Matins of Holy Monday Bridegroom Service On Palm Sunday Evening Text and Music Prepared by Fr. Seraphim Dedes

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Matins of Holy Monday

Bridegroom Service on Palm Sunday Evening

Text and Music prepared by

Fr. Seraphim Dedes

Byzantine Notation

Great and Holy Monday Matins
Bridegroom Service on Palm Sunday Evening

Mode pl. 4. Ni.

3D Ga.

Verse. My spirit rises early in the morning to You, O God, for Your commands are a

light upon the earth.

0ag1"s!!\0!S:l!1a1nap\È !g!+1na C
Al - - - le - - - lu - i - - a

0a1!"s !\0!Sl
Al - na \È !!g 1anC 1a~
: !1a1p
- - le - - - lu - i - - a Al -

- - le - - - lu - - i - - - a

Verse. Learn righteousness, you who dwell on the earth.

Alleluia (3x)

Verse. Jealousy will seize an untaught people; and now fire will devour the


Alleluia (3x)

Verse. Bring more evils on them, O Lord, bring more evils on them, on the glorious

of the earth.

Alleluia (3x)
nC Troparion

Be - hold, the Bride - groom is com - ing in the mid- dle__ of

l!1agnC03 x d0!!Pì\0!S0q
the___ night, a p!1'
and bless - ed is the ser - - - vant He shall find

!USm!_`1ag0na C03 x d0!!Pìp\0!S

a - wake_____ and___ watch - ing; un - wor - thy is the oth - - -

0aq ! 1'!UMS!_`1ag0anC 2'p ! ! !

er He shall find___ be - - - ing___ la - zy . So be-ware, O

1' ! !AvV r!0'n ! ! 1 1amV wg ! 1ad ! 1

soul of mine, be not o - ver-come by sleep so that you not be

1d1'_ !n ! !+ 1a 001' ! US!_`

hand - - ed o - ver to death and be shut out from_____ the____

1ag0na CÇwp!0Ç0!' !!2'n!É0acC5p0[

King - dom. Come to your sens - es and cry___ a - loud, “Ho -

ly,_____ ho A `Og\!!+Ç1na C
- - - ly, ho - ly are___ You our__ God.

Sunday Evening

0gÇ00!nos0a0!2'! ! ! !`O'g
By the pro - tec - tion of the bod - i - less_ hosts_ save__

_____ us
Monday Evening

nC@011q!111'! !A !S Pü
At the in - ter - ces- sion of the Fore - run- ner have mer -

- - cy on____ us.

Tuesday Evening

By the pow - er of Your Cross save_______ us.

Glory. Repeat

Both now. Repeat with Final Ending

nC@p011qn-3S!" !A P
Thru the S ü!!!A1os
The - o - to - - kos have mer - - - cy on______

Kathisma I.
Mode 1. Ke. The soldiers keeping watch.

wa Ç0@1a@1O'!!Çw!A,?< !Ç
The pres - ent day pre - sents the au - gust ho- ly Pas-sion of

Christ as lights that dawn_ on the world for___ sal - va - tion. For

Christ in His good - ness goes___ now to suf - fer and die____ for us.

wÈ!Ç2'!!Ç!!A Ç!1O0_Çw!A,<?Ç0a!Ç
He who holds__ all things with-in His hand con - de - scends now to be

2'!!Ç!A !Ç11O0_Ç w !A !Ç q @
fixed___ with nails on to a cross and__ sus - pend - ed to save all

hu - man - i - ty.
Matins of Holy Monday. Kathisma I.

s<V 2 Mode 1. Ke. The soldiers keeping watch.

