C12 Energy and Respiration - Redacted
C12 Energy and Respiration - Redacted
C12 Energy and Respiration - Redacted
A2 Level
Energy and Respiration
Chapter Outline
Part 1: Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
• The need for energy • Mitochondria structure and
• ATP function
• P5: respirometers
• P5: redox indicators (e.g. DCPIP, methylene blue)
Chapter 12 (Part 1)
• Active transport
Eg: Na+- K+ pump, movement of
vesicles in exo/endocytosis • Maintenance of a constant body
in “warm-blooded animals”
i.e. endotherms
• Movement
Eg: Muscle contraction,
cilia/flagella, movement of
chromosomes • Bioluminescence / electrical
E.g. in jellyfish, electric eels
Structure and Characteristics
• Adenosine triphosphate
• It is a phosphorylated nucleotide
P/S: Oxidation of glucose is also possible in anaerobic conditions….but we will talk about that later!
Hydrolysis of ATP → Energy
• But energy transfers are inefficient
→Excess energy is lost at different stages in the multi-step reaction
→As thermal/heat energy
Two types:
1) Aerobic respiration
2) Anaerobic respiration
Aerobic Respiration
• Breakdown of organic molecules
(i.e. glucose, but fatty acids, glycerol and
amino acids too!)
• To release energy
• Which is used to synthesise ATP
• In the presence of oxygen
• Also, reactions do not happen easily! Glycolysis, the 1st stage of glucose
Why ah? oxidation in aerobic respiration
Aerobic Respiration
Oxidation of Glucose
Why doesn’t the reaction happen easily?
Because….glucose is quite a stable substance
→ It requires a high activation energy for
reaction to take place
Oxidation /
Initial reactants:
• 1 Glucose (6C)
• 2 ATP
• 4 ADP, 2 NAD
• Two linked nucleotides
• Both have ribose sugar and a phosphate group each
• 1 has adenine base, the other nicotinamide ring
• Nicotinamide ring – accepts H
Hydrogen Carrier Molecules
1. NAD
• H carrier molecule in respiration
• Carry hydrogens from all stages of respiration (Stage 1 2 3)
• To take part in oxidative phosphorylation (Stage 4) where
most ATP is synthesised
Hydrogen Carrier Molecules
• Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate
• Coenzyme
• Hydrogen carrier molecule used in
photosynthesis (Chapter 13)
• Different form of NAD
• Similar to NAD NAD
• But has a phosphate group instead of H on NADP
carbon 2 on ribose ring with adenine
Hydrogen Carrier Molecules
3. FAD
• Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide
• Coenzyme
• H carrier molecule in respiration
• Used to carry H produced in
Krebs Cycle (Stage 3) only
→ Then used in oxidative
phosphorylation (Stage 4)
• Two linked nucleotides
• One nucleotide with phosphate, ribose and adenine
• Another nucleotide with phosphate, ribitol and flavin
Stage 2: Link Reaction
The Steps
@ Mitochondrial matrix
• Pyruvate (3C) is transported from the cytoplasm
• Into the mitochondria matrix
• When oxygen is available
• By active transport coenzyme A
pyruvate (3C)
C C C + CoA
• When oxygen is available, pyruvate (3C) is:
1) Decarboxylated CO2
→ to form carbon dioxide
2) Dehydrogenated
→ NADH produced
3) Combined with coenzyme A (CoA) acetyl coenzyme A (2C)
→ To form acetyl coenzyme A (2C) CoA
Stage 2: Link Reaction
The Steps
acetyl CoA
(simplified chemical structure)
Stage 2: Link Reaction
What is coenzyme A?
• Complex molecule
acetyl CoA
• Made of a nucleoside (adenine + ribose) and (simplified chemical structure)
• Carry acetyl groups (2C) to Krebs Cycle (Stage 3)
Stage 2: Link Reaction
@ Mitochondrial matrix
Initial reactants:
• 1 Pyruvate (3C)
• 1 NAD
• 1 CoA But since 1 molecule of glucose (6C) is
oxidized into 2 pyruvate…
Final products per molecule of pyruvate: Final products per molecule of glucose:
• 1 Acetyl CoA (2C) • 2 Acetyl CoA (2C)
• 1 NADH • 2 NADH
• 1 CO2 → waste gas, released • 2 CO2 → waste gas, released
Stage 3: Krebs Cycle
The Steps
• Aka citric acid cycle / tricarboxylic acid cycle
@ Mitochondrial matrix
• Enzyme-controlled pathway CoA
1) Acetyl coenzyme A (2C) C C C C
→ combines with oxaloacetate (4C) C C C C C C
→ To form citrate (6C)
→ CoA removed and can be used again in
Link Reaction (Stage 2)
Stage 3: Krebs Cycle
The Steps
2) Citrate (6C) goes through series of dehydrogenation and decarboxylation
→ 7 steps, by products of each step are
1. Nothing
2. Reduced NAD and CO2
3. Reduced NAD and CO2
4. ATP
5. Reduced FAD
6. Nothing 1
7. Reduced NAD 6 C C C C C C
3) Oxaloacetate (4C) regenerated C C C C C
→Can combine with another acetyl CoA
→ Kreb cycle continues
C C C C 3
Stage 3: Krebs Cycle
The Steps
substrate-level dehydrogenation
phosphorylation decarboxylation
Stage 3: Krebs Cycle
The REAL Steps
(which you fortunately do not need to memorise!)
