Rnnu,,11, Q, Icsi,,,n: R Tlon

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~c -c tl on A

'•r c tl on U
• ' I t
,.. , i I' (
Sc cl io n l ' " r, ,,, , xr, rrl
, I u 'h t"M , .r 1
1{J\A • J
t , ✓ •lo ,.>fl ur '-.hr;rl ,\11•,•1,
1·, , 1 • c , hq 1r 'I ', ., n .u n n 1
,, r T) Jl( "
Se c lio n O , c nt
1r f) t., ,; ,1 ,.,
rk , r ~ ~' 1M H' .JO 10 1 l. rr Ltm
r ltt r.•t h ,,u •: nn -.~ rr I pt
t:M m n is.ho 1k qu , ,I on""• ..-.tr
\ I S cc u oo &- rn l r.•11 rx cr ~ l2
0 "'-nrd"' f) :i~
nu,,11, Qu,·•,uon•
«1ur .. lw n , and ar "' ' ,~ ,., % ~• •
r or 4 m ,ir k~ c-n c.;.,_,.,.. u,.-.c,J q,icsi,,,
c-h n , -. •h th rc r su b
VII Sc:ctloo F co
nt:i,n•, (Juc,11on
from ll1~1ory (2M no . 3·1 ,s Mnp Ua
wks) .,net 37 b fr sc:d . ca rr yi ng 5 m ar
om G eo gr ap hy (] k\ w11h 1.... 0 pa rt
VIII There: 1s no M ar ks ) . s 3; a
ovcraU cho,cc: on
pr ov id ~ in rcw th e qu ch ll0 n po.p
qu cs uo ns . O nl y er . llo w cv cr , an
011c or th e ch oi ce m tc m al ch oi ce
IX In od dr llo n to s in ~u ch qu ha s be en
thos, ,;cp. ir ot e m es ti on s havc to be au em
OC C< !S SO ry , 9l ru cl io ns ar c w pt ed
ith ea ch sc cu on
3J'ld qu cs t,o n, w
he re

MCQs I lX 20 • 20
I . T he p rud se rv J
an ts or th e E as t
A) Se th In dra w er e known as
Bl Ma.mlatd ar :
C, G om as th a
2. W ho is the au 0) Lamba.rdar
th or or th e bo ok
A) B ha ga t Si ng "Hind Swaraj"i'
h Bl Ja ,..,_harhl N
M ahat m a G an dh ehru
i C) S ub as h C ha
nd ra B os e 01
3. S tu dy lh c pi
cr ur c given below
. :Ofame th e a, ti st
or th e following
im ag e.

1\1 I • n!r• " :-.111111 , Ill M111.z1m Cl
Cin11balch DI l.ou1• Phil ipp
Not r Thr followln& q\lt atlo n 1, for
Vlaually Impaire d Can did ates ooly
Q. No 3 in Ueu or
Whu 1-in•,u·d thr I rr,l\ y of V1rnna•·>
I\) I 1~dr1 1r ~om ru Ill V1c\01
~.m man ud Cl Duke Mrn em, ch 0) Giu sepp e
Gan bnlc h

' Arr nn&r lhc Collowtnt m \he corr
c11 1eq uen cc.
• M11r11n Lut her' s "Nm c1y rive Theses•
F1rs1 boo k pn ntcd b y .Johann Gut
111 enb erg "Bible"
Ve rnac ular Pre ss /\cl
1v Old Jnp nnc se Book "Diamond Su1ro·
Cho ose lhe corr ect opu on.
Al 11, I, IV & U1
Bl U, Ill , IV & I
C) IV, II, I & Ill
Dl 1, 11, IV, 1Il

5. Identify the soil wilh the help of

clues given below:
• Dev elop s in nrea s 1a.' ilh high tem
pera ture nnd heav y rain fall
• ls low m hum us con lcnl
• Fou nd in lhe hilly area s of Kam
a1aka, Kcrala and Tam il Kadu
Al For est soil B) Yell ow soil q Black soil Dl Latc ntc soil
6. Wh at doe s J oint Fore st Mn nagemt
nt lJFM) furn ish?
Al D1vcrsi licd crop pro duc tion
Bl No use of pest icid es
C) ltwolving loca l commun itie s in
lhe man age men t and rest orat ion
D) Lar gr-s cnle prod ucti on o[ d~a ded fore ~•s