The S !!S0a
pres - ent day_______ pre - - - sents____________ the

au - gust______________ ho - - - ly____ Pas - - sion

!X1O a PS!àì\0!S0!;" q
of Christ as S !!S0a1`
lights______ that___________ dawn____________ on the___

world_____________ for___________ sal - va - - tion. For Christ,__

_____ in____________ His good - - ness,_____ goes________________

0031"!`1'!_a1!;" P
now to S \S 0!S0a
suf - fer____________ and die____________________ for

0a,?< OPS]!_a1o'!US!!S\0!Sl]
us. He_____________ who holds________ all________ things__________

! ! !A 1`\0!S1OYì0_`w!!S
__ with-in His____ hand______________ con - - - de - scends____

0a,<?0aPì02'!US!!S\0!Sl]! !!A
now to be_________ fixed___ with_______ nails___________ on to

1`\0!S1OYì0_`w!!S0,a <?!X
a____ cross_____________ and___________ sus - pend - - ed, to

1aY!S =s!\A 1!S1]o1

save s !" !!!0`0a
all___________ hu - man - - - - i - - - ty.________
Kathisma II.
Mode 1. Ke. The soldiers keeping watch.

wa Ç0@1a@1O'!!Çw!A,?< !Ç
O Lord, the un - seen Judge, You were seen with a bod - y! And

1a1Ç0!pÈ_1O!!Çw!A,<?0 Ç3'
will - ing - ly You came_ to be killed by the law less, and thus

to con- demn__ our own___ con- dem - na - tion by suf - fer - ing! There-

!Ç 2'!!Ç!!A Ç!1O0 _Ç w !A,<?Ç! qÈ !Ç

fore send - ing up mag-ni - fi - ca - tion___ and glo - ry to Your au-

2'!!Ç!A !Ç11O0_Ç w !A !Ç q @
thor - i - ty, O Word of God, now___ we of - fer our prais - es

in u - ni - son.
Matins of Holy Monday. Kathisma II.

s<V 2 Mode 1. Ke. The soldiers keeping watch.

O Lord, the S !!S0aun - - - seen___________ Judge,___________ You

were___ seen_____________ with___________ a____ bod - - y!

!X1O a PS!àì\0!S0!;" q S !!S0a1`

And will - ing - ly________ You___________ came___________ to be____

killed______________ by___________ the___ law - - less, and thus__

_____ to____________ con - demn________ our_______ own________________

0031"!`1'!_a1!;" P
con - dem - na S \S 0!S0a
- tion____________ by suf - - - - - fer -

0a,?< OPS]!_a1o'!US!!S\0!Sl]
ing! There - - - - fore send - - ing_______ up___________

! ! !A 1`\0!S1OYì0_`w!!S
__ mag-ni - fi - ca - - - tion___________ and___ glo - -

0a,?< !1
ry X P
a 0ì 2'!US!!S\0!Sl]!!!A
to Your au - - thor - i - - - ty,___________ O Word

1`\0!S1OYì0_`w!!S0,a <?!X
of____ God,____________ now__________ we___ of - - fer our

1aY!S =s!\A 1!S1]o1s !" !!!0`0a

prais - es____________ in u - - - - ni - - - son.________
cC Kathisma III.
Mode pl 4. By conceiving the Wisdom.

As the Lord’s_____ sav - ing Pas - sion be - gins to - day, so

this day___ is il - lus - tri - ous all the more. O lov -

ers of ho - ly days, let us greet it with sa- cred songs. For the Cre-

a - tor is com - ing to ac - cept to be cru - ci - fied, to be judged by

O @ 1Ç O' ! ! 1' ! Ç!A bB 0Ç2' ! ! ! wÈ

Pi - lat, the tri - als, the buf - fet - ing. More - o - ver He is struck

on the head by a ser - vant. In or - der to save

! !A!0 qÈ ! ! !` O'g! ! 1a 0 1 QÈ_

man-kind, He sub - mis - sive - ly___ bears it___ all. Let us there - fore

1O\!!+ Ç1anN0Çw@11qÈn !!0a

cry out to__ Him, "O Christ our God who loves man - kind,

0 1 1' ! !1 !A #`Og\!!+Ç1anN 0Ç !
grant for - give - ness of of - fenc - es___ to us___ all who hon-

! 11Ç100Ç0'! !! 2'!É0a
or Your im - mac - u - late Pas - sion with faith___ and__ love.
Matins of Holy Monday. Kathisma III.
Mode pl. 4. Ni. By conceiving the Wisdom.

