential

of durian residues such as its peels was rarely been considered and promoted

compared to other agricultural residues. Meanwhile, durian peel has been

analyzed to have an approximate amount of 60.31% of carbon, 28.06% of

oxygen and 8.47% hydrogen, where the said results support the energy

potential of durian peel (Chandra, Mirna, Sunarso, Sudaryanto, & Ismadji,

2009). Moreover, durian is a known source of biomass and a seasonal kind of

fruit, but recently, it can be produced at any time of the year with the help of

advanced agricultural technology (Yamaji, Chrisostomo, Vendrasco, & Flores,

2010). Durian residues came from its peel was almost covering around 60-76%

of the entire fruit (Foo & Hameed, 2012). In addition, in the entire area of Davao

region, the production of durian has reached up to 58.80571 metric tons and

about 69% or 37, 181.04 of it was produced only from Davao City (Arado, 2017).

Furthermore, Chandra et al. (2009) stated that a high number of the durian

peels residues in an area have caused major problems such as respiratory

diseases, due to its pungent smell. In response to this problem, utilizing durian

residue such as peel into solid biofuel, also known as biomass briquette has

been promoted to reduce the waste product of durian as well as its pungent

smell, and acquire its maximum capacity (Wahidin & Anisa, 2014).

Due to the growth of energy demand and depletion rate of fossil fuels to

produced energy supply, the researcher seeks an alternative source of energy

through biomass briquetting. This study will be conducted to test the capability

of durian peel as biomass briquette.


Purpose of the Study and Research Questions

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of durian peel as biomass

briquettes. It is sought to answer the following question:

1. What treatment is the most effective as biomass briquette in terms


1.1. Ash content;

1.2. Fixed Carbon Content;

1.3. Energy Content;

1.4. Burning Rate; and

1.5. Specific Fuel Consumption?

2. Is there a significant difference on the effectiveness of durian peel as

biomass briquette in terms of:

2.1. Ash content;

2.2. Fixed Carbon Content;

2.3. Energy Content;

2.4. Burning Rate; and

2.5. Specific Fuel Consumption?

Hypothesis of the Study

Based on the foregoing specific research problem, the following

hypotheses are formulated:

H0: There is no significant difference among the treatments of the

biomass briquette in terms of the resulting ash content, fixed carbon content,

energy content, burning rate and specific fuel consumption.


Conceptual Framework

In this study, combustibility burning rate associated with time experiment

determines the capability of alternative fuel biomass briquette binder from

durian peel in regards to its amount to the change on the creation of thermal

energy in a chemical reaction of fire called combustion. Effectiveness is

measured by changes in properties or indicator. Aboagye (2017) stated that

combustion properties are composed of its ash content, fixed carbon, energy

content and water boiling test. It is supported by the concept as follows.


AMOUNT OF Ash Content

DURIAN PEEL Fixed Carbon Content

Energy Content
Water Boiling Test



Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the variables of the study

The figure illustrates that the amount of durian peel affects the

combustibility rate of the briquette. The independent variable is the amount of

durian peel and the dependent variable is the combustibility rate with ash

content, fixed carbon, energy content and water boiling test as indicators. The

researchers will have a set-up with different amounts of durian peel for

briquetting. Each set-up will be tested by its combustibility rate through its

indicators. Time is considered as the intervening variable which will be

controlled by the researcher upon conducting the experiment.


Significance of the Study

Results of this study are deemed beneficial to the following:

Environment. The results will provide alternative biomass briquettes as

a substitute for the common use of coals that will contribute to minimizing the

pollution. The application of biomass briquettes will help lessen and recycle the

available biodegradable waste in the environment. It will generate clean energy

that will support the maintenance of the ecosystem.

Family. The result of this study can be a useful guide for them to

understand that using biomass briquette will help minimize the pollution in the

environment through the given data. The given data would help them choose

in using biomass briquette instead of habitual usage of charcoals. The findings

would also help them learn about making biomass briquettes.

Scope and Limitation

This study is experimental in nature and focused on durian peel

production as biomass briquettes. The research sample is composed of 5 set-

ups with different durian peel amount mixture: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100 %

durian peel. The primary data gathering method used was an experiment to

determine the different effects of each type of briquette based on their

components and also through combustion rate, whereas combustion rate is

indicated by ash content, energy content, fixed carbon and water boiling test.

This study will be performed specifically in Davao City, where raw materials

were gathered from various fruit vendors that disposes their fruit peelings in

Ramon Magsaysay Fruit stand and offices for paper waste. Personal

consumption of durian fruits and paper waste also contributed to the quantity of

the raw materials. Materials and equipment needed for the experiment are

knife, sieve (5 mesh), makeshift furnace for carbonization, makeshift briquette

molder, basin, measuring cup, standardized weighting scale, thermometer, and

aluminum cans.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in this study are conceptually and operationally

defined to establish a common frame of reference:

Durian Peel. In this study, the term refers to the outermost covering

layer of durian.

Biomass. The term is conceptually defined as a renewable source of

energy and as an organic material that comes from plant and animals. (Biomass

Explained, 2018).

Briquette. The term is conceptually defined as a block of flammable

matter used as fuel to start and maintain a fire (Alam, Islam, Hasan, & Siddique,


Biomass Briquette. The term is conceptually defined as a dense form

of bio-fuel that has gained a large popularity in poor developing countries as an

alternative cooking fuel (Alam et al., 2011).

In this study, the term refers to the low-pressure compaction of biomass.


Review of the Related Literature

Pertinent information is presented to provide a strong framework of

references of the variables under study: the amount of durian peel and

combustion rate.

Amount of Durian Peel. The higher the mass fraction of durian peel,

offers a greater rate of combustion properties to the briquette, such as its

heating value (Rattanongphisat & Chindaruksa, 2011). The statement was

based on the study they conducted, where the different ratio of durian peel and

rice straw has experimented. Among the ratio of 1:9, 2:8, 3:7, 4:6, 5:5, 6:4, 7:3,

8:2 and 9:1, durian and rice straw, the results showed that the briquette made

of durian peel and rice straw at ratio 9:1 achieved 24.674 MJ/kg which

considered as the highest heating value among the other ratio. In addition, the

result also showed the lowest ash content of the briquette durian peel and rice

straw at a ratio of 1:9. Rattanongphisat and Chindaruksa (2011) concluded that

a biomass briquette made from the high amount of durian peel over rice straw

is applicable to become an alternative source of energy in the market. A solid

bio fuel briquette made from durian peel has a high heating value that can

compete with other briquette made from other agricultural wastes

(Sathitruangsak, 2003).

In connection, according to Mitan, Azmi, Mohd Nor, and Se (2015), a

briquette made of pure durian peel without binder has 5883 cal/g calorific value,

which is higher than a briquette made from durian peel with binder, where

calorific value is also one of the properties to be considered in identifying the

rate of combustibility of a briquette. At some point, Mitan et al. (2015) added


that a briquette made of durian peel with calcium hydroxide as a binder

increases its compressive strength. A low calorific value briquette is not good

in the combustion process of a good briquette (Mitan et al., 2015). In support,

Brunerová, Roubík, Brožek, Herák,Šleger, and Mazancová (2017) stated that

durian peel is one of the fruit waste samples that have high energy potential,

for having 17.60 MJ. kg. net calorific value. Wilaipon (2009) also pointed out

regarding the characteristics and heating value of durian peel that it has high

potential to become an alternative energy resource.

Combustion Rate. According to Science Daily (2018), combustion is a

chemical reaction between a fuel or combustible material and as oxidant

specifically accompanied by heat and light production. Rapid combustion is

characterized by the release of a large amount of heat energy. A flame is a

specific characteristic indicator of the reaction. This reaction is called an

exothermic reaction. Furthermore, Helmenstine (2018) stated that combustion

reaction includes the presence of oxygen as a reactant then carbon dioxide and

heat as the product.

Combustibility rate is a chain chemical reaction or the rate of burning a

substance. The rate of chemical reaction is the change in concentration over

the change of time as stated from the website of Chemistry Libre Texts (2015).

Temperature, pressure, and concentration are factors that affect the rate of

combustion. Increasing humidity due to increasing temperature will reduce the

combustion rate, and it affects the heat capacity. Combustion rate can be the

rate of formation of products or the rate of disappearance of products. To test

the combustion rate, there are properties to be considered that serves as

indicators: ash content, fixed carbon, energy content and water boiling test.

Ash Content. According to Tamilvanan (2013), the higher the ash the

fuel possess the lower the calorific value it has, for the reason that it is the non-

combustible component of a biomass, which have been released during

burning activity in an appearance of dust particles. Furthermore, Obi, Akubuo,

and Okonkwo (2013) stated that for the briquettes to have high heating values,

the ash content should be low. Whereas high ash content was believed to

reduce the combustibility of briquettes (Aboagye, 2017).

As Aboagye (2017) cited, ash content was mainly composed by calcium,

potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus elements that affect the ash fusion

and was considered as an organic component that remains after the biomass

completed its combustion process. Minerals present in the ash when subjected

to high temperature and certain conditions can agglomerate and deposit inside

the thermal device leading to slag formation, fouling and bed agglomeration.

