Cereal Foods World Supplement 54-4
Cereal Foods World Supplement 54-4
Cereal Foods World Supplement 54-4
Table of Contents
Abstracts of Pre-Meeting Workshops
at the 2009 Annual Meeting
(listed in alphabetical order by workshop title)
An Emerging Scholarship of Cross-Cultural
Engagement........................................................................... A1
Cellulosic Ethanol: Critical Constraints to Success.................. A1
Abstracts of Symposia Presentations
at the 2009 Annual Meeting
(listed in alphabetical order by title)
Advances in Delivery of Food Nutrients - Tailoring Process
Operations for Health and Wellness......................................... A3
Biofuel from Maize: Current Economics
and Future Sustainability...................................................... A4
Cereal Grain Components: Analysis and Bioavailability......... A5
Characterizing the Size and Molecular Weight
Distributions of Starch.......................................................... A6
Chemistry and Structure of Non-Wheat Proteins...................... A7
The Effects of Dietary Fiber from Cereals
on Gut Health........................................................................ A8
Health Claims and Use of Dietary Fibers
in Cereal Products................................................................. A8
HEALTHGRAIN Project Symposium...................................... A9
Opportunities to Enhance Cereal Products: Pulse
Components as Nutritional and Functional Ingredients........ A10
Replacing Gluten Functionality................................................ A11
The Role of Grain-Based Foods in the Prevention
of Childhood Obesity............................................................ A12
Tools to Evaluate Health Benefits of Cereals........................... A13
Oral Abstracts Submitted for Presentation
at the 2009 Annual Meeting ................................................. A15
Poster Abstracts Submitted for Presentation
at the 2009 Annual Meeting ................................................. A33
Author Index ........................................................................... A75
2009 Program Planning Team
Program Chair
Jodi A. Engleson, Grains for Health Foundation, Minnesota,
Program Vice-Chair
Christophe Courtin, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Team Members by Scientific Initiative Track
Biotechnology and Sustainability
Chair: Ann E. Blechl, USDA ARS WRRC, California, U.S.A.
Vice-Chair: Peter Shewry, Rothamsted Research, United
Cereal and Polymer Chemistry
Chair: Mirko Bunzel, University of Minnesota, U.S.A.
Vice-Chair: Peter Koehler, Hans-Dieter-Belitz-Institute,
Engineering and Processing
Chair: Sajid Alavi, Kansas State University, U.S.A.
Vice-Chair: Vijay Singh, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, U.S.A.
Food Safety and Regulatory
Chair: Jack C. Cappozzo, National Center for Food Safety &
Technology, Illinois, U.S.A.
Vice-Chair: Lauren Jackson, U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, Illinois, U.S.A.
Health and Nutrition
Chair: Jan Devries, CSM, The Netherlands
Vice-Chair: Bruce Hamaker, Purdue University, Indiana, U.S.A.
Ingredients and Cost of Goods Sold
Chair: DAnne M. Hayman, Kellogg Company, Michigan, U.S.A.
Vice-Chair: Greet Vandeputte, Nestle PTC Orbe, Switzerland
Quality and Analytical Methods
Chair: Nancy Ames, Agric & Agri-Food Canada, Winnipeg,
Vice-Chair: Art Bettge, USDA ARS WWQL, Washington. U.S.A.
2009 Annual Meeting
Abstracts of Pre-Meeting Workshops
Abstracts submitted for presentation at the 2009 annual meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, September 1316. The abstracts are listed in alphabetical order by title of
workshop and time order of presentation within each workshop. Abstracts are published as submitted. They were formatted but not edited at the AACC
International headquarters office.
An Emerging Scholarship of Cross-Cultural
Fundamentals of Chinese medical theory
C. Hafner
Crocus Hill Oriental Medicine
Cereal Foods World 54:A1
Chinese Medicine is one of several ancient systems of medical care based
upon a different world view than the prevailing biomedical model; it employs
its own language, systems of logic, and criteria for understanding health and
diagnosing illness. The fundamental ideas upon which Chinese medical theory
rest do not fit well within a biomedical model, and are often discounted or
ignored. Chinese Medicine does not rely upon the chemical composition of
food or herbs as a basis for understanding medicinal efficacy, safety or
quality. In Chinese dietary and herbal therapies the yin / yang qualities that are
inherent in foods and medicinal herbs are identified and classified through the
sensory attributes that naturally occur in these substances. Over-attachment to
a pharmaceutical approach, combined with under-appreciation for the
coherence of CM as a knowledge base for determining appropriate use of food
and medicinal herbs threatens the underlying integrity of the CM perspective
as a resource in solving todays complex diet-related health issues.
Culture and healing for all people
P. Schultz
White Earth Tribal College, Mahnomen, MN
Cereal Foods World 54:A1
Paul will speak about the importance of us allowing alternative ways of
knowing and practicing to integrate the way it was always meant to do in
human health care. In his tradition, individualization of care has gone on for
thousands of years. When the Indian Health Services came into the reserva-
tions to provide medical care, they treated the native people like children and
devalued their practices. So the challenge now How to impact the clinics
and physicians working there to create change? On White Earth Reservation,
change began when the local physician reached out to ask to join Paul in
healing. That one gesture has led to new definitions of mutual respect. The
indigenious healer is recognized as just as important and effective as the
medical doctor. This kind of respectful relationship can be built anywhere,
and these inroads to integration can be replicated!
An emerging scholarship of cross-cultural engagement
C. Hassel
University of Minnesota
Cereal Foods World 54:A1
Every human society has developed its own ways of knowing food and health
relationships as matters of survival and sustainability. Yet training in food and
nutrition sciences can lead members to hold so tightly to western/scientific
models for producing knowledge that little room seems available for open-
minded consideration of the epistemologies found in culturally diverse
communities. The assumptions and presuppositions underlying our scientific
methods are ideas we tend to think with, not about. As a result, we tend to
impose such ideas as universal truths, without learning the skills of how to
navigate the deeper dimensions of cultural difference. An emerging
scholarship asks professional scientists to develop skills in cross-cultural
engagement (CCE) as a prerequisite to work with culturally diverse
communities. CCE prepares scientists to respectfully access foreign ways of
producing knowledge of food and health that lie outside the orthodoxy of their
professional training. This practice allows for knowledge otherwise
incomprehensible to become more empathetically understood; it allows the
presuppositions and paradigms of scientific disciplines becomes more visible;
it can lead to broader and more appropriate forms of scientific inquiry.
Cellulosic Ethanol: Critical Constraints to Success
Cellulosic ethanol issues overview
R. Madl
Bioprocessing & Industrial Value Added Program/KSU Center for
Sustainable Energy, Manhattan, KS
Cereal Foods World 54:A1
Commercial ethanol production is based on biochemical conversion of sugar
or starch. To achieve higher production capacities, technology must
economically convert lignocellulosic feedstock to advanced biofuels. There
are several critical issues which must be solved before this is accomplished.
Logistics and transportation has been under recognized as a major constraint.
The low density cellulosic materials must be harvested and transported to the
conversion facility consistently throughout the year. The pretreatment and
enzymatic conversion of biomass to sugars has been an expensive and
constraining step in the process. New advances in enzyme technology will be
described in the workshop. The biorefinery concept is important because it
utilizes all process streams to produce multiple products. One approach will
be described. An alternative to biochemical conversion that has received
increasing attention is the thermochemical platform. It solves some of the
initial deconstruction constraints, but creates new issues for separation of
multiple products. Can it contribute to ethanol production? Finally, the
regulatory standards are a key driver for all biofuels. New complications, such
as calculations for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and changes in land
use will be discussed to wrap up the workshop.
Feedstock logistics
R. Hegg
USDA-CSREES, Washington, DC
Cereal Foods World 54:A2
Achieving the cellulosic biofuel targets set forth in the Energy Independence
and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 will require a very large increase of
cellulosic biomass feedstocks from agricultural, forest, and other resources.
By 2022, it is estimated that 180 million dry tons of biomass will be needed
annually to produce the 16 billion gallons of cellulosic biofuels called for by
EISA. Supplying this volume of material will require developing an industry
comparable to current agricultural supply chains for commodity crops and
hay. Machines and systems capable of performing each biomass supply chain
operation (harvest and collection, storage, preprocessing, and transportation)
are not designed with the scale and efficiency required in the biofuel industry.
Logistics issues are those that affect the assembly of a biomass supply system
and impact its ability to deliver needed quantities of biomass in a cost-
effective and sustainable manner. Technology issues are those that must be
addressed in the design of new machines and systems in order to develop and
sustain biomass feedstock supply chains. The three major categories of
biomass feedstock resources: agricultural resources, forest resources, and
other resources, including municipal solid wastes, livestock manure, and
Breakthroughs in the conversion and integration of biomass technologies
C. Veit
Novozymes NA Inc., Franklinton, NC
Cereal Foods World 54:A2
Novozymes has focused its Biomass (lignocellulose to ethanol) R&D and
business efforts on developing new enzymes that enable cost effective
hydrolysis of lignocellulose to simple sugars. Work to date includes the
introduction of new enzymes characterized by higher specific activities,
increased expression levels, and lower overall production costs. Building upon
these past efforts and a belief that the conversion of Biomass to Biofuels is
almost upon us, Biomass has become the single largest R&D effort in
Novozymes history. Novozymes continues this unprecedented effort to
develop the products and continue to lower the costs to hydrolyze cellulose to
simple sugars. Novozymes also realizes that a market enabling process will
require the integration of technologies both upstream and downstream of
enzymatic hydrolysis. This integration of pretreatment, hydrolysis, and
fermentation technologies is an absolute must for any commercially viable
process to emerge. There is no single company which holds the key to all
parts of the value chain and therefore, technological and business driven
alliances and partnerships have emerged that will allow for the needed
breakthroughs to occur. Alliances between private and public companies,
universities and academia often facilitated by governmental support are
paving the way for needed breakthroughs in these key technologies. This
presentation will provide an update of current biomass developmental and
commercial efforts within Novozymes with news on product and process
developmental efforts. It will also outline the approach Novozymes is taking
towards overall process integration; an approach driven by the collaborations
Novozymes has established with Biofuel industry leaders.
Improvements in enzymes for cellulosic ethanol
M. Li
Genencor, a Danisco Division, Palo Alto, CA
Cereal Foods World 54:A2
Utilization of lignocellulosic materials as a renewable carbon source for
biofuels and chemicals depends on the advances in pretreatment, enzyme
production, enzyme hydrolysis, as well as conversion of those sugars to usable
fuels and chemicals. This presentation will provide an overview of
Genencors recent efforts on biomass enzymes including whole cellulases,
xylanases, as well as beta-glucosidase. The enzyme complex, including
1500, Accellerase
XY, Accellerase
can be used from laboratory evaluation to pilot plant/demonstration design
that is representative of what process developers will see at full scale. The
synergistic effect of enzyme systems on the lignocellulosic biomass
hydrolysis and fermentation will be discussed. It will also present Genencors
view of how the market is developing, and the ongoing challenges being
addressed as this emerging industry progresses toward commercialization.
An integrated approach to biorefining
P. Vadlani
Bioprocessing & Industrial Value Added Program, Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS
Cereal Foods World 54:A2
Production of biofuels from cereal grains and renewable biomass is important
to attain self sufficiency in transportation fuel needs of the nation.
Considerable research and development efforts are underway to attain biofuels
production targets specified by federal mandates. While the efficiencies and
economics are mainly related to logistics and production methods used for
biofuels, it is imperative to integrate processes that will consider all the
constituents of the feedstocks and the byproduct streams for production of
high value products. This integrated approach to biorefining will provide
additional revenue streams and also alleviates environmental problems
associated with the disposal of byproduct and waste streams. In this
presentation, the biorefinery concept will be discussed, particularly pertaining
to the utilization of non-starch components in cereal grains, and protein and
lignin residues from cellulosic ethanol process. Bioconversion of pentose
sugar stream to other platform chemicals, such as succinic acid and 2,3
butanediol will also be discussed.
The thermochemical platform
P. Grabowski
US-Department of Energy, Washington, DC
Cereal Foods World 54:A2
Most of the biofuel discussion has been focused on the biochemical platform
which has major constraints with the pretreatment step and efficient
conversion of pentose sugars and lignin. These issues are overcome with the
thermochemical platform which converts biomass to a range of organic
compounds, some gases, and char in less than 10 seconds at 500-700 degrees
F in fast pyrolysis reactions. At higher temperatures, termed gasification,
biomass is converted to mostly hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane
under proper reaction conditions. Research on the former process is focused
on finding optimum conversion temperatures, subsequent separation
techniques, and catalysts for conversion to biofuels, other high value
chemicals and solvents. In the latter process, focus is on minimization of
carbon dioxide formation and catalysts to convert the gases to target biofuels.
The biochemical platform constraints have been exchanged for technical
issues with separation technologies and catalytic chemistry.
Renewable fuels 2009 and beyond The Federal horizon
P. Argyropoulos
US EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Washington, DC
Cereal Foods World 54:A2
The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 significantly
revised the National Renewable Fuels Standard Program (RFS2). Several key
changes were included in EISA. The Act significantly increased the total
volume of renewable fuel required for use in the transportation sector. The
Act also established specific standards for the type and specific volumes of
certain types of renewable fuels including conventional, advanced, biomass
based diesel and cellulosic. Further, EISA applied specific restrictions on the
land feedstocks can come from and applied specific definitional requirements
for feedstock type and use. Another key provision and of significant interest
and controversy is requirement that renewable fuels meet minimum
greenhouse gas reduction standards as compared to the petroleum based fuels
they are replacing. These revisions seta challenging and aggressive path
forward in the US, but also provided the opportunity for a more certain path
forward for the introduction and use of advanced and cellulosic based
renewable fuels. This presentation will provide deeper insight into EPAs
proposed rule and what else may be on the horizon at the federal level for
renewable fuels in the coming years.
2009 Annual Meeting
Abstracts of Symposia Presentations
Abstracts submitted for presentation at the 2009 annual meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, September 1316. The abstracts are listed in alphabetical order by title of
symposium and time order of presentation within each symposium. Abstracts are published as submitted. They were formatted but not edited at the AACC
International headquarters office.
Advances in Delivery of Food Nutrients - Tailoring
Process Operations for Health and Wellness
Health impact of nanotechnology in food ingredients and processing
applications and implications
H. Chen
USDA/CSREES, Washington, DC
Cereal Foods World 54:A3
Recent advances in nanoscale science, engineering and nanotechnology have
revealed great potential for designing and testing novel vehicles for better
delivery of bioactives and drugs. New delivery systems aim at improving and
expanding functionality including higher bioavailability, controlled releases
on triggers, easier processing and integration into food matrixes, more
acceptable sensory attributes, and better stability under environmental
challenges. New food materials have been investigated for delivery
applications. New functionalities such as targeted delivery, integrating sensing
capabilities, and nanoscale tagging for product identify preservation and
traceability are under exploration. This presentation intends to give a brief
overview of relevant new research and development concepts and activities in
using nanotechnology for better delivery of nutraceuticals for enhancing
individual health management. Challenges in developing and marketing
nanotechnology enhanced nutraceutical delivery and functional foods,
including safety considerations, will be also highlighted.
High incorporation of cereal bran fibers into foods
B. R. HAMAKER, D. Pai, O. H. Campanella
Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research and Department of Food Science,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Cereal Foods World 54:A3
Cereal bran fibers show good potential for high incorporation into processed
foods (e.g., extruded foods), but first must be modified to improve
functionality. Additionally, these fibers show good fermentation profiles for
colon health. In general, it is necessary to facilitate interaction of insoluble
fibers with the amorphous phase (e.g. starch) in processes such as extrusion
that favors expansion. The potential functionality of corn bran arabinoxylans
was examined. Relationship between the extrudate properties and the rheology
of composite formed by corn mean and different fractions of corn bran were
established. Alkali-soluble corn arabinoxylan, as well as alkali-treated bran,
provide different shear and extensional-based rheologies and have different
behaviors during the extrusion operation. Results show that it is possible to
incorporate arabinoxylans at levels up to 30% in extrudates with little effect
on quality parameters.
Phytonutrients and challenges of delivery
S. Lamikanra
Frito-Lay R&D, Plano, TX
Cereal Foods World 54:A3
Phytonutients are widely believed to be key compounds responsible for the
health promoting properties of some plants. While there are several reports
suggesting association of these compounds with specific benefits, direct
evidence of their roles when consumed from food sources appear to be
limited. In this presentation, a comparison will be made between functional
benefits commonly associated with Phytonutrients, particularly Flavonoids,
and results from studies that have determined their specific effects from food
on human health. Some research needs that could help bridge gaps between
perceived and authenticated benefits will also be discussed.
Novel thermal processing based on microwave and radio frequency
energy for packaged foods
J. Tang
Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Cereal Foods World 54:A3
Thermal processing is a preservation method commonly used to control food
pathogens and spoilage microorganism in production of refrigerated or shelf-
stable foods. In conventional thermal processing, slow heat transfer to and
within prepackaged solid or semi-solid foods lead to long process times and
often severe thermal degradation. Volumetric heating techniques using
microwave and radio frequency energy offers possibilities for developing
novel thermal processes. In microwave and radio frequency heating, direct
interaction between electromagnetic energy and foods that are hermetically
sealed in microwave transparent pouches or trays significantly reduces the
time needed for products to reach the desired temperatures to control the
targeted bacteria, and can potentially improve texture, appearance, and
nutritional values. This talk will provide a brief overview on status of
microwave and radio frequency technology research and developments for
packaged foods, and shows examples of improved quality for several ready-
to-eat foods, including pastas.
Impact of processing on functional ingredients
K. L. McCarthy
University of California, Davis, Davis, CA
Cereal Foods World 54:A3
With the growing awareness of the beneficial effects of a healthy diet on the
quality of life as well as on cost-effectiveness of health care, the food industry
is facing the challenge of developing new products with special health
enhancing characteristics. To meet this challenge, research in my laboratory
has addressed the use of an existing processing technology, e.g., extrusion, to
boost the nutritional and functional characteristics of snack-type products. In
particular, barley and fruit pomace products were evaluated for their potential
to add fiber, antioxidants and B-vitamins to the diet. Fiber content was
successfully increased using barley, as compared to other grains. The addition
of fruit pomace (e.g., tomato, grape, pomegranate) increased the antioxidant
activity and phenolic content of feed material. However, both antioxidant
activity and phenolic content of the extrudate were significantly decreased due
to the heat and shear treatment. This work has led to the investigation of ways
to incorporate components into the food matrix that can withstand processing
and be released at the appropriate point during digestion.
Challenges to utilizing physically or chemically structured lipids in baked
product systems
K. Seetharaman
Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
Cereal Foods World 54:A4
Solid shortenings are a preferred mode of lipid addition in baked product
systems for a number of reasons, many of which relate to improvements in
sensory, textural and/or shelf life of products. However, traditional structuring
of oils to semi-solid plastic pastes results in either increased saturated fats or
increased trans-fat levels, both of which have adverse impact on the
cardiovascular and metabolic health of consumers. Much focus has been
targeted to developing alternative processing or formulation strategies to
structure semi-solid plastic lipids, devoid of saturated or trans fats. One such
alternative shortening is the novel monoglyceride gel (MAG) that
encapsulates high volume fractions of oil in a water matrix. Positive health
benefits have been reported that are associated with the structure of MAG
gels; however, fundamental questions remain in terms of its use and
functionality in baked products, including; does the structure interact
differently with the dough matrix compared to the individual structural
components during processing; how does the water in the structural matrix
influence dough processing and baking; does the structure of the MAG gel
confer additional health benefits beyond any benefits derived from the
reduced lipid content? Answers to these and other questions are critical to
realizing the potential of using structured and self-assembled alternative
shortenings in the marketplace to provide consumers with baked products that
address nutrition, diet and healthy lifestyle needs.
Biofuel from Maize: Current Economics
and Future Sustainability
Biotechnology and its potential impacts on corn ethanol
N. Kalaitzandonakes
University of Missouri-Columbia
Cereal Foods World 54:A4
Biotechnology offers the potential to increase yields and lower input use in the
production of feedstocks as well as aid in the conversion of corn to ethanol.
These could have meaningful impacts on the energy balance and greenhouse
gas emissions of ethanol production as well as on its economics. The
realization of such benefits, however, is conditioned by prevailing market and
policy conditions. The potential economic and energy balance impacts of the
biotechnology pipeline will be discussed. The ways various policies, most
notably the Renewable Fuel Standard, condition the potential impacts of
biotechnologies will also be discussed.
Genomics-assisted improvement of biomass production among
Andropogoneae fuelstock grasses
S. Moose
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
Cereal Foods World 54:A4
Among the wide variety of plant species proposed as potential biofuel
feedstocks, four closely related grass species within the Andropogoneae tribe
emerge as leading candidates because of their superior efficiencies in
photosynthesis, nitrogen economy, and water use. Maize (Zea mays L.),
sugarcane (Saccharum spp.), and Sorghum are established and highly
productive biomass crops that collectively are cultivated across the global
spectrum of agricultural production environments. Miscanthus also shows
promise as a leading feedstock crop, based on its exceptional biomass yields
with minimal production inputs in recent European and U.S. field trials. Each
of these grasses also offers complementary advantages in their forms of
harvestable carbon, growth cycle and adaptation to diverse climates. A
comparative genomics approach to understanding genes that condition
phenotypic differences among the closely related Andropogoneae genomes is
likely to reveal strategies for improving biomass yield and quality in these
species. This presentation will present plans and progress to improving
biomass production towards this goal, with an emphasis on genetic control of
biomass and N utilization in maize and the development of functional
genomics resources for Miscanthus.
Review of biotechnology as a tool for starch modification and novel
starch applications
S. Patil
S.K. Patil & Associates
Cereal Foods World 54:A4
Starch is a primary feedstock for ethanol and other products in biofuels, food
and feed industry; 2nd only to cellulose as a carbohydrate feedstock and the
carbohydrate economies. Biotechnologies as tool via discovery of genetic
control and biosynthetic pathways of starch synthesizing enzymes have
enhanced our knowledge of how we can create novel starches and the
derivatives for multitude of food and industrial applications. Improvement in
the extraction of starch from corn kernel and the efficiency of processing this
into food and fuel area that has been overlooked by the industry. Great
possibilities also exist in providing additional functional benefits to food, feed
and industrial processing. Starch modification via biotechnology is poised to
make major functional improvements above and beyond available today by
chemical modifications for food & industrial applications. Chemical
modifications are costly; replacing this via biotechnology can create
sustainable solutions to satisfy growing global needs in the areas described.
Over all the market needs must drive the development efforts. Food markets
are highly fragmented and starches and their derivatives, modified and
unmodified have very diverse applications in many food segments. Starch and
their various derivatives are utilized in 100s of processed foods and non food
products. Modifications that can be achieved through transgenic means by
which genes for new enzymes are introduced into corn from other plants or
novel mutations for enhanced carbohydrates will be presented. The pace of
technological change seems to continually accelerate and the opportunities for
novel starches and the derivatives remain attractive going forward. This
presentation will provide insights into current developments and provide
examples of what may lie ahead to capture new opportunities with novel
functionalities in food, industrial fuel and feed markets.
Life Cycle Assessment as a tool for industry to optimise the
environmental performance of biofuel
T. Forman
Novozymes North America Inc., Franklinton, NC
Cereal Foods World 54:A4
Sustainability focused industries have traditionally used Life Cycle
Assessment to support the decision-making related to the development of new
processes and products as a tool to choose the environmentally most
favourable among more alternatives processes or products. With the general
increase in environmental awareness the use of LCA is expanding. Today
LCA is on top of the agenda of policy-makers as a means to ensure a
sustainable development of society. The life cycle concept is crucial to both
types of considerations, however the goal and the scope and thus the
modelling and data requirements are very different and there is a need to
distinguish clearly between these alternative uses of LCA. Biofuel provides a
very good example to illustrate this point. LCA is currently considered the
basic methodology for establishing a regulatory framework that will ensure a
sustainable use of biofuel by society. However, LCA is also used by the
biofuel industry and the agricultural sector to further decrease the
environmental footprint of producing biofuel. The presentation will address
this need of industry for a generally acceptable and operational LCA
framework, which supports the efforts to improve the environmental
performance of biofuel technology, short term as well as long term. More
specifically the presentation will present the views of a provider of
biotechnology and thus bring the production of biofuel into the broader
perspective of the biobased society.
Ethanol: Industry, policy and environmental impact
J. Caupert
National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center, Edwardsville, IL
Cereal Foods World 54:A4
The revitalization of the ethanol industry, in the early part of this decade, is
the result of the dedication of this nations farmers and their desire to develop a
value added market for corn. The corn (starch) based ethanol industry remains
strong, despite recent media sound-bites. Today, there are more than 160 dry
grind ethanol plants in the United States with total production capacity in
excess of 10 billion gallons. The ethanol industries impact on the United
States is demonstrated by the following: The ethanol industry is a biofuel
that our Nations farmers are growing here at home in the United States. The
ethanol industry enhances rural development and job creation. The ethanol
industry lessens the carbon emissions of our automobiles. The ethanol
industry contributes directly to our National security by reducing our
dependence on imported foreign oil. When thinking of environmental impact,
water utilization and usage, is at the forefront of everyones mind. The ethanol
industry uses significantly less water than one might expect. In fact, it
requires less water to produce one gallon of ethanol than it takes to produce
any of the following: One gallon of gasoline; One pound of plastic; One
average size Sunday newspaper.
Examining the product stream and costs of corn fractionation systems
C. Hart
Iowa State University, Ames, IA
Cereal Foods World 54:A5
As the ethanol industry continues to work through tight economic margins,
companies are searching for processes to either reduce costs and/or increase
revenues. One process that offers potential is corn fractionation. Fractionation
is not a new process. Wet millers have been fractionating corn for decades, as
have dry millers for corn meal and flour. But dry mill fractionation is power
intensive and works best at a fairly large scale, above that needed for most
ethanol plants. However, fractionation offers several potential benefits to
ethanol plants, so several companies have devised fractionation processes
specifically targeted for ethanol plants. At one time, Ethanol Producer
magazine reported roughly 50 patents on processes to fractionate corn.
Ethanol companies are sorting through these processes to find approaches that
are cost effective and provide ethanol and co-product benefits. Fractionation
can benefit ethanol production because it increases the relative starch content
of the mash, it can reduce the work load for the enzymes, it reduces the
amount of oil that moves through the ethanol process, and it can reduce the
drying requirement for the distillers grains. Fractionation also opens up new
product areas. Higher grade corn oil can be captured. The fiber could be used
in a variety of ways, including new products for human or animal use or as an
energy source. This presentation will outline several corn fractionation
processes being installed across the ethanol industry. The outline will cover
the product streams that each process offers, the potential markets for those
products, and the costs associated with each process. From the outline, an
examination of the various product streams possible from the fractionation
processes will be presented, along with an exploration of the potential for
additional revenue streams to the ethanol plants that add fractionation
Cereal Grain Components: Analysis
and Bioavailability
Fiber and/or phenolics: Preventive compounds in cereal grains?
L. R. Ferguson
The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Cereal Foods World 54:A5
An inverse association between high cereal intake and low cancer incidence
has been found in many epidemiologic studies. The cancers most associated
with these effects are breast, colorectal and gastric cancers, but not prostate or
lung cancers. There has been an assumption that this protection is associated
with the non-cellulosic polysaccharides present in cereals, i.e. arabinoxylans,
(13), (14)-beta-glucans, pectins and arabinogalactans. However, purified
preparations of these polysaccharides have not generally shown cancer
protection effects in animal studies, although there are some data showing
effects on immune response. In the gastrointestinal tract, digestion and
fermentation of dietary fibres lead to the generation of short chain fatty acids,
among which butyrate has been shown to have cancer preventive properties.
However, it seems likely that it may be the phenolic components of the
cereals, rather than the polysaccharides, that are the most beneficial. Recent
discussions on the definition of dietary fibre may confuse the picture still
further. A range of human, animal and in vitro data will be reviewed, in order
to address the question as to which really are the protective cancer preventive
compounds in cereal grains.
Challenges in the analysis of bioactive compounds in grains
E. M. ABDEL-AAL, J. C. Young
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Guelph Food Research Centre, Guelph,
Ontario, Canada
Cereal Foods World 54:A5
Bioactive components found in grains play significant roles in human health.
Such components are essential for human well-being and a productive and
healthy lifestyle. They impart their physiological properties as antioxidants,
pro-vitamins, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, co-enzymes, hormone-like
substances, etc. Grains have been found to contain a variety of bioactive
compounds that their size and chemistries vary from small phenolic acids
through intermediate anthocyanins, phytosterols, tocols, alkyresorcinols and
carotenoids to very large dietary fiber and beta-glucan. The large number and
diversity of these compounds require collaborative efforts from industry,
governments and academia to establish internationally-harmonized standard
analytical protocols that provide accurate, precise and reliable methods for
extraction, separation, quantification and identification of these compounds.
Such protocols are required by regulatory agencies to monitor the quality of
products, i.e. to protect consumers from adulteration and fraud. The protocols
are also needed in R & D to develop new grains that are rich in bioactive
compounds, to investigate effects of processing on bioactive components and
to accurately determine bioactive compounds in biological fluids in order to
understand their bioavailability and functionality in human health. Challenges
that face the development of such protocols include chemical and structural
complexity of bioactive compounds, lack of efficient extraction procedures,
lack of authentic and pure standards, and lack of collaborative lab studies that
lead to development of validated methods. This presentation will address
these challenges with a particular interest to the analyses of carotenoids and
In-vitro tests for antioxidant activity: Effective tools to evaluate health
benefits of cereal grains?
V. Fogliano
Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, PORTICI-NAPOLI, Italy
Cereal Foods World 54:A5
The determination of total antioxidant capacity (TAC) has gained much
interest as a tool to explore the role of antioxidant-rich products in preventing
degenerative diseases and for selecting cereal varieties with potential health
benefits. However, the TAC determination of cereals is complicated due to
wide ranges in polarity of extraction solvents, and covalently bound
antioxidants in cell walls. Despite the use of different extraction procedures,
the TAC of cereals/cereal products may be underestimated due to difficulties
in rendering bound phenolic compounds soluble prior to measurement. This
raises several basic questions: What are the most appropriate chemical
mechanisms (e.g. hydrogen atom transfer, electron transfer, etc) for
measurement of antioxidant activity? What is the physiological relevance (e.g.
LDL oxidation, ferric reducing capacity, etc) of the functions measured? What
are the sensitivity, reproducibility, laboriousness and costs of the method? The
direct procedure is a new approach for measurement of TAC of foods.
Extraction and hydrolysis are not required prior to measurement of antioxidant
capacity. The working hypothesis is to place in direct contact the solid food
and the radical reagent solution while skipping all extraction steps. The
soluble moiety of the sample exerts its antioxidant capacity by quenching
radicals present in the solvent according to the usual liquid-liquid type
reaction. At the same time the insoluble part exert its antioxidant capacity by
means of the surface reaction occurring at solid-liquid interface, where the
solid phase is represented by antioxidant groups bound to the insoluble
polysaccharide fraction and the liquid phase is represented by free
radicals present in the solvent. Data obtained with the direct procedure are
directly related to the antioxidant action in food or in the human
gastrointestinal tract.
Bioavailability and metabolism of ferulates and other grain phenolics
Department of Human Nutritional Sciences and the Canadian Centre for Agri-
food Research in Health and Medicine, St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre
and the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Cereal Foods World 54:A5
Ferulic acid and other phenolic compounds commonly found in grains may
offer benefits against chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and
cardiovascular disease. The impact of grain phenolics on health depends on
their absorption, metabolism and bioavailability. Factors such as chemical
structure, dietary dose (intake) and/or source determine the metabolic fate and
bioavailability of phenolic compounds. Limited studies suggest that the
relative bioavailability of free phenolic acids may be increased in the order
of caffeic acid < ferulic acid < p-coumaric acid. Experimental and
clinical evidence suggests that free phenolic acids in low doses are quickly
absorbed in the stomach and foregut, while most of bound pnenolics reach
the hindgut, where free phenolics are released for absorption and meta-
bolism. Some phenolics are degraded into smaller molecules like m-
hydroxyphenylpropionic acid by gut microflora before absorption. Absorbed
phenolics are conjugated mainly by the liver with glucuronic acid, sulfate,
and/or glycine. Phenolics which are highly bound with insoluble fibers -like
heteroxylans in maize- are hardly digested and thus excreted intact through
feces. In this session, recent studies establishing the bioavailability and
metabolism of grain phenolics will be discussed. Future studies will determine
the impact of dietary source and the form of phenolics on improving human
Enzymatic liberation of ferulate derivatives in the human GI-tract
C. B. Faulds
Centro de Investigaciones Biolgicas (CIB), Consejo Superior de Investi-
gaciones Cientficas (CSIC), E-28040 Madrid, Spain
Cereal Foods World 54:A6
The in vivo physiological importance of ferulic acid has been determined
from studies on its availability for absorption. However, ferulic acid does not
enter enterohepatic circulation and oral or intravenous ferulate does not easily
reach the colon. Ferulic and diferulic acids esterified to cereal-derived
arabinoxylans must therefore be cleaved by esterases located possibly on the
brush border membrane of epithelial cells or by the indigenous colonic
microbiota and released as free acids where they can then be absorbed into the
circulatory system and exert putative health-beneficial effects. Most of the
ferulate and diferulates enter the colon still esterified to the polysaccharide
matrix, with approximately 95% of the total release of feruloyl groups taking
place during fermentation. Arabinoxylan and large feruloylated
oligosaccharides do not appear to be absorbed, and so must be broken down
by inducible enzymes. The specificity of gut esterases as well as differences in
uptake across the epithelial membrane influences the bioeffectiveness of
phenolic acids. Diferulates are also released from cereals in the colon, but
at a slower rate and release is structure specific. Both epithelial and mi-
crobial feruloyl esterase activity can be cytoplasmic or internally mem-
brane-associated, and a feruloyl esterase has recently been purified from
Lactobacillus acidophilus. Enzymatic pretreatments can increase the
amount of phenolic acids released by faecal bacteria. The actual amount of
ferulic acid released by the gut microorganisms, however, is below the
threshold required to exert a chemopreventative effect. Methods to improve
the delivery of dietary ferulates and subsequent location of cleavage will be
Conversion of grain phenolics by human intestinal microbiota
A. Braune
Department of Gastrointestinal Microbiology, German Institute of Human
Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke, Arthur-Scheunert-Allee 114-116, D-14558
Nuthetal, Germany
Cereal Foods World 54:A6
The consumption of whole grains and whole-grain products has been
implicated in the prevention of cancer and other chronic diseases. Beside
dietary fiber, protection could also be attributed to phenolic compounds
contained in grains. Major grain phenolics include benzoic acids, cinnamic
acids, flavonoids, and lignans. Most of the phenolic compounds in the grains
are present in the bound form and may reach the colon. Human gut bacteria
catalyze not only de-esterification and deconjugation but also further
conversion of phenolics. The bacterial metabolites formed may have
biological activities that differ from those of the original compounds. Thus,
intestinal bacteria may play a key role in activation and inactivation of
phenolic compounds. We therefore strive to evaluate the impact of human gut
microbiota on the bioavailability of dietary polyphenols, which includes the
identification of microbial metabolites, elucidation of the degradation
pathways, and isolation of involved bacterial species. Based on the in vitro
studies, we test the activity of identified bacteria in vivo using gnotobiotic
animal models. To assess the importance of active bacterial species in human
subjects, their prevalence is determined in fecal samples. Our studies have
been mainly focused on flavonoids and lignans. Recently, we investigated the
ability of human intestinal microbiota to cleave dehydrodiferulic acids (DFA).