Can I Keep Selling Substances for Money, Officer?
Initial reactants:
• 1 Acetyl CoA (2C)
• 1 Oxaloacetate (4C)
But since 1 molecule of glucose (6C) is
• 1 ADP, 3 NAD and 1 FAD oxidized into 2 pyruvate, which is converted to
2 acetyl CoA in the Link Reaction…
Final products per molecule of acetyl CoA: Final products per molecule of glucose:
(This is 1 turn of the Krebs Cycle) (This is 2 turns of the Krebs Cycle)
• 3 NADH • 6 NADH
• 1 FADH2 • 2 FADH2
• 2 CO2 → waste gas, released • 4 CO2 → waste gas, released
• 1 ATP • 2 ATP
• Oxaloacetate (4C) → regenerated • Oxaloacetate (4C) → regenerated twice
Stages 1, 2, 3:
Glycolysis, Link Reaction, Krebs Cycle
Products so far per molecule of glucose – Fill this up!
Glycolysis 4-2=2 0 2 0
Link Reaction 0 2 2 0
Krebs Cycle 2 4 6 2
TOTAL 4 6 10 2
Yay! Waste gas,
Used in oxidative phosphorylation
(Stage 4)
Stage 4: Oxidative Phosphorylation
@ Inner membranes/cristae of mitochondria
• High release of electrical potential energy here
→For the production of ATP ( ADP + Pi → ATP )
• Involves a chain of electron carrier molecules in the inner membranes
→Electron transport chain (ETC)
• ATP synthesis is catalyzed by ATP Synthase
Intermembrane space
Inner mitochondrial
Mitochondrial matrix
Stage 4: Oxidative Phosphorylation
The Steps
1) Hydrogen atoms removed from reduced NAD and FAD
• NADH and FADH2 are from glycolysis, link reaction, Krebs cycle
• At the inner mitochondrial membrane
• Through dehydrogenation / oxidation reaction
• Catalysed by dehydrogenase enzymes
• NAD and FAD regenerated
→ Can be reduced again in glycolysis, link reaction, Krebs cycle
H → H+ + e-
Stage 4: Oxidative Phosphorylation
The Steps
2) Electrons are passed along ETC
• Passed along a series of electron carriers in inner membranes
• Electron carriers are associated with 4 types of membrane proteins
→ forms a functional unit called a respiratory complex
• Energetic electrons release energy as they pass through the ETC
Stage 4: Oxidative Phosphorylation
The Steps
3) Energy released is used to pump protons
• Across inner mitochondrial membrane
• From mitochondrial matrix to intermembrane space
• Since inner membrane is impermeable to protons
• And there is high [H+] in intermembrane space
→ proton gradient formed / electrochemical gradient formed
Stage 4: Oxidative Phosphorylation
The Steps
4) Protons move down electrochemical gradient
• By facilitated diffusion through ATP synthase
• Back into the mitochondrial matrix
• This provides energy for ATP synthesis
• This process is called chemiosmosis
Found in:
• Inner membranes of mitochondria
• Thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts
• Enzyme is connected to a part of the channel protein
– able to rotate as H+ ions pass thru
• 3 binding sites for ADP +Pi
• As it rotates, enzyme’s binding site changes structurally to
allow 3 different processes to occur:
a)Binding of ADP and Pi
b)Forming tightly bound ATP
c)Releasing ATP
Stage 4: Oxidative Phosphorylation
The Steps
5) Oxygen is the final hydrogen acceptor and final electron acceptor
O2 + 4H+ + 4e- → 2 H2O
• Forms water
• So previous electron carrier in ETC can be reduced again
• Ensures electrons can keep flowing along ETC
• Oxygen is why it’s called oxidative phosphorylation and aerobic
Stage 4: Oxidative Phosphorylation
Stage 4: Oxidative Phosphorylation
@ Mitochondrial inner membrane / cristae
• Requires the electron transport chain and ATP Synthase
• ATP is synthesized from electrical potential energy
Glycolysis -2 4 +2
Link reaction 0 0 0
Krebs cycle 0 2 +2
Oxidative phosphorylation 0 (From 10 NADH and +28
2 FADH2)
Total -2 34 +32
Stage 1 to 4: Summary of reactants and products
of each stage per molecule of glucose – Fill this up!
