Cellular Respiration: Pyruvate (3C) Pyruvate (3C)
Cellular Respiration: Pyruvate (3C) Pyruvate (3C)
Cellular Respiration: Pyruvate (3C) Pyruvate (3C)
Glycolysis Glycolysis
• Occurs in cytoplasm of NAD+ NADH 2ADP 2ATP
the cell
• Breakdown of one (3C)
glucose molecule into Glucose
two pyruvate molecules (6C) Pyruvate
2ATP 2ADP (3C)
• Yields 2 ATP
molecules (net) and 2 NAD+ NADH 2ADP 2ATP
NADH molecules NADH = high-energy electron carrier
Glycolysis Kreb’s Cycle
Krebs Cycle:
Krebs Cycle (The Cycle Itself)
Acetyl-CoA Formation
• Acetyl-CoA (2C) linked to
• Pyruvate transported into oxaloacetic acid (4C), to
mitochondrial matrix form citric acid (6C)
• CO2 cleaved off of pyruvate, • Citric acid ultimately
forming acetate converted into
• Acetate linked to Coenzyme A oxaloacetic acid + 2CO2
(CoA) to form acetyl-CoA • 1 GTP, 3 NADH and 1
• One NADH formed for each FADH per each acetyl-
pyruvate CoA
Oxidative Phosphorylation Oxidative Phosphorylation
• H+ pumped from inside the
• Occurs across the inner membrane to the outside
mitochondrial membrane – forms [H+] gradient (more
outside than inside)
• Electrons from NADH
and FADH2 are • H+ flows back in through
transported along an ATP synthase
electron transport chain – generates ATP
• Energy released used to
• Electrons and H+ received
produce ATP
by O2
– forms H2O
Anaerobic Respiration Glycolysis in Anaerobiosis
• Produce ATP in the absence of O2
• Glucose → Pyruvate
• Used regularly by skeletal muscle fibers
and RBCs • Net 2 ATP produced
• Two steps:
– Glycolysis - produce ATP • Need NAD+ to drive
– Lactate Formation – regenerate NAD+