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Chapter 1 Software Summarization .................................................1

§1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................1
§1.2 Function ........................................................................................................................1
§1.3 Installation Requirement ..............................................................................................1

Chapter 2 Main Menus ......................................................................3

§2.1 Main Screens ................................................................................................................3
§2.2 Job Menu ......................................................................................................................5
§2.3 Input Menu ...................................................................................................................6
§2.4 Config Menu ...............................................................................................................20
§2.5 Survey Menu...............................................................................................................36
§2.6 Tool Menu ...................................................................................................................58
§2.6.1 Port debug ................................................................................................................59
§2.6.2 Calculate Parameter .................................................................................................59
§2.6.3 COGO ........................................................................................................................62
§2.6.4 Data process .............................................................................................................75
§2.7 Help Menu ..................................................................................................................77
§2.7.1 Receiver Registration ................................................................................................78
§2.7.2 Software Information ...............................................................................................79
§2.7.3 Receiver Information ................................................................................................80
§2.7.4 About ........................................................................................................................80

Chapter 3 Instructions for Field survey .........................................81

§3.1 Instrument connection ...............................................................................................81
§3.2 Acquire differential data .............................................................................................81
§3.3 Set up a job .................................................................................................................81

Addenda GPS Survey Summarization ...............................................85

GPS System Brief Introduction ...........................................................................................85
GPS Measurement Method ................................................................................................87
The elements related to the RTK measurement.................................................................88
GPS Application in the Measurement ................................................................................89

ESTAR manual 1
2 ESTAR manual
Chapter 1 Software Summarization

§1.1 Introduction
This manual explains how to implement and use S82T/S86T system in RTK,
using the Engineer Star software installed on the handheld computer. Note
that this manual focuses on two basic survey functions: Store Points and
Stakeout Points (please refer to Engineer Star Manual for advance function and
Note that the functions supported by Engineer Star 3.0 to control conventional
systems are not discussed in this manual. Likewise, the procedure to download
logged static raw data from your receiver to your desktop computer is not
discussed in this concise manual. For more information on this procedure,
please refer to the SOUTH GPS Processor User Manual provided on CD-ROM.
In the last chapter (Appendices), you will find how to install Engineering Star
3.0, trouble shooting and important explanations that might be useful to you
in case of problems when you operate Engineering Star 3.0.

§1.2 Function
Engineering Star3.0 surveying software is the graphic software with simpleness,
high efficiency and strong function. It provides the most usual function, such
as detailing, stake-out point and stake-out line, with engineering and graphic
interface. It also has the added function of stake-out curved line, and stake-out
road . Not only does it use the characteristics of international comparable
software for reference, such as convenient graphic display and precise
structural module, it also combines the concrete specialty of the domestic
fieldwork, making engineering star in the wake of international fashion and
meet the needs of fieldwork as well.
Engineering Star3.0 also has many other features, such as flexible zoom
graphic interface, tabular menu, which directly display critical task on the
screen, abundant characteristics of fieldwork, complete edition, standard
industrialized data output, coordinate collection, comprehensive RTK vector,
GPS original and other data format.

§1.3 Installation Requirement

Engineering Star needs to be installed in the Win CE System to work smoothly.
Win CE, as an electronic operating system based on palmtop computer, is the
inlayed Win32 operating system with leading multi-task and powerful

ESTAR manual 1
communication function. It is the strategic operating product designed
specially for Non-PC products, such as information equipment, motion
application, consumptive electric products and inlayed application etc.
Win CE is a brand new operating system, not simply transferred from Window
NT or Windows 9x. Its applicative interface program intimates that of
Windows NT, but the inside is a totally new code foundation. Hereinafter are
the two important standards.
1. No former 16 units applicative programmed interface (API)
2. The module adapting to the minimal equipment.
(1)WinCE is the minimal Windows Edition by far,
(2)WinCE is the fastest Windows Edition,
(3)WinCE is the most reliable Windows Edition,
(4)WinCE provides the most flexible operation system.

2 ESTAR manual
Chapter 2 Main Menus

§2.1 Main Screens

There are 6 menus access to the main functions of Engineer Star3.0. The
figure below summarizes all the functions available from that screen.


Figure2-1-1 Main screen

: allows you to switch between several menus.

: allows you to view satellite information.(see as figure 2-2)

ESTAR manual 3
Figure2-1-2 view satellite info. Figure2-1-3 Graph interface

: switches to graph interface.(see as figure 2-3)

: returns to main screen.

Exit program.

4 ESTAR manual
§2.2 Job Menu

Figure 2-2-1 Job Menu

New Job: In general, you need to create a new job and input some parameters
of ellipsoid and projection before you start your surveying work. A job consists
of a number of file such as survey parameters, transformation parameters and
result coordinates file etc.
Open Job: Opens an existing job.
File Import/Export: Outputs result coordinates file with the format you want,
such as: Pt ID,N, E, H, Code or Pt ID, Code, E, N, H, etc.
Close Receiver: shuts down the receiver.
Exit: Will exit the Engineer Star program.

ESTAR manual 5
§2.3 Input Menu

Figure2-3-1 Input Menu

Coordinates Library: Manages all plain coordinates.
Road design: there are two methods for road design, element mode and
intersection mode.
Localization: Calculates transformation parameters between WGS-84 and your
local coordinate system.
Correction: correct point coordinate with local known coordinate.

6 ESTAR manual
This operating mode is used in the following cases:
- The coordinate system is unknown or its characteristics are not accurate
- The base station is operated on a reference point whose position was only
determined in autonomous GPS mode.
- A local coordinate system is used for field operations.
In either of these three cases, you will have to localize your system before
starting your job and using control points. The use of 3 control points or more
is highly recommended to achieve horizontal localization. This number should
be raised up to 4, or more, to ensure vertical localization, as this will guarantee
the consistency of your control points.
Click the menu Set and select Localization. The screen is described below.

Figure2-3-2 Localization
Control coordinates can be entered manually or read from a file stored in the
handheld computer. When you click Add to add a point, a new screen will
You may either enter the points coordinates manually (see screen example
opposite) or select an existing point from the pre-defined list.

Click on the button to access the list of points available from the open

ESTAR manual 7
Click OK after inputting the point manually or selecting point from the list. A
new screen then appears asking you to enter the true coordinates (or call raw
coordinates) of the point. There are 3 different ways for entering these
coordinates (see screen below)

Figure2-3-3 Add Points Figure2-3-4 Add Points

1. They can be loaded from the results of a point that was logged earlier during
the same job.(select from library)
2. They can be read from the rover receiver. In this case, the rover should be
positioned over the concerned control point.(Enter from GPS)
3. They can be entered manually (Enter Lat/Lon).
If you choose Enter from GPS, then engineer star will ask you to indicate the
antenna height before the receiver output the coordinates measured for the
point.(see screen example opposite)
There are three ways to indicate the antenna height,

8 ESTAR manual
Figure2-3-5 Add Points
True: the vertical height is from measuring point to phase center of receiver.
Slant: the slant height is from measuring point to the line edge of antenna.
Pole: the pole height is the carbon fiber pole length, which is 2m.(this option is
recommended if you use rover with carbon fiber pole )
Then click OK to enable the result of that computation. Engineer star then
takes back to the screen showing the point list. Resume the previous steps
until the coordinates of all the controls point involved in the localization
process have been determined.