7 Mat ch lhc following·

___ ___ ___ ___ ____
a . Com mun itv Resour ces
li. Cul tiva ted lnnd of farm ers
= R~c:::so::::
· ~u:.:r.=c.::.cs:;;._ _ __ + 1:.;;1:-.G
11! 12:£.UOds _ _ _
c. Renewable Resources --- 1-111. Fos sil fuels_ _
u. Nu11 · Rt:m:wab lc Res ourc es IV. Sola r c nera v
Al a - 11, b - I, c - IV, d - Ill
Bl a - I, b - 11, c - \II, d - IV

I I 'Ii l, I\ II II
111 I\, II 111 I I II
l • Ii , 11 ,11 ..
• •

' "
111 •, 1111 111
M,t)I I I
, 11,1.1 f'"" P
1111\n11uw 11 , ·1
lncorrrcl •
rf ii r ,11h '' I I
'. I
.~ 11 I,,
1U It •II ''4• • ,, I
l I l111tt ,11, ,11111111 /'', ( h11 I I 1 I 1111 1 I I I • I I ',I.,
I >1 Mo•,l ul tl., "111l1,1 ~"" .,
• i ·P' .-i IIIJ' ,1, II , I • 1'1 ·.1
'•1' il, 1111· ,II. I l111ltlh1
1 I

1 lwli d , 1 ,1,. 1 1, 11 I •
' Wh1d1 nl 1111 lull11w1111• , 11 1,1.,. • 11 r 1111
111 1d 1iri,,, 1 l I01 1
i\\ l'n1H.t\ l 111dr, tonut11•1c ,·, ,1KI I\U1l111t
1dup11rm uttl ,111 1 r•"W Ht
Ill Educ-Jtion. lu11 M 11udr un1u 11, m 1tr1, ,,,r
,111,I rn11111111111 ,111,111•,
[111rt ►\n ,1ll11ll~. 1Jn11k111g, , 1111 r 111 v
\'\ D rlrnN 1',
ll) Rr\ld11,11v s,1h1« t~ hkr 111m11111r1

,1h·,m is
IO The d111hnlllJrnh111g k,11u11· ur cv1111nun
u1111 111,,1 l1t'lor11( 10 cmr conu nunl ly
A) l~ollowc1s ol n pn111 culn1 1dln1 I nn hu·
11rc1plr ht lonpJnr. lu rhtrr rnl rrlim uns
13} C:ommunuhsm lcJdN 10 lhc bol1cf thnl
us l'qUo l CILU<"ltb w11h 111 OIIC notio n
lr:il dom ,n~n cr or nnr' • nwn
Cl A communal mmd clocN no1 !cod 10 qucsi for pohl
n:l1g1ous com mun hy.
bnl com m unnl tsm.
D) A sccu lnr cun su1u1ion is s u lric,c nl 10 com
ged oul or a mns ,, mov cmrn l
11,ld enti( y lhc poliu cal porly lhnl emer
B} Cong ress
C) Forward Bloc
D) BnhujanSamaj
12.T bere ate two ntatemcn ts marked as
Asse ruon (Al and Rcns on (R) , Mnr k your
as per the codes provided below:
,n Bc1Rium was rich nnd powcr(ul
Assertion (Al: l'rcn ch -s pcak ing com mun ity
ed l'rcn cll-s pcnk inr; com mun i1y
Reason (R): Belgium Go,· cmm em favor
is the com :cl cxpl ano1 ion of A.
A) Both A ond Rare lruc ru,d R
R is not lhe co1Tc c1 cxplnnntiou or A
B) Bolh A and R arc u-ue but
C) /I ls In.IC but R IS folsc.
DI A ,s false but R is u-uc.
lihm on amc nd<'<I betw een the year s 1970
13. Ho-. many time s was 1h~ Rclgian Con•
1993 ?
A} 2 8)4 Cl I D17

;, ,.
,, ,, fl\

I! It 11 1 I

I \IN ( 1
cor nr• n h,11 ►••,._,. c J I I f ' I • I '
, I
OJ r, t,, JU fl' t , r
U ',l \(, Up f <f' d I. t
I t 1,cu t ,md ttl I tf'IH IIC .t

r.tr n r.re.,t("r
ur µ1m1tu um i-. h1v,h nnt l 1hr 'A'~<~,.
IV "llu , clo n c.o 1h.1 1 t>1r ,,. .• ,
111 ofi1


