CSTP 4 Chang 4

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CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element  Emerging  Exploring  Applying  Integrating  Innovating 

Plans daily lessons using  Plans single lessons or  Plans differentiated  Plans differentiated  Plans differentiated 
available curriculum and  sequence of lessons using  instruction based on  instruction, which is based  instruction that provides 
information from district  additional assessment  knowledge of students’  on broad knowledge of  systematic opportunities for 
and state required  information on student  academic readiness,  students. Matches  supporting and extending 
assessments.  academic readiness,  academic language, diverse  resources and specific  student learning based on 
  language, cultural  cultural backgrounds, and  strategies to students’  comprehensive information 
  background, and individual  individual cognitive, social,  diverse learning needs and  on students.4/20/19 
4.1 Using knowledge of    development.9/28/17  emotional, and physical  cultural   
students’ academic      development to meet their  backgrounds.11/11/18   
readiness, language      individual needs.5/6/18     
proficiency, cultural           
background, and      Examines potential sources    Engages students in the 
individual development  Is aware of impact of bias  Becomes aware of potential  of bias and stereotyping  Planning addresses bias,  analysis of bias, 
to plan instruction.  on learning.  areas of bias and seeks to  when planning lessons.  stereotyping, and  stereotyping, and 
learn about culturally  Uses culturally responsive  assumptions about cultures  assumptions. 
responsive  pedagogy in planning.5/6/18  and members of cultures.  

  I haven’t adjusted my  The math department laid  I foster a culture using  We are part of S​ outh Bay 
lessons based on students’  out a sequence of learning  google map to create a  Consortium​ trying to use 
academic readiness,  pathway for students with  culture map activity where  knowledge and 
language proficiency,  various knowledge levels.  students take ownership of  understanding of the 
cultural background and IEP.  We sat down in the past  their learning goals and  different backgrounds, 
But I was fully aware of the  summer and collaborate  outcomes in both  ethnicities, cultures, and 
various type of students I  with each other and came up  independent and group  languages in the 
would receive in class, so I  with a refined curricula  settings.11/11/18  school community to 
put my thoughts into it when  across the entire math    promote effective 
I wrote my lesson in the first  concept strive for students’  interactions among 
place trying to incorporate all  mastery of math subject. As  colleagues, families, and the 
type of students. As a result,  we planned and update the  larger community. 4/20/19 
I have a “Culture Map”  curricula, we took 
activity during my first  consideration of the 
lesson, and every student  potential cultural 
need to pin their background  differences, so we came up 
culture on the map and write  with an idea of designing an 
a short description of where  EL Math course. Even 
they came from. In the end, I  though it’s undergoing, I 
was able to collect a general  believe it’s a right route for 
idea of my students’  us to strive for serving all 
background information.  students and moving toward 
9/28/17  differentiated lesson 
planning. 5/6/18 
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Communicates learning  Establishes and shares  Establishes and  Establishes and articulates  Establishes and articulates 
objectives for a single  learning goals for skill  communicates to students  learning goals to students  comprehensive short-term 
lesson to students based  development with students  clear learning goals for  that integrate content  and long-term learning 
on content standards and  in single lessons and  content that are accessible,  standards with students’  goals for students. Assists 
4.2 Establishing and  available curriculum.  sequence of  challenging, and  strengths, interests, and  students to articulate and 
articulating goals for  lessons.9/28/17  differentiated to address  learning needs. 5/6/18  monitor learning 
student learning  students’ diverse learning  11/11/18  goals.4/20/19 

  The students came in with    I used survey form on my  According to Proposition 3: 
their individual goals already,  GOALS and the follow up 10  Teachers are responsible 
and for my class, most  minutes appointment with  for managing and 
students were aiming for  Mr. C to foster a culture  monitoring student learning. 
High School Equivalency  where students take  I was a member of 
Math Test or in the progress  ownership of their learning  2017-2018 TAS Summer 
of their high school diploma  goals and outcomes in both  Curriculum Development 
program. The individual goal  independent and group  team and we gathered 
that I collected would be  settings.11/11/18  regularly to collaboratively 
from the First Day Form I  update and adjust the 
I​ demonstrated multiple 
asked each student to write  methods to solve for the 
existing curriculum to best 
on “My Goals.” Although I  solutions and reinstated that  assist students with their 
need to practice how to  the focus of our assessments  learnings. 4/20/19 
follow up and keep track on  and the grading system wasn’t 
their progress towards their  just a focus on the final grades, 
individual goals, at least I  but the process of the learning 
still got a sense of what they  progress. As a result, not only in 
were aiming for in general.  the classroom I would 
9/28/17  demonstrate multiple ways to 
  solve for the problem, also, if 
there were any cool strategies 
from any student, I would be 
glad to invite them to share with 
other peers in the classroom 
too. And by describing the 
possible reasons why the 
confusions were from, the 
students’ perspectives could 
expand and promote its 
curiosity of all possibilities. 
Also, I use the EdReady as a 
huge part of my grading, and I 
intentionally set it as a 
low-stake assessment system, 
which means students can 
retake the test infinite times 
until they passed all 
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Uses available curriculum  Begins to plan curriculum  Establishes short- and  Refines sequence of  Utilizes extensive 
for daily, short- and  units that include a series of  long-term curriculum plans  long-term plans to reflect  knowledge of curriculum, 
long-term plans.  connected lessons and are  for subject matter concepts  integrations of curriculum  content standards, and 
4.3 Developing and 
linked to long-term planning  and essential related  guidelines, frameworks, and  assess learning needs to 
sequencing long-term 
to support student learning.  academic language and  assessed instructional  design cohesive and 
and short-term 
formats that support student  needs to ensure student  comprehensive long- and 
instructional plans to 
learning. 9/28/17  learning.5/6/18 ​11/11/18  short-term instructional 
support student 
plans that ensure high 
levels of learning.4/20/19 