Figure2-3-6 Points Localization

On the points list screen(see screen example above) ,check the amount of

ESTAR manual 9
residual for each control point involved in the localization. The lower these
value, the better the consistency of your control point network. If some
residuals be abnormal high, the relevant point(s) should be deleted using the
Delete button or removed from localization progress using the On/off button.
The On/off button gives access to a menu allowing you to enable/disable the
selected control point for horizontal control progress, for vertical control
progress, or for both(see screen opposite) the localization parameters can be
saved as a *.cot file for the further use. Click on the Save button to do this,
but if you want the parameters effective after saved, you should use the Apply
button, then click on the OK button to quit the localization dialog.

Figure2-3-7 On/Off Figure2-3-8 Calc.Transform Para

Usually we set base station on a known point, and input the known point
coordinate to the base as reference coordinate, however, sometimes, we can
set the base on unknown point or even we set base on known point, but we
don’t input the known point coordinates to base, we just use other known
points to make the localization, which still can get the same effect as inputting
known point to base. This method is very flexible, because sometimes, the
known points are hard to reach for heavy base batch, then you can put the
base on an unknown point, just take the handy rover batch to the known
points, then make the localization. Because the base startup with a random
single positioning coordinate, so the base coordinate will vary every time. So
we need use correction function to calculate the variation. There are two

10 ESTAR manual
situations as follows,

Figure2-3-9 Correction Figure2-3-10 Option List

Base station on the known point (Point A)
Use one point (Base Station Point A) to adjust
Steps: input->correction-> Set base on known point. You can just input the
base known coordinate to the dialog, then you can acquire the raw data of
base from rover.

Figure2-3-11 Known Points Figure2-3-12 Wizard

ESTAR manual 11
Base station on the unknown point
1) (Supposed the point is Point B)
Step : input->correction->Set base on unknown point. Then you need to put
rover to a known point, and input this known point coordinate to the dialog.

Figure2-3-13 Correction Figure2-3-14 Option List

Figure2-3-15 Unknown Points Figure2-3-16 Wizard

12 ESTAR manual
Road Design

There are two manners of road design, element mode and intersection mode.
Element mode: a stretch of complicated road includes line, circle curve,
transition curve. If you use element mode to design a road, you need input the
parameters of every element in sequence. So it’s only suitable for short
distance and simple road.

Figure2-3-17 Road Design

Intersection mode: it’s more suitable for complicate road design.
Usually the designer selects several points which is suitable for building road in
map, then connect them by lines (see below figure, point 1,2,3), and designs
transition curve and circle curve in every turning corner. These points are
called intersection points, and this manner is called intersection mode. You
only need input intersection point coordinate, radius of circle curve, length of
transition curve, the program will calculate every critical factor
automatically(like center point of circle curve, intersection point of line and
transition curve).

ESTAR manual 13
Element mode
The steps are as follows,
1. Press “New” button to create a road design file
(see the screen below)

Figure2-3-18 Element Mode Figure2-3-19 Element File Save

2. Input distance interval value, and give a name to the road, then press
“Add” button to design this road.
3. You need to select a start point, and input its coordinate .

14 ESTAR manual
Figure2-3-20 Add Element
4. Then select a line element, you need to input azimuth and length.
5.If there is a transition curve, you need to select spiral, then input the length.
6. Select a circle element, and need to input the radius.
7. The element behind the circle could be a transition curve or a line, so you
can select the element as real situation, then input parameters.
But the end element must be a line element.
After you input a section of one road, you can press “OK” button to return the
main screen of road design.

Figure2-3-21 Element Road Design

ESTAR manual 15
Then you can press “save” button to store the design file, and it will calculate
the stakeout points on the road as interval distance, all of the calculated points
are saved in the *.rod file, it also generates a *.dat file with a same file name.
After this process, you can click the Graph show tab to check the design road
graph.(see below screen)

Figure2-3-22 Element Graphic

About ROD file type description, please refer to following content.

File Format Instruction:

The format of road file is “ROD”, the detailed format is as follows:
CLINE FILE V3.0(Intersection)

16 ESTAR manual
LS: start point of line
LE: end point of line
QZ: center point of circle curve
Format Instruction:
CLINE FILE V3.0 Default line, mark the data edition
START CHAINAGE,X.XX Mark the start mileage
RN, YY YY marks the road name
PT marks points: Type in the coordinates of points, the first is the east
coordinates (Y), and the second is the north coordinates (X)
R. marks lines: defines the line and azimuth, if you do not define it, the
software will auto calculate the azimuth. The first is the line length, the second
is the azimuth.
CL marks transition curve: it is defined by the curve
length and K gene, the formula of K gene is as follows:

A= R  L
A means K gene
R means the radius of the curve
L means the length of assuasive curve
Note: transition curve must meet one arc in both ends, the first one is the
length of the transition curve and the second is the K gene.
CC marks arcs:to define the arc length and the radius, negative means left
The first is arc length, and the second is radius.

Note: the minus and plus value of radius only stand for the direction. Plus is
the right side of the road direction, and the minus means the left side of the
road direction.

Intersection mode
This screen is nearly like element mode.

ESTAR manual 17
Figure2-3-23 Data Input
You need to press “New” button to create a road design file, the file type is
And input distance interval value and road name.

Then press “Insert” button to input intersection point information.

The information includes intersection point ID, coordinate, length of 1st
graceful curve, length of 2nd graceful curve, Radius of circle curve.

Figure2-3-24 Intersection Mode

Usually the start intersection point and last intersection point don’t need to
input transition curve length and circle radius, just input point coordinate.

18 ESTAR manual
You can press “insert” button to add intersection point one by one. After you
input all of the intersection points and related information.
You need to press “save” button to save it, it will calculate every stakeout point
as interval distance.(see screen below)

Figure2-3-25 Data Input

If you input one intersection point by mistake, you can press “Edit” button to
modify it, or select it and press “Delete” button to delete this point.
If you have a *.ip file, you can also press “Import” button to import to the
When you want to check the road design graph, you can click “Graph show”
tab, the designed road will show in the screen.(see screen below)

Figure2-3-26 Intersection Graphic

ESTAR manual 19
The intersection mode will generate 3 kinds of files , *.dat file, *.ip file, *.rod
Dat file and rod file are the same as the one generated in element mode. The
content of ip file is the same as rod file in stakeout road library.

About IP file format description, please refer to following content,

File format instruction

IP is road design file, the detailed format is as follows,

CLINE FILE V3.0(Intersection) /*default line, mark the file version

START CHAINAGE,0.0000 /*mark the start mileage, in this file, the
start mileage is 0.
RN,11 /* 11 is road name

/* the 4 lines represent 4 intersection points, the field meaning is point

name, N, E, length of left transition curve, circle curve radius, length of
right transition curve, mileage.

§2.4 Config Menu

Figure2-4-1 Config Menu

20 ESTAR manual
Config menu includes 5 submenus, job config, instrument config, Radio config,
mobile config and port config. It covers most parameters settings.

Job config

Figure2-4-2 Job Config

In this menu, there are 5 pages, coordinate, antenna, save, display, other.
For coord. Page, you can define your coordinate system, select your local
system, modify projection parameters and so on..
For antenna page, you can input the pole height, the software will show the
real point height which you measured on the ground.

