CSTP 4 Vacco 5

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CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Plans daily lessons using Plans single lessons or Plans differentiated Plans differentiated Plans differentiated
available curriculum and sequence of lessons using instruction based on instruction, which is instruction that provides
information from district additional assessment knowledge of students’ based on broad systematic opportunities
and state required information on student academic readiness, knowledge of students. for supporting and
assessments. academic readiness, academic language, Matches resources and extending student
language, cultural diverse cultural specific strategies to learning based on
background, and backgrounds, and students’ diverse learning comprehensive
4.1 Using knowledge
individual development. individual cognitive, needs and cultural information on students.
of students’ academic
social, emotional, and backgrounds. 5/1/19
readiness, language
physical development to
proficiency, cultural
meet their individual
background, and
needs. 9/26/17, 5/7/18,
Is aware of impact of bias Becomes aware of 12/12/18 Planning addresses bias, Engages students in the
development to plan
on learning. potential areas of bias stereotyping, and analysis of bias,
and seeks to learn about Examines potential assumptions about stereotyping, and
culturally responsive sources of bias and cultures an members of assumptions.
pedagogy. stereotyping when cultures. 9/26/17,
planning lessons. Uses 5/7/18, 12/12/18,
culturally responsive 5/1/19
pedagogy in planning.

Being an administrator My graduate studies in

and having been at the particular have made me
school for several years especially sensitive to
has allowed me to get to stereotyping and
know students well and assumptions and I try to
to know their needs and choose culturally
differentiate accordingly sensitive materials that
as much as possible. In also engage with
integrated lessons, a lot of students’ backgrounds
the ELD and SPED and interests. I am also
resources are helpful, but hyper-aware of my
sometimes I struggle to language use when
find dance specific teaching and aim to be as
accommodations or inclusive as possible.
strategies to address 9/26/17
varying needs/learning
styles. 9/26/17 I continue to address bias,
stereotyping and
I have been better this assumptions, often
year about offering reflecting on any bias I
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

modifications to might unconsciously be
movement for the class as perpetuating during
a whole so that students socio-emotional PD in
can choose what might particular. I do not feel I
work best for their needs can re-categorize myself
(and guiding certain as “innovating” because I
students towards struggle to really delve in
appropriate choices), but to this area a lot given the
I still feel offering grade level I regularly
individualized teach (Kinder and 3rd). I
modifications to dance do push my staff that
content for specific teaches middle school to
students remains an area address these items with
of growth for me. 5/7/18 depth and thoughtfulness,
however. I also know it
can be done in an age
appropriate way for
younger students and
would like to grow in that
area. 5/7/18, 12/12/18

My knowledge of
differentiation strategies
has grown and I apply
them more regularly than
in the past. I still could be
more systematic about it
in order to move to the
innovating category.
Communicates learning Establishes and shares Establishes and Establishes and Establishes and
objectives for a single learning goals for skill communicates to articulates learning goals articulates
lesson to students based development with students clear learning to students that integrate comprehensive short-
on content standards and students in single lessons goals for content that are content standards with term and long-term
4.2 Establishing and
available curriculum. and sequence of lessons. accessible, challenging, students’ strengths, learning goals for
articulating goals for
and differentiated to interests, and learning students. Assists students
student learning
address students’ diverse needs. 9/26/17, 5/7/18 to articulate and monitor
learning needs. learning goals. 12/12/18,
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

This is something I have After really focusing on
worked on in past years this as a department last
and have seen that when year, I feel I am more
goals of a lesson are consistent and effective at
clearly articulated, communicating learning
student success is much goals to students and to
greater. I often go over helping them, in turn,
this both visually and communicate and
verbally and try to break monitor their learning
things into chunks for goals. I also find more
students who need it. time for reflection at the
9/26/17 end of lessons to reinforce
this. 12/12/18, 5/1/19
This year, my department
as a whole really focused
on the aspect of
communicating lesson
goals clearly to students
every lesson, by making a
point to gather them
together at the
whiteboard and to
highlight goals both
visually and verbally.
Adding even more clarity
and consistency to this
part of every lesson really
made clear to me how
integral it is to student
success. That said, I
hesitate to move on to the
“innovating” category
because I feel I might still
be missing the part of the
element where I assist
students in articulating
and monitoring their
progress with the goals.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses available curriculum Begins to plan curriculum Establishes short- and Refines sequence of long- Utilizes extensive
for daily, short- and long- units that include a series long-term curriculum term plans to reflect knowledge of curriculum,
term plans. of connected lessons and plans for subject matter integrations of content standards, and
4.3 Developing and are linked to long-term concepts and essential curriculum guidelines, assess learning needs to
sequencing long- planning to support related academic frameworks, and assessed design cohesive and
term and short-term student learning. language and formats that instructional needs to comprehensive long- and
instructional plans to support student learning. ensure student learning. short-term instructional
support student plans that ensure high
learning levels of learning.
9/26/17, 5/7/18,
12/12/18, 5/1/19

Our school as a whole

uses a backwards
planning model and I find
this works well for me
too. Again, my experience
teaching the same age
group and dance styles
over the past 5 years has
allowed me to refine the
sequencing and long and
short term planning so
that learning builds in a
logical way for students.