DFA form cross-links between cell wall polysaccharides and are abundant
components of cereal insoluble dietary fiber ingested by humans. The
cleavage of DFA by intestinal microbiota, which depended on their
coupling type, may affect not only the bioavailability of free DFA but also
the degradability of DFA-coupled fiber in the gut by host and microbial
Characterizing the Size and Molecular Weight
Distributions of Starch
Starch: Problems, solvents and mysterious molecular masses
S. Hill
University of Nottingham, Loughborough, UK
Cereal Foods World 54:A6
While our understanding of the fine structure of starches and an appreciation
of the architecture of the starch granules continues to develop, due to better
technologies in the areas of genetics, microscopies and spectroscopies, we
seem to have made poor progress in agreeing the molecular weights for
amylose and amylopectin. It may be a misdirected use of effort to try and
consider the size of materials by solution techniques when clearly starches
will normally exert their influence as complex aggregates of material.
However, while we continue to think it is reasonable to put a value on the
molecular mass for amylopectin and amylose we should at least be able to
justify this quantity. Therefore, like any other assessment, measurement of
starch molecular weights should be validated. With no standard methods for
starch dissolution, separation, detection or data handling it is not surprising
that there is no consensus on the size of these important macromolecules.
With no suitable standards or reference samples, it is hard to even know if
reporting of comparative molecular weights of starches is valid. For example,
does processing a sample reduce its molecular weight one hundred fold, or
does it change its solubility and this then impacts on a perceived change in
molecular weight? Solutions for this problem, like the formation of a starch
solution, may be difficult, but we must at least start to define acceptable
procedures and hence the new IUPAC working group. One area that needs
agreement is the dissolution of the samples and retaining the material in
solution throughout the assessment.
Current dilemmas and paths forward: The needs in food science
M. J. Gidley
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Cereal Foods World 54:A6
Much progress has been made in relating quantifiable structural features of
starch, such as amylose content and, amylopectin branch length distri-
butions, with properties such as aggregation, crystallisation and amylase
sensitivity. These physical properties underlie important end-use appli-
cation properties, such as stability, texture, and digestibility/ biode-
gradability. Because amylose content and amylopectin branch length
distributions can be determined routinely, the genes/enzymes responsible for
variation in these structural features have also been well characterised. In
contrast, there is little knowledge of the biosynthesis factors responsible
for determining starch polymer size, and limited understanding of how
molecular size (distribution) affects end-use properties. This is due largely to
the lack of standardized reproducible methods for quantifying molecular size.
This presentation will highlight the scientific opportunities that would be
made available if starch molecular size distributions could be measured
Field-flow fractionation as a means to find true molecular weights and
sizes of undegraded starch
P. COLONNA, A. Sabate
INRA, Nantes, France
Cereal Foods World 54:A6
Starch consists of a mixture of two alpha-glucans built mainly upon alpha-
(1,4) linkages: amylose an essentially linear polymer, and amylopectin a
branched polymer by the presence of 5-6% alpha-(1,6) linkages. Functional
properties of starches are determined by their macromolecular characteristics
and the conformation in solution of both constitutive polymers. The need to
investigate the biological variability is reinforced by the recent opportunity to
create easily new genotypes using results from genomic studies. To
characterize starch polysaccharides, the method usually used is high-
performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) combined with multi-
angle laser light scattering (MALLS). The limitation of HPSEC columns is
their low exclusion limit regarding amylopectin size. Further technical
improvements are necessary to gain fractionation systems effective on the
entire distribution of amylopectin to achieve its complete structural
characterization. The present work analysed the structural properties of
starches with different amylose content and from different cereal sources
using a combination of AFFFF (Asymmetrical Flow FFF) and HPSEC with
MALLS, on-line quasi- elastic light scattering (QELS) -which provides the
RH distributions- and DRI (differential refractometric index) techniques. The
procedure, involving a dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) pretreatment and then a
solubilisation in water, provides a representative injected sample without
alteration of the degree of polymerisation. Amylopectin Mw and RG were
around respectively 1.05-3.78 1E8 and 163-255 nm. HPSEC and AFFFF
data are matchable but AFFFF allows a better separation of amylopectins and
thus an enhanced structural characterisation of starches. One advantage of this
experimental approach is to get both distributions as function of molar masses
and hydrodynamic radii as well.
Chemistry and Structure of Non-Wheat Proteins
Comparative properties of cereal seed proteins
P. Shewry
Rothamsted Research, Herts, United Kingdom
Cereal Foods World 54:A7
Cereals are the most important crops in the world in terms of yield and total
area, being used for food, feed and industrial raw material. The grain proteins
are particularly important in determining the end use quality, particularly for
nutrition of humans and livestock and for food processing. The major protein
fractions in all cereals except oats and rice are prolamin storage proteins,
which can be classified into two families. The major prolamins of the
Triticeae (wheat, barley and rye) and minor prolamins of maize and related
cereals form part of a large protein superfamily which also includes a
number of other protein groups, notably puroindolines, amylase inhibitors,
lipid transfer proteins and 2S albumin storage proteins. In contrast, the major
prolamins of maize, sorghum and related species appear to form a discrete
protein family with no known relatives. Prolamins are only minor components
in oats and rice but also belong to the prolamin superfamily. I will therefore
discuss our current knowledge of the molecular and genetic relationships of
cereal grain prolamins in relation to the phylogenetic relationships of the
species and to the utilisation of the grain.
Novel methods for seaparation and characterization of proteins from
non-wheat cereals
M. Tilley
USDA-ARS, Manhattan, KS
Cereal Foods World 54:A7
Although once only regarded as useful in traditional foods, so-called ancient
grains are becoming popular in mainstream diets. Grains such as sorghum,
millet and teff are of particular interest for use in special bakery products,
health and organic foods including the expanding gluten-free market.
However, knowledge of the functionality of the storage proteins of these
grains is necessary. Previous reports analyzed storage proteins of teff using
multiple sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide electrophoresis (SDS-
PAGE) techniques and isoelectric focusing (IEF) and showed substantial
polymorphism within the prolamin fraction. Additional research examined teff
prolamins by reverse-phase HPLC and N-terminal amino acid sequencing
revealed homology with the alpha type prolamins of maize. Free-zone
capillary electrophoresis (FZCE) is a separation technique that has been useful
in classification of cereals. A method for separation and characterizing teff
storage proteins by free-zone capillary electrophoresis (FZCE) was developed
and refined. This data and the use of methods such as HPLC, capillary
electrophoresis and lab-on-a-chip electrophoresis will be discussed with
emphasis on sorghum and teff.
Biochemistry, structure and function of non-wheat proteins: Case study
of barley beta-amylase
C. Henson
USDA-ARS, Madison, WI
Cereal Foods World 54:A7
The importance of a protein is not always evident and may be due to its
multifunctional nature. beta-Amylase in seeds of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
constitutes approximately 2% of the total protein in mature seeds and is
assumed to be important when storage proteins are mobilized to support
protein synthesis during seed germination. However, its commercial impor-
tance is primarily due to its enzymatic ability to participate in hydrolysis of
starch during the industrial process of mashing for the production of ferment-
able sugars to produce alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, its structural
limitations preclude maximal participation in this process as the protein under-
goes extensive thermal denaturation. This presentation will describe the results
of both traditional breeding and in vitro genetic manipulation efforts being used
to increase the utility of this protein. Additionally, the potential use of polymor-
phisms (SNPs and indels) in both coding and noncoding regions of the gene
by barley breeding programs using marker assisted selection will be discussed.
The proteins of rye grain-classification, analysis, and functionality
P. Koehler
Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fuer, Garching, Germany
Cereal Foods World 54:A7
Although rye and wheat are comparable in their overall composition, there are
specific differences in the functionality of the flours. This is especially valid
for the rye proteins, which do not form a cohesive, viscoelastic matrix
comparable to wheat gluten. With respect to the Osborne fractions rye
contains a considerably higher proportion of albumins/globulins as well as a
much lower content of glutelins than wheat. The storage proteins of rye have
been termed secalins. Same as for wheat they can be classified into the
alcohol-soluble prolamins and the alcohol-insoluble glutelins. Four types of
proteins are present in rye, namely high-molecular-weight (HMW-), gamma-
75k-, omega-, and gamma-40-k secalins. Except the gamma-75k-secalins
these proteins are homologous to protein types present in wheat gluten. In
contrast to wheat rye neither contains low-molecular-weight (LMW-)
subunits, nor omega5- or alpha-gliadins. The amino acid sequences of
gamma-75k-secalins are homologous to gamma-gliadins, however, the
molecular mass is considerably higher and they are present as aggregates
linked via intermolecular disulfide bonds. Rye protein types can be analyzed
quantitatively by means of a combined extraction/HPLC method, in which the
absorbance area of the peaks at 210 nm is used for quantitation. gamma-75k-
Secalins are the most abundant (46%), followed by the gamma-40k- (25%),
omega- (17%), and HMW- (7%) secalins. Specific structural features of rye
proteins in comparison to wheat proteins are responsible for the poor
breadmaking performance of rye flour. Bread baked from rye flour only gains
60% of the loaf volume a wheat flour bread achieves. HMW-subunits of rye
have a different pattern and number of cysteine residues, and this obviously
inhibits polymerization and in consequence high molecular mass aggregates.
Furthermore, rye flour lacks LMW-subunits which also contribute to the
formation of gel protein (GMP) in wheat. The importance of the structure of
the HMW secalins can be demonstrated by genetic engineering. The incor-
poration of HMW subunits from wheat into rye considerably improves the
GMP content and the breadmaking performance. The formation of high
molecular mass aggregates by cross-linking rye proteins with transgluta-
minase leads to comparable results.
Kafirin and zein disulfide bonding: Its negative and positive effects on
sorghum and maize nutritional and functional properties
J. Taylor
University of Pretoria, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa
Cereal Foods World 54:A7
Cysteine-rich Mr 27 k gamma and Mr 19 k beta species of the kafirin group of
sorghum storage proteins crosslink through disulfide bonding with other
kafirin polypeptides. This crosslinking is promoted by wet heat treatment and
the actual extent of crosslinking is still to be clearly established. Some
workers consider that only oligomers are formed, whereas others have
presented evidence to indicate that polymers of Mr > 200 k are produced. The
gamma homologue of zein, the maize storage protein, also crosslinks but for
reasons unknown the degree of crosslinking is less. There is now compelling
evidence that crosslinking of the kafirin polypeptides is the major cause of
low protein digestibility of wet-cooked sorghum foods. This is probably due
to steric hindrance limiting the access of digestive proteases. The kafirin
crosslinking also seems to adversely affect starch granule expansion during
cooking, which in turn reduces starch digestibility. These negative effects of
kafirin crosslinking on sorghum nutritional quality are counterbalanced by
African indigenous knowledge that sorghum foods provide more sustained
energy than maize, and that sorghum is protective against Type II diabetes. As
yet there is little if any hard scientific evidence to support these observations.
Nevertheless, given what we know about kafirin crosslinking, they appear
likely. Regarding kafirin and zein functional properties, bioplastic films
produced from laboratory prepared whole kafirin are stronger than films from
commercial zein, where the gamma-zein species is absent. Kafirin disulfide
bonding is probably responsible for this difference. This is supported by the
fact that the visco-elastic properties of commercial zein resin (dough) are
superior to those of whole kafirin resin.
Industrial extraction and utilization of zein
G. Selling
USDA-ARS, Peoria, IL
Cereal Foods World 54:A7
Through improved isolation techniques and new chemical modifications of
zein, a potentially major co-product bio-ethanol industry, the economics of
wet and dry-mill ethanol plants will be improved. While traditionally ethanol
has been used to extract zein from corn gluten meal, it has been found that
other low molecular weight alcohols have a significant impact on the ability to
remove zein from corn-gluten meal. These alcohol methods will be compared
with using acetic acid as the extracting solvent. Improved utilization of zein
has been accomplished through cross-linking with glyoxal, glutaraldehyde and
formaldehyde. Films and fibers have been produced using zein modified with
these reagents. It has been found that not only are physical properties
improved with this modification, but resistance to dissolution by standard zein
solvents is also dramatically improved.
The Effects of Dietary Fiber from Cereals
on Gut Health
Nutritional and microbial modulation of intestinal epithelial integrity:
Role of dietary fibers
J. Dekker
Top Institute Food & Nutrition, Wageningen, the Netherlands
Cereal Foods World 54:A8
The intestinal epithelium is the only gateway by which food and fluid enter
the body. The condition and integrity of this epithelium is key to health and
survival. The intestinal epithelium maintains these absorptive capacities while
providing equally important protection against intestinal luminal hazards such
as microorganisms and antigens. The serious consequences of suboptimal
functioning of the intestinal epithelium, in particular malnutrition and intestinal
inflammation, are exemplified by e.g. celiac disease and inflammatory bowel
disease. But also in (near) healthy persons, every day effects of diet, intestinal
microorganisms, and lifestyle have their impact on intestinal epithelial function-
ing. Dietary fibers in their many forms are considered to have positive effects
on human health, and in many cases this can be attributed to their direct or
indirect effects on the intestinal epithelium. E.g. insoluble and indigestible fibers
act as mechanical stimulants of the intestinal epithelium. Soluble and ferment-
able fibers, such as inulin, are often described as prebiotics, i.e. they are
fermented by intestinal commensal microbes and some of the products, such
as short chain fatty acids, provide essential nutrients to the intestinal epithelium.
In our studies we use in vitro, animal and human models that represent or mimic
common dietary stressors to the intestinal epithelium to study the mechanisms
how diet affects the epithelium and these models report on essential epithelial
functions such as permeability, nutrient uptake, and parameters of cellular
damage. In our studies we take into account the effects of diet (including
fibers) on the epithelium and the microbial community in the intestine. These
models will also be used to evaluate effect of dietary fibers on intestinal
epithelium, providing mechanistic insight in the actions of fibers on the
Dietary fiber from cereals and gut health
J. Slavin
University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
Cereal Foods World 54:A8
Cereals are rich in fermentable carbohydrates that reach gut dietary fiber,
resistant starch, and oligosaccharides. Most research that supports the
importance of cereals and gut health was conducted with isolated fiber
fractions, rather than whole grains. Whole grains are an important source of
dietary fiber and grain fibers such as wheat, oats, barley, and rye are known to
increase stool weight, speed intestinal transit, get fermented to short chain
fatty acids, and modify the gut microflora. Wheat bran is particularly effective
in increasing stool weight with wheat bran increasing stool weight by a 5 to 1
ratio in contrast to many fibers that increase stool weight only on a 1:1 ratio.
In vitro fermentation studies with whole grains find that carbohydrates in oat
bran (rich in beta-glucan) were consumed by the bacteria faster than those of
rye and wheat brans (rich in arabinoxylan). Grain fibers were fermented more
slowly than inulin and there was less gas production. Wheat is particularly
high in fructo-oligosaccharides while wheat germ is high in raffinose
oligosaccharides. Whole grain breakfast cereal was more effective than wheat
bran breakfast cereal as a probiotic, increasing fecal bifidobacteria and
lactobacilli in human subjects. Wheat bran consumption increased stool
frequency. Thus, the gut enhancing effects of cereals are known, but most data
is from the fibers isolated from cereals.
Health Claims and Use of Dietary Fibers
in Cereal Products
Scientific evaluation for health claims and qualified health claims
K. C. Ellwood
FDA, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Washington, D.C.,
Cereal Foods World 54:A8
The Nutrition labeling and Education Act (NLEA) passed in 1990 was to
assist consumers in maintaining healthy dietary practices, provide a level
playing field for claims and encourage innovations in food products. Health
claims were first authorized through the NLEA. Health claims describe the
relationship between a substance (food or component of food) and a disease or
health-related condition. The standard that Congress set for scientific evidence
for the claim was the significant scientific agreement standard. This strong
standard was challenged by several manufacturers of dietary supplements.
Several courts cases, known as the Pearson Court Decisions, favored
disclosure over suppression for claims that did not meet the significant
scientific agreement standard. FDA was to provide for the claim as long as it
contained qualifying language as not to mislead the consumer. In December
2002, the agency announced a major new initiative, The Consumer Health
Information for Better Nutrition Initiative, which among other things,
provided for the use of qualified health claims for both conventional foods and
dietary supplements. The process for reviewing the scientific evidence for a
claim reaching significant scientific agreement and for those that require
qualifying language is the same. In January 2009, FDA issued a guidance
document entitled Evidence-Based Review System for the Scientific
Evaluation of Health Claims. The elements contained in this guidance
document are very similar to two prior guidance documents issued by FDA.
The process for the review of the scientific evidence for both health claims
and qualified health claims will be described in the talk.
Whole grain and dietary fiber health claims: An industry perspective
K. Wiemer
General Mills Bell Institute of Health & Nutrition, Minneapolis, MN
Cereal Foods World 54:A8
Since 1993, health claims have been approved for use on food products by the
FDA in the United States. There are a variety of routes to get an approved
health claim: Significant scientific agreement (SSA), Food & Drug
Modernization Act (FDAMA) and more recently, Qualified (QHC). This talk
will highlight the key differences among these types of claims and illustrate
how the food industry uses approved whole grain and dietary fiber health
claims, including key considerations, issues and opportunities when using
these claims on food products.
Fiber enriched products Challenges for product developers related to
label claims guidelines
B. Govindarajan
Kellogg Company, Battle Creek, MI
Cereal Foods World 54:A8
Fiber is a nutrient that is deficient in the diets of the majority of people,
particularly in developed countries. The food industry and consumers are
faced with the challenge of bridging the gap between the current intake of
fiber at 15-18 g per day to the recommended the dietary allowance of 25-38g
per day. Fiber can occur in many forms: structurally, functionally and
physiologically. However, approved health claims for fiber are very few.
Product developers face many challenges as the food industry competes for
shelf space with high fiber products. Product development challenges to
incorporate fiber into foods include taste, color, appearance and texture.
In addition, fiber also changes the processing of food systems and all
these factors have to be taken into consideration while developing high fiber
HEALTHGRAIN Project Symposium
Healthgrain: EU approach to use more of grains for health maintenance
K. Poutanen
VTT, Espoo, Finland
Cereal Foods World 54:A9
The European integrated project HEALTHGRAIN (www.healthgrain.org,
2005-2010) has the aim to increase the intake of health-protective grain
components, and to increase understanding of cereal food factors and
mechanisms contributing to health effects of cereal foods especially with
respect to prevention of insulin resistance. HEALTHGRAIN is a forum of 43
research partners, over 50 companies in the industrial platform, and over
twenty leading health professionals in the nutrition information network. The
research deals with different aspects of the grain-to-consumer chain for
development of healthy grain-based foods and ingredients, and has a
technology transfer and communication program to bridge science with
industry and other stakeholders. The research program includes studying of
consumer expectations, developing a biotechnology toolbox for plant breeding
& novel bioprocessing and milling technologies for grain processing, studying
mechanisms behind the metabolic merits of foods in a series of in vitro,
animal and human studies, and identifying health-relevant cereal food criteria.
Emphasis is also put to enable production of tasteful cereal foods high in grain
dietary fibre and outer grain layers, and demonstrating the feasibility of new
technologies. The HEALTHGRAIN research programme has brought together
a large group of scientists from very different disciplines, and also has made
efforts in networking different industrial actors with each other and the
scientists in order to cross the interphase between producing and using
scientific knowledge. The expected impact in the long run is to facilitate better
use of cereal grain as human food, so as to exploit its protective potential in
maintenance of diet-associated well-being in the modern society. The study is
financially supported by the European Commission in the Communities 6th
Framework Programme, Project HEALTHGRAIN (FOOD-CT-2005-514008).
Strategies for improving the amounts and compositions of phyto-
chemicals and dietary fibre components in wheat
P. Shewry
Rothamsted Research, Herts, UK
Cereal Foods World 54:A9
Improvement of the amount and composition of bioactive compounds in
wheat requires sources of genetic variation that can be exploited by plant
breeders and tools to allow their selection in plant breeding programmes. We
have identified sources of variation by carrying out an extensive diversity
screen, with initial analyses being carried out on 150 lines grown on a single
site followed by more detailed analysis of 26 lines grown on four sites. In
addition, further variation in the composition of dietary fibre and starch is
being generated by the introgression of mutant genes (both naturally occurring
and induced) and transgenesis. Genetic and molecular approaches are also
being used to map QTLs and to identify novel genes that determine the
amount and composition of bioactive components which will facilitate the
development of molecular markers for use in breeding programmes. The
direct determination of major components, particularly dietary fibre will also
be facilitated by the development of NIR calibrations and kits based on
antibodies and inactivated enzymes. *This study was carried out by partners in
HEALTHGRAIN Module 2 including Li Li, Rebeca Fernandez-Orozco, Jane
Ward (UK), Vieno Piironen, Anna-Maija Lampi, Tanja Nurmi, Laura
Nystrm (Finland), Per man, Annica Andersson (Sweden), Zoltn Bed,
Mariann Rakszegi, Andrs Salg, Szilveseter Gergely (Hungary), Ivelin Rizov
(Bulgaria), Danuta Boros, Anna Fras, Wioletta Dynkowska (Poland), Kurt
Gebruers, Jan Delcour, Christophe Courtin (Belgium), Quraishi Umar
Masood, Jerome Salse, Catherine Ravel, Luc Saulnier and Gilles Charmet
(France). The study is financially supported by the European Commission in
the Communities 6th Framework Programme, Project HEALTHGRAIN
Strategic options for processing of cereals aiming to fully exploit their
health promoting potential
J. Delcour
Catholic University Leuven, Belgium
Cereal Foods World 54:A9
A large part of the Healthgrain programme deals with processing of cereal to
fully exploit their health promoting potential. In general, technologies to that
end can be classified into either dry or wet processing technologies. In this
presentation, the emphasis will be on selected achievements of the
Healthgrain Module Processing of Cereals. In the dry processing area, tools
were developed for understanding and control of cereal fractionation
processes, whole grain fractionation to produce functionally and nutritionally
improved flours and bran fine fractionation using cryogenic and electrostatic
technologies. Specifications have been proposed to quantify the relative
proportions of wheat tissues in milling fractions. The anti-oxidant capacity of
wheat fractions was highly correlated with their levels of aleurone, and ferulic
acid was the major component behind this activity. In the area of wet
processing, xylanase technology was developed for production of soluble
arabinoxylan and arabinoxylan oligosaccharides, and it was shown to deliver
improved properties of breads high in fibre. Fermentation also released
phenolic acids from the bran matrix. Work of relevance for celiac patients
showed that laccase improved the volume and bread crumb of 100% oat
breads. The study is financially supported by the European Commission in the
Communities 6th Framework Programme, Project HEALTHGRAIN (FOOD-
On the metabolic benefits of whole grain; briefing of findings from in
vitro and animal experimental models, and human intervention studies
I. Bjrck
University of Lund, Lund, Sweden
Cereal Foods World 54:A9
Epidemiological data suggest that whole grain intake is associated with a
lower body mass index and reduced risk for type 2 diabetes and cardio-
vascular disease. A variety of whole grain food factors have been implicated
e.g. dietary fibre, trace minerals, phyto-chemicals and antioxidants including
polyphenols, physiological methyl donors, and low glycaemic index
properties. However, the mechanisms for the preventive benefits remain to be
elucidated. The over-all objective of the nutrition research within
HEALTHGRAIN is to evaluate possible mechanisms for health benefits with
whole grain diets, and to utilize this knowledge in the tailoring of novel cereal
products with magnified effects. Data indicate that potentially bioactive
components in whole grain cereals vary in bioavailability. Ferulic acid
contributed considerably to the antioxidative capacity of wheat aleurone. The
in vitro bioavailability of ferulic acid in wheat products was low, but
increased importantly following cereal processes e.g. fermentation or enzyme
treatment. Colonic metabolism of whole grain components, as estimated in
vitro and in vivo, led to formation of potentially metabolically active
compounds such as e.g. SCFA, or phenyl-propionic acid derivatives. Semi-
acute meal studies in healthy humans showed that DF and RS present in
barley products improved several parameters related to glucose metabolism
and increased GLP-1, possibly mediated through colonic SCFA formation. A
12w intervention in over-weight women with hypo-caloric whole grain- or
refined wheat diets, respectively, indicated body weight reductions with both
diets. However, a significantly higher reduction in fat body mass (%) was seen
with the whole grain diet. Compared with a refined diet, a diet rich in wheat
aleurone, increased plasma betaine levels, and reduced CRP and LDL-
cholesterol following 4w intervention in at risk subjects. The study is
financially supported by the European Commission in the Communities 6th
Framework Programme, Project HEALTHGRAIN (FOOD-CT-2005-514008).
Consumer responses to grain products and health claims
R. Shepherd
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Cereal Foods World 54:A9
In order to increase the consumption of both wholegrain and functional cereal
products it is necessary to understand the views of consumers about such
products. As part of the HEALTHGRAIN project (www.healthgrain.org) we
have carried out a series of studies in the UK, Finland, Germany and Italy.
Focus groups were followed up by quantitative surveys involving around 500
consumers in each of the countries. Although wholegrain products were rated
more positively than refined cereal products in terms of healthiness,
naturalness, being nutritionally balanced, filling and offering slow energy
release, these effects were more pronounced for the Finnish sample but less so
for consumers from the UK and Italy. Women were found to be more aware
of benefits of cereal based foods than men, to be more health conscious and to
expect less illness in later life caused by their eating habits. Women and older
people were more willing to use cereal products produced to have specific
health benefits (e.g. bread containing added fibre). Perceived healthiness and
pleasantness were the best predictors of willingness to use functional cereal
products. A second study investigated the impact of health claims on
perceptions of healthiness and likelihood of buying cereal products. There
were major differences between countries in the way in which health claims
were perceived and also differences between consumers according to age and
gender and whether the claims were directly relevant to them. The study is
financially supported by the European Commission in the Communities 6th
Framework Programme, Project HEALTHGRAIN (FOOD-CT-2005-514008).
Healthgrain - and what is next? Introduction and discussion
J. W. van der Kamp
TNO, Zeist, The Netherlands
Cereal Foods World 54:A10
HEALTHGRAIN is showing at the start of its 5th and last year the great
benefits of a multi-centre, multi-disciplinary research project: - A large (70),
and still growing amount of peer reviewed publications, many of them co-
productions of 2 or more groups. - Recognition of the quality of the work by
independent parties e.g. by best paper Awards and by Special Issues of
scientific journals e.g. J. Agr. Food Chemistry 56, with 11 publications of
the HEALTHGRAIN cereal diversity screen of bio-active components in 200
cereal cultivars. - Involvement at an unprecedented scale of industry in the
Industrial Platform, with 60 paying member companies, and of key
nutritionists of all major EU countries. A start has been made with developing
the HEALTHGRAIN Cereals and Health Research and Technology Platform
in short: the HEALTHGRAIN Network as a legal entity aiming at: -
Developing a Strategic Research Agenda cereals & health research for 2010
2015 and annual Working Plans for publishable research. - Uniting
participating research groups and industries participating in the execution of
the Working Plans. - Acting as a focal point in Europe, a) for activities related
to cereal and health R&D, such as regulatory issues e.g. developments in
food and health regulations, and the definition of whole grain and b) science
based promotion campaigns for healthy eating related to grain based products.
- Maintaining and extending a website with a highly functional database, with
information about research results and other important areas, such as
information about the issues as mentioned above. After a short outline of the
state of affairs regarding the HEALTHGRAIN Network participants are
invited to join the discussion on the best ways for continuing European and
international cooperation and coordination of activities.
Opportunities to Enhance Cereal Products:
Pulse Components as Nutritional and
Functional Ingredients
Opportunities to improve cereal products using pulses
J. A. Wood
NSW Department of Primary Industries, Tamworth Agricultural Institute,
Tamworth, NSW, Australia
Cereal Foods World 54:A10
Health is becoming a major issue for many western societies as diet-
preventable diseases become more prevalent. Diet-preventable diseases
account for approximately 60% of all deaths worldwide and include
cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. This percentage is
higher in western societies with increasingly sedentary lifestyles who
consume more energy-dense foods. The age at which people are diagnosed
with these diseases has been steadily decreasing. Whilst many people know
they should be eating a healthy diet that is high in wholegrains, fruits and
vegetables, they are reluctant to give up their convenience and snack foods
which are often laden with sugar and fat. In contrast, pulses are almost the
ideal health food. They are high in protein, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins and
minerals and contain many beneficial components such as antioxidants and
phytoestrogens and are gluten-free. In addition, pulses have very low
glycaemic indices (GI) and chickpeas have been shown to lower blood
cholesterol levels. Whilst some developing countries have a high consumption
of pulses (and a low incidence of diet-preventable diseases) they are seen as
unfamiliar and inconvenient in fast-paced western societies, so consumption
remains low. Cereals, however, are consumed world-wide and are commonly
used in many convenience foods in western societies. For example, bread,
pasta, rice, breakfast cereals, cakes, biscuits and many snack foods. Many of
these products are highly refined and there has been a lot of recent interest in
trying to improve the nutritional benefits of these foods by modifying/adding
ingredients and processes. Pulses are the ideal partner to cereals due to their
complimentary protein composition and GI-lowering ability and can achieve
nutritional improvement and a functional food status. There are opportunities
to improve cereal products using pulses and/or various fractions of pulses as
ingredients to confer nutritional and even functional properties. The
development of such products may help reduce the incidence of these diet-
preventable diseases by offering healthier alternatives.
The factors influencing digestibility in vitro of pulse starch
Q. LIU, H.-J. Chung
Guelph Food Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Guelph,
ON, Canada
Cereal Foods World 54:A10
Starch digestibility has been known to vary among different starchy foods,
which have been ascribed to various factors, including botanical source, food
processing, particle size, amylose/amylopectin ratio, the molecular
characteristics of amylose and amylopectin such as chain length and its
distribution, density of branch chain, type of crystalline polymorphic (A, B or
C) form, interaction between starch and other components, and presence of
amylose-lipid complexes. In this study, the digestibility in vitro and
physicochemical and structural properties were investigated using various
analytical techniques including Megazyme procedure for resistant starch
content, Englyst method for slowly digestible starch, quickly digestible starch
and resistant starch, differential scanning calorimetry for starch gelatinization
and retrogradation, rapid viscoTM analyser for starch pasting, scanning
electron microscopy and light microscopy for starch morphology, high
performance anion exchange chromatography pulsed amperometric
detection for branch chain length and its distribution of starch, x-ray
diffraction for starch crystallinity, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
with attenuated total reflectance for short-range order in starch. The factors
influencing pulse starch digestibility in vitro will be further discussed in
native and cooked starch in this presentation. In addition, what extent changes
to crystalline structure, properties and digestibility in vitro of pea, lentil, navy
bean and corn starches after hydrothermal modification with single and dual
heat-moisture and annealing treatments are also presented and discussed. The
results of this study may provide an alternative route for improving
digestibility of starch by selecting different pulse sources and using different
hydrothermal modifications.
Precooked pulse flour: Processing, quality and end product utilization
M. TULBEK, S. Simsek, C. Hall
Northern Crops Institute. North Dakota State University Department of Plant
Sciences. North Dakota State University Department of Cereal Sciences
Cereal Foods World 54:A10
Pulses are good source of protein, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals which
can be utilized as staple as well as flour. Hydrothermal cooking can be applied
to pulses in order to enhance shelf life and improve the chemical attributes. In
this study process technology, physical, chemical, nutritional, microbiological,
rheological attributes and end product quality utilization of pre cooked pulse
products will be discussed. Whole pea, split pea and pre cooked lentils were
used. Hydrothermal treatment and extrusion processes were applied as a tool
for pre-cooked flour development process. Pea samples were soaked in water
(60C) for 30 min. Then soaked peas were roasted at 170C for 12.5 min.
Cooled peas were milled with Fitzmill- at 7200 RPM mill speed and 25 RPM
feed screw speed. Moisture, total protein, total starch and ash were
determined. RVA was used to determine pasting profile of the flours. Changes
in molecular weight of starch were determined using High Performance Size
Exclusion Chromatography (HP-SEC). Differential Scanning Calorimetry
(DSC) and X-ray diffraction was used to determine physicochemical changes
in starch. Changes in starch digestibility were determined using Englyst assay.
Pre cooked lentil flour was processed by Wenger TX-52 twin screw extruder
and further milled with Fitzmill at 4500 RPM. Roasting process significantly
decreased moisture content and test weight scores of all samples. Precooking
decreased peak viscosity, hot paste viscosity, final viscosity and setback
scores. There were significant changes in physicochemical properties (HP-
SEC, X-Ray diffraction and DSC profiles) of starches from peas, and they
were correlated to the changes in starch digestibility. Pre cooked pulse flour
samples had higher water absorption and stability compared to control pulse
flours in dough systems. Baking studies indicated that precooked lentil flours
processed with higher specific mechanical energy had higher loaf volume
Gluten-free expanded snacks made from lentil-fiber based formulations
J. DE J. BERRIOS, J. Pan, M. Tom
USDA, ARS, WRRC Albany, CA, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A10
Pulses, such as lentils and dry peas, are a great fit for the healthy eating
pattern. They are part of the high-protein food and the vitamin-rich vegetable
groups in the USDA Food Pyramid-Dietary Guidelines. They are high in
protein, dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates, B-vitamins and folate, and
significantly low in fat and sodium. Additionally, they are gluten-free. Wheat
bran and other fiber-rich cereal ingredients are generally used to increase the
fiber content in snacks and breakfast cereal products. However, these
ingredients contain gluten, which represents a problem for a large number of
the population who are allergic to gluten, a disease known as the celiac
disease. Extrusion cooking is a high-temperature and pressure, and short-time,
versatile, and modern food processing operation. This study aimed to develop
unique, gluten-free expanded extruded snack-type foods from lentil-based
formulations fortified with gluten-free fiber ingredients (GFFIs). Extrusion
was performed using a Clextral EVOL HT32-H co-rotating, twin-screw
extruder operated at a speed of 500 rpm, and die temperature of 160 oC.