A Ill & IV

B. II & Ill
C. I & II
QU .&S TIO NS f2X4-=BJ
erc nt cou ntn es of
arc a goo d c.'«lmp fc of p~ mo dc m tra de bct-..·e cn duf
21 To e silk rou tes pfc s
ppo rt yo ur ans "'" '' with c.'<run
Lhe wo rld'. Do you agr ee? Su
an d afte ,r the
rwo dilT cre nce s bcr we cn the local govern me nt before
22. Stn te nny
199 2.
cons!Jt utionaJ am e ndm ent in
of min era l res our ces ess enu
23. Why is the con senr.,tion
iro n an d ste el in
to per for m to ou r full po1 enl1al in the pro du cuo n or
Why arc we no t nbl c
Ind ia? 2
dar y un d ter tia ry
ssilicauon of cconom k act ivi ties int o pri ma ry, sec on
24. Do you thin k the clo
,s usoful? How? 2

b 10,~·
,.. •
" r •• <,~ ,11nn R,,c .. C l Secon dary stage ? - .
., ,•1r.nd1111 c r~uo.!;_!' ~tc Net Atte nda nce Ratio
I, t "" , Moruallty Litera cy 1per 100 perso ns}
Slal< \of ant OOo Of. (2011 l da ry stage (age
Ra l c per I , Secon
live bi rth112 0 16 ) 14 and 15 ye.us} 20l 3
. 14


R3 --
JK ()2

\I 11.11,·,,11 DJ 11.,rv,1n,~ .ind 81ha1 [)) Kcrala

C) 13,hnr
uon from 1he rollow1 ng
I, ~e 1d lhr foll'!,""1n1. dald ~cl r.cle< I Lhc: OJltHOj,11 inl~Co p

II -
"•'').• _!!.._
u ,ho.r - -

f -
Pu Cap!~ ln: o ~ e
'2.3~147 _ _
_ _ L,_04., l0~
40.98 2 __
\Vluch Sla te has she h1ghcs i'"ix1 cap1tn income?
Al 1larynn a Bl Kera!~ C) 8 1har DI Harya na & Ku ala

16 Whal 1s lhe second ary scclor?

A) Produc tion of a good by exp loiting n atu ral rcS-Ou rces
BJ Ac.tivities In which natura l prod u cts a.re chang ed in lo olhcr
form s lhroug h ways of
manuf11ctun ng.
C) Activit ies, by lhcms clves, do not produce a good
bul th ey are an rud o r support for
lhe produ ction p rocess .
0 ) Mineral excnva tion.

17. Under emplo ymenl occurs when p eople _ _ __ __

A) Do nol want to work .
BJ Arc worlci n&in a lazy man n er.
C) Are workin g less tha n whal lhey arc c apable of d
D) Arc n ot paid for th eir work

18 . Which of the following stntem cn ts are false?

A. There is oo organ17.ation tha1 superv ises the credil activiu
cs of lenders m lhc
m formnl scclor .
B. RBI stops the mon ey lenders from u s ing unfair means to
get their m on ey b ack
C. Compa red lo lhc fonnal lenders, mos t of the inform al le
nders charge s mu ch highe r
rates of intcrcs l on loons.
D. Banks uul,u: lhe majority of lhc dcpos ils rec eived in CJ<tcnd
in g loans lo the n eedy

I 4
. • Uf.STIOIIS ( 3X5 "
llASt.O Q I ,111•11 •f'
ff l'fllll HI
, 11 l


,1 h 1t1hlll1' Ul I 11111111 • I· 111 " '

,, I I, " J, t
11 I II

1· 111 u , hu•h"• 1 \ '

.,, l I f 1t 111 1 1 1 ,uldt II t 111,ulul •1' 1

•rt ii ,,..11t1111111 I ll l11d 1 I

1i'J'4 1 II\ 1h11, lfll"l',111 1
In I 111111 ' I II 11 Il l

rl '" p , , h , .. utr~, I I tll 11 Ir I o\lll I f II ••

11ul 111 till ,,111.du11 1

I l llfll' I ,t th, If
" ' t•,pl.u11 .m\' t h1 r r- 1r,t•,11tt•• Ittf 1111 l'. 111k,, ,11u l • on11r1.1h\'' ,,u, ,, ll• i ,.