I remain strong in this

area for the reasons
outlined in September.
Even as I created plans for
a new grade level with
similar subject matter (3rd
grade theater dance,
building on 2nd grade
theater dance),
experience and
knowledge of Common
Dance and CCSS ELA
standards help me create
plans with a good sense of
pacing and sequencing.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

5/7/18, 12/12/18

Adding to my long term

planning is the addition of
common assessment
benchmark goals for each
dance genre, an addition
introduced this school
year. This has made my
planning even more
consistent with that of the
members of the dance
teaching staff. 5/1/19

Plans instruction that Selects strategies for Incorporates Plans instruction using a Plans instruction
incorporates strategies single lessons or differentiated wide range of strategies incorporating a repertoire
suggested by curriculum sequence of lessons that instructional strategies to address learning styles of strategies specifically
guidelines. respond to students’ into ongoing planning and meet students’ meet students’ diverse
diverse learning needs. that addresses culturally assessed language and language and learning
4.4 Planning responsive pedagogy, learning needs. Provides needs and styles to
instruction that students’ diverse appropriate support and advance learning for all.
incorporates language, and learning challenges for students. 5/1/19
appropriate Is aware of student Seeks to learn about needs and styles. 5/7/18, 12/12/18
strategies to meet the content, learning, and students’ diverse learning 9/26/17 Facilitates opportunities
learning needs of all language needs through and language needs Integrates results from a for students to reflect on
students data provided by the site beyond basic data. Uses assessments of broad range of their learning and the
and district. students’ learning and assessments into impact of instructional
language needs to inform planning to meet strategies to meet their
planning differentiated students’ diverse learning learning and language
instruction. 9/26/17, and language needs. needs.
5/7/18, 12/12/18 5/1/19
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I use multiple strategies I feel I am strong when it I continue to fine-tune the
when I teach the class as comes to planning for the use of multiple modalities
a whole and assessment use of multiple modalities in my teaching, often
is often embedded in in my teaching. Since I incorporating new
instruction. I reflect and am teaching dance, I strategies with specific
re-teach regularly when already take a kinesthetic students and their needs
necessary. I feel I want to approach and have been in mind. 5/1/19
do more differentiation more and more
on an individual level considerate over the
with high needs students, course of the year of
however. 9/26/17 having students explore
the content through
Student performance on visuals and writing as
assessments often well. Each of my units
contributes to how I plan end with a reflective
the lessons when I revisit written assessment, after
them the previous year. It a performance
also informs whether I assessment – and often
should re-teach or revisit there are written
certain material before formative assessments
moving on. It also throughout as well.
informs some steps I 5/7/18, 12/12/18
might take for certain
students with upcoming The introduction of clear
lessons, but I’d still like to benchmark assessments
grow in this area by and analysis of the data
building my toolbox of from the assessments has
strategies for given me more
differentiation. 5/7/18 information about
students’ learning needs.
I have, therefore, been
more effective in
targeting those in my
planning. 5/1/19
4.5 Adapting Implements lessons and Begins to adapt plans and Makes adjustments and Makes ongoing Anticipates and plans for
instructional plans uses materials from materials in single adaptations to adjustments to a wide range of
and curricular curriculum provided. lessons or sequences of differentiate instructional instructional plans and adaptations to lessons
materials to meet the lessons to address plans. Uses culturally uses a variety of materials based on in depth
assessed learning students’ learning needs. responsive pedagogy and as the instructional needs analysis of individual
needs of all students. additional materials to arise to support student student needs.
support students’ diverse learning.5/7/18,
learning needs. 9/26/17 12/12/18, 5/1/19 Engages with students to
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

identify types of
adjustments in
instruction that best meet
their learning goals.

I feel I am flexible and This year, I have been

able to make adaptations better about reaching out
to lessons as I go when I to fellow staff members
feel it is needed. I do (classroom teachers,
wish I could offer a SPED staff, my mentor,
broader range of options etc.) to get ideas for
for students who need improving instruction,
additional often when I’ve noted
supports/scaffolding for specific students
learning the material. I’d struggling with the
say in general 80% of material. Changes that I
students can be have been able to make
successful with what I (re-teaching when
provide to the class as necessary, adding visuals,
whole, embedded with introducing more refined
differentiation and minilessons) have
multiple learning resulted in a noted
strategies. However, I improvement in overall
sometimes feel stuck with student success. 5/7/18,
certain students and feel I 12/12/18, 5/1/19
am unable to find what is
necessary to meet their
needs. 9/26/17

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