Figure2-4-3 Antenna
In the save page, you can set survey method, general, offset, average, and

ESTAR manual 21

Figure2-4-4 Save Setting

In the display page, you can specify how points will show on the screen, and
their point names display method.

Figure2-4-5 Other Setting

In the other page, you can set mask angle, time zone, pdop limit and other

Instrument config
The operating mode is to set work mode and parameters, data link, it can only
be operated when the engineer star connected with receiver. The operation
can be effective after restarting receiver.

22 ESTAR manual
Figure2-4-6 Rover Setting
These operations also can be realized on receiver, about the detailed operating
steps, you can refer to relevant product manual.
In base setting screen, there are two modes to set up base station. One is auto
start, the other is manual start. You can set the detailed parameters after enter
base setting screen(see screen below)

Figure2-4-7 Base Setting Figure2-4-8 Base Setting

Start up base station by two methods
If you want to make the base station transmitting signal automatically every
time, you can select the first option, and set the transmission condition, by this
way, you don't need make any operation on base station, just need power on it.
But there is drawback, even if you put it on the same point, if you restart it,

ESTAR manual 23
the base transmitting coordinate will change.

If you want to use a specified coordinate to start up base station, you need
select the second option, and set the parameters, correction type,
transmission interval time, PDOP, antenna height.

Figure2-4-9 Base Start

In static parameter screen, you can set observation interval time, elevation
Mask angle, PDOP value, and antenna height.

Figure2-4-10 Receiver Mode Setting Figure2-4-11 Static Parameter Setting

Warning: if the receiver is already in static mode, you can not use engineer star
to operate it, if you connect receiver by bluetooth or cable, you will see that
the status is No data. So you also can not switch the work mode to rover mode

24 ESTAR manual
or base mode again, you need operate on receiver.

Set data link: there are three kinds of data link, Internal radio, GPRS/GSM
module, and external radio, and the operation in this screen is just suitable for
RTK receiver.(see screen below)

Figure 2-4-12 Data Link Setting

Warning: you can also make this operation on receiver, please refer to relevant
product manual.
Radio Config/GPRS Config
This operating mode is to make the detailed setting to data link.
When the software connect with receiver, it will search the data link, if it find
the data link adopts radio, the Radio Config menu will appear, if it searched
gprs/gsm module, the GPRS Config menu will appear automatically. (see
screen below)

ESTAR manual 25
Figure2-4-13 Radio Config Figure2-4-14 GPRS Config

Figure2-4-15 Radio Channel Setting

There are two buttons in this screen.
Read: read the current radio channel, the value is between 1 and 8. when you

didn’t see the channel number icon showing at the bottom of main
screen, you can use this button to learn it. If it always shows “unknown” after
you press Read button, may be the built-in radio has problem.
Switch: when you want to switch the built-in radio channel to specified one,

you can tap the pull-down menu and select the specified channel number,

then click on Switch button to change it.

26 ESTAR manual
When you change the data link to gprs/gsm module, you will see the menu
change to GPRS Config, and there is a module icon showing at the
bottom of main screen.

Figure2-4-16 GPRS Config

When you want to use gprs/gsm module to establish connection with CORS
network, which transmit differential corrections via NTRIP, the steps are as
1. ConfigGPRS Config (see screen below)

Figure2-4-17 GPRS Config Figure 2-4-18 CORS Network

2. you can add a new cors server address to the list, or select an existed record
to operate, you can edit or delete it.

ESTAR manual 27
Click on Edit button to enter parameters setting screen.

Figure2-4-19 CORS Network Setting

3.input a name in the first field,
Select GPRS/CDMA on connect option, select NTRIP-VRS on mode option
● IP Address

● Port

● User Name

● Password


● Access

Note: usually this information is given by NTRIP caster, after you input these
parameters, press Get sourcetable button to get the sourcetable.
After you set all parameters, you can press OK button to make it effective. Or
press Cancel button to cancel the settings.
4.And press OK button to quit the setting screen, then you can press Connect
button to connect with network, press Break to disconnect.

28 ESTAR manual
Figure2-4-20 Network Setting
When you want to establish connection with another GPS receiver by GSM
mode, the steps are as follows,
1. ConfigGPRS Config
2. Click on Edit button to enter parameters setting screen
3.Selet GSM on connect option, select Eagle on mode option
(see screen below)

Figure2-4-21 Network Setting Figure2-4-22 Connect-Eagle Mode

You just need input Base receiver sim card number, then press OK button to
make it effective. Note that the sim card must have data/fax function.
After you set the parameters, press OK button to quit, return to the Net
connect screen, then restart gps receiver, the rover will connect the base

ESTAR manual 29

Notice: If you set the parameters once, you don’t need set it again at next time,
it had been saved in the module, and when you power on the receiver, the
module will connect to network automatically.

Mobile config

Figure2-4-23 Mobile Config Figure2-4-24 Mobile Differential

Sometimes, you can use mobile phone to replace internal GPRS module, you
just need prepare a Bluetooth Cellphone, and make it connected with the
The steps are as follows,
1. scan Bluetooth device.

30 ESTAR manual
Figure2-4-25 Scan Bluetooth Figure2-4-26 Pair Mobile
2. select bluetooth service, for mobile phone, you need select dialup

Figure2-4-27 Select Services Figure2-4-28 Select Port

3. Select a com port for connection.
4. Enter control panel interface, select network and dial-up connections

ESTAR manual 31
Figure2-4-29 Network Connection Figure2-4-30 Make New Connection
5. Tap make new connection, type a name for the connection, and select
dial-up connection, then press Next button.

Figure2-4-31 Connection Type Figure2-4-32 Select Modem

6. Select the modem.(your cellphone name), then press Next button.

32 ESTAR manual
Figure2-4-33 Phone Number Figure2-4-34 Connection
7. Input the GPRS dial number for your sim card (for instance, *99#), then
press finish button.
8. Click the new created connection, and press connect button. It will
connect after a while.

Figure2-4-35 Connect Figure2-4-36 Dialing

ESTAR manual 33
Figure2-4-37 Connected
9. Then you can use the controller to connect GPRS bluetooth, and open
engineer star, select mobile config.

Figure2-4-38 Mobile Differential Figure2-4-39 Set Data Link

10. Then you press open the mobile differential mode first, so select the first

option, then you will see the label showing at the bottom of main

screen, which means it’s in the correct mode.

11. Select the second option to set CORS parameters.

34 ESTAR manual
Figure2-4-40 CORS Setting Figure2-4-41 Select Soucetable
12. After you input the parameters, you can press get soucetable button to get
the list, and select one to connect. If the list process failed, you need check
the GPRS connection, if it’s disconnected, or if the CORS server cant
13. Press connect button to link to the CORS server.

Port Config

Figure2-4-42 Port Config

This operating mode is to establish connection between controller and
receiver via Bluetooth or cable.

ESTAR manual 35
If you connect with receiver by Bluetooth, please select Config->port config
option, and input relevant com port no.(how to connect receiver via blue
tooth, please refer to RTK user manual).

Figure2-4-43 GPS Port

If the Bluetooth link is disconnected, you can enter this menu to set it again, it
will reconnect.

§2.5 Survey Menu

Point Survey: Log points. After you press this option, the coordinate of current
rover position will be shown on pop-up screen, when you input relevant
information, and press Enter key on keyboard, it will be recorded on file.
Notice: there is a hotkey to log point, it’s button A on keyboard.