Stage Reactants Products
1 glucose 4 ATP (but net gain 2 ATP)
Glycolysis 2 ATP, 4 ADP + Pi 2 pyruvate
2 NAD 2 reduced NAD
2 2 28
ATP Synthesis
ATP can be synthesized in 2 ways in respiration:
1) Substrate-level phosphorylation
• During glycolysis @ cytoplasm → 2 ATP
• During Krebs cycle @ matrix → 2 ATP
• 4 ATP produced by substrate-level phosphorylation in total
• Transfer of phosphate group from one molecule to another
• Chemical potential energy released
ATP Synthesis
2) Oxidative phosphorylation
• @ inner mitochondrial membrane / cristae
• Requires proton/electrochemical gradient, ATP synthase, ETC
• Electric potential energy released by chemiosmosis is used by ATP
synthase to catalyse formation of ATP
• 28 ATP produced by oxidative phosphorylation in total
• Also happens in the chloroplast during photosynthesis! (Chap 13)
Structure and Function
• The mitochondria is the site for:
- Link reaction (matrix)
- Krebs cycle (matrix)
- Oxidative phosphorylation
(inner membrane)
• Typically rod-shaped
• Able to change shape and move in the cell
• 0.5 - 1.0 μm in diameter
• Double membrane
• No. of mitochondria in a cell, no. of cristae and length of crista in
mitochondrion – depends on cell
Structure and Function
1) Matrix
• Has small, circular mitochondrial DNA
• Has 70S ribosomes
→ Synthesise mitochondrial proteins
• Have many enzymes in matrix for link reaction and Krebs cycle
Structure and Function
2) Inner membrane / cristae
• Inner membrane is the site of
ETC and oxidative phosphorylation
4) Intermembrane space
• Space between the two membranes
• Allows accumulation of H+
• Lower pH than mitochondria matrix
• More acidic
→Due to pumping of H+ ions from matrix by the activity of ETC
Structure and Function
Anaerobic Respiration
• Synthesis of ATP in the absence of oxygen
Anaerobic Respiration
Occurs in:
• In yeast cells / plant tissues
→ ethanol pathway / alcoholic fermentation
• In animals / mammalian muscles / some bacteria
→ Especially when muscle activity is high and cells do not
have enough oxygen to perform aerobic respiration
→ lactate pathway / lactic fermentation
glucose (6C)
4) NAD is regenerated C C C C C C
→Allows glycolysis
to continue
→To produce ATP
• Ethanol is toxic
• Reaction is irreversible!
• Remaining chemical potential energy in
ethanol is wasted
Anaerobic Respiration in Mammals
Lactate Pathway / Lactic Fermentation
The Steps
• 1-step reaction: Pyruvate → Lactate
• Reversible
In liver:
• Lactate converted back to pyruvate
• By lactate dehydrogenase
When oxygen is present again:
• Pyruvate is further broken down / oxidized in aerobic respiration
• i.e. link reaction → Krebs cycle → oxidative phosphorylation
• Produce carbon dioxide + water
At rest:
• Rate of oxygen uptake at resting
levels is low
• Based on this graph… 0.2dm3 min-1
During exercise:
• Oxygen demand and uptake by cells increases
• But heart and lungs are unable to meet demand immediately
• Oxygen deficit = the volume diff between ideal and real O2 uptake
• So anaerobic respiration occurs
• Heart rate and breathing rate takes time to increase to meet O2 demand
Anaerobic Respiration in Mammals
Oxygen Uptake Before, During and After Strenuous Exercise
During recovery:
• Breathing rate / oxygen uptake is still higher than resting levels
• To “pay back” the oxygen debt
• Oxygen debt = volume of oxygen required to metabolise lactate
accumulated during anaerobic respiration to CO2 and water after exercise
Anaerobic Respiration in Mammals
Oxygen Debt
Oxygen debt = volume of oxygen required to metabolise lactate
accumulated during anaerobic respiration to CO2 and water after exercise
Yes No
Reversibility of
Irreversible Reversible
Final product
Ethanol Lactate / lactic acid
using Other
Chapter Outline
Part 2: Respiration using other biomolecules
• Respiration using carbs, lipids and protein
• Energy values of carbs, lipid and protein
• Respiratory quotients (RQ) of carbs, lipid and protein
• P5: respirometers
• P5: redox indicators (e.g. DCPIP, methylene blue)
Two types:
1) Aerobic respiration
2) Anaerobic respiration
Respiratory Substrates
1) Glucose
• Essential respiratory substrate for neurones in the brain, RBC, lymphocytes
• Oxidised in glycolysis, link reaction, Krebs cycle
2) Lipids
• Converted to acetyl coA (2C)
• Oxidised in Krebs cycle
3) Protein
• Amino acid converted to pyruvate (3C) or acetyl coA (2C)
• Oxidised in link reaction or/and Krebs cycle
• NADH and FADH2 are produced
• Passed to the ETC in oxidative phosphorylation
• To produce ATP
But which molecule contains the most energy?