As the Lord’s_________________________ sav - ing Pas - -

l!_PS]@a1ê!SPS!_1s!" 0acC
- - - sion___________ be - - gins_______ to - - day,

so thisx !S !S0`1ap!!Sl
day__________________________ is____ il - lus - - -

- - tri a =a !s !US!_os0ca C0x
- - - ous___________ all________ the______ more. O

lov g \!!4Y Z \ì 0!S0abB1p~00a'
- ers of__ ho - ly______________ days, let us greet__

A n`l!!S\0a-1s!" 0acC0`11
!A!!A 0
__ it with sa - - - - cred__________ songs. For___ the Cre-

a - tor__ is_____________ com - - - - - - - ing

to ac - cept___ to be cru - - - - ci - - - fied,

0`1`1a \!! US US @a 1`1";!S Pì

to____ be___ judged______ by_____________ Pi - - - - -

\0!S0ba B1p~x 0a'!!A !A 0

- A n`l!!S\0a-1s!"
- late, the tri - als, the buf - - - - fet - - -

0acC0\x 3ë1Å`l
ing. X !\!!USU@
More - o S 0a ` - - - - - ver__ He________ is struck____
0ê!SP\ì 0!S0ba B1~a 0'!!A11
_____________________________ a !"s ! on the head_____________________

US US @a 1a og - osg0anN #s 3z og 0 `
by________ a ser - - - vant. In or - der____

\1ë11'j!_1s!" 0a10
to________ x @1`q
save_____ man - - kind,_______________ He___ sub-

@ qÈ!!!+`n1q
- mis au \È !!\0!S:b+ B10
- - sive - lyd l!!
bears it___ all.____ Let us there - fore_

\00s0 [ !\0!Sl : !1agO0'!!!+1na C

____________________ cry____________ out______ to_________ Him,

0xO0ap\È !!1a11
"O a !a 2'_an!\A 00s[
Christ, our God______ who_____ loves__________ man - kind,________

_____ grant for - give- for - give-ness of of- - - fen - ces to____

!!+1na CH!n1l!_a101";!\S 0!S1

us__ all who____ hon - - or Your im - mac - u - -

1a0a'!A !A !A0ê!S\0a-1s"!Ç0Å
late Pas - sion with faith________ and___________ love.
The Canon.

Ode i. The Heirmos. Mode 2. Pa.

0p1O'!! ! !11q!1'!!Av?e
Let us sing to the Lord, who dried up the im - pass - a - ble surg-

ing wa - ters of the Sea by His di - vine com - mand , and who al - so led

!1av?00111a0!1'!!`X1'! !
the way for the cho - sen peo - ple of Is - ra - el__ to cross on

Ç !Av?0Çq!40!00'! ! ! 2'!!A
foot. Come let us sing to Him, for He is great-ly glo - ri- fied.

v? Troparia

3zp001' ! ! ! O'!! !A
Glo - ry to Youv? our God!_ Glo - ry to You!

0p 1 O' ! ! ! ! 1 1 q ! 1' ! ! !
The in - scru - ta - ble de- scent of God the Lo - gos is

1av? e ! p ! 1' ! ! 1O'! ! !A v? 1 1

Christ, who is God and man in one hy - pos - ta - sis. He took

0'! ! ! 1av?00111a0!1'!
on a ser-vant's form, show - ing His dis - ci - ples that He does

!`X 1' ! ! ! 0 1 1 1a0' ! ! 1Ç1ma M

not__ re - gard the fact that He is God some - thing to be grasped.

0Ç0'! ! ! 2'!!A
For He is great-ly glo - ri - fied.
3p001I'!!11a@11'!!A!vA ?
Glo - ry to the Fa - ther and the Son and the Ho - ly Spir-it.

0p Ç 110`00!11'!!!O'!
Both now and ev - er and to the a - ges of a - ges.

A - men. v?
I the a 1
Cre - a - tor, who vol - un - tar - i - ly put on im-

0' ! ! ! 1a003' ! ! 11a\!!wÈ!!

pov' - rished A-dam's form, came to min - is - ter to him, yes,_ I who am

O'!!1'!!Av?003'! ! ! e ! 10
rich in Di - vin - i - ty, and I lay___ down My life for him as

ran A 0001'!!!11I'!!A
- som, I who am im - pas - si- ble in Di - vin - i - ty.
Ode i. Katavasia.
Long Melody. Mode 2.