36 ESTAR manual
Figure2-5-1 Survey Menu Figure2-5-2 Point Survey
Auto Survey: store point automatically by time or distance.
Control Point Survey: when you want to make localization, you can use this
function to collect raw data of control point firstly.
Stakeout Point: allows you to stakeout to a selected point by guiding you to
the point..
Stakeout Line: allows you to stakeout your line.
Stakeout Curve: allows you to design curve, line and spiral and stakeout them.
Stakeout Road: You should design the road file first, then use this screen to
stakeout road element.

Staking out Points

Click on the survey menu and then select Stakeout Point. The following screen

shows the main stakeout screen. You need press the button on the tool
bar to select stakeout points.

ESTAR manual 37
Figure2-5-3 Point Stakeout Figure2-5-4 Point Stakeout
SA: save current position.
LIB: stakeout point library.
LA: previous target point.
NE: next target point.
OP: options.

switch to the tool panel on the second layer.

zoom out

zoom in

zoom to all

zoom in window

You can import or edit coordinates of stakeout points on stakeout point

38 ESTAR manual
Figure2-5-5 Coordinate Library
There are 3 kinds of coordinates can be added to stakeout points library.
--WGS84 space coordinate
--WGS84 Lat/Lon
--Plane coordinate (see as below screen)

ESTAR manual 39
Figure 2-5-6 3 kinds of coordinates
This option is just for adding few points, if you have many points needed to
stake out. You can edit your point file as SOUTH format by text editor tool. The
supported file format is *.rtk ,*.dat and *.nib, also you can use user defined
function to edit your own format, but it must be text format.

Figure2-5-7 Input File Type Figure2-5-8 Data List

the file format description is as follows,

40 ESTAR manual
0,point name, N, E, H, code,
Point name, N, E, H, code,
Remember that you need press enter key at the end of every line, otherwise,
the point in this line will be not recognized in egstar.
After you input the stakeout point, you can select one point, then press “OK”
button to stake out it.(see as following screen)

Figure2-5-9 Point Stakeout

ESTAR manual 41
Figure2-5-10 Arrived at the target
When getting closer to the point as the indicator indicated, 3 Concentric circle
appear in the screen informing you that you have arrived at the target. you can
now materialize and log the Position of this point.(press hotkey “A” to log this
point).If you want to stakeout next point, you can press hotkey “6” on
if you want to stakeout previous point, you can press hotkey “4” on keyboard,

you can press button to change tips and display setting, such as the
radius of alarm circle, point display setting.(see the screen below)

Figure2-5-11 Point Stakeout Options

42 ESTAR manual
Tips range means the radius of maximum circle. If you select Beep option,
when you enter into the area of alarm circle, the beeper will beep to remind
you that you are closer to the target.
Also you can define if show all stakeout points or not.

Staking out line

Click on survey menu, then select stakeout line, the below screen shows the

main stakeout line screen. You need press button to select stakeout line.

Figure2-5-12 Line Stakeout Figure2-5-13 Line Stakeout Library

Then you can import or edit stakeout line in the pop-up line library(see the
above screen)

You can press “add” button to edit a line to stake out, you need specify the
start point and end point, also the start mileage. (see the below screen).

ESTAR manual 43
Figure2-5-14 Edit Line

After you edit a new line, press “OK” button to return previous screen
Then you can select it to stake out.
Or you can import a stakeout file to the line library, the supported file format is
*.lnb. the file format description is as follows,
Point name(start point), N, E, height, code,
point name(end point), N., E, height, code,
mileage of start point,line name, <line 1>
<line 2>…….

44 ESTAR manual
Figure2-5-15 Line Stakeout
After you select one line, and press “OK” button, you will enter stakeout line
screen.(see as above screen).

Figure2-5-16 Line Stakeout Options

Tap the middle display panel, it will pop up a list, you can choose what you
want to show on the screen.
Target: stakeout line name.
To north: north offset value.
To East: east offset value.
Up: height offset distance.
Distance: vertical offset distance.
Peg: the mileage of current point.

ESTAR manual 45
Start.Distance: offset distance from start point of line.
End Distance: offset distance from end point of line.
And other information, like course,speed, time, north,east height and so on.

About the parameters, you can press button, refer to following figure.

Figure2-5-17 Line Stakeout Setting

You can set alarm line by tips range option, also you can set display stakeout
line or not, zoom mode and so on.

Staking out curve

It’s an extension function for staking out point, which includes design,
calculate and stakeout function. You can design line, circular curve and
graceful curve, also you need specify a distance interval, then the program will
separate line(curve) into many points as the interval, then you can stake out
these points to realize the function of staking out curve.

Firstly, you need press button to select one item, there are 3 items in
this menu(see the below screen)

46 ESTAR manual
Figure2-5-18 Stakeout Curve Figure2-5-19 Curve Calculate Wizard
Calculate Line
After you select Calculate line item, it will appear the Calculate line screen,
In this screen, you need specify the start point, end point and distance interval
and so on.(see screen below)
Interval(m): distance interval
Dist: calculate points by integral distance. For example, the mileage of start
point is 4.5, and interval is 10m, the mileage of first calculated point is 14.5,
second is 24.5.
No. calculate points by integral No. for example, the start point mileage is 4.5,
and interval is 10m, the first calculated point mileage is 10, second is 20.

Figure2-5-18 Calculate Line Figure2-5-21 Save File

ESTAR manual 47
Peg: set the mileage of the line.
Start: the specified mileage is start point’s.
End: the specified mileage is end point’s.
After you input all of the parameters, press “File” button to save the file.(See
as above figure), then you can press “Calculate” button to calculate coordinate,
the program will calculate the points automatically, the default storage path is
\Flash Disk\EGJobs\job name\info\XXX.dat

Then you can press button to select stakeout point, the following steps
are the same as stakeout point.

Calculate Circle
This operating mode is suitable for circular curve.
When you enter the Circle wizard 1-setup screen, you need set the radius of
Angle(it’s the turning angle of curve), peg, and the direction(azimuth).
Radius: the radius of circular curve
Dist: distance interval
Angle: turning angle of curve
Left: the curve inclines left
Right: the curve inclines right
Peg: mileage
JD: if you select this option, it means it’s intersection point mileage.

Figure2-5-22 Circle Wizard 1-Setup Figure2-5-23 Stakeout Curve

48 ESTAR manual
ST: if you select this option, it means it’s start point mileage.
There are two manners to fix the azimuth of circular curve. One is by two
points, you need input the coordinate of intersection point and another point
in this direction. The other manner is by azimuth, you should know the
coordinate of intersection point and the azimuth.

The radius and angle determine the length of curve, the intersection point and
azimuth determine the position of curve.

About the parameters of curve, you can refer to the following figure,

R is radius, a is the angle of

circular curve, b is azimuth of
circular curve, in this example,
the curve inclines right.

After you input the parameter,

and press “OK” button, it will
appear a new screen, it will
show the calculated curve
elements in the screen.
You just need press “Result” button to save the result file, the result file type is
*.dat.( see screen below),

Figure2-5-24 Circle Wizard 2-Result

After you press “Calculate” button, it will calculate the coordinates and return

ESTAR manual 49
the main screen, then you can press button to open the result file to
stake out , the following steps are the same as staking out point.