lt-nd inr. lit\ 1l11 w ~ 11 1 1111 al u r ,1•,

l O 1lc-"in 1lu· 1hr IHl\lll rl.1t1 M·t, ol 1h r ·1,,~.,,y 11r V11 l\lh l ol IHI '
( )ll
, 1w on, 1nn 1l, 1 •111tirv
ll nw h~d the fcnrnh• fi1:111t·1• he1•1mw 1111 ,1I11•11111,• 1,r I Iir 1111 I 11111 <I lH 1111• 1 11
111 ~:uropc?
Jl •.JL1lc mdustrv ,s cunccnu·.ttt·cl 11 1 tht• 111>01•.hly hm1111' Vuht.h1t.tt~ !In •,Utlrm r flt with ,u,r, ihlr
1casons 5
Thi." tc,,tilc induutry occupies a unique posltum 1n the lndion ccon11my l·:xplom
32 Highlight nny live functions o r poliLical pnrllcs LO s 11·cnl(lhc11 d cmocrncy
E..xaminc c n ucally Lhe role of an ord 111ory citizen in s tronglhcni ng and dccpcnmf.! dl".mocracy
J3. llow wns libcralizat1on policy gmdua lly adopted in Indio?
Mow would incom~ a nd ~mploymc 11Lincrease if fnrmcrn were prOl•idccl wit h 1rriga11on unrJ
markcli ng facilities?

3~. Read Lhe source given below and nnowcr the question Lhal follows:
The English po.rliumcnl, whi<:11 had seized power fro m Lhc monarc hy in I &88 a l. the end
of a protracted connicl, was Lhc in stru ment throu gh which o nallon -stnlc, w,lh Enic:land al 11s
Centre, cnroc Lo be forged. The Acl or Union 1707 bclwccn Eng land 1lnd ScoLi and resu lted in
the formation of the 'United King,dom of Grcnl Britain' mco nt, cffccl, Lhal England w.is .i b lc ,n
to impose its lnOucncc on Sc0Ua11d. ·n-.c Brilis h parliarncnl wt.Ls henceforth clom in a1ccl by 1i;.~

Lill' li h llltml11 ·,, n., PUt \I f1/ ,,
<trn',I\. i , ,,n
,111rl puJ1 ,c- ,I
. ,\
ithll! ·.1 11 , 111 h. ,n •,\•

llw Stol lr•,h If, •hlJn rl •.. , ' II ,.,uI h l'1h h·

,,n , 11 1lh , ,pp r,.
,,1 1 h, f ' ., ,,
P• 4hrn r,. r~ Ji, , mp n C•,
meIf prrul1 r,r,. 'flu· Sr 011 1• I 1 I I •~hl.011tJr1• ' 11
' .,. ,.rr fnr I11, t rn 1, ,pt-.1 ,c •ti, 1 c•·•
uC',1 1 t)u- 1r n,ihnn., t1
ff'f. ·· ,ind J,1trr nu- • ll r) '-"'rrr 1,,rn 1,f\' rtnH ·n, 1• ,,, I
11dHIH I ~ur(cr"rl n I f •
• ... " " " ' [JI ,ti('

J~ I ll111.0 111 ·~ 11 111r.t.ii 1ion J)flll t'S•, 1•, d1fft1t nt frum 1J ,~1 r,f J•.,Jr lf'l, ,
,uch \'
J4 2 How d1cl l::1t,dancl b<- tomr - *' d rmocr,111r rn11nrry hom ;, wrll func litJlllrll' m,,n
,1,. d omin,oncc nvrr S~o ll•nt l
Jq,J H,gh hi:h t ho,., Cni:Jond r1t,~tr1ed

"nsw c, the qucs llon 1h111 follow,

3S. Read lhe sour ce (;l\'en belo w and " 11 1s
Roof lop rn111 <vo1e r h nrve slmg is the
mos t com mon proc ucc in Sh11long . Mc, Jm!J
of 55k m from
Mow synr om arc shu a1e<l al a d 1ota ncc
m1e ,e~u ng beca use Chcrnpu nJcc and :.tal c copu al Shil long face , an acu te
the worl d, ycr the
Shillong receive Ilse l1111hcst rnm(nll in harv eson g
ld in 1hc dry h ns " roof top ra ,nwn tcr
sho nogc of wate r Nearly c,•cry hou seho ld com e• from
total wate r requ irem ent or lhe hou seho
s truc lurc . Near ly 15-2 5 J)<!rccnl of lhc
1oo( top Wdtcr hal"\tst..ing.
and Bar mer ,
stlm n, part icu larly in 81ko ncr, Phal od1,
In the scm1•an d ni:d wid regi ons of Raja ng dr1nl<Jng
und ergr oun d tank s or 1ank os for ston
(llm ost all the hou ,es trad iuon aJJy had a tnnl< that
big room ; one hou seho ld in PhaJ odi had
w.ite r. The tank s cou ld be as larg e as o pan of the
, and 2.44 mete r., ,.,de . Tnc tank as were
,vos 6 . 1 me1ers deep . ·1.27 met ers long hou-se or
g syst em and were buil l ins,t le the mam
wcU-dcvclopcd rooftop rrun watc r harv estin a ;npe . RJun
the slop ing roof s or the hou ses thro ugh
tl1c cou riyn rd. They were et1nncctcd 10 ergr oun d
n tho pipe nnd w11s s tore d in thes e und
falli ng on the roon ops wuu h.J '""' el dow roof s and !he
lly nol collected o~ this wou ld clc:i n the
'mnl< s', The rirst s pcU of mm was usun
pipes. The rain ,v;itcr from Lhc subs
equ ent
show ers ,ms then collc c1cd .