3pÅ:\!!wÈ !! \0!: 1w ! 0 ! O !A
Let us__ sing to the Lord,__ who dried up the im - pass - a-

\!!S1O'!!!Av? e ! Pü ! ! ! ! 1 0
ble_______ surg - - ing wa - ters of____ the___ Sea by His di-

2'!-m!1a1pa1l a !!S2'a!\A !!1a{!vA ?0`

vine____ com-mand,__________________________________________ and___

S !È !US0_m!1
1"!; w
who___ S 1apv?q!1al!
al - so__ led_________ the________ way for the cho - sen___

1'!!3' !A 0x0'!!`10 !A !A \0!Ä v?

peo - - - ple of Is - ra - el to cross on foot.___

Come__ let____ us sing to___ Him, for He____ is___ great - ly

glo : \0!:og{!Ä
- ri - fied.____________
1Ode viii. The Heirmos. Mode 2. Pa.

0ap110' ! ! ! 1 0 1 1 1a mM
Fed by un - end - ing fuel, the fire that wea - ried not

0' ! ! 11'! QÈ ! 0 q ! 1 1 1a 0
shud - dered at the spot-less bod - ies, a - dorned as were the souls, of

0q!pÈ! !wÈ!!!Av?00111
the pi - ous Ser-vants and yield -ed to them. When the ev - er - liv-

0 0 0PS!_1Ç1amM#Ç111
ing flame had shrunk - - en a - way, they sang the hymn

0p!!`X1'!!Ç!Av?1ÇO'! ! ! q ! 0
that hence-forth was__ im - mor-tal-ized O bless the_ Lord, all you His

e ! p ! 1' ! !A v?00q!11O!A
works,and sing a hymn to Him, and ex - alt Him be - yond meas-ure

un - to all the a-ges.
v? Troparia

Glo - ry to v?
You our God!_ Glo - ry to You!

0pÇ 0a1`0' ! ! ! 1a 0 0 3 0
By this shall___ all know that you are My dis - ci - ples,

0 ! ! 1~ 0 ! ! A !A v? q ! 1 1 1a 0
if you keep all My com - mand-ments." So did Christ de - clare to

0q! p ! ! 11 ! !A !A v? 0 0 1 1
His friends, as He was head- ing towards His Pas-sion. "Be at peace with-

1 0 00PS!_1Ç1amM#Ç11
in your - selves and like - - - wise with all, and you shall

10p! !`X 1' ! ! Ç !Av? 1 Ç O' ! ! ! 0

be ex - alt - ed think - ing hum-ble thoughts. And know - ing__ Me to

111a0'!!01~0!!!Av? 00
be the Lord , bless___ Me and sing a hymn to Me, and ex-

alt Me be - yond meas-ure un - to all the a-ges.
Glory. Both now.

In rul - ing____ o - ver fel-low men, let the or - der of

! 1~00 ! !A Ç !Av?0 Ç q ! 11O ! !

the Gen - tiles be in- vert - ed; for tyr - an - ny has no part with

1ap ! !`X 1' ! ! !Av? 0 0 q ! 1 1

Me nor does ar - bi - trar - i - ness. So who - ev - er would be

1 0 PS!_1Ç1amM#Ç111a0!
great a - mong______ you and first, let him be least and____

1'!!`X1'!! Ç !Av? 1 Ç O' ! ! ! 0 1 1

ser - vant of__ the oth-ers all. And know - ing__ Me to be the

1a0'!!01~0!!!Av? 00q!1
Lord , bless___ Me and sing a hymn to Me, and ex - alt Me be-

yond meas-ure un - to all the a-ges.
Ode viii. Katavasia. Long Melody.

0pÇeÈ ! 11' ! ! ! O' ! ! !A

We priase, and we v? bless,___ and we wor - ship the Lord.