Formulations containing three GFFIs, alone and in combination, were
evaluated. Fiber addition varied from 0 to 10% among the different
formulations. High expansion ratio of extruded products is associated with the
desirable crunchy texture of expanded snacks and breakfast cereal products. In
general, the extrudates containing GFFIs were highly expanded and their
expansion ratio was directly related to fiber fortification. Conversely, the bulk
density of those extrudates was inversely related to fiber fortification. Shelf
stability of the developed products was similar to those of dehydrated food
products with water activity in the range of 0.44-0.50. Sensory evaluation,
using a 10-point hedonic scale, demonstrated that the novel, value-added, and
expanded extruded lentil-based snacks fortified with GFFIs had a desirable
crunchy texture and were highly acceptable to the sensory panel. This research
would bring new information to food scientists and the food industry on the
processing and utilization of pulses in an attractive, safe, and convenient form,
like snacks and Ready-to-Eat-type foods. Also, it would have great impact to
more than 7,000 people who are diagnosed as allergic to gluten in the USA
alone every year, improve the consumption of dietary fiber by consumers, and
benefit growers of pulses worldwide.
Use of pulse flours in cereal based products: Pasta, tortillas, muffins and
extruded snacks
A.-S. Bellido, L. MALCOLMSON, G. Boux, P. Frohlich
Canadian International Grains Institute, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Cereal Foods World 54:A11
Consumers awareness about the relationship between food and health has
increased dramatically. Pulses such as peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas are
high in protein and dietary fiber and are low in fat making them a healthy food
choice. Their excellent nutritional profile along with their complementary
protein composition to wheat makes them an ideal ingredient to enhance
cereal based products such as pasta, tortillas, muffins and extruded snacks.
Research undertaken in our pilot plant has shown that chickpea flour could be
substituted for durum semolina in spaghetti up to a level of 30% without
negatively affecting the quality of the pasta, while yellow pea flour and navy
bean flour gave acceptable spaghetti when used at levels up to 20%. Addition
of pulse flours in pasta formulations improved the protein content by 16-18%.
The substitution of pulse flours for wheat flour in tortillas and muffins was
also possible although modifications were necessary to the formulations to
maintain quality. For both products, the total dietary fiber content significantly
increased allowing for a high fiber claim. It was also possible to obtain a
highly acceptable 100% non-wheat extruded snack using yellow pea flour
making it suitable as a non-gluten and non-corn based product.
Perspective on pulse uses in India
P. BANUMATHI, M. Ilamaran
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Home Science College and
Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu, India
Cereal Foods World 54:A11
Pulses are important sources of protein in Indian Diets. India is the worlds
largest pulse producer and consumer accounting for 25 and 27% respectively.
Pulses are grown in an area of 22-23 million hectares with an annual
production of 13-15 million MT in 2007-08. In India, the state of Madhya
Pradesh (24%) is the largest pulse producer followed by Uttar Pradesh (18%),
Maharashtra and Rajasthan (14.0% each) and Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Pradesh and Bihar (5.0% each). Productivity of some important pulses like
bengal gram and horse gram are in the increasing trend by 10.4 and 22.5%
respectively from the year 2004-05 to 2005-06 whereas, there is a decreasing
trend in red gram (19.0%), green gram (15.8%) and black gram (10.6%).
Increasing demand for pulses due to rise in population has resulted in imports
rising to over 20 lakh tonnes during 2007-08 whereas, the same was only 4.6
lakh tonnes during 1998-99. There are too many uncertainties in the
indigenous supply chain and costs are also higher. Since demand for pulses is
price sensitive, the per capita consumption has gradually declined over the
years. While total pulse availability in the country has increased by nearly
1.39% every year during the last two decades, the population increased at
1.8% level every year. The importance of pulses in Indian diet has long been
recognized by nutrition workers. Commonly used pulses are: bengal gram, red
gram, green gram, black gram and lentil. The protein content of these pulses
varies between 22 and 25% and together with cereals; they are important
sources of protein. The use of pulses as components of weaning foods in
combination with cereals is a boon to malnourished children. Pulses can help
to manage weight related health problems such as type 2 diabetes and heart
diseases. Most pulses are consumed in shelled and split forms. Pulses are used
to make dhal, a thick, gravy like dish. Pulses are also used in curries and snack
foods, such as samosa, pakoda and pappad. Research on pulses has focused on
developing various technologies to improve the nutrient content of cereal
products by incorporating pulses. As part of Food Security Mission and Price
Control Measures, the Tamil Nadu Government proposes to encourage the
cultivation of pulses in the state by offering to procure pulses from farmers at
Minimum Support Prices. With ever growing health consciousness, the Indian
consumers are seeking pulse based foods that are not only tasty and
convenient to use, but which also provide added nutritional and health
Replacing Gluten Functionality
Evaluation of risk of different dietary proteins for celiac disease patients
A. M. Calderon De La Barca
Centro de Investigacion en Alimentacion y Desarrollo, A. C., Hermosillo,
Cereal Foods World 54:A11
Reliable and sensitive methods to evaluate risks of dietary proteins in
ingredients and processed foodstuffs are needed for celiac disease (CD)
patients. A sensitive and reproducible ELISA protocol was developed to
evaluate immuno-reactive dietary proteins using IgA antibodies in sera from
CD patients. The immuno-reactivity to foodstuffs was estimated relative to
100% immuno-reactivity to gliadins. The evaluated ingredients were caseins,
soy, amaranth, chia, millet, rice and maize as well as foodstuffs either
transglutaminase (mTG)-treated or not, and labeled as gluten-free or not.
Extraction was done with 0.9% NaCl for globulins and 70% ethanol or 40% 1-
propanol plus 1% DTT for prolamins. Among assayed grains, just maize
prolamins had high immuno-reactivity percentages. Extraction with 1-
propanol and DTT was better that ethanol for detection of immuno-reactive
proteins in processed foodstuffs. Some foodstuffs labeled as gluten-free and
all the barley malt- or maize-containing foods, particularly those of mTG-
treated bread, presented more than 20 ppm of reactive proteins, using crude
gliadins as standard. Breakfast cereals containing rice or amaranth were lower
than 20 ppm independently if they were labeled as gluten-free or not. The
proposed assay may be a sensitive method for evaluation of immuno-reactive
proteins in foodstuffs for CD patients.
Replacing gluten: Requirements to produce leavened products
B. S. SROAN (1), F. MacRitchie (2)
(1) Frito Lay Research and Development, Plano, TX; (2) Kansas State
University, Dept. of Grain Science and Industry, Manhattan, KS
Cereal Foods World 54:A11
Aerated products, of which the various bread types are the main ones,
comprise an industry worth billions of dollars. The soft spongy texture of
wheat bread, due to its cellular structure (gas cells), is relished by consumers.
The unique properties of wheat flour dough makes it ideally suitable for
incorporating air in the form of bubbles and allowing their expansion without
failure during proving and baking. Any flour system must meet three basic
requirements to produce a good leavened product: (1). To produce a
viscoelastic dough, capable of trapping and retaining air in the form of gas
cells, a dough must be mixed at a temperature higher than the glass transition
temperature (Tg) of its continuous phase; (2). The expansion of retained gas
cells depends on the dough being strong enough to prevent rupture of
expanding gas cells and extensible enough to allow the expansion. For this,
the developed dough must have a high strain hardening index. Achievement of
this, in turn, requires an optimum molecular weight distribution of its proteins.
The protein component must have a sufficient proportion of large-size
polymers (glutenins in the case of wheat) to provide resistance but not to
compromise the extensibility at the strain rates used in processing; (3). The
presence of compounds such as proteins and polar lipids capable of forming
stable monolayers at gas liquid interfaces provides a secondary stabilizing
mechanism for liquid lamellae that surround the gas cells. It may be possible
to apply the understanding of these requirements obtained from studies of
wheat dough systems to produce leavened products like breads from non-
wheat cereals, meeting requirements for gluten intolerance and bringing
underutilized cereals into main stream food products.
Potential of prolamins from maize and sorghum to form gluten-like
structures in wheat-free bread
T. SCHOBER, S. R. Bean
Cereal Foods World 54:A12
Prolamins from maize (zeins) are known to form viscoelastic, extensible,
cohesive dough when mixed together with starch and water above their glass
transition temperature (Tg, ~28C). By adding hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
(HPMC, a surface-active hydrocolloid) to this formulation, leavened bread
can be produced that closely resembles wheat bread. Zein-starch dough can be
shaped like wheat dough and made into hearth-type breads, rolls or pretzels
without the use of bread pans, a major advantage over traditional batter-like
gluten-free doughs. However, the ability of zein-starch dough to hold its shape
upon proofing depends on the zein quality. Several quality factors were
identified in commercial zein, including protein content, molecular weight
distribution of the proteins and lipid content. With commercial zein of the
appropriate quality, it was possible to make rolls that closely resembled wheat
rolls, whereas inadequate zein quality led to flat rolls. However, commercial
zein is a by-product from starch isolation and therefore not easily available in
a standardized quality. Isolation of zein directly from maize flour requires
sufficiently hydrophobic solvents (e.g. 92% i-propanol) to be functional for
breadmaking. Although regarded as highly analogous to zein, sorghum
prolamins (kafirin) could not be used for breadmaking. However, some
progresses in kafirin isolation led to an improved ability to aggregate above
kafirins Tg into a gluten-like substance.
Rheological characterization of gluten-free systems
Schar R&D Centre, Trieste, Italy
Cereal Foods World 54:A12
The use and related difficulties of some rheological instruments, to character-
ize gluten-free raw materials/doughs, are presented. Conventional cereal quality
instruments and methods are usually not suitable for gluten-free cereals or
need to be arranged to analyse gluten-free systems. Information and results
required different interpretations from data which come from gluten system.
For these reasons some methods such as micro visco-amylo-graph (Brabender)
and Mixolab (Chopin) are discussed and some illustrative data are given.
The gluten-free initiative: 3 friends, multiple disciplines, and a business
J. ENGLESON (1), W. (Bill) Attwell (2)
(1) Grains for Health Foundation; (2) Cargill Inc., Plymouth, MN
Cereal Foods World 54:A12
Our gluten-free initiative encompasses a gluten-replacer program to improve
gluten-free foods and investment in the first pharmaceutical company
exclusively dedicated to celiac disease, Alvine Pharmaceuticals, Inc., to
address unintentional gluten exposure with pharmaceutical therapies. Our
gluten-free and dairy-free breads have changed the breadmaking rules to some
extent. They deliver mild taste and soft, chewy texture that is very close to
conventional bread. The breads are made from a viscous batter that is high in
water compared to conventional dough. Mixing hydrates hydrocolloids,
modified starches and emulsifiers, which thicken and hold the batter together.
The batter requires shorter proof times than normal because diffusion is faster
in the batter and air cells are less stable compared to gluten-containing dough.
Emulsifiers increase the stability of air cells. The batter matrix retains air
cells, but lacks strength and collapses if it contacts a solid surface unlike
gluten-containing dough, which is extensible and has strength to prevent
collapse. Upon heating, yeast and chemical leavening and in turn expanding
air cells yield ovenspring, which must occur quickly before the batter sets.
This is faster than normal because there is no gluten competing for water in
the batter system. Film forming ingredients promote oven spring by
improving the strength and flexibility of the batter. The batter sets as starch
gelatinizes and proteins denature; set-ability is highly dependent on plasticizer
(sugar, water, etc.) content. Setting in the batter is more challenging than in
conventional bread because the batter does not contain gluten, which can
undergo strain hardening and thermoset. In the baked bread, hydrocolloids,
starches (modified), and emulsifiers impart soft and chewy bread texture. This
is traditionally the role of gluten in conventional bread. Gluten is not only
inherently rubbery; it also minimizes the formation of a continuous starch
network and in turn brittleness. Flavors are added to the batter to enhance final
bread flavor and compensate for the flavor of gluten and the flavor that results
from reactions between gluten and sugars. There is also minimal yeast
fermentation in the batter, and therefore yeast flavors are added to the batter.
Alvine Pharmaceuticals reported positive results with ALV003 in Phase 1
Trial of therapy in development for celiac disease. ALV003 is an orally
administered combination of two proteases (glutamine specific cysteine
protease and proline specific prolyl endopeptidase) engineered to degrade
gluten into non-immunotoxic fragments. Doses at 300mg achieved up to a
96% reduction of gluten in the stomach, which supports use of ALV003 as a
drug to be taken with meals to address unintentional gluten exposure and
further clinical development of ALV003.
Texture and cereal protein functionality
B. R. HAMAKER, C. D. Mejia, M. A. Goodall, B. A. Bugusu
Department of Food Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Cereal Foods World 54:A12
Corn and sorghum prolamin proteins, the zeins and kafirins, have been
generally thought to be non-functional in food systems. Lack of functionality
is partly due to their location in fairly rigid protein bodies that precludes
protein-protein interaction during mixing. When outside the confines of the
protein bodies, however, zein proteins are known to be viscoelastic when
brought above their glass transition temperature. In this state, they can be
made to function much like gluten protein in forming viscoelastic fibrils
capable of trapping gas to make a leavened product. Increased viscoelasticity
coincides with an increase in beta-sheet structure that is similar to what occurs
in mixed wheat gluten. However zein protein shows a rapid loss of this protein
secondary structure as well as rheological properties during relaxation. We
found that small amounts of certain proteins can act to stabilize beta-sheet
structure, thereby improving the functional properties of the protein. Recent
results also show that sorghum kafirins can be made functional and can
participate in dough and bread structure.
The Role of Grain-Based Foods in the Prevention
of Childhood Obesity
The role of grain foods in childhood obesity
L. Marquart
Grains for Health Foundation, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
Cereal Foods World 54:A12
Several adult epidemiology studies suggest there is an inverse association
between whole grain intake and body weight. It is unclear if this relationship
also exists with children. Further studies are needed to understand the role
whole grains play in childhood obesity. The school food environment
influences the food decisions and choices made by students. Increasing the
availability of whole grain foods provides more nutrient dense food and can
potentially positively affect student health. Success in incorporating whole
grains may be enhanced by focusing on foods that are already typically
consumed in the school environment.
Working together Approaches to maximize consumption, nutrition and
value of whole grain foods
Grains for Health Foundation, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
Cereal Foods World 54:A12
Data suggests children in the U.S. are not getting enough whole grainsless
than the 3 servings recommended dailyand therefore may not receive all the
health benefits whole grains offer. Acceptance of new foods, such as whole
grains, may take repeated exposure plus presentation in a combination of
familiar and unfamiliar attributes such as pizza with a whole grain crust.
Studies strongly suggest that gradually introducing whole grain foods, such as
rolls or snacks, with increasing levels of whole grain is a way to gain
acceptance and inclusion of whole grains into the diets of school-age children.
Educating parents, children, and foodservice staff can improve whole grain
availability and intake. Efforts based on communication and partnerships
between school foodservice, academia, food manufacturers, regulatory and
policy-making entities, and scientific and trade groups may increase
consumption of whole grain foods by increasing availability in schools. This
may improve diets of children and contribute to long-term health.
Incorporating behavioral research approaches into the development of
whole grain foods to maximize acceptance
E. ARNDT (1), R. Rosen (2)
(1) ConAgra Foods, Omaha, NE; (2) University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
Cereal Foods World 54:A12
Food manufactures and school foodservice directors have used various
approaches to determine the acceptability of whole grain foods for school
lunch. Taste tests and focus groups are helpful, but dont provide complete
information on the factors influencing the consumption of whole grain foods.
Observation of children eating school lunch and analysis of their behaviors
and intake has shown that the consumption of whole grain foods is influenced
by many factors including the other foods served within a meal and the overall
lunchroom environment. This type of research provides important insights that
can help manufacturers make whole grain foods that children prefer to eat.
Further collaboration between manufacturers and school foodservice directors
is needed to effectively optimize consumption of whole grain foods in
Regulations, labeling and communication for the National School Lunch
L. Lapeze
USDA-FNS, Baton Rouge, LA
Cereal Foods World 54:A13
The National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs impact the
nutrition of more than 30 million students each day. To obtain broad scientific
input on recent changes in the science of childrens nutrition, USDA requested
the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to recommend updates and revisions to the
national nutrition standards and meal requirements for school meals. The
recommendations are to reflect new developments in nutrition science,
increase the availability of key food groups in school meals, and increase the
ability of the Programs to meet the nutritional needs of students, foster healthy
eating habits, and safeguard childrens health. This 24 month study, which
began February 2008, anticipates recommendations for October 2009. The
regulatory process by which USDA will update the nutrition standards and
meal requirements after receiving the IOM recommendations will be
reviewed. In the meantime, USDA-FNS encourages all schools to make
changes to implement the 2005 Dietary Guidelines within their menu planning
approaches, and has provided guidance to assist the schools. USDA-FNS has
implemented the Healthier US School Challenge, a voluntary nutrition and
wellness initiative, to recognize schools efforts to provide healthier meals.
The role of grain components in school lunch - bran, germ and aleurone
J. Wellnitz
Cargill Incorporated, Plymouth, MN
Cereal Foods World 54:A13
As work continues to increase the nutritional value of foods provided to
children in school food programs, barriers still exist. Economics and
availability, sensory performance, among other challenges, can inhibit schools
from incorporating better foods into menus. As we continue to learn about the
health benefits of the WHOLE grain, we cannot overlook the grain
components that significantly contribute to these benefits. Bran, germ, and
aleurone are examples of wheat components that can deliver concentrated
nutritional benefits. This session will discuss the economic feasibility of using
grain components to deliver nutrition versus whole grains as well as the
benefits and challenges of whole grain components in school food programs.
Whole grains in the marketplace
C. Harriman
Whole Grains Council, Boston, MA
Cereal Foods World 54:A13
Although dietary guidelines recommend that all of us, including children,
make at least half our grains whole, 2008 data show that kids actual
consumption is at only 9% and that children eat a lower percentage of their
grains as whole grains than any other age group. Understanding whole grains
benefits for weight control and for health in general, and formulating better
whole grain products are only part of the battle; we also need to craft creative
programs that entice parents to buy whole grains, and children to eat them.
This session will detail several innovative programs that are successfully
bringing more whole grains to kids, including the Whole Grain Stamp
program, the annual Whole Grains Challenge for schools and foodservice
operations, and the new Whole Grains Yardstick Awards.
Tools to Evaluate Health Benefits of Cereals
Clinical evaluation of cereal grains
P. Jones
Richardson Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, Winnipeg, MB,
Cereal Foods World 54:A13
Evaluation of efficacy and safety of bioactive ingredients in well controlled
clinical trials represents the hallmark of evidence needed to establish health
claims for functional foods. Clinical trials have been used to successfully
study many different cereal grains, however, variations in study design and
endpoint measures selected can influence the usefulness of the data that
emerge from such trials. Optimal study designs for proof-of-concept studies
examining cereal grains include randomized, crossover approaches with
controlled feeding regimens to optimize volunteer compliance. The dosage of
and duration of intervention with the cereal of interest must be given careful
consideration, as well as the manner in which that material is matrixed into the
food or capsule provided. The study subject group to be studied must be
carefully selected. In addition, the primary and secondary endpoints must be
chosen so as to ensure that the appropriate disease surrogate marker has been
identified. For instance, measuring the lipid lowering capacity of a cereal
bioactive component may be inappropriate if the health advantage of that
bioactive has been shown to be more likely to affect glucose and or insulin
metabolism. Also important in the clinical evaluation is maintaining the
correct level of blinding through the investigation and ensuring that adequate
samples have been collected to enable secondary freezer study analyses to
be carried out subsequent to completion of the study trial itself. Such aspects
of clinical evaluation of cereal grain foods and food-related bioactives are
important in ensuring that data emerging from such human studies are of the
highest quality and applicability to understanding potential health effects.
Use of cell culture techniques to link cereal grain components to
reduction of disease risk in humans
D. Pascoe
Cargill Animal Nutrition, Elk River, MN
Cereal Foods World 54:A13
The use of in vitro models, specifically cell culture has been neglected in
many applications of nutraceuticals and functional foods. Cell culture has
several advantages over other models: simplicity, high through-put, increased
turn-around time, and accessibility of cell lines. Today the options for
obtaining an immortalized cell line for every major tissue in humans exists
with the additional benefit of being able to create specialized cells through
somatic, stem, and hybridoma cells. A particular cell line can become a
screening tool under diverse designs to accommodate the question being
asked. The creativity with which some in vitro models have been successfully
applied and published provides opportunity. The opportunity to apply these
models to the evaluation of whole grain components has never had more
momentum. Carbohydrate characterization in cereal grains has been
evaluated, but with new processing technologies and diverse grain genetics,
similar polymers may have different functionalities and are often not found in
related publications. Data from two different cell culture models (immune and
endothelial cell lines) will be shared to demonstrate the opportunity to further
investigate whole grain components.
Understanding the nutritional benefits of cereal foods through animal
W. Yokoyama, H. Kim
USDA, ARS, Albany, CA
Cereal Foods World 54:A13
Ideally, individuals consume nutritious foods with the objective to optimize
their health and longevity. However, often nutrition is a component of a
program to restore health or prevent further deterioration of an unhealthy
condition. For example, about 50% of the U.S. population have high blood
cholesterol and hypercholesterolemia is a risk factor for cardiovascular
disease. Blood cholesterol can be reduced by cereal beta-glucans. As a result
of human studies and 39 animal studies FDA approved health claims for
cereal beta-glucans. Cereals contain a diverse array of phytochemicals
including tocols, plant sterols, dietary fibers, and proteins that have beneficial
bioactive properties. Sterols reduce blood cholesterol, fiber prevents colon
cancer, and protein hydrolysates can reduce hypertension. Soluble dietary
fibers prevent many of the obesity related metabolic disease characteristics
such as hypercholesterolemia, abdominal fat weight gain, fatty liver, elevated
fasting glucose and insulin, elevated blood pressure in hamsters on high fat
diets. The development of molecular methods such as microarrays, pcr and
antibodies has increased the utilization of animal models in order to discover
new benefits of bioactive food components and to understand the molecular
mechanisms behind their observed physiological activities.
Assessing availability of grain components using rapid techniques
R. G. Fulcher
University of Manitoba, Department of Food Science, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Cereal Foods World 54:A13
Cereal grains contain an extraordinary range of bioactive substances, from
soluble and insoluble fiber, through low molecular weight antioxidants,
phenolic compounds and high levels of vitamins and minerals, to potential
antibiotic and anti-inflammatory compounds. The complexities associated
with these numerous compounds relative to bioavailability, potential activities
in mammalian systems, and effects of processing on their activities are
difficult to assess, and often demand major financial investment in time,
personnel, equipment. In addition, much of the expenditure is targeted to
feeding studies (in both small mammals and humans), which are themselves
prohibitively expensive and time-consuming. Such studies often are limited in
the breadth of experimentation (i.e. number and frequency of feeding trials)
that can be used economically, and this in turn often limits the utility and
applicability of the results. Perhaps more critical is the fact that many
important grain constituents are esterified and/or otherwise bound in mature
grains such that they resist digestion. In order to assess the potential of these
many compounds to act as bioactives, we therefore must first ask whether
they can, in fact, be made available by simple digestive processes. To this end,
we have begun to develop simple procedures to determine the level(s) of their
release during digestion, and of the effects of manufacturing on the process.
In vitro assays for cereal grain based nutraceutical/functional ingredients
L. (Lucy) Yu
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Cereal Foods World 54:A14
In vitro assays play a role in researching and developing nutraceuticals and
functional foods although animal and pilot human studies are important to
confirm the efficacy of nutraceuticals and functional foods. In vitro assays
could be used for screening large number of samples, evaluating effects of
food formulation and processing conditions on selected health component(s)
or optimizing food formulation and processing conditions, investigating the
possible mechanisms behind the biological actions of food factors, and
identifying possible marketing factors. Examples will be discussed with the
emphases on assay selection, important health factors of cereal grains, and the
interpretation of the results from in vitro assays. The examples will include
improving functionality of psyllium and enhancing antioxidant availability of
wheat-based food ingredients and food products.
Evaluating the structure function relationships of dietary fibre: Cereal
beta-glucan, a special case
P. Wood
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Guelph, ON, Canada
Cereal Foods World 54:A14
Consumption of oat and barley products leads to reduced levels of serum
cholesterol, associated with a lower risk of heart disease. The US and other
jurisdictions have allowed health claims on this basis, and identify oat soluble
fiber as a bioactive ingredient on which to base the claim. The soluble fiber
sub-division of dietary fiber was originally intended to distinguish those fibers
which appeared to modify glycemic response by virtue of a capacity at low
concentrations to greatly increase solution viscosity. These polysaccharides
also lowered serum cholesterol levels. Viscosity is a property of
polysaccharides controlled by molecular size and solubility. The soluble fibre
naturally present in oats and barley, (13)(14)-beta-D-glucan (beta-glucan)
is a linear high MW polysaccharide which at low concentrations in water
generates shear sensitive high viscosity which above about 0.2-3% increases
exponentially with concentration and MW. Health claims specify that an
eligible food source must reasonably be able to supply a daily intake of 3 g
beta-glucan. However, if physiological effect is related to development of
viscosity in solution, and if there is variation between food sources in
solubility and MW, total amount of beta-glucan may not fully describe
bioactivity. Various studies indicate that there are indeed differences in
solubility and MW distribution of beta-glucan amongst the different cereals
and amongst varieties of each. In addition to differences based on cereal
source, changes may arise during processing/cooking. The presence of beta-
glucanases in wheat flour leads to depolymerization of beta-glucan
incorporated into wheat based foods such as bread and pasta.
Depolymerization may produce both an increase and decrease in solubility
within food products, and freeze-thaw treatments may greatly modify
solubility. Data showing strong correlation between attenuation of glycemic
response and solubility, MW distribution and viscosity in different food
matrices will be reported, and approaches to evaluating bioactivity of foods in
terms of these properties will be suggested. The literature on the role that the
physicochemical properties of beta-glucan play in the lowering of serum
cholesterol levels is less clear and will be discussed.
A physicochemical method for evaluation of health effects of cereal fibre
T. Sontag-Strohm, R. Kivel, L. Nystrm, H. SALOVAARA
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Cereal Foods World 54:A14
The paper describes a viscometric method for evaluation of the physiological
potential of extractable and soluble dietary fibre, such as oat beta-glucan.
Dietary fibre is a concept that includes nondigestable carbohydrates of various
chemical structures, sizes and physicochemical characteristics. The
mechanisms imparting the health benefits of dietary fibre are not fully
understood. However, there is clear evidence that the physicochemical
characteristics, such as increased lumen viscosity, as caused by viscous
dietary fibre, contribute to the physiological health effects, for instance to
blood glucose attenuation, and probably to cholesterol lowering. Surprisingly,
little attention has been paid to development of analytical methods which
describe the physicochemical properties of the various forms of dietary fibre.
We have used an in vitro type method for the characterisation of the soluble
fibre found in oat foods. The soluble fibre is extracted in a manner mimicking
the procedure applied in the original Asp analysis for dietary fibre. The
modified procedure includes a concentration step and measurement of the
apparent viscosity of extracts containing increasing concentrations of the oat
beta-glucan. Informative curves are finally obtained by plotting the viscosities
against beta-glucan concentration. The method has been used as a
complementary tool to dietary fibre analysis for predicting physiological
health effects of foods and ingredients containing oat beta-glucan. Evidently
such a method is of great value to those working in product development in
industry and to those performing clinical studies for substantiation of health
claim potential. The paper also discusses the role of various mechanisms
which may possibly cause instability of beta-glucan and its physicochemical
2009 Annual Meeting
Abstracts of Oral Presentations
Abstracts submitted for oral presentations at the 2009 annual meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, September 1316. The abstracts are listed in alphabetical order by
first authors last name. Abstracts are published as submitted. They were formatted but not edited at the AACC International headquarters office.
Fundamental studies on molecular interactions in starch/PVOH/clay
nanocomposites used for making biodegradable packaging films
S. S. ALI (1), X. Tang (1), S. Alavi (1), J. Faubion (1)
(1) Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A15
The use of petroleum-based packaging material is of great environmental
concern and also a drain on limited non-renewable resources. This study
focuses on replacing petroleum-based films with starch-based biodegradable
films, which are comparable in cost and performance. In this study,
nanocomposites of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVOH), starch and clay were
produced using solution and melt extrusion methods. X-ray diffraction
(XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) studies were carried out to determine the d-spacing
between clay nano-layers, study the nano-structural conformation of starch
and clay particles, and measure the glass transition (Tg) properties of the
nanocomposites, respectively. This greatly facilitated an understanding of the
molecular interaction in the multi-component starch/PVOH/clay nanocom-
posites. Results from XRD and TEM explained the phenomenon of inter-
calation and exfoliation in the nanocomposites made from both solution and
melt extrusion methods. It was observed that nanocomposites made by
solution method showed good intercalation but lesser exfoliation than films
made from nanocomposites developed through melt extrusion. The higher
shear and mechanical energy from extrusion system helped in better
dispersion of clay layers which resulted in better exfoliation. DSC studies
showed an increase the Tg when clay was added to the PVOH/ starch system.
This increase in Tg was due to the phenomenon of intercalation in the
nanocomposites. Study on mechanical and barrier properties showed that
tensile strength and elongation at break of films ranged from 17.1 to 23.5 MPa
and 63.4 to 130.5% respectively, while water vapor permeability ranged from
1.51 to 1.91 g.mm/kPa.h.m
. This study helped in understanding the
underlying phenomena that regulate these critical performance parameters.
Comparison of rheological properties of gluten modified with changes in
surface tension and disulfide linkages
A. A. AMBARDEKAR (1), P. Kalyanaraman (1), S. Mulvaney (2), P. Rayas-
Duarte (1)
(1) Robert M Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK; (2) Department of Food Science, Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY
Cereal Foods World 54:A15
A study involving changes in surface tension and the oxidation state of gluten
and the effect of its rheological properties is reported. Surface tension and
disulfide linkages in gluten were changed by using diacetyl tartaric acid ester
of monoglycerides (DATEM) (0.3, 0.6 and 1.0% w/w) and ascorbic acid (AA)
(50, 100, 150, and 200 ppm), respectively. These levels were applied to six
commercial hard red winter wheat flours with different protein quantity (8 to
13.7% protein) and quality. Flours with no treatment were used as controls.
Viscoelastic properties of gluten were analyzed with a creep-recovery method.
Molecular weight distribution, monomeric to polymeric proteins ratios and
allelic variation of high and low molecular weight glutenin subunits were also
analyzed. Baking properties were evaluated using a straight dough method on
pup loaves. The levels of surface tension modifications used decreased creep-
recovery compliance in all flours by 31 to 50%, strengthening the gluten. The
decrease in creep-recovery compliance of gluten with modifications in their
oxidative state was lower (19 to 35%) than the surface tension changes and
observed in a reduced number of samples. Changes in surface tension
modifications showed significant increase in specific volume (density) of
loaves in all levels of DATEM and flours by 12 to 23%. No significant
differences were observed in specific volumes in loaves treated with AA. The
results of this study suggest that changes in surface tension were more
effective in increasing the elastic response of gluten (decreased compliance)
compared to oxidative changes promoting disulfide bond formation.
Carotenoid production on whole stillage by mixed and monoculture
fermentation of Phaffia rhodozyma and Sporobolomyces roseus
(1) Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A15
Whole stillage, a by-product of the corn-based ethanol industry, is used as
animal feed in the form of Dried Distillers grain with Solubles (DDGS).
Carotenoids are added separately to animal feed to enhance meat color and
quality, vitamin-A levels in milk and meat, and reproductive efficiency. This
study explored the use of whole stillage as a substrate for carotenoid
production by red yeasts, Phaffia rhodozyma and Sporobolomyces roseus, and
compared their production in mono and mixed culture fermentations.
Astaxanthin and -carotene were produced by P. rhodozyma, while S. roseus
produced only -carotene. Submerged fermentation of whole stillage medium
supplemented with glycerol and corn steep liquor was carried out in shake
flasks at 20C, 180 rpm for nine days. At the end of fermentation, samples
were freeze dried and analyzed for astaxanthin and -carotene using HPLC,
with confirmation by MALDI/TOF-MS. Carotenoid concentration was
expressed as g/g of freeze-dried whole stillage. This study showed that
mixed culture fermentation of whole stillage for astaxanthin and -carotene
production is feasible, wherein P. rhodozyma accounted for 6.5% astaxanthin,
and P. rhodozyma and S. roseus accounted for 93.5% -carotene prior to
optimization. Phaffia rhodozyma monoculture (90 g/g) produced twice the
astaxanthin yield as mixed culture (43 g/g) fermentation. -carotene yield in
mixed culture was 623.5 g/g, which was similar to that of S. roseus (696.5
g/g) and significantly greater than that in P. rhodozyma (100 g/g). This
study showed that carotenoid-enriched whole stillage can be produced by
secondary fermentation and has promising application in animal feed and feed
Structural changes from native waxy maize starch granules to water
soluble dextrin
Y. BAI (1), Y. Shi (1)
(1) Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A16
Producing dextrin by heating a starch in the presence of acid has been known
for a long time but the detailed structural changes during the dextrinization
process is not well understood. In this study, structural changes from native
waxy maize starch granules to water soluble dextrin were investigated by
synchrotron based small angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) and wide angle X-
ray diffraction (SAXD), and new insight was obtained regarding the structural
changes during dextrinization. Waxy maize starch (40% solids, w/w) was
slurried in water, adjusted to pH 3.0 by 0.5N HCl, filtered and air dried. The
air dried starch was ground and heated at 170C for 30 min and 4 h, resulting
in dextrins with 21 and 100% solubility in water, respectively. Even though
the dextrin heated for 4 h was 100% water soluble, it was still birefringent
when viewed in glycerin under polarized light and shown granular structure.