Ashes are usually formed of Cao, k2O, Na2O, MgO, SiO2, SO3, Fe2O3,

P2O5and Cl. The slagging behavior of briquettes was strongly affected by the

ash content, the reason why in briquetting the agricultural residues which

contain less than 4% ash content were more preferable because slagging do

not occur during densification (Mitan et al., 2004). In addition, Mitan et al. (2004)

stated that a biomass contain high ash content is not good to be an alternative

fuel, because the heating value of briquettes will be highly affected.

Fixed Carbon. The low fixed carbon content has a tendency to drag out

cooking time by its low warmth discharge, additionally the higher the fixed

carbon content the better the charcoal created because the relating calorific

vitality is normally high (Raju, Praveena, Sathya, & Jyothi, 2014). Moreover,

Nuriana et al., (2014) stated that the higher the temperature is, the more

increment carbon content resulted. Having a good quality of high carbon

content and high calorific value signifies that a fuel has a decent quality

(Nuriana et al., 2014). As stated by Aboagye (2017), it is the remaining solid

combustible residue after a coal is heated and resulting to ejection of volatile

matter. In addition, Cahyono, Santoso, and Miliati (2017) proposed that the

quality of a briquette usually vary to its fixed carbon content.

Kumar, Subbaiah, and Rao (2010) proposed that the level of fixed

carbon is ordinarily controlled by the distinction in alternate amounts, for

example, moisture, volatile matter and ash content, of the aggregate biomass

in rate. Basically, the fixed carbon of a fuel is the level of carbon accessible for

ignition after all the volatile matter is expelled from the biomass. This is not

equivalent to the total amount of carbon present in the fuel because there is an

additional amount discharged as hydrocarbons in the volatile matter. When

there is a high percentage of fixed carbon, the briquette’s heat value will

enhance, but the fixed carbon content and the calorific value of briquettes are

lower than coal, resulting to low heating value when compared to

commercialized fuels and fire wood; however, the cost of briquette is cheaper

than the commercialized one (Tamilvanan, 2013).

Energy Content. This shows the amount of potential energy contained in

a briquette (Aboagye, 2017), where it is determined by calorific value; the

standard measure of the energy content of a fuel (Ikelle, Chukwuma, & Ivoms,

2014). Furthermore, Aboagye (2017) stated that heat capacity is included as a

parameter that forms the energy content. High calorific value means the energy

content is high enough to generate the heat required in small-scale applications

(Raju et al., 2014). Hence, the greater calorific value, the easier and the better

will the briquette burn. Higher density also makes the briquette to last long and

release of thermal energy will be higher (Huang, 2014).

The gross calorific value can be obtained through a formula based on

the study of Onuegbu (2011), where a sample is burned and will show the

briquette's complete combustion.

Water Boiling Test. Time is the variable for finding the burning rate speed

and the ignition of time was test by water boiling test. According to Onuegbu,

Ekpunobi, Ogbu, Ekeoma and Obumselu (2011), the potential of boiling water

at the same ignition time with the fastest time in a record was used to determine

the burning rate increased. Water boiling test was used to test which among

the set-ups is productive. In this way, the test was able to measure the time

taken for each set of briquettes to boil an equal quantity of water, under identical

conditions. Moreover, water boiling test was executed to investigate the

capability of the briquettes for household purpose as a fuel (Birwatkar,

Khandetod, Mohod, & Dhande, 2014). As stated by Onuegbu et al. (2011), the

factors that regulate the water boiling time are burning rate (how fast the fuel

burns) and the calorific value (how much heat is released). Furthermore,

burning rate can also be affected by the structural form of a briquette for it is

the ratio of the mass of the bio-fuel burnt (in grams) to the total time taken (in a

minute). Calorific value is also important for heat production and a factor for the

briquette to produced heat (Onuegbu et al., 2011). In addition, Sawadogo,

Tanoh, Sidibe, Kpail and Tankoano (2018) stated that specific fuel consumption

is also a factor to be tested in the water boiling test which determines the

number of briquettes required to boil specific amount of water.

The amount of durian peel offers a great rate of combustion such as its

heating value. Whereas, combustion rate is the rate of burning a substance that

can be indicated by the following which are ash content, fixed carbon, energy

content and water boiling test. Ash content affects the rate of combustion by its

concentration; the higher the ash content, the lower the combustion rate.

Energy content is the amount of potential energy in a briquette where it is

determined by calorific value. Fixed carbon helps the briquette to stand high

heat temperatures, resulting in high-quality briquette. Water boiling test is

performed to determine the efficiency and productivity of the fuel through a

burning rate increase in reaching the boiling point of water. The indicators are

considered to be tested to prove the effectiveness of durian peel as biomass


In global, increasing demand for energy supply depends on the resources

of fossil fuels. Nowadays, the rate of energy resources decreases resulting to

doubling of prices. For about 140 million amount of energy is generated in a

year (Tembe, Otache, & Ekhuemelo, 2014). The growing interest for biomass

renewable energy as an alternative is sought because nonrenewable energy is

getting more expensive. Biomass are all living matter from plants and animal

waste material (Shreya & Sevita, 2015). Processing biomass into a form of

briquette which is effective and efficient for heating purposes. Briquette from

biomass is a renewable energy containing high content of volatile matter, ash


content, low density and energy values which people in many parts of the world

utilized briquette for their daily activities. Briquetting processes is an effective

method in creating bio fuel to prevent shortage of materials due to the increase

of population.

Each year, millions of agricultural wastes generated are used or burnt

inappropriately causing pollution which leads to killing people due to respiratory

diseases (Sriram, Sikdar, Sunil, & KumarShetty, 2014). However, Maninder,

Kathuria, and Grover (2012) stated that these wastes can be recycled as a

renewable energy. In Davao, a large number of agricultural wastes specifically

durian is produced each day and briquetting these wastes can be a solution to

pollution problems.

Briquetting technology is one of the promising solutions to the growing

problem in the energy source. For many countries were looking for

development of clean and pollution free energy resources. Among various

energy resources, Sriram et al., (2014) stated that briquettes are of most

interest and expected to play a key role in global energy infrastructure in the

future. As of 2016, a total of 16,816.86 hectares planted with durian in the

Philippines with 1,265,890 bearing trees. In the Davao region, about 8344

hectares or 50.21% with 818,270 bearing trees are found to produced

53,805.71 metric tons or 75.31% durian products as stated in the Country

Statistics Philippines (2017).

Republic Act 9003, also known as Ecological Solid Waste Management

Act, was constituted in the Philippines in year 2000 in order to give guidelines

in dealing the increase problems of solid waste in the country, thus, most

number of waste product was generally produced by agricultural products such

as, sugar, rice and fruits. According to Lacrosse and Shakya (2004), most

lumber and agricultural operations in South East Asia, produces residues in the

average of 20 to 70% from raw materials input. In connection, according to

Bujang and Safuan (2014), the edible portion of fruit like durian is only around

15-30%, which considered as high waste-to-edible portion that creates huge

amount of wastes specifically in post-harvest processing centers. Moreover,

ripening of the fruits that have climacteric nature such as tropical fruits like

durian, mangosteen, jackfruit and mango occurred rapidly after the harvest, that

causes a decrease in edible and economic value of the fruits in short selling

window. Also, due to the seasonal nature of the fruits mentioned above,

oversupply of its production causes the income of farmers decrease as well as

it creates waste problems. Therefore, Bujang and Safuan (2014) stated that

utilizing the fruit biomass is very helpful not only in regulating the fruit prices in

a way of diversification of products came from the fruits and its waste, but also

reducing environmental issues regarding waste disposal and utilized its

potential to be an alternative renewable energy feedstock.

Converting the energy of durian peel into briquette is called

thermochemical. According to Bujang and Safuan (2014), thermochemical is

the process of converting the chemical composition of durian peel into heat

energy, like the conversion of plants into bio-fuel. The ways of thermochemical

process are the combustion, fast pyrolysis, gasification, hydrothermal and

hydrolysis. Bujang and Safuan (2014) added that one of the chemical

compositions of durian peel is being high activated carbon which determined to

vary the release of thermal energy. Furthermore, ThamYee, Arumugam, Nur


Hidayah, Abdullah, and Latif (2010) stated that the varying release of thermal

energy or its heat energy was due to the effects of different measurement of

activated carbon or durian peel. Apart from its unique and strong smell, durian

is also easy to recognize due to its spiky look. Durian look of intimidating yet

special, because of the prickly and thorny appearance of its outer shell. The

neutralization effects that said to be possess by the outer shell or known as

durian peel, helps neutralize the hotness cause by eating durian and cool the

body down, just by drinking water from its peel. In addition, durian peel also

helps in removing the strong smell of the durian simply by washing with durian

peel or scrubbing against the peel that also remove the stench.

According to Kaliyan and Morey (2008), briquetting is the process of

compressing the residues to produce a higher density product, which also

called densification. Briquettes could serve as a replacement to firewood and

charcoal for cooking and agro-industrial operations if generated in an affordable

expense and produced conveniently available to the beneficiaries. Also, it

decreases the demand for firewood and charcoal (Wilaipon, 2008). Ilavsky and

Oravec (2000) stated that briquetting the biomass improves its handling

characteristics, increases the volumetric calorific value, lower the transportation

costs and makes it available for different uses.