\0pÅ ! ]1` 1";!S wÈ ! ! Uì0_m!S1

Fed ___ with___ un - end - ing__ fuel,_________ the_________

fire x l a !1aP\!!\!!S11l
that wea - ried____ not shud - dered_ at________ the______

0'!U\!-1s!" 0Åv?1~\0!S1o
spot - less_ a 1
bod- a !s- - ies , a - dorned_____________________

_____________________________ as_____ were the_ souls,___________________

_______ the souls,_________________________ of the pi - -

@a1a0kos_!y\!!OPS!!SPS !_
ous Ser - - - vants__ and__ yield - - - - ed________ to___

1s!" 0av?0011l!_os0ÅmM#
________ them. When the ev - er - liv - - ing______ flame had

shrunk - - - - en________ a - - way, they sang the hymn__

that__ hence -a 2!!!Al!1Åpv?< 013zP]
- forth was__ im - mor - tal - ized: O bless_______

!!1s"!!\0!: v?02011'! U'm ! ! !A

the____________ Lord,___ all you His works,__ and__ sing a hynm
l~\0!S0apv?< 00
to___________ 1 1al!1aO\!!\!!
Him, and ex - alt Him___ be - yond meas - ure__

un - to all____ the__ a - - - - - ges.____________
Ode ix. The Heirmos. Mode 2. Pa.

1p10'! ! ! Ç1av? 3 Ç 0 ! !` 1' !

You have mag - ni-fied, O Christ, the The - o - to - kos who

!AÇ!Av?1Çq!1~0\!!!A 0xq!01
bore You. From her You donned a bod - y sus - cep - ti - ble to

1'! ! 0 0' ! ! e !A v?0011O !

pas - sion like ours,___ O Mak - er; it de - liv - ers us from

0 0' ! ! 11' ! !A !A v? 3' ! ! ! 40[

the ig - no - rance of our of-fens-es. All our gen- er - a -

tions call her bless - ed, and___ we mag - ni - fy___ You.

v? Troparia

Glo - ry to v? You our God_ glo - ry to You

11 p 0'!!!1av?11q!111'
"Hav - ing cast off ev-ery stain of the pas-sions, take up - on

your-selves a pru - dent dis - po-si-tion wor - thy of the King - dom_

1'!!!Av?01 11'!!!A 011'!!

and rule of God." Thus You spoke to Your A pos - tles be - fore - hand,

00'!!1Ç1av?0Ç3'! ! !11 1j`

O Wis - dom of all. "In which__ King-dom, you shall be____

2'!É0ay 0x0'! !`S1'! ! !A

glo - ri - fied and shin - ing bright - er than the sun."
v? Glory. Both now.

"A n ex - am - ple take from Me," You O Lord_____ said to

1'!!A!vA ?110' ! ! !Ç11

Your dis-ci-ples. a ÇO'!!1'
"Do not have a haugh - ty mind, but rath - er as - so-

ci- ate with a 1O
what - ev - er__ is hum- ble. And you shall in - deed

drink the cup that I my - self am drink-ing. And in the King-dom

! 10`0amMq!000'! ! !2'!!A
of My Fa - ther you shall be with Me to- geth-er glo - ri - fied.
v? Ode ix. Katavasia. Long Melody.

0p`1"!; S wÈ ! ! Uì0_m!S Ç 1apv?0 Ç

You___ have___ mag - ni - fied,_________ O____ Christ, the

3z1!"s !\!!S11`1'!U\!A-1s!" 0av?

The - - o - to - - kos___ who_________ bore_______ You.

0x31x!_`0`PS!!SPS ! - 1s" !
From her__________ You___ donned_ a________ bod - - - - -

y sus- cep - ti - ble to pas - sion_ like________ ours,_____

!Al~\0!S0apv?< 00
O Mak 1 1al!1am0- M 0 - er; it de - liv - ers___ us from the

P\!!\!!S11`1'!U\!A-1s!" 0av?@
ig - no - rance_____ of____ our___ of - fen - - - ces.

All______________ our gen - er - a - tions__ call her bless - - -

0a^0'p!\!!1`Pì\0!S\0a-1s!" \0!:n
ed, and___ we__ mag - ni - - - fy___________ You.____


nN Mode 3.