Respiratory Substrates
Respiratory Substrates
Energy Values
How do we know which molecule contains the most energy?
Energy Values
Energy Values (kJ g-1)
Protein 17.0
Respiratory Substrates
How to determine energy values?
• Using calorimeter
• Burning a known mass of substance
• With oxygen
• Measure rise in temperature
• Of a known mass of water
Respiratory Substrates
Respiratory Quotient (RQ)
• RQ = Ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide produced to oxygen used
• Per unit time
• Can use no. of molecule / moles also
• Diff respiratory substrate, diff ratio of the volumes of oxygen used and
carbon dioxide produced
• Function of RQ:
1) Shows the type of substrate being used in respiration
2) Shows if anaerobic respiration is occurring
Respiratory Substrates
Respiratory Quotient (RQ)
In aerobic respiration of glucose:
RQ = 6/6
= 1.0
In aerobic respiration of fatty acids (in this case oleic acid, from olive oil):
RQ = 18/25.5
= 0.7
Respiratory Substrates
Respiratory Quotient (RQ)
In anaerobic respiration of glucose in yeast: (ethanol pathway)
C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + energy
RQ = 2/0
In reality, some respiration in yeast cells will the aerobic as well, so wont reach infinity.
High values of RQ = Anaerobic respiration is occurring
Carbohydrate 1.0
Lipid 0.7
Protein 0.9
x/0 = ∞
Anaerobic in yeast
Greater than 1.0
1) Pressure and temperature must be kept constant while reading is taken
→Use thermostatic water bath
2) Use control tube with equal volume of inert material (e.g. glass beads)
→ compensate for changes in atmospheric pressure
3) Soda lime/ KOH / NaOH
→ Absorb carbon dioxide produced
4) Volume of air in test tube with organisms decrease = oxygen consumption
→Level of manometer fluid nearer to experimental tube increase
before after
Respirometer P5
2) Repeat by setting up with the same organism at the same fixed temperature
but remove chemical that absorbs carbon dioxide
→ Manometer fluid is now affected by both oxygen consumption
AND carbon dioxide released
→ Check changes to manometer scale fluid
Using the respirometer to measure RQ
1) If manometer fluid (nearer to experimental tube) level does not change:
→oxygen absorbed = carbon dioxide produced
RQ = 1
RQ = (x - z) / x
x z
Respirometer P5
• Expected result:
• Higher temperature, higher rate of respiration
• Therefore faster absorption of oxygen
Redox indicators
(e.g. DCPIP, methylene blue)
• Can be used to investigate the rate of respiration
of yeast
• Can measure time taken at diff temp, with diff [S] or diff substrates
• To measure effect on rate of respiration
Adaptation of rice with
submerged roots in water
• Oryza sativa (rice)
• 20% of human population’s energy source
• Paddy fields – intentionally flooded
• Tolerate growing in water but competitor weeds cannot
Adaptation of rice with
submerged roots in water
• Low oxygen in water, roots do not get
enough oxygen
• Gas diffuse much slowly through water
than in air
• Anaerobic respiration occurs
• Toxic alcohol produced
1) rice tolerant to higher levels of alcohol
• rice produces high levels of alcohol dehydrogenase to break down alcohol
• can respire anaerobically for longer periods
Adaptation of rice with
submerged roots in water
2) Presence of aerenchyma
• air spaces between cells in mesophyll /
cortex of stems
• oxygen able to diffuse through
aerenchyma from aerial tissues to roots
• this provides oxygen for aerobic
• Also allows for:
• escape of ethane
• buoyancy
• enables active transport in roots bcs
aerobic respiration produces energy
Adaptation of rice with
submerged roots in water
3) Grow taller in response to flooding
• So leaves, flower and spikes are above water
• O2 and CO2 can diffuse in/out through stomata on leaves
Adaptation of rice with
submerged roots in water
4) Leaves underwater have hydrophobic, corrugated surface
• Air trapped in between ridges
• Holds thin layer of air in contact with leaf surface
Cellular Respiration Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron Transport 3D