In addition, conversion of biomass residues into alternative fuel has

become possible by using the set of technologies introduced by biomass

densification according to Maninder et. al (2012). The equipment used for

compaction could be categorized depending on its kind, where it already has

five main types; piston densification, screw press densification, roll press

densification, pelletizing, and low pressure or manual presses. Based on the


compaction process, Aboagye (2017) cited the briquetting technologies used

for compaction can be divided into high-pressure compaction, medium

pressure compaction with a heating device and low-pressure compaction with

a binder.

Briquetting in many growing countries like the Philippines is still trying to

attain knowledge due to the fact of technical limits involved and knowledge

deficiency needed in adapting briquette technology. According to Aboagye

(2017), briquette-industry aids many operational problems and certifying the

raw material used can determine its economic success. Briquettes can be used

in many ways; both domestic and industrial applications. Also, it is often used

as an alternative solid bio-fuel due to energy source shortage and rising prices

of common solid fuels like charcoals and firewood (Ahmed, 2008). Briquettes

are cheaper than coal, where it does not contain sulfur considered as 100%

eco-friendly. Furthermore, it has higher practical thermal value and lower ash

content (2 % to 10 % as compared to 20% to 40% in coal) resulting in lower

flying ash. It is more uniform in terms of combustion than coal and also gives

much higher boiler efficiency because of its low moisture and higher density

(Manoj, 2015).

Briquetting can be done with or without a binder, doing without a binder

is easier but it takes higher cost due to equipment used which is unsuitable for

developing countries as stated by Aboagye (2017). According to Syamalee,

Amarasinghe, & Senayaka (2015), varieties of the external binder include

starch, cow dung, newspaper, etc. Paper possesses the following advantages:

it does not add a smoke producing material to the briquette, non-volatile, widely

available and holds the briquette together. According to Michalovic (2005) and

(Cellulose Fibers, 2014), paper contains cellulose that is capable of binding or

used as a binding agent, where cellulose and starch are very similar polymers

but cellulose is much stronger than starch because starches can be dissolved

when mixed together in liquid and its varieties tend to be highly viscous, to

agglomerate, and have poor flow properties, making their handling difficult

during the tablet manufacturing process. Cellulose also is useful in the

preparation prepared by direct compression as well as wet methods. Unlike

other traditional binders that slow down the process of disintegration, cellulose

acts as a binding and disintegrating agent (Stewart, 2017). These components

are not present in any other binding agents and may vary in different factors

like usage.

In accordance to the studies related to the topic of the research, durian

has really high potential to be converted into an alternative energy. It is also

recognized to be abundant here in Davao City, which is considered as a high

production source of durian waste like the peel that contributes as an additional

issue in waste management. Therefore, in response, this research has been

proposed in order to prove the effectiveness of durian peel as an alternative

energy in a form of biomass briquettes, as well as utilizing durian peel into such

unique product that is not yet developed in the country. The study was expected

to discover the potential of durian peel components, specifically by its

combustion rate that may affect the quality of the briquettes to be produced. As

supported by the researchers cited and mentioned above, this study positively

sought to achieve its objective.


Chapter 2


This chapter describes the research methodology that was used in

conducting the study. It discussed the research design, the statistical treatment

for data analysis and the procedures that emphasizes the gathering of data and

the process on how the experiment will be done.

Research Design

This study utilized experimental design specifically parallel group design

in determining the effectiveness of durian peels as biomass briquettes.

According to Turner (2013), a parallel group design is an experimental study

design, where each subject is randomly assigned to one of two or more different

treatment or intervention groups. In addition, eventhough these groups undergo

different treatment, all groups are still treated equally as possible in all other

factors and undergoes complete same procedures all throughout the study.

Whereas, one group will receive the treatment of interest and another group a

control treatment, against which responses throughout the treatment

intervention are compared.

In this study, the researchers sought to determine how effective is durian

peel as biomass briquettes.


Statistical Treatment

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) is one of the statistical techniques used

in assessing the data results of a study. It is specifically used to compare the

results from different samples or the results of the study in order to accurately

identify the significant differences among the variables. In connection, after

using ANOVA, another statistical technique will be used for analyzing the

differences of the obtained data known as DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range

Test). This technique was considered as a post hoc test that will measure and

analyse the specific differences between pairs of means.

Research Procedure

Research procedures involve 3 sections: Section 1. Pre-

Experimentation - Production of durian peel biomass briquettes. Section 2.

Actual Experimentation - Experimentation process. Section 3. Post-

Experimentation - Analysis of the combustion properties. These stages will be

elaborated below:

Section 1. Pre-Experimentation

Production of durian peel biomass briquettes: Durian peels are obtained

from durian sellers in Davao city. Durian skins are sliced and dried in the sun (

3 days ), and the dried durian peels are carbonized in a makeshift furnace for

6 hours to obtain its carbonized form (carbonization process), then it will be

sieved (using 5 mesh) to have uniformity in terms of particle sizes. Paper and

water will be cooked as the adhesive, with a ratio of 400g mashed paper mixed

with 1200 ml of water until boiled. Afterwards, the adhesive with a 20% total

amount of the weight of the briquette will be added to the carbonized product

and then molded in the makeshift briquette molder. The whole phase will

produce 5 set of briquettes, where each briquette weights 100 grams and a set

consist of different proportions of paper waste: durian peel, the 1st briquette

contains 0:100 ratio, 2nd briquette contains 25:75, 3rd briquette contains 50:50

ratio, 4th briquette contains 75:25, and 5th briquette contains 100:0. Aluminum

can is the packing material for the durian peels when it was burned in the

furnace. The equipment used was a knife, sieve, pots, makeshift furnace for

carbonization, makeshift briquette molder, basin, measuring cup, triple beam

balance, thermometer, and aluminum cans.

Figure 2. Biomass wastes from durian peel

Figure 3. Chopping of durian peels into small pieces


Figure 4. Drying the peels under the heat of the sun

Figure 5. Carbonization process through furnace

Figure 6. Uniformity in size using sieve

Figure 7. Cooking process of paper and water mixture


Figure 8. Addition of simple adhesive

Figure 9. Compressing to form the briquette

Figure 10. Final product of biomass briquette

Section 2. Actual Experimentation

Preparation of the experimental set-ups: Each of the 5 set-samples

contains different paper:durian peel ratios; 0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:25, 100:0.

Table 1. Ratios of different set-ups

Set-ups A B C D E

Ratio 0:100 25:75 50:50 75:25 100:0


Set up A: Each briquette contains 0:100 ratio, 0% paper and

100% durian peel. Before the test begins, each sample will be placed in

a triple beam balance and weighed. The set-up used was based on the

framework of Water Boiling Test (WBT). The whole procedure will start

by filling 10 ml water in a test tube, then it will be placed over the

briquette. A timer will be prepared to record the amount of time the water

takes to boiling point (100ᵒC) and the thermometer will be used to

monitor the water’s temperature, in order to be precise and accurate.

Thereafter, the mass of fuel consumed will be weighed. Then the burning

process for the briquette continues and the heat produced by the

briquette will be measured using thermometer. Lastly, when the

briquette is totally burned, the ash weight will be measured. Then, the

cycle repeats for a replication (trial) of five times.

Set up B: Each briquette contains 25:75 ratio, 25% paper and

75% durian peel. Before the test begins, each sample will be placed in

a triple beam balance and weighed. The set-up used was based on the

framework of Water Boiling Test (WBT). The whole procedure will start

by filling 10 ml water in a test tube, then it will be placed over the

briquette. A timer will be prepared to record the amount of time the water

takes to boiling point (100ᵒC) and the thermometer will be used to

monitor the water’s temperature, in order to be precise and accurate.

Thereafter, the mass of fuel consumed will be weighed. Then the burning

process for the briquette continues and the heat produced by the

briquette will be measured using thermometer. Lastly, when the


briquette is totally burned, the ash weight will be measured. Then, the

cycle repeats for a replication (trial) of five times.

Set up C: Each briquette contains 50:50 ratio, 50% paper and

50% durian peel. Before the test begins, each sample will be placed in

a triple beam balance and weighed. The set-up used was based on the

framework of Water Boiling Test (WBT). The whole procedure will start

by filling 10 ml water in a test tube, then it will be placed over the

briquette. A timer will be prepared to record the amount of time the water

takes to boiling point (100ᵒC) and the thermometer will be used to

monitor the water’s temperature, in order to be precise and accurate.

Thereafter, the mass of fuel consumed will be weighed. Then the burning

process for the briquette continues and the heat produced by the

briquette will be measured using thermometer. Lastly, when the

briquette is totally burned, the ash weight will be measured. Then, the

cycle repeats for a replication (trial) of five times.