Calculate spiral
This operating mode is suitable for comprehensive curve.
It consists of circular curve and transition curve.
So in the spiral wizard 1-setup screen, you need set radius of circular curve,
The turning angle of whole curve, length of transition curve and so on.(see
screen below)

Figure2-5-25 Calculate Spiral

Radius: the radius of circular curve in the comprehensive curve.
Dist: distance interval for calculating point coordinate.
Angle: turning angle of whole curve.
Left: the curve inclines left
Right: the curve inclines right
Peg: mileage
ID: if you select this option, it means it’s intersection point mileage.
ST: if you select this option, it means it’s start point mileage
Spiral: the length of transition curve.
There are two manners to fix the azimuth of comprehensive curve. One is by
two points, you need input the coordinate of intersection point and another
point in this direction. The other manner is by azimuth, you should know the
coordinate of intersection point and the azimuth.

50 ESTAR manual
Usually it will generate two transition curves and one circular curve, it starts
with transition curve, then connects a circular curve, end with the other
transition curve.

Figure2-5-26 Stakeout Curve

About the parameters of comprehensive curve, you can refer to following

R is radius of circular curve, a is angle(turning angle of the curve)

b is azimuth of the curve, L is length of transition curve(spiral value)

After you input the parameter, and press “OK” button, it will appear a new
screen, it will show the calculated curve elements in the screen.
You just need press “File” to save the result file, the result file type is
*.dat.( see screen below), after you press “Calculate” button, it will calculate
the coordinates, and return the main screen, then you can press

ESTAR manual 51
button to open the result file to stake out , the following steps are the
same as staking out point function.

Figure2-5-27 Spiral Wizard 2-Result

Add peg
With above 3 functions, you can calculate the points on line(circle, curve) as
specified interval value. But sometimes, you want to know a special point on
the line(circle, curve)with random mileage value which can’t be calculated by
the interval value. You can use this function to realize it. For example, the
interval value is 10m, after calculation, we can get the points with station 0,
10,20,30……, but now I want to get the point with station 12.5, you can use
add peg to calculate. The steps are as follows,

52 ESTAR manual
Figure2-5-28 Curve Point Library Figure2-5-29 Stakeout Curve
1. select a point you want to insert behind it from library.(Point ID is 2 in the

above screen).then press button.

2.the mileage of the point you selected is 91.695, you want to calculate the
point with mileage 111.695, just need input 20 in the Dist. Field. And input a
point name in the name field. Then press OK button to exit.

Figure2-5-30 Add Peg

3.you will see the added point appears on the curve. and the coordinate of the
point will be added in the result coordinate file(st3.dat).

ESTAR manual 53
Figure2-5-31 Curve Point Library

Also you can press “ ” button to make some settings.(see the screen
below). You can set alarm area via tips range option when you stake out. It will
beep when you walk close to the target.

Figure2-5-32 Curve Stakeout Options

Also you can set display ways of the stakeout graph, Display all target or none.

Staking out Road

54 ESTAR manual
This function is very import and useful. But you need finish the road design
before staking out road. The option is under the Tools menu.
After you make road design, you can start to stake out road, you can click
“survey”->”stakeout road” to enter stakeout road screen.(see screen below)

Figure2-5-33 Road Stakeout

You need press button to select stakeout file(*.rod, *.ip)

There are 6 important buttons on this screen.(see screen below)

Figure2-5-34 Road Stakeout-Library

Open: you can press this button to import stakeout road file.
Find: to find a stakeout point by mileage, then locate on the table.
Road: it’s a kind of way to stake out, you don’t need to select any point first. It

ESTAR manual 55
will show the whole road map and your current location on the main screen,
you can find the target by your current station and the offset from road. For
example, you want to stake out the point with station 200, but the station of
your local position is 180, the offset value is 25m, it means you need go on
moving, when the station become to 200, and offset become to 0, then you
find the target.
Point: you need select one point first, then press “point mode”, the main
screen is the same as stakeout point.
Section: it’s designed for collecting data on cross-section. When you select one
point on the table, then press “Travel Mode” button, it will create a
cross-section line on the road(see screen below), then you can collect data on
this cross-section.
Flag pt: shows the critical elements on the table, like the start point of line,
whose name is short for LS, central point of circle whose name is short for QZ,
Peg pt: shows the added points by calculation from Add peg function.
Cal pt: shows the calculated points by road design function.

Figure2-5-35 Road Stakeout Figure2-5-36 Cross Section

On the main screen of stakeout road, there are several additional tools.
Add peg
When you want to add a center peg on one road, you can use this command to
calculate and create it.
1. you need to open a road design file first, then return to the main screen.

56 ESTAR manual
2. press button, it will open a new screen.
(see screen below)

Figure2-5-37 Peg Calculate

there are two manners to calculate the new peg
a. if you know the mileage and offset value, you can input the above box, and
press calculate button, it will calculate the coordinate of the point and add it to
the road file.
b. if you know coordinate, you can input it to the below box, then press ok
button, it will calculate the station and offset value automatically and press
Peg button to add it to the road file.

Figure2-5-38 Offset Calculate

ESTAR manual 57
Result file export

After you finish the stakeout road survey, you can press button to save
the result. Select your survey file first, then select a format to transform.
Finally you can press output button to save it.

Figure2-5-39 Export Wizard Figure2-5-40 Section Export

§2.6 Tool Menu

There are six submenus under the tool menu: Port debug,coordinate convert,
Cogo, other Cogo, other tools,Data process, menus instruction is as follows:

Figure2-6-1 Tool Menu

58 ESTAR manual
§2.6.1 Port debug

Figure2-6-1-1 Com Port Test

You can view NMEA 0183 data from this dialog.

§2.6.2 Calculate Parameter

Steps: Tools→Coordinate convertCalculate Parameter

Instruction : This function includes Calculate Four and Calculate Seven
parameters, the operation is similar, but the meaning is different.

Calculate Four Parameter

This function needs two or more than two points local coordinates, acquire the
source coordinates and input it with the local coordinates, when the points are
sufficient, you can start the calculation and acquire the plane translate
coordinates transformed from region coordinates used by GPS, which are X
translate, y translate, circumrotate a and zoom k.
Steps: Enter calculate four parameter, make a new file, then click Add button
to input coordinates in turn, click OK to save it, see following figure click
[Calculate] to generate translation parameter.

ESTAR manual 59
Figure2-6-2-1 Calculate 4 Parameters Figure2-6-2-2 Add Points

Figure2-6-2-3Calculate 4 ParametersFigure2-6-2-4 Cal. 4 Parameters-Result

Calculate Seven Parameter(Bursa-Wolf)
If the survey area is large (more than 50Km), you can use Seven Parameter to
acquire more accurate coordinates, which needs three known points with local
coordinates and their relative WGS-84 coordinates to calculate it.The seven
transformation parameter is transformed from WGS-84 coordinates to local
Notice: You’d better make the area of three points cover the whole survey area
to acquire preferable effect.