0g11'- ! !p ! Ç!A=s!-: n 0Ç3g0eÇ

O my Sav - ior, now I see_________ Your wed - ding hall

QÈ_Ç1n1-'- !S+Ç1ganN1Ç1-' ! ! p! 1'!Ç !A=s

dec - o - rat - - - ed, and I have not the gar - ment_____

____ need - ed for me_________ to___ en - ter it. Make this

PS!_Çl!_nÇP!S _1Ç1ma C<$Ç3g

rai - - - ment of______ my soul______ bright - ly shine, O Giv -

er - of - Light, and save__________ me.

nN The Same in Greek.

0g1Ç1'- ! ! Ç0'p!Ç !A=s!-: n 0Ç3g0

Τον νυμ - φω - να σου βλε - πω,_________ Σω - τηρ μου

eÇQÈ _Ç1nPS]Ç@agnN1Ç1'- !!qI'!Ç

κε - κο - σμη - με - - νον, και εν - δυ-μα ουκ ε -

!A=!s -:Çn3g00Ç1` 1Ç%A1Ç1agnN4

χω,_________ ι - να ει - σελ - θω εν αυ - τω· λαμ-

πρυ - νον_______ μου την_____ στο - λην____ της ψυ - χης, Φω - το -

δο - τα,__ και σω - - σον με.
vV The Praises. Mode 1. Pa.

1pÇ1'a!QA \È !m!1oplUS!_1s"!
Let ev - ery-thing that_ breathes________ praise_____ the_________

0avV 1~0q!!S11O'!!\0!ÄnNpÈ
Lord. Praise the Lord_____ from the heav - - ens,____ praise_

_____ Him____________ in____ the high - - - est. It is

1os1!x 0US!-01aOUS!_1s"
fit - - ting to sing_____ a hymn to You,_____ O________

__ God. vV
2'p ! ! 0 0aPS\0_`PS\0!S
Praise___ Him, all you_________________ His___ an - - -

0avV e!!S1`O'!!QÈ_`1anN@0
gels; praise____ Him,___ all_______ you__ His___ hosts. It is

1os1!x 0US!-01aOUS!_1s"
fit - - ting to sing_____ a hymn to You,_____ O________

__ God.
vV Lauds Idiomelon I.
Mode 1.

0p1 1 Ç 1
Verse: Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to the a - bun -

0!1\!A-1s"! 0a
dance of His great- vV - - ness.

1p~ 0 ! ! q ! 0 0 2' ! !A ! ` Pì
As the Lord was com- ing to His vol - un- tar - y___ Pas -

\0 !S Ç 0avV 1 Ç 1 0 ! 1 qÈ #a 1 ê !S
- - sion, He said to the A - pos - tles on__________

\0a - 1s" !Ç0ÅvV !nÇ 3zg011' ! !A 0p0

the____________ way, "Be - hold, we are go - ing up to Je-

l! ! !+ 1anN #n 0 1p 1 O' ! ! !A l!
ru - sa - lem, and the Son of man will__ be be -

trayed, as___ it_____________ is writ - - ten___ of__________

0avV 2'!!001q@Pì\0_`
Him." Come,__ then, and with our minds now pu - - - ri -

fied, let us al - so go with Him and be cru - ci - fied__

0`Ç 0a nN #nÇ 3'p! ! 000l! !m ! !A

with____ Him and die____ for Him to the pleas - ures_ of

this____ life, so that we may al - so live with Him and hear Him_
when He___ says, "No long - er am I go - ing up to the

earth - ly Je - ru - sa-lem to suf - fer____ there, but rath - er I

am as - cend - ing to my Fa - ther and____ your_ Fa - ther,

0 ! O 0a #a 1 ê!S \0a_1s"!Ç0avV
and to my God and your_________ God___ as_________ well.

!nÇ1p1111' ! !A !X 1g 0 4' ! ! ! QÈp

And I will raise you up with me to the Je - ru - sa - lem___

_ on____ high in the King - - dom___ of___ heav - - -

- - en."
Lauds Idiomelon II.
Mode pl. 1. Pa.