In addition, the two dextrins displayed A-type crystalline pattern as
determined by WAXD. The dextrin of 21% solubility did not have any peak in
pure glycerin in SAXS, but a peak at about 0.6 nm
appeared when a mixture
of water and glycerin (2:8, w/w) was mixed with the dextrin. However, the
peak size was reduced compared to the native starch. For the dextrin with
100% solubility, no peak was observed in SAXS when it was hydrated with
the mixture of water and glycerin, indicating that the regularity between the
amorphous and crystalline regions was destroyed during the dextrinization
Molecular markers for starch quality improvement in rice
J. BAO (1), H. Corke (2), M. Sun (2)
(1) Zhejiang Univ, Hangzhou, PEOPLES REP OF CHINA; (2) School of
Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, P R China
Cereal Foods World 54:A16
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping and association mapping are currently
used to dissect the natural occurring variations for traits of agronomical
importance. We found that the major QTLs for starch quality co-locate at the
starch-synthesizing gene loci, e.g. Wx locus controls the genetic basis of
amylose content, pasting viscosity, gel texture and retrogradation properties,
while starch synthase IIa (SSIIa) locus controls the gelatinization temperature
(GT) and amylopectin structure. Some of other genes involved in starch
biosynthesis and other minor QTLs were also detected. Gene tagged markers
such as simple sequence repeat (SSR) and single nucleotide polymorphism
(SNP) that were inside or close to those starch-synthesizing genes were
designed. Among 499 nonwaxy rice accessions, polymorphisms of SSR in the
Wx gene, soluble starch synthase I gene (SS1) and starch branching enzyme I
gene (SBE1), SNPs in Wx and starch branching enzyme III gene (SBE3) and
SSIIa, and a sequence tagged site (STS) in SBEI were surveyed. Ten SSR
alleles were found at the Wx locus and four SSR alleles were found at the
SBE1 and SS1, respectively. Two continuous SNPs (GC/TT) alone can
differentiate rice with high or intermediate GT (possessing GC SNPs) from
those with low GT (possessing the TT SNPs). Association test was conducted
using all starch gene markers. Results indicated that Wx SSR and SNPs were
strongly associated with amylose content, pasting viscosities, gel hardness,
and retrogradation properties, whereas the SSIIa GC/TT SNPs were strongly
associated with the pasting temperature and retrogradation properties, which
confirmed the findings from QTL mapping. These markers are useful in
molecular breeding for improvement of rice eating and cooking qualities. This
study was jointly supported by funds from NSFC (30771327), 863 project
(2006AA10Z193), Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province
(2007C32014) and IAEA (12847).
Dietary interventions with fibre ingredients considerations, measure-
ments and manipulations
E. J. BECK (1), L. C. Tapsell (1), S. M. Tosh (2), M. J. Batterham (1), X.
Huang (1)
(1) University of Wollongong, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA; (2)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Cereal Foods World 54:A16
Large bodies of epidemiological data show an inverse relationship between
dietary fibre intake and body weight so the logic of including fibre in an
energy-controlled diet remains tantalizing, but practicalities need to be
confirmed. In this analysis we show the impact of fibre enriched foods on
dietary intakes in a randomised-controlled dietary intervention trial. The trial
was designed to measure the effects of increased levels of intake of the mixed
linkage -glucan in oat bran on weight reduction. Products were developed to
provide significant levels of -glucan at breakfast (35 g) and afternoon tea
(34 g). Molecular weight, viscosity and solubility were determined to ensure
the integrity of products. Dietary modelling for intervention advice considered
usual dietary patterns and study dietary targets. Compliance was monitored
using 3-day weighed food records. Despite a significant reduction in total
energy intake (8725 kJ at baseline vs 6000 kJ at three months, P < 0.001), and
a significant difference in fibre intake between groups (control 22 g vs high -
glucan 33 g, P < 0.001) the amount of bread and cereal products consumed by
both groups was similar and maintained throughout the study. Analysis of
food records indicated that >90% of the change in fibre intake was attributed
to the supplied intervention products. This demonstrates that product
development of high fibre foods enables high fibre intake with usual
consumption levels in the context of an energy-restricted diet. Subjects, as a
representative group of consumers, could significantly increase fibre intake
with well-designed functional foods rather than consuming greater amounts of
cereal-based products.
Rice sustainability will require enhanced grain nutrient profiles
C. BERGMAN (1), A. McClung (2), E. T. Champagne (3), C. C. Grimm (3),
M. Chen (4)
(1) Department of Food and Beverage Management, University of Nevada,
Las Vegas; (2) Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center, Stuttgart, AR;
(3) Food Processing and Sensory Quality Research, USDA, New Orleans, LA;
(4) USDA, Beaumont, TX
Cereal Foods World 54:A16
The term sustainability when referring to rice production means different
things to different groups of people. For rice farmers, the focus is generally on
the use of production practices that preserve the growing environments
productivity. Those in the nutrition and food processing arenas include in the
definition of rice sustainability that it be produced in sufficient quantity and
quality to meet the cultural desires and health needs of the human population.
Much of the globes population today suffers from two forms of malnutrition:
over- and under-nutrition. Thus rice needs to include nutrients and fractions
that will meet the health needs of both of these groups. There are many
research projects under way across the globe focused on enhancing the health
benefits of rice. This presentation will address two of these. We are working
to understand consumer preferences for milled versus brown rice. Both forms
of malnutrition could be lessened by changing eaters preferences from milled
to unmilled rice. Those that are under-nourished would benefit from
consuming more protein and essential vitamins and minerals. Those suffering
from chronic diseases related to over-nutrition would also likely benefit due to
the association between whole grain consumption and reduced risk of
developing heart disease and some forms of cancer. We are also working to
understand the potential for using a giant embryo mutant to increase
kilocalorie intake of those that are under-nourished. This mutant is also being
evaluated for its potential use as a cultivar designed to increase the levels of
several cholesterol lowering fractions contained in rice bran oil. The health
needs of rice consumers across the planet are many. Rice can no longer be
looked at as only a source of kilocalories. For rice to be sustainable, cultivars
must be developed that are specifically designed and processed to meet human
health needs.
Molecular composition of acid-resistant crystals obtained from waxy
maize starch granules
E. BERTOFT (1), S. Prez (2), H. Angellier-Coussy (3), J. Putaux (2), S.
Molina-Boisseau (2), A. Dufresne (4)
(1) Swedish Univ of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, SWEDEN; (2)
CERMAV-CNRS, Grenoble, France; (3) Universit Montpellier II,
Montpellier, France; (4) Pagora Grenoble INP, Saint Martin dHres, France
Cereal Foods World 54:A16
Crystals of remarkable specific shapes of the nano-size scale were obtained by
treatment of waxy maize starch granules in diluted sulfuric acid. In this work
the molecular composition of the crystals was investigated. The crystals were
composed of two main fractions also described by several other groups,
namely a major group usually denoted the linear fraction with a degree of
polymerization (DP) around 13, and a minor group known as singly branched
dextrins at DP around 25. The two groups were isolated by gel-permeation
chromatography into fractions named C and A, respectively, and their
structures were further analysed using enzymatic treatments in combination
with high-performance anion-exchange chromatography (HPAEC). From the
estimations of the molar amounts of the products obtained by debranching and
-amylolysis, it was possible to quantitatively describe the composition and
the principal molecular structures of the dextrins in the two fractions. It was
found that a substantial part (1/3) of the linear fraction C was in fact
composed of branched dextrins, probably singly branched, and the singly
branched fraction A was to a large extent composed of multiply branched
dextrins. Overall, the quantitative data suggested a regular distribution of
linear and branched molecular species, including the position of the branches
at either the non-reducing or the reducing-end side of the molecules. As the
nano-crystals were remnants of acid-resistant crystalline lamellae inside the
starch granules, their composition reflected the molecular structure of the
lamellae, of which probably the branches were remnants of the branched
building blocks that build up the clusters of the amylopectin macromolecule.
Recent applications of small-angle scattering techniques in the structural
characterisation of resistant starches
J. BLAZEK (1), A. R. Bird (2), M. K. Morell (3), Z. Zhou (2), M. J. Gidley
(4), I. A. Appelqvist (5), E. P. Gilbert (1)
(1) Bragg Institute, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation,
Menai, New South Wales, Australia; (2) Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation, Human Nutrition, Adelaide, South
Australia, Australia; (3) Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organisation, Plant Industry, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory,
Australia; (4) Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of
Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland, AUSTRALIA; (5) Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Food Science Australia,
North Ryde, NSW, Australia
Cereal Foods World 54:A17
A major challenge in cereal biotechnology is to achieve rational design of
renewable polymers to meet specific requirements for improving human
health, nutrition and food quality. Increasing awareness of the health benefits
of resistant starch, and enhanced understanding of the role of amylose content
on the wide range of industrially important properties of starches, can be
exploited to create novel variability in carbohydrate polymers in cereal grains.
Small angle neutron and X-ray scattering techniques available at the
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation have been used in
collaboration with the Food Futures Flagship to enhance our understanding of
the structural changes occurring in starch-based systems during digestion.
Scattering methods offer a unique potential to directly probe materials on
length-scales between those of modern crystallography and microscopy, thus
bridging the gap in spatial resolution between the two groups of techniques.
Our group has applied scattering techniques in multidisciplinary studies of the
molecular structure of starch fractions resistant to digestion. Previous studies
using native starches subjected to in vitro digestion suggested that enzyme
resistant starch is not a specific structure present in predigested starches but is
in fact formed during the digestion process through the rearrangement of
amylose chains into enzyme-resistant structures. It is of interest to elucidate
whether similar principles to the ones observed in simple in vitro systems
apply during the in vivo digestion of starch-based products. Understanding the
structural mechanisms governing starch digestion will make it possible to
design and select those ingredients and processes which render desirable
structural morphologies and nutritional properties.
Influence of starch structure on the swelling and leaching of starch
N. BORDENAVE (1), Y. Yao (1)
(1) Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A17
Starch micro-particulate is of great interest as an economic and effective
carrier for the protection and controlled release of active substances. The
functional properties of starch microparticles are affected by their capability to
swell and leach in aqueous system. The current work aims to understand the
relationship between the molecular structure of starch and the swelling and
leaching behavior of microparticles. Starch microparticles were made using
reverse emulsion methodology, in which starch aqueous solution was
dispersed in mineral oil. The starch-containing aqueous droplets were allowed
to retrograde to solidify for particle collection. To study the influence of
starch structure, normal corn starch (NCS) and high amylose corn starch
(HACS) were subjected to acid treatment and/or debranching. Particle size,
swelling and leaching properties of starch microparticles were evaluated. The
molecular weight distribution of treated starch and leached materials were
characterized by high performance size-exclusion chromatography. Particles
average diameters ranged between 8 and 15 mm. Starch microparticle
swelling and leaching was associated with starch sources and the treatments.
For NCS, debranching substantially reduced swelling and increased leaching,
and acid treatment enhanced leaching and reduced the swelling of native
starch. In contrast, for HACS debranching significantly reduced the leaching
whereas having minor effect on swelling, and acid treatment had negligible
impact on swelling and possibly minor impact on leaching. Conceivably, the
difference of amylose content and amylopectin structure between NCS and
HACS was a primary factor of different swelling and leaching behaviors. This
study provides knowledge on the behavior of starch microparticles as
functional carriers.
Isogenic wheat discrimination via in situ FT-IR microspectroscopy and
L. R. BREWER (1), D. L. Wetzel (1)
(1) Microbeam Molecular Spectroscopy Laboratory, Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A17
Isogenic waxy wheat lines differ from their non-waxy wild type parents in
their functionality, end use, their amylopectin content in place of amylose, and
an increase presence of lipids. In breadmaking, blending a portion (non
amylose containing) wheat flour with that of normal (wild) wheat has been
used to advantage. Genetic expression characterization of waxy kernels vs
non-waxy parents in chemical terms, is performed using FT-IR
microspectroscopic in situ probing and imaging of kernel frozen sections
applied to genetically pure, well documented isogenic breeding lines. The
motive is to assist the current plant breeding efforts to develop new lines
targeted for breadmaking that incorporate desirable traits from both genetic
sources by spectroscopically determining the relative compositional change of
individual experimental lines. Preliminary InSb chemical imaging in the near
IR was successful in sorting parent wheat kernels from nulls. The objective of
the present study has been to use microspectroscopy of high spatial resolution
on mid IR fundamental vibrations and mass spectrometry of the lipid extracts
to elucidate the chemical manifestation of the waxy genetic expression.
Isogenic waxy lines of a particular hard wheat for comparison with their
parent wild type included a hexaploid triple null involving all three wheat
genomes (A B D), three double nulls, and three single nulls. Genetic
properties differ slightly for the Durum wheat, used in pasta making which is
a tetraploid, only containing the A and B genomes for waxy traits. The genetic
expression of the waxy gene influence is shown in dramatic vibrational
spectroscopic terms by comparing the spectra from numerous contiguous
pixels of the endosperm images of the triple null with a single group of
endosperm spectra from the parent. Comparison within groups of spectra tests
for homogeneity and establishes a consensus resulting in a mean spectrum.
Enhanced visualization is produced via spectral subtraction and multivariate
pattern recognition is applied. These resulting spectroscopic criteria for waxy
genetic expression are applied to the double null and single null isogenic
specimens. The mass spectrometry of lipid extracts is used to compliment the
infrared data.
Cellulolytic enzyme system production in mixed fungal culture and its
utilization for lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysis
K. BRIJWANI (1), H. S. Oberoi (1), P. V. Vadlani (1)
(1) Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A17
To attain the DOE milestone of 60 billion gallons of ethanol by 2030, the
emerging cellulosic technologies need to mature. The most crucial stage in
bioethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass is the enzymatic
saccharification. Efficient enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass
involves synergistic action of several enzymes (cellulases, -glucosidase and
xylanase) that are together called as cellulase enzyme system. Solid state
fermentation is a proven approach to produce the enzyme system in a single
process. Production and characterization of balanced cellulase enzyme system
in mixed-culture solid-state fermentation has been demonstrated in this study.
Fermentation was performed using co-culture of Trichoderma reesei and
Aspergillus oryzae on soybean hulls supplemented with wheat bran as solid
media. Three parameters - initial moisture content, incubation temperature,
and initial pH - were optimized with respect to filter paper and -glucosidase
activities in culture flasks using response surface methodology. Optimized
parameters were used for laboratory scale-up in tray fermenters. Fermentation
was performed for the period of 120 hours and an incubation period of 96
hours was found to be optimum. Expression profiles of the cellulase complex
were characterized using SDS-PAGE. The enzyme broth after 96 hours was
concentrated and used for saccharification of pretreated wheat straw.
Pretreatment using both acid and alkali were performed and differences in
sugar yields were reported. Results showed that alkali treatment generated
higher sugar levels than acid pretreatment. This was due to lignin removal and
concentration of cellulosic fraction. Current work shows that a well balanced
celluloytic enzyme system can be produced in mixed fungal cultures, which
can efficiently saccharify lignocellulosic biomass such as wheat straw into
fermentable sugars.
Potential influence of ferulate oligomers on physiological effects of cereal
dietary fibers
(1) University of Minnesota, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, St.
Paul, MN, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A18
Young Scientist Research Award
Cereal grain plant cell walls are a major source of dietary fiber.
Hydroxycinnamates, i.e. ferulate derivatives, are minor components within the
plant cell wall. Due to their ability to act as cross-links between
polysaccharides they strongly influence the physico-chemical properties of the
cell wall. As most physiological effects of dietary fibers are closely related to
their physico-chemical properties ferulate derivatives are supposed to
influence the physiological effects of cereal fibers. Two studies will be
presented investigating how ferulate oligomers might modulate the
physiological properties of cereal fibers. In the first study, we tested the
influence of feruloylation on cell wall degradability by human fecal
microbiota. Nonlignified primary cell walls from maize cell suspensions,
containing varying degrees of ferulate substitution and diferulate cross-
linking, were incubated in nylon bags in vitro with human fecal microbiota.
Shifting cell wall concentrations of total ferulates from 1.5 to 15.8 mg/g and
diferulates from 0.8 to 2.6 mg/g did not alter the release of carbohydrates or
the overall degradation of cell walls. The results indicate that low to moderate
levels of ferulates and diferulates do not interfere with hydrolysis of
nonlignified cell walls by human gut microbiota. In the second study, we
tested whether cross-linking of arabinoxylans through ferulate oligomers alter
the effects of arabinoxylans on postprandial blood glucose levels. We isolated
arabinoxylans from corn bran and cross-linked them by oxidative coupling
using laccase/oxygen. The formed gels were dried and used in a one-meal
animal feeding study. The starch-based meals contained fibers from different
sources including arabinoxylan gels. We demonstrated that arabinoxylan gels
blunt the blood glucose maximum and shift this maximum to later time points
after feeding. Long-term feeding studies are required to support these
promising data.
Prediction of fermentable starch content of corn by near-infrared
A. BURGERS (1), C. R. Hurburgh (1)
(1) Iowa State University, Ames, IA, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A18
Measuring the fermentable starch content of corn allows ethanol plants to
know how much ethanol can be produced from a specific lot of corn.
Laboratory fermentable starch measurement can take hours to days to
complete. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a rapid nondestructive
technique that is able to measure organic substances in minutes. The objective
of this study was to develop an NIRS fermentable starch calibration using
spectra and reference data, then compare the fermentable starch calibration to
the regression analysis of combinations of NIRS- predicted values of protein,
oil, starch, and density. Near infrared (NIR) spectra from a FOSS Infratec
1229 Grain Analyzer were obtained for 249 corn samples from the 2006 and
2007 crops. Laboratory fermentable starch measurements came from the
Illinois Crop Improvement Association. A partial least squares (PLS)
calibration relating fermentable starch content to NIR spectra was developed.
A multiple linear regression (MLR) including combinations of current NIR
measurements (protein, oil, starch and density on a 15% moisture basis) was
also created. The first external validation was conducted using 26 new
samples representing a wide range of composition. The second validation used
30 samples from the 2008 corn crop. The NIR calibration for fermentable
starch had a R
of 0.863 and a SECV of 0.025, while the combination of
protein, oil, starch, and density had a R
of 0.80 and a SECV of 0.030.
However, the calibration had poor results in predicting corn ethanol yield
from the new samples, with an SEP = 0.40 and a R
= 0.28. The component
model gave consistent results with the best combination being protein, oil and
density with an SEP = 0.044 and a R
= 0.88. Implementing a constituent
calculation is easier and more economical than implementing a new NIRS
calibration. Any NIRS unit can use constituent regression.
Limitations in the effectiveness of size exclusion chromatography (SEC,
or GPC) on the analysis of starch
R. A. CAVE (1), S. A. Seabrook (1), M. J. Gidley (1), R. Gilbert (1)
(1) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, AUSTRALIA
Cereal Foods World 54:A18
The size distributions of starch molecules are important for establishing
biosynthesis-processing-structure-property relations. The applicability and
reliability of the application of conventional size exclusion chromatography
methods to the analysis of starch has been studied using a combination of
experimental data and droplet-shear theory. These data were obtained using a
solvent/eluent system, DMSO + LiBr, which fully dissolves the starch from a
natural source (rice in this case) without degradation. It has been shown that
conventional SEC (or GPC) is limited to the analysis of the smaller, less
branched, amylose molecules, due to shear forces in the system and their
effect on the amylopectin. Although this has been observed previously, it has
never been accurately quantified. The amylopectin region, for hydrodynamic
radii > ~175 nm, is shown to degrade substantially by shear scission, even at
the lowest flow rates. A combination of theory and experiment shows that the
flow rate and/or eluent viscosity in the system would need to be reduced by
order of magnitude lower than what is currently possible. However, the
distribution of the amylose region obtained from SEC with lower flow rates
can be shown to be effectively unpolluted by the shear-scission products of
larger chains, allowing reliable analysis of this region. This work thus shows
that the only way that true full size distributions of starch requires two modes
of separation: SEC for the smaller component (largely amylose), with the
study being performed over a range of flow rates, and a low-shear separation
technique such as field-flow fractionation for the larger component
Characterisation and functionality of brewers spent grain proteins and
their hydrolysates
I. CELUS (1), K. Brijs (1), J. A. Delcour (1)
(1) Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry & Leuven Food Science
and Nutrition Research Centre (LFoRCe), K.U.Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Cereal Foods World 54:A18
Brewers spent grain (BSG), the residue of barley malt resulting from beer
wort production, is the main co-product of the brewing industry. However, its
main application is limited to animal feeding. The aim of this work was to
provide a scientific basis for the valorization of one of the main constituents
of BSG, i.e. the protein constituents. Enzymatic conversion of BSG proteins
to hydrolysates with techno-functional as well as bio-functional properties
was studied. Proteins in unmalted and malted barley and in BSG were
fractionated based on their differential extractability in different media and the
resultant fractions were characterized by SDS-PAGE and HPLC. Enzymatic
hydrolysis of BSG protein concentrate (BPC), prepared by alkaline extraction
of BSG followed by acid precipitation of the extractables, improved solubility
and emulsion and foaming properties. Physico-chemical characterization of
the hydrolysates indicated the importance of the presence of protein fragments
with relatively high molecular weight (MW) (exceeding 14.5 k) and high
surface hydrophobicity for favorable techno-functional properties. As BPC
hydrolysates consisted of a heterogeneous mixture of peptides, they were
further fractionated using precipitation with ethanol or ammonium sulfate to
result in more homogeneous peptide fractions. It became clear that the
physico-chemical properties required for emulsions differ from those required
for foaming. The results clearly show that neither MW nor hydrophobicity
alone determine the emulsifying and foaming properties. Angiotensin
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides, which can result in a blood
pressure lowering effect, were purified from the BPC hydrolysates using
affinity chromatography. Peptides with ACE inhibitory activity were
Avenanthramides in oats: A new method of producing whole oats and oat
ingredients with greatly elevated avenanthramide levels
(1) Agric & Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, ON, CANADA
Cereal Foods World 54:A18
Avenanthramides, of which over 35 distinct components have been found to
date, represent the major readily-bioavailable, soluble phenolics present in the
oat kernel These hydroxycinnamoyl alkaloids are found only in oats and have
been shown to not only act as antioxidants but also to inhibit the pro-
inflammatory processes associated with atherosclerotic disease progression.
Based on recent in vivo pharmacokinetic results in humans and in vitro human
vascular cell culture models, effective concentrations of avenanthramides
required to influence vascular antioxidant status and the inflammatory
response can be provisionally projected. Threshold response levels
(approximately 30 to 60 mg from a dietary source delivery system such as a
50 g serving of oat bran) would require an oat product with at least 600 to
1,200 ppm total avenanthramides. This is a significantly higher concentration
range than those currently recorded for existing oat varieties or existing whole
grain oat products. Recently a process has been found that significantly
increases the levels of avenanthramides in native oat kernels. Levels ranging
from about 900 to 2,000 ppm in the whole groat, representing an enrichment
factor of about 25- to 40-fold have been achieved by this process, without
significantly altering the milling quality of the product. The process involves
the concept of false malting wherein selected or pre-treated grain is
conventionally malted but does not germinate. The selected oats refer to
dormant oat varieties, i.e. varieties exhibiting secondary dormancy and
preferably hulless, while non-dormant varieties can be made dormant using a
simple dry heat process. In-depth HPLC analyses of avenanthramides from
oats treated by this patent-pending process show little if any qualitative
differences relative to untreated oats. Abrasion bran fractions show levels as
high as 3,500 ppm total avenanthramides.
Basic insights in cereal constituents as a basis for progress in cereal based
biotechnological processes
(1) Katholieke Univ Leuven, Heverlee, BELGIUM
Cereal Foods World 54:A19
Thomas Burr Osborne Medal Award
The main constituent of cereals by far is starch, but proteins and nonstarch
polysaccharides also occur in levels which impact cereal processing and
functionality. The present Thomas Burr Osborne address deals with progress
in research in which the presenter and members of the research group which
he leads participated and which contributed to our basic understanding of
cereal starches, proteins and nonstarch polysaccharides over the past two
decades. A major element of progress has been in enzyme systems of
microbial origin that modify specific cereal constituents and have been used to
unravel their role in cereal applications. The address illustrates how acquired
insights can be applied to develop and optimise cereal based biotechnological
processes, the production of cereal derived health promoting constituents, and
contribute to final product organoleptic properties. Thus, different links of the
knowledge chain consisting of basic cereal research over application oriented
research to final application will be discussed. Particular focus will be on the
arabinoxylan system, the insights gained on its functionality by use of
xylanases, the concept of xylanase inhibitors and the conversion of
arabinoxylan in health promoting constituents.
Hyperspectral image analysis of damaged wheat kernels
S. R. DELWICHE (1), M. S. Kim (2)
(1) USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD, U.S.A.; (2) USDA-ARS, BARC, Beltsville,
MD, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A19
While near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been available to the cereals
community for more than 30 years and digital image analysis for more than 20
years, the combination of these technologies to this field is a relatively new
phenomenon. Known as hyperspectral or spectroscopic imaging, this
technology has the potential to offer new rapid, objective methologies for
assessment of grade, quality, and food safety issues in bulk samples of grain.
Recently, our laboratory has assembled a hyperspectral imaging system that,
unlike prevailing systems which operate in the silicon wavelength region (400
to 1000 nm), operates at longer wavelengths (~8001600 nm). With this
longer region, the information conveyed in classical NIR spectra (i.e., protein,
oil, and carbohydrate structure) is now combined with morphological
information from imagining. Applications of wheat kernel damage, as defined
in U.S. wheat standards (e.g., black tip, frost damaged, and Fusarium
damaged) are discussed in this presentation.
Dietary fiber methodology: AACC Approved Methods commensurate
with dietary fiber research and the CODEX definition
J. W. DEVRIES (1), B. V. McCleary (2), G. Cohen (3), J. I. Rader (4), L.
Prosky (5), D. C. Mugford (6), M. Champ (7), K. Okuma (8)
(1) Medallion Laboratories/General Mills, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A.; (2)
Megazyme, Wicklow, Ireland; (3) Kraft Foods, Tarrytown, NY, U.S.A.; (4)
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, College Park, MD, U.S.A.; (5)
Consultant, Rockville, MD, U.S.A.; (6) Bread Research Institute, North Ryde,
NSW, Australia; (7) University of Nantes, Nantes, France; (8) Matsutani
Chemical Co LTD, Itami Hyogo, Japan
Cereal Foods World 54:A19
Edith A. Christensen Award
From a nutrition perspective, dietary fiber is unique in that its benefits relate
to its resistance to digestion. Consequently, dietary fiber consists of a
digestion resistant complex mixture (mostly carbohydrate) of components that
vary by source, preparation, and processing but exhibiting similar nutrition
properties. Serious research on dietary fiber in the 195070s resulted in a
definition by Trowell et al in 1976[1]. AACC International validated
Approved Methods[2] 32-05, 32-06, 32-07, 32-20, 32-21, and 32-25 to match
that definition. Scientific advances in the subsequent two decades resulted in
the conclusion that additional components such as resistant starch and non-
digestible oligosaccharides are, on a physiological basis, validly included in
the Trowell et al definition, therefore AACC Approved Methods 32-28, 32-
31, 32-32, 32-33, 32-40, and 32-41 for these components have also been
validated. Recently, the CODEX Committee on Nutrition and Foods for
Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) has produced a single, concise, clarifying
definition of Dietary Fiber (see ALINORM 09/32/26) that reflects the
scientific findings of the past five plus decades. AACC International scientists
are collaborating in the validation of an all inclusive method commensurate
with this definition. Over a dozen laboratories have submitted data as part of
the effort. A brief history[3], the method and collaborative study results will
be covered. [1] Trowell 1976 Trowell, H.C., Southgate, D.A.T., Wolever,
T.M.S., Leeds, A.R., Gassull, M.A., and Jenkins, D.J.A. 1976. Dietary fiber
redefined. Lancet a:967 [2] 10th Edition Approved Methods of AACC. [3]
J.W. DeVries and J.I. Rader. 2005 Historical Perspective as a Guide for
Identifying and Developing Applicable Methods for Dietary Fiber. JAOAC
International 88(5), pp 1349-1366.
Variation in polar lipid composition within near-isogenic wheat lines
containing different puroindoline haplotypes
S. FINNIE (1), R. Jeannotte (2), C. F. Morris (3), M. Giroux (4), J. Faubion
(1) KSU, Grain Science and Industry, Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.; (2) KSU,
Division of Biology, Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.; (3) USDA-ARS WWQL; (4)
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A19
Best Student Research Paper Competition
An extensive amount of research has investigated kernel hardness. However,
the exact mechanism underlying this phenomenon is unknown. Puroindoline-a
and puroindoline-b proteins must be present in their wild-type form to create
soft textured wheat. Similar to puroindoline proteins, polar lipids are
presenton the surface of starch granules. However, a full profile of the lipid
species found on the surface of starch granules has not been reported. The
objective of this research was to determine the specific polar lipid species
present on the surface of wheat starch from near-isogenic wheat lines that
contain different puroindoline haplotypes and endosperm hardness. Five near-
isogenic wheat lines were used in this analysis, all derived from the soft
cultivar Alpowa. Water-washed starch was isolated using a modified batter
method. Direct infusion tandem mass spectrometry was used to identify the
lipid species in both the flour and starch samples. Endosperm hardness
had no significant effect on the polar lipid contents in wheat flour, had a
slight influence on the polar lipid contents of the whole-meal fractions and
had a significant influence on the composition of the polar lipids located
on the surface of wheat starch. The greatest quantities of polar lipids on the
starch surface occurred when both puroindoline proteins where present in
their wild-type form. Starch surface polar lipid content dramatically
decreased when one of the puroindoline proteins where null, or if the PIN-B
was in the mutated form (Trp-44 to Arg). Within the hard textured samples,
more polar lipids where presenton the starch surface when PIN-B was in its
wild-type form and PIN-A was null than when PIN-A was in its wild-type
form and PIN-B was null; the least amount of polar lipids where present when
PIN-B was in its mutated form (Trp-44 to Arg) and PIN-A as in its wild-type
Improving the well-being of rice farmers and consumers by improving
the tools to select for quality
(1) Intl Rice Research Institute, Metro Manila, PHILIPPINES
Cereal Foods World 54:A19
The income of rice-farming families is determined by both yield and quality.
The value of rice is determined by two traits of physical quality - chalk and
broken grain. The secondary factor affecting price is the reputation of the
variety in terms of sensory properties. A limitation to maximising farmers
profit is the difficulty of combining high yield with the desired package of
quality traits. The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture came into force in 2004, providing a clear legal framework
for germplasm exchange, facilitating wider transfer of varieties and
information. Germplasm is despatched with information on quality traits and
this information is used as a selection criterion to determine the hybridisation
program in which the variety is used, and generates expectations of grain
quality in potential new varieties developed from the crosses. However
different rice improvement programs use different methods to measure quality
traits, and the low-cost methods for routine phenotyping are not always
sufficiently discriminatory. In order to bring new science to old traits and to
harmonise methods around the world, the International Network for Quality
Rice (INQR) was formed. The INQR consists of every quality evaluator in
national rice improvement programs, scientists whose research addresses rice
quality, and companies with products relevant to rice quality. The INQR has
several taskforces applying genetic, metabolomic, structural and rheological
research to rice to understand the science underlying current traits and to
identify new traits. The INQR is also carrying out ring tests, surveys and
proficiency tests in order to standardise screening programs rice world-wide.
This paper will report the work of the INQR and its progress on new traits of
quality, and present an analysis of how this can improve the well-being of
poor rice-farming families.
Utility of promoter sequence variation in plant breeding
A. FURTADO (1), R. J. Henry (1)
(1) Southern Cross University, Lismore, AUSTRALIA
Cereal Foods World 54:A20
DNA-based markers such as SNP and SSR, rely on the variations in DNA
sequence, which in coding sequences can be determined by comparing EST
sequences. The public availability of EST sequence data has supported the
mining and discovery of a larger number of SNP-based markers. The advent
of next generation sequencing (NGS) has accelerated the production of whole
genome sequences providing sequence data of coding sequences but also of
promoter sequences. The sequence variation within promoter sequences can
now be harnessed to develop DNA-based markers for plant breeding.
Promoter sequences are crucial for functional genomics where controlled
expression of a transgene is desired to determine or confirm its function in
transgenic plants. In addition, well characterised homologous and
heterogonous promoters would be a valuable tool for successful gene stacking
to impart multiple traits. We are interested in altering gene expression in the
seed to manipulate grain quality. Several promoters from rice, wheat and
barley that control the expression of genes in the grain were investigated to
determine their utility to drive gene expression in the grain across these
cereals for quality manipulation. Included in our study are the barley B- and
D-hordein gene and the bifunctional alpha-amylase and subtilisin gene
promoters, the rice glutelin-B1 and globulin gene promoters, and the wheat
high molecular weight glutenin and the Early maturing gene promoters. Our
data demonstrates that seed-specificity of these cereal promoters is not always
maintained in other heterologous cereal suggesting adequate testing of
promoters in the desired cereal. We also report the strength of these promoters
and their potential to drive high levels of transgene expression in the cereal
Arabinoxylan improves indices of gut health and reduces DNA damage in
pigs consuming a high risk Western diet: A pilot study
M. J. GIDLEY (1), B. A. Williams (1), D. Zhang (1), P. Gunness (1), D.
Mikkelsen (1), B. Gorham (1), H. L. Keates (1), W. L. Bryden (1), D. P.
Belobrajdic (2), M. A. Conlon (2), S. Kang (3), C. S. McSweeney (3), A. R.
Bird (2), D. L. Topping (2)
(1) University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, AUSTRALIA; (2) CSIRO Food
Futures Flagship; (3) CSIRO Livestock Industries
Cereal Foods World 54:A20
The effects of a wheat arabinoxylan concentrate on a range of gastrointestinal
tract health-related indices were studied in a porcine model. Two groups of
pigs (n = 5) were fed a highly-digestible Western-type diet containing
barbecued red meat, with or without 10% arabinoxylan. After an experimental
period of four weeks, the animals were euthanased and samples taken from
the small intestine, caecum and large intestine for analysis of short chain fatty
acids (SCFA), colonocyte DNA damage (Comet assay), microbial ecology
(DNA- and RNA-based from both mucosa and digesta), and re-absorbed bile
acids (hepatic portal vein). The results showed that consumption of the high
risk diet containing the arabinoxylan fraction: (1) increased SCFA production,
(2) reduced DNA damage in colonocytes, (3) modified the colonic microbial
population favourably, and (4) decreased re-absorption of bile salts in the
small intestine. This pilot study suggests that an arabinoxylan-enriched wheat
fraction may improve health markers significantly, with implications for
reduced risk of both cardiovascular and large bowel diseases.