Set up D: Each briquette contains 75:25 ratio, 75% paper and

25% durian peel. Before the test begins, each sample will be placed in

a triple beam balance and weighed. The set-up used was based on the

framework of Water Boiling Test (WBT). The whole procedure will start

by filling 10 ml water in a test tube, then it will be placed over the

briquette. A timer will be prepared to record the amount of time the water

takes to boiling point (100ᵒC) and the thermometer will be used to

monitor the water’s temperature, in order to be precise and accurate.

Thereafter, the mass of fuel consumed will be weighed. Then the burning

process for the briquette continues and the heat produced by the

briquette will be measured using thermometer. Lastly, when the

briquette is totally burned, the ash weight will be measured. Then, the

cycle repeats for a replication (trial) of five times.

Set up E: Each briquette contains 100:0 ratio, 100% paper and

0% durian peel. Before the test begins, each sample will be placed in a

triple beam balance and weighed. The set-up used was based on the

framework of Water Boiling Test (WBT). The whole procedure will start

by filling 10 ml water in a test tube, then it will be placed over the

briquette. A timer will be prepared to record the amount of time the water

takes to boiling point (100ᵒC) and the thermometer will be used to

monitor the water’s temperature, in order to be precise and accurate.

Thereafter, the mass of fuel consumed will be weighed. Then the burning

process for the briquette continues and the heat produced by the

briquette will be measured using thermometer. Lastly, when the

briquette is totally burned, the ash weight will be measured. Then, the

cycle repeats for a replication (trial) of five times.

Each of the briquettes will have its own set-up, in which the set-

ups will be identical five replications and properly observed based on the

usual Water Boiling Test. This test was conducted in the University

Biology Laboratory using a test tube (shown in Figure 3).

Figure 11. Water Boiling Test Diagram


Test for combustion rate of the 5 sets of different biomass

briquettes using Water boiling test: The combustion rate of 5 different

biomass briquettes that have been produced will be tested using the

WBT (Water Boiling Test). Whereas, a water sample will be put in 5

different test tube, then each test tube with water will be heated by the

use of 5 different biomass briquettes, until the water boils. The time each

container takes to boil the water using the 5 different biomass briquettes

will be recorded and used as data in analyzing and determining the

combustion rate of each 5 biomass briquettes with different proportion

of durian peel and adhesive. The shorter the time it takes to boil the

water, the higher the combustion rate the briquettes have.

Section 3. Post-Experimentation

Analysis of the combustion properties: In this part, the different

combustion properties of the durian biomass briquettes will be introduced. This

part will discuss further the ash content, fixed carbon, energy content, burning

rate and specific fuel consumption of the briquettes.

Ash content: As previously mentioned in RRL, ash content is an

organic component that remains after the biomass briquettes completed

its combustion process. It is mainly composed by calcium, potassium,

magnesium and phosphorus elements (Baaba, 2010). In this study, ash

content is one of the indicators that will determine the quality of the

biomass briquette made from Durian peel. Whereas, it will be recorded

and measured after the burning process/combustion process of the

briquettes in water boiling test will be used for computing the amount of

fixed carbon in the biomass briquettes.The data can be obtained through

the use of the formula provided on the study of Ghana (2018).


Weight of ash (100)/original weight of sample

Where: Wa – weight of ash +can

Wc – weight of empty can

Wo – original weight of sample + can

Fixed Carbon: According to Kumar, Sabaiah, and Rao (2013),

fixed carbon is the level of carbon accessible for ignition after all the

volatile matter is expelled from the biomass briquettes, which was

previously stated in RRL. In connection, fixed carbon will also served as

one of the indicators for determining the quality of biomass briquettes

made from durian peel, which was supported by the statement of

Nuriana, Anisa and Martana (2014), that a briquettes with high fixed

carbon is considered as a good quality type. The fixed carbon is

expected to be measured after the carbonization process, in which a

specific formula given below will be used for computing the amount of

fixed carbon in the biomass briquettes.The data can be obtained through

the use of the formula provided on the study of Ghana (2018).



FC – Fixed carbon

MC – Moisture content

VM- Volatile matter

AC – Ash content

Energy content: The amount of energy potential contained in a

briquette that is determined by calorific value was known as energy

content (Baaba, 2017). In addition, according to Baaba (2017), one of

the parameter that forms energy content is the heat capacity of the

briquettes. The energy content in a biomass briquettes is considered as

one of the quality indicators for a good briquette, for the reason that it

increases the combustion rate of the briquettes. In order to obtain the

value of energy content, calorific value is needed in the formula, where

the presence of calorific value determined the energy content of the

biomass briquette. According to Prabhu (2016), calorific value is

measured by the amount of heat energy denoted as kilojoules produced

in a complete combustion of 1kg of fuel. A formula given below is used

for the computation of calorific value and determining the energy content

of the biomass briquette made from durian peel.The data can be

obtained through the use of the formula provided on the study of Prabhu



Water Boiling Test: The water boiling test is the method of

experiment use in determining the combustion rate, combustion

properties and ignition time of the briquettes. In this experiment, five

samples of water in a container/ aluminum can will be heat using the 5

samples of biomass briquettes which made from different ratio of durian

peel and adhesive as an alternative coal. The said test will served as a

way of obtaining the data necessary for the analysis of biomass

briquettes. Wherein combustion properties such as ash content, fixed

carbon and energy content will be carefully recorded and measured. In

addition, this test will be the basis for the researchers to determine the

different characteristics and quality possess by the 5 different samples

of biomass briquette. The data can be obtained through the use of the

formula provided on the study of Onuegbu et al. (2011).


Figure 12. Flowchart of the Entire Process of

the Experiment

Table 2. Test for Effectiveness of Durian Peels as Biomass Briquette Using Ash

(Experimental Groups) (Control Group)
Percentage (%) (%)

Trials Set-up A Set-up B Set-up C Set-up D Set-up E

Table 3. Test for Effectiveness of Durian Peels as Biomass Briquette using Fixed

Carbon Content
(Experimental Groups) (Control Group)
Percentage (%) (%)

Trials Set-up A Set-up B Set-up C Set-up D Set-up E


Table 4. Test for Effectiveness of Durian Peels as Biomass Briquette using

Energy Content
(Experimental Groups) (Control Group)
Calorific Value (kj/kg) (kj/kg)

Trials Set-up A Set-up B Set-up C Set-up D Set-up E

Table 5. Test for Effectiveness of Durian Peels as Biomass Briquette using

Water Boiling Test (Burning Rate)

(Experimental Groups) (Control Group)
Burning Rate (kg/s) (kg/s)

Trials Set-up A Set-up B Set-up C Set-up D Set-up E


Table 6. Test for Effectiveness of Durian Peels as Biomass Briquette using

Water Boiling Test (Specific Fuel Consumption)

(Experimental Groups) (Control Group)
Specific Fuel Consumption (kg/l) (kg/l)

Trials Set-up A Set-up B Set-up C Set-up D Set-up E


Chapter 3

Results and Discussions

This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of

data in the study, conclusion and recommendation. Statistical data which were

used in the analysis and interpretation of the results are presented in tabular



This section is comprised of table and graph that will be explained in a

text to present the differences of data in every treatment on each variable.

Table 7.1. Mean Values for the Ash Content

Set-ups Ash Content (%)

A 10.90
B 22.48
C 22.26
D 25.85
E 34.09
Total Mean 23.12

According to the data given by the table above, set-up E has the highest

ash content value of 34.09% while set-up A got the lowest ash content value of

10.90% with the total mean of 23.12%. For the biomass briquette to be

effective, the ash content should be low. Therefore, Set-up A is the most

effective in terms of ash content as biomass briquette.


Table 7.2. Mean Values for the Fixed Carbon Content

Set-ups Fixed Carbon Content (%)

A 51.73
B 34.76
C 46.41
D 34.49
E 31.27
Total Mean 39.73

The table above shows that in fixed carbon content, set-up A has the

highest value of 51.73% and in contrast, set-up E got the lowest value of 31.27

% with the total mean of 39.73%. For the biomass briquette to be effective, the

fixed carbon content should be high. Therefore, Set-up A is the most effective

in terms of fixed carbon content as biomass briquette.

Table 7.3. Mean Values for the Energy Content

Set-ups Energy Content kJ/kg

A 2.26
B 2.41
C 2.05
D 1.97
E 1.83
Total Mean 2.13

The table shows the data for energy content, wherein calorific value

serves as the way of getting the values. The data shows that set-up B got the

highest value of 2.41 kJ/kg among the other set-up while set-up E got the lowest

value of 1.83 kJ/kg with the total mean of 2.13 kJ/kg. For the biomass briquette

to be effective, the energy content should be high. Therefore, Set-up B is the

most effective in terms of energy content as biomass briquette.


Table 7.4. Mean Values for the Burning Rate

Set-ups Burning Rate (kg/s)

A 0.00014188
B 0.00013324
C 0.0001080
D 0.000065592
E 0.000064474
Total Mean 0.000102636

The table above shows the data for burning rate wherein set-up A got

the highest value among the other set-up with a value of 0.00014188 kg/s, while

set-up E has the lowest value of 0.00006447 kg/s with the total mean of

0.000102636 kg/s. For the biomass briquette to be effective, the burning rate

should be high. Therefore, Set-up A is the most effective in terms of burning

rate as biomass briquette.