Verse: Praise Him with timbrel and dance, praise_____ Him___ with strings_ and_

________ flute. vV
We have ar - rived,_____ O_________ faith - - - - - ful,

11112'! ! 0Pì\0_`0a,V<
at the sav - ing Pas - sion of Christ___________ our___ God.

001'-!!A0!wÈ WÈ_`111s!" US
Let us glo - ri - fy His in - ef - fa - ble___ for - - - - -

\!A-1s"!0avV t ! 0 0 pÈ !` Pì\0!S
bear - - - ance, so that in His ten - der__ mer - - -

0a,<V1k~0 qÈ \!!\!!O1a1day-!!A 06`p

cy He might raise us__ with_ him - self, dead - - ened by____

sin__________ as___ we________ are, for He is good and loves_

_____ hu - man - - i - ty.
Glory. Both now.
Mode pl. 1. Pa.

Glo - ry to the Fa - ther and the Son and the Ho - ly__ Spir-

- - it. vV
Both now and ev - - er and to the a - ges of a -

ges.__ A - vV
- - men.

1p~0!1110a!`Pì\0!SÇ0,a V<
Lord, as You were com - ing to Your_ Pas - - - sion,

0Ç10!Ç1'!!!Ç1ma <C0Çq!0Ç0!_
You took Your dis - ci - ples a - side and spoke to them pri - vate- ly

1111s"!US \!A-1s"! 0avV w ! 1

to strength - - - - - en__________ them. "How have you

for - got - ten the words__ that I said__ to__ you___ be -

1a,<V!d110 ! !Ç q ! 0Ç1-~ 0 ! !
fore, that ac - cord - ing to the Scrip - tures no proph - et should be

Ç0ma C<0pÇQ_
killed z 1111s"!US\!A-1s"!
ex - cept__ in Je - ru - - - - - sa - - -

Ç0va V0Ç6'!!0q!0!\0!l!Ç1a,<V
lem? The time of which I spoke to You is now___ at____ hand.
0Ç1'!!00a0x0!qÈ !-1o1
Be - hold, I am be - trayed in - to the hands of__ sin - -

0'!!1\!A _1s!" 0avV4k110!!

ners,___ to be mocked by_________ them. They will nail me to a

q!011'!!A!`Pì\0!S0,a V<!!d1
cross and hand me o - ver to be__ bur - - - ied, and they will

con - sid - er__ me an a - bom - i - na - tion, be - cause____

PUS!_1s!" 0avVk7uo_ 's !;" S\0!S2

I___ will_______ be_________ dead. But________ you,__ take________

\!A-1s!" 0a,<k V0x001ao1

cour - - - age, s É\0!S2
for I will rise___________ on___ the________

\!A-1s"!0aÇ,<V0!d1ÇO'!! Ép\0!S1
third________ day, bring - ing the faith - ful ex - ul - tant_________

joy and____ e - ter - nal life."___________________________
Aposticha Idiomelon I.
Mode pl. 1. Pa.

eÈp ! ! ! 0w ! 11102' ! ! !
Lord,________ the moth - er of the sons of Ze - be-dee__

\0!l!1a,!V< d1Ç1'-!!Ç1'!!Ç11qÈ
did___ not___ grasp the in - ef - fa- ble mys - ter - y of Your dis -

Éw!!SÇ0ma <C0Ç2'!!01apYS!1am<C
pen - sa - - tion; she asked__ You to give her______ sons

0x1!' !_1o10'!U\!A-1s!" 0avV

the hon - ors of__ a tem - - po - ral__ king- - - dom.

But in - stead of this, You prom - - - ised___ Your___ friends

! Ç q ! 1'! U US !_ 1s"!0avV 11
that they would drink__ the__ cup_______ of__________ death; and You

said____ that be- fore____ they___ would_ drink___ this___ cup, You your-

qÈÉw!!SÇ0ma 0 C< 0US!_`111s"

self would drink____ it, for the ex - - - pi - a - -

- - - tion_ of_________ sins. There- fore we cry out____________ to____

You, the sal - va - tion of our souls: Glo - - ry to__ You !
Aposticha Idiomelon II.
Mode pl. 1. Pa.