Probing the molecular origins of starch properties: Methods and models
(1) Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, St
Lucia, Brisbane, Australia
Cereal Foods World 54:A20
Alsberg-French-Schoch Memorial Lectureship
The deceptively simple text book description of starch as a polymer of glucose
hides a multitude of complexity in hierarchical assembly, but also points to
the opportunity of describing and modelling structure in ways that would not
be possible for chemically more complex polymers. Thus, direct information
on the range of polymer chain conformations for solid, solution, and gel
forms, and quantitative descriptions of order at the helix and crystallite levels
can all be obtained. The effect of chain length on aggregation, crystallisation
and gelation properties can also be quantified using near monodisperse chains
either separated from debranched starch/glycogen or synthesised by the action
of phosphorylase. The resulting information provides baseline knowledge
from which the behaviour of the complex polymer architectures found in
granules and processed forms of starch can be extrapolated with the aid of
materials models. The presentation will summarise learnings from model
systems, and discuss how they may be applied to current scientific challenges
such as identifying the factors responsible for granule integrity and the control
of starch digestibility.
Using size distribution data to understand the mechanisms of starch
biosynthesis, digestion and degradation
A. Gray-Weale (1), A. Wu (1), R. A. Cave (1), R. G. GILBERT (1)
(1) University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, AUSTRALIA
Cereal Foods World 54:A20
Size separation techniques, eg size-exclusion chromatography (SEC, or GPC)
and field-flow fractionation, give various distributions of starch, such as the
number of chains with a given size (viscometric detection), the weight of
chains of a given size (DRI detection) and mass-squared distribution
(MALLS).(These techniques separate by size, not by molecular weight, and
can never give a true molecular weight distribution). These distributions
contain information about starch biosynthesis and degradation (by processing,
digestion or biodegradation). A simplified model for these processes is used to
give expressions for the number distribution of fully branched chains, and of
the debranched (chain-length) distributions. These solutions show how size
separation data can be plotted to test the applicability of assumed mechanisms,
and to obtain information on enzymatic rates. The model shows that
debranched number distributions can be meaningfully plotted as ln(number
distribution/degree of polymerization); fitting this form to extensive
experimental data for rice and other starches shows that the rate of
propagation by starch synthase is 5 times faster than the rate of action of the
branching enzyme, the first time such enzymatic rate data have been obtained
for an in vivo (indeed, in rice paddy!) system. This ratio is insensitive to the
type of grain, which has implications for conserved processes in evolution.
Ways in which data for branched distributions from various detectors can be
usefully plotted will be also be presented and illustrated. Thus, for MALLS,
rate ratios are obtained by plotting (MALLS signal/mass2) against
hydrodynamic volume. DRI and viscometric data for rice starch treated with
this methodology show that larger amylopectin molecules are effectively
randomly branched on size scales of importance, which is of significance for
Toward high quality whole grain soft wheat flour
M. J. GUTTIERI (1), C. H. Sneller (1), E. J. Souza (2)
(1) The Ohio State University, Wooster, OH, U.S.A.; (2) USDA-ARS Soft
Wheat Quality Laboratory, Wooster, OH, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A20
Obtaining whole grain (WG) flours with desirable pastry quality is
challenging as the entirety of grain non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) is
present in the WG flour. Moreover, WG flour milling methods developed for
hard wheat may produce inferior soft wheat flour because starch damage due
to milling, generally beneficial for bread quality, is detrimental to soft wheat
quality. Among six soft winter wheat genotypes grown at two locations in
2007, WG flour preparation method significantly affected pastry quality: WG
flours prepared from flour + ground bran from a long-flow pilot mill (Miag
Multomat) was substantially inferior to WG flour produced from a micro mill
(modified Quadrumat) with only a break and a reduction roll pass. Long-flow
milling increased starch damage in resulting WG flours. Water-extractable
(WE) NSPs, particularly the concentrations of arabinoxylan (AX) and
arabinogalactan (AG), and the ratio of arabinose:xylose in the WE-NSPs, are
important determinants of white flour soft wheat quality. To examine WE-
NSP variation in the bran and bran-associated endosperm and its effect on
wire-cut cookie quality, we characterized the bran fraction obtained from
micro-milling 16 soft winter wheats grown at two locations in 2007 and 2008.
Genotypes varied significantly for cookie quality from the WG flour, as well
as bran-associated WE-xylose and WE-galactose concentration and the
Ara:Xyl ratio in the WE-NSPs. Diameter of WG wire cut cookies was
effectively predicted by a two-parameter regression model containing the
Ara:Xyl ratio galactose concentration of bran-associated WE-NSPs. Wheat
genotypes with highly substituted WE-AX (high Ara:Xyl ratio) and low AG
concentration produced the most desirable WG wire-cut cookies. Selection
among wheat genotypes for AX structure and AG concentration in bran-
associated WE-NSPs may improve the quality of WG soft wheat flour.
Characterization of starch in pig digesta
J. HASJIM (1), R. Cave (1), M. J. Gidley (1), R. G. Gilbert (1)
(1) University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD 4072, AUSTRALIA
Cereal Foods World 54:A20
Data are presented for the in vivo digestion of starch granules in the pig
digestive track. Pigs were used as model animals because their digestive
system is very close to that of humans. The pig test diet contained red meat,
maize starch and wheat bran, resembling a typical western diet. Digesta were
collected from different parts of the pig small intestine in order to study the
starch digestion at different stages of the in vivo digestion. Starch granules
were isolated from the digesta for further characterization. The size
distributions of amylopectin and amylose at different stages of starch
digestion were analyzed using size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and
asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AF
). The chromatograms of the
maize starch samples in the digesta (in vivo digestion) and from a model in
vitro digestion showed three fractions, whereas that of the native maize starch
only showed two fractions. The results also suggested that amylopectin was
hydrolyzed more rapidly than amylose. The starch hydrolysis produced a new
fraction, which was smaller than amylose: a type of resistant starch. The
results of starch hydrolysis in the in vivo and in vitro digestions were
qualitatively similar but displayed significant quantitative differences.
Innovating a laser wheat-perforating technology to reduce kernel
hardness for milling
G. G. HOU (1), Q. Ling (2), Y. Zhou (3), B. Lee (1)
(1) Wheat Marketing Center, Portland, OR; (2) Oregon State University Food
Innovation Center, Portland, OR; (3) Wheat Marketing Center, Portland, OR,
and Dept. of Food Science, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, China
Cereal Foods World 54:A21
Wheat kernel hardness has a profound influence on milling performance and
end-use quality. The amount of force required for milling a particular wheat
grain is directly related to the kernel hardness. The wheat grains are often
conditioned with water for up to 24 hrs to soften or mellow the endosperm and
make it easier to grind before milling. The time given for the water to
penetrate the grain also varies with the grain hardness. If the kernel hardness
can be physically reduced, shorter tempering time and less energy power may
be required in milling. This research is to innovate a wheat-perforating
technique using a novel laser processing technology in wheat milling. Hard
red spring (HRS) and soft white (SW) wheat grains were used in the study.
Wheat grains were perforated with the laser beam to produce holes spaced by
0.15 cm to full depth of kernels. HRS grains were tempered to 16% moisture
for 24 hours and SW grains were tempered to 14% moisture for 18 hours.
Grain hardness index (HI) was measured with the Single Kernel
Characterization System during tempering. Perforated grains had significantly
lower HI values than the control grains for both HRS and SW wheat. For
HRS, HI value at 7-hr of conditioning was similar to that of the control wheat
at 24-hr of conditioning. For SW, HI value at 5-hr of tempering was less than
the control wheat at 18-hr of conditioning. Laser perforation of grains could
have facilitated water penetration into endosperm. Laser perforation of wheat
grains under these processing conditions substantially reduced kernel hardness
and tempering time, but had little effect on flour yield, protein content, ash
content, and starch damage level, except that flour L* (whiteness) and b*
(yellowness) were slightly reduced. Further optimization of laser processing
parameters is needed to achieve maximum milling efficiency for different
wheat classes.
Raisin and dried fruit intake is associated with increased whole grain and
nutrient intakes and reduced overweight and obesity: NHANES, 19992004
J. JONES (1), D. Keast (2)
(1) St. Catherine University; (2) Food and Nutrition Database Consultants
Cereal Foods World 54:A21
NHANES, 19992004, data were used to examine the associations of dried
fruit consumption with MyPyramid food group and nutrient intake, and with
body weight and adiposity in adults over 18 (n = 13, 292), and children 218
years (n = 11,093). Anthropometric assessments included adiposity,
overweight/obesity, and abdominal obesity based on skinfold thickness, BMI,
and waist circumference, respectively. Sample-weighted means, standard
errors, and ANOVA (adjusted for covariates including physical activity and
other lifestyle factors) were determined using SUDAAN. In adults, consumers
of 1/8 equivalent cup fruit/day from dried fruit ate more whole grain foods
(1.35 0.06 vs 0.60 0.02 oz/d) than non-dried fruit consumers, and had
greater intakes of other food groups recommended by MyPyramid guidelines.
Further, intakes of many nutrients and dietary fiber were greater for
consumers than non-consumers of dried fruit out-of-hand and in food.
Between-group difference in subscapular (1.0 mm, p < 0.05), but not triceps
skinfold was significant. Weight (2.7 kg, p < 0.01), BMI (1.1 kg/m
, p <
0.01), and prevalence (%) of overweight/obesity (56.0 2.4 vs. 65.8 0.7, p <
0.01); waist circumference (2.6 cm, p < 0.01), and prevalence (%) of
abdominal obesity (40.5 2.3 vs. 49.4 0.8, p < 0.01) were all lower in dried
fruit consumers than non-consumers. Logistic regression also indicated dried
fruit consumption was associated with reduced overweight/obesity (OR =
0.64, 95% CI = 0.510.81) and reduced abdominal obesity (OR = 0.67, 95%
CI = 0.540.83). Data for children 218 years mirrored that for adults. Dried
fruit consumption was associated with increased whole grain and nutrient
intakes, lower body weight measures and reduced risk for abdominal obesity
in adults. Supported by California Raisin Marketing Board.
Enzymatic and process technologies to increase corn dry grind slurry
P. KAUR (1), K. D. Rausch (1), M. E. Tumbleson (1), V. Singh (1)
(1) University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A21
In a conventional dry grind process, corn is ground and mixed with water to
produce slurry. The slurry is cooked; slurry starch is liquefied, simultaneously
saccharified and fermented to produce ethanol. Typical solids concentrations
range from 30 to 33% (db) during slurry preparation. High slurry solids
fermentation (above 33%) is important in reducing energy costs through
decreased water input leading to less evaporation and dehydration. High
ethanol concentrations are expected to reduce distillation cost. High solids
fermentation (>33%) increases slurry viscosity and causes osmotic stress on
yeast, resulting in incomplete substrate utilization and lower fermentation
efficiencies. The objective was to increase slurry solids concentrations using
enzymatic and process technologies. A modified conventional process that
combines use of conventional amylases and granular starch hydrolyzing
enzymes was employed to evaluate slurry solids concentrations at 35 and 40%
(db). Liquefaction was conducted at 55C for 1.5 hr with higher dose of -
amalyse followed by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation using
granular starch hyrolyzing enzyme, urea and yeast. Control treatments for 35
and 40% solids were conducted with conventional enzymes (-amalyse and
glucoamaylse) and a higher liquefaction temperature (82C). The modified
process resulted in reduced viscosity of liquefied slurry compared to control
treatments. Final ethanol concentrations for the modified process increased by
3% at 35% solids (from 18.9 to 19.5% v/v) and by 4% at 40% solids (from
18.8 to 19.5% v/v). Lower glycerol levels were obtained, 0.98 and 1.06% v/v
for 35 and 40% solids, respectively indicating reduced osmotic stress on yeast.
Grain and grain products quality and safety system in the Russian
(1) Centre for Grain Quality Assurance, Moscow, Russia
Cereal Foods World 54:A21
In the year 2008, 2.7 mln tones of poor and dangerous grain, cereals, feeds
and feeds components were detected, that works out 10% from the inspected
ones. This quantity of bread products wasnt permitted of import without
relevant treatment and the part of it was returned to the suppliers or
annihilated. Much attention is paid to grain and grain products state control
during the export. It is particularly topical, considering prospects of Russia
enlistment into WTO and importance of country prestige supporting on the
international grain market. Suppression of poor and dangerous products
exports efforts influenced in an essential way on the food safety in the inside
market. During the import 27% of poor inspected production was detected.
Import grain and grain products delivers put together the biggest percent of
low-grade detections. For example, during the rise import 31.2 thousand tones
of products, dont meet the demands of national standards and SanPin, were
detected, among them essential safety indexes excess was recorded in some
lots: micotoxins content twice as much; pesticides residue: chlorpyriphos
excess 300 times as much and permethrin excess 12 times as much;
cadmium excess 56 times as much. Besides, the rise lots with infestation and
insect impurity, defective odour, moisture excess, metal-magnetic impurity
content excess, damaged and beighted kernels and kernels with other factors
were detected. Taking into consideration that rise is the social notional food
product and supplied to the consumer including infant food without further
technical updating, such detections estimated as the most important.
Ethanol production from hard and soft endosperm corn types
E. KHULLAR (1), E. D. Sall (2), K. D. Rausch (1), M. Tumbleson (1), V.
Singh (1)
(1) University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL; (2) Monsanto Company, St.
Louis, MO
Cereal Foods World 54:A21
The conventional dry grind process involves grinding corn to reduce particle
size, expose starch granules and increase surface area for enzymatic action.
Yeast is used to ferment the glucose to ethanol. Fractionation methods differ
from the conventional process in removal of germ and pericarp fiber prior to
fermentation. Corn endosperm consists of starch granules held together by a
matrix comprised of protein bodies. Two types of endosperm were used: hard
and soft. Hard and soft endosperm types differ in protein-starch interactions,
starch granule shapes and protein types present. As a result, hard and soft
endosperm have different milling properties. Two corn fractionation methods,
wet and dry, were compared to the conventional dry grind process using hard
and soft endosperm corn types. Four hard endosperm corn types were com-
pared to a soft endosperm corn type using conventional and wet and dry frac-
tionation processes. Final ethanol concentrations and profiles were generated.
Germ oil and protein were analyzed. Residual starch content was measured in
germ and pericarp fiber from the fractionation processes. Pericarp fiber was
analyzed for neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content. Wet fractionation resulted
in 0.3% and 1.8% v/v higher final ethanol concentrations respectively, than
dry fractionation and conventional processes. Germ from wet fractionation
had higher oil (32.2%) and protein contents (14.2%) and lower starch contents
than from dry fractionation (17.7% and 12.6%, respectively).
Naked barley A rediscovered source for functional foods!
M. KINNER (1), S. Siebenhandl-Ehn (1), H. Grausgruber (1), K. Huber (1),
S. Nitschko (1), M. Prckler (1), M. Poppernitsch (1), E. Berghofer (1)
(1) University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna,
Cereal Foods World 54:A22
Naked (hulless) barley possesses interesting technological properties and is
recognised as valuable nutritional source due to its high content of dietary
fibre and secondary plant metabolites. This report deals with intermediate
outcomes of a three years nationally funded project (FWF). Out of an existing
collection of more than 90 genetic resources of naked barley (blue, black,
purple or yellow coloured) 30 genotypes were used to study the variation of
the content of a number of phytochemicals and dietary fibres. All varieties
were grown in one location around Vienna (Austria) in 2007 and 2008.
Wholegrain samples have shown significant differences in the trait of total
pentosanes (ranging from 4.05 9.12 g/100 g) between the different colour
groups whereas beta-glucan ranged not significantly between 3.18 6.06
g/100 g. Interestingly, delphinidin glucosides were predominant in blue
genotypes contrary to purple genotypes for which cyanidin glucosides were
found as the dominant anthocyanins. HPLC analyses of carotenoids revealed
that zeaxanthin and lutein varied in a ratio of 1:2 to 1:1, respectively, between
the colour groups. Within the technology work package the aim was to
investigate the utilisation of such raw materials and to determine changes in
the health beneficial components during processing. PCA analysis was used to
explore relationships based on dough forming abilities and dough stability
properties. PC1 accounted for 51.3% of the cumulative variance and PC2
explained 20.7% of the total cumulative variance. Furthermore, initiating with
ICC method 131 an experimental design was done to examine the influence of
process parameters to produce tin breads of 100% barley flour. With new
evidence about the functional and health beneficial properties of naked barley
genotypes, the project will contribute in an important way to consumer health
and quality of life.
Development of a benchtop baking method for chemically leavened
M. KWEON (1), L. Slade (2), H. Levine (2), E. Souza (1)
(1) USDA ARS, Wooster, OH, U.S.A.; (2) Food Polymer Science
Consultancy, Morris Plains, NJ, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A22
Applied Research Award for 2008
Traditionally, the baking performance of soft wheat flours has been evaluated
by well-established benchtop cookie-baking methods. In contrast, a benchtop
cracker-baking method has not been widely explored or implemented as an
official method, due to hurdles including the difficulty in finding ideal
diagnostic flours and the absence of suitable benchtop equipment (powerful
dough mixer, sheeter, multi-zone oven). Despite such hurdles, there is still a
demand in academia and industry for a benchtop baking method to predict the
contribution of gluten functionality and performance to overall flour
performance for chemically leavened crackers. In an initial investigation, the
effects of total solvent (TS) and sugar concentration (%S) were explored to
establish a diagnostic cracker formula. Dough rheology was analyzed to
evaluate the extent of gluten development during mixing and machining. The
effects of enzymes on cracker baking performance were explored to assess the
impact of damaged starch and pentosans. Validation of the method for
predicting gluten functionality and performance was carried out using various
flours. As the diagnostic formula, 38 TS and 23.7% S were selected. Cracker
dough rheology, measured in the direction of sheeting, showed a positive
correlation with the ratio of cracker height to dough weight, but a negative
correlation with the ratio of cracker width to length. Use of alpha-amylase and
pentosanase demonstrated the improving effects of enzymes on cracker
baking performance, resulting from decreased dough crumbliness and
increased cracker height. The gluten performance ratio of SRC LA/(SC+Suc)
was found to be a better predictor of cracker geometry than was the gluten
functionality value of LA SRC alone. Flours with a gluten performance ratio <
0.52 produced blistering.
Starch-antioxidants interaction: Innovative tracks to improve nutritional
quality in food
P. LE BAIL (1), C. Begue (1), C. Genot (1)
(1) INRA, Nantes, FRANCE
Cereal Foods World 54:A22
In food products, natural and processed lipids are frequently used in the form
of emulsion. Emulsion consist of two or more immiscible or partially miscible
liquids (such as lipid and water) with one liquid being dispersed in the other in
the form of droplet. The oxydative deterioration of lipids in emulsions
negatively affects the quality of food emulsions by altering the products
flavor, odor, and nutritive value. Antioxydants are an effective tool to control
lipid oxidation in oil-in-water emulsion. The phenolic acids from vegetal
origin represent an major stake for the research and the industry. Indeed, their
use would can constitute an attractive alternative at the synthetic antioxidants
which are less accepted by the consumer. Phenolic acids have numerous
health benefits too. The main objective of this work is to preserve a part of the
phenolic acids nutritional interest in food emulsions An innovative strategy
has been developed to incorporate the phenolic acids in the emulsion with the
aim of protecting their nutritional properties in the aqueous phase. A
protective assembly made of hydrocolloids (using starch in particular) is in
charge of embedding the antioxidant. This assembly has been studied by X
rays diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry to better understand the
interaction and the location of the antioxidant in the assembly. Ageing tests
have been carried out to assess the stability of the system. This work
demonstrates the importance of the order of incorporation of protective
compounds and of health benefit substances during the production of a food.
Behaviour of prefermented dough during refrigeration; impact of CO2
solubility on gas cell equilibrium
A. LE BAIL (1), F. Ben-Aissa (2), G. Domagoj (3), D. Curic (3), J. Monteau
(1) ENITIAA, UMR GEPEA (CNRS 6144), Universit de Nantes, Nantes
Atlantique - NANTES - FRANCE; (2) ENITIAA - GEPEA - 44322 NANTES
FRANCE; (3) Zagreb University, PBF, Zagreb Croatia
Cereal Foods World 54:A22
The interruption of fermentation during the bread making process and
eventually the freezing of prefermented dough offers some advantages such as
flexibility for bread production. However, the freezing of pre fermented
frozen dough is a challenging process in that the fermented dough is a fragile
structure that is exposed to collapse during chilling and freezing. CO2
solubility in dough is a key parameter for dough expansion and stability (ie
collapse of dough during refrigeration). CO2 solubility has been evaluated
between 15 and 40C using a protocol based on fermentation at constant
volume. Data have been extrapolated to a broader (0 to 50C) based on an
Arrhenius law that rules solubility dependence with temperature. It was found
that the solubility of CO2 in dough is increasing from 5 10
to 1.6 10
CO2 kPa
LPD (Liquid Phase of Dough) between 50C and 0C. Tests
have been done to track the impact of refrigeration on the volume change of
bread during chilling and freezing. A model based on the Young Laplace
equation has been developed to model the volume change of fermented dough
during pre fermentation and refrigeration (at 4C). A distribution of gas cells
in the dough has been considered. This model accommodates the dependence
of solubility and of the Henry coefficient with temperature as well as the
impact of temperature on total pressure. The model fits well with experimental
results obtained during the chilling of a pre fermented dough at 4C. It shows
that even though the pressure and therefore the volume of the cells embedded
in the dough decreases at the onset of refrigeration, the dough re expand
for longer times due to new equilibrium between the liquid and gaseous
CO2 phases. This project is funded by the EU-FRESHBAKE (20062009)
which is supervised by the author of the paper. (http://eu-freshbake.eu/
Starch digestion with human mucosal enzymes
A. LIN (1), Z. Ao (2), B. Nichols (3), R. Quezada-Calvillo (4), D. Rose (5), L.
Sim (6), B. Hamaker (7)
(1) Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, U.S.A.; (2) [email protected];
(3) [email protected]; (4) [email protected]; (5) [email protected]; (6)
[email protected]; (7) [email protected]
Cereal Foods World 54:A22
Starches are the major source of dietary glucose in weaned children and
adults. The digestion of starches in human body requires 6 known enzyme
activities. There are two luminal enzymes, salivary alpha-amylase and
pancreatic alpha-amylase, and four small intestinal mucosal enzyme activities
related to the maltase-glucoamylase (MGAM) and sucrose-isomaltase (SI)
complexes. Our research used different substrates including raw starch
granules, solubilized starches and alpha-limit dextrins from various botanical
sources to study glucogenesis as it occurs in the human body. Recombinant
human N-terminal maltase-glucoamylase (rh-N-MGAM) can attack starch
granules or molecules without pre-digestion by alpha-amylase, but alpha-
amylase dramatically amplifies the glucogenic activities by producing malto-
oligomer as the substrates of mucosal enzymes. The N-terminal mucosal
enzymes have higher affinity to substrate than C-terminal enzymes. The N-SI
(N-terminal SI) has higher affinity to substrates than N-MGAM, but C-SI (C-
terminal SI) has lower affinity than C-MGAM. The released maltotriose and
maltotetraose from alpha-amylolysis, and core structure of alpha-limit dextrin
might be the main factors that affect the mucosal enzymes digestion. Mucosal
enzymes attack alpha-limit dextrins of starches from various genetic
backgrounds differently and generate different residues for the mucosal
enzymes glucogenesis, which we have defined as slowly digestible dextrin
(SDx). Our research show that alpha-amylase is not an absolute requirement
for starch degradation in human body, and human enzymes digest starch
substrate of various botanical sources differently and generate different
residues in the small intestines.
Dough rheology and breadmaking traits of flour mill streams from a
hard spring wheat and relationships to sulfur content and protein size
Y. LIU (1), G. A. Hareland (2), J. Ohm (2)
(1) North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, U.S.A.; (2) USDA/ARS Wheat
Quality Laboratory, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A23
Knowledge of the differences in quality traits among individual flour mill
streams (FMS) provides more precise blending techniques that would meet
customers flour specifications. The aim of this study was to evaluate
differences in dough rheology and breadmaking traits among FMS and their
relationships to sulfur content and protein size distribution. Three break and
three reduction FMS were obtained from Buhler laboratory milling trials of
the hard red spring wheat variety Glenn that was grown at two locations.
Nitrogen and sulfur contents were analyzed by the LECO combustion
analyzer. Protein size distribution was analyzed by size exclusion HPLC.
Dough mixing and rheology characteristics were determined by farinograph
and extensigraph, respectively. Bread quality was evaluated by C-cell digital
imaging. The break FMS had higher nitrogen and sulfur contents than the
reduction FMS. The third break FMS had the highest nitrogen and sulfur
contents among FMS but poor breadmaking quality in addition to high ash
content. Partial correlations using ash content as a partial variable indicated
that sulfur content had greater associations with bread loaf volume,
farinograph development time, and dough rheology properties than nitrogen
content in FMS. SDS unextractable high molecular weight polymeric proteins
showed greater correlations with dough extensibility and resistance to
extension, farinograph development time, and bread loaf volume than the
other unextractable protein fractions separated by size exclusion HPLC. Bread
traits measured by C-cell imaging also had significant correlations with SDS
unextractable high molecular weight polymeric proteins. Results from this
study indicated that FMS were significantly different in quality traits; and
sulfur content and protein size distribution in FMS affected dough properties
and breadmaking quality.
Applying basic research in developing analytical solutions
(1) Megazyme Intl Ireland Ltd, Bray, County Wicklow, IRELAND
Cereal Foods World 54:A23
Applied Research Award for 2009
Much of the food we eat has been processed to some degree. This includes
such traditional items as bread, beer, wine, juice and milk, as well as more
complex foods and food ingredients. The discerning consumer demands
safety, quality and consistency in the foods he/she purchases. Safety, quality
and consistency require routine analysis of the raw material (grain, fruit, milk)
and the processed product at every stage of the production line. Biochemical
test kits have an important part to play in meeting these requirements. At
Megazyme, we have focused on quality and consistency issues and have
researched and developed a range of test kits to assist the food processor and
analyst in their functions. In this presentation, I will give a brief outline of
how I became interested in this area of research. In particular, I will discuss
the development of a few example test procedures from first principles, and
describe some of the challenges in getting the product to market and ensuring
proper evaluation and, hopefully, ultimate acceptance. Examples will include
the beta-glucan assay kit, tablet tests for alpha-amylase and xylanase, dietary
fibre methodology and finally, some of our newer kits for sugars of interest in
biofuels research.
Organic rice production systems and their impact on grain quality
A. MCCLUNG (1), K. Bett-Garber (1), C. Bergman (2), C. Grimm (3), M.
Chen (1), E. Champagne (3)
(1) USDA, Stuttgaart, AR, U.S.A.; (2) University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV,
U.S.A.; (3) USDA, New Orleans, LA, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A23
Interest in organic production of rice has been increasing in the US as a result
of expanding demand by consumers and interest by growers in capturing this
value-added market. Currently, about 35,000 acres in the US are dedicated to
organic rice production with about 10% of the Texas rice acreage under
organic management. Typically, organic growers receive a significant
premium which offsets lower yields and their greater exposure to risk due to
their inability to use standard agricultural chemicals. We have been
conducting research on organically grown rice for 10 years with the aims of
identifying cultivars that have the best performance under organic conditions,
determining the impacts of organic management on cooking, processing,
sensory, and nutritional quality, and identifying cultural management options
that improve yield and reduce risks for farmers and end users. Initial studies
demonstrated that high yielding indica cultivars perform well under organic
management and would do particularly well if used in the brown rice market.
Subsequent studies compared five cultivars having diverse cooking properties
that were grown under conventional management using 100% or 50% of the
nitrogen fertilizer requirement or using organic management. The impact of
organic management was determined on cooking quality parameters, protein
content, mineral content, whiteness, aroma, and texture and flavor sensory
analysis. In general, organic production methods improved the whiteness and
texture of rice without any negative impacts on quality. Currently,
experiments are underway to evaluate a broader range of cultivars, including
aromatics, colored bran, and niche market varieties that would be desired by
organic consumers and producers. The impact of these factors on yield and
various grain quality aspects will be determined.
Cereal-legume pasta: How process, by modifying pasta structure, can
change its nutritional properties
(1) Montpellier Supagro, Montpellier, FRANCE
Cereal Foods World 54:A23
Pasta enriched with legume (35% w/w) were processed. The effects of legume
addition and process parameters on pasta structure and its impact on pasta
nutritional properties were studied. Protein and starch digestibility, fibre and
non digestible oligosaccharides fermentability (in particular the flatus risk
associated) and lipids bioavailability were determined in vitro. The effect of
the food structure on its nutritional properties (matrix effect) was studied at
two different scales by: i) comparison of mixed pasta with the same
composition but with different structures (small scale matrix effect). These
pasta are produced by modifying the drying step of the process; ii) comparison
of a mixed pasta produced in standard conditions with a mixed meal made
from 65% of pure durum wheat spaghetti and 35% of legume puree, this
percentage being those used to produce the mixed pasta (large scale matrix
effect). Variations of the pasta structure at small scale changed the
digestibility of its protein and starch fractions. Drying pasta with very high
temperature decreased, for example, their content in rapidly available starch
from 11 to 14 points (% of total available carbohydrate content) depending on
the legume. The content in rapidly available starch of a food is linked to the
Glycemic Index measured in vivo. This strong small scale matrix effect
determined on mixed pasta with the same composition but different
structure contrasted with the light large scale matrix effect, determined
between mixed pasta and the corresponding mixed meal. The demonstration
of the link between process, structure and nutritional properties for the mixed
pasta shows the nutritional interest to structure durum wheat and legume in a
single pasta food. This link, which involves process parameters, emphasizes
the key role of industrial in the determination of the nutritional properties of
Combining quality and yield: Overcoming barriers to adoption for
specialized grains
M. K. MORELL (1), Z. Li (1), J. Ral (1), A. Regina (1), G. J. Tanner (1), C.
Howitt (1)
Cereal Foods World 54:A23
Innovation in cereal grains frequently confronts a hurdle in that genetic
manipulation (through either GM or non-GM breeding processes) that result
in significant and potentially valuable changes to composition and
functionality are often found to be associated with a yield penalty incurred as
a result of reduced seed weight or decreased plant productivity. The
magnitude of yield penalty is critical because throughout the value chain, the
additional costs associated with production of the altered grain must be
recouped through additional value creation at point of sale. Furthermore, the
additional value must be distributed among value chain participants so that
each participant is appropriately compensated. While overcoming such yield
penalties is an important economic imperative in innovating in developed
economies, there is also a significant moral imperative to address this issue
from a food security and sustainability perspective. Research in our program
has focused on production of novel grain types with specific changes in
composition and functionality targeting consumer needs. In this research, we
have developed products opportunities where the desired target func-
tionality has been achieved but where a yield penalty is seen. A number
of genetic approaches have been successfully applied to restore some, if not
all, of the yield penalty, positioning these technologies for sustainable
commercial exploitation. This presentation will demonstrate some examples
of approaches that have been used to restore grain yield in specialty barley
and wheat crops.
Effect of health information on the acceptability of bread fortified with
barley beta-glucan
(1) University of Alberta, Gwynne, AB, CANADA
Cereal Foods World 54:A24
Best Student Research Paper Competition
Cereal beta-glucans have a cholesterol lowering effect. This property is
extremely pertinent today as there is a causal relationship between high blood
cholesterol and heart disease, the leading cause of death in North America.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a health claim for the
association between consumption of products containing oat/barley beta-
glucan and a reduction in heart disease risk. However, fortifying bread with
beta-glucan has been shown to reduce bread quality, though gluten addition
may lessen this effect. Consumer acceptance and purchase intent of bread
fortified with beta-glucan at levels deemed necessary to be physiologically
effective by the FDA (0.75 g/serving) in the presence or absence of health
information has not been investigated previously. Therefore, the effect of
beta-glucan and gluten addition on bread quality, consumer acceptability and
purchase intent in the presence or absence of health information was
investigated in this study. Bread quality was characterized using height,
volume, firmness, and colour measures, while consumer liking of appearance,
texture, flavour, and overall acceptance was gauged using a 9-point hedonic
scale. A 5-point scale assessed purchase intent. Beta-glucan and gluten
addition at 1.5 g/serving improved quality measures greater (p < 0.05) than the
0.75 g beta-glucan/serving bread. Consumers (n = 120) rated all breads as
acceptable. Health information positively influenced (p < 0.05) flavour liking,
overall acceptability and purchase intent. Health information had a greater
impact (p < 0.05) on female consumers liking of flavour and texture, and
overall acceptability. Optimizing beta-glucan fortified bread with gluten and
presenting health information at point of purchase may hold the key to
creating a readily accepted consumer product with the health benefits of beta-
Milling behavior of a soft durum wheat line
C. F. MORRIS (1), D. A. Engle (1), A. D. Bettge (1), M. C. Simeone (2), D.
Lafiandra (2), K. Shantz (3)
(1) USDA-ARS Western Wheat Quality Laboratory, Pullman, WA, U.S.A.;
(2) Department of Agrobiology & Agrochemistry, University of Tuscia,
Viterbo, Italy; (3) WestBred LLC
Cereal Foods World 54:A24
During the initial hybridization of two wild grasses to form the wheat species
Triticum turgidum some 0.5 m years ago, the puroindoline genes from both
wild species were eliminated, along with their inherent and mysterious ability
to soften kernels. Consequently, all durum wheat varieties have very hard
kernels. Humankinds interaction with durum wheat is intricately interwoven
with its very hard kernels. Durum milling produces primarily coarse semolina
and flour. Through traditional cytological (non-GMO) means, we have
rectified the accident of nature and restored the puroindoine genes to durum
wheatand with them, soft kernel texture. We describe our preliminary results
on the milling behavior of soft durum. Grain was from Yuma, AZ; protein
content 17.1%. Two samples were milled on a Miag Multomat pilot flour mill.
