Fish Scales Glue

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Fish Scales Glue

Group 10

Is it possible to create glue from fish scales? What materials can it bind?

12 ounces of fish scale Bond paper 24 ounces of water

Collect the fish scales. Rinse the fish scale Cover the fish scales with water until the are !ust covered in a heatproof covered container.

Boil and simmer until the scales turn into a soft viscous mush "eep the f luid from evaporating from the container.

Coo# the mi$ture on low heat for %&' hours Remove from the heat and inspect the contents.

If the scales have dissolved( cool the product and #eep it closed until read in use. )est the abilit to adhere materials using papers

*a help in creating revenue for the less&fortunate *a help students b providing an alternative adhesive

Qty 12 ounce s 14 ounce s Ma te ria l Fis h s ca le s Wa te r Running wa te r S tove P rice Fre e Fre e Fre e Fre e

Cooking conta ine r Fre e Tota l P hp !

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