Table 7.5. Mean Values for the Specific Fuel Consumption

Set-ups Specific Fuel Consumption
A 7.54
B 6.51
C 6.5
D 5.66
E 6.35
Total Mean 6.51

The table above shows that in specific fuel consumption, set-up A got

the highest amount that reach up into 7.54 kg/l while set-up D got the lowest

amount of 5.66 kg/l with the total mean of 6.51 kg/l. For the biomass briquette

to be effective, the specific fuel consumption should be high. Therefore, Set-up


A is the most effective in terms of specific fuel consumption as biomass


Ash Content (%) Fixed Carbon content (%)
Energy Content (kj/kg) Burning Rate (kg/s)
Specific Fuel Consumption (kg/l)














Figure 13. Mean values for the overall combustibility variables

The figure shows the data for the mean of the overall variable of

combustibility rate which are the ash content, fixed carbon content, energy

content, burning rate and specific fuel consumption for all the five set-ups A, B,

C, D and E. Set-up A which is composed of 100% durian peel possessed the

highest value of fixed carbon content, burning rate and specific fuel

consumption among the other set-ups but it also possessed the lowest ash

content thus it is the most effective as biomass briquette. In contrast, set-up E

which is composed of 100% paper possessed the lowest value of fixed carbon

content, energy content and burning rate among the other set-ups but also

possessed the highest amount of ash content, thus it is the least effective as

biomass briquettes among the other set-ups. In addition, set-up B possessed


the highest energy content among the other while set-up D has the lowest

consumption of fuel according to the data given in the table above.

Table 8.1. Analysis of Variance for the Effectiveness of Durian Peels as

Biomass Briquette Using Ash Content

Tabulated F
Source of Degrees Sum of Mean of Computed
Variation of Squares Squares F 5%

Treatment 4 1390.76 347.69

40.104 2.87

Experimental 20 208.07 8.67


Total 24 1598.83

Table 8.1 shows the effectiveness of durian peels as biomass briquettes

in terms of ash content. The computed f value for the ash content is 40.104

which is greater than tabulated f value at 5 % significance level of 2.87. This

value means that there is a significant difference. It indicates that there is a

great variation between the treatment and replication.

Data shown in table 8.1 supports the hypothesis that there is a significant

difference on the mean ash content of the biomass briquette treated with five

(5) set-ups namely; Set-up A= 0% paper and 100% durian peel; Set-up B= 25%

paper and 75% durian peel; Set-up C= 50% paper and 50% durian peel; Set-

up D= 75% paper and 100% durian peel: and Set-up E= 100% paper and 0%

durian peel. Furthermore, it also applies that there is a significant difference on

the mean ash content of the biomass briquette in five (5) trials treated with the

same set-ups. The rejection of the null hypothesis which indicates that there is

no significant difference between and among the treatments in terms of the ash

content of the biomass briquette led to the application of Post-Hoc Analysis

specifically the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) which resulted to as


Table 8.1.1. Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) on the Mean Ash Content

of the Biomass Briquette Results

Set-up Mean DMRT*

A 10.904 A
B 22.48 Bc
C 22.26 Cd
D 25.846 Bcd

E 34.09 E

The table shows that any two means having a common letter are not

significantly different at the 5% level of significance. Thus, the computation

showed that Set-up A and Set-up E are significantly different from other

treatments; Set-up D is significantly different from Set-up A and Set-up E and

not significantly different from Set-up B and Set-up C; Set-up B is significantly

different from Set-up A and Set-up E and not significantly different from Set-up

C; and Set-up C is significantly different from Set-up A and Set-up E.


Table 8.2. Analysis of Variance of the Effectiveness of Durian Peels as

Biomass Briquette Using Fixed Carbon Content

Source of Degrees Sum of Mean of Compute
Variation of Square Square dF 5%
Freedom s s
Treatment 4 1503.65 375.91
2.77 2.87
Experimental 20 3262.4 135.93

Total 24 4766.05

Table 8.2 shows the effectiveness of durian peels as biomass briquettes

in terms of fixed carbon content. The computed f value for the fixed carbon

content is 2.77 which is lesser than tabulated f value at 5 % significance level

of 2.87. This value means that there is no significant difference. It indicates that

there is no variation between the treatment and replication hence null

hypothesis is accepted.

Table 8.3. Analysis of Variance of the Effectiveness of Durian Peels as

Biomass Briquette Using Energy Content

Source of Degrees Sum of Mean of Compute
Variation of Square Square dF 5%
Freedom s s

Treatment 4 1.49 0.3725

Experimental 20 1.28 0.053 6.98

Total 24 2.77

Table 8.3 shows the effectiveness of durian peels as biomass briquettes

in terms of energy content. The computed f value for the energy content is 6.98

which is greater than tabulated f value at 5 % significance level of 2.87. This

value means that there is a significant difference. It indicates that there is a

great variation between the treatment and replication.

Data shown in table 8.3 supports the hypothesis that there is a significant

difference on the mean energy content of the biomass briquette treated with

five (5) set-ups namely; Set-up A= 0% paper and 100% durian peel; Set-up B=

25% paper and 75% durian peel; Set-up C= 50% paper and 50% durian peel;

Set-up D= 75% paper and 100% durian peel: and Set-up E= 100% paper and

0% durian peel. Furthermore, it also applies that there is a significant difference

on the mean energy content of the biomass briquette in five (5) trials treated

with the same set-ups. The rejection of the null hypothesis which indicates that

there is no significant difference between and among the treatments in terms

of the energy content of the biomass briquette led to the application of Post-

Hoc Analysis specifically the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) which

resulted to as follows.

Table 8.3.1. Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) on the Mean Energy

Content of the Biomass Briquette Results

Set-up Mean DMRT*

A 2.364 bc
B 2.414 ab
C 2.05 c
D 1.97 de

E 1.766 e

The table shows that any two means having a common letter are not

significantly different at the 5% level of significance. Thus, the computation

showed that Set-up B is significantly different from Set-up C, Set-up D and Set-

up E and not significantly different from Set-up A; Set-up A is significantly

different from Set-up D and Set-up E and not significantly different from Set-up

C and Set-up B; Set-up C is significantly different from Set-up D and Set-up E;

and Set-up D is not significantly different from Set-up E.


Table 8.4. Analysis of Variance of the Effectiveness of Durian Peels as

Biomass Briquette Using Burning rate

Source of Degrees Sum of Mean of Comp
Variation of Squares Squares uted F 5%
Treatment 4 0.00000117 0.00000029
Experimental 20 0.00000114 - -6.10
Error 0.0000000475

Total 24 0.000000031

Table 8.4 shows the effectiveness of durian peels as biomass briquettes

in terms of burning rate. The computed f value for the burning rate is -6.10 which

is lesser than tabulated f value at 5 % significance level of 2.87. This value

means that there is no significant difference. It indicates that there is no

variation between the treatment and replication hence null hypothesis is


Table 8.5. Analysis of Variance of the Effectiveness of Durian Peels as

Biomass Briquette Using Specific Fuel consumption

Source of Degrees Sum of Mean of Compute
Variation of Square Square dF 5%
Freedom s s

Treatment 4 9.9 2.475

Experimental 20 0.49 0.0204 121.22

Total 24 10.39

Table 8.5 shows the effectiveness of durian peels as biomass briquettes

in terms of specific fuel consumption. The computed f value for the specific fuel

consumption is 121.22 which is greater than tabulated f value at 5 %

significance level of 2.87. This value means that there is a significant difference.

It indicates that there is a great variation between the treatment and replication.

Data shown in table 8.5 supports the hypothesis that there is a significant

difference on the mean specific fuel consumption of the biomass briquette

treated with five (5) set-ups namely; Set-up A= 0% paper and 100% durian peel;

Set-up B= 25% paper and 75% durian peel; Set-up C= 50% paper and 50%

durian peel; Set-up D= 75% paper and 100% durian peel: and Set-up E= 100%

paper and 0% durian peel. Furthermore, it also applies that there is a significant

difference on the mean specific fuel consumption of the biomass briquette in

five (5) trials treated with the same set-ups. The rejection of the null hypothesis

which indicates that there is no significant difference between and among the

treatments in terms of the specific fuel consumption of the biomass briquette


led to the application of Post-Hoc Analysis specifically the Duncan’s Multiple

Range Test (DMRT) which resulted to as follows.

Table 8.5.1 Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) on the Mean Specific Fuel

Consumption of the Biomass Briquette Results

Set-up Mean DMRT*

A 7.542 a
B 6.52 bc
C 6.5 cd
D 5.566 e
E 6.352 cd

The table shows that any two means having a common letter are not

significantly different at the 5% level of significance. Thus, the computation

showed that Set-up A is significantly different from other treatments; Set-up B

is significantly different from Set-up D and Set-up E and not significantly

different from Set-up C; Set-up C is significantly different from Set-up E and not

significantly different from Set-up D; and Set-up E is not significantly different

from Set-up D.


The amount of durian peel added in the biomass briquette mixture has

a significant effect on the combustibility of the biomass briquette product. The

data was obtained from the experiment, with five (5) treatments and a

replication of five (5) times. Data analysis use ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)

at significance level a = 5% with 95% level of confidence.