The first milling was set up using standard soft wheat milling procedures. The
grain was tempered to 14.5% mc. First midds (M1) produced the lowest ash
flour (0.41%) and 10.3% yield. The greatest quantity of flour was off the M2
(25.7% at 0.47% ash). A straight-grade flour (10 streams) was obtained at
74.9% yield and 0.58% ash. Dropping the last two streams (3.7% yield)
dropped the ash down to 0.51%. The soft durum milled like a typical soft
wheat. The second mill run had the objective of testing the premise that
semolina could be obtained from soft durum. In this case, only the B1 rolls
were used; the sifters were clothed 720 and 145 um and overs were collected
manually. The 720 overs were re-sifted on an 850 um sieve (no. 20), and the
overs of the 145 on a 150 um sieve (no. 100) to conform more closely to the
CFR definition of semolina. As a result, the calculated semolina yield
(without bran removal/purifying) was 47.4%, re-iterating from a single roll
pass. The original bran (720 overs) was re-milled on B1; recovered products
of 145-720 um yielded 25%, break flour 21%.
Time domain
H-NMR relaxation study of starch-
O interactions in
gelatinized and ungelatinized starches
T. MOTWANI (1), A. Benesi (1), S. Anantheswaran (1)
(1) Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A24
Starch-water interactions are critical for developing a mechanistic
understanding of the gelatinization process. The objective of this study was to
characterize the molecular jump dynamics of water associated with
gelatinized and ungelatinized starches using solid state quadrupole echo and
liquid state
H NMR relaxaometry. Deuterium exchanged native wheat starch
was used to prepare 30% starch-
O slurry, which was heated to 90C for 30
min and freeze-dried to obtain gelatinized starch. Also, starch-
O slurry, not
given any thermal treatment was freeze-dried to obtain ungelatinized starch.
H quadrupole echo NMR spectra of starch were obtained at 11.74 T (76.73
MHz) and the spin-lattice relaxation times (T
) were measured at 7.04 T
(46.03 MHz) and 11.74 T at several temperatures between 50 to 90C.
Liquid state
H NMR measurements indicated presence of 0.99 and 1.26
moles of
O per mole of glucose in gelatinized and ungelatinized starches,
respectively. At 25C, the quadrupole echo spectra of both the starches
exhibited a sharp isotropic central peak and a broad powder pattern, which
were attributed to the tetrahedral jumps executed by O-
H groups of
O and
starch, respectively. At lower temperatures ( 25C), the sharp central peak
was replaced by a powder pattern, attributed to the tetrahedral jumps of O-
groups of
O and starch. The T
values of gelatinized and ungelatinized
starches exhibited magnetic field dependence. At 25C, T
values for
ungelatinized starch were 5.3 ms and 7.4 ms at 7.04 T and 11.74 T,
respectively, which were two orders of magnitude lower than those of liquid
O. This indicated the presence of yet unreported solid state ice-like
at room temperature in wheat starch (tetrahedral jumps are associated with O-
H bonds of water in frozen (ice) state). This is the first study to report jump
dynamics of water associated with starch and presents novel insights into
starch-water interactions.
The dehydrogenase-mediated recycling of NADPH shows antioxidant
activity in intake of oryzanol and ferulic acid extracted from rice bran
S. MYOUNGJIN (1), K. Miyoung (1), K. Sumi (1), K. Juhee (1)
(1) Kyungpook National University, Daegu, KOREA
Cereal Foods World 54:A24
NADPH has important rule in the redox balance of the cell. NADPH is one of
the main end products of several metabolic pathways and is essential substrate
for reductive biosynthetic reactions in animal and plant. Rice bran oil contains
a relatively higher proportion of nonsaponifiable component than that of most
vegetable oils have. Oryzanol is a class of nonsaponifiable lipids of rice bran
oil and it contains ferulic acid esters of triterpene alcohol and plant sterols in
its structure. The aim of this work was to study the function of NADPH-
generating dehydrogenases and the antioxidant capacity of rice bran and
ferulic acid in the mechanism of oxidative stress induced by hypercholesterol
intake. The main enzyme which have the capacity to generate reducing power
in the form of NADPH are: Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6P), Malic
enzyme (ME), Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX), Glutathione peroxidase
(GR). Fifty C57BL male mice weighing 12 g of the same age were initially
fed with pellet type lab chow for two weeks. Mice were randomly grouped
into 5 different groups of 10 animals each group (1) normal diet (AIN76), (2)
high cholesterol diet (20%), (3) rice bran (20%), (4) oryzanol (0.5%), (5)
Ferulic acid (0.5%). Mice were fed for 7 weeks and allowed free access to the
foods and water. The activity of anioxidative enzyme has already showed a
significant increase of catalase, superoxide dismutase in rice bran, oryzanol
and ferulic acid groups under hypercholesterol intake condition, the activities
of G6PDH, ME, GSH-PX, GR were decreased, while showed high level of
activities in rice bran, oryzanol and ferulic acid groups. These results indicate
that Rice bran and its composition have a great antioxidant capacity and
animals respond to the metabolism of inducing antioxidative enzymes of
NADPH-producing dehydrogenases by recycling NADPH for the protection
against oxidative damages.
Structural differences in diverse barley lines for SKCS hardness index
S. G. NAIR (1), S. Ullrich (1), B. Baik (1)
(1) Washington State University, Pullman, WA, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A24
Best Student Research Paper Competition
Increasing awareness about the role of whole grain in controlling life style
related diseases has made barley an ideal candidate for functional foods.
Recent research highlighting health benefits of -glucans is rekindling interest
in barley as a food source. Due to limited use of barley for food, there is a lack
of experience in breeding and cultivating food barley varieties. In order to
meet the demand for food barley, thorough understanding of the grain
characteristics and their functionality required for food uses is crucial. Grain
hardness is an important trait known to influence food processing and product
quality in wheat, a close relative of barley. The role of endosperm texture in
malting quality is well recognized, but grain hardness has been little
investigated for food uses. An objective of our research is to understand the
structural basis of endosperm texture in barley lines differing in hardness.
Transverse sections of six diverse barley lines for SKCS hardness index (HI)
values (31.895.0) were used for light (LM) and scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) studies. The bulk of the seed was composed of starchy
endosperm that showed both A and B type starch granules. Endosperm cell
wall thickness measured under LM varied from 1.49.6 for soft lines while
it was 2.313.7 for hard lines. The average cell wall thickness was 3.0 for
soft lines and 5.5 for hard lines and showed positive correlation with HI (r =
0.83*) suggesting that hard grain has thicker cell walls than soft grains. Under
SEM, soft lines showed loosely packed endosperm with numerous A and B
type granules. Hard lines exhibited tighter packed endosperm and numerous A
type granules covered by protein matrix but fewer B type granules which
appeared to be obscured by the protein covering. These results suggest that
barley HI is associated with cell wall thickness and packing of the endosperm.
Role of starch granule surface components in pasting
D. NATH DE OLIVEIRA (1), S. Finnie (1), M. Giroux (2), J. Faubion (1)
(1) Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.; (2) Montana State
University, Bozeman, MT, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A25
Endosperm texture is an important characteristic in determining wheat
processing requirement and end use. The presence of puroindoline proteins on
the starch granule surface are a biochemical marker for endosperm softness in
wheat. Even though polar lipids are present in soft and hard wheat flour in
equal quantities, starch isolated from soft wheat presents higher amounts of
polar lipids attached to the starch granule surface compared to starch isolated
from hard wheat. Polar lipids are involved in the interaction of puroindolines
with soft wheat starch surfaces. The objective of this study is to investigate the
role starch surface components play in the pasting process. Prime starch from
soft (HGAB18) and hard (Hi-line) near-isogenic wheat samples was isolated
using a batter method. Lipids were extracted from HGAB18 starch to provide
a comparison between native and lipid-removed-starch. A Brabender
MicroViscoAmylograph was used to create the pasting profiles. Amylograms
demonstrated a lower final viscosity for Hi-line (497 BU) starch compared to
starch isolated from HGAB18 (707.5 BU). The final viscosity of the lipid-
extracted-HGAB18 (678.5 BU) starch decreased in relation to native
HGAB18 starch. These results indicate that starch surface components, in this
case lipids, effect starch pasting viscosity. Characterizing the relationships
between starch granule surface components and pasting profiles provides
insight into how endosperm texture affects flour and dough characteristics.
Saltiness enhancement in bread by inhomogeneous spatial distribution of
M. NOORT (1), M. Stieger (2), R. Hamer (1)
(1) TI Food & Nutrition (formerly known as Wageningen Centre for Food
Sciences), 6700 AN Wageningen, The Netherlands, and TNO Quality of Life,
3700 AJ Zeist, The Netherlands; (2) TI Food & Nutrition (formerly known as
Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences), 6700 AN Wageningen, The
Netherlands, and NIZO Food Research, 6710 BA Ede, The Netherlands
Cereal Foods World 54:A25
There is a wide consensus that the western diet leads to a sodium (Na) intake
twice the recommended level. Cereal products -and bread in particular- are
main contributors of Na in the diet. A reduction of Na in bread will lead to
significant health benefits. As a consequence, governments throughout the
world are stimulating reduction of Na levels in food. However, it is difficult to
decrease the Na content of bread and maintain the organoleptic quality at the
same time. Several strategies have been described to reduce the Na content in
bread, such as replacement of Na by blends of other ions, enhancement of
saltiness by addition of taste boosters or gradual salt reduction over longer
time periods. In this study we present an alternative approach to enhance
saltiness perception in bread following the concept of taste contrast. An
inhomogeneous spatial distribution of salt in bread was obtained by preparing
breads consisting of several dough layers varying in salt concentration. The
ratio of salt between layers varied between 1:1, 1:5 and 1:11 at constant
overall salt concentrations ranging from 1.0% to 2.0% (on flour base). The
influence of the inhomogeneous salt distribution on saltiness perception was
determined using a nave consumer panel (n = 63) which rated perceived
saltiness in duplicate. A significant enhancement of perceived saltiness (p <
0.05) was observed for breads which had an inhomogeneous distribution of
salt when the salt concentration gradients were large (1:11). The results
demonstrate that an inhomogeneous distribution of salt in bread can be used as
a new tool to allow significant reductions in Na concentration, while
maintaining organoleptic properties.
Hybrid rice improves sustainability
B. OTTIS (1)
(1) RiceTec, Inc., Sikeston, MO, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A25
Hybrid rice has been cultivated since the mid 1970s and is now grown on
approximately 50% of the rice area in China and accounts for 60% of its rice
grain production. Only in the last decade has this technology gained
commercial popularity in the United States. Since the release of hybrid rice in
the southern United States, hybrid rice production area has risen substantially.
Hybrid rice has many agronomic advantages over pureline cultivars due to
heterosis, or hybrid vigor, which is the result of combining germplasm with
diverse heritages. Some of these advantages include increased yield, better
water use efficiency, greater disease and insect tolerance, greater
photosynthetic rates, and better yield stability across a range of environments.
Hybrid rice worldwide typically shows an average 20 to 30% yield advantage
over pureline cultivars with equal or less fertilizer input. Additionally,
increased resistance to disease and insect pressure lessens the need for costly
fungicide and insecticide applications, reducing the pesticide load on the
environment. As with other hybrid crops, such as corn and grain sorghum,
seed from hybrid rice cannot be saved for planting. Producing hybrid seed has
become much more efficient in recent years as parent lines have been
developed with increased seed yield. Mechanization has also facilitated
increased hybrid seed production rates and efficiencies in the United States.
Genotypic and environmental characterisation of seed composition in
Australian pulses cultivars
J. PANOZZO (1), N. Neumann (1), M. Jason (1), C. Walker (1)
(1) Department of Primary Industries, Horsham, VIC, AUSTRALIA
Cereal Foods World 54:A25
Australia is a leading producer of pulses, particularly lentils, kabuli chickpeas
and field-peas, of which approximately 90% are exported as a minimally
processed product. Unlike cereal grains, the marketing of pulse varieties is
based primarily on visual grain characteristics such as seed size, shape and
colour. The perceived impact of these physical characteristics is often linked
with processing quality, for example splitting efficiency and cooking quality
and very little emphasis is placed on composition. It is generally agreed that
pulse grains should be a major part of the human diet, yet in western diets,
pulse grains are seldom used even though most consumers are aware that
pulses are high in protein, starch fibre and other nutrients. Pulses also contain
a range of secondary plant metabolites which are biologically active
compounds and may exert metabolic benefits to humans when consumed on a
regular basis. There is increasing evidence to suggest that these compounds
may be beneficial in reducing the probability of diabetes and coronary heart
disease. To date there has been very little emphasis in incorporating physical
grain characteristics and quality traits associated with grain composition in the
development of new varieties. There are increasing market demand for pulses
that can be used in a wide range of food applications and therefore there is a
need for increased knowledge on grain composition particularly secondary
plant metabolite compounds. This paper discusses the genetic and
environmental variation in the composition of Australian grown pulses and the
identification of pulse cultivars with enhanced seed composition profiles that
may lead to increased consumption of pulses.
The impact of redox agents on sugar-snap cookie quality
B. PAREYT (1), K. Brijs (1), J. A. Delcour (1)
(1) Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry and Leuven Food
Science and Nutrition Research Centre (LFoRCe), Katholieke Universiteit
Cereal Foods World 54:A25
Sugar-snap cookies of superior quality generally have large diameters. Their
diameter depends both on the spread rate and the set time. The spread rate
largely depends on the sugar and fat levels and on how much water is bound
by the flour used. The set time is dictated by a sudden viscosity increase
which stops the spread. Since starch does not gelatinize, it is believed that
proteins impact cookie dough setting. This was earlier related to the
occurrence of an apparent glass transition. However, there is no consensus
on the mechanism. In our work, we used of reducing (L-cysteine, glutathione)
and oxidizing agents (KIO
, KBrO
) to understand the mechanism whereby
gluten stops dough spread. Reducing agents significantly decreased dough
setting, while the opposite was true for oxidants. This resulted in smaller (83.7
to 84.9 mm) or larger (87.8 to 88.3 mm) diameters respectively than those of
the control cookies (87.3 mm). This was related to more pronounced
entanglement and subsequent cross-linking when reducing agents were used
to modify the gluten, and less pronounced entanglement and cross-linking
whenever oxidants were added. Furthermore, more cross-linking led to
reduced collapse. Microfocus computer tomography, a technique based on
differences in X-ray absorption between pores and cookie material, clearly
showed that modifying the gluten largely influences the internal cookie
structure. In conclusion, pronounced formation of gluten networks limits
sugar snap cookie dough spread, but, at the same time, increases resistance to
structural collapse.
A novel approach in the determination of estimated glyceamic response of
some breads commonly consumed in Republic of Ireland by RP-HPLC
A. PATRAS (1), E. Gallagher (1)
(1) Teagasc, Dublin, IRELAND
Cereal Foods World 54:A25
In this study, a new technique for determination of hydrolysis index (HI) and
estimated glyceamic response (eGI) of seven different breads, white (C),
wholemeal (W), multigrain (M), petit pan (PP), brown soda (S) and gluten-
free (GF) was developed. Bread samples were subjected to an in vitro
enzymatic starch digestion over a 3 hr period and dialysates were analysed for
total dialysable sugars (fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose) with a
reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method.
The separation was carried out on carbohydrate column (4.6 mm i.d. 250,
Waters) using refractive index detection. The developed HPLC method
showed good intra- and inter-day precisions, good accuracies, and high
correlation coefficients for standards subjected to the entire procedure. A non-
linear model was applied to describe the kinetics of starch hydrolysis and
estimate the area under the curve for bread samples. As expected, the eGI,
based on the hydrolysis index, for bread samples varied significantly (p <
0.05). The HPLC based method requires less time and proved to be sensitive,
precise and accurate for measuring total dialysable sugars. Therefore, the
proposed method could be used in routine analysis for eGI calculations.
Study of gas cells during proofing and baking using biaxial rheology and
X-ray microtomography
M. PICKETT (1), H. Dogan (1)
(1) Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A26
Wheat flour dough exhibits extremely complex rheological properties which
make it capable of occluding and retaining gas cells. Gas retention, even
distribution of gas cells, and their stability throughout the proofing and baking
process is critical to final bread structure and volume. The objectives of this
study were to establish a method for using X-ray microtomography to study
the microstructure of proving dough as well as bread, to compare the stability
of wheat flours of varying strength (Karl92, BZ20 and Alpowa) throughout
the proofing and baking process, and to understand the interrelationship
between protein quality, biaxial rheological properties and microstructure.
Amount of total polymeric and unextractable polymeric proteins in three
wheat flours were determined using SE-HPLC. Doughs were prepared
according to AACC method 10-10B. Biaxial rheological properties of dough
samples were studied using D/R dough inflation system (Texture
Technologies, NY). The strain hardening indices of Karl92, BZ20 and
Alpowa were found as 2.41, 2.74 and 1.83, respectively. Sections from
unproofed (0 min), underproofed (20 min) and optimally proofed (40 min)
doughs were cut and frozen at 80C. 96 specimens cut from both proofed
and baked loaves were scanned using a high resolution X-ray micro-CT
system (Skyscan1072, Belgium). 3-D analysis of dough samples indicated that
the void fractions increased dramatically over the proof time from 31.7% for
the unproofed dough (0 min) to 63.2% and 72.7% for the underproofed and
optimally proofed doughs, respectively. Oven spring caused further expansion
in the baked loaves which increased average void fraction to 84.4%. A
corresponding decrease in cell wall thickness was observed due to expansion
on gas cells. Understanding the factors affecting gas cell stability during
breadmaking process is important when creating the distinct structural and
textural characteristics.
Effects of sulfhydryl oxidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae on baking
and rheological properties of wheat flour
(1) Muehlenchemie GmbH & Co. KG, Ahrensburg, GERMANY
Cereal Foods World 54:A26
About two decades ago, sulfhydryl oxidase (SOX, EC from
Aspergillus sojae was suggested for use in baking and dairy applications. SOX
specifically oxidizes sulfhydryl groups in protein and peptides. In relation to
the number of oxidized sulfhydryl groups, much less hydrogen peroxide is
formed by SOX than by glyco-oxidases. Due to its small molecular size of
only 17 kDa and the strong binding of its co-enzyme FAD sulfhydryl oxidase
(SOX, EC from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is extraordinarily stable
towards heat and oxygen as compared to glucose oxidase (GOX, the most
commonly used oxidase in baking). The potential of SOX from S. cerevisiae
was tested in diverse baking applications, such as French baguette, pan and
hearth bread, breakfast rolls, Chinese steamed bread, butter croissants and
sponge cake. With the exception of sponge cake it showed good potential to
improve the shape, the baking volume and the crease, in particular in
applications involving lamination steps and prolonged fermentation. In butter
croissants made from frozen dough, no formation of off-flavour was noted,
while GOX-treated samples developed a strange smell. In dough rheology,
SOX was effective even under the time-limited Farinograph and Alveograph
conditions, where it increased dough stability and resistance, respectively.
Current fiber regulations affecting existing products and new product
(1) Tate & Lyle, Decatur, IL, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A26
Dietary fiber has catapulted to the forefront of research and debate in recent
years. While many domestic and multinational food companies are gearing up
for new product launches with fiber, they may not be aware of the most recent
fiber regulations affecting their businesses. Although a definition has been
agreed upon in Europe and reflects consensus at the Codex level, debate
among scientists regarding what is classified as dietary fiber continues to
exist. This session is designed to provide the most recent information about
changes in fiber regulations and pinpoint key information needed by product
developers to help ensure compliance with current regulations.
Amylose-lipid complexes as additives in starch based food systems
J. A. PUTSEYS (1), L. Lamberts (1), J. A. Delcour (1)
(1) Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry and Leuven Food Science
and Nutrition Research Centre (LFoRCe), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Cereal Foods World 54:A26
While amylose-lipid complexes have been studied profoundly, little
information is available about the possible functionality of such complexes
when used as additive in starch based systems. We here studied the impact of
both monodisperse short-chain semi-enzymically synthesized and more
polydisperse longer-chain solution-grown complexes on starch gels and
breadmaking. Semi-enzymically synthesized type I complexes induced severe
viscosity changes when added to starch in a Rapid Visco Analyzer heating,
constant temperature and cooling cycle. During heating of starch suspensions,
these complexes (partly) dissociate (in line with their differential scanning
calorimetry properties) thereby liberating both lipids as well as short amylose
chains. The latter subsequently contribute to network formation during cooling
of the gel by participating in double helix formation with long amylose chains
leached from the starch granules, resulting in a viscosity increase. We next
used in vitro methods for the determination of resistant starch levels and
hydrolysis indices which were both based on chewing of the starch containing
material. The gels containing amylose-lipid complexes had higher resistant
starch levels and lower in vitro degradabilities than the controls. When the
complexes were added in breadmaking, they decreased bread volume and
changed its in vitro digestibilities. Resistant starch content increased
especially for semi-crystalline type II amylose-lipid complexes. Amylose-lipid
complexes can hence be used as a tool for the controlled release of lipids and
short amylose chains, on the one hand, and, on the other, as an ingredient
reducing starch in vitro degradability by increasing resistant starch contents.
Relationships among viscosity of -glucan found in oat foods, starch
digestibility and human glycaemic response
A. Regand Ramirez (1), S. M. TOSH (1), P. J. Wood (1)
(1) Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Guelph, ON, CANADA
Cereal Foods World 54:A26
Soluble fibre, such as mixed linkage -glucan found in oats, has been
identified as a bioactive component in many foods with low glycaemic
indices. The viscosity of a -glucan solution which is extracted from food
under physiological conditions has been correlated with the decrease in peak
blood glucose rise (PBGR) after consumption of oat bran foods containing 4
to 12 g of -glucan. The mechanism is believed, in part at least, to be slowed
absorption of glucose from the gastrointestinal tract, but exactly how this
operates with starchy foods is not well understood Snack foods were
formulated using rolled oats and oat bran to contain 6 g of -glucan and either
40 or 60 g of starch. Some foods were prepared as is, to maintain the native -
glucan molecular weight (MW), whereas -glucanase was added to the batter
of some batches to partially depolymerise the -glucan before baking. By
adding different amounts of -glucanase, medium and low MW products were
produced for both starch doses. Equivalent control products were made from
white flour and whole wheat flakes. Postprandial blood glucose responses
were measured in human subjects (n = 12). As shown previously, -glucan
solubility decreased in the lowest MW foods. The proportion of rapidly
digestible starch (RDS, Englyst method) decreased as the viscosity of the
extract increased and, conversely, the slowly digestible starch (SDS) increased
with increasing viscosity. The average PBGR was correlated with log
(viscosity), percent reduction in RDS and percent increase in SDS. The effect
was larger for the 40 g starch dose, where the ratio of -glucan to starch was
higher. This study demonstrates that a decrease in the rate of starch digestion
related to the increased viscosity in the gut due to the presence of oat -glucan
is at least in part responsible for the reduction in glycaemic response to these
starch containing foods.
Field-flow fractionation as a means to find true molecular weights and
sizes of undegraded starch
A. ROLLAND SABAT (1), P. Colonna (2)
(1) INRA, Nantes, FRANCE; (2) [email protected]
Cereal Foods World 54:A26
Starch consists of a mixture of two -glucans built mainly upon -(1,4)
linkages: amylose an essentially linear polymer, and amylopectin a branched
polymer by the presence of 56% -(1,6) linkages. Functional properties of
starches are determined by their macromolecular characteristics and the
conformation in solution of both constitutive polymers. The need to
investigate the biological variability is reinforced by the recent opportunity to
create easily new genotypes using results from genomic studies. To
characterize starch polysaccharides, the method usually used is high-
performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) combined with multi-
angle laser light scattering (MALLS). The limitation of HPSEC columns is
their low exclusion limit regarding amylopectin size. Further technical
improvements are necessary to gain fractionation systems effective on the
entire distribution of amylopectin to achieve its complete structural
characterization. The present work analysed the structural properties of
starches with different amylose content and from different cereal sources
using a combination of AFFFF (Asymmetrical Flow FFF) and HPSEC with
MALLS, on-line quasi-elastic light scattering (QELS) -which provides the RH
distributions- and DRI (Differential Refractometric Index) techniques. The
procedure, involving a dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) pretreatment and then a
solubilisation in water, provides a representative injected sample without
alteration of the degree of polymerisation. Amylopectin M
and R
around respectively 1.053.78 10
and 163255 nm. HPSEC and
AFFFF data are matchable but AFFFF allows a better separation of
amylopectins and thus an enhanced structural characterisation of starches. One
advantage of this experimental approach is to get both distributions as
function of molar masses and hydrodynamic radii as well.
Quantification of the antifungal compounds phenyllactic acid and 2, 5
diketopiperazines in sourdough and bread
L. A. RYAN (1), F. Dal Bello (2), P. Koehler (3), M. Czerny (3), E. K. Arendt
(1) University College Cork, Cork, IRELAND; (2) Department of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork, Ireland; (3) Deutsche
Forschungsanstalt fur Lebensmittelchemie, Garching, Germany
Cereal Foods World 54:A27
Fungal growth is the most common type of microbial spoilage in bread
leading to significant economical and health problems worldwide. Lactic acid
bacteria (LAB) in the form of sourdough have a proven history as an
antifungal agent in bread. Lactobacillus plantarum FST 1.7 (LP 1.7) has
previously been identified as having strong antifungal activity in vitro.
However on addition of sourdough fermented by LP 1.7 a significant increase
in the mould free shelf life of bread was found. The compounds responsible
for this activity in vitro were isolated and identified at a chemical level using
solid phase extraction, high performance liquid chromatography and nuclear
magnetic resonance as well as liquid and gas chromatography in combination
with mass spectrometry. The compounds were identified as lactic, acetic and
phenyllactic acid (PLA) as well as cyclo (
-Pro) (CLP) and cyclo (
-Pro) (CPP). The quantification of these compounds in sourdough and
bread was then performed using, liquid (CLP and CPP) and gas (PLA)
chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry. PLA was quantified
at a maximum level of 33.48 mg/kg of dough after 48 h of fermentation. This
level is almost 1000 times below the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
of ca. 7.5 mg/ml. CLP and CPP were also quantified at a maximum level of
34.08 and 24.28 g/kg of sourdough respectively after 48 h of fermentation.
At this level the compounds are present at approximately one million times
below the MIC of ca. 20 mg/ml. Interestingly, in bread crumb (100C) and
crust (230C), both CLP and CPP were present at 10 and 1000 higher
magnitude respectively than those quantified in sourdough alone. The results
of this study clearly show that analytical techniques can be applied to identify
compounds responsible for the antifungal activity of LAB.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses of wheat flour: Comparison
between surface and bulk composition
M. SAAD (1), C. Gaiani (2), J. Scher (2), B. Cuq (1)
(1) INRA - Montpellier SupAgro - UMR IATE, Montpellier, FRANCE; (2)
ENSAIA, Nancy, France
Cereal Foods World 54:A27
Best Student Research Paper Competition
Wheat flour is used as raw material in several food products. The surface of
wheat flour particles is considered to play a significant role as the interface to
particle-particle and particle-water interactions. While a lot of studies were
conducted to characterize the bulk chemical composition of wheat flour, only
few work have focused on the surface chemical composition of particles. In
this study, we develop a method to quantify the relative coverage of flour
main components on the surface of particles by using the X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy. We selected a native flour and separated it to its main
components (protein, starch, arabinoxylan, and lipids). Physically modified
flours were prepared from the native flour by regrinding and/or sieving.
Simplified flours were obtained by mixing protein and starch (separated from
the native) with different proportions. Four wheat flours with different bulk
compositions were also selected. XPS analyses were realized on samples from
separated components, native, modified, simplified, and the four wheat flours.
XPS identified elements (O, C, N, and S) on surface of particles and
determined their relative concentrations. Based on these concentrations we
calculated the relative coverage of components for native and simplified flours
by using a matrix. XPS is not able to distinguish starch and arabinoxylan but it
is able to distinguish polysaccharides (starch and arabinoxylan) protein and
lipids. The calculated relative coverage and the bulk chemical composition are
similar for the simplified flours but different for the native flour. Compared to
bulk chemical composition we could suggest that, on the surface of particles,
there is an overrepresentation of protein and lipids, but there is underrepre-
sentation of polysaccharides. Surface composition results are discussed in
regards with changes in bulk chemical composition, particles size, and wheat
Effect of ozonated wheat flour on bread quality
H. S. SANDHU (1), F. A. Manthey (1)
(1) North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A27
This project was aimed at studying the effect of ozonated wheat flour on bread
quality. All purpose unbleached wheat flour was procured from three different
companies. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of ozone
on wheat flour and bread quality. In the first experiment, wheat flour was
ozonated at 1,500 ppm for 4.5, 9, 18, 27, 36 and 45 min. In the second
experiment, wheat flour treated with ozone gas at 1,500 ppm for 45 min was
added to non treated wheat flour at concentrations from 10 to 100% (w/w). All
the results were compared with the control flour that was not ozonated. Flour
samples were evaluated for pasting properties using Rapid ViscoAnalyzer
(RVA), color analysis using Minolta Colorimeter and lipid oxidation by
determining peroxide value according to AOCS Official Method Cd 8-53.
Twenty-five gram breads were baked according to AACC basic straight-
dough bread-baking Approved Method 10-09. Bread texture analysis studies
were done using a texture analyzer. The C-Cell-Digital Imaging Instrument
was used to study bread crumb structure. Increased ozonation time and
amount of ozonated wheat flour added to the control flour resulted in
increased peak viscosity, final viscosity and setback values (based on RVA
analysis), and in increased peroxide values. Color results indicate that wheat
flour became whiter and less yellow with increased ozonation time and
amount of ozonated wheat flour added to the control flour. Ozonation of
wheat flour for 4.5 min and addition of 10% ozonated flour to control flour
significantly increased the loaf volume. C-Cell data showed that the crumb of
the bread made from wheat flour blended with 10% ozonated wheat flour was
less dense, had same number of holes and crumb texture was slightly coarse.
Combining low frequency ultrasound with large strain techniques to
evaluate the properties of wheat flour doughs
M. G. SCANLON (1), J. H. Page (1), Y. Fan (1), A. Kiefte (1), K. L. Mehta
(1) University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, CANADA
Cereal Foods World 54:A27
Ultrasound is particularly sensitive to the presence of bubbles contained
within the doughs viscoelastic matrix, so measurements of ultrasonic velocity
and attenuation over a wide range of frequencies have allowed us to identify
three distinct regions that are associated with the mechanical response of the
dough matrix and its bubbles. New information on dough properties can be
derived from ultrasonic measurements at low frequencies, where the
properties of the dough as a whole (matrix and bubbles) are investigated.
Ultrasound is a low strain technique, but ultrasonic measurements of doughs
made from flours with a range of breadmaking quality correlate well with
parameters acquired from conventional large strain techniques such as the
alveograph and farinograph. Ultrasound techniques can also be combined with
large strain techniques. By subjecting samples of dough to uniaxial
compression and monitoring their relaxation with ultrasound, markedly
different behaviour is evident in air-mixed doughs compared to those mixed
under vacuum. Therefore, bubbles appear to substantially affect the short-time
relaxation behaviour of air-mixed dough samples. Substantial changes in
ultrasonic parameters were also observed as dough samples were subjected to
triaxial tension by applying a vacuum so that the expanding bubbles induced a
large strain in the dough. In conclusion, ultrasound is an emergent technique
with the potential to provide new information on dough properties.
Influence of glycolipids on the technological properties of wheat dough
P. L. SELMAIR (1), P. Koehler (1)
(1) German Research Centre for Food Chemistry, Garching, GERMANY
Cereal Foods World 54:A27
The aim of this study was to determine the potential of glycolipids from
lecithins in breadmaking in comparison to classical surfactants and two
synthetic glycolipids. The most important glycolipid classes in commercial
lecithins, such as soybean, rapeseed or sunflower, were found to be sterol
glucosides, acylated sterol glucosides, cerebrosides and digalactosyl
diacylglycerides. These classes were isolated and characterized for their
techno-functional properties by micro-scale baking and extension tests (10 g
of flour). The baking tests revealed the excellent baking potential of all
isolated glycolipid classes, with clearly better or equal baking activities than
commercial surfactants. The synthetic monogalactosyl monoglyceride and the
isolated digalactosyl diglycerides showed the highest bread volume increases.
Furthermore, the glycolipid classes influenced the crumb structure
significantly by improving the crumb softness and grain. Interestingly all
glycolipid classes showed no significant antistaling effect, except the synthetic
monogalactosyl monoglyceride with a considerably weaker effect than the
commercial surfactants used for this purpose. A direct effect on the overall
rheological behavior of the dough was only found for the commercial
surfactants. However, the rheological effect seen on Glutomatic-obtained
gluten revealed that the surfactants could be divided into two main groups.
One group, acylated and non-acylated sterol glucosides, only had a significant
influence on the resistance to extension of the gluten and the other group, this
being all other glycolipid classes and the reference compounds, only had a
significant influence on the extensibility of the gluten. In conclusion these
results indicate that in wheat dough glycolipids rather seem to have an impact
on the dough liquor than on the gluten-starch-matrix and here with different
modes of action.
Study on saccharification experiment for extrusion of rice with or without
enzyme added as beer adjunct
D. SHEN (1)
(1) Shandong University, Zibo, Province Shandong, China
Cereal Foods World 54:A28
Researchers in China and abroad had studies on the extrusion-cooking of beer
adjunct from early 1980s to early 1990s. However, these researches came to
a halt due to the difficulties in the saccharification and filtration of the
resulting mash. The investigation relating to the extrusion of beer adjunct with
or without enzymes added is carried on at our laboratory at all times from
early 1989 to now. Based on lots of test results of the laboratory, the
productive experimental study was conducted for brewing 100 t beer at
Wuchang Beer Brewery of Heilongjiang Province in China in
September/October, 2002. The results indicate that the main indices that the
problem of difficult saccharification and filtration of wort of extruded adjunct
has solved. The main indices of beer quality of extruded and non-extruded
adjuncts are all reached to the indices of nation standard (GB4927-2001). The
recoverable ratio of wort extract for extruded adjunct is about 1~2% more
than that of non-extruded adjunct. Nevertheless, both the magnitude and the
stability of the increase in recoverable ratio of wort extract was not ideal.