Verse: We were filled with Your mercy in the morning,

and in all our days we greatly rejoiced and were glad;
Gladden us in return for the days You humbled us,
for the years we saw evil things.

vV0p0 1 1 1' ! ! 1 1a ! ` 1' ! U

And be - hold Your ser- vants and Your works and__ guide_________

\!A- 1s"!0a
their_________ sons. vV
eÈ!p !!011110a!`Pì\0!S
Lord,______ as You were train - ing Your dis - ci - - -

0 0kq ! 2' ! !Ap !`Pì\0!SÇ0,a V< 0Ç

ples to have their mind set on per - fec - - - tion You

1'd !!01~00aÉw!!S0amC<0xpl!
told them not to im - i - tate the__ Gen - - tiles in lord -

ing it o - ver the least___ of Your ser - - - vants. "It shall

not be so with You,___ my dis - ci - - - ples; for I

!001'!U\!A_1s"!Ç0avV6k Ç 0!
am poor be - cause__ I___ want to_________ be. So let the

first a X !È !!01ê!S\0a
- mong_ you___ be the min - i - ster and ser - - vant__

_1s!" 0a,0
_ p Ç1'!!Ç!11a!!1am<C
V< 0
of_________ all. Let the rul - er be as the one be-ing ruled,
0!2'!US!_1111s!" US\!A_
the pre - em - i - nent_____ as the one____________________ who_ is___

1s!" Ç0va V0Ç1111@1100

________ last; for I my - self have come to min - i - ster

02'!!01aYS!1a,<V 00qd! Ç 1'

to A - dam in his pov - er - - ty, and to give my life

!!ÇpP\ì 0!S0ma C<00Çq!0Ç1a@`1a

as a ran - - - som for the ma- ny who cry to___ me:

Glo - ry to You."
Aposticha Idiomelon III.
Mode pl. 4. Ni.

Verse: And let the brightness of the Lord our God be upon us,
and prosper for us the works of our hands...

cCO~ün!!!01ê!S\!A_1s"!0a cC
pros - per for us the work________ of__ our_________ hands.

Be - ing fright - ened by the pun - ish-ment of the fig_______

tree,___ which with - ered be - cause it did not_________ bear____

1s"!0acC O~O!d1+l!!A+O'!_!!Am<C 0p
________ fruit, O breth -ren, let us___ bring wor - thy__ fruits of

0QÈ_1 a nl
re - pen -a !Ç1dma <C1Ç2'!US!!S0ap
- tance to___ Christ, who grants_____________ us

His_ great_________ mer - - - cy.
Aposticha. Glory. Both now.
Mode pl. 4. Ni.

Glo - ry to the Fa - ther_ and the___ Son and the Ho -

ly___ Spir - cC- - it.

Both now___ and__ ev - er and to the a - - ges of

a - - cC ges.___ A - - men.

The ser - pent, find - ing the E - gyp - tian_ wom - - - an

to be a sec - ond__ Eve___ thru the words she__ spoke,__ has -

tened thru flat - - - ter - y to cause__ Jo - - seph__

_1s"! Ç 0acC 0 Ç 1~os 0d 1 O \0!S:

_ to_________ fall. But Jo - seph a - ban - doned__

his_____ È 1
gara ê!S\0a- - - ment,__ and thus__ he fled_________ from___

1s"!Ç0ca C0Ç1~os00l!!AmC< 0d1

_______ sin. And though_______ he was na - ked, he was

O'!!\0!:m<C@n2'!!!qÈ@a1ad !X 1ak=s
un - a - shamed,_ like Ad - am, the first man, was be - fore_______
!!U'!!!Al!Ç1nacC 4dÇPìPS@` O
_____ he_______ dis - o - beyed. At his __________ en - treat-

0ë+lUS!_1s!" Ç0ma <C$Çn1ê!S\0a

- - - ies,_______ O_________ Christ, have mer - - cy___

__ on_________ us.___________

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