    Last summer 2017 during  I used technology  We were at 2​ 018 CB21 @ 

the curriculum writing,  embedded project-based  Sacramento t​ o discuss and 
several teachers sat  activity such as Conic  mapping out the coding for 
together for the entire month  Graphing Project to create,  educators to give the 
and composed 7 full  adapt and personalize  accurate requirements 
curricula across different  learning experiences that  academic pathways to the 
subjects together. As I was  foster independent learning  students based on the 
writing my course outline  and accommodate learner  proposition 4 at NBPTS: 
and curriculum and the  differences and  Teachers think 
syllabus, I made sure that I  needs.11/11/18  systematically about their 
incorporated the short term  I always want to help  practice and learn from 
objectives and the long term  students building their  experience. 4/20/19 
goals in the chronological  portfolio to keep track and 
way and put together the  be able to comprehend the 
pacing guide on my syllabus.  past learning and use them 
9/28/17  not just for now, but for 
future application. I also 
  believe this will help them 
achieve the college and 
career readiness standards 
and obtain the abilities to 
think independently and 
In addition, students 
enjoyed the activities that 
we did in class and noticed 
that I always kept them in 
file. I think they will be 
excited to know that I will 
announce the 
student-portfolio project 
that will be put place soon. 
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Plans instruction that  Selects strategies for single  Incorporates differentiated  Plans instruction using a  Plans instruction 
incorporates strategies  lessons or sequence of  instructional strategies into  wide range of strategies to  incorporating a repertoire of 
suggested by curriculum  lessons that respond to  ongoing planning that  address learning styles and  strategies specifically meet 
guidelines.  students’ diverse learning  addresses culturally  meet students’ assessed  students’ diverse language 
  needs.  responsive pedagogy,  language and learning  and learning needs and 
    students’ diverse language,  needs. Provides appropriate  styles to advance learning 
    and learning needs and  support and challenges for  for all.4/20/19 
4.4 Planning instruction      styles.9/28/17  students.5/6/18 ​11/11/18   
that incorporates  Is aware of student content,  Seeks to learn about      Facilitates opportunities for 
appropriate strategies  learning, and language  students’ diverse learning  Uses assessments of  Integrates results from a  students to reflect on their 
to meet the learning  needs through data  and language needs beyond  students’ learning and  broad range of  learning and the impact of 
needs of all students  provided by the site and  basic data.  language needs to inform  assessments into planning  instructional strategies to 
district.  planning differentiated  to meet students’ diverse  meet their learning and 
instruction. 9/28/17  learning and language  language needs. 

    I read the daily exit tickets  I use PearDeck to manage  I Advocate for Student 
(lesson feedback on Google  the use of technology and  Learning and the Profession 
Form) from the students  student learning strategies  by participating ​2019 CCAE 
showing what they learned  in digital platforms, virtual  to work with colleagues to 
in class, so I could  environments, hands-on  identify and use research to 
determine and reflect on  makerspaces or in the  advocate for teaching and 
what part of the lesson went  field.11/11/18  learning processes that 
well and what didn’t go as  For the past year, I’ve  meet the 
planned. Most importantly, I  implemented a lot of  needs of all students. 
got to know what they  project-based learning  4/20/19 
wanted to know for the  activities. And out of those 
future lessons so I could  activities, I’ve tried to 
modify my future lessons to  incorporate with 
best fit most students’ need.  multi-sensory tools that I 
9/28/17   could find to enhance the 
learning outcome. For 
example, for the linear 
equations and graphing 
activities. I incorporated 
google drive, Desmos, and 
digital typing experimental 
reflection activities to help 
students grasp the idea with 
multiple angles visually and 
descriptively. 5/6/18  
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Implements lessons and  Begins to adapt plans and  Makes adjustments and  Makes​ ongoing adjustments  Anticipates and plans for a 
uses materials from  materials in single lessons  adaptations to differentiate  to instructional plans and  wide range of adaptations 
curriculum provided.  or sequences of lessons to  instructional plans. Uses  uses a variety of materials  to lessons based on in 
4.5 Adapting  address students’ learning  culturally responsive  as the instructional needs  depth analysis of individual 
instructional plans and  needs.  pedagogy and additional  arises to support student  student needs.4/20/19 
curricular materials to  materials to support  learning.9/28/17, ​5/6/18   
meet the assessed  students’ diverse learning  11/11/18  Engages with students to 
learning needs of all  needs.  identify types of 
students.  adjustments in instruction 
that best meet their learning 
      I use Apply technology to  I Facilitate Improvements in 
create learning  Instruction and Student 
opportunities that challenge  Learning by leading the 
students to use a design  2018 April Torrance 
process and computational  Professional Development 
thinking to innovate and  to serve as a team leader to 
solve problems such as  harness the skills, expertise, 
Kahoot and Google Form:  and knowledge of 
daily exit survey.11/11/18  colleagues to address 
Ongoing adjustment  curricular expectations and 
annually when we wrote the  student learning needs. 
new course outline and  4/20/19 
curriculum during the 
curriculum writing project 
during this past summer 
2017, we tried to put 
together a course that’s 
context enriched and 
cohesive. As a result, we 
adapted the textbook as the 
context material guideline 
and align with the college 
and career readiness 
standards to support all 
students’ learning. 9/28/17 
One thing I want to improve 
for this upcoming term is to 
anticipate the possible 
outcomes from all my 
learning activities and 
address them in advance, 
meaning that I want to start 
to “prevent” the issues and 
lessen the potential stress 
that the activities could add 
on to the students. 5/6/18  

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