In the ash content, set-up A has the lowest value and is significantly

varied from other treatments. Based on the study conducted by Obi, Akubuo,

and Okonkwo (2013), for the briquettes to have high heating values, the ash

content should be low. Therefore, set-up A is the most effective in terms of ash

content and the results were based on the standard set by Tamilvanan (2013).

Furthermore, in fixed carbon content, set-up A has the highest value and does

not significantly vary from other treatments. According to Raju, Praveena,

Sathya, and Jyothi (2014), the higher the fixed carbon content, the better the

charcoal created. Therefore, set-up A is the most effective in terms of fixed

carbon content and the results were based on the standard set by Nuriana

(2014). However, in the energy content, set-up B has the highest value and is

significantly varied from other treatments. High calorific value means the energy

content is high enough to generate the heat required in small-scale applications

(Raju et al., 2014). Hence, the greater calorific value, the easier and the better

will the briquette burn. Therefore, set-up B is the most effective and the result

was based on the standard set by Huang (2014). Moreover, in the burning rate,

set-up A has the highest value and does not significantly vary from other

treatments. For the briquette to be effective, it should have a high value of

burning rate. Therefore, set-up A is the most effective and the result was based

on the standard set by Onuegbu et al. (2011). Lastly, in specific fuel

consumption, Set-up A has the highest value and is significantly varied from

other treatments. Therefore, set-up A is the most effective.

Based on our own observations, it was foreseen that when more durian

peel was added to the biomass briquette mixture, it will become more

combustible, which means that the briquette is effective. On the other hand, if

less durian peel is added, it can be noticed that the biomass briquette product

is less combustible that makes the briquette least effective.


This research aims to determine the effectiveness of durian peels as

biomass briquette on the different set-ups. The researchers concluded that

testing the combustibility rate of the biomass briquette is an efficient way to

assess its effectiveness. Based on the findings, the researchers acquired

answers to the question and these are the following: Set-up A is the most

effective in terms of the ash content of the briquette; Set-up A is the most

effective in terms of the fixed carbon content of the briquette; Set-up B is the

most effective in terms of the energy content of the briquette; Set-up A is the

most effective in terms of the burning rate of the briquette; and Set-up A is the

most effective in terms of the specific fuel consumption of the briquette.

Through the One-Way Analysis of Variance conducted on the results, the

following conclusions are made: there is a significant difference on the ash

content of the biomass briquette on the different treatments; there is no

significant difference on the fixed carbon content of the biomass briquette on

the different treatments; there is a significant difference on the energy content

of the biomass briquette on the different treatments; there is no significant

difference on the burning rate of the biomass briquette on the different

treatments; and there is a significant difference on the specific fuel consumption

of the biomass briquette on the different treatments. In general, it can be

concluded that durian peel has the ability to be effective as biomass briquette.


The study was conducted using a makeshift equipment such as the

furnace and compressor as an alternative and was tested manually using

equations due to the absence of the needed equipment in the school laboratory

and lack of financial fund. It is therefore recommended for the future researcher

to take advantage on the advancement of technology and use modern

equipment such as oven and hi-tech compressor to ensure the same outcome

of the product. Upon testing the product, the researcher also recommend to

used bomb calorimeter, a modern measurement device to gather the data

needed in the research. Based on the findings, durian peel as biomass briquette

is effective and has the ability to be used as fuel, therefore, future researchers

should conduct a comparative study of durian peel biomass briquette to a

commercialized charcoal product.



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(Experimental Groups) (Control

Percentage (%)

Trials Set-up A Set-up B Set-up C Set-up D Set-up E

1 9.83 17.66 21.44 25.43 35.65

2 11.57 24.79 25.10 23.07 32.64

3 11.68 23.24 23.64 30.67 30.12

4 10.32 19.09 20.87 24.04 41.48

5 11.12 27.62 20.25 26.02 30.56





(Experimental Groups) (Control Group)

Percentage (%) (%)

Trials Set-up A Set-up B Set-up C Set-up D Set-up E

1 65.68 69.32 51.08 33.62 13.35

2 32.29 7.73 22.83 48.76 26.91

3 42.29 15.62 28.52 12.92 49.44

4 63.35 64.65 62.43 46.39 26.01

5 55.04 16.47 72.21 30.76 43.13





(Experimental Groups) (Control

Calorific Value (kj/kg)

Trials Set-up A Set-up B Set-up C Set-up D Set-up E

1 2.24 2.01 2.07 1.92 1.91

2 2.52 2.64 2.24 1.79 1.60

3 2.45 2.52 2.24 2.32 1.51

4 2.27 2.04 1.89 1.89 2.21

5 2.34 2.86 1.81 1.93 1.60





(Experimental Groups) (Control

Burning Rate (kg/s)

Trials Set-up A Set-up B Set-up C Set-up D Set-up E

1 Set-up A Set-up B Set-up C Set-up D Set-up E

2 0.0001473 0.0001457 0.0001052 0.00006727 0.00005803

3 0.0001319 0.0001365 0.0001050 0.00006270 0.00005322

4 0.0001345 0.0001259 0.0001009 0.00005821 0.00006193

5 0.0001380 0.0001393 0.0001008 0.00006608 0.00005755

0.0001577 0.0001188 0.0001281 0.00007370 0.00006194





(Experimental Groups) (Control

Specific Fuel Consumption (kg/l)

Trials Set-up A Set-up B Set-up C Set-up D Set-up E

1 7.81 6.9 6.81 5.28 6.61

2 7.71 6.72 6.71 5.43 6.41

3 7.54 6.45 6.53 5.56 6.35

4 7.38 6.33 6.42 5.75 6.28

5 7.27 6.14 6.03 5.81 6.11





Step 1: Group the data by treatments and calculate the treatments totals (T)

and the grand total (G).

Trials Treated Treated

Total Mean
1 2 3 4 5

A 9.83 11.57 11.68 10.32 11.12 54.52 10.904

B 17.66 24.79 23.24 19.09 27.62 112.4 22.48

C 21.44 25.10 23.64 20.87 20.25 111.3 22.26

D 25.43 23.07 30.67 24.04 26.02 129.23 25.846

E 35.65 32.64 30.12 41.48 30.56 170.45 34.09



Step 2: Construct an outline of the analysis of variance as follows:

Tabulated F
Source of Degrees Sum of Mean of Computed
Variation of Squares Squares F 5%

Treatment 4 1390.76 347.69

40.104 2.87

Experimental 20 208.07 8.67


Total 24 1598.83

Step 3: Using t to represent the number of treatments and r, the number of

trials, determine the degree of freedom (d.f.) for each source of variation as


Total d.f. = (r) (t) – 1

= (5) (5) – 1

= 24

Treatment d.f. = t – 1



Error d.f. = t(r – 1)

= 5(5 – 1)

= 20

Step 4: Using Xi to represent the measurement of the ith plot, Ti as the total of

the ith treatment, and n as the total number of experimental plots, calculate the

correction factor and the various sums of squares (SS) as:

Correlation factor (C.F.) = 𝒏

= 𝟐𝟓

= 13 358.7364

Total SS = ∑𝒏𝒊=𝟏 𝑿𝟐𝒊 − 𝑪. 𝑭.

= 14 957.5666 – 13 358.7364

= 1598.8302

∑𝒕𝒊=𝟏 𝑻𝟐𝒊
Treatment SS = – C.F

= 14 749.49516 – 13 358.7364

= 1390.75876

Error SS = Total SS – Treatment SS

= 1598.8302 – 1390.75876

= 208.07144

Step 5: Calculate the mean square (MS) for each source of variation by

dividing each SS by its corresponding d.f:

𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑺𝑺
Treatment MS = 𝒕−𝟏

= 4

= 347.68969

𝑬𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓 𝑺𝑺
Error MS = 𝒕(𝒓−𝟏)

= 𝟐𝟒

= 8.67

Step 6: Calculate the F value for testing significance of the treatment

difference as:

𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑴𝑺
F= 𝑬𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓 𝑴𝑺

= 8.67

= 40.104

Step 7: Decision

Reject Ho

Post-Hoc Analysis: Duncan’s Multiple Range Test

Step 1: Rank all the treatment means in decreasing order:

Set-up Mean Rank

E 1
D 2
B 3
C 4
A 5

Step 2: Compute the sd-value:

𝒅 =


𝒅 =


𝒔𝒅− = 𝟏. 𝟖𝟔

Step 3: Compute the (t – 1) values of the shortest significant ranges as:

(𝒓𝒑 )(𝒔−
𝑹𝒑 = for p = 2, 3,…, t

rp values with error d.f. of 20 and at the 5% level f significance and computed

Rp values:

p rp(.05) Rp

2 2.95 3.88

3 3.09 4.06

4 3.19 4.196

5 3.25 4.27

Step 4: Identify and group together all the treatment means that do not differ

significantly from each other.

Set-up Mean

E 34.09 a
D 25.846 b
B 22.48 c
C 22.26 d
A 10.904 e

A. Set-up E (E)

x̅ 𝐸− 𝑅𝑃5 = 34.09 − 4.27 =29.82

 Thus, E is significantly different from other treatments.

