CSTP 4 Hiser 12
CSTP 4 Hiser 12
CSTP 4 Hiser 12
- I include culturally
responsive practices into
my lesson plans and
choose ways for students
to move, talk, and share
based on the diversity of
my class.
Communicates learning Establishes and shares Establishes and Establishes and Establishes and
objectives for a single learning goals for skill communicates to articulates learning goals articulates
lesson to students based development with students clear learning to students that integrate comprehensive short-
on content standards and students in single lessons goals for content that are content standards with term and long-term
4.2 Establishing and
available curriculum. and sequence of lessons. accessible, challenging, students’ strengths, learning goals for
articulating goals for
6/24/18 and differentiated to interests, and learning students. Assists students
student learning
address students’ diverse needs. to articulate and monitor
learning needs. learning goals.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Uses available curriculum Begins to plan curriculum Establishes short- and Refines sequence of long- Utilizes extensive
for daily, short- and long- units that include a series long-term curriculum term plans to reflect knowledge of curriculum,
4.3 Developing and term plans. of connected lessons and plans for subject matter integrations of content standards, and
sequencing long- are linked to long-term concepts and essential curriculum guidelines, assess learning needs to
term and short-term planning to support related academic frameworks, and assessed design cohesive and
instructional plans to student learning. language and formats that instructional needs to comprehensive long- and
support student support student learning. ensure student learning. short-term instructional
learning 6/24/18 4/7/19 plans that ensure high
11/11/1812/12/18 levels of learning.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
-I create a year-long
calendar that includes all
units. 6/24/18 11/11/18