After this, the studies on the extrusion of beer adjunct with enzymes added are
carried on at our laboratory from early 2005 to now. The process of
saccharification and filtration of wort of extruded adjunct with enzymes added
was carried on better. The productive experimental study was conducted for
brewing 200 t beer at Wuming Beer Brewery of Shandong Province in China
on 29 to 30 March, 2008. The main indices of beer quality of extruded
adjuncts with enzymes added are all reached to the indices of nation standard
(GB4927-2001). The recoverable ratio of wort extract of extruded adjunct is
2.1%~3.57% more than that of traditional non-extruded adjunct. About
research results has applied the invention patens in China and USA.
Addressing rice industry sustainability; assessing hybrid rice processing
T. J. SIEBENMORGEN (1), M. I. Saleh (1), R. C. Bautista (1), J. Meullenet
(1) University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A28
Sustainability typically connotes production-related topics and opportunities.
However, the spectrum of sustainability must encompass post-harvest
processing issues as well, such as energy efficiency, packaging, and water use.
These analyses should also include an assessment of sustainable production
practices in terms of their effects on processing and end-use qualities that are
especially critical in the rice industry. This presentation will address the
properties and processing performance of hybrid rice, given the inherent
production characteristics of hybrids that favor many sustainable production
practices. Post-harvest properties, including kernel-to-kernel moisture content
and dimensional distributions, will be compared between hybrid and pureline
rice cultivars. Similar comparisons will be made in terms of milling quality
characteristics, specifically head rice yield and degree of milling. Preliminary
data indicate that the milling durations required to attain desired degrees of
milling are considerably less for hybrids than pureline cultivars. Possible
explanations for this finding are provided through micrographs indicating bran
layer thickness differences between hybrids and purelines. The ramifications
of these bran layer thickness differences for milling and subsequent quality
measurements, including rheological and cooking properties, will be
Analysis of cereal starches by high performance size exclusion
(1) North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A28
Starch has unique chemical and physical characteristics among other
carbohydrates. It occurs naturally as distinct particles, called granules. The
other uniqueness of the starch is that most starch granules are mixture of two
sugar polymers: a highly branched polysaccharide named amylopectin, and a
basically linear polysaccharide named amylose. Amylopectin is a very large,
highly branched glucose polymer and constitutes about 75% of the cereal
starches. Amylose is a linear, relatively smaller glucose polymer. The
objective of this study was to develop new, simple, one-step and accurate
method suitable for simultaneous determination of amylose and amylopectin
ratio in cereals. Starch from ground samples of wheat (spring and durum),
barley, oat, rye, buckwheat, rice and corn were extracted using KOH, urea and
ethanol. Starch samples were solubilized and, then neutralized using HCl.
Samples were run on a Agilent 1200 series High Performance Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC) system with a refractive index detector using a
Waters Ultrahydrogel column. To verify the identity of the peaks, fractions
were collected and soluble starch assay was performed additional to Gas
Chromatography (GC) analysis. We found that all the fractions contain only
glucose and soluble starch assay is correlated to the HPLC fractionation. This
method can be used to determine amylose amylopectin ratio in cereal samples.
Affect on pasta quality and in vitro starch hydrolysis with non-traditional
M. SISSONS (1), N. Aravind (2), C. Fellows (2)
(1) NSW Dept of Primary Industries, Calala, NSW, AUSTRALIA; (2) School
of Biological, Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, University of New
England, Armidale, Australia
Cereal Foods World 54:A28
With growing popularity of functional foods, our work involved evaluating
the addition of various fibres to durum wheat spaghetti to investigate affects
on technological quality and the extent of in vitro starch hydrolysis. The aim
of this work was to prepare pasta with lower in vitro starch hydrolysis while
minimising impact on the textural and sensory properties. Ingredients selected
included durum bran and pollard, inulin, guar gum (GG), carboxy-
methylcellulose (CMC), Novelose 330J (resistant starch source) and Barley
Balance (-glucan concentrate, BG). Both bran and pollard had negative
impacts on pasta cooking loss, water absorption and yellowness. The extent of
pasta starch hydrolysis was increased probably due to interference with starch-
gluten matrix formation as shown by microscopy. Inulin had minor impact on
quality but starch hydrolysis reached a minimum at 5% inclusion due to
encapsulation of starch granules. GG greatly increased pasta stickiness and
decreased starch hydrolysis due to forming a mucilaginous protective layer.
BB increased -glucan content in pasta, with increased firmness and stickiness
but a yellow-brown colour. BB significantly lowered starch hydrolysis extent.
CMC had little impact on quality but decreased starch hydrolysis extent.
Novelose 330J RS when added to semolina had a subtle affect on pasta quality
at 10% and 20% substitution. The ingredients investigated show a range of
affects on pasta quality and starch hydrolysis of pasta with possibilities to
further lower the glycaemic index of pasta.
Improved glucose recovery from hydrolysis of rice straw for bioethanol
production using fungal enzymes
S. SRICHUWONG (1), M. Ike (1), M. Fujiwara (1), L. Wu (1), J. Park (1), Y.
Arai-Sanoh (2), M. Kondo (2), K. Tokuyasu (1)
(1) National Food Research Institute, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; (2) National
Institute of Crop Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Cereal Foods World 54:A28
Rice straw is one of the most important lignocellulosic biomass that can be
utilized as a feedstock for bioethanol production. Recently, rice straws
containing significant amounts of starch and soluble sugars (total 2025%
w/w) have been identified in our laboratory. These carbohydrates can be
readily converted to fermentable sugars by enzymes without severe pretreat-
ment. In this study, fungal enzymes possessing cellulolytic, hemicellulolytic
and amylolytic activities were produced from solid-state fermentation using
six strains of Aspergillus. The crude enzymes supplemented with commercial
cellulase showed improved glucose recovery from rice straw and other
lignocellulosic materials. High glucose yield of 2530% (w/w) was obtained
from hydrolysis of native rice straw (cv. leaf star). In addition, the
combination of fungal enzymes and commercial cellulase enhanced glucan
saccharification of alkali-treated sugar cane bagasse to greater than 75%
within 24 h. Correlations among greater cellulose degradation, removal of
hemicellulose and -glucosidase activity were also observed. This study
should be useful for biofuel industry by providing guidelines on appropriated
enzyme cocktails for effective saccharification of lignocellulosic materials.
Effect of fractionation of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) on
pelleting characteristics of broiler diets
R. SRINIVASAN (1), A. Corzo (1), K. Koch (2), M. Kidd (1)
(1) Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, U.S.A.; (2) Northern
Crops Institute, Fargo, ND, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A29
Recently, the Elusieve process, a combination of elutriation (air classification)
and sieving (screening) was developed to separate fiber from distillers dried
grains with solubles (DDGS) to increase DDGS utilization in nonruminant
(poultry and swine) diets. Elusieve process produces three products; 1) a
product (Pan DDGS) with 5% higher protein content than the conventional
DDGS, which would be used at higher inclusion levels in broiler diets because
of low fiber content, 2) a product (Big DDGS) that with nearly same protein
content as conventional DDGS, which would be used at same inclusion levels
as conventional DDGS, and 3) Fiber product. The objective of this study was
to determine and compare pellet-mill throughput, power consumption and
pellet quality for broiler diets incorporating different levels (0%, 10%, and
20%) of conventional DDGS and DDGS products from Elusieve process.
Poultry oil contents were lower (1.5 to 1.6%) in diets comprising Pan DDGS
and diet without DDGS than in other diets (2.2 to 3.1%). The feed throughput
was not affected by inclusion levels or type of DDGS. Pellet quality (pellet
durability index; PDI) for diets comprising Pan DDGS (both 10% and 20%
inclusion levels) was significantly better than PDI for diets comprising
conventional DDGS, Big DDGS, and the diet without DDGS. Better pellet
quality of diets comprising Pan DDGS could be due to lower quantity of
poultry oil used as well as compositional characteristics such as low fiber and
high protein. Diets with Big DDGS had similar pelleting characteristics as
those with conventional DDGS. Pellet quality deteriorated at higher inclusion
levels of conventional DDGS, Big DDGS, and Enhanced DDGS. Considering
that Pan DDGS would be included at higher inclusion levels in broiler diets,
superior pellet quality of diets comprising Pan DDGS is beneficial.
Low salt low sugar great taste: Three ways to enhance taste
M. STIEGER (1), H. Bult (1), K. Burseg (1), P. de Kok (1), C. Mosca (2), M.
Noort (3), G. Sala (2), F. van de Velde (1), R. Hamer (4)
(1) NIZO Food Research, Ede, NETHERLANDS; (2) Wageningen University
& Research Centre, Wageningen, NETHERLANDS; (3) TNO Quality for
Life, Zeist, NETHERLANDS; (4) TI Food and Nutrition, Wageningen,
Cereal Foods World 54:A29
The reduction of sugar and salt in cereal products and other foods remains a
challenge due to the importance of those ingredients in providing a highly
desired taste quality, enhancing flavor, determining the behavior of structuring
ingredients, and ensuring microbiological safety. Several technologies have
been used to reduce sugar and salt content in foods such as replacement of
sugar by sweeteners, replacement of sodium salts by blends of other salts,
taste enhancement by aromas and taste boosters or gradual reduction of sugar
and salt over time. In this study we present three alternative approaches to
enhance taste perception. First, the use of an inhomogeneous spatial
distribution of sugar in food gels is introduced as a way to enhance sweetness
perception. The translation of the concept of taste contrast to bread
applications is discussed. Secondly, it is demonstrated how the intensity of
sweetness can be enhanced through pulsed delivery of sugar stimuli under
well defined experimental conditions. The results show that sweet taste
enhancement depends on pulse frequency and peaks at a pulsation period
range of 0.5 up to 2 times the sweet taste fusion point suggesting an
involvement of frequency-dependent neural integration of subsequent
stimulus responses. Thirdly, we demonstrate how the serum release under
compression of mixed polysaccharide/protein gels can be engineered to
enhance sweetness perception. An increase of serum release by 5x allowed to
reduce sugar content of gels by 30% while maintaining sweet taste intensity.
These approaches can be used to further optimize the development of cereal
products with reduced sugar and salt content while maintaining taste intensity.
Barley limit dextrinase and its interaction the proteinaceous barley limit
dextrinase inhibitor
B. SVENSSON (1), M. B. Vester-Christensen (2), J. M. Jensen (2), P.
Hagglund (2), M. Abou Hachem (2)
(1) Enzyme and Protein Chemistry, Kgs Lyngby, DENMARK; (2) Enzyme
and Protein Chemistry, Department of Systems Biology, Technical University
of Denmark
Cereal Foods World 54:A29
The starch debranching enzyme limit dextrinase (LD) hydrolyses -1,6-
glucoside linkages in limit dextrins and amylopectin during seed germination.
LD is highly activity towards pullulan with K
= 0.16 0.02 mgml
and k
= 79 10 s
. Besides a role in germination, LD is important in brewing by
hydrolysing a-limit dextrins
during mashing and malting. LD occurs in
aqueous malt extracts in a free, active and a bound inactive form
. The
inactive form stems partly from binding of the endogenous limit dextrinase
inhibitor (LDI). LDI is a CM family member of about 12 kDa, contains 4
disulfide bonds and has a free thiol group present in mixed disulfide with
cysteine or glutathione. LDI competitively inhibits LD hydrolysis of pullulan
with subnanomolar K
. Both LD and LDI were produced recombinantly in
Pichia pastoris and fitting of a 1:1 binding model to surface plasmon
resonance data of LDI and LD confirmed very tight binding of K
= 40 3
M. This high affinity stemmed from very slow k
of ~5 10
while k
of 1 10
was in the usual range for proteinaceous inhibitor
and amylolytic enzymes. Binding was optimal at slightly acidic to neutral pH
and 0.150.3 mM NaCl. The interaction was monitored at 1545C and
analysis of the vant Hoff thermodynamics showed favourable enthalpic and
entropic components of binding free energy (G = 58 kJ mol
) suggesting
that the LD-LDI complexation is driven by hydrophobic interactions. The
available systems for recombinant production of LD and LDI is utilised in
mutational analysis of pivotal structural elements in the very high affinity
interaction. This work is supported by a DTU Ph.D. scholarship, (MBVC),
Danish Natural Science Research Council, the Carlsberg Foundation.
References 1. Kristensen M et al. 1999, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1431,:538-
546. 2. MacGregor AW et al. 1994, Cereal Chemistry 71: 610-617.
Mechanical and barrier property modeling of starch, polyvinyl alcohol
based nanocomposites and their characterization
X. TANG (1), S. Alavi (1), S. Shaur (1), J. Faubion (1)
(1) Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Cereal Foods World 54:A29
In this study, nanocomposites consisting of starch and Polyvinyl Alcohol
(PVOH) filled with silicate clay particles are investigated. Recent and ongoing
research has shown that dramatic enhancement can be achieved in mechanical
and barrier properties in these nanocomposites with just a small amount of
particle concentration. The resulting nanocomposite properties are intimately
related to the compatibility of the multiphase system and dispersion of the
particles in the polymer matrix. In the Experiment, extrusion processing was
used to produce nanocomposites. Morphological characterization and
determination of film properties were conducted to understand the effect of
montmorillonite/dispersion/compatibility on the tensile and barrier properties
of starch, PVOH-based nanocomposites. Mechanical and barrier property
models of multiphase system, including starch, PVOH, glycerol, exfoliated
clay and intercalated/aggregated clay layers were developed respectively. The
mechanical model, which was based on Mori-Tanaka method with some
modifications, was applied to predict properties of the nanocomposites as a
function of the clay concentration, the exfoliation ratio and the compatibility
of starch, PVOH and glycerol. The barrier model was developed from
permeability model taking into consideration the influence of tortuous
pathway, clay concentration and compatibility factor. For our experiments,
tensile strength and elongation at break of films ranged from 22.1 to 28.0 MPa
and 160 to 320%, respectively, while water vapor permeability ranged from
0.8 to 1.02 g.mm/kPa.h.m
. Predicted results are in a good agreement with the
experiments and show that the mechanical and barrier property model can be
used as an indirect characterization technique to predict the properties of
glycerol plasticized starch, PVOH nanocomposites.
Potential applications of kafirin microparticles
J. TAYLOR (1), J. Taylor (1)
(1) University of Pretoria, Pretoria Gauteng, REP OF SOUTH AFRICA
Cereal Foods World 54:A29
It has been found that kafirin, the prolamin protein of sorghum can be used for
the preparation of microparticles (microspheres) by phase separation from an
organic acid. Kafirin microparticles made by this method are small, (110
mm), mainly spherical particles, with internal holes or vacuoles, resulting in a
very large surface area. Kafirin microparticles may have many potential
applications in the food, biomedical and pharmaceutical industries. For
example, kafirin microparticles were used to make very thin (< 15 mm) bio-
plastic films, which are relatively strong but not extensible, with good water
barrier properties and low protein digestibility. In addition, kafirin
microparticles made by this method were used for encapsulation, as a method
to deliver dietary antioxidants by controlled release. Approximately 70% and
50%, respectively total antioxidant activity was released under simulated
gastric conditions over a period of four hours, when the model antioxidants,
catechin and sorghum condensed tannins were encapsulated within kafirin
Soft carbohydrates in culm of rice straw as new substrates for bioethanol
K. TOKUYASU (1), S. Srichuwong (1), M. Ike (1), M. Arakane (1), T.
Seyama (1), S. Riki (1), Y. Arai-Sanoh (2), M. Kondo (2), J. Park (1)
(1) Carbohydrate Laboratory, National Food Research Institute, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki, JAPAN; (2) National Institute of Crop Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki,
Cereal Foods World 54:A30
Rice straw has been attracted a keen interest as a feedstock for bioethanol
production, without competition with food/feed production. Soft
carbohydrates (SCs), defined as carbohydrates readily recoverable by mere
extraction from the biomass or brief enzymatic saccharification, were found in
significant amounts in rice straw in the form of free glucose, free fructose,
sucrose, starch, and -1,3-1,4-glucan. We found that 75% of total SCs exist in
the culms of straw from the Leaf Star cultivar and that the total amount of
SCs in the culm was about 55% of dry weight. Taking cellulose into account,
the total amount of hexose in the culm reaches 72% of the dry weight. During
the storage of rice straw, we observed quantitative and/or qualitative changes
in the SCs component of culms, suggesting the importance of quality control
during the storage period. We developed a simple method for bioethanol
production from the culm, by a heat treatment for sterilization and starch
gelatinization, followed by simultaneous saccharification / fermentation with
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This method would offer an efficient process for
bioethanol production without the aid of harsh thermo/chemical pretreatment
Activity-guided fractionation of cereal phytochemicals according to their
antioxidative properties and their phase I enzyme modulating activity
C. TYL (1), M. Bunzel (1)
(1) University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A30
Best Student Research Paper Competition
Whole grain consumption is correlated with a decrease in the risk of diseases
associated with chronic inflammation, such as colonic cancer. Certain
phytochemicals isolated from cereal grains have been shown to possess
antioxidative and anti-tumor activities. Moreover, wheat bran extracts have
been found to modulate xenobiotics metabolizing enzymes (XME), but the
responsible constituents have not been identified yet. The aim of this study is
to find out which phytochemicals from whole wheat are key compounds
exhibiting antioxidant and XME modulating activities by using activity
guided chromatographic fractionation. Ground whole wheat is consecutively
extracted with solvents of different polarity, and cell-wall bound components
are obtained by extraction after alkaline hydrolysis. The Folin Ciocalteu assay,
the TEAC assay and the leucomethylene blue test are used for the evaluation
of the extracts reducing and radical scavenging properties. Modulation of the
phase I enzyme cytochrome P-450 1A2 (CYP1A2) is investigated in a yeast
model. Only extracts with the most pronounced effects in these tests are
selected for further purification by size exclusion chromatography and HPLC.
Finally, the structure of the most bioactive compounds will be elucidated by
mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Results
obtained so far include trolox equivalents of crude extracts in the above-
mentioned antioxidant-tests and the determination of their effect on CYP1A2
activity. The highest antioxidative activity was found in the extracts obtained
after alkaline hydrolysis. Purification of crude extracts with subsequent testing
is currently underway. This study is intended to be the first approach towards
investigating how technological processes may release bioactive compounds
and also towards the breeding of cereal lines enriched in health-promoting
Starch derivatives and their properties
W. VORWERG (1), S. Radosta (1), B. Volkert (1), K. Hettrich (1)
(1) Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research, Potsdam, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A30
The feedstock starch provides a manifold potential for desired polymer
applications, predominantly in the areas of food and pharma industry,
technical specialies and packaging materials. The development and
optimisation of starch products is focused besides fermentation processing on
applications like regulation of viscosity or gel rigidity in hydrophilic or
lipophilic systems, functional additive in binder formulations, encapsulation
or embedding of agents, usage as emulsifier, cationic or anionic
polyelectrolyte and production of films or injection moulded materials.
Processing and product properties are determined by the choice of starch type,
composition of the starch, the kind of enzyme or depolymerisation agent,
applied oxidation agents or reagents for the preparation of esters or ethers, the
substituent pattern of introduced functional groups and the molar mass
distribution. Compared with the methods of physical treatment and acidic and
enzymatic hydrolysis the chemical derivatisation becomes more important.
Ionic, neutral and hydrophobic substituents cause a broad spectrum of
different physical properties. The different ways to establish structure-
property-relationships are described by several examples of modification for
enzymatic conversion, preparation of viscosity stable non aggregating
products, the suitability as emulsifier or encapsulation agent, the development
of retention and surface sizing aid in papermaking and the replacement of
polyvinyl alcohol and polyolefins in packaging materials. Methods for the
characterisation of physical properties comprise the molar mass distribution,
degree of substitution as information about the chemical composition,
rheological behaviour like flow curves and oscillation measurements,
adsorption isotherms of cationic starch on cellulose fibre, paper strength,
water stability, printability, flocculation and mechanical properties of films.
Synchrotron infrared confocal microspectroscopic imaging reveals
chemical modification sites on single starch granules
D. L. WETZEL (1), Y. Shi (1), J. A. Reffner (2)
(1) Microbeam Molecular Spectroscopy Laboratory, Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.; (2) John Jay College, New York, NY
Cereal Foods World 54:A30
This is the first attempt to pinpoint modification sites on single starch granules
by FT-IR microspectroscopic techniques involving small step mapping to
achieve localization. The spatial resolution achievable with the combination of
synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy and the confocal image plane
masking of the double-pass single mask Continuum on the U10b beamline
of the National Synchrotron Lightsource of Brookhaven National Laboratory
was used in this study. Commercial use of modified starch is well established
and widespread. Octenyl succinic anhydride modified starch has had approval
for food use for decades. Starch from grains such as corn or wheat exists in
granules. The size of the granules depends on the plant from which the starch
is produced. In this study, the granules typically had a median size of 15 m.
In the production of modified starch, typically an acid anhydride is reacted
with OH groups of the starch polymer. On any one granule, there are a large
number of sites available. With a two-phase solid starch and liquid reagent
reaction mixture, homogeneity in coverage is not predictable. The resulting
ester formation at a modification site adds the ester carbonyl (1740 cm
organic functional group as well as contributing to CH
stretching vibration
from the hydrocarbon chain of the ester to enhance the 2927 cm
intensity. Detection of the modifying group at any of these locations on a
single granule can be accomplished from the baseline adjusted peak area the
added carbonyl functional group. By stepping a confocal 5 m x 5 m mask 1
m at a time in both the x and y directions, location of adduct functional
groups is localized in spite of the limitations of diffraction. Results of this
study are shown for granules of corn starch modified with octenyl succinic
anhydride. Additionally, a modified wheat starch granule, extended the study
to another starch. Several individual modified corn starch granules were
mapped in small steps with a 5 m 5 m confocal image plane masking in a
raster scan procedure. A ratio of the 1740 cm
carbonyl bond area to a band
representative of starch in the 1150-1025 cm
region produced images that
revealed the locus of modified sites in 10 m 10 m areas.
Mapping composition of cereal products by NIR hyperspectral imaging
M. B. WHITWORTH (1), S. J. Millar (1), A. Chau (1)
(1) Campden BRI, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, GL55 6LD, UNITED
Cereal Foods World 54:A30
Near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy is widely established in the
cereals industry for rapid analysis of average properties for bulk samples. New
technology enables images to be taken for which an NIR spectrum is available
for each pixel, enabling the distribution of composition to be mapped. This
paper describes applications to cereal grains, flour and baked products.
Measurements were taken using a system supplied by Gilden Photonics Ltd.
(Glasgow, UK) incorporating a Specim (Oulu, Finland) SWIR camera with a
cooled 14 bit HgCdTe detector and N25E spectrograph. Samples were
scanned in a pushbroom mode using a motorised stage. The system has a
spectral resolution of 256 pixels covering a range of 9702500 nm and a
spatial resolution of 320 pixels covering a swathe adjustable from 8 to 300
mm. Images are acquired at a rate of up to 100 lines/s, enabling samples to be
scanned within a few seconds. An application is shown for measurement of
changes in moisture distribution in baguettes during storage. Replicate
samples were taken at intervals of time after production. Hyperspectral images
were taken for slices and reference moisture measurements were made for
core samples by oven drying. A moisture calibration was developed by PLS
analysis using mean spectra for regions corresponding to those from which
cores were cut. The calibration was applied to map the distribution of
moisture for each pixel in the slices. Results are presented as a function of
storage time and humidity. Further examples for baked products include a
comparison of crystalline and non-crystalline sucrose in biscuits and a cream
filling, and measurement of moisture and fat distributions in fried products
including doughnuts. Results will also be presented from ongoing studies of
moisture diffusion in starch pellets, wheat and flour homogeneity, and malting
of barley grains.
Modified starches reveal starch and protein functionality in a model
pound cake system
E. WILDERJANS (1), A. Luyts (1), H. Goesaert (2), K. Brijs (1), J. A.
Delcour (3)
(1) Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry and Leuven Food
Science and Nutrition Research Center (LFoRCe), Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven; (2) KULeuven LRD; (3) [email protected]
Cereal Foods World 54:A31
Different modified wheat starches were used in a pound cake formula using
gluten-starch blends as flour models. The impact of incorporation of 30%
cross-linked starches on batter properties during baking was much smaller
than that of incorporation of the same level of hydroxypropylated starches.
Incorporation of hydroxypropylated starch in the recipe fastened batter
viscosity increase during baking and diminished oven rise. Furthermore, cakes
containing hydroxypropylated starch rather than native starch had higher
protein extractability. During cooling, control cake collapsed less than cross-
linked starch containing cake, which itself collapsed less than
hydroxypropylated starch containing cake. Presumably, most of the cake
collapse takes place before the starch gel is formed during cooling. Protein
aggregation during baking, on the other hand, provides cell walls with
structural material and a higher resistance to collapse. Furthermore, the starch
gel as well as reacted protein influenced the cell wall texture. Obviously, the
combination of a protein network, formed during baking, with a starch gel,
formed during cooling, makes up the crumb cell walls and determines cake
A consumer packaged goods company perspective on rice sustainability
(1) Mars Food US, Rancho Domiguez, CA, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A31
Global warming, greenhouse gas, water stress index and carbon footprint are
all terms that have been added to our daily vernacular to describe the various
aspects of sustainability. More and more consumers are making informed
choices on the products and brands they purchase based on their
environmental impact. Rice feeds nearly half of the worlds population and is
responsible for over 20% of calories consumed. Thus, growing rice and its
processing, distributing, preparation and disposal have significant impacts on
the environment and even small improvements can make an important
difference. It is now obvious that creating a more sustainable rice industry is
not just the responsible thing to do, its vital for the long term viability of our
industry. Although the US rice industry accounts for a small percentage of the
global rice market, we clearly have an opportunity and obligation to work
together to demonstrate our leadership on sustainability and environmental
Preparation and properties of reversibly swellable starches
K. WOO (1), P. A. Seib (2)
(1) MGP Ingredients Inc, Shawnee, KS; (2) Kansas State University
Cereal Foods World 54:A31
Reversibly swellable starches were prepared from wheat, waxy wheat, potato,
corn, waxy corn, and high-amylose (70%) corn by pre-swelling, cross-linking,
gelatinizing and drying. Starch was subjected to pre-swelling for 3090 min at
45C in water (1520% w/w starch solids) with sodium hydroxide (13%,
starch basis) and sodium sulfate (515%, starch basis). Then, cross-linking
was done by adding 10% (sb) of a mixture (99/1, w/w) of sodium
trimetaphosphate and sodium tripolyphosphate and stirring at 45C for 28 h.
After isolation the modified starch was gelatinized in excess water by boiling
for 30 min, and oven-dried (40C) to give practically a quantitative yield of
reversibly swellable starch containing up to 0.4% phosphorus and 560% total
dietary fiber. Reversibly swellable wheat starches exhibited reversible
swelling in excess water at 25C and 95C that was equal to swelling power,
312 g/g at either temperature. The equal swelling powers at 25C and 95C
imply that the hydratable starch chains in the reversibly swellable starch do
not retrograde into intractable solids upon oven drying, probably because of
the limited mobility of the cross-linked network. During six cycles of
hydration in excess water at 95C followed by oven drying at 100C, the
modified wheat starch with moderate swelling (swelling power 8 g/g)
maintained the same swelling properties without losing granular structure or
soluble starch. Reversibly swellable wheat with moderate swelling power of 8
g/g did not develop sufficient viscosity to register a pasting curve at 8% starch
solids. A pasting curve was observed at 20% starch solids. Reversibly
moderately swellable wheat starch hydrated with 89 parts of water produces
a smooth, fat-like semisolid. Reversibly swellable starches show potential as
non-gelling, opaque thickeners, as well as fat replacers, recyclable desiccants,
flowing agents, drug and flavor carriers, and off-odor absorbers.
Evaluation of waxy grain sorghum for ethanol production
S. YAN (1), X. Wu (2), S. Bean (3), J. Pederson (4), T. Tesso (5), R. Chen
(3), D. Wang (2)
(1) Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS; (2) Kansas State University,
Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Manhanttan, KS; (3) USDA-ARS
Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, Manhattan, KS; (4) USDA-
ARS Grain, Forages and Bioenergy Research, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, NE; (5) Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS
Cereal Foods World 54:A31
The objective of this research was to investigate the fermentation performance
of waxy grain sorghum for ethanol production Waxy grain sorghum varieties
were evaluated using a laboratory dry grind procedure. Total starch and
amylose contents were measured using Megazyme assay procedures. The
range of total starch and amylose contents were 65.476.3% and 5.57.3%,
respectively. Fermentation efficiencies were 8995%, corresponding to
ethanol yields from 2.613.03 gallon/bushel. The major advantages of using
waxy sorghums for ethanol production are low energy input for cooking
process, high starch and protein digestibility, high free amino nitrogen
content, and short fermentation time. The results showed there was strong
linear relationship between free amino nitrogen and fermentation rate.
Fermentation rate increased as free amino nitrogen content increased,
especially during the first 30 hours of fermentation (R
= 0.91). Total starch
content in distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) was less than 1% for
all the waxy varieties.
Inhibitory effect of sorghum 3-deoxyanthocyanin structure on esophageal
cancer cell proliferation in vitro
L. YANG (1), J. M. Awika (1)
(1) Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station,
TX, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A31
Best Student Research Paper Competition
Epidemiological evidence has correlated consumption of sorghum with
reduced incidences of gastrointestinal (GI) tract cancer, especially esophageal
cancer. We recently found that the level of pigmentation in sorghum affected
their potency to inhibit human GI cancer cell growth in vitro. This study aims
to determine how structure of isolated sorghum 3-deoxyanthocyanin pigments
affects their antiproliferation potential. Inhibitory capacity of pigments
isolated from black sorghum (Tx430) on human esophageal carcinoma cells
(OE33) growth were evaluated using MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-
diphenyltetrazolium bromide) and PicoGreen assays. The 3-deoxyantho-
cyanins found in black sorghum were luteolinidin, apigeninidin and their
derivatives. Luteolinidin and apigeninidin showed a 50% inhibition (IC
) of
OE33 proliferation at 169.5283.3 M, which was comparable to genistein,
the isoflavone in soybean (IC
s117.5144.2 M); 7-methoxylated luteolini-
din and apigeninidin exhibited stronger inhibitory potential with IC
s from
41.0192.0 M; the 5,7-dimethoxylated forms had strongest potency: IC
were 47.2102.0 M for 5,7-dimethoxyluteolinidin and 17.918.5 M for 5,7-
dimethoxyapigeninidin. Glycosides had lower potency compared with their
aglycones. Higher molecular weight 3-deoxyanthocyanin fractions showed
inhibitory potential with IC
s 73.2103.4 g/mL, which was stronger than
the crude extract from black sorghum (IC
251422 g/mL). Apigeninidin
and its derivatives have stronger inhibitory potency than respective
luteolinidin derivatives. Methoxylation generally improved the inhibitory
capacity of the molecules. Sorghum 3-deoxyanthocyanins, which are known
to be stable colorants, have strong inhibitory capacity against human
esophageal cancer cell growth and could be valuable functional ingredients in
health-related products.
Novel thermo-mechanical pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for
efficient ethanol production from agricultural residues
J. YOO (1), S. Alavi (1), P. Vadlani (1), V. Amanor-Boadu (1)
(1) Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A31
The 2008 National Biofuels Acti gallons of annual ethanol production in the
U.S. by 2022, most of which is expected to be met by advanced biofuels. This
study was to investigate an efficient pre-treatment process based on thermo-
mechanical extrusion processing foron Plan envisions 36 billion low cost
lignocellulosic ethanol production along with optimum process parameters for
enzymatic saccharification. Sugar yield was determined by using a
dinitrosalicylic acid sugar assay and HPLC. The enzyme combination for
maximum reducing sugar yield from soybean hulls, pre-treated using dilute
acid hydrolysis, was found at 84.3, 82.2 and 111.3 ml/g cellulose for cellulase,
cellobiase, and cell-wall degrading enzyme, respectively, following response
surface methodology. However no optimum could be found in the studied
range from alkali hydrolyzed or extruded soybean hull. After 48 hrs
incubation, more than 80% of starch and non-starch polysaccharides in the
extrudate were hydrolyzed, and the saccharification rate stabilized. The effect
of extrusion process parameters on sugar yield, such as barrel temperature, in-
barrel moisture, and starch addition was compared. Extrusion processing was
facilitated by the addition of corn starch. Maximum sugar yield was obtained
with 20% starch, 20% in-barrel moisture, and 80C barrel temperature. For
samples extruded at 80C, glucose content ranged from 24 to 28 g/L, which
corresponded to 59 to 71% conversion of cellulose. Extrusion processing
increased cellulose conversion to glucose by up to 42.7% compared with non
extruded soybean hull-starch mixture. High in-barrel moisture content (40%)
without starch addition also helped extrusion processing of soybean hulls, and
its sugar yield was comparable to traditional pre-treatments. The extrusion
process resulted in less change in cellulose crystallinity than did acid or alkali
2009 Annual Meeting
Abstracts of Poster Presentations
Abstracts submitted for poster presentations at the 2009 annual meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, September 1316. The abstracts are listed in alphabetical order
by first authors last name. Abstracts are published as submitted. They were formatted but not edited at the AACC International headquarters office.
Cooling procedure after sterilization in a liquid of a specific starch
determines the in vitro digestion and particle size characteristics
E. ABRAHAMSE (1), F. Dijk (1), J. Knol (1), H. Bouritius (1)
(1) Danone Research - Centre for Specialised Nutrition, Wageningen,
Cereal Foods World 54:A33
In a previous study it was shown that a specific sterilization temperature
applied to an aqueous suspension of (modified high amylose starch) mHAS
makes it slowly digestible in vitro and low glycemic in rats (J Nutr, 2007.
137(10): 2202-7). In the current pilot study the effect of different cooling
procedures after sterilization on in vitro digestion characteristics as well as
particle size distribution was investigated. After heating the starch suspension
at 121C in an oil bath, the products were placed in a water bath of 4, 20, 30
or 40C to let starch retrogradation take place. After 24 hrs the nutritionally
important starch fractions RDS (rapidly digestible starch), SDS (slowly
digestible starch) and RS (resistant starch) were determined with the method
of Englyst. Particle size distribution was determined using laser diffraction.