m Shil long ?
35. I. Whic h ts t.lie mos t com mon prac tice
J er
irem ent is fuli!lled thro ugh roof top wa1
35.2 Ho"· muc h pcrc cnm ge of the wate r requ
hnrvestin g? I tr sca rory
in ,cm i-nn d regi ons to reso lve Lhc \\'81
35.3 . AnnJ;,zc .ibo ul the way s follo"cd
prob lem 2

\'e r the ques tion tha l follo ws:

36. Read the sow ·cc 0,jvcn below and ans\ othe r
t of them supp ort dem ocra cy agai nst
When ""' talk 10 peop le arou nd us, mos ers. Bu t no1 so man y of
or mili ro,y or relig ious lead
alte rnatives. ,uch as rule l>y a mon arch mm a: dem ocra cy 18 seen
in prac tice So we face a dile
them wou ld be: sau" 1ied with dem ocra cy

rl')l fT t \1t, •, l,-.; LO

I l ,1 1I ct of ,tr o 1 •• ir
I ,hi t 1 111,1 1 11 t \ h I\ p I t .,, d t I , ..

, • , "'•,r
1 1 1• rr no r , r r \ 11 r \ Ir u,-: t;.1,
II I 111011 lh 1ru11nu u h11 \, n1t·r '
I ('i .uH I 1hr.11 lu ltu rr
I , 1 I Of IIOl I in <I ult· r ,-.u h 1 1111··~ <!rr
nor r .t< 1,-,•, '"111 he \:Cr'\

1 "

1ltr rn.. 1t1\ r'"'l 11, elr1
1101 ,,, , 1
\\ h,,t ,u 1.· Lhl· <'on 1nu ,. , ,~..,, urc-~
of rll"m nc-r ,,c1 c-s nrn und
the wo rld J

1'\\'o pla ces A :in d B hav e bee TIO NS (2+ 3=5 1
l n mru -ke d on the gwe n out l ine
ma p of Ind ia
lde nuf y the m an d wri te the
ir cor rec t 1~nm cs on t hle lin es
A Place, as. .oc iatc d wi th dro wn nea r the m
Co ngr ess ses sio n of 192 7.
B. Pla ce, a s soc iate d \ Vllh Ind
igo Pla nters Mo vem enL
3 7 b On the sam e o utl ine m
a p of lnd ia loc ale and lab el
sui tab le Sym bol s. 3
any TH .RE E of the foUowi ng
v.; th
a. Nam rup Th enn aJ pow er
pla nt
b . Tu uco rin
c . Nc taji Su bh ash Cb an d ra
Bo se
d . Sa rda rSa .ro var Da m

No te: Th e fol low ing qu est

ion.s are for Vis ual ly Im pai
Q .No .37 . re d Ca nd ida tes on ly in Lie
u of
At tem pt llDY F ive qu est ion
37 . 1 Na me the pla ce wh ere
the con gre ss ses sio n was h
1 eld in t 927 .
37 .2 Na me the pla ce ass oci
ate d wit h the Ind igo pl a n ter
I s· mo vem ent
37 3 Nam e the sta te wh ere
lhc Na mr up Th crm nl pow er
I pla nt 1s loc ace d .
37 .<I Na me the sta le wh ere
Tu tico rin 'se a po n· is loc ate
I d.
37 .5 Na me the st.a le wh ere
Ne taji Su bha sh Ch a nd ra Bo
1 se air por t is loc ate d.
37 6 Na me the sta te wh ere
Sa rda rS;.t rov ar Da m is loc:utc
I tl .

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