B. Set-up D (D)

x̅ 𝐷− 𝑅𝑃4 = 25.846 − 4.196=21.65

 Thus, D is significantly different from A andE.

x̅ 𝐷 − x̅ 𝑐 = 25.846−22.26 = 3.586 ; 3.586 <4.06

 Thus, D is not significantly different from BandC.

C. Set-up B (B)

x̅ 𝐵− 𝑅𝑃3 =22.48 − 4.06 =18.42


 Thus, B is significantly different from A and E.

x̅ 𝐵 − x̅ 𝐶 =22.48 −22.26 = 0.22 ;0.22<4.196

 Thus, B is not significantly different from C.

D. Set-up C (C)

x̅ 𝐶− 𝑅𝑃2 = 22.26 − 3.88 =18.38

 Thus, C is significantly different from A and E.

Step 5: Present the results.

Set-up Mean DMRT*

A 10.904 a

B 22.48 bc

C 22.26 cd

D 25.846 bcd

E 34.09 e

Note *: Any two means having a common letter are not significantly different at

the 5% level of significance.






Step 1: Group the data by treatments and calculate the treatments total (T)

and the grand total (G).

Trials Treated Treated

Total Mean
1 2 3 4 5

A 65.68 32.29 42.29 63.35 55.04 258.65 51.73

B 69.32 7.73 15.62 64.65 16.47 230.03 46.006

C 51.08 22.83 28.52 62.43 72.21 237.07 47.414

D 33.62 48.76 12.92 46.39 30.76 172.45 34.49

E 13.35 26.91 49.44 26.01 43.13 158.84 31.768

Grand Total

Grand Mean

Step 2: Construct an outline of the analysis of variance as follows:

Source of Degrees Sum of Mean of Compute
Variation of Square Square dF 5%
Freedom s s
Treatment 4 1503.65 375.91
2.77 2.87
Experimental 20 3262.4 135.93

Total 24 4766.05

Step 3: Using t to represent the number of treatments and r, the number of

trials, determine the degree of freedom (d.f.) for each source of variation as


Total d.f. = (r) (t) – 1

= (5) (5) – 1

= 24

Treatment d.f. = t – 1



Error d.f. = t(r – 1)

= 5(5 – 1)

= 20

Step 4: Using Xi to represent the measurement of the ith plot, Ti as the total of

the ith treatment, and n as the total number of experimental plots, calculate the

correction factor and the various sums of squares (SS) as:

Correlation factor (C.F.) = 𝒏

= 𝟐𝟓

= 0.000000257

Total SS = ∑𝒏𝒊=𝟏 𝑿𝟐𝒊 − 𝑪. 𝑭.

= 0.000000288 – 0.000000257

= 0.000000031

∑𝒕𝒊=𝟏 𝑻𝟐𝒊
Treatment SS = – C.F

= 0.000001432 – 0.000000257

= 0.00000117

Error SS = Total SS – Treatment SS

= 0.000000031 – 0.00000117

= -0.00000114

Step 5: Calculate the mean square (MS) for each source of variation by

dividing each SS by its corresponding d.f:

𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑺𝑺
Treatment MS = 𝒕−𝟏

= 4


𝑬𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓 𝑺𝑺
Error MS = 𝒕(𝒓−𝟏)

= 𝟐𝟒

= -0.0000000475

Step 6: Calculate the F value for testing significance of the treatment difference


𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑴𝑺
F= 𝑬𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓 𝑴𝑺


= -6.10

Step 7: Decision

Accept Ho




Step 1: Group the data by treatments and calculate the treatments totals (T)

and the grand total (G).

Trials Treated Treated

Total Mean
1 2 3 4 5

A 2.24 2.52 2.45 2.27 2.34 11.82 2.364

B 2.01 2.64 2.52 2.04 2.86 12.07 2.414

C 2.07 2.24 2.24 1.89 1.81 10.25 2.05

D 1.92 1.79 2.32 1.89 1.93 9.85 1.97

E 1.91 1.60 1.51 2.21 1.60 8.83 1.766

Grand Total

Grand Mean 2.1128


Step 2: Construct an outlineof the analysis of variance as follows:

Source of Degrees Sum of Mean of Compute
Variation of Square Square dF 5%
Freedom s s

Treatment 4 1.49 0.3725

Experimental 20 1.28 0.053 6.98

Total 24 2.77

Step 3: Using t to represent the number of treatments and r, the number of

trials, determine the degree of freedom (d.f.) for each source of variation as


Total d.f. = (r) (t) – 1

= (5) (5) – 1

= 24

Treatment d.f. = t – 1



Error d.f. = t(r – 1)

= 5(5 – 1)

= 20

Step 4: Using Xi to represent the measurement of the ith plot, Ti as the total of

the ith treatment, and n as the total number of experimental plots, calculate the

correction factor and the various sums of squares (SS) as:

Correlation factor (C.F.) = 𝒏

= 𝟐𝟓

= 111.598

Total SS = ∑𝒏𝒊=𝟏 𝑿𝟐𝒊 − 𝑪. 𝑭.

= 114.371 – 111.598

= 2.77

∑𝒕𝒊=𝟏 𝑻𝟐𝒊
Treatment SS = – C.F

= 113.09 – 111.598

= 1.49

Error SS = Total SS – Treatment SS

= 2.77 – 1.49

= 1.28

Step 5: Calculate the mean square (MS) for each source of variation by

dividing each SS by its corresponding d.f:

𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑺𝑺
Treatment MS = 𝒕−𝟏

= 4


𝑬𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓 𝑺𝑺
Error MS = 𝒕(𝒓−𝟏)

= 𝟐𝟒

= 0.053

Step 6: Calculate the F value for testing significance of the treatment difference


𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑴𝑺
F= 𝑬𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓 𝑴𝑺

= 0.053

= 6.98

Step 7: Decision

Reject Ho

Post-Hoc Analysis: Duncan’s Multiple Range Test

Step 1: Rank all the treatment means in decreasing order:

Set-up Mean Rank

B 1
A 2
C 3
D 4
E 5

Step 2: Compute the sd-value:

𝒅 = √

𝒅 =


𝒅 = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟒𝟓𝟔

Step 3: Compute the (t – 1) values of the shortest significant ranges as:

(𝒓𝒑 )(𝒔−
𝑹𝒑 = for p = 2, 3,…, t

rp values with error d.f. of 20 and at the 5% level f significance and computed

Rp values:

P rp(.05) Rp

2 2.95 0.304

3 3.09 0.318

4 3.19 0.328

5 3.25 0.335

Step 4: Identify and group together all the treatment means that do not differ

significantly from each other.

Set-up Mean

B 2.414 a
A 2.364 b
C 2.05 c
D 1.97 d
E 1.766 e

A. Set-up B (B)

x̅ 𝐵− 𝑅𝑃5 = 2.414 − 0.335 = 2.079

 Thus, B is significantly different from C, D and E.

x̅ 𝐵 − x̅ 𝐴 = 2.414−2.364 = 0.05 ; 0.05 <0.304

 Thus, B is not significantly different from A

B. Set-up A (A)

x̅ 𝐴− 𝑅𝑃4=2.364 − 0.328=2.036

 Thus, A is significantly different from D andE.

x̅ 𝐴 − x̅ 𝑐 = 2.364−2.05 = 0.314 ; 0.314 <0.318


 Thus, A is not significantly different from C.

C. Set-up C (C)

x̅ 𝐶− 𝑅𝑃3 =2.05 − 0.318=1.732

 Thus, C is significantly different from D andE.

D. Set-up D (D)

x̅ 𝐷− 𝑅𝑃2 =1.97 − 0.304=1.666

x̅ 𝐷 − x̅ 𝐸 = 1.97−1.766 = 0204 ; 0.204 <0.335

 Thus, D is not significantly different from E.

Step 5: Present the results.

Set-up Mean DMRT*

A 2.364 bc

B 2.414 ab

C 2.05 c

D 1.97 de

E 1.766 e

Note *: Any two means having a common letter are not significantly different at

the 5% level of significance.






Step 1: Group the data by treatments and calculate the treatments totals (T)

and the grand total (G).

Trials Treated Treated

Total Mean
Set- 1 2 3 4 5

A 0.00014 0.000131 0.000134 0.000138 0.000157 0.0007094 0.0001418

73 9 5 0 7 8

B 0.00014 0.000136 0.000125 0.000139 0.000118 0.0006662 0.0001332

57 5 9 3 8 4

C 0.00010 0.000105 0.000100 0.000100 0.000128 0.00054 0.000108

52 0 9 8 1

D 0.00006 0.000062 0.000058 0.000066 0.000073 0.00032796 0.0000655

727 70 21 08 70 92

E 0.00005 0.000053 0.000061 0.000057 0.000061 0.00029267 0.0000585

803 22 93 55 94 34

Grand Total

Grand Mean 492

Step 2: Construct an outlineof the analysis of variance as follows:

Source of Degrees Sum of Mean of Compu
Variation of Squares Squares ted F 5%
Treatment 4 0.00000117 0.00000029
Experimental 20 0.00000114 - -6.10
Error 0.0000000475

Total 24 0.00000003

Step 3: Using t to represent the number of treatments and r, the number of

trials, determine the degree of freedom (d.f.) for each source of variation as


Total d.f. = (r) (t) – 1

= (5) (5) – 1

= 24

Treatment d.f. = t – 1



Error d.f. = t(r – 1)

= 5(5 – 1)

= 20

Step 4: Using Xi to represent the measurement of the ith plot, Ti as the total of

the ith treatment, and n as the total number of experimental plots, calculate the

correction factor and the various sums of squares (SS) as:

Correlation factor (C.F.) = 𝒏

= 𝟐𝟓

= 0.000000257

Total SS = ∑𝒏𝒊=𝟏 𝑿𝟐𝒊 − 𝑪. 𝑭.