The digestibility appeared to increase with decreasing cooling temperature;
the amount of RS dropped from approx. 55% at 40C to 8% at 4C. The
amount of SDS and RDS both increased with decreasing cooling temperature,
although more pronounced for SDS; from approx. 6% at 40C to 32% at 4C
versus 30% at 40C to 52% at 4C for RDS. The particle size distribution also
appeared to be temperature dependent; the specific surface area, calculated
from the surface weighed mean particle diameter, increased with decreasing
temperature. The resulting higher surface to volume ratio may be an
explanation for the higher digestibility. These results show that by means of
heat and especially cooling treatment the characteristics of the starch source
mHAS can be designed for a specific need; in this case highly but slowly
digestible for inclusion of a low glycemic, high energy diet for malnourished
diabetic patients.
Physical, texture and preference characteristics of pasta added with
unripe banana flour
E. AGAMA-ACEVEDO (1), J. J. Islas-Hernandez (1), P. Osorio-Diaz (1)
(1) CEPROBI-IPN, Yautepec, Morelos, MEXICO
Cereal Foods World 54:A33
Banana is a starchy food that contains a high proportion of indigestible
compounds such as resistant starch and non-starch polysaccharides. Products
with low glycemic response such as pasta are considered favorable to health.
The objective of this study was to use unripe banana flour to make spaghetti
with low-carbohydrates digestibility and evaluate its physical and texture
characteristics, as well as consumer preference. Formulations consisting of
100% durum wheat semolina (control) and mixtures of semolina:banana flour
of 85:15, 70:30 and 55:45 were prepared for spaghetti processing. The
addition of banana flour decreased the lightness and diameter of cooked
spaghetti, and increased the water absorption of the product. Hardness and
elasticity of spaghetti were not affected by the addition of banana flour, but
adhesiveness and chewiness increased when banana flour level in the blend
rose. Spaghettis prepared in the laboratory (control and those added with
banana flour at different levels) did not show difference in the preference by
the consumers. In general, the preference of spaghettis added with different
banana flour level was similar. Addition of a source of indigestible
carbohydrates (banana flour) to spaghetti did not produce changes in
preference by consumers and is possible to elaborate a nutraceutical product.
Characterization of sorghum starch
Y. AI (1), R. Wongsagonsup (1), D. Wang (2), J. Jane (1)
(1) Iowa State University, Ames, IA, U.S.A.; (2) Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A33
Sorghum, a drought-tolerant cereal crop, has considerable potential for food
and bioethanol applications. Objectives of this study were to characterize the
physicochemical properties and digestibility of starches isolated from five
sorghum lines (6B73, 6C21, 6C69, 7R34, and X789). The sorghum kernels
consisted of 71.7 to 77.7% starch (db). Starches of X789 and 7R34 lines had
the lowest onset gelatinization temperature (T
, 66.6C), and that of the 6C69
had the highest T
(67.4C). The starches had different amylose contents. The
X789 starch had the least amylose content (27.1%), whereas the 7R34 starch
had the largest (29.6%). The pasting temperatures of the five starches varied
from 72.4 to 74.0C. The X789 starch showed higher peak viscosity (183.0
RVU) than other starch samples (152.1-173.3 RVU). All starches displayed
the A-type X-ray pattern with percentage crystallinity of 25.829.6%. Among
all the starches studied, the X789 starch displayed the greatest susceptibility to
porcine pancreatic -amylase hydrolysis, and the starch hydrolysis reached
47.2% after 48 h, whereas for other starches it ranged from 36.3 to 40.0%.
The mass ratio of long branch-chains (27 < DP < 118) to short branch-chains
(DP < 27) of amylopectin of the X789 starch, determined using HPSEC, was
smaller (0.37) than other starch samples (0.410.45). The fewer long branch-
chains of the X789 starch could result in its lower T
and greater digestibility
to enzyme hydrolysis than other starches.
Separation and isolation of intact parenchyma cells from raw (uncooked)
potato (Solanumtuberosum) tissue
A. ANANTACHOTE (1), H. Kim (1), K. C. Huber (1)
(1) University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, U.S.A
Cereal Foods World 54:A33
During processing of commercial potato products, heat processing renders
starch within tubers readily digestible, leading to high glycemic, low resistant
starch products. The overarching goal of this research was to develop and
characterize a dehydrated potato-based food ingredient possessing an intact
parenchyma cell structure (potential for RS1) and ungelatinized starch granule
fraction (potential for RS2). Two potato cultivars, Russet Burbank (RB) and
Russet Norkotah (RN), and two isolation schemes, alkaline (ALK) and
enzyme (ENZ) treatments, were evaluated for generation of parenchyma cell
flours (i.e., Cell fractions). Isolated Cell fractions representing cultivar/
isolation methods were analyzed in regard to fraction yield, microstructure,
chemical composition, and physical properties. Cultivar/isolation method
combinations yielded Cell fractions in the range of 4060% (w/w) of fresh
potato dry solid contents. Cell fraction yields from raw potato tissue for the
four cultivar/isolation scheme combinations followed the order: RN/ENZ >
RB/ENZ > RN/ALK > RB/ALK. RN produced greater Cell fraction yields
than RB, while the ENZ method was more productive than the ALK method.
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and light microscope (LM) observations
revealed that Cell fractions were comprised of intact parenchyma cells
possessing ungelatinized starch granules. Swelling, gelatinization, and pasting
characteristics of isolated Cell fractions varied according to isolation method
(ALK vs. ENZ). These products could potentially be utilized as is in low-
moisture food applications (e.g., baked or snack products), or be subjected to
additional physical and/or chemical treatments to modify physical properties,
moderate digestibility, and/or enhance resistant starch content and stability.
Effect of retrogradation and dehydration process on physicochemical and
texture properties of maize tortillas
G. ARAMBULA-VILLA (1), A. Escalante-Aburto (2), I. Verdalet-Guzman
(2), E. Gutierrez-Arias (3)
(1) CINVESTAV-IPN Queretaro, Queretaro, Qro., MEXICO; (2) Instituto de
Ciencias Basicas. Universidad Veracruzana. Veracruz, Mexico; (3) Cinvestav-
Qro., Queretaro, Qro., Mexico
Cereal Foods World 54:A34
The maize tortillas lose their texture characteristics after theirs elaboration and
during storage. The staling of maize tortillas could be caused by
retrogradation of starch granules, but the water loss due the dehydration can
affect this property also. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of
retrogradation and dehydration process on the main physicochemical and
textural properties of maize tortillas. Two types of maize grain (Conico
norteo and QPM) were used to make tortillas by the traditional
nixtamalization process. To evaluate the retrogradation effect, the tortillas
were kept at constant relative moisture, and to evaluate the dehydration
process, the temperature and relative moisture were kept constant. Three
relative moisture, 30, 40 and 50%; and three temperatures, 25, 35, y 45C
were tested. The physicochemical properties of experimental tortillas were
similar to that from tortillas elaborated with other types of maize considered
as adequate for nixtamalization. The moisture content for tortillas elaborated
with Conico and QPM was 47.01% and 42.94%, respectively. Tortillas from
both types of maize showed adequate puffing degree and rollability, but the
tensile strength showed significant differences. The values of cutting force
were similar in tortillas from two types of maize. Tortillas elaborated with
Conico and QPM maize showed similar behavior, increasing the tensile
strength and cutting force as the storage time was increased. The
retrogradation enthalpy was higher for tortillas storage with non-controlled
relative moisture with temperature 5C. In the first hour of storage, the higher
value of retrogradation enthalpy was showed. The values of Effective
Moisture Diffusion Coefficient were 6.97 10
for QPM tortillas and
11.43 10
for Conico tortillas, this indicated higher rate of
dehydration for Conico tortilla samples.
Irradiation as a tool for modifying physiochemical characteristics of rice
flours and rice cake quality
B. BAIK (1), J. Lee (2), M. Byun (2), J. Kim (2), J. Kim (3), S. Lim (3)
(1) Washington State University, Pullman, WA, U.S.A.; (2) Korea Atomic
Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea; (3) School of Life Sciences and
Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Cereal Foods World 54:A34
Gamma irradiation is an effective way to control insects and microorganisms
in food ingredients, and is also known to cause modifications of food
components, affecting their physicochemical properties and, subsequently,
food product quality. Irradiation may be used as a rapid and convenient tool
for modifying properties of major food components. We irradiated two rice
flours of different amylose content at doses of 1, 3, 5 and 10 kGy, and
determined their functional properties and rice cake quality. Both pasting
viscosity and setback of rice flour of 12% concentration decreased
consistently as irradiation dose increased, probably due to the breakdown of
both amylopectin and amylose molecules by irradiation. While normal rice
flour of 12% concentration formed a relatively strong gel before irradiation, it
failed to form a gel even with irradiation dose of 1 kGy and remained as a
paste after 7 days at 4C, indicating that amylose molecules of rice starch
sustained severe damage with irradiation. DSC onset temperature and
enthalpy for gelatinization of waxy rice flour of 50% concentration was little
affected by irradiation dosage up to 10 kGy. For melting retrograded waxy
rice flour of 50% concentration, irradiation of 1 to 10 kGy showed no
influence on onset temperature, but lowered enthalpy from 14.2 in non-
irradiated flour to 11.311.8 J/g with little dosage effect. Rice cakes prepared
from both normal and waxy rice flours showed shrinkage with irradiation to a
greater degree in normal than in waxy flour. Normal rice flour irradiated at 1
kGy and waxy rice flour at 1 to 3 kGy produced rice cakes of similar or lower
hardness compared to non-irradiated flour. When stored for 1 day, rice cakes
of waxy rice flours irradiated at 1 to 3 kGy exhibited lower hardness
compared to rice cakes of non-irradiated flours.
Total phenolics, flavonoids, antioxidant capacity in rice grain and their
relations to grain color, size and weight
J. BAO (1), Y. Shen (1), L. Jin (1)
(1) Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, PEOPLES REP OF CHINA
Cereal Foods World 54:A34
Total phenolics, flavonoids contents and antioxidant capacity from a wide
collection of rice germplasm were measured, and their relations to grain color,
grain size and 100-grain weight were investigated. Highly significant geno-
typic differences were observed in total phenolic, flavonoid content and 2,2-
azino-bis-(3-ehylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS)
radical cation antioxidant capacity. Significant positive pair-wise correlations
were found among the phenolic, flavonoid content and antioxidant capacity,
and the coefficient between the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity was
extremely high (r = 0.96). Among all rice accessions, the grain color parameters
had negativet correlations with the phenolic, flavonoid content and antioxidant
capacity (p < 0.001). The negative correlation between color parameter a* and
antioxidant capacity, and the positive correlation between color paramter hue
) and antioxidant capacity were consistent within the respective white rice
and red rice groups. Flavonoid content had positive correlation with grain
length and length to width ratio, and had negative correlation with the 100-
grain weight among all rice accessions. It was also found that 100-grain
weight still had negative correlations with phenolic, flavonoid content and
antioxidant capacity within the white rice genotypes. These relationships may
be served as index to indirectly select breeding lines high in the phenolics,
flavonoids and antioxidant capacity. This project was funded by Zhejiang
Provincial Natural Science Foundation (R3080016) and the New-Century
Young Investigator program from the Ministry of Enducation, China.
Optimized combinations of fibers used as nutritional stabilizers in cereal
based products
S. BARAY (1)
(1) Colloides Naturels International, Rouen, France
Cereal Foods World 54:A34
Colloides Naturels International (CNI) has developed a line of functional and
nutritional food ingredients based on two all-natural co-processed dietary
fibers: acacia gum, a soluble fiber, and wheat fiber, a gluten-free insoluble
fiber. This Fiber Innovation is manufactured using a proprietary and unique
technology developed exclusively by CNI and contains a minimum level of
90% dietary fiber on a dry weight basis. This Fiber Innovation combines the
numerous proven nutritional and health benefits of acacia gum (notably a
strong prebiotic effect and the ability to reduce blood glycemia) with the well-
known positive effect of wheat fiber on transit regulation. An optimized and
balanced ratio between the two essential types of fibers has been achieved in
this range of healthy ingredients to deliver the highest level of functionality in
a variety of food products. Many application studies have been completed to
show that Fiber Innovation mimics the rheological properties of fat while
enhancing the freshness of different foodstuffs. Not only the nutritional profile
of food products is improved through the enrichment with soluble and
insoluble fibers, but also the overall caloric value can be significantly reduced
by replacing fat with non digestible fibers. In bakery products such as muffins,
cakes and cookies, 1% Fiber Innovation can substitute up to 50% of the fat
while noticeably improving the texture and the shelf life. This new ingredient
is dispersible in cold water and requires no heating or shearing for activation,
in order to develop its unique smooth texture. The Fiber Innovation is a pre-
activated dust free and instantized pure powder that is tasteless and odorless.
It is easy to use and tolerant to most processing conditions (high shear,
temperature or pH extremes).
Cluster analysis of lowland and upland rice cultivars based on grain
quality attributes
P. Z. BASSINELLO (1), O. P. de Morais (1), J. P. de Oliveira (1), M. Chen
(2), A. McClung (3)
(1) EMBRAPA Rice and Beans, Santo Antonio de Goias, GO, BRAZIL; (2)
USDA, Beaumont, TX; (3) USDA, Stutgart, AR
Cereal Foods World 54:A34
Rice is cropped in many countries all over the world and plays an important
role in human nutrition as well as in agricultural economics, besides its social
importance. Embrapa Rice and Beans is responsible for national rice
enhancement programs and is conducting breeding projects to increase yield
and grain quality. A big challenge has been to characterize rice quality based
on indirect methods and, especially for lowland cultivars, differentiate the
cooking or technological properties of those samples with similar amylose
content. The aim of this work was to evaluate some quality parameters in
different rice cultivars from upland and lowland systems and submit them to
the cluster analysis. The following analyses were done: apparent amylose
content, gelatinization temperature (alkali test), RVA and cooking test
according to standard methods. Data analyses were performed based on
cluster and corr procedure using Statistical Analysis System (SAS institute
2002). Based on the results, most of samples were classified as intermediate
apparent amylose, but presented different gelatinization temperatures (low and
intermediate) and viscoamylographic profiles. The cluster analysis showed at
least three main groups based on all studied parameters and it was possible to
separate one group for lowland rice and two others for upland rice. Only one
irrigated rice recommended for tropical areas was out of lowland group. The
main attributes which seem to affect this pattern were the apparent amylose
content and gelatinization temperature, when considering all the attributes
together. When only the RVA results are considered, a different profile is
exhibited by the cluster analysis, showing new combinations. The analysis
also revealed the cultivars from both systems with similar patterns for almost
all attributes.
Algae as a nutritive valuable ingredient in food
K. S. BECH (1)
(1) Danish Technological Institute, Aarhus C, DENMARK
Cereal Foods World 54:A35
Algae (seaweed and phytoplankton) are generally speaking an unexploited
source of a large number of nutritive valuable ingredients which can be used
to increase the nutritional value of food. The Danish Technological Institute, a
government approved technological service institute, is developing cost-
effective ways of using algae components in food to improve the nutritional
value of food products. For centuries algae have been used as an important
source of food for humans and feed for domestic animals in Denmark as well
as in numerous other countries but are now mostly used in Asia. In the future
it is expected that the use of algae as supplements in food products will
increase due to the beneficial compounds in algae. Depending on the algae
species and growth conditions the chemical composition can vary enormously.
Phytoplankton can under certain conditions contain up to 90% lipids (dw) and
not uncommonly above 50% (dw). Lipids in algae generally have an omega-
3/omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) ratio of approximately 1
which is as low as recommended in human diet. Seaweed has generally a low
content of lipids but accumulates large concentrations of carbohydrates (i.e.
alginate and carragenaan which are used as food stabilizers). Both seaweed
and phytoplankton can contain high concentrations of protein with a very high
amino acid score (based on the amount of essential amino acids) of up to 91-
100. These values are substantially higher than what is found in cereals and
are equal to what is found in animal protein. Interestingly, algae also contain
several minerals and vitamins which can be used to enrich food products that
are not nutritionally optimal. To enrich human food with algae extracts in the
future appears to be highly beneficial as the production of algae is ecological
as well as economic sustainable.
Effects of minimisation of sodium chloride in baked goods
M. BECK (1), M. T. Jekle (1), T. Becker (1)
(1) Technische Universitt Mnchen - Lehrstuhl fr Brau- und
Getrnketechnologie - 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan - Germany
Cereal Foods World 54:A35
The traditional use of sodium chloride (NaCl) in baked goods has
technological and sensory reasons. Besides a controlled fermentation, an
improved gluten structure, prolonged shelf life and improved processability,
NaCl is most important for the sensory impression of baked goods. The
sensory perception is, however, not only determined by the salty taste. In
addition, salt also induces other sensory impressions, e.g. sweet taste and
masks metallic aromas or bitter taste. Using NaCl in the production of food
has been discussed controversely. An increased intake of sodium has been
shown to be correlated with hypertension, which is associated with
cardiovascular disease. Therefore, NaCl has been classified as an unwanted
constituent of foods in the EU Health Claim regulation. As about 35% of the
sodium demand are covered by baked goods. Baked goods contain about 1
1.6 g salt /100 g and are therefore critical according to the planned
regulations. Hence, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effects
of varying amounts of NaCl on rheological, sensorial and wheat bread texture
properties. The technology effects were in particular studied by baking tests
and DSC effects. Textural properties were measured by a Texture Analyser
over a seven-day storage period. The addition of NaCl improved the hardness
of wheat bread crumb and result in decreased retrogradation as determined
with DSC. Further sensorial investigations were done. An optimum of bread
popularity was recognized between 1,5 and 2% NaCl concentration in wheat
bread. The results of this work confirm that NaCl owns important effect on
wheat dough and on bread and sensorial quality and because of the above
mentioned reasons the baking industry needs replacers for NaCl preserving
the high quality of the products and a pure salty taste.
Structural studies of maize and barley starches: Amylose and amylopectin
L. A. BELLO-PEREZ (1), S. Rodriguez-Ambriz (1)
(1) CEPROBI-IPN, Yautepec, Morelos, MEXICO
Cereal Foods World 54:A35
Cereal starches such as maize, wheat, rice are widely used at the industrial
level, and the molecular and structural characterization of its components
(amylose and amylopectin) is an important step to predict and explain their
physicochemical and functional behaviour. Solubilization procedures were
tested, and that with the highest solubilization percentage was chosen to study
the structural characteristics of amylose and amylopectin. To study the
amylase molar mass a size-exclusion chromatography with refractive index
(SEC-RI) system using a pullulan standard curve was used. Besides,
microbatch system using a MALLS detector was used to determine the molar
mass and gyration radius of starch and amylopectin. Difference in the shape
and size of maize and barley starches were evident by the microscopy
analysis, and intact granules were obtained after the isolation procedure.
Microwave heating, produced higher solubility percentages than autoclave,
and differences were found between both starches. The sample solubilized
with microwave heating presented higher molar mass and gyration radius
values than autoclave, showing that this process gives representative
information of the initial starch sample in structural studies. When starch
components were separated, amylose showed lower purity than amylopectin.
Lower purity was obtained for amylose separated from barley starch, but no
difference was obtained from purity of amylopectin separated from both
starches. Barley amylopectin had higher solubility percentage than maize
amylopectin. Molar mass of barley amylose was 1.03 10
g/mol and for
maize of 2.25 10
g/mol. The molar mass of amylopectin separated from
both starches was lower than its starch counterpart, although the same
solubilization procedure (microwave heating) was used. The difference might
be due to during separation of the starch components depolymerization was
Effect of the acetylation degree in the morphological, physicochemical
and structural characteristics of barley starch
L. BELLO-PEREZ (1), P. B. Zamudio-Flores (1), G. Mendez-Montealvo (1),
S. L. Rodriguez-Ambriz (1)
(1) CEPROBI-IPN, Yautepec, Morelos, MEXICO
Cereal Foods World 54:A35
Barley (Hordeum vulgare) is one of the major cereal crops. Barley grain is
mainly used in the brewing and malting industries and for animal feeds.
Although the interest in barley as a component of food systems is mainly for
the potential health benefits of -glucans, barley still presents an important
starch source for food and industrial applications. The objective of this study
was to investigate the morphological, physicochemical and structural
characteristics of acetylated barley starch at two different levels. Barley starch
was acetylated at two levels (low degree (LD) and high degree (HD)
substitution) and the morphological, physicochemical and structural of the
resultant acetylated barley starch were determined. The acetylated barley
starches presented the signal at 1226 cm
that corresponds to the C-O
stretching of acetyl groups. The morphological study showed fusion of starch
granules in the acetylated starch with HD. This effect was evident in the
pasting test, because the viscoamylograph profile of HD starch showed the
absence in peak viscosity, viscosity breakdown and viscosity setback. The
peak gelatinization was similar for native and LD and decrease in the HD
acetylated starch. The gelatinization enthalpy value showed difference among
the samples, indicating that the loss of the ordered double helices more than
the crystallinity loss was higher in the HD acetylated barley starch. In the
retrogradation test, HD substitution avoided the retrogradation because the
lowest enthalpy value was obtained in this acetylated starch. The Mw and Rz
values decreased due to the acetylation process, indicating depolymerization
of starch components as it was evidenced by the increase in short chains level
in the acetylated samples.
Small scale and rapid starch isolation using a combination of ultrasound
and sucrose gradient
M. BENMOUSSA (1), B. Hamaker (1)
(1) Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research, Dept. of Food Science,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Cereal Foods World 54:A35
Generally, the conventional procedures of starch extraction from cereal grains
are longer than 48 hr and require a large amount of grain material. In any
starch isolation procedure, grain milling, protein extraction and starch granule
separation are the main steps. An efficient procedure with reduced extraction
time and material weight would be beneficial for analytical work. For this
purpose, we propose a modification of all steps. Our goal in the present study
was to develop a rapid starch isolation method with non-harmful chemicals
and from dry-grinded flour. Maize and sorghum grains were selected for dry
and wet milling. Our proposed procedure starts the dry milling and mixing the
flour (100 mg) with NaCl solution (0.05 M) in a ratio of 1/5, w/v. Ultrasound
was then used to reduce protein extraction time. Flour slurries were treated
using an ultrasound probe at 25% amplitude followed by filtration through a
nylon screen (52 m). The slurry was again treated by ultrasound and then
layered on top of a sucrose gradient solution (65%, w/v) for protein and starch
granule separation. Tubes were centrifuged at low speed for 15 s. The pellet
was washed three times with water or ethanol and then dried. Light
microscope observation of separated fractions showed that starch granules
were found in the pellet and proteins and damaged starch are collected from
the top layer of the gradient. Isolated starch quality was tested using a
birefringence microscope showing intact starch granule from the pellet. The
proposed extraction method showed 67% yield for sorghum and 68% for
maize. Protein content in isolated starch was below 0.5%. Isolated starch
physicochemical properties were investigated. The combination of dry
milling, ultrasound and sucrose gradient methods offers a small scale, rapid
method for starch granule separation.
Prevalence and detection of mycotoxins in dried distillers grains from
A. BIANCHINI (1), J. Stratton (1), L. B. Bullerman (1), S. Chung (1), T.
Jackson (1)
(1) University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
Cereal Foods World 54:A36
Dried distillers grains are corn co-products produced by the ethanol industry,
which primarily go into farm animal feed. A major concern is the possible
presence of mycotoxins, which are not destroyed during the grain-to-ethanol
conversion process. Mycotoxins can have deleterious effects on animal health,
but few studies have been done to determine their prevalence in distillers
grains. The objective of this study was to conduct a survey of distillers grains
from ethanol plants in Nebraska for aflatoxin and fumonisin levels, and to
optimize the methods of detection by high performance liquid
chromatography. Forty-five samples of distillers grains were collected from
ethanol plants and analyzed using a Dionex UltiMate 3000 HPLC system
with Chromeleon
bags and vacuum packs, and were periodically tested for changes in
% water absorption (WA) during cooking, free fatty acids (FFA), peroxide
value (POV), viscosity changes of flour using Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA)
and texture of whole cooked kernal using Texture Analyzer during storage for
300 days. Flour-blasted rice absorbs less water but needed less cooking time
than non-floublasted counterpart. Parboiled rice was more resistant to increase
in FFA after flourblasting as compared to other flourblasted non-parboiled
rice due to inactivation of lipases during heat moisture treatment used to
manufacture parboiled rice. The ANOVA showing the F values were
significant for all four factors, i.e., the type of rice, blasting treatment, type of
packaging and time of storage at p < 0.05 for FFA, POV, peak viscosity (PK),
final viscosity (FV), breakdown viscosity (BD) and setback viscosity (SB),
hardness, gumminess and % WA but packaging alone did not significantly
affect FFA, BD, gumminess and %WA. An increase in FFA, POV, PV, FV,
BD and SB during storage of flourblasted brown rice for 300 days but no
change was observed in texture (hardness, gumminess) and % WA. The
combined (includes all types of rice) coefficient of correlation were 0.86
between FFA and FV, 0.90 between FFA and SB is 0.90 at p < 0.0001. Other
correlations also occur in the data, which could be used to model rancidity and
develop standard methods, which could then be used by the rice industry to
monitor rancidity.
Effects of drying conditions on endogenous enzyme activity and starch
properties of corn
J. GUTESA (1), S. Harjadi (1), A. P. Burgers (1), C. R. Hurburgh (1), J. Jane
(1) Iowa State University, Ames, IA, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A44
Objectives of this study were to understand how drying conditions affect
quality of corn and its endogenous enzyme activity, attributes that are of
importance for the utilization of corn. For 2007 crops, an increase in starch
gelatinization temperature and no significant changes in the endogenous
enzyme activity were observed in corn dried up to 65C comparing with the
control dried at 25C. Corn dried at 85C showed less enzyme activity (17.1%
decrease in reducing sugar yield after 20 h incubation time), higher starch
gelatinization temperature (T
, T
, T
) and enthalpy change (2.5C, 1.5C,
1.6C, and 1 J/g increase, respectively), and less starch swelling power and %
solubility than the control. The increase in the gelatinization temperature and
enthalpy change suggested that during the drying at 65C and 85C starch lost
some weak crystalline structure, which gelatinized bellow the respective
temperatures. Corn kernels dried at 10C also showed a higher gelatinization
temperature of starch than the control. This could be attributed to that the
drying temperature of 10C was close to the optimal temperature for starch
crystallization (45C) and thus, enhanced starch crystallinity. Starch isolated
from kernels dried at ambient temperature (25C and 45C) was hydrolyzed
faster than that dried at temperatures of 10C, 65C and 85C using a raw-
starch hydrolyzing enzyme. For 2008 crops, the endogenous enzyme activity
was not affected by increasing the drying temperature up to 85C. Kernels
dried at 105C and 125C, however, showed less endogenous enzyme activity
(13.5% and 31.4% decline in the reducing sugar yield, respectively, after 20 h
incubation time) than the control. The results obtained from this study provide
useful information for animal feed and ethanol production to optimize drying
conditions of corn and obtain the best quality and yield of products.
Technological properties of extruded flour and tortillas from transgenic
maize (Zea mays L.) expressing amarantin
R. GUTIERREZ-DORADO (1), J. Milan-Carrillo (2), S. Mora-Rochin (3), J.
Lopez-Valenzuela (3), A. Valdez-Ortiz (3), C. Reyes-Moreno (3)
(1) [email protected]; (2) Univ Autonoma de Sinaloa, Culiacan, Sinaloa,
MEXICO; (3) [email protected]
Cereal Foods World 54:A44
The maize kernel contains 713% protein (dry basis, db), but the quality of its
proteins is poor because they are deficient in the essential amino acids lysine
and tryptophan. Through biotechnological approaches was successfully
expressed the main seed storage protein of amaranth (named amarantin) in the
kernel of common maize; this transgenic maize showed a significant
increment in total protein (+32%) and the essential amino acids lysine
(+18%), isoleucine (+36%) and tryptophan (+22%), also is not an important
allergenicity inducer. Nevertheless, additional evaluations of this transgenic
maize and its products are required to determine its potential use and impact
on human nutrition. In this work, technological properties of extruded flour
from transgenic maize (genetically modified maize containing the cDNA
encoding amarantin) were compared to those of commercial nixtamalized
maize flour (CNMF). Extruded transgenic maize flour (ETMF) showed higher
protein (13.1 vs 8.98%, db) and crude fiber (2.2 vs 1.5%, db) contents, total
color (14.95 vs 12.13) and pH (6.89 vs 6.61) values, and water solubility
index (7.51 vs 3.97 g solids/g original solids, db), and lower lipid (4.8 vs
5.1%, db) and ash (1.73 vs 1.75%, db) contents, Hunter L value (87.6 vs
89.91), and water absorption index (3.20 vs 3.39 g gel/g solids, db) than
CNMF. Tortillas from ETMF had higher protein and crude fiber contents and
pH values, and lower lipid and ash contents than tortillas from CNMF,
differences similar to those exhibited by their flours. However, the tortillas
from ETMF had a higher whiteness (higher Hunter L value and lower total
color difference) than those from CNMF. Tortillas from both ETMF and
CNMF showed similar sensory properties (rollability, puffing and
acceptability). The use of transgenic maize for flour and tortilla preparation
may have a positive impact on the nutritional status of people from countries
where maize is the basic staple food.
The effects of extruded lentil flours on white pan dough and bread
C. HALL (1), M. Tulbek (2)
(1) North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND; (2) Northern Crops Institute,
Fargo, ND, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A44
The effect of extruded lentil flours on dough and bread characteristics was
studied. The level of lentil flour addition appears to affect dough and bread
characteristic more than the type of lentil flour, i.e. lentil extruded at 350, 400
or 450 rpm and then made into flour. However, extrusion of lentils at 350 rpm
had the least impact on dough properties and white pan bread characteristics.
The water absorption values of the wheat increased with increasing
concentration of extruded lentil flours, indicating that more water should be
added to flours containing higher levels of lentil flours to produce a dough
similar to flours with lower values of lentil flour. Regardless of the level of
lentil flour added, the trend of increasing water absorptions existed with
increasing rate of extrusion. For example, the white flour blended with lentil
flour obtained from the 450 rpm extrusion conditions had the highest water
absorption. Bread made with up to 10% extruded lentil flour using the water
absorption of 62% were not substantially different from breads made without
lentil flour. The best lentil-fortified breads were made with 5% of the 350 rpm
extruded lentil flour. However, an acceptable loaf, as measure by analytical
instruments, also could be produced using 10% extruded (350 rpm) lentil
flour. The data suggests that that increasing the level of lentil flour in the
bread increased the rate of crumb firmness. The type of extruded lentil flour
slightly affected the crumb firmness. An important observation was that the
percentage increase in bread firmness over 5 days was higher for bread made
with raw lentil flour than with processed lentil flour. This observation
supports the need for processing of the lentil flour before addition to bread.
Measurement of amino acid content of whole-kernel corn with near
infrared spectroscopy
C. L. HARDY (1), C. R. Hurburgh (1), G. R. Rippke (1), W. Goldstein (2)
(1) Iowa State University, Ames, IA, U.S.A.; (2) Michael Fields Ag Institute,
East Troy, WI, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A45
In food and feed products, near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is used to
measure an increasing number of chemical parameters that have traditionally
been measured by analytical chemistry. Rapid measurement of amino acids in
raw and processed grain is becoming increasingly important in balancing
livestock rations. National Organic Program standards are expected to change
in 2010 to disallow synthetic amino acid supplements in organic feeds. The
ability to rapidly measure amino acids enhances plant breeding and livestock
ration balancing. NIRS measurement of amino acids in corn has been
hampered by the high correlation between the total protein content and the
typical amino acid level. When average corn is used to calibrate NIRS
analyzers, the calibration estimates the typical amounts of amino acids for the
protein level. The organic corn breeding program coordinated by Michael
Fields Agricultural Institute is developing organic lines of corn with increased
levels of methionine, lysine, and cysteine, deliberately manipulated to break
the correlation with total protein. Calibrations were developed for two whole-
seed NIRS transmission analyzers (Bruins OmegAnalyzer G and Foss
Infratec 1241 Grain Analyzer). Samples from 2006 and 2007 crops were
used for calibration; samples from 2008 crop were used as validation. Lysine
and methionine calibrations had R
of 0.73 0.84, significantly higher than
the correlation of each amino acid to the total protein. These calibrations are
suitable for genetic screening in corn breeding programs (high vs. low genetic
evaluations). Cysteine was only reflective of protein but this amino acid is less
important in ration formulation than lysine and methionine. A standard
protocol was also developed to evaluate NIRS calibrations for factors that are
correlated with other properties already known to be measureable with NIRS.
Effects of glutenin loci allelic diversity and rye translocations on dough
properties within U.S. Hard Winter Wheat breeding programs
S. E. HARMER (1), B. W. Seabourn (1)
(1) USDA-ARS-GMPRC, Manhattan, KS, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 54:A45
Allelic variation at the Glu-1 and Glu-3 loci is known to contribute to end-use
qualities in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The Glu-1 loci, which encodes high
molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS), and the Glu-3 loci, which
encodes low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS), are polymorphic
and therefore multiple alleles exist in different breeding programs. However,
the effect of different glutenin alleles at all six loci on dough and bread-
making properties is poorly characterised, particularly in U.S. breeding
programs. In this study, a set of advanced breeding lines and cultivars from
the USDA-ARS Regional Performance Nursery (RPN), consisting of hard
winter wheat from breeding programs across the U.S. Great Plains growing
region, were used to determine HMW-GS and LMW-GS allelic composition
using SDS-PAGE and lab-on-a-chip
PEGPPG block copolymer), where PEG and PPG refer to polyethylene
glycol and polypropylene glycol, respectively. The reactions were carried out
in H
O, 30 and 60% DMSO or citric acid solutions at 25 or 65C followed by
overnight storage at 6C. Based on the outer appearances of the products, gels
were formed under the following conditions: b-CD/PEG mixtures in DMSO
solutions treated at 65C, b-CD/Pluronic
mixtures in H
O treated at 25 or
65C, and in citric acid solution treated at 25C. Study of wide angle X-ray
diffraction on the gels revealed that only the gels made of Pluronic
channel type crystalline, identifying them as PPR gels. Scanning electron
microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy and rheological charac-
terizations also showed respectively the presence of networks, the higher
homogeneity and thixotropy of the gels made of Pluronic
, as compared to
those made of PEG. Among the gels made of Pluronic
hydrolyzed over 2 hours was not significantly different between the somyeon
) and the spaghetti (96.22
), indicating that different digestion
behaviors occurred in each type of noodle, even though the amounts of
digested starch were similar. The dangmyeon, naengmyeon and ramyeon
noodles showed relatively lower C