60 ESTAR manual
Known point
Unknown point

Three known points and survey area map

The seven parameter includes: X shift component, Y shift component,Z shift
component,X axis rotation, Y axis rotation, Z axis rotation, scale difference
(Scale Ratio).
Principle: As you know, the RTK survey with transformation parameter can
make the plane coordinates of survey point, height accuracy and control net
cooperate very well in small area (such as tens of sqkm) and you only need two
or more than two local coordinates. But when you do the survey in a large area
(such as hundreds of sqkm), the transformation parameter cannot improve the
accuracy of plane and height within parts of area. Thus you need to use seven
parameters, the detailed operation is as follows:
First, you need to do the control survey and level survey, and do the static
control on the control point with known coordinates within the area, then
select a control point A as the WGS84 reference station of static net
adjustment before you start the net adjustment. Use a static instrument to do
the single point survey on Point A for more than 24 hours, and then import to
the software to note down the average as its WGS84 coordinates. For having
done the long time survey, the absolute accuracy should be about 2m, then
start the 3D adjustment, which needs to take WGS84 coordinates as known
coordinates. Calculate the 3D coordinates of other points, but at least three
groups, then you can acquire the seven parameters after calculation.
When you use seven parameters, open it and close 4 parameters (if it is
opened). Note: the unit of shift component is meter, the unit of rotation
parameter is second. After you finish this, you can start the detailing or layout
road. The base station should be mounted on the known point according to
handy principle, if the known point has been used in seven parameter
calculation, the accuracy control will be better. You can also use the WGS84
longitude and latitude of this point to set the base station.
Note: Seven parameters has a limitation, X, Y, axis rotation values are generally
second level, X, Y, Z axis shift values are usually less than 1000. If the seven

ESTAR manual 61
parameters are not within this area, it will not work.
Steps: you can directly input the local coordinates of three known points and
their WGS-84 coordinates, or open the point file to select three points.

Figure2-6-2-5 Calculate 7 Parameters

After you acquire the seven parameters, system will auto open the parameter
switch, use this parameter and acquire the correct coordinates of the survey
Note: The concept of three parameter is generated from seven parameter, if do
not calculate all axis rotation and scale for seven parameter, you only need
translate parameter which is mostly used in the small area and low accuracy
demand area.

§2.6.3 COGO

Steps: Tools→COGO
It includes coordinate, Azimuth/Dist., dist./angle, offset point, intersection,
angles. The software provides many tools of calculating coordinate, so you can
get the point coordinate very conveniently.

62 ESTAR manual
Figure2-6-1 Cogo Menu

Coordinate Convert

Figure2-6-3-3 Coordinate Transform

Coordinate conversion is that you can transform the coordinates between
geodetic coordinates, Cartesian coordinates and plane coordinates.
Manipulation steps:
1. If plane coordinate system converts to geodetic system, please select the
plane coordinate system(N E H), and input the coordinate to the window
of conversion, then select Geodetic in the Coordinate after transformation

ESTAR manual 63
field. Then click [Transform] button.

Figure2-6-3-3 Coordinate Transform

2. If geodetic system converts to plane coordinate system, please select the
geodetic system(Lat/Lon), input the coordinate to the window of
conversion, then select Plane in the coordinate after transformation field.
Then click [Transform] button.

Figure2-6-3-4 Transform Result

Notice: Before coordinate conversion, you should set the projection scale factor.
You should set it in the “config->Job config”.

Calculate Coordinates

64 ESTAR manual
Calculating coordinates is that calculate unknown point coordinates according
to the known point coordinates, the azimuth and the distance from the known
point to the unknown.

Figure2-6-3-5 Data Input

Figure2-6-3-6 Graph Show Figure2-6-3-7 Save Coordinate

In the graph window, you can see the position of the unknown point relative to

the known.point. You can press button to save the calculated

coordinate.(See the screen above)

ESTAR manual 65
This function is to calculate the azimuth, distance and height between the two
known points.
steps: select “Cogo->azimuth/Dist.”, input the two known points’ coordinates,
click [calculate] button, you will see the result of the azimuth, distance and the
relative height.

Figure2-6-3-8 Calculate Azimuth Figure2-6-3-9 Graph Show Azimuth

At the same time, you can see the relative graph in the window of Graph. You

can press button to save the coordinate of middle point .(See the screen

66 ESTAR manual
Figure2-6-3-10 Calc.Pt Save
Calculating offset distance/angle is that calculate the relative offset from the
point to the known line, including start distance, end distance and offset

Figure2-6-3-11 Input Coordinates Figure2-6-3-12 Graph Show

Steps: select “Cogo->dist/angle”, input the coordinates of start point, end
point and the offset point.
Then click *calculate+ button, you will see the “start distance”, “end distance”
and “offset distance” in the page of graph show. The sign of offset value
shows the direction of offset point. If the offset point is at left of the line, it is
minus. If the offset point is at right of the line, it is positive. The line direction

ESTAR manual 67
which we defined is start point to end. At the same time, you can see the
relative graph in this page.(see the figure above)

Offset point
The other way round previous function, “Calculate offset point” is that
calculates the point coordinates according to two known distances. They are
start distance or end distance and offset distance.

Steps: select “Cogo->offset point”, input the start point coordinates, end point
coordinates and the information of offset point. Then click [calculate], you will
see the result in the result page. You also can see the relative graph between
offset point and the line in the display page. Furthermore, when inputting

coordinates you also can press button to select them from coordinate


Figure2-6-3-13 Calc.Offset Point Figure2-6-3-14 Graph Show

Intersection is that calculate the position of intersection according to two
intersecting known lines.
Steps: select “Cogo->intersect”
In the window please input start point and terminal point coordinates of two
known lines. Or click the right button, select the coordinates from the
coordinates lib. You also can open the existed file, then select the coordinates
which you need.

68 ESTAR manual
Figure2-6-3-15 Calculate Intersect
After input the coordinates, click [calculate] button, then you will see the
intersection coordinates in the graph show page. You also can see the sketch
map in this screen.

Figure2-6-3-16 Graph Show Intersection

It’s for calculating three angles value of triangle through three known points

ESTAR manual 69
Figure2-6-3-17 Calculate Angle Figure2-6-3-18 Graph Show Angle

Figure2-6-3-19 Graph Show Angle

Input coordinates, then press cal.hor.ang and cal.ver.ang buttons to get the
horizontal angle and vertical angle.

Spaces Distance
Space distance is that calculate the baseline length according to two known
points which known geodetic coordinates.
Steps: Tool->Other Cogo->spaces distance
Input geodetic coordinates of two points, click [calculate] button, you will get
the baseline length in the last field(space dist).
Notice: The format of angle is dd.mmsssss.

70 ESTAR manual
Figure2-6-3-20 Calculate Space Distance Figure2-6-3-21 Output Report
Steps: Tool->other Cogo->Areas
Areas is that calculate the closed area which is selected from the picture.

Figure2-6-3-22 Calculate Acreage

Steps: Firstly, other Cogo->Areas, secondly, select “open”, then select
surveying data, click “OK”. All points will be display on the screen.

ESTAR manual 71
Figure2-6-3-23 Select Point
Operation of selecting points is as follows:
1. Select many points to calculate the closed area.

Click the tool button“ ”, then select points in order. The last point can not
connect with any point, because it will be closed automatically when you click

the “ ” button. For example, when you select three points, you can see
their names in the list.