= 0.000000288 – 0.000000257

= 0.000000031

∑𝒕𝒊=𝟏 𝑻𝟐𝒊
Treatment SS = – C.F

= 0.000001432 – 0.000000257

= 0.00000117

Error SS = Total SS – Treatment SS

= 0.000000031 – 0.00000117

= -0.00000114

Step 5: Calculate the mean square (MS) for each source of variation by

dividing each SS by its corresponding d.f:

𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑺𝑺
Treatment MS = 𝒕−𝟏

= 4


𝑬𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓 𝑺𝑺
Error MS = 𝒕(𝒓−𝟏)

= 𝟐𝟒

= -0.0000000475

Step 6: Calculate the F value for testing significance of the treatment difference


𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑴𝑺
F= 𝑬𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓 𝑴𝑺


= -6.10

Step 7: Decision

Accept Ho





Step 1: Group the data by treatments and calculate the treatments totals (T)

and the grand total (G).

Trials Treated Treated

Total Mean
1 2 3 4 5

A 7.81 7.71 7.54 7.38 7.27 37.71 7.542

B 6.9 6.72 6.45 6.33 6.14 32.6 6.52

C 6.81 6.71 6.53 6.42 6.03 32.5 6.5

D 5.28 5.43 5.56 5.75 5.81 27.83 5.566

E 6.61 6.41 6.35 6.28 6.11 31.76 6.352

Grand Total

Grand Mean 6.496


Step 2: Construct an outlineof the analysis of variance as follows:

Source of Degrees Sum of Mean of Compute
Variation of Square Square dF 5%
Freedom s s

Treatment 4 9.9 2.475

Experimental 20 0.49 0.0204 121.22

Total 24 10.39

Step 3: Using t to represent the number of treatments and r, the number of

trials, determine the degree of freedom (d.f.) for each source of variation as


Total d.f. = (r) (t) – 1

= (5) (5) – 1

= 24

Treatment d.f. = t – 1



Error d.f. = t(r – 1)

= 5(5 – 1)

= 20

Step 4: Using Xi to represent the measurement of the ith plot, T i as the total of

the ith treatment, and n as the total number of experimental plots, calculate the

correction factor and the various sums of squares (SS) as:

Correlation factor (C.F.) = 𝒏

= 𝟐𝟓

= 1054.95

Total SS = ∑𝒏𝒊=𝟏 𝑿𝟐𝒊 − 𝑪. 𝑭.

= 1065.34 – 1054.95

= 10.39

∑𝒕𝒊=𝟏 𝑻𝟐𝒊
Treatment SS = – C.F

= 1064.85 – 1054.95

= 9.9

Error SS = Total SS – Treatment SS

= 10.39 – 9.9

= 0.49

Step 5: Calculate the mean square (MS) for each source of variation by dividing

each SS by its corresponding d.f:

𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑺𝑺
Treatment MS = 𝒕−𝟏



𝑬𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓 𝑺𝑺
Error MS = 𝒕(𝒓−𝟏)

= 𝟐𝟒

= 0.0204

Step 6: Calculate the F value for testing significance of the treatment difference


𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑴𝑺
F= 𝑬𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓 𝑴𝑺


= 121.22

Step 7: Decision

Reject Ho

Post-Hoc Analysis: Duncan’s Multiple Range Test

Step 1: Rank all the treatment means in decreasing order:

Set-up Mean Rank

A 1
B 2
C 3
E 4
D 5

Step 2: Compute the sd-value:

𝒅 = √

𝒅 =


𝒅 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟗

Step 3: Compute the (t – 1) values of the shortest significant ranges as:

(𝒓𝒑 )(𝒔−
𝑹𝒑 = for p = 2, 3,…, t

rp values with error d.f. of 20 and at the 5% level f significance and computed

Rp values:

P rp(.05) Rp

2 2.95 0.188

3 3.09 0.197

4 3.19 0.20

5 3.25 0.21

Step 4: Identify and group together all the treatment means that do not differ

significantly from each other.

A. Set-up A (A)
Set-up Mean

A 7.542 a
B 6.52 b
C 6.5 c
E 6.352 d
D 5.566 e

x̅ 𝐴− 𝑅𝑃5 = 7.542 − 0.21 = 37.5

 Thus, A is significantly different from other treatments.

B. Set-up B (B)

x̅ 𝐵− 𝑅𝑃4 = 6.52 − 0.2=6.5

 Thus, B is significantly different from D andE.

x̅ 𝐵 − x̅ 𝑐 = 6.52−6.5 = 0.2 ; 0.2 <0.197

 Thus, B is not significantly different from C.

C. Set-up C ©

x̅ 𝐶− 𝑅𝑃3 =6.5 − 0.197=6.303

 Thus, C is not significantly different from D.
x̅ 𝑐 − x̅ 𝐸 = 6.5−6.352 = 0.148 ; 0.148 <0.197

 Thus, C is significantly different from E

D. Set-up E(E)

x̅ 𝐸 − 𝑅𝑃2 =6.352 − 0.188 =6.164

 Thus, E is not significantly different from D.

Step 5: Present the results.

Set-up Mean DMRT*

A 7.542 a

B 6.52 bc

C 6.5 cd

D 5.566 e

E 6.352 cd

Note *: Any two means having a common letter are not significantly different at

the 5% level of significance.


Evan Kristofer C. De Castro

Better Living, Davao City

Mobile No. 09231007736

E-mail: [email protected]


Birth Date November 28, 2001

Birth Place General Santos City
Age 17 Y.O
Religion Christian
Parent’s Name Rodolfo D. De Castro Jr. (Father)
Rosenie D. De Castro (Mother)

Senior High University of Mindanao

2017 - 2019
Davao City

Junior High GSC SPED Integrated School

2013 - 2017
Barangay San Isidro, General Santos City

Elementary Jose C. Catolico Sr. Elementary School

2007 -2013
Barangay Lagao, General Santos City

Mariah Karla M. Gabaesin

Catalunan Grande, Davao City

Mobile No. 09287989447

E-mail: [email protected]


Birth Date August 20, 2001

Birth Place Mandacpan, Butuan City
Age 17 Y.O
Religion Roman Catholic
Parent’s Name Carlos M. Gabaesin Jr. (Father)
Maria Teresa M. Gabaesin (Mother)

Senior High University of Mindanao

2017 - 2019
Davao City

Junior High San Pedro College, Basic Education

2013 - 2017
Ulas, Davao City

Elementary Fr. Justin Rusolillo School of Davao

2007 -2013
Catalunan Grande Davao City

Jayson R. Galagar

Bago Gallera, Davao City

Mobile No. 09503441330

E-mail: [email protected]


Birth Date December 27, 1999

Birth Place Kidapawan City
Age 19 Y.O
Religion Roman Catholic
Parent’s Name Regino C. Galagar (Father)
Marilou R. Galagar (Mother)

Senior High University of Mindanao

2017 - 2019
Davao City

Junior High Bulakanon National High School

2013 - 2017
Makilala, North Cotabato Province

Elementary Bulakanon Central Elementary School

2007 -2013
Makilala, North Cotabato Province

Kayle T. Navaja

New Matina, Davao City

Mobile No. 09109089944

E-mail: [email protected]


Birth Date August 17, 2001

Birth Place Ulas, Davao City, Davao Del Sur
Age 17 Y.O
Religion Roman Catholic
Parent’s Name Isidro C. Navaja (Father)
Evelyn T. Navaja (Mother)

Senior High University of Mindanao

2017 - 2019
Davao City

Junior High Glan Padidu National High School

2013 - 2017
Glan Padidu, Glan, Sarangani Province

Elementary Glan Padidu Central Elementary School

2007 -2013
Glan Padidu, Glan, Sarangani Province

Josie T. Sameon

Matina Aplaya, Davao City

Mobile No. 09076430039

E-mail: [email protected]


Birth Date August 18, 1998

Birth Place Calumpang, General Santos City
Age 20 Y.O
Religion Roman Catholic
Parent’s Name Jamery T. Sameon (Father)
Corazon T. Sameon (Mother)

Senior High University of Mindanao

2017 - 2019
Davao City

Junior High Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School

2013 – 2017
Matina, Davao City

Elementary Matina Aplaya Elementary School

2007 -2013
Matina Aplaya, Davao City

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