Baxi Biomass Brochure

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Biomass brochure.

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Biomass solid fuel boiler range

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positive change
For more than 150 years, Baxi has been at the forefront of heating
technology – Baxi leads the way with new and pioneering heating
solutions in the UK.

Today, our dedication to innovation is more alive than ever as we look at new ways to heat homes
and businesses; ways that will utilise low carbon energy sources that will play a part in protecting
the planet for future generations.

Interest in renewable energy has grown significantly over the last few years and Baxi recognises
the increasingly important role that low carbon technologies will play in the future. To meet
growing demand, Baxi offers a comprehensive range of heating solutions that can be added to an
existing property or designed into a new build or major refurbishment.

Baxi Biomass is one of the only carbon neutral boilers available today and as a consequence could
attract significant grant funding.
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What is Biomass?
Baxi Biomass boilers use carbon neutral fuel such as wood, pellets or logs, to
provide sustainable and environmentally friendly heat for the home. The
carbon released during combustion is balanced by that absorbed during
the plants growing cycle (photosynthesis). Baxi Biomass is perfect for
properties where mains gas is not available.

There are two types of Baxi Biomass boilers

Baxi Multi-Heat™ Baxi Solo Innova™

An automatically fed pellet A log burning boiler
boiler available in a variety available in a variety of
of outputs. outputs.

Wood pellets Log wood

Baxi Biomass range

Model Fuel Heat output
Baxi Multi-Heat 1.5 Wood pellets 15kW
Baxi Multi-Heat 2.5 Wood pellets 25kW
Baxi Multi-Heat 4.0 Wood pellets 43kW

Baxi Solo Innova 20 Log wood 20kW

Baxi Solo Innova 30 Log wood 32kW
Baxi Solo Innova 50 Log wood 48kW
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Baxi Multi-Heat
The Baxi Multi-Heat is designed to burn wood pellets, making it
perfect for owners of properties in rural or semi rural areas,
particularly where main gas is not available.

Our range includes 15kW, 25kW and 43kW outputs. All models are
supplied complete with integral hopper.

Fuel supply is now widely available.

Burning pellets in a Baxi Multi-Heat boiler can achieve
considerable cost and CO2 emission savings compared to using a
coal, electric, LPG or oil boiler.

How it works

When there is a heat demand, the feed

mechanism (auger) automatically supplies fuel
(pellets) from the integrated hopper to the
combustion chamber. The built-in modulating fan
delivers a precise amount of primary air to ensure
the boiler operates at maximum efficiency.

The temperature is regulated by a thermostatic

controller in conjunction with the modulating fan.
This ensures the boiler runs at optimum output.
When the set temperature is close to being
achieved, the controller modulates the fan and
auger reducing the fuel supply therefore
switching over to a reduced output.

Burning wood pellets in this way can achieve

considerable carbon and financial savings in
comparison to coal, electric, oil or LPG. Savings
depend, amongst other things, on the type of
fuel, fuel costs and the annual efficiency of the
appliance being replaced.
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Baxi Multi-Heat™ incorporates the following features:

Thermostatic Control
The control unit regulates the flow of fuel and combustion air to maintain maximum
efficiency. The controller also enables the Installer/user to set the boiler temperature.

The main upper door houses the main heat exchanger with the integral flue

baffles which assist in transferring the heat to the hot water supply.

The combustion chamber for ignition, cleaning and ash removal is located

behind the lower door. Insulated Doors

The auger motor rotates the auger which in turn feeds fuel precisely into

the combustion chamber at the rate required for the full, reduced or

slumber outputs.

Auger Motor

Baxi Multi-Heat is recommended for use with Class 1 insulated flues.
Strong winds or a very high chimney can cause excessive flue draft. A draft stabiliser must be fitted to enable the
flue draft to be controlled and set to the recommended 10-25 pascals.
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A typical open vented installation of a Baxi Multi-Heat is shown above.
It is possible to install the Multi-Heat in with either an open vented or sealed system and as the Baxi Multi-Heat is
controllable, it does not require the installation of a buffer vessel.
The system should incorporate an open radiator or towel rail to dissipate the standby heat output (0.5-1.0kW). For
sealed systems the optional thermostatic valve is required.

It is recommended that access is available to the front, back

and one side of the boiler for servicing.*

To complete the installation shown above, the pumped

blending valve is recommended.

Baxi Multi-Heat must be installed in a room with a sufficient

supply of fresh air for correct combustion.*

* For further information please view the installation instructions.

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Baxi Multi-Heat™Technical Data

Output Hopper Volume Product

Size (kw) (litres) code
Multi-Heat 1.5 15 200 5130898
Multi-Heat 2.5 25 360 5130900
Multi-Heat 4.0 43 600 5130904
Thermostatic valve – (required for sealed system installations) 5132050
4.0 Bar Manometer 5132053
Cleaning brush for hand drill 5132052
Pumped Blending Valve 5134675

Multi-Heat ™ Model 1.5 Model 2.5 Model 4.0

Technical Data:
Output (nominal) kW 15 25 43
Recommended standby output* approx. kW 0.5 0.8 1
Hopper door, reversible Yes Yes Yes
Connection of flow return and expansion pipes inches 1” BSP 1” BSP 1” BSP
Connection of additional safety sprinkler inches 1 1 1
/2 /2 /2
Electricity consumption (max) kW 0.3 0.46 0.46
Electricity connection (Boiler) 230V - 50Hz 230V - 50Hz 230V - 50Hz
Operating temperature °C 60-85 60-85 60-85
Fuel consumption at nominal output kg/h 3.4 5.7 10
Test pressure bar 4.0 4.0 4.0
Installation Data:
Depth mm 1435 1578 1693
Width mm 504 600 1000**
Height mm 1165 1475 1475
Hopper volume litre 200 360 600
Height to flue mm 1110 1455 1455
Flue external diameter mm 130 150 150
Weight – empty kg 340 530 680
Water contents litre 50 125 150
*Least recommended stand-by output (heat sink)
** Hopper width, boiler width is 600mm

Baxi Multi-Heat™key features and benefits: Care and Maintenance Advice

• Highly efficient (approx 90%) The hopper will require filling, depending on the heat requirement
• Simple operation via a digital control providing continuous of the property and usage pattern.
variable heat output
Ash will also need to be removed periodically.
• Top flue location for ease of installation
• Both hopper and boiler doors are reversible to allow for
convenient access Training
• Integral hopper provides automatic feed into the boiler Baxi recommend both HETAS/BPEC or similar, and manufacturers
• Hopper & boiler supplied as one packaged unit product training prior to installing equipment.
• Modulates supply for maximum efficiency Call 0845 600 7402 for more information.
• Does not require buffer storage for hot water storage
• 1 year parts and labour warranty Baxi do offer a free set up and test service for all Multi-Heat
installations, for further information please call 0844 871 1568.
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Solo Innova
Baxi Solo Innova
The Baxi Solo Innova is a log wood burning boiler, making it ideal for properties in a
rural or semi rural area, where there is a ready supply of suitable logs/wood.
The Solo Innova is available in three sizes 20kW, 32kW and 48kW outputs capable
of satisfying both large and small domestic heating requirements.

The large combustion chamber and reversible access doors make fuel loading and
operation easy. The Solo Innova is particularly tolerant of varying log quality.
Baxi Solo Innova is the perfect choice for users who want to cover the whole of their
heating and hot water requirements using wood fuel, and are environmentally
Solo Innova is designed for highly efficient combustion of dry firewood with a
moisture content of 15-25%. The best combustion and highest output are obtained
by using dry firewood, sawn into lengths which suit the boiler's combustion chamber
(330mm and 500mm) and split to a thickness of 100-150mm.

How the system works

The Baxi Solo Innova boiler is stacked with log wood and lit. The heat produced
during combustion heats the water and is stored in the buffer storage tanks. The
domestic heating system then draws the heat from the buffer tanks as required.

When the temperature of the buffer storage tank(s) drops to approximately 45oC they
are ready for another combustion cycle (there can be several days between firing.)

How the boiler works

Combustion is regulated by a thermostatically
controlled induced draught fan. This draws air
into the boiler’s ceramic flame tunnel and
creates a partial vacuum in the combustion
chamber, ensuring complete and efficient

Baxi Solo Innova™ is designed to be installed

in conjunction with a suitable sized buffer tank.
This is to ensure correct heat dissipation in
line with system demand.

Once the main burn is completed and the

boiler temperature reduces the fan will
automatically switch off.

The boiler must be installed with suitable

buffer storage.
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Solo Innova is equipped with two doors, which can be hung right or left to

ensure easy access for fuel loading and cleaning. The high performance

insulated doors ensure low heat losses.

Combustion chamber

Solo Innova Control
The Solo Innova control panel contains controls/indicators for the

• Boiler thermometer

• Switch for circulation pump

• Fan switch

• Minimum thermostat

• Boiler thermostat

• Overheat thermostat - restart button

• Reset switch

• Door open switch

Baxi Solo Innova must be installed in a room with sufficient supply of fresh air for correct combustion.*
Baxi Solo Innova is designed to fit through a standard doorway for installation ease.

It is recommended that access is available to both the front, back and one side of the boiler for servicing.*

Baxi Solo Innova is recommended for use with Class 1 insulated flues.

Strong winds or a very high chimney can cause excessive flue draft. Fitting a draft stabiliser will enable the flue draft to

be controlled and set to the recommended 10-15 pascals.

* For further information please view the installation instructions.

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Solo Innova

Buffer storage tanks

Baxi Solo Innova must always be Typical Installation Schematic is shown
installed with a suitable buffer storage
tank(s) which can store at least the energy
created in a single combustion chamber
fill-up. The stored primary water is then
used to supply domestic hot water and
heating to the property.

Fully insulated Baxi buffer tanks are

available in 600 and 800 litre capacities
and are installed in multiples to meet the
Baxi Solo Innova hot water outputs
depending on requirements.

It is recommended that 50 litres of buffer

storage be installed for every kW of boiler
E.g. 32kW max output x 50 litres = 1600
litres buffer storage (2 x 800 litre tanks,
product code 5131045)

It is possible to install Baxi Solo Innova in
either an open vented or sealed system.
Description 600 800
For sealed system the optional
Buffer Tank Total Volume litre 600 800
thermostatic valve is required. Test Pressure bar 4 4

Tank Diameter D mm 700 790
Tank Diameter With Insulation mm 900 990
2 3
Total Height H mm 1670 1700
Height To Connection H1 mm 1395 1430
3 Height To Connection H2 mm 995 1030
Height To Connection H3 mm 595 630

Height To Connection H4 mm 225 260


Weight kg 95 141

1 - Boiler Return inches 1½ 1½

2 - Boiler Flow inches 1½ 1½


3 - Thermometer connection inches ½ ½

4 - System Return inches 1½ 1½
5 - System Flow inches 1½ 1½

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Baxi Solo Innova™Technical Data

Description Output Product
Size (kw) code
Solo Innova 20 20 5130917
Solo Innova 30 32 5130918
Solo Innova 50 48 5130919
Thermostatic valve – (required for sealed system installations) 5132050
Pumped blending valve 5132051
4.0 Bar Manometer 5132053
Cleaning brush for hand drill 5132052
Buffer storage tank 600 litre 5131044
Buffer storage tank 800 litre 5131045
Thermometer 0-120 degree 5132054

Solo Innova Type 20 Type 30 Type 50

Technical Data:
Heat output kW 20 32 48
Connection of flow, return and expansion inches 11/4 11/4 11/4
Combustion chamber depth mm 379 550 550
Electricity connection 230V-50Hz 230V-50Hz 230V-50Hz
Fuel door W x H mm 350 x 300 350 x 300 350 x 300
Combustion chamber volume litres 100 135 185
Dust in smoke mg/MJ 21 23 26
CO in smoke mg/MJ 195 185 198
Wood lengths mm 330 500 500
Wood diameter, coniferous wood max. mm 100 100 100
Wood diameter, beech, birch max. mm 150 150 150
Test pressure, boiler bar 4.5 4.5 4.5
Test pressure, spiral tube bar 40 40 40
Installation Data:
Depth mm 907 1188 1188
Width mm 584 584 694
Height mm 1375 1375 1375
Height to flue mm 1425 1425 1425
Flue pipe external diameter mm 149 149 149
Weight - empty kg 455 505 550
Water content litres 100 130 180

Baxi Solo Innova™key features and benefits: Training

• User-friendly and easy operation Baxi recommend both HETAS/BPEC or similar, and manufacturers
• Highly efficient (approx 90%) minimising both running cost product training prior to installing equipment.
and emissions Call 0845 600 7402 for more information.
• Induced draught fan
• Easy access for cleaning Baxi do offer a free set up and test service for all Baxi Solo
• Highly insulated Innova installations, for further information please call
• Adjustable feet for ease of installation on uneven floors 0844 871 1568
• Slimline design for ease of transportation and siting
• 1 year parts and labour warranty.
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Contact us
For all Biomass enquiries,
please call our renewables team on

0870 060 3261

For all other enquiries, please call

0844 8711525
Open Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm
Weekends & Bank Holidays, 8.30am - 2pm
We are closed on Christmas Day & New Year’s Day

Please note calls may be monitored or recorded.

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Baxi, A Baxi Group Company.
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