Figure2-6-3-24 Display Point Figure2-6-3-25 Connection

2. Insert points in the current picture.

72 ESTAR manual
If you find some points don’t show in the current picture, they’re not included
for area calculation, if you want to import these point to show in the current

picture, you can click the button“ ”,now you come into mode of“select
Point From List”.Now you should make notice that if you click “Open”, you can
make some points shown in the current picture, but it can only show points
included in the file you open. For add some extra points in the current picture,

you can click button“ ”,now you enter mode of“coordinate

Library”. You have two choices: the first choice is you can click the

icon“ ” create some new points by editing the attributes of the points;
the other choice is to import some points has existed in some project files.

Click the icon“ ” then “ ”,choose the project file to import


Figure2-6-3-26 Coordinate Library Figure2-6-3-27 File Options

ESTAR manual 73
Figure2-6-3-28 Input Point Figure2-6-3-29 Import

3. Unselect points in the current picture.

If you want keep some points in the current picture out of forming a closed

area,you can click the left frame of“Ponint ID”to remove “ ”,then the point
won’t connect with other points to form a closed area.

4. All points selected and cancel selected.

When you want to selected all points or cancel choice, please select the button

“ ”. When click the button once, all points in the picture will be selected.
When click the button again, all points will be canceled choice. Then you can
select points over again.

74 ESTAR manual
Figure2-6-3-30 Select Point s Again

§2.6.4 Data process

If there is an error in calculate parameter due to the input wrong paramters, it

will lead incorrect result In the following steps, you can rectify the wrong data
by use of this function.

This function is the parameter correction and adjustment in batches to the

survey coordinates. You can use control point library and data process to
recalculate the adjustment parameter and process survey points in batches
when there are some errors during coordinate input or adjustment operation.
Thus effectively avoid the repeated work. There are two kinds of data process

1. Export plane coordinate result file, this process type is used more often.
2. Export Lat/Lon result file. It’s used for calculating average Lat/Lon in average
Steps for the first type: Tools->Data process->export plane coordinate result

ESTAR manual 75
Figure2-6-4-1 Data Process Figure2-6-4-2 Output Result
1.Open survey file(*.RTK)
2. choose New result file(*.dat) to create a file to save new result.
3. choose transformation parameters. You can select a *.cot file from folder, or
just use the parameters in current job.
4. Filter setting. You can filter some points through this option.

Figure2-6-4-3 Select File Figure2-6-4-4 Output Result

5. Press “Output” button to process and save the result file.

76 ESTAR manual
Figure2-6-4-5 Output Result
For the second type, you just need select the raw *.RTK file, and press
“Output ” button, it will create the result file automatically.

Figure2-6-4-6 Lat/Lon Result File Figure2-6-4-7 Output Successfully

§2.7 Help Menu

“Help” displays some information of software and system. The menu contains
Receiver Register, Receiver information, Software information and About

ESTAR manual 77
Figure2-7-1 Help Menu Figure2-7-2 Receiver Register

§2.7.1 Receiver Registration

Steps: Help→Receiver Register

you can use this function to register the RTK receiver, prolong the service time
or apply permanent code. You can register the code with cable or bluetooth,
and the software must keep connection status with receiver.
Usually the code is 20 chars, if you get a code with 31 chars, the first 11 chars
is the receiver no, you can delete it, just keep last 20 chars.

Enter “Receiver Register” menu to type in appropriate registration code in the

screen above , then click “regist” button. If the registration code is incorrect,
you must register again, then you may use the instrument as soon as this
operation is finished.

Note: Make sure the registration code matches the receiver number.
Please check the valid period of registration code to make sure it is the
temporary type or permanent type.

78 ESTAR manual
Figure2-7-1-1 Regist Incorrect

§2.7.2 Software Information

Steps: Help→software information

Display the copyright of the software and the contact of developer, on the
below is PDA ID and device ID.

Figure2-7-2 Software Information

ESTAR manual 79
§2.7.3 Receiver Information

Steps: Help-> receiver information

Display receiver information, including firmware information, Data link,
antenna parameters and so on.

Figure2-7-3 Receiver Information

§2.7.4 About

Steps: Help→About.

Figure2-7-4 About

80 ESTAR manual
To check the version of Estar3.0

Chapter 3 Instructions for Field survey

§3.1 Instrument connection
The first step for Field survey is to connect your controller with Rover via
bluetooth. If you want to use a mobile phone transmit differential data, you
should connect your controller with the mobile phone via Bluetooth too.

Bonding Bluetooth device

Enable Bluetooth in “Power Properties”, then scan Bluetooth in Bluetooth
Manager, then bond bluetooth of controller and receiver(if you need cellphone
differential mode, you need bond mobile phone with the handPC,too).
If you connect with receiver by bluetooth, please select Config->port config
option, and input relevant com port no.(how to connect receiver via blue
tooth, please refer to RTK user manual.

§3.2 Acquire differential data

After instrument connection, it’s time to acquire differential data from Base
receiver or CORS etc. we can use internal Radio, internal SIM card with
GPRS/GSM function, or cellphone differential to transmit differential data. You
can refer to page 26-35 of this Estar3.0 Manual to learn how to set these 3
modes to get differential data.

§3.3 Set up a job

After that, you can set up a new job to start field survey. If you want to go on
with your pervious work, you can choose to open job.

ESTAR manual 81
Figure3-3-1 Job Options
New Job: In general, you need to create a new job and input some parameters
of ellipsoid and projection before you start your surveying work. A job consists
of a number of file such as survey parameters, transformation parameters and
result coordinates file etc.
Open Job: Opens an existed job.

Figure3-3-2 New Job Figure3-3-3 Job Setting

82 ESTAR manual
Figure3-3-4 Add Parameters System Figure3-3-5 Add Altitude Parameters

Figure3-3-6 Add 4 Parameters Figure3-3-7 Add 7 Parameters

ESTAR manual 83
Figure3-3-8 Vertical Ajustment Parameters

Figure3-3-9 Ellipsoid Trans.Parameters

84 ESTAR manual
Addenda GPS Survey Summarization
GPS System Brief Introduction
The Composition of GPS System
GPS, the worldwide, all-day running, high accuracy survey way, has been
universally accepted in survey field. Date to the year 1973, American
Department of Defense authorized Three Armies to invent a new military
navigation system, we call it GPS, which is Global Position System. In February
of 1978, the first testing satellite was launched, from the February of 1989 to
1993, 24 satellites were launched, which established the foundation of GPS
running constellation. The running height of GPS satellite is 20200 kilometers.
There are six orbits, on each dispersing four satellites. The structure contains
21 work satellites and three standby active satellites. The satellite serial is from
0 to 31, and numberless substitute satellites will be continuously launched
when valid period of the old one expires to maintain the GPS constellation

Figure 1-1 GPS star graph

There are three elements to make up GPS System. The first is Satellite element,
which is constituted by the constellation in the universe. The second is the
control part on the earth, which is used to control the satellite signal, correct
the satellite state, adjust the distribution of the satellite and revise the orbit
information. The third is customer detector, which also named GPS
GPS signal: Satellite Guide Telephonic Code, including Broadcast Star Calendar

ESTAR manual 85
and Almanac.
Satellite State: range code, including
(1) C/A code(coarse code) ,Code Length: 1023bit,Cycle: 1ms,Distance:
(2) P Code(Fine Code) ,Code Length: 2.35*1014,Cycle: 267 days,Distance:
All the code will be loaded on the carrier wave to project after process. There
are two carrier waves, one is L1 wave band, with the frequency 1545.42MHZ
and wavelength 19.05cm,the other is L2 wave band, with the frequency
1227.60MHZ and wavelength 24.45cm。
GPS Detector can be sorted to four styles according to the function; they are
Guide Style, Survey Style, Time Style and survey gesture style. It can also be
sorted to four styles according to moving state, they are Handheld Style,
motor-carried style, vessel-carried style and plane-carried style. The survey
geoid style has two styles, one is single frequency, which can only receive L1
carrier wave, and the other is dual frequency, which can contemporarily
receive L1 & L2 carrier waves.
Military navigation was designed for the GPS System Establishment, but the
testing result showed that not only can it meet the military use, it can also be
used in static position in centimeter or even millimeter accuracy, dynamic
position in sub-meter or meter accuracy, speed measurement and time
measurement. Thus GPS was generally adapted from military use to daily use,
thus the first commercial GPS receiver was born. With the development of
over ten years, more and more GPS have been used in various units and
enterprises to create plenty production value of high efficiency.
GPS position and phase measurement
GPS position is acquired by backside cross method after measuring the
off-ground distance of each visible satellite. The distance of satellite from
ground is calculated by the C/A code on the carrier wave or phase. Thus the
time difference will happen from the projection of information code to the
satellite receiving by the GPS antenna. The note for the time difference makes
the survey realizable. Multiply the time and the velocity of light to acquire the
distance from antenna to the ground.
Survey-style GPS receiver can calculate the accurate distance from antenna to
the ground by carrier wave phase. Add the number of full waves of each
satellite to the phase decimal, you can acquire the distance of the satellite off
ground (The wave length of L1 and L2 is known),. The integer of carrier wave
between satellite and antenna is called full circle blur degree ambiguity. To the

86 ESTAR manual
centimeter accurate process, full circle number can be acquired in the course
of process. To the centimeter accurate real time survey, full circle number can
be acquired in the mean time of initialization.
The minimal amount required for the satellites is four, and for the GPS receiver
is two in GPS survey. This manual is based on two receivers, one is base station,
and the other is rover.
Set the base station on one known point, and the rover on the point to be
measured or staked out. The carrier wave phase data on these two receivers is
calculated by the software embed in the mainframe board, then the 3D vector
between base station and rover can be acquired. You can measure the position
of rover relative to the base station, and then classify the measure technique
according to the time. Real time technique uses the radio to transfer the
information to the rover, and calculate the result in the mean time of
surveying. Process technique needs to save the data and acquires the result
with the base line calculation software back to the office.
Generally, the measure technique is subjected to such elements as receiver
standard, accuracy requirement, time limit and real time result requirement,

GPS Measurement Method

GPS and difference technique are used in real time and measurement after,
speed static technique is only used in measurement after.
Real time kinematics (RTK)
RTK usually need five or more than five satellite to measure the phase of base
station and rover.
It is necessary to initialize before measuring in order to acquire centimeter
If you use single frequency receiver, the early sub-kinematics required the
rover to be placed on the known point to create a man-made base line to
initialize the measurement. Now the single frequency RTK can realize auto
initialization, only the time is longer compared with the du frequency RTK, and
more easy to miss lock.
If you use dual frequency receiver to do the kinematic measurement (that is
RTK), the initialization time can be greatly shorten, what’s more, the
initialization can be processed during movement, (that is OTF, which means On
the Fly)
If the satellites received are less than four during the measurement, you need
to reinitialize when the satellite number increases to four or more than four.

ESTAR manual 87
Difference Globe Position System(DGPS)
DGPS technique uses GPS code(C/A code)to position. It is not necessary to
initialize or continuously track the satellites. The measurement accuracy is only
one to three meter.
If the carrier wave added to the distance is smooth enough, the DGPS can
reach to the sub-meter accuracy.
Static and quick static
Static measurement can be used in the highest accuracy measurement, but the
time needed is usually from 30 minutes to 15 hours, according to the length of
the line. Static and Quick Static both need process after to acquire the accurate
Quick static is one method of process after, the accuracy can reach to
centimeter level. It takes at
Least 8 minutes (normally 8-30 minutes) to measure by carrier wave
measurement, according to
The receiver type, base line length, available satellites units and geometry
shape of satellite.
You can use single frequency and dual frequency receiver to do the static
measurement and the quick
Static measurement

The elements related to the RTK measurement.

RTK measurement needs to avoid some disadvantageous elements; the reason
to generate these elements is for the limit of the whole GPS system.
The radio signal used by GPS is received from the satellite about twenty
thousand kilometers from
The ground, they are, relatively speaking, high frequency, low power, and not
easy to penetrate the barriers which interfere the sight between the satellite
and the GPS receiver. In fact, all the objects between the satellite and GPS
receiver are the disadvantages to the system operation. Some objects, such as
buildings, can entirely screen the satellite signal. Thus GPS cannot be used in
rooms, channel or under water. Some other objects, such as tree, may partly
screen the reflected or refracted signal. Thus GPS signal can hardly be received
in the forest area, although sometimes there will be enough signal in the forest
to approximately calculate the position, the definition of signal is far from the
centimeter level position. So GPS has shortage when used in forest area, but
this doesn’t mean GPS can only be used in the relevant open side, it can still
maintain its efficiency and accuracy in some impediment area. That is because

88 ESTAR manual
GPS needs at least five satellites which distribute appropriately to realize the
accurate position, in usual occasion, there will be seven to ten GPS satellite in
most area, thus the GPS measurement can be used efficiently in the area
where you can receive five satellites. In the forest or around a building, you
can make the GPS measurement as long as the open side is big enough to view
at least five satellites.
Another disadvantages is the RTK transferring data chain, this chain has close
relationship with the electromagnetism surrounding and operation distance.
RTK position require the base station transfer the measuring data, which
includes fake measured value and phase measured value, and known data to
the rover station in real time. The power of RTK station is 25 watt, so the
barrier is now allowed between base station and rover.
Ideal distance is that in fine satellite, atmosphere and electromagnetism
Concerning the elements mention hereinbefore, it is required to select the
preferable known point position when setting the base station. Please make
sure the base station meet the condition below:
1. There is not any barrier within 10 degree height end angle.
2. There should not be electromagnetic radiant point in the neighborhood,
such as TV launch tower, radar TV and mobile signal antenna, etc, in order to
avoid disturbing the RTK signal. The distance required is more than 200m
3. You’d better set the base station at the relatively high altitude place for the
better station operation distance.
4. steady ground to save the point more convenient.
Note: If the user sets the station under the objects that have strong effect to
the electromagnetism transmission, such as under the tree, the satellite signal
received will become aberrant.

GPS Application in the Measurement

GPS can be used to control measurement, landform measurement, staking out
and aquatic operation.
Controlling measurement
The area of controlling measurement is commonly large.
Landform measurement
Landform measurement is used to measure the change of landform, the result
is usually used for Graph making.
Real-time measurement
Especially the dual frequency RTK, is most suitable to the landform

ESTAR manual 89

Stake out
Stake out is to position the point designed in advance on the spot. Stake out
point need to acquire the result in real time.
RTK is the only way to provide the centimeter accuracy real-time resolving
project with the measuring method.
Aquatic operation
The category of aquatic operation contains water depth measurement, aquatic
navigation, warehouse volume measurement, construction position and piling
inspection, etc. It needs box and needle or sound instrument to match.

90 